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View Full Version : [M&M] Steampunk Super Hero ideas?

2010-08-01, 10:27 AM
I'm currently the GM of a M&M game set in 1850's Steampunk England (the setting also includes magic and regular super powers.)

The next session involves the party competing with a large group of other super's/wizards/mad scientists etc. , and I'm turning to the playground for ideas so that I can flesh out their opponents.

Share with me your ideas. Weird and ridiculous or gritty and serious, anything goes

The Rose Dragon
2010-08-01, 10:34 AM
Giant mecha riders! A wondrous mixture of clockpunk, steampunk and biopunk that dominates the battlefield!

The wondrous powers of the recently emerging innovation, electricity! Watch as the common man can command the powers of Zeus with his fingertips!

Shamans and houngans calling on spirits both humble and terrible to lay waste to their foes! Their wisdom only matched by their great mystic potency!

2010-08-01, 12:02 PM
Pretty much any B.P.R.D. plot can be re-flavored to work in steampunk. Also, this:
