View Full Version : old computer games i forgot their name

super dark33
2010-08-02, 03:28 PM
when i was a kid, i played a game, which was a battle between brown team vs green team. you could choose your side, then you picked a vechile (tank, jeep, heli and missle truck) i loved this game so much,
but the disc was lost and i forgot the name.

can you help me?

(btw when somone finds it, this thread will be for outer people who as forgotten games names)

2010-08-02, 03:33 PM
Sounds like a game from the Army Men (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_Men_%28game%29) series.

2010-08-02, 03:35 PM
I swear I was just thinking about this game yesterday! I had it for the PlayStation.

It's called Return Fire (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_Fire), and it's awesome.

super dark33
2010-08-03, 01:30 PM
truly, when searching somthing, it better search here then google

The Succubus
2010-08-03, 06:17 PM
truly, when searching somthing, it better search here then google

Indeed. For we are numbered amongst the Wise and nothing is beyond our understanding.

2010-08-03, 06:19 PM
Indeed. For we are numbered amongst the Wise and nothing is beyond our understanding.

Or the indescribably nerdy.

Having those skilled in googling google for you tends to produce better results.

2010-08-03, 06:27 PM
I've been trying to find some tank game for the Nintendo 64. You played as a tank, and in multi-player the most powerful weapon was a nuke, which wrecked the environment and made everything a radioactive green color.

2010-08-03, 06:56 PM
I've been trying to find some tank game for the Nintendo 64. You played as a tank, and in multi-player the most powerful weapon was a nuke, which wrecked the environment and made everything a radioactive green color.


Lycan 01
2010-08-03, 06:57 PM
I got two of 'em.

When I was really little I used to go visit my aunt and uncle, my cousin would sometimes be playing computer games. There were two she played a lot - a shooter game, and an RTS. The year was 1995 or 96, IIRC.

The shooter game I didn't see much of, because it was rated M. I just remember she spent a lot of time running down these dark, curving red hallways. Every now and then there was what looked like a dead body hanging from the ceiling, which she would randomly shoot.

The RTS was interesting. Its not Red Alert, because I've played the originals at friends houses just to check. As I recall, it looked like a World War 2 era game, because I saw a German Stuka buzz her base a few times. I remember there were fields of green grass, which stood out because the map she was on was a desert, which a tanker truck would drive over to get money. I remember she had an Engineer unit running around, and he was armed with a shovel or something and was wearing overalls. She told me she was actually stuck on a mission where you start with only one Engineer guy, and have to take out all the enemy bases from scratch.

Morbid curiousity has irked me for years. :smallannoyed:

2010-08-03, 07:54 PM
That second one could be the original Command and Conquer, other than that, I'm not too sure.

2010-08-03, 08:31 PM
The shooter was almost certainly Doom 2. There wasn't a lot of FPS competition back then. If the walls had been blue, it would have been Castle Wolfenstein (which wasn't child-friendly either, since it taught very effective German swearing).

2010-08-03, 09:05 PM
The shooter was almost certainly Doom 2. There wasn't a lot of FPS competition back then. If the walls had been blue, it would have been Castle Wolfenstein (which wasn't child-friendly either, since it taught very effective German swearing).

Not a lot of FPSs?

I can name a good four or five more right off the top of my head, assuming 96 rather than 95. Fair deal even ignoring 96 still.

Rise of the Triad, System Shock, Marathon, Duke Nukem, Descent, Hexen...

2010-08-03, 09:26 PM
Was the RTS isometric, or did it have pixellated graphics with tiny people, like Red Alert? If the latter, then it's most likely Command and Conquer, if the former, then it might have been another RTS that I remember was released around that time, but the name of which escapes me at the moment - and Wikipedia isn't helpful.

The FPS can be anything - 1995, and especially 1996, were years when dozens of small developers released shareware FPS games. We need more detail.

Lycan 01
2010-08-03, 09:43 PM
I'm afraid that's all I have on the FPS. :smallfrown:

The RTS was pretty well-rendered. Like I said, I played some of the older Command and Conquer games at a friend's house a few years ago, and they weren't the same. This game was a lot closer to the action, and the "camera" was slightly angled. Like the old Fallout games, but not that zoomed in...

I was 5 at the time, so I've forgotten most of what I remember. But I specifically remember a few small scenes and details, like a beige prop plane like a German Stuka flying over her base and her telling me it was an enemy plane...

Maybe my memory has just gotten foggy over the years. :smallsigh:

2010-08-03, 10:11 PM

BattleTanx: Global Assault (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BattleTanx:_Global_Assault) was what I was looking for. Thank you!

2010-08-03, 10:17 PM
The RTS was pretty well-rendered. Like I said, I played some of the older Command and Conquer games at a friend's house a few years ago, and they weren't the same. This game was a lot closer to the action, and the "camera" was slightly angled. Like the old Fallout games, but not that zoomed in...

Oh yeah. I know what game might that be, but I forgot its name. I remember it was not just a strictly military RTS, but you had to build civilian facilities too.

Lycan 01
2010-08-03, 10:26 PM
Yeah, that sounds vaugely familiar...

THE GAME IS AFOOT, WATSON!! :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-04, 01:10 AM
Well, while we're swapping stories, I got one I've been wondering about since the mid nineties.

Sprite based FPS. Bright colors. You kill people. And the sprites were bad and blocky.

Figured out the other three mystery games from my childhood no sweat.

But that one, I dunno.

2010-08-04, 01:30 AM
I can name a good four or five more right off the top of my head, assuming 96 rather than 95. Fair deal even ignoring 96 still.

Rise of the Triad, System Shock, Marathon, Duke Nukem, Descent, Hexen...

I don't know about all those games, but the fact that someone was actually playing it lets out Hexen. *shudder* Seriously, though, did anyone else have curving red hallways?

(I do confess that I had recalled was a longer gap between Doom 2 and Descent.)

2010-08-04, 01:37 AM
I was 5 at the time, so I've forgotten most of what I remember. But I specifically remember a few small scenes and details, like a beige prop plane like a German Stuka flying over her base and her telling me it was an enemy plane...

Sounds almost like Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, but that didn't come out until 1999...so your memory would have to be foggy indeed if that was the one you're thinking of! (You can download it for free from EA games if you want to check it out, they've released it into the public domain).

2010-08-04, 01:49 AM
I don't know about all those games, but the fact that someone was actually playing it lets out Hexen. *shudder* Seriously, though, did anyone else have curving red hallways?

(I do confess that I had recalled was a longer gap between Doom 2 and Descent.)

I can see why.

Looking at the mid nineties in FPS games, it's a bit Precambrian explosion.

One minute, Doom.

Next, huge variety of games with all kinds of weird and unique features that lead nowhere, only showing up again, if at all, years later.

Shame that history only seems to remember the winners.

2010-08-04, 02:05 AM
Well, while we're swapping stories, I got one I've been wondering about since the mid nineties.

Sprite based FPS. Bright colors. You kill people. And the sprites were bad and blocky.

Figured out the other three mystery games from my childhood no sweat.

But that one, I dunno.

sounds familiar.. did most of the walls have a wood texture? Did you eat what looked like turkey and wine to restore health?

I've got one. It's a point and click adventure game, with low end graphics. The goal is to infiltrate an Addams family-esque mansion, iirc. The first thing you had to do was pick up and smash a pumpkin, to get the key to the house.

2010-08-04, 02:14 AM
sounds familiar.. did most of the walls have a wood texture? Did you eat what looked like turkey and wine to restore health?

Maybe. Got a lead?

Only saw it for a few minutes at a friend's house, mind.

And even then I was mainly wanting the player to switch over to Descent. Didn't know it was Descent at the time, but the graphics looked better to me, and I preferred the robot killing as a lad.

And your adventure game, my first thought was the legendary Maniac Mansion.

I then realized that was a stupid thought and I was being dumb. I managed to play the NES version of Maniac Mansion for a minute or two once, and there were no pumpkins in sight. Then I thought a little harder, remembering a bad game cover art thread and a LP I read a while back. The game in question was Hugo's House of Horrors. It wasn't terribly good.

2010-08-04, 02:32 AM
Well, while we're swapping stories, I got one I've been wondering about since the mid nineties.

Sprite based FPS. Bright colors. You kill people. And the sprites were bad and blocky.

Figured out the other three mystery games from my childhood no sweat.

But that one, I dunno.

It's probably not Wolfenstein, or you'd know. Hmm, Catacomb 3-D (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacomb_3-D) then, by any chance?

2010-08-04, 02:36 AM
It's probably not Wolfenstein, or you'd know. Hmm, Catacomb 3-D (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacomb_3-D) then, by any chance?

Nope. Newer than those ones. Came out around the same time as Descent, I think, and the colors were a good deal brighter than either.

Think it was set in a modernish setting, if that's any help.

2010-08-04, 03:15 AM
Shame that history only seems to remember the winners.

Most of them are well forgotten. Doom managed the 3-D much more cleanly than Wolfenstein did. Then Descent was a whole new kind of incredible. That's the scariest computer game I've ever played. I'd be interested to throw it at one of today's gamers and see if they have the same reaction that we did back then. Someone would come screaming at you and you the player would DODGE THE BLAST BY SHIFTING THE WAY YOU WERE SITTING as if you knew that the shot was about to come through the monitor. That led me to the conclusion that flightsticks should be supplimented with a butt-mouse that monitors the user shifting her weight in the chair. But then the genre kind of flailed around until Quake 2 and Half-Life. *checks* Sheesh, again with the one year gap that I was expecting to be several years.

Beyond those, the only game that I'm sorry nobody remembers (and frankly few people seemed to recognize it at the time) was Dark Forces, the prequel to the Jedi Knight series. The big deal there was that they actually designed the levels to look like the installations you were infiltrating. The mining colony and the science lab and the high-security prison didn't just look like some arbitrary string of rooms with big color-coded keyed doors and implausibly invisible secret doors.

Octopus Jack
2010-08-04, 04:03 AM
Sounds almost like Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, but that didn't come out until 1999...so your memory would have to be foggy indeed if that was the one you're thinking of! (You can download it for free from EA games if you want to check it out, they've released it into the public domain).

I used to love that game, time to get my download on :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-04, 04:26 AM
Well, while we're swapping stories, I got one I've been wondering about since the mid nineties.

Sprite based FPS. Bright colors. You kill people. And the sprites were bad and blocky.

CyClones maybe? Did you use the mouse to target enemies on the screen, not to move?

The Succubus
2010-08-04, 05:24 AM
Man, I miss the original Syndicate game. That was unbearably awesome and one of the first PC games I played. The very first game computer I played of any sort was on my Amstrad CPC - a platformer called Roland in Time. There was a long series of them but if we want vintage gaming, I heartily recommend the Dizzy series.

