View Full Version : The Legend of Zelda IC

2010-07-31, 01:12 AM
The day began dark. Rain fell from every corner of hyrule. And apon the land, it washed away blood. Black blood, from equally darkened fiends. Gannon's army had already made it so far out, it seems as if no place would be safe soon. The town is in chaos, thatched roofs burn a deep, illuminating orange, and men and child alike scream in agony as the horde cuts through the wicked scene.

And then you awaken. It was so familiar, but only a dream. A dream you have had time and again. A town, one you've never heard of, with a secret, one you've never seen, in a place, where you've never ventured. These are the dark things that make up your sleeping moments.

However it is only now that you realise your dream like state has yet to fade. A shroud of fog hangs just on the edge of your vision, fading as you turn towards it. Stale grey walls block you in on all corners. You are standing in a hallway, the end of which you cannot see from here. No, not standing, rather floating, meerly inches from the ground. Your form is, ethreal, if your terminology is correct. A transient existence some experiance in rare instances, the most common of which is death. However your body is nowhere to be seen, and your most recent memories do not lead you to believe it is the icy touch of death that has stricken you.

You remember it so clearly. You had ventured here, leaving your small band of allies behind. This place, known as the Temple of Heros. You came here in search of answers. Ever since you turned eighteen, you have sought a way to find yourself, to learn more of the great legend of hyrule's past, and if indeed nescessary, to find a meens to defy the onslaught of the dark general's armies.

2010-07-31, 03:28 AM
"I think I am not dead." Link shakes his head and looks at his arm. "But why am I… ethereal? Was I still dreaming? Maybe I can find the answer I seek in this dream…." He wonders for a moment and then touches the wall, just in curiosity to see whether the wall is solid or not.

Assuming the wall is solid then Link slowly walks through the hallway in search of answers.

2010-07-31, 11:12 AM
The wall itself would not normally defy your ethreal form. However a thin veil of magical enegry prevents traveling anywhere else, but along the straight pathway, into the darkness beyond.

Passed the countless yards of stone and shadows you come to a circular chamber, equally crafted of stone. However this room is unique. For along every inch of the round wall, and the curved ceiling, are etchings. The magical runes glow a dim blue shades, illuminating brighter as you near any single section.

The runes are of the ancient's language. A language first spoken by the goddess's, Din, Farore, and Nayru. And then passed down along ancient hylans. But what strikes you the most, among all of these, is the figure standing in the middle of the room. Around the inner-most segment, where a thin pool of clear, almost silvery water gathers, surronded by five large stone coloumns, is Link.

Your frozen figure is gripping something, a large, bluish silver-bladed sword, with a hilt of royal blue and gems, fit for royalty. Your memories come flooding back. You came here to find answers, and just before your death you recalled finding this blade, and attempting to free it from the earth. However it obviously did not result well...

2010-07-31, 12:00 PM
He only glancing of over runes, wondering if he recognize them. But quickly forgets that thought again when his attention is drawn to the statue of... "Link? Me?" He stares to the sword. "Did I died to get that sword? Or..?" Then he slowly steps towards the pool and feels a sudden urge to stare into the water, searching for his own reflection.

2010-07-31, 01:10 PM
Among the runes, few of which you can decipher, one word catches your eye. Mastersword. This word is repeated a few times among the complex text. However your interest turns to the silvery, translucent water, peering within you see nothing, not even your own reflection. You simply see the stone below.

2010-07-31, 01:33 PM
"Mastersword, that sounded familiar, right"

But the water was strange, because it wasn't showing any reflection it was special and he has a vague feeling that he needs to do something with it. He kneels down and slowly moves his hand toward the water, touching it with one finger.

2010-07-31, 02:56 PM
The water ripples at your ghostly touch. Which isen't right. If it was normal water, you'd pass right through it. Rather your hand touches it, as if it were normal water. The water ripples a couple more times before it begins swirling. And within the swirl images grow. Images of a fantay and mystery.

A giant, something, rages within shadows, it's arms and legs bound by chains.

The scene shifts to a shadowy forest, glowing red and yellow eyes dance among the leaves.

Under the waves, the images lead to a temple, somewhere off shore. There the legendary zora are fighting some sort of war.

Then you see a town, the SAME town from your dreams. It is burning, monsters raid it's every corner. People scream as their lives are taken from them.

Within a lifeless desert, women gather, offering a sacrifice in the name of the dark general, twin witches watching the ceremony ominously.

A firey peak, lava churning down it's sides, belows at you. Your spirit feels as if it would be torn assunder at this.

Finally there is a army camped around a castle. The castle of hyrule, and the king and his men have fallen. Atop the castle three golden triangles waver, one of which glows.

After these odd images the symbol on your hand begins to flare up. The triforce of courage, that symbol of defiance you were destined with. Looking back up, the chamber has shifted. There is no more link, no more sword, there is only another hallway. However this one is bent at the end, in ten different directions.

2010-07-31, 03:18 PM
Slightly stunned bu the images he shakes his head and tries to search a meaning behind the seemly random images. "They spell doom and destruction." Then his hand glows and he realizes he is destined. "To save?"
Seeing the chamber is changed he slowly walks into the hallway. When he counts ten hallways he tries to remember anything including a ten, but can't seem to remember anything important. Then, without doubting, he goes for the third hallway counted from the left. Three feels right.

2010-07-31, 03:35 PM
Your time spend ethreal has been, invigorating. You do not tire, you do not strain, you do not grow hungry. You are filled with energy, pure, unrefined power. This life force maintains you as you take the third path. The hallway stretches on for what you'd imagine is miles, however it seems much shorter then that, as you do not feel the fatigue the trip took.

At the end of the hallway is a mirror-like room of the last one you were in. A rotund chamber, with columns along the sides. However this room has no water, it is simply flat ground. In the midst of which is a bronze pedastal, engraved to look like a wise owl.

Atop the pedastal rests a leather-bound book. The texture rough, and old, the color green with age. The inscription on the front, which reads, The Book of Madora, is scribed in gold. Within the book, ancient text fills the pages. Within the ancient text, more modern hylan writing accompanies it. It's a book of translations for the old language.

2010-07-31, 03:56 PM
He carefully flips through the book, realizing what it is. Then he carefully lifts it up and looks around to see whether something happens or something changes.

2010-07-31, 09:16 PM
After you close the book, it seems ot just fade into your form, dissapearing from reality. You can feel it's presence, the book of madora still exists, somewhere, somehow.

Looking back up, you see the room has changed once more. Your back in the "split" in hallways. However this time there are only eight halls, instead of ten.

2010-08-01, 01:30 AM
"Eight instead ten paths to choose. If I would take the same number, would it be a different path?" Without a lot of hesitating he walks into the third hallway, again?

2010-08-01, 01:40 AM
You journy, once more, along the third path. This time, however, the path is far shorter. It ends in yet again a stone rotundra. However, this time it is not a book that lies in the middle of the room, but rather a man. Or, to be exact, a goron. The long-since extinct race of mountainous, stone-like people. One of considerable size and build stares you down. His features are rather common, nothing too unique stands out, except the fact that while it is indeed physical the goron acknowledges you as if you were as well.

Greetings, spirit. I am drani, of the seven sages. You no doubt have questions for me, however it is neither timely, or appropriate. I am afraid I cannot stay and chat. I must impart this piece of wisdom to you, before you are spirited away, deeper into the bowels of the temple of heros.

The goron balls up, turning almost perfectly round as he tucks his arms and legs into his extended belly.

Do not fear the darkness, and give doubt little room to flourish. These halls are ment to test you, not only as a man, but as a hero. To earn the sword, you must prove yourself worthy.

Oonce more your vision carries to the goron, who is now... shrinking? The goron continues to shrink in size until it's nothing but a diminutive spec, and then, *poof* nothing. While you were busy watching the dwindling goron the hallway seems to have once again played it's little trick on you. You return once more, to the start of the intersection of hallways. Here, however, only six pathways remain for you to choose from.

