View Full Version : New LP (help me pick one?)

2010-07-28, 04:04 AM
Right. Having conclusively proven that I am the least funny person on the forums (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149881), I've decided to start another LP. Not right now, obviously. I like breaks as much as I like my limited sanity. Still, I figured getting some early voting in can't hurt.

With that, here are a few candidates.

One: Pokemon. I know, I know. For what it's worth, I had this idea before the pokemon LP craze came up. Essentially, it'd be story-based and, well, let's just say it would be taking itself seriously but with an inherently daft concept. By which I mean that the main character is replaced with a crash-landed/stranded Ork/Space marine (your pick) from the Warhammer 40k universe. Story adjusted as necessary, obviously. Narration would be in first-person form. Take your pick of 3rd gen games (4th gen may be an option, but I promise nothing).

Yes, I'm crazy.

Two: Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, previously attempted elsewhere, abandoned due to a literal complete lack of viewers/comments. Once again, first person narration from the protagonist, other characters will likely talk too, generally going to be serious about it. For those of you not in the know, it's a 2002 CRPG with high amounts of customization, steampunk, plot, glitches and awesome. Possibly one of the best RPGs out there. It's really long, but I figure I can eventually get through it if there are actually people reading :smalltongue:

Three: Other. Suggest something. Bear in mind that I'm not limited to RPGs, despite my track record and suggestions here. If you do suggest a game, I'd like more than a name - a short description, basically. What it's got going for it, what I can expect etc. My computer's not that great, so it won't be able to run everything. Okay, so it is pretty great as these things go... for a laptop. But anyway, feel free to suggest stuff.

Anyway. Thoughts?

Edit: Server errors seem to have created a post-less, broken duplicate thread. Could someone lock/delete it?

Rustic Dude
2010-07-28, 04:24 AM
Arcanum. Oh yeah.

2010-07-28, 04:44 AM
Arcanum. Oh yeah.

I forgot to mention that if we go with this, the audience will have a say in what sort of character I play (both gameplay-wise and as an actual character), not to mention who gets into the party. Well, I'm not going to throw out Virgil no matter what people say, but aside from that :smalltongue:

2010-07-28, 05:27 AM
You asked about Knights of the chalice before, here is a link.


Its a turnbased game losely based on d&d 3.5 rule, where you control a party of 4 heroes, taking them from level 1 to 20.

There is a lot of meeting strange monsters, killing them and taking their stuff, but there is also a bit of plot.

Lord Loss
2010-07-28, 06:34 AM
If you have a console a Let's Play of a RE game would be awesome, if not... Something Survival Horrorey. If that's not your genre Arcanum. Avernum was cool. Don't join the Bandwagon. Don't Do It!

2010-07-28, 06:45 AM
Arcanum. No question. Assuming you can the bug-ridden thing to run on whatever machine you're using to run the LP! :smallsmile:

2010-07-28, 06:52 AM
Arcanum. No question. Assuming you can the bug-ridden thing to run on whatever machine you're using to run the LP! :smallsmile:

Funny, that. I never had bug issues with it, but I'll patch it up properly all the same. Balance issues, on the other hand...

Lord Loss: Wasn't aware that you read the Avernum LP. I don't have the console or the actual game, but I do have a burning hatred for the RE series. That, and there's the greater issue of survival horror only working well in video format. I only do screenshots. Besides, the only scary games are System Shock 2 (does not work on my computer) and Penumbra (just played it recently). Ah well.

Khaine: Not too keen on that game, honestly. It sounds like twenty levels of mindless 3.5-based slaughter, which could get old fast.

2010-07-28, 07:05 AM
Khaine: Not too keen on that game, honestly. It sounds like twenty levels of mindless 3.5-based slaughter, which could get old fast.

Actualy, there quite a few hard parts where its you who will get slaughtered unless you really use your heard.

The balor fight required some really out of the box thinking to get though, and there are quite a few other nasty ambushes.

2010-07-28, 07:08 AM
Actualy, there quite a few hard parts where its you who will get slaughtered unless you really use your heard.

The balor fight required some really out of the box thinking to get though, and there are quite a few other nasty ambushes.

I meant more that it sounds like an even more combat-centric, 3.5 version of Avernum. Honestly, I'm sort of done with bands of murderers in a blandly linear game :smalltongue: Thanks for the suggestion, all the same.

2010-07-28, 07:13 AM
Arcanum. Totally.

Lord Loss
2010-07-28, 07:34 AM
Random Thought: A Guld Wars LP could be hilarious.

2010-07-28, 08:10 AM

Ooh, or NWN2. Can you make it entertaining? :smalltongue:

2010-07-28, 08:19 AM
Ooh, or NWN2. Can you make it entertaining? :smalltongue:

Only if it will run on my computer. I suspect it will not.

Lord Loss: I already pay for photobucket to do this stuff, an MMO subscription (especially since the genre bores me at a speed approaching mach 4) is a tad more than I'm willing to put in :smalltongue:

And wow, Arcanum is popular. Didn't know so many people had heard of it.

2010-07-28, 09:15 AM
I like Arcanum, but to be contrary, and to see if you could do anything AWESOME with it, Planescape:Torment.

2010-07-28, 09:17 AM
Eh... not so fond of a serious Arcanum. We're here for your complete failure at humor, after all. :smallwink:

That being said, something RPGish to play to your strengths seems pretty much necessary. Shooters or Hack n Slash would get boring quickly without lots of story to go through.

Hm... maybe one of the Geneforge games? (But then again, no need to shackle you to a specific developer. But seeing the games without having to actually play them would be nice. :smallwink: )

2010-07-28, 09:50 AM
Guild wars doesn't have a subscription cost. Just saying.

I'd like to see some kind of RTS LP, though I realize that it would be somewhat difficult. Still, I think Rise of Legends could work.

Lord Loss
2010-07-28, 09:53 AM
Guild wars is free to play, and it only costs 10 canadian dollars to buy the game. And it's fun. Also, isn't photobucket free?

2010-07-28, 09:55 AM
Not if you want unlimited bandwidth it isn't. And posting pictures of threads like these eats up bandwidth like crazy.

2010-07-28, 10:35 AM
Ah yes, PS:T. No.

Why? Well, I adore the game, it's completely amazing. Thing is, there's little I can add that isn't there already, and I'd just end up wrecking it. Basically, there's no possible way I could do such a great game justice. Still, thanks for the vote of confidence :smallbiggrin: Sorry if I seem like I'm shooting every last suggestion here, honestly not my intent.

Domo: I plan to make an at least semi-serious LP no matter what I do, honestly. Nice change of pace, and besides, I feel I'm better at that than I am at attempting comedy. Sorry. And for the record, I can attach plot to a TBS. RTS would be a bit trickier but potentially possible.

Geneforge is officially on the table if anyone wants to vote for that. Geneforge 1, so we're clear here. I... kinda had my fill of the Spiderweb style of RPGs after Avernum 6 and 5 in rapid succession, but Geneforge is pretty good.

Tavar: Could I have a quick rundown of what Rise of Legends is like? Thanks.

Lord Loss: There's still an issue here. Asking me to LP or even just play an MMO is like asking me to juggle chainsaws while swallowing buckets of barbed nails that are also on fire and covered in sharks. The sharks are made of acid.

2010-07-28, 10:46 AM
Y'know, if you're not adverse to older games, then i could also recommend Planet's Edge (a DOS game, abandonware, made by New World Computing) for you to LP. I don't think anyone has done that yet.

It's a Scifi Adventure/RPG, focused on the sudden disappearance of earth and your attempts to find it and bring it back. You command a team of 4 people, flying around stars and setting down on inhabited planets, talking, puzzling and fighting your way through them. There's lots of story to work with and just blank enough characters to fill them with personae.

It's a good game. I have fond memories of it. So do it justice. :smallsmile:

The Dark Fiddler
2010-07-28, 10:48 AM
Not if you want unlimited bandwidth it isn't. And posting pictures of threads like these eats up bandwidth like crazy.

Funny, I've never had bandwidth problems.

*Realizes that's probably because I get fewer readers than Cogwheel ever did*

Anyway, Pokemon. Except not, because instead do Digimon. If Gen IV is an option, then Digimon World DS/Dusk/Dawn would be an option too.

Or don't do Digimon, because that's my plan if I do another LP after my current trilogy is done. :smalltongue:

2010-07-28, 11:08 AM
Planet's Edge is officially being considered.

Fiddler: Beats me why. You do have better LPs than me, after all. Odd, really. Or maybe you just have less images.

2010-07-28, 11:19 AM
What about fallout 2?

Lord Loss
2010-07-28, 11:20 AM
Well, if Not Chainsaw Juggling, then I reccomend Planet's Edge.

EDIT: Chiasaur already did Fallout 2

2010-07-28, 11:45 AM
Could I have a quick rundown of what Rise of Legends is like? Thanks.

Rise of Legends video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuHyHYfvkIU&videos=TRozXYIb5NM)

Why not do Stone soup video LP?

2010-07-28, 12:11 PM
Let's see.


Great plot, interesting world, broken as they come?

Sounds like ideal LP fodder.

2010-07-28, 12:16 PM
broken as they come?

While I agree with all the rest of your post, I think I broke Avernum 5 a leeeettle bit more, as my readers can attest.

Also: No video stone soup. As I said, I don't do videos. Besides, I've done Stone Soup recently and no longer want anything to do with that horribly sadistic game. Sorry, but one LP worth of trauma is enough :smalltongue:

2010-07-28, 01:01 PM
Final Fantasy 4?
Final Fantasy 10?
Final Fantasy 13?
Final Fantasy 1?

Don't know if you have any of them, but they might be good.

Left 4 Dead series?

System Shock?

Mount N' Blade?
Alone in the Dark?
Tactics Ogre?

2010-07-28, 01:56 PM
I like the sound of an Arcanum LP.

2010-07-28, 02:05 PM
Final fantasy 6?

2010-07-28, 02:07 PM
Final fantasy 6?

Huh, that could actually work. Never really thougth of that.

If that doesn't work for you, I'm seconding Arcanum. It's got an awesome world and such, but actually playing the game never felt like much fun to me, so I quit before I could see it through.

Perfect material for a Let's Play.

2010-07-28, 02:36 PM
While I agree with all the rest of your post, I think I broke Avernum 5 a leeeettle bit more, as my readers can attest.

I vote Arcanum, because you need to break something else. There is a version of haste that stacks with haste! DOUBLE HASTE. And then you slow your enemies. There is something absolutely hilarious about running through an entire battlefield in one swift turn, slashing everything on it to pieces, and then falling unconscious on your way back to safety.



2010-07-28, 02:38 PM
I vote Arcanum, because you need to break something else. There is a version of haste that stacks with haste! DOUBLE HASTE. And then you slow your enemies. There is something absolutely hilarious about running through an entire battlefield in one swift turn, slashing everything on it to pieces, and then falling unconscious on your way back to safety.



Sir, I do believe you're forgetting all about the steam-powered platemail. And the exploding fire axe. And the lightning gun. And the magnetic top hat that deflects bullets. SCIENCE.

2010-07-28, 02:42 PM
Sir, I do believe you're forgetting all about the steam-powered platemail. And the exploding fire axe. And the lightning gun. And the magnetic top hat that deflects bullets. SCIENCE.

Oh no, no. I didn't forget that. I just didn't want to cram everything into one post.

Arcanum leads to wonderful moments like sorting through my dwarf's inventory with a puzzled expression on my face.

"Okay, I have...an elephant gun...a lightning gun...a myriad of explosives...I think that sprays acid...I don't know what that is...and...a...broken camera. Huh. I think I was supposed to do something with that camera. Oh hey, machine gun! That should be just fine."

Hence...it will be the best LP.


2010-07-28, 02:53 PM
Gahh, does look like Arcanum is gathering a bit to much support, i wonder where i can dig up some more FF6 fans.

2010-07-28, 03:01 PM
I'm not familiar with Arcanum, but I don't think FF6 really lends itself that well to Cog's style. Despite what he says, the reason his LPs are so good is because his characters are immensely entertaining. I think it would be harder to pull off with characters that have pre-established personalities.

2010-07-28, 03:05 PM
I'm not familiar with Arcanum, but I don't think FF6 really lends itself that well to Cog's style. Despite what he says, the reason his LPs are so good is because his characters are immensely entertaining. I think it would be harder to pull off with characters that have pre-established personalities.

Honestly, the only Final Fantasy I'd even suggest would be something like Crystal Chronicles.

Games like FF6 have defined characters and there's no "faceless" person you can really develop for a Point-of-View style LP. Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger works a bit better, since your main character is very much a blank slate for you to control. I love the game, but wouldn't want to see an LP for it for the same reason that I wouldn't want to see an LP of PS: Torment...

It's a great game on its own and doesn't really leave ROOM for an LP.

2010-07-28, 03:12 PM
Rise of Nations; Rise of Legends...where to start. Standard 3 race setup for an RTS, and there is a strong starcraft influence. But there's just as many differences as similarities. The Vinci are Leonardo Da Vinci + Steampunk, the Alin are more standard magical vaguely Arabic stand-ins, with Sand, fire, and glass magic. And the Cuotl are the Mayincatec robot aliens/gods from outer space. Like most RTS's it's somewhat light on story, but it does have a full campaign. Well, technically it's three campaigns, but they form one story.