2010-08-04, 05:44 AM
I've got one. It's a point and click adventure game, with low end graphics. The goal is to infiltrate an Addams family-esque mansion, iirc. The first thing you had to do was pick up and smash a pumpkin, to get the key to the house.Ooo, that sounds familiar, too. It's either a silly kiddy one, or a really scary one that was on a video list for "most scary games" or something like that.

I've got one: The whole game is black, and objects are just coloured geometric outlines. You play a tank, and you destroy other tanks. The normal enemy tank is a red flat triangular prism. Some tougher ones are tall, orange triangular prisms. I think I only had a demo or something, cuz it was really short.

2010-08-04, 06:00 AM
Well, while we're swapping stories, I got one I've been wondering about since the mid nineties.

Sprite based FPS. Bright colors. You kill people. And the sprites were bad and blocky.

Figured out the other three mystery games from my childhood no sweat.

But that one, I dunno.
Kens Labyrinth? (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/kens-labyrinth/screenshots)

2010-08-04, 06:09 AM
sounds familiar.. did most of the walls have a wood texture? Did you eat what looked like turkey and wine to restore health?

I've got one. It's a point and click adventure game, with low end graphics. The goal is to infiltrate an Addams family-esque mansion, iirc. The first thing you had to do was pick up and smash a pumpkin, to get the key to the house.

Might it be Hugo's House of Horrors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo%27s_House_of_Horrors)? But it's not point and click.

edit: I've only just noticed that the question had already been answered much earlier. Serves me right for posting while sick.

2010-08-04, 06:11 AM
I've got one: The whole game is black, and objects are just coloured geometric outlines. You play a tank, and you destroy other tanks. The normal enemy tank is a red flat triangular prism. Some tougher ones are tall, orange triangular prisms. I think I only had a demo or something, cuz it was really short.

Was it Battlezone or Stellar 7?

The Succubus
2010-08-04, 06:23 AM
Sounds like Battlezone.

2010-08-04, 06:25 AM
Might it be Hugo's House of Horrors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo%27s_House_of_Horrors)? But it's not point and click.
Be that as it may, it was certainly an adventure game and it did have amateur low end graphics, and you DID smash a pumpkin to get a key to get into a "spooky" looking house. I think we have a winner.

2010-08-04, 06:27 AM
Aha! No, but you lead me to it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectre_(computer_game)).

Archonic Energy
2010-08-04, 06:34 AM
The very first game computer I played of any sort was on my Amstrad CPC

did you play N.O.M.A.D ?
Or Colony?

2010-08-04, 04:52 PM
Kens Labyrinth? (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/kens-labyrinth/screenshots)

And your adventure game, my first thought was the legendary Maniac Mansion.

I then realized that was a stupid thought and I was being dumb. I managed to play the NES version of Maniac Mansion for a minute or two once, and there were no pumpkins in sight. Then I thought a little harder, remembering a bad game cover art thread and a LP I read a while back. The game in question was Hugo's House of Horrors. It wasn't terribly good.

Yes and yes! I've been looking for those games for a long time. Thanks much! :smallbiggrin:

Edit: I believe there are one or DOS shooters that are very similar to kens labyrinth, in visuals and content. Any ideas?

2010-08-04, 10:09 PM
Kens Labyrinth? (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/kens-labyrinth/screenshots)


Nothing so far. But the graphics level looks about right.

2010-08-04, 10:21 PM
Quite a few candidates, according to this (http://www.dosgames.com/g_3d.php).

All this nostalgia had me look up this FMV adventure game called The Vampire Diaries. I remember playing it to a point where I kept getting killed no matter what I did, and I was too afraid to go on. Apparently it's based on some books that also now has a TV show.

Also William Shatner's Tekwar, which I only ever played a demo of. Good times.

2010-08-04, 10:24 PM
Sprite based FPS. Bright colors. You kill people. And the sprites were bad and blocky.
Given the era, that doesn't narrow it down.

Throwing out some more obscure names: Rise of the Triad? CyClones? CyberMage: Darklight Awakening (that's a bit after the Wolf3D era, though)? :smallconfused:

2010-08-04, 10:51 PM
Given the era, that doesn't narrow it down.

Throwing out some more obscure names: Rise of the Triad? CyClones? CyberMage: Darklight Awakening (that's a bit after the Wolf3D era, though)? :smallconfused:

I know, sorry for the low level of detail.

And it's none of those. We're talking Doom level blocky sprites. All of those? Too smooth.

And you mainly shot people. Don't remember seeing any robots or suchlike.

2010-08-05, 12:48 AM
I've got one. It was another text-entry adventure game, with a combat component as well (which I never got to work). It was a fantasy-ish setting, and the goal was rescuing a girl who was trapped in a tree by monks, or something like that.

The first scene involved you sleeping under a machine that counted sand, and after a time, dumping water on you. Then you looked around your impressively sized house, then outside into a field in between the coast and a forest.

The Succubus
2010-08-05, 02:27 AM
>. North

You go north. You are on top of a high hill, with a good view of the surrounding lands. There is an odd stone nearby.

>. Examine stone

The stone has markings on it. They look like the elvish for "G3". 5 Black Riders enter.

>. Run like hell

I do not understand the phrase "Run like hell". A Black Rider stabs you with an evil looking knife. You are so screwed.

2010-08-05, 02:48 AM
>. Run like hell

I do not understand the phrase "Run like hell". A Black Rider stabs you with an evil looking knife. You are so screwed.

Heh. I love (and hate) text adventures.

2010-08-05, 03:56 AM
Isn't Rise of the Triad the source of

"Who wants some Wang?"
and "Man with four balls cannot walk!"

It was contemporary with the original Duke Nuke'm as I recall

2010-08-05, 04:44 AM
I've got one too - it was 3D sci-fi realtime strategy game, where your base was a floating fortress, and you could take control of your ships in 1st person for scouting and such like. It came as a demo on an advertising disc, but it was pretty awesome. The atmosphere was pretty dark.

2010-08-05, 05:03 AM
Isn't Rise of the Triad the source of

"Who wants some Wang?"
and "Man with four balls cannot walk!"

It was contemporary with the original Duke Nuke'm as I recall

No, that sounds like Shadow Warrior, which came after Duke3D.

Rise of the Triad was the one that cane before Duke3D from Apogee, and used digitized actor sprites.

2010-08-05, 05:13 AM
I've got one too - it was 3D sci-fi realtime strategy game, where your base was a floating fortress, and you could take control of your ships in 1st person for scouting and such like. It came as a demo on an advertising disc, but it was pretty awesome. The atmosphere was pretty dark.
Urban Assault?

I have one as well: It was an RPG in the very late 90's or early 2000's. The plot is, that the sun is gone and the world gets dark and cold, and you have to make it come back, or something like that.
I remember liking the previews, but the ratings were quite bad, so I never bought it. But I wonder what it was called?

2010-08-05, 05:20 AM
Dark Earth? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Earth_%28video_game%29)

Caustic Soda
2010-08-05, 05:25 AM
My question isn't about a PC game as such, but I suppose it is still tangentially relevant.

When I was 6-8 or so, the kindergarden I went used to have an old television/console on which we could play games. I am unsure whether it was a NES or something else. In any case the game was a platform RPG-ish thing with sprites. I *think* it was in 16 colors, but it may have been more. There were three different areas, city, caves and castle. In these areas you would be attacked by the inhabitants, who were thieves, monsters, and ladies with handbags respectively. There were three types of classes you could switch between, thief, mage and knight. If you were the appropriate class, mage for caves etc., then the local residents would not attack you. The three classes had subcategories, of which I only really remember the mages. One could shoot fireballs, one could levitate, and one could walk through a lavafall. I can't remember if there was any text to go along with it, and in any case I couldn't read English at the time. There were some cutscenes which showed a guy with a crown, with another guy with a crown shackled to a pillar in his throne room. We called the guy on the throne the 'evil king', and looking back he was probably an evil usurper or something. In any case, the game had you fight him, and some kind of Black Knight, at the finale, IIRC.

I remember the game relatively well, but I have absolutely no idea what it was called, or even what console it was on. I think I would recognize it if I saw it, though.

2010-08-05, 05:33 AM
Dark Earth? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Earth_%28video_game%29)
No, it was some pretty standard fantasy setting, I think.

2010-08-05, 05:44 AM
No, it was some pretty standard fantasy setting, I think.

Thunderscape (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecMTfu1K-jE&feature=related)?

I remember the game relatively well, but I have absolutely no idea what it was called, or even what console it was on. I think I would recognize it if I saw it, though.

Wizards and Warriors III, for the NES.

2010-08-05, 12:25 PM
No, it was some pretty standard fantasy setting, I think.

My guess would be Arx Fatalis--Arkane Studios game, released 2002.

2010-08-06, 01:47 PM
I remember playing this in-browser game a while back...sometime in the 90s, probably between 1996 and 2000. It was a financial game, I think for kids...but somewhat complicated - making some investments, choosing which of two jobs to do...
It was set on Mars, I believe - IIRC, you were an alien or something that had emigrated. It wasn't a Flash or Java game or anything, just a series of interconnected webpages. This ring any bells with anyone?

2010-08-07, 12:11 PM
I got two of 'em.

The shooter game I didn't see much of, because it was rated M. I just remember she spent a lot of time running down these dark, curving red hallways. Every now and then there was what looked like a dead body hanging from the ceiling, which she would randomly shoot.

Kinda sounds like the original Blood.

2010-08-07, 12:58 PM
Ok So this was probably around 98 or so i dont really remember when but my cousin played it and it was a game in space where you had to make a civilization and there were computer enemies and it had some diplomacy..maybe. I know that you had a lot of different planets and I think there were different races and I recall a green alien for some reason..can anyone help me?

The Glyphstone
2010-08-08, 02:51 PM
No, it was some pretty standard fantasy setting, I think.

Was it Stratosphere? No subsidary ships to take control of, but everything else fits.

2010-08-08, 02:54 PM
Ok So this was probably around 98 or so i dont really remember when but my cousin played it and it was a game in space where you had to make a civilization and there were computer enemies and it had some diplomacy..maybe. I know that you had a lot of different planets and I think there were different races and I recall a green alien for some reason..can anyone help me?

Master of Orion?

Star Control II?

2010-08-10, 03:38 PM
In addition to my other one, I thought of another game.

