View Full Version : RPG Brick Joke

2010-07-29, 02:43 AM
Got this idea from surfing around TvTropes (Brick Joke)

Lets say your playing a campaign and something happens, you forget your notes, one of the players who NEEDED to show up for his epic fight breaks an arm and can't make it for the next 2-3 sessions while he heals up. SO you pull out a secondary campaign that you had on the back-burner and thought would be fun to try out. The party does well enough no one (important) has died, when they somehow maim the little guy who was trying to run away. maybe he loses an arm, or get sever burn, who knows.

All of a sudden his eyes start to burn, like coals sudden have air blown upon them. He looks at them with hatred for his new malformation. He beckons "You will pay for this mortals, I swear it. The Mother of the Eternal Walkers will hunt you down. In every reincarnation, in every universe , in every dimension, you will be hunted till your very existence is purged from the omniverse. The party laughs, and tell 'stumpy' to get a move one. He curses them once more and crosses through a tear in reality.

Two weeks later the bone has mended and the party enters the villains dungeon, here they heroically fight , spinning spells and swinging swords to reduce him to ruin. when right as the final blow is swung, a portal opens up, and a little man missing his right arm, points with his remaining index finger at the party. "That's them mother..."

Was thinking the "Mother" would be a goddess who does nothing but watch over her children. She would have zero ability to heal, and her children would be all but immune to healing(supernatural), but being dimigods they don't age. SO, lose an arm and you go armless for eternity, or until they get killed. Thus why she makes a point to hunt down anyone who harms her children. Even if her power is limited (by the GM) , she can pull the party's foes away from killing blows, give them shelter ,and knowledge to help them in their revenge against the party. (give bonus XP for surviving the attacks and also anyone who thinks to actually investigate because their characters don't know whats going on even if the player does.)

Wouldn't play it more than once in a very long while, just do it whenever all the players forget they are being hunted. Bonus points if you can get other GM's in on it.