2010-07-28, 03:25 PM
Man, i hope we can get more support for Planets Edge... the Final Fantasy games are right out, due to everyone from 6 onwards having a very defined personality. What Cogwheel needs are (semi) bland and/or undefined characters to work with. :smallwink:

2010-07-28, 03:52 PM
Man, i hope we can get more support for Planets Edge... the Final Fantasy games are right out, due to everyone from 6 onwards having a very defined personality. What Cogwheel needs are (semi) bland and/or undefined characters to work with. :smallwink:

Listen, I am willing to support Planet's Edge if "FOR SCIENCE!" can be a common battlecry in that world.

If not, I'm not sure I want to be a part of that world.

2010-07-28, 03:58 PM
Listen, I am willing to support Planet's Edge if "FOR SCIENCE!" can be a common battlecry in that world.

If not, I'm not sure I want to be a part of that world.

Yeah, im pretty sure it can. After all, you're new to the universe, with all the aliens in it to discover and for them to discover you. SCIENCE most likely has a place in this. :smallwink:

2010-07-28, 04:04 PM
Man, i hope we can get more support for Planets Edge... the Final Fantasy games are right out, due to everyone from 6 onwards having a very defined personality. What Cogwheel needs are (semi) bland and/or undefined characters to work with.

In that case i really think fallout 2 would fit the bill.

2010-07-28, 04:11 PM
Arcanum will do nicely.:smallbiggrin:

What about any other Troika games?
Like Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines or Temple of Elemental Evil?
The last LPs of these games seem so far been abandoned.

2010-07-28, 04:31 PM
In that case i really think fallout 2 would fit the bill.

Nah, Fallout 2 has been done to death. We really don't need another one of these.

2010-07-28, 04:34 PM
I think a NWN2 LP would be fun.

If it doesn't run on your computer then I say one of the premium modules of NWN.

2010-07-28, 05:20 PM
I think a NWN2 LP would be fun.

If it doesn't run on your computer then I say one of the premium modules of NWN.

Also already done. Really well.

I mean, I'm not really one to talk, having covered territory already well covered multiple times, but it was pretty recent and very thorough. Plus, well, the game can drag in the middle.

2010-07-28, 08:45 PM
Fallout 2 and NWN 2: Already done, as Chia and Domochevsky said. Plus, I'm far from a fan of Fallout. At all. I realize that it's the crown jewel of all gaming ever and whatnot, I just don't like it :smalltongue:

Atwas: Very good point. PS: T, FF and so on don't work too well since the characters are well-defined. Doesn't lend itself to any form of LP except possibly peanut gallery snarking, certainly not a narrative. Though I admit, FF6 is one of the few in the series that I do like.

Tavar: Rise of Legends is definitely a candidate. Looks like fun, so it's in if it can top Arcanum in popularity.

Azaran: I've never played any of the other Troika games, honestly. Maybe? I don't know.

Anteros: Thank you :smallbiggrin:

Domo: Looks like Planet's Edge is losing out, here. However, I do like the sound of it, so in the likely event that it does lose? Once I finish Arcanum (only joking, of course, I'll never finish such a huge game :smalltongue:), Planet's Edge will almost certainly be up next.

2010-07-28, 08:58 PM
The Guild 2. Either the new renaissance version or the pirates version. Very open ended and very fun.

2010-07-28, 11:39 PM
Final Fantasy Tactics: only using Ramza when necessary or re-writing his personality, and only using random faceless troops. Let readers pick some classes and progression and write your own funny mercenary side to the War of the Lions.

2010-07-29, 01:05 AM
Final Fantasy Tactics: only using Ramza when necessary or re-writing his personality, and only using random faceless troops. Let readers pick some classes and progression and write your own funny mercenary side to the War of the Lions.

I'd like to see a LP of Tactics Ogre actually. Basically FFT but with actual tactics and decisions that matter. Much better for a LP, although much less popular as well.

2010-07-29, 01:22 AM
Also already done. Really well.

I mean, I'm not really one to talk, having covered territory already well covered multiple times, but it was pretty recent and very thorough. Plus, well, the game can drag in the middle.

Eh really? I did a search before hand and didn't see anything! Mind providing me with a link?

Well in this case I'll pitch in my vote to the tactic games. Either FFT or Tactics Ogre is fine.

2010-07-29, 01:33 AM
Eh really? I did a search before hand and didn't see anything! Mind providing me with a link?

Well in this case I'll pitch in my vote to the tactic games. Either FFT or Tactics Ogre is fine.

Not here.

A link (http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/NWN2/)

And for a followup (http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3220301)

Convinced me literary analysis has some inherent value.

2010-07-29, 02:35 AM
Fallout 2 and NWN 2: Already done, as Chia and Domochevsky said. Plus, I'm far from a fan of Fallout. At all. I realize that it's the crown jewel of all gaming ever and whatnot, I just don't like it

What? Heresy!