It's a space exploration game, where you fly around and do diplomacy and shooting and all that. You play in a T shaped fighter-plane looking ship, and the pilot looks vaguely like M Night Shyamalan. The first person you meet is a klingon-lobster type guy, and I think one of the dialogue options is insulting his mother.

super dark33
2010-08-14, 10:01 AM
i just rememberd anouter game:

you are in a spaceship, flying in caves, somtimes an enemy comes, you can find some flying ball that guides you to the boss, after you kill boss you need to get out of the exploding cave


Caustic Soda
2010-08-14, 10:50 AM
i just rememberd anouter game:

you are in a spaceship, flying in caves, somtimes an enemy comes, you can find some flying ball that guides you to the boss, after you kill boss you need to get out of the exploding cave


Sounds kinda like the Descent series. I remember there being a spaceship in caves, but not much more. According to TVtropes, though, it does have the 'kill boss, flee from exploding/collapsing level' thingy going.

2010-08-14, 02:39 PM
Yeah. And specifically Descent 2 had a little Tinker Bell thingie that would direct you towards the boss or the key or whatever you needed at that point.

The Glyphstone
2010-08-14, 05:38 PM
Yeah, that one's gotta be Descent.

2010-08-14, 07:12 PM
I have one I can't remember as well, I think it was an old mac game, but one subsection of the game you could 'build' a test plane from the parts of several different types of planes. Ie: snub nose from a jet, fuselage from a passenger jet, tail and wings from a bomber, and then load it out with engines of choice and get evaluated on how much cargo it could carry for how long. I think the game would probably be from about 95-98. In essence the game had you running portions of a science lab. Kinda muddled what with how long its been, anyone recognize it?

2010-08-14, 07:39 PM
I have one I can't remember as well, I think it was an old mac game, but one subsection of the game you could 'build' a test plane from the parts of several different types of planes. Ie: snub nose from a jet, fuselage from a passenger jet, tail and wings from a bomber, and then load it out with engines of choice and get evaluated on how much cargo it could carry for how long. I think the game would probably be from about 95-98. In essence the game had you running portions of a science lab. Kinda muddled what with how long its been, anyone recognize it?

Sounds like Gizmos & Gadgets.

2010-08-14, 08:32 PM
While I did play gizmos and gadgets obsessively at about the same time frame, that isn't it. There were a couple of other mini-games, only other one I can vaguely remember had something about creating rat/mouse/hamster paths using certain mechanical elements, sort of like those assembly line games where you have to connect power and do certain sub machines in an order.

The Glyphstone
2010-08-14, 09:09 PM
Impossible Machine?

2010-08-14, 09:30 PM
A long long time, in another life it seems I played a game on an old computer I got from my cousin. It had all sorts of cool games on it, like the original Prince of Persia, no colour. It also had a game where I played an astronaut on a planet far away from earth. The main point of the game was to jump around on this planet and shoot what I think was aliens with what I remember as balls of fire coming out of the astronauts helmet, but I can't remember. There were obstacles, mostly in the form of blocks that you had to jump onto and off from to get to the next bit of the level. It was one of those old sidescrollers and was one of my very first videogames. The nostalgic in me would be eternally grateful if someone could help me find this game, or give me tips that would lead to the re-descovery of it.

2010-08-15, 01:36 AM
A long long time, in another life it seems I played a game on an old computer I got from my cousin. It had all sorts of cool games on it, like the original Prince of Persia, no colour. It also had a game where I played an astronaut on a planet far away from earth. The main point of the game was to jump around on this planet and shoot what I think was aliens with what I remember as balls of fire coming out of the astronauts helmet, but I can't remember. There were obstacles, mostly in the form of blocks that you had to jump onto and off from to get to the next bit of the level. It was one of those old sidescrollers and was one of my very first videogames. The nostalgic in me would be eternally grateful if someone could help me find this game, or give me tips that would lead to the re-descovery of it.

Was it Captain Comic?

2010-08-15, 04:23 AM
Looking for a game I saw wich included a shotgun-axe wielding main caracter ina steampunk world setting.

2010-08-15, 06:33 AM
Was it Captain Comic?

It sure was! I'e been spending ages googling "Cosmic Man" and Cosmic Astronaut" to no result. Tip of the hat to you sir, thanks alot!

2010-08-15, 06:40 AM
Impossible Machine?

Same type of gameplay as that specific mini game, but the "main game" was some kind of lab or space station that you could then go to all the sub games. I'm beginning to think I might be conflating 2-3 different games that I had however.

2010-08-15, 07:13 AM
I got two of 'em.

The RTS was interesting. Its not Red Alert, because I've played the originals at friends houses just to check. As I recall, it looked like a World War 2 era game, because I saw a German Stuka buzz her base a few times. I remember there were fields of green grass, which stood out because the map she was on was a desert, which a tanker truck would drive over to get money. I remember she had an Engineer unit running around, and he was armed with a shovel or something and was wearing overalls. She told me she was actually stuck on a mission where you start with only one Engineer guy, and have to take out all the enemy bases from scratch.

Morbid curiousity has irked me for years. :smallannoyed:

Could it be one of Close combat (http://www.mobygames.com/game/close-combat) games?

Caustic Soda
2010-08-15, 12:42 PM
sounds familiar.. did most of the walls have a wood texture? Did you eat what looked like turkey and wine to restore health?

I've got one. It's a point and click adventure game, with low end graphics. The goal is to infiltrate an Addams family-esque mansion, iirc. The first thing you had to do was pick up and smash a pumpkin, to get the key to the house.

Did it have a professor with a split personality who would be helpful one minute and mess you up the next? Because if so, it sounds like a game we had when I was a kid.

2010-08-17, 11:58 AM
Could it be one of Close combat (http://www.mobygames.com/game/close-combat) games?

Thats what I wsa thinking too, the original came out in 1996, so the timing is about right.

2010-08-17, 10:07 PM
An old RPG with separate top-down overland travel and isometric in-location views, graphics partially stolen from Ultima 6, probably from between '90 and '95. Medieval setting, but I specifically remember there being arquebuses. I think the plot involved you being summoned to save a kingdom from an invasion orcs or hobgoblins or somesuch. For some reason, I have a strong impression that a sun motif featured in the game - maybe the opening credits or starting menu or the in-game menu on the side of the screen?

2010-08-18, 01:40 AM
I don't know about the "stolen from Ultima VI" part, but do you mean Legend, perchance?


2010-08-18, 02:58 AM
Well I did forget about this game for a while but the more I thought about it the name came back to me before I posted. See if any of you can guess the name. It was an old dos game released in 1992 that was an isometric-view role-playing game. The main character had to defeat the evil mage who, with the help of a help of a huge army was conquering the world. There were many puzzles including placing bolders or even bodies on certain pressure plates to open doors, placing certain objects in key holes, or even just waiting for the door to open. The key to actually winning the game, the best ending was finding a rusty old sword that as you used it got stronger and eventually was the best weapon in the game. Armor over time and use would degrade and help less and weapons would actually break. The really cool part of the game was magic system. It was based on hand symbols, much like sign language. As you obtained a scroll or someone told you the symbols you would either get new hand movements or you would just learn a different order for the symbols you already knew. Lastly as you used a weapon or class of spell you would get better at using it. There were swords, axes, ranged, and spear for weapons.

Ok that is enough info, anyone who played the game should know it, so who can guess the name.

The Succubus
2010-08-18, 03:21 AM
It sure was! I'e been spending ages googling "Cosmic Man" and Cosmic Astronaut" to no result. Tip of the hat to you sir, thanks alot!

Good god. That was my first ever PC game. The days of my glorious 286 with a whopping 2Mb RAM! The days of Space Quest, Apogee shooters like Biohazard, Duke Nukem and Commander Keen and quality gaming was things like the original Syndicate. Man, I miss that game.

2010-08-18, 04:56 AM
Ok that is enough info, anyone who played the game should know it, so who can guess the name.

The hand gesture casting sounds like The Summoning.

2010-08-18, 08:40 AM
The hand gesture casting sounds like The Summoning.


I loved that game it was much like diablo and the wiki article about it even says that the summoning was an inspiration for the makers of diablo.

2010-08-18, 08:44 AM
I don't know about the "stolen from Ultima VI" part, but do you mean Legend, perchance?


Nope, sorry. I seriously mean that (IIRC) some of the character sprites were taken from Ultima 6. (This is oddly common - I've seen at least one other non-Origin RPG that did it.)

Pretty sure you only created your own PC, too, and then had to find and recruit other dudes. The "in-location" view was isometric and IIRC looked like Ultima 6, and the map view was top-down (not kinda isometric like Four Crystals of Trazere).

I suspect this is kind of an eternal quest. I have trawled through abandonware for about 10 years and never once seen this game again. I originally got it either on a diskette borrowed from a friend, or (quite possibly) on this collection CD of computer RPGs (there were several others I have never seen since, but I remember those even less accurately).

2010-08-18, 10:15 AM
Ah, right. I wouldn't call Ultima VI isometric--it was more of a top-down view where they had a small amount of depth by having all the walls, people etc. standing at a 45 degree angle; "isometric" in terms of games says to me more the in-dungeon parts of Legend, with the 30 degree angle lines.

Keld Denar
2010-08-18, 11:15 AM
When I was younger, my older cousin had a FPS, I wanna say between 1992 and 1996 but this might be wrong. Some of the bad guys looked like scientists in white lab coats, and if you hit some guys just right with some kind of rocket launcher or gernade launcher, they would explode delightfully, spraying gore everywhere, including splattering an eyeball on the screen that would slowly slide down.


2010-08-18, 11:21 AM
An old RPG with separate top-down overland travel and isometric in-location views, graphics partially stolen from Ultima 6, probably from between '90 and '95. Medieval setting, but I specifically remember there being arquebuses. I think the plot involved you being summoned to save a kingdom from an invasion orcs or hobgoblins or somesuch. For some reason, I have a strong impression that a sun motif featured in the game - maybe the opening credits or starting menu or the in-game menu on the side of the screen?

It's not Magic Candle II, III, Bloodstone, or Challenge of the Five Realms is it?

That's all I can think of for non U6 or worlds of ultima games having similar to U6 graphics.

Also, D&D Warriors of the Eternal Sun, but that doesn't quite match either and is for the Genesis.

2010-08-18, 03:36 PM
Some of the bad guys looked like scientists in white lab coats, and if you hit some guys just right with some kind of rocket launcher or gernade launcher, they would explode delightfully, spraying gore everywhere, including splattering an eyeball on the screen that would slowly slide down.

The eyeball gives it away--that's "Rise of the Triad", by Apogee Software. Ludicrous gibs!


2010-08-18, 03:44 PM
It's not Magic Candle II, III, Bloodstone, or Challenge of the Five Realms is it?

That's all I can think of for non U6 or worlds of ultima games having similar to U6 graphics.

MC2 and MC3 do look close to what I remember, I'll check them out, but neither really clicks outright from screenshots. Definitely not Bloodstone or Challenge of the Five Realms.

Edit: Okay, it's not any of the Magic Candle games. And I just went through like 6 sites with like 100+ old abandonware RPGs each and found nothing that looked like what I remember.

2010-08-20, 12:43 AM
I used to play a game, where you were some guy with a hammer you would throw at enemies. Besides fighting other people, I distinctly remember having to fight skunks and bats. I think there were apples you could eat to gain health back, and I know the puzzles in the game involved throwing your hammer to hit switches, which I think were usually orbs that would makes spikes move up or down to open up paths and things like that. I don't remember the point of the game or who the main boss was. Pretty sure I was playing this game around '95.

EDIT: Nevermind. After reading through the rest of this thread, I realized if I just looked up a list of old DOS games I could probably find it. And I did. It's called God of Thunder, and you're actually Thor trying to stop Loki from taking over the world while Odin is sleeping. I actually found a bunch of games I didn't even remember I had played.

2010-08-20, 06:29 AM
MC2 and MC3 do look close to what I remember, I'll check them out, but neither really clicks outright from screenshots. Definitely not Bloodstone or Challenge of the Five Realms.

Edit: Okay, it's not any of the Magic Candle games. And I just went through like 6 sites with like 100+ old abandonware RPGs each and found nothing that looked like what I remember.

Wouldn't it be one of the Worlds of Ultima (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worlds_of_Ultima) games by any chance?
They have reused material from Ultima VI in at least one of them.

2010-08-20, 09:58 AM
Wouldn't it be one of the Worlds of Ultima (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worlds_of_Ultima) games by any chance?
They have reused material from Ultima VI in at least one of them.

I think they were mentioned already, and nope. I've played both (Savage Empire just this spring in fact), and neither is anything like this mystery game.

2010-08-20, 10:23 AM
It could be Entomorph, but I don't remember arquebuses on that one.

2010-08-20, 11:58 AM
The sun theme might imply one of the Dark Sun games, but nothing else matches...

Could it be Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun? Released on 1992

According to wiki, it starts with a war against goblins, and the good guys being sucked through a portal, it was released on 1992 (I started looking for games released a few years after Ultima VI) AND the first screenshot was like straight from Ultima. It's a Genesis (or MegaDrive) game, which would also explain why you wouldn't have found it earlier, if this is indeed the game you were looking for.


2010-08-20, 01:44 PM
I actually have Entomorph (and the Dark Sun games), and nope. This was pretty much like Ultima 6 with Nahlakh's overland travel and combat. Warriors of the Eternal Sun doesn't look right, either.

I'm not really surprised, because I'm a huge abandonware game fan, and have never ever seen the game on any site anywhere, and I've been through a ton (I literally at least cursorily checked out all the games on Home of the Underdogs when it was still active). I suspect it's a rare lost game - nobody saved it to put it on the Internet. In fact, I really suspect the games on the collection CD were shareware (there were a lot of CDs like that, since you could pretty much just burn other peoples' shareware games onto a CD and publish that, apparently), and this one may never have made it to "full" version. (Much like, I think, Castle of the Winds.)

2010-08-20, 02:55 PM
It could be Hera: The Sword of Rhin, by SSI, from what I am reading.
But I can't find any pictures of it.

2010-08-20, 03:00 PM
when i was a kid, i played a game, which was a battle between brown team vs green team. you could choose your side, then you picked a vechile (tank, jeep, heli and missle truck) i loved this game so much,
but the disc was lost and i forgot the name.

I see that you found your game, but I could have sworn form this description you were talking about Armor Alley.

2010-08-20, 03:06 PM
(I literally at least cursorily checked out all the games on Home of the Underdogs when it was still active).

Actually, HOTU is where I found Warriors of the Eternal Sun. It's back without the downloads, but that still makes it the best thing around for finding obscure games.


If a mod comes by: it's a reconstruction of a page that offered downloads but went offline. This reconstruction doesn't let you download anything. So it's more of a review database than an abandonware site.

Keld Denar
2010-08-20, 04:38 PM
Castle of the Winds.)

I remember that game. Dewd, I played the hell out of that game for like, 2 months or something. Even then, magic was broken. :)

2010-08-20, 05:27 PM
I have a really old PC game I cannot find reference to. I played it at summer camp in 91' but it seems more like its from the Donkey Kong era.

its an action game, you're a spy. The screen has ten to 15 tiers. you have to get from one end of a tier to the other to go up to the next. There are elevators ticking up and down that kill you if hit by them and all kinds of point bonus items. NO it is not Elevator Action.

Side note, I found that old tbs I'd forgotten the name of, 'Shining Force III'

2010-08-20, 07:24 PM
It could be Hera: The Sword of Rhin, by SSI, from what I am reading.
But I can't find any pictures of it.

Nope, that's more of an Ultima 4 clone. Still, getting much better, because I had never heard of this game before.

Lycan 01
2010-08-20, 07:35 PM
So I talked to my cousin. She thinks the FPS was Doom, but she's not completey sure. The only other FPSs she played though were Hexen and some other game from that series, so it was more than likely Doom.

As for the RTS, she said its not Command and Conquer. And it wasn't Close Combat, because CC is 2D and this game was Isometric...

2010-08-20, 09:31 PM
its an action game, you're a spy. The screen has ten to 15 tiers. you have to get from one end of a tier to the other to go up to the next. There are elevators ticking up and down that kill you if hit by them and all kinds of point bonus items. NO it is not Elevator Action.

My guess is that it's either Spy's Demise or a clone.

2010-08-21, 10:09 AM
My guess is that it's either Spy's Demise or a clone.

Yes!!! You are a hero of information who has succeeded where countless others were ignorant! Thnx!:thog:

2010-08-22, 05:32 PM
i REALLY can't remember the name of a game i used to play maany years ago.

it was a 1vs1, 2D battle in the space.
both you and your opponent had a space ship
there were many kinds of space ships, which had 2 parameters:
"strenght" (armor and power of lasers)
and speed.
if one was high, the other one was low.

when the fight beginned, the ships were one in front of the other, but in opposite directions...
i mean, the left ship was looking at left, and the right ship was looking at right
(so that, to shoot each other, they had to turn around)

can anyone pleeease find the name of this game?

(sorry for the bad english, i'm not from an english-speaking country, and particularly explaining the position of spaceship proved itself difficult ^^)

The Glyphstone
2010-08-24, 10:57 PM
Okay, my turn.

It's an old, 3-d flying game, futuristic (you had a spaceship of sorts, though most of the levels were on a planet - you could go really high up though). Enemies consisted of flying fighters and ground-placed turrets, usually guarding some objective to blow up, and you could find weapons and powerups, though usually just better laser cannons. I remember at least four distinct worlds, with several levels in each and varying objectives of stuff to find/blow up - a desert world, an underwater world, a grass/farmland world, and a city world. The other thing I remember was tunnels - it was a big feature that every level had at least one hidden tunnel, leading from one point on the map to another underground, with rotating walls you had to fly around/dodge while collecting better powerups. Sometimes you had to fight a boss, usually in an enclosed chamber, and the end of every level was what looked like a giant springboard, catapulting you up and out of the level.

2010-08-25, 01:20 AM
Wasn't one of the Starglider games, was it? Or there were a couple of old Spectrum games (Dark Star and Forbidden Planet) that sort of fit the bill, too.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-08-25, 02:02 AM
Why not, there was this game where you were like a fairie that turned monsters into ladders. I think you could also do stone walls? One of the was this green thing. You had to do it to finish the level so you could reach exits and such. Very mental game.

Good god. That was my first ever PC game. The days of my glorious 286 with a whopping 2Mb RAM! The days of Space Quest, Apogee shooters like Biohazard, Duke Nukem and Commander Keen
Oh man, Commander Keen was my obsession from years 9 to 11. I played every single one from that ever came out. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Aliens Ate my Babysitter and Keen Dreams even. #4 was what was special though. Friggin' dopefish.

Cosmo's Cosmic Adventures was fantastic, and then, what was it... ooooh, Whacky Wheels where you shot hedgehogs at others. I had this evil satisfaction when I got to run them over :belkar:

Months worth of my life gone because of them.

What's funny is never owned a game machine. My Dad was a comp programmer from before i was born so PC games was it.

2010-08-25, 02:14 AM
Why not, there was this game where you were like a fairie that turned monsters into ladders. I think you could also do stone walls? One of the was this green thing. You had to do it to finish the level so you could reach exits and such. Very mental game.
I think I've played that the shareware version of that one - Fairy Godmother? It was a Lode Runner puzzle type game where you could copy things.

2010-08-25, 03:31 AM
Does anyone know this game? I've been thinking about it on and off for months now.

Puzzle game, 2d, side-view of the entire level.

You controlled a small round reddish (?) creature with big eyes, antennae, and two legs, but no arms.

Your aim was to get to the end of the level by whatever means necessary, usually by moving stone blocks (you could push them with your leg), moving balloons (you could blow at them), climbing up and down, using counterweights, and sometimes burning down half the level (if there was wood and fire).

Really sad expression on the cute character if a 1T block fell from above and crushed him/her.

Ring any bells?

2010-08-25, 07:16 AM
Okay, my turn.

It's an old, 3-d flying game, futuristic (you had a spaceship of sorts, though most of the levels were on a planet - you could go really high up though). Enemies consisted of flying fighters and ground-placed turrets, usually guarding some objective to blow up, and you could find weapons and powerups, though usually just better laser cannons. I remember at least four distinct worlds, with several levels in each and varying objectives of stuff to find/blow up - a desert world, an underwater world, a grass/farmland world, and a city world. The other thing I remember was tunnels - it was a big feature that every level had at least one hidden tunnel, leading from one point on the map to another underground, with rotating walls you had to fly around/dodge while collecting better powerups. Sometimes you had to fight a boss, usually in an enclosed chamber, and the end of every level was what looked like a giant springboard, catapulting you up and out of the level.

Sounds like Descent (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/descent) to me.

2010-08-25, 08:58 AM
Does anyone know this game? I've been thinking about it on and off for months now.

Puzzle game, 2d, side-view of the entire level.

You controlled a small round reddish (?) creature with big eyes, antennae, and two legs, but no arms.

Your aim was to get to the end of the level by whatever means necessary, usually by moving stone blocks (you could push them with your leg), moving balloons (you could blow at them), climbing up and down, using counterweights, and sometimes burning down half the level (if there was wood and fire).

Really sad expression on the cute character if a 1T block fell from above and crushed him/her.

Ring any bells?

So I'm sure it might be ringing the correct bells...
This is a Sokoban / Adventures of LoLo style game, right?

2010-08-25, 08:59 AM
Okay, my turn.

It's an old, 3-d flying game, futuristic (you had a spaceship of sorts, though most of the levels were on a planet - you could go really high up though). Enemies consisted of flying fighters and ground-placed turrets, usually guarding some objective to blow up, and you could find weapons and powerups, though usually just better laser cannons. I remember at least four distinct worlds, with several levels in each and varying objectives of stuff to find/blow up - a desert world, an underwater world, a grass/farmland world, and a city world. The other thing I remember was tunnels - it was a big feature that every level had at least one hidden tunnel, leading from one point on the map to another underground, with rotating walls you had to fly around/dodge while collecting better powerups. Sometimes you had to fight a boss, usually in an enclosed chamber, and the end of every level was what looked like a giant springboard, catapulting you up and out of the level.

Terminal Velocity (http://www.mobygames.com/game/terminal-velocity) comes to mind. Could also be its Microsoft-published quasi-clone, Fury 3 (http://www.mobygames.com/game/fury), or its sequel, Hellbender (http://www.mobygames.com/game/hellbender), although I'm leaning towards the original.

The Glyphstone
2010-08-25, 09:01 AM
Sounds like Descent (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/descent) to me.

Nope. I've played Descent, and that wasn't it. Descent was all in tunnels, and was 6-degrees of freedom. This was open-world except for the tunnels (literally open-world, you could fly all the way around the planet if you wanted to), and you always had forward thrust - you could dial it faster or slower and change your heading, but you couldn't stop completely in midair. I think it was part of a series, because I seem to remember a "3" at the end of the name.

2010-08-25, 09:06 AM
Nope. I've played Descent, and that wasn't it. Descent was all in tunnels, and was 6-degrees of freedom. This was open-world except for the tunnels (literally open-world, you could fly all the way around the planet if you wanted to), and you always had forward thrust - you could dial it faster or slower and change your heading, but you couldn't stop completely in midair. I think it was part of a series, because I seem to remember a "3" at the end of the name.

It's absolutely Fury 3.

I can't take credit for remembering the name, but I too have logged many hours into that game back in the day. I remember thinking it was stupidly hard when I first played it, then learning that I could toggle back and forth between weapons and suddenly feeling massively overpowered. And then one time I accidentally broke the cloud barrier, wasn't sure what happened, and floated for hours thinking I was stuck in an ice floe or something. I was kind of... stupid. >.>

2010-08-25, 09:21 AM
One that's been bugging me for a long time. I can't remember the name of an arcade game where you played a tank in a top-down, isometric view. It could be played one or two player and each player's control were dual up-down, tank-style joysticks with two thumb buttons for turret rotation and two trigger buttons for basic cannon fire/special weapon fire. The start button switched the special weapon between bomb and smart shots. The players would manoeuvre their tank around obstacles and shoot enemy tanks, turrets, flying saucers and odd globes till they reached the enemy base of the level. Your tank lost fuel when hit and you had to collect fuel to stay alive. As tanks collected stars, the player could purchase upgrades between travels, including more powerful shots, faster speed and turret rotation arc. I think Atari created it in the '80s but my memory is hazy. I think I've seen it as a MAME ROM.

The Glyphstone
2010-08-25, 10:03 AM
It's absolutely Fury 3.

I can't take credit for remembering the name, but I too have logged many hours into that game back in the day. I remember thinking it was stupidly hard when I first played it, then learning that I could toggle back and forth between weapons and suddenly feeling massively overpowered. And then one time I accidentally broke the cloud barrier, wasn't sure what happened, and floated for hours thinking I was stuck in an ice floe or something. I was kind of... stupid. >.>

Dingdingding Winner! Fury 3, that's what it was called. I remember having a paper notebook where I recorded the coordinates of every tunnel entrance in each level, trying to locate all of them.

2010-08-25, 10:43 AM
So I'm sure it might be ringing the correct bells...
This is a Sokoban / Adventures of LoLo style game, right?

Probably... The character even looked like this LoLo creature. Though, judging from the graphics, it would not be as old.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-08-25, 11:22 AM
Dingdingding Winner! Fury 3, that's what it was called. I remember having a paper notebook where I recorded the coordinates of every tunnel entrance in each level, trying to locate all of them.
lol, played that many a time... and yes, Phoekun, you were :smallwink:

2010-08-25, 11:44 AM
I've got one that's been bugging me for a while.

It was on my old Amstrad CPC, back in the late 80s or early 90s (the latter was when I played it, but it was probably older than that).

You controlled a little robot who was trying to rescue his robot buddies.

You selected which planet (i.e. map/level) you wished to play from a sort of star chart.

The game levels themselves were quasi-isometric worlds (one of the axes was parallel to the screen, so technically it wasn't true isometric) made up of blocks.

You had to negotiate a maze-like level, avoiding (or killing) enemies, solving
some puzzles (some levels were more combat heavy, some more puzzle based), find and release your buddy, and then get him to the exit.

There were various objects you could pick up and use (one at a time only), such as jet packs, guns (in increasing order of power: lastron, lasbolt, megatron [no, not that one], and mega bolt). The lastron was so weak as to be essentially useless, but the mega- guns could shoot down enemy shots, knock enemies off walls (often more effective than just killing them), and had such high recoil they could push you off walls as well, or be used as a boost to get over gaps.

Any ideas what this game was?

2010-08-25, 12:11 PM

One quick search on Mobygames later... The Final Matrix? (http://www.mobygames.com/game/cpc/final-matrix)

2010-08-27, 01:03 PM
One quick search on Mobygames later... The Final Matrix? (http://www.mobygames.com/game/cpc/final-matrix)

That could be it. The name sounds familiar, anyway, and the description sounds similar.

Unfortunately there's no screen shot on that site, so I can't say for sure.

2010-08-27, 01:26 PM
That could be it. The name sounds familiar, anyway, and the description sounds similar.

Unfortunately there's no screen shot on that site, so I can't say for sure.

You mean like these ones (http://www.mobygames.com/game/cpc/final-matrix/screenshots)? :smalltongue:

2010-08-28, 02:57 AM
This belongs in Gaming (Other).

Thread moved.

2010-08-28, 08:08 AM
oooh nice

I've been trying to remember an old Sega Megadrive game I played as a kid. I only remember one tiny detail of the whole thing: at the end of the second(? almost sure) level, there is a catapult with a sign with a downward red arrow next to it, instructing you to press the down button. If you do so, you jump onto the catapult and shoot yourself into the next level. I believe it was a castle you see in the background, all kinda fuzzy

That's it, all I know. I think the character you played was human, or maybe not

2010-08-28, 08:55 AM
Why not, there was this game where you were like a fairie that turned monsters into ladders. I think you could also do stone walls? One of the was this green thing. You had to do it to finish the level so you could reach exits and such. Very mental game.

Sounds like Rodland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodland) although you conjured ladders, not turn monsters into them.

2010-08-28, 09:04 AM
My question isn't about a PC game as such, but I suppose it is still tangentially relevant.

When I was 6-8 or so, the kindergarden I went used to have an old television/console on which we could play games. I am unsure whether it was a NES or something else. In any case the game was a platform RPG-ish thing with sprites. I *think* it was in 16 colors, but it may have been more. There were three different areas, city, caves and castle. In these areas you would be attacked by the inhabitants, who were thieves, monsters, and ladies with handbags respectively. There were three types of classes you could switch between, thief, mage and knight. If you were the appropriate class, mage for caves etc., then the local residents would not attack you. The three classes had subcategories, of which I only really remember the mages. One could shoot fireballs, one could levitate, and one could walk through a lavafall. I can't remember if there was any text to go along with it, and in any case I couldn't read English at the time. There were some cutscenes which showed a guy with a crown, with another guy with a crown shackled to a pillar in his throne room. We called the guy on the throne the 'evil king', and looking back he was probably an evil usurper or something. In any case, the game had you fight him, and some kind of Black Knight, at the finale, IIRC.

I remember the game relatively well, but I have absolutely no idea what it was called, or even what console it was on. I think I would recognize it if I saw it, though.
Wizards and Warriors III, for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

2010-08-28, 09:59 AM
You mean like these ones (http://www.mobygames.com/game/cpc/final-matrix/screenshots)? :smalltongue:

Ah, didn't see the link before.

Yes, that is the game.

Good fun it was too, although (as with mot CPC games) it didn't have a save function, so it would have been a bugger to play if I hadn't had one of those "Multiface (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiface)" gizmos to make memory dumps.

2010-08-28, 05:34 PM
Hey, any of you know this game? It's a 3d shoulder-view mecha action game for pc where your mech can turn into a plane. Not that old, but not that new either. From the 2000s I think.

2010-08-28, 10:50 PM
Might be either Future Cop: LAPD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_Cop:_LAPD) or Battle Engine Aquila. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Engine_Aquila)

2010-08-28, 10:56 PM
Hey, any of you know this game? It's a 3d shoulder-view mecha action game for pc where your mech can turn into a plane. Not that old, but not that new either. From the 2000s I think.

Sounds like Gun Metal (http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/gun-metal).

2010-08-29, 12:45 AM
Okay. This is a REAL old one and so details are probably way off, but here it goes:
You are inside a robot that has to negotiate a complex maze. You can rewire the robot to time things carefully like move 5 seconds open and close claw, etc. I remember wiring big chips to do specific tasks and then shrinking them to small chips (making them unchanglable after.) I think if you step out of the robot, monsters saw you and killed you, but there was safe areas just prior to the next maze.

Another even older (predates dos) game, early 80's was a black and white where you are a stick figure that shoots dots at monsters in a huge maze. Eventually either you find the exit (which takes you to another huge maze) or a big invincible bat shows up and kills you.

2010-08-29, 04:08 AM
Another even older (predates dos) game, early 80's was a black and white where you are a stick figure that shoots dots at monsters in a huge maze. Eventually either you find the exit (which takes you to another huge maze) or a big invincible bat shows up and kills you.

Shamus, maybe?

2010-09-10, 12:08 PM
Okay. This is a REAL old one and so details are probably way off, but here it goes:
You are inside a robot that has to negotiate a complex maze. You can rewire the robot to time things carefully like move 5 seconds open and close claw, etc. I remember wiring big chips to do specific tasks and then shrinking them to small chips (making them unchanglable after.) I think if you step out of the robot, monsters saw you and killed you, but there was safe areas just prior to the next maze.

Oh God, I was playing that just a couple of months ago! I can't remember the name!

2010-09-10, 01:36 PM
Oh God, I was playing that just a couple of months ago! I can't remember the name!

For the love of god, Montresor!
Think. Pretty please!
Yes please remember!