2010-08-01, 01:54 AM
"A goron and a sage?" It feels as useful advise and he looks at his hand.

With only 6 hallway left he doubts for a moment. "Maybe I should try another path." But taking the advise of the sage to heart he doesn't doubt. "The third path worked twice, it will work a third time." He steps into the third hallway.

2010-08-01, 01:01 PM
Once more you decend the third pathway in this dreary place. This hallway, like so many before, is featureless and linear. Sometime later, you've lost track of time by now, you arrive at the end of the hallway. Once again, you come to a circular room, no real notable changes. The repetative features of this dungeon would gladly drive any man insane, any normal man that is.

Resting in the middle of the room this time, is a small blue thing. It's shaped strangely like an orcarina. Moving towards it, you can hear beautiful music playing through the room, with no clear source. The instrument simply lies there, existing, resting.

2010-08-01, 01:47 PM
The monotony of this temple weighs heavy on the boredom, because there is no exhaustion in his current state. But he suppresses the feelings, now is not the time, nor the place.

He listens to the music, wondering if it comes from inside the orcarina. Then he walks to the instrument and carefully lifting it up, expecting the same thing to happen as what happened to The Book of Madora.

2010-08-01, 02:56 PM
It's not long before you catch on. The music does indeed escape from the orcarina. However, apon picking it up, you feel a sudden urge to play the instrument. Even in your ethreal form you find using the small glossy-blue instrument to be a totally plausible feat. Lacking solid lips, you still manage to find yourself, even without solid lungs, pushing air through the orcarina.

Soon the room is filled with a symphony of sounds. A mixture of the music the orcarina already played, with the new sounds you were adding. The song was almost, other-worldly. It seemed the melody would be the kind that spirits would listen to, the kind of noise that would haunt a graveyard or hallowed place.

And then you return to the intersection of hallways. How, your not sure. One minute you were soaking in the ghostly melody, next your back in front of the ten four halways. Each one splits off in a differen't direction, like last time. Why the hallways are decreasing in number, is suspiscious, but then again this is a dungeon ment to test your abilities.

2010-08-01, 03:37 PM
Still hearing the echo, or maybe feeling, he wonders. "Did I play that?" Standing at the hallway again, he is understanding the pattern, although it still seems weird. "This is the last time I can walk the third path, after wards two will be left. Unless the rules change." And because it has worked so far, he steps into the third hallway yet again, to expect something completely different.

2010-08-01, 04:11 PM
The third path, once more taken, leads you through the usual lengthy stroll through dark, featureless stone hallways. However, as before, you come to the round chamber. This time, though, the chamber is filled with water in the middle again. A thin pool of clear water, about two inches deep. Floating around the room are many many small, multicolored lights. Fairies.

Many many fairies, of all colors and sizes float around the room. Each one content, in it's own little world. However as you move closer, the swarm of techni-colored lights begins to swirl, and move around you. A few simply fly through you, making a game of it, while a couple more trying to poke through your hollowed head. Ultimately one fairy, out of the lot, stays focused on your face, simply fluttering as it sizes you up.

"Navi", say's the little fairy. "And your the hero of hyrule right?". The fairy called navi simply giggles as she see's your reaction. "It's alright. You're probably wondering how I know this. Well, you see, im a fairy silly. We know alot you silly hylan's don't. As for why your here, from the looks of things you must have found the sword buried deep in the temple. That's good, your halfway there. You should probably be heading back though, you have a long journy ahead of you." The little fairy prepares to fly off, before turning around once more. "Here, I know it's not much, but it should keep your spirits up.".

And with a burst of light, your ethreal form is bathed in a soft pink glow.
"When your done playing spooky spirit, maybe you can come back here. Me and my sister's would love to play some more!"
You can feel something new, your heart, if that's what you could call it in this form, is racing, faster and faster. Finally you feel calm and relaxed...

Just in time to find yourself back at the intersection of hallways once more. This time, as you had predicted, the halls have shifted. Now there are simply two choices in the intersection.

2010-08-01, 04:22 PM
The encounter with the fairies graved in his mind and the feeling he had made some promise, "I should return indeed", he find himself back. "Two hallways indeed, and three worked so fine. Why change something that works, although I guess every hallway had worked and will work." Time to enter a different path, time to walk the first path. He walks into the hallway to the left.

2010-08-01, 04:52 PM
The left most hallway, hopefully the last hallway, is your path. The walk, or rather, glide to the other end is astounishingly short compaired to the others. Or rather, you've simply lost track of distances in this form. Regardless, you are once more, and hopefully for a final time, lead to a circular chamber.

This time, however, the room is familiar. Very familiar indeed. For in the center of a thin pool of silvery water, translucent as air, is a man. A hylan, drapped in a green tunic, his haunched form grasping a eloquent swords hilt.

And once more the room is alight with runic scribblings. The ancient language drapes the walls, roof, and floor. You have returned here, but why is the question.

2010-08-01, 05:03 PM
This wasn't excepted, but still, it's part of the test here. Maybe the runes gave answers, but he barely read anything in The Book of Madora, and it's not with him. "Or is it?" He focusing on the book, trying to recall it, the looks, the feeling and the translations given on its pages. Maybe he could remember something. Find it in his memories.

2010-08-01, 05:26 PM
When you call apon it, the book did come. Putting your every thought, your very will into the idea, the book of madora manifested itself in your mind. And within your thoughts, you could read the runic symbols as clearly and perfectly as you could read a roadsign.

"A test of will the hero must overcome. Then the trials by body, and mind. Then a test of their courage, and power. Finally the hero must overcome himself. Only then, will he find the truth in the triforce's power. To aid that hero in his journy, a sword forged by the gods is to be freed. Read these words, and find yourself whole once more!"

This is what the runes translate to. And it is this, that you have saught so long for. Looking apon your body, of which you now possess, mind and soul, you notice considerable aging. At least a decade, perhaps more. You look rugged, and sharp. It is only after the realisation that you are now in your own body, that you also notice the mighty hand-and-a-half sword resting in your palms. The mighty "Mastersword" as it was called is now yours for the taking. And you feel you'll need it to overcome the trials ahead. You notice that, along with your other equipment, you now carry a number of extra utilities. The book of madora stil remains in your possession, as well as the orcarina. Along with a couple other odd trinkets. Three colored gems, one a deep saphire, another a blood-red ruby, and the last a vibrant emerald. Each one glows with magical purpose, what that purpose is though, your unsure.

The runes on the walls dissapate after you come to your senses. The room seems to grey slightly, as it seems all purpose leaves the chamber. There is a single hallway leading out, but that seems to be it.

2010-08-02, 11:08 AM
Finally realizing he found what he sought it was, it was time for the second part of this trial. Equipped with the master sword and having some useful items he steps into the only hallway, feeling ready for anything that could happen.

2010-08-02, 11:49 AM
Although it my dishearten you to learn, the short walk through the temples ruined halls leads you, once more, to the impass of hallways. Much like last time there are ten directions to choose from.

The monotony of the dungeon was wearing thin, however you knew to survive, and learn what it is you seek, you will have to submit to the ancient's designs and overcome their challenges.

Each path has it's own symbol, written in the ancient tounge, linked to it. In order from left to right, each symbol meens the following:

Courage, Mind, Power, Body, Sun, Nature, Mountain, Ocean, Shadow, Spirit

2010-08-02, 12:10 PM
OOC: I think you missed a symbol, I only count nine runes and I see ten hallways. I would guess.... power?

A sigh escapes, seeing ten hallways again is almost discouraging, almost. Reading the symbols he realizes some of the words were mentioned earlier here, but most of them not. "But I think I got my body back, so let's test that one first." He thinks as he steps into the hallway that is indicated with the rune for body.

2010-08-07, 02:15 PM
Bump? Still alive?