Lets drag him out in the street and dip him in radioactive goo while we chant the name of the master.

2010-07-29, 02:45 AM
What? Heresy!

Lets drag him out in the street and dip him in radioactive goo while we chant the name of the master.


I wanted to send him on a suicide mission after reciting the code of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Fair cop. Good games, but janky as they come. Can't exactly blame. Still, you like Arcanum anyway? Takes all kinds to make a world.

2010-07-29, 03:22 AM

I wanted to send him on a suicide mission after reciting the code of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Fair cop. Good games, but janky as they come. Can't exactly blame. Still, you like Arcanum anyway? Takes all kinds to make a world.

I like Arcanum, yes. Honestly, it's not the gameplay that bothers me by any means. Just something about the game, I suppose. I regularly found Fallout a little too offensive for my liking, but that's why I tend to watch the rating on most things I play >_>

2010-07-29, 03:44 AM
Atwas: Very good point. PS: T, FF and so on don't work too well since the characters are well-defined. Doesn't lend itself to any form of LP except possibly peanut gallery snarking, certainly not a narrative. Though I admit, FF6 is one of the few in the series that I do like.

It was the last one in the series I liked, to be frank.

Hrmm...a V:tM Bloodlines LP would be...interesting, to say the least. Your character is defined entirely by you, so it could be quite fun. Good for a darker story, too.

Something interesting to consider...maybe Diablo II? I wanted to an LP of that some time ago, but never got around to it.

2010-07-29, 03:58 AM
V:tM could be interesting. I might pick that up, perhaps. Of course, I've also been thinking about an LP of Star Control II: Ur-quan Masters, or what I'm playing now, Planetfall.

Oh well.

2010-07-29, 05:51 AM

I wanted to send him on a suicide mission after reciting the code of the Brotherhood of Steel.

We could send him out to get some propper radioactive goo?

2010-07-30, 07:21 AM
I think Mount and Blade would make a great LP, either the original or the Warband expansion.

Also, there's so many mods for both you're sure to find a flavor that suits you.

2010-07-30, 07:48 AM
Some day I want to do my own LP, thus I shall class this thread as research!

Arcanum gets my vote (Long game is looooong though).

Played it myself with various characters:
A half-orc lady so ugly that she got attacked on sight in most towns unless she put on a pretty dress or stacked +cha spells.
A master-thrower who rocked every fight in turn-based, and failed every single fight in real-time (by the time my thrown weapon returns, the enemy has take about two turns).
A Necromancer who was surprisingly well-accepted, despite having two zombies of the same sheriff following her around.
A grenadier who was obsessed with raiding trashcans as that's how you get empty tins for grenades.

2010-07-30, 09:02 AM
despite having two zombies of the same sheriff following her around.

You what. How. Explain yourself.

As for my characters, I played a dwarf melee techy the first time around. Basically easy mode, especially with the pyro axe. Second run was the previous LP I tried for Arcanum. White/Black human necromancer, dash of illusion, far from optimized since everyone seemed intent on crippling me, while they still read it :smalltongue: Also it's hard to level casters. That was hell.

2010-07-30, 01:49 PM
I can't rember exactly how, but it's possible to get the sheriff of the 1st town killed (who is a pretty impressive pistol-fighter) then run into him again just out of town.

And if you raise someone with the maintained rise-zombie spell, then use the world-map to travel, the spell stops, but the zombie remains under your thrall.

I think the second glitch was fixed in the patch, but 1st glitch wasn't.

2010-07-30, 03:56 PM
How about an LP of Thief? Or is Garret's character too strong?

2010-07-30, 04:05 PM
How about an LP of Thief? Or is Garret's character too strong?

Too strong, and I'm really not familiar enough with the game to do a good narrative. Plus, it works best in a video format, I think. Though screenshot could certainly work.

It's a good idea, and I've considered it a few times myself. Still, I'd rather leave it to someone more skilled.

2010-07-31, 01:04 AM
I think you're being unnecessarily modest, Cog...you might not have done many LPs, but you've done a first-class job on those you HAVE done; no need to confuse lack of experience with lack of ability!

2010-08-01, 02:08 AM
Gahh, does look like Arcanum is gathering a bit to much support, i wonder where i can dig up some more FF6 fans.

Right HERE.

On a side note, I vote for Arcanum actually. I really like the setting and the basis of the game. But for some reason I could never really get into it. Not sure why. I think an LP would make me finally play it.

2010-08-01, 12:01 PM
IT BEGINS. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9051538#post9051538)

Thanks for voting, everyone. Now you have more stuff to decide for me!