Caustic Soda
2010-09-11, 02:32 AM
Wizards and Warriors III, for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

That's it! Thanks! :smallbiggrin:. Heh, it feels all weird to see that game again. It is by far the game that reminds me most of my childhood. Mostly be cause I still play Colonization or Wolfenstein 3D once in a while.

2010-09-11, 02:47 AM
I've played gun metal, but what I was looking for was battle engine aquila. Thanks guys!

2010-09-14, 03:59 AM
Got a request of my own.

Adventure game, played (I think) on the Amiga, or possibly PC. Started out in some sort of dystopian alien city, where you seemed to be very out of place, and possibly the only human. I remember very little, except that you were near a bar at the start, and wound up getting away from the first area by stealing a jetbike. There was a row of bikes, and you'd get shocked trying to touch one. I seem to recall you got the key by sneaking into a bedroom, where you meet a not unsympathetic female. don't recall if you meet her again (in fact, don't remember if I finished it).

oh, and another one, only really played the extended demo, but was always impressed by the quality. FPS with adventure elements, kind of reminded me of a fantasy version of Deus Ex, conversations and inventory and all. I think you started out in a prison, and were trying to escape from a town. One of the first weapons you got was a crossbow, which I believe had a few different ammo types. I think you get busted out by some underground resistance types.

Sorry, if these are vague, but you are all so wise!

Violet Octopus
2010-09-14, 04:24 AM
Got a request of my own.

Adventure game, played (I think) on the Amiga, or possibly PC. Started out in some sort of dystopian alien city, where you seemed to be very out of place, and possibly the only human. I remember very little, except that you were near a bar at the start, and wound up getting away from the first area by stealing a jetbike. There was a row of bikes, and you'd get shocked trying to touch one. I seem to recall you got the key by sneaking into a bedroom, where you meet a not unsympathetic female. don't recall if you meet her again (in fact, don't remember if I finished it).
Spaceship Warlock? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEEI52Werj4&feature=related)
It was on the Mac and PC, but the dystopian alien city and bar fits

2010-09-14, 09:44 PM
No, not Spaceship Warlock, looks like a cool game though. Should have mentioned that it was an Isometric/Space Quest style view.

2010-09-15, 02:46 AM
No, not Spaceship Warlock, looks like a cool game though. Should have mentioned that it was an Isometric/Space Quest style view.

http://www.mobygames.com/game/innocent-until-caught ?

2010-09-15, 03:47 AM
oh, and another one, only really played the extended demo, but was always impressed by the quality. FPS with adventure elements, kind of reminded me of a fantasy version of Deus Ex, conversations and inventory and all. I think you started out in a prison, and were trying to escape from a town. One of the first weapons you got was a crossbow, which I believe had a few different ammo types. I think you get busted out by some underground resistance types

Sounds a lot like Strife (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/strife), specially the crossbow thing.

2010-09-15, 04:21 AM
Sounds a lot like Strife (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/strife), specially the crossbow thing.

Bingo! Sorry for not mentioning the odd mix of medievil and tech, but I was convinced I was remembering it wrong somehow.

The first one isn't Innocent until Caught either. Looks wrong, and wasn't humorous. Tempted to withdraw it actually, I feel like my description just isn't adding up, I might be remembering it all wrong!

Rustic Dude
2010-09-15, 05:00 AM
Ok, I have one unnamed game that I want to search for on GoG.

It's a 2000-2004 aprox. RTS medieval fantasy game. 3D graphics a bit better than those of Empire Earth, camera could move freely.

You started with some sort of walled Keep and you could build your usual base structures only around it, effectively creating a walled city. Attached to the keep you had a village outside, where recources are harvested (gold, wood).

One of the unique things about the game was that everyone started the same with militia armies, spearmen and such, but by constructing religion buildings you took one tech tree or another. There were pagan-demonic temples, that unlocked the demonic tech tree with succubus, amazons, fanatics, and big uglies. Then there were pseudocatholic churches and cathedrals, that unlocked Knights, men at arms, and a giant statue of a Seraphin that comes to life. If you didn't build a religious building, the tech tree unlocked renacentistic gunpowder soldiers.

2010-09-15, 06:07 AM
Ok, I have one unnamed game that I want to search for on GoG.

It's a 2000-2004 aprox. RTS medieval fantasy game. 3D graphics a bit better than those of Empire Earth, camera could move freely.

You started with some sort of walled Keep and you could build your usual base structures only around it, effectively creating a walled city. Attached to the keep you had a village outside, where recources are harvested (gold, wood).

One of the unique things about the game was that everyone started the same with militia armies, spearmen and such, but by constructing religion buildings you took one tech tree or another. There were pagan-demonic temples, that unlocked the demonic tech tree with succubus, amazons, fanatics, and big uglies. Then there were pseudocatholic churches and cathedrals, that unlocked Knights, men at arms, and a giant statue of a Seraphin that comes to life. If you didn't build a religious building, the tech tree unlocked renacentistic gunpowder soldiers.

Warrior Kings.

Rustic Dude
2010-09-15, 11:55 AM
Thank you very much. That's the name.

2010-09-15, 12:11 PM
In addition to my other one, I thought of another game.

It's a space exploration game, where you fly around and do diplomacy and shooting and all that. You play in a T shaped fighter-plane looking ship, and the pilot looks vaguely like M Night Shyamalan. The first person you meet is a klingon-lobster type guy, and I think one of the dialogue options is insulting his mother.
Solar Winds?

2010-09-15, 01:07 PM
Okay. This is a REAL old one and so details are probably way off, but here it goes:
You are inside a robot that has to negotiate a complex maze. You can rewire the robot to time things carefully like move 5 seconds open and close claw, etc. I remember wiring big chips to do specific tasks and then shrinking them to small chips (making them unchanglable after.) I think if you step out of the robot, monsters saw you and killed you, but there was safe areas just prior to the next maze.

Hurrah! I have found it myself

2010-09-22, 04:40 PM
Solar Winds?


Yes, yes! that's it, thank you very much! :smallbiggrin:

The Glyphstone
2010-09-22, 04:48 PM
It's not a computer game technically, but an arcade game. You were a King Kong/Godzilla/Kaiju monster (or monsters, it supported multiple players) that smashed buildings, ate civilians, and fought off army troops/tanks/helicopters. I think it was called "Rampage" or something, and I remember a video game magazine ad for it with the tagline "Eat. Burp. Eat. Burp. Eat. Burp. Puke."

EDIT: Google to the rescue...Rampage indeed, and apparently it was an entire franchise. Whoda thunk it.

2010-09-23, 03:53 AM
Got a request of my own.

Adventure game, played (I think) on the Amiga, or possibly PC. Started out in some sort of dystopian alien city, where you seemed to be very out of place, and possibly the only human. I remember very little, except that you were near a bar at the start, and wound up getting away from the first area by stealing a jetbike. There was a row of bikes, and you'd get shocked trying to touch one. I seem to recall you got the key by sneaking into a bedroom, where you meet a not unsympathetic female. don't recall if you meet her again (in fact, don't remember if I finished it).

Could it be one of the episodes of Space Quest (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Quest)?

2010-09-23, 04:22 AM
I would need some help as well. A fantasy game, from the 90īs. There was the ability to build both heroes and "normal" units. There was a "strategy" map, and when there was combat, it changed to a 2 D top down perspective, similar to combat in Lords of the Realm 2. I also remember that you could send your heroes to some kind of off map quests, leveling them up and perhaps also gaining magic items.

What I know it isnīt:
Heroes of Might and Magic
Lords of the Realm
Age of Wonders

I have been wondering about this game for like 15 years. Help me playgrounders, you are my only hope.

2010-09-23, 04:48 AM
Ooh, I've got a couple of requests myself!

I remember these 2 games on the Sega Genesis that I used to play a lot as a kid, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the game.

The first is a beat-em'-up, much like Streets of Rage. You could play as a couple of... I'm not quite sure what to call them. They kind of look like the people on those old Japanese (Or maybe Chinese? :smallconfused:) paintings. One of them had white hair and the other had orange hair. If I remember correctly, their hair was REALLY long and thick. One of the most memorable moves for me in this game was the ability to pick up your partner, spin around really fast, and toss him at your enemies. Also, the last thing I remember is that for bonus stages, you had to catch drops of water which could replenish some of your life.

The second is a fighting game. I don't really remember a lot about this game, but I remember it having a really diverse cast. One of the characters that you could select was a dragon that was human-sized and could breathe fire. Also, there was this blue dude who was round and could perform spinning attacks. He gave me nightmares as a kid. :smallsigh:

2010-09-23, 05:02 AM
I would need some help as well. A fantasy game, from the 90īs. There was the ability to build both heroes and "normal" units. There was a "strategy" map, and when there was combat, it changed to a 2 D top down perspective, similar to combat in Lords of the Realm 2. I also remember that you could send your heroes to some kind of off map quests, leveling them up and perhaps also gaining magic items.

The top-down combat part reminds me of Fantasy Empires (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/fantasy-empires), and the rest seems to match it too.

2010-09-23, 05:32 AM
I remember an old snes JRPG (not sure if originally japanese but in that style)

You had your own character and one ally that changed with the story. you started out in a world with a stone forest and a desert, and once you defeated the forest became normal again. then you went into a huge tower and came in an ice (later water) world. after that again through the tower to a fire world. and the last world was islands without a sea, and when you completed it the water came back. then you climbed the tower to the top and fought an evil boss guy IN SPACE.

anyone know its name?

2010-09-23, 06:28 AM
There was a game I used to play for the Sega (rented from Blockbusters since I couldn't find anywhere that sold it). The premise of the game is that you play a young man who just found a powerful artefact that has the power to summon 4 spirits.

Then an evil villan with a similer power comes to your home and you need to find a way to activate the artefact by going through several dungeons to gradually unlock each spirit.

I enjoyed that game more than any otehr game I played at the time, though I can't for the life of me remember what it's called, or even find any mention of it online.

2010-09-23, 06:30 AM
The top-down combat part reminds me of Fantasy Empires (http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/fantasy-empires), and the rest seems to match it too.

The only other thing I could think it might be is Disciples:


2010-09-23, 06:35 AM
There was a game I used to play for the Sega (rented from Blockbusters since I couldn't find anywhere that sold it). The premise of the game is that you play a young man who just found a powerful artefact that has the power to summon 4 spirits.

Then an evil villan with a similer power comes to your home and you need to find a way to activate the artefact by going through several dungeons to gradually unlock each spirit.

I enjoyed that game more than any otehr game I played at the time, though I can't for the life of me remember what it's called, or even find any mention of it online.

You mean sega genesis? What kind of game is that? rpg? platformer? zelda-style adventure?

2010-09-23, 07:17 AM
There was a game I used to play for the Sega (rented from Blockbusters since I couldn't find anywhere that sold it). The premise of the game is that you play a young man who just found a powerful artefact that has the power to summon 4 spirits.

Then an evil villan with a similer power comes to your home and you need to find a way to activate the artefact by going through several dungeons to gradually unlock each spirit.

I enjoyed that game more than any otehr game I played at the time, though I can't for the life of me remember what it's called, or even find any mention of it online.

Beyond Oasis.

I remember an old snes JRPG (not sure if originally japanese but in that style)

You had your own character and one ally that changed with the story. you started out in a world with a stone forest and a desert, and once you defeated the forest became normal again. then you went into a huge tower and came in an ice (later water) world. after that again through the tower to a fire world. and the last world was islands without a sea, and when you completed it the water came back. then you climbed the tower to the top and fought an evil boss guy IN SPACE.

anyone know its name?

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest?

2010-09-23, 08:24 AM
Ooh, I've got a couple of requests myself!

I remember these 2 games on the Sega Genesis that I used to play a lot as a kid, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the game.

The first is a beat-em'-up, much like Streets of Rage. You could play as a couple of... I'm not quite sure what to call them. They kind of look like the people on those old Japanese (Or maybe Chinese? :smallconfused:) paintings. One of them had white hair and the other had orange hair. If I remember correctly, their hair was REALLY long and thick. One of the most memorable moves for me in this game was the ability to pick up your partner, spin around really fast, and toss him at your enemies. Also, the last thing I remember is that for bonus stages, you had to catch drops of water which could replenish some of your life.

Mystical Fighter

The second is a fighting game. I don't really remember a lot about this game, but I remember it having a really diverse cast. One of the characters that you could select was a dragon that was human-sized and could breathe fire. Also, there was this blue dude who was round and could perform spinning attacks. He gave me nightmares as a kid. :smallsigh:

Fighting Masters

2010-09-23, 09:55 AM
Mystical Fighter

Fighting Masters

Sir, you are now my personal hero. :smallbiggrin: Thank you!

Woot Spitum
2010-09-23, 10:50 AM
I've got one. It was a first person shooter where the main character wielded a gun in one hand and magic with the other. The setting involved going to this mansion owned by a friend that was haunted by ghosts and bizarre Lovecraftian horrors. I believe the time period was shortly after World War I. I know the game was released before 2002, probably late nineties.

2010-09-23, 11:12 AM
I've got one. It was a first person shooter where the main character wielded a gun in one hand and magic with the other. The setting involved going to this mansion owned by a friend that was haunted by ghosts and bizarre Lovecraftian horrors. I believe the time period was shortly after World War I. I know the game was released before 2002, probably late nineties.

Clive Barker's Undying

2010-09-23, 11:12 AM
I've got one. It was a first person shooter where the main character wielded a gun in one hand and magic with the other. The setting involved going to this mansion owned by a friend that was haunted by ghosts and bizarre Lovecraftian horrors. I believe the time period was shortly after World War I. I know the game was released before 2002, probably late nineties.

Clive Barker's Undying.

2010-09-23, 11:16 AM
Was it Stratosphere? No subsidary ships to take control of, but everything else fits.

Stratosphere was so good, but the campaign mode was so hard...

2010-09-23, 04:09 PM
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest?

Yeah that's the one.

I really need to find if I can find that game somewhere again, I used to love it.
And according to wikipedia it has a few different names around the world, so no wonder I forgot its name xD

Woot Spitum
2010-09-23, 05:17 PM
Clive Barker's Undying

Clive Barker's Undying.

That's it. Sadly, I can't seem to find it for sale anywhere but Amazon, and then only a Windows 98 compatible version.

2010-09-23, 05:18 PM
I remember playing this in-browser game a while back...sometime in the 90s, probably between 1996 and 2000. It was a financial game, I think for kids...but somewhat complicated - making some investments, choosing which of two jobs to do...
It was set on Mars, I believe - IIRC, you were an alien or something that had emigrated. It wasn't a Flash or Java game or anything, just a series of interconnected webpages. This ring any bells with anyone?


2010-09-23, 05:23 PM
You mean sega genesis? What kind of game is that? rpg? platformer? zelda-style adventure?

Sega megadrive, zelda-style adventure game.

2010-09-29, 03:29 PM
I got one: it was a weird shareware space-fighting game (Like Star Control's combat or Asteroids), and you could fight other ships, but also, curiously enough, files on your computer that would crack and eventually shatter and you damaged them. You were supposed to attack the ones that were covered in slime/boogers/muck or something.

2010-09-30, 08:39 AM
Hey, I got one.

I once got an action game for psx, it's in japanese. The gameplay was straight third-person-view over the shoulder action, where you control a guy and in front of him there's a wide square or something, and if any of the monsters are in the square they're autolocked. The cover strangely got 4 characters, eventhough I only ever played with one. Maybe I just never got far enough to get the other characters.

The strange part is, I think it's titled Gungrave. But gungrave is a ps2 game/anime and it's very different compared to what I got in my mind.

The Glyphstone
2010-09-30, 09:05 AM
I got one: it was a weird shareware space-fighting game (Like Star Control's combat or Asteroids), and you could fight other ships, but also, curiously enough, files on your computer that would crack and eventually shatter and you damaged them. You were supposed to attack the ones that were covered in slime/boogers/muck or something.

I remember playing that game...but I can't remember the name.

Stratosphere was so good, but the campaign mode was so hard...

I don't think I ever even managed to beat the campaign, because my copy was bugged - after a few transits through the enemy portals, they stopped working, and I got stranded in an empty canyon.

2010-09-30, 03:13 PM
Found it myself by browsing mobygames.

It's actually titled Gungage


Bavarian itP
2010-09-30, 03:49 PM
I got one: it was a weird shareware space-fighting game (Like Star Control's combat or Asteroids), and you could fight other ships, but also, curiously enough, files on your computer that would crack and eventually shatter and you damaged them. You were supposed to attack the ones that were covered in slime/boogers/muck or something.



2010-09-30, 08:19 PM
I remember playing a game for the original Playstation or N64, I'm not sure. Anyway, you played a tiny soldier who shot ants. I remember a mission in which you must protect a picnic blanket from the insect hordes.

2010-09-30, 08:34 PM
I remember playing a game for the original Playstation or N64, I'm not sure. Anyway, you played a tiny soldier who shot ants. I remember a mission in which you must protect a picnic blanket from the insect hordes.

Army Men series. Army Men Air Attack was one of me and my brothers' favourite game back then.l

2010-10-04, 11:27 AM


No, couldn't be it. It was entirely top-down like Asteroids. I think it may have used real icons from your computer, too.

Also, it was much newer than Zarch and Virus, I would reckon.

2010-10-04, 11:33 AM
I would need some help as well. A fantasy game, from the 90īs. There was the ability to build both heroes and "normal" units. There was a "strategy" map, and when there was combat, it changed to a 2 D top down perspective, similar to combat in Lords of the Realm 2. I also remember that you could send your heroes to some kind of off map quests, leveling them up and perhaps also gaining magic items.

What I know it isnīt:
Heroes of Might and Magic
Lords of the Realm
Age of Wonders

I have been wondering about this game for like 15 years. Help me playgrounders, you are my only hope.

Lords of Magic (http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/lords-of-magic), perhaps?

2010-10-04, 11:53 AM
I would need some help as well. A fantasy game, from the 90īs. There was the ability to build both heroes and "normal" units. There was a "strategy" map, and when there was combat, it changed to a 2 D top down perspective, similar to combat in Lords of the Realm 2. I also remember that you could send your heroes to some kind of off map quests, leveling them up and perhaps also gaining magic items.

What I know it isnīt:
Heroes of Might and Magic
Lords of the Realm
Age of Wonders

I have been wondering about this game for like 15 years. Help me playgrounders, you are my only hope.

I think this has already been answered, but it is almost assurredly Fantasy Empires. Contrary to the previous poster's assessment, Lords of Magic misses about half the things in the description.

Edit: In fact, it was answered on this very page. Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9409281&postcount=154) is the post in question.

2010-10-04, 11:57 AM
I would need some help as well. A fantasy game, from the 90īs. There was the ability to build both heroes and "normal" units. There was a "strategy" map, and when there was combat, it changed to a 2 D top down perspective, similar to combat in Lords of the Realm 2. I also remember that you could send your heroes to some kind of off map quests, leveling them up and perhaps also gaining magic items.

What I know it isnīt:
Heroes of Might and Magic
Lords of the Realm
Age of Wonders

I have been wondering about this game for like 15 years. Help me playgrounders, you are my only hope.

Could it be Master of Magic (http://www.mobygames.com/game/master-of-magic)? Ah, forget it, missed the part about the combat.
EDIT: and now that I remember, in MoM you could not "build" heroes. Definitely not it.

2010-10-04, 01:47 PM
There was a game I used to play for the Sega (rented from Blockbusters since I couldn't find anywhere that sold it). The premise of the game is that you play a young man who just found a powerful artefact that has the power to summon 4 spirits.

Then an evil villan with a similer power comes to your home and you need to find a way to activate the artefact by going through several dungeons to gradually unlock each spirit.

I enjoyed that game more than any otehr game I played at the time, though I can't for the life of me remember what it's called, or even find any mention of it online.

The US title was Beyond Oasis, but I notice that Nero is from Scotland. The title you may be looking for is Story of Thor (same game, different name. Also, nobody is called Thor.)

2010-10-04, 02:10 PM
The US title was Beyond Oasis, but I notice that Nero is from Scotland. The title you may be looking for is Story of Thor (same game, different name. Also, nobody is called Thor.)

I always did wonder what was up with that name. Beyond Oasis makes perfect sense and fits the world and feel the game is going for. Story of Thor, on the other hand, makes no sense in any context. Okay, there is a story but I'm not seeing anything even remotely related to the rest of the title!

2010-10-04, 03:14 PM
There is this 2d platformer with circular levels (go to the right, you end up coming from the left after a while) that I've been trying to remember for some time now. I played it on SEGA. Blue cat-like thing was collecting yellow birds that formed a long tail behind it, dumping them into doors. When all are done, you get to the next level. When hit in the tail, some birds were lost.

Chances are, it started with F, but not sure.

2010-10-05, 12:14 AM
It sounds like Flicky (http://www.giantbomb.com/flicky/61-12914/).

2010-10-05, 02:35 AM
It sounds like Flicky (http://www.giantbomb.com/flicky/61-12914/).

Thank YOU!

2010-10-16, 04:37 PM
Hello, I am looking for a couple of games but my descriptions are pretty vague but it's the most I can remember. First off I remember playing them on my Win 95 PC years and years ago. The first game you were a spaceman and shot balls or lasers or something, and it was mostly a grey game in terms of color like everything levels included were all gray and I think the only color was from his laser things he shot. Also I think there were lots of secrets or you go go multiple ways to try and get places maybe. The game is kinda Megaman like but there is no side scrolling and I don't think there were a lot of enemies but it has a side view. The side view is more of a metroid type view and the space guy looks smaller so a farther back side view and you had to go and jump from place to place to get to other parts/levels of the game. Also I think he had only the one weapon. The other game all I remember was having to go around and jump and collect items or letters or something maybe both. Also I thought you had to shoot things/items that you couldn't reach. I think you would just move or run and jump to collect them the items. This was also a side view game. I think both games or at least the second one might have been educational in some way or at least they were for kids since I would have been younger then like 7 or 8 years old or something. I know for sure that the first game was not Captain Comic but in looking that game up I may have also played that game. But a couple of games I do remember playing all the time were Reader Rabbit the one where you are at a circus and second which was like my favorite game ever was Super Solvers Outnumbered. So I know the games I played were educational and or games for kids. So any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


2010-10-20, 12:35 PM
CyClones maybe? Did you use the mouse to target enemies on the screen, not to move?

Heh I loved the soundtrack of CyClones, plus you could just pop it into a cd player and listen with no computer. They songs were short but fairly cool beats. Used to fall asleep listening to the soundtrack.

Good times.

2010-12-15, 07:50 AM
i'm looking for an old game where you play this yellow egg looking creature. it was a platformer, where you had to get to the exit,you could move boxes and you had to avoid lava and bombs and some creatures who were shooting these green balls at you, you also had like this heli-pac and a skateboard with witch you could go faster, you could also make your own levels. i remmember exactly what it was like, but i can't remmember the name:smallfurious:!!

2010-12-15, 08:12 AM
Well, while we're swapping stories, I got one I've been wondering about since the mid nineties.

Sprite based FPS. Bright colors. You kill people. And the sprites were bad and blocky.

Figured out the other three mystery games from my childhood no sweat.

But that one, I dunno.

Didn't read the whole thread, but this might have been Depth Dwellers (http://nestlesux.freewebspace.com/pages/files/images/Ddwellers.gif).

2010-12-15, 08:16 AM
i'm looking for an old game where you play this yellow egg looking creature. it was a platformer, where you had to get to the exit,you could move boxes and you had to avoid lava and bombs and some creatures who were shooting these green balls at you, you also had like this heli-pac and a skateboard with witch you could go faster, you could also make your own levels. i remmember exactly what it was like, but i can't remmember the name:smallfurious:!!

A few minutes of Google-fu led me to Speedy Eggbert (http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/speedy-eggbert), which seems to be what you're looking for.

2010-12-15, 08:39 AM
A few minutes of Google-fu led me to Speedy Eggbert (http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/speedy-eggbert), which seems to be what you're looking for.

omg thank you, unfortunately I'm only a white belt at google-fu.

2010-12-16, 09:14 AM
Ok, this isn't an old game (it isn't even released yet), but this is the best thread I could find. I remember seeing a thread about it on the playground a while ago, but I can't remember any other reference and search fails me. Basically, you played as a shaman or other magical figure (god) and had terrain deformation. So, basically any god-game out there. The only other thing I can remember is that the water/lava physics were very interesting. Help? :smallredface:

2010-12-16, 09:17 AM
Ok, this isn't an old game (it isn't even released yet), but this is the best thread I could find. I remember seeing a thread about it on the playground a while ago, but I can't remember any other reference and search fails me. Basically, you played as a shaman or other magical figure (god) and had terrain deformation. So, basically any god-game out there. The only other thing I can remember is that the water/lava physics were very interesting. Help? :smallredface:

Populous of some sort? Quite possibly Populous: The Beginning?

I mean, it is a really old game but it fits perfectly otherwise.

2010-12-16, 09:22 AM
@^ Minecraft perhaps? Its the only game I can think of that has interesting water physics and FUN! (tm) lava physics.

2010-12-16, 10:19 AM
The shooter was almost certainly Doom 2. There wasn't a lot of FPS competition back then. If the walls had been blue, it would have been Castle Wolfenstein (which wasn't child-friendly either, since it taught very effective German swearing).

Waaaaait a second ... you consider Castle Wolfenstein not suitable for children because there's swearing in a foreign language?

Edit: Oops, thread's seven pages long. So ... nevermind, then.

2010-12-16, 04:42 PM
Ok, this isn't an old game (it isn't even released yet), but this is the best thread I could find. I remember seeing a thread about it on the playground a while ago, but I can't remember any other reference and search fails me. Basically, you played as a shaman or other magical figure (god) and had terrain deformation. So, basically any god-game out there. The only other thing I can remember is that the water/lava physics were very interesting. Help? :smallredface:

maybe ''From Dust'', the water moves dinamicaly and the lava turns into hard rock, the game is out in 2011...

2010-12-17, 12:26 AM
Okay, I have one that's been bugging me for a while. Do note that I'm probably a little younger than most of you.

The game I'm trying to remember the name of is probably around late 90'ies or a bit later. You could choose between two characters - a jester who could throw his cane-like thing, and a woman (I think), who could.. Throw something else. You could switch between the two characters between missions, if I remember correctly.
I remember it to be a 2d sidescroller game with basic jump puzzles and throw-and-guide-your-Jester-cane style action.

2010-12-17, 02:59 AM
Sounds like Pandemonium to me:


2010-12-17, 10:00 AM
Sounds like Pandemonium to me:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandemonium_%28video_game%29That's it, thanks. :smallbiggrin:

The Glyphstone
2010-12-18, 09:53 PM
Trying to remember an old edutainment game, or games - there were two of them, but they shared a universe/IP. One was a isometric sorta-3D puzzle-adventure game with a lab worker who accidentally set off a dimensional teleporter machine, and needed to find the parts to fix his machine and go home before the evil robots fixed it on their own and invaded his world. It had mole men and stone golems, plus robots.

the second game was the same setting, but the lab worker/scientist had accidentally cloned or split himself into Good and Evil. You were the Good clone chasing the Evil clone around a city, battling with weapons and minions you collected. One of the 'weapons' was a crazy monkey driving a taxi, who would run your enemy over, and it had a post-battle voiceover of "In the Midst of the Mayhem, the [X] clone lost...' showing what items had been damaged/consumed.

2010-12-20, 10:01 PM
One that's been bothering me for a while: late 90s/ early 2ks 3D third person action game with a fantasy theme. You had a choice of 3 different characters (a big warrior guy, a woman and a warlock - explicitly referred to as a Warlock, think his name began with a J - with a bandaged face) who I believe each had their own storylines, although they were on the same side. It was definitely released on the Mac (although probably wasn't an exclusive).

2012-01-23, 04:12 PM
I'm looking for a game that SilentDragoon posted about in page 3 of this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162736&page=3). I'll add a bit more detail, too.

It's been driving me crazy the last couple days, because I remember a
little about it but I can't find it on the internet. Here's what I

* Background: I played it at about ages 8-12 - so that would put it
mid to late 90s. I played it on a Windows machine (probably 95, but
maybe 3.11 - I can't remember which computer it was on)

* Perspective: Parts were 3D, but it was pretty early.

* Art style: It was somewhat realistic, in a Myst-like sort of way. A
few parts were cartoony (see detailed description below)

* Environment: A lot of it was a sandbox-type science-lab sort of
game. There were a bunch of different rooms that you could go into.
Part had a blueprint design with elevators and conveyor belts, and you
would run it and a mouse would go through and get to the goal. Another part was a design-your-own car or plane environment, with 6 types of wheels, 5 fuselages, etc. Then your car/plane would go through a test
course (3D, very choppy). There was another part where you turned
different power sources (hydraulic, air-powered, gasoline) off or on
to keep appliances (TV, radio, etc) powered. That part was more

There was also a lot of very educational things - basic circuit
designs where you would put solenoids, switches, etc. in the correct
place for your design to work (this was to design things like
toasters, etc).

There was also this annoying scientist-guy with a high-pitched voice
who was your guide throughout the game.

* Mood: Kinda grey... There was also a part where you could get a
certificate for designing something, and a little fanfare would play.

* Genre: Educational/science!

* Gameplay: Sandbox - no time limit, no timing involved, etc.

Other people have mentioned Gizmos and Gadgets - it's newer than that
and has much better graphics. It's also not a Dr. Brain game - less
cartoony than that.

I remember the intro to the game started with "Since the beginning of
time..." and it named a few famous scientists and showed pictures, and
then said the name of the cartoony scientist. it's coming back to me
very slowly... maybe the scientist guy's name was Howard?

2012-01-24, 01:25 AM
Found it! The game I was searching for is called Invention Studio.

The Succubus
2012-01-24, 08:50 AM
Hello, I am looking for a couple of games but my descriptions are pretty vague but it's the most I can remember. First off I remember playing them on my Win 95 PC years and years ago. The first game you were a spaceman and shot balls or lasers or something, and it was mostly a grey game in terms of color like everything levels included were all gray and I think the only color was from his laser things he shot. Also I think there were lots of secrets or you go go multiple ways to try and get places maybe. The game is kinda Megaman like but there is no side scrolling and I don't think there were a lot of enemies but it has a side view. The side view is more of a metroid type view and the space guy looks smaller so a farther back side view and you had to go and jump from place to place to get to other parts/levels of the game. Also I think he had only the one weapon. The other game all I remember was having to go around and jump and collect items or letters or something maybe both. Also I thought you had to shoot things/items that you couldn't reach. I think you would just move or run and jump to collect them the items. This was also a side view game. I think both games or at least the second one might have been educational in some way or at least they were for kids since I would have been younger then like 7 or 8 years old or something. I know for sure that the first game was not Captain Comic but in looking that game up I may have also played that game. But a couple of games I do remember playing all the time were Reader Rabbit the one where you are at a circus and second which was like my favorite game ever was Super Solvers Outnumbered. So I know the games I played were educational and or games for kids. So any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


This is pretty much a word perfect description of the original Duke Nukem games.

2012-01-24, 09:01 AM
There is this game I can't remember from my childhood. I played it off a CD about 11-12 years ago or so.

It was like a shooting game (the kind where you evade the crazy enemy shooting - a la Touhou) but it was scifi. You flew a space ship through a series of planets and fought bosses. It had some kind of plot with an intro movie and all, but I can't remember the specifics. Only image I can remember from the cut scene is of some tentacle monster or something attacking a space ship/space station, it poking around inside the ship/station with said tentacles.

The game could not be controlled by keyboard or mouse IIRC, we had to wait to get a joystick to play it - even though you only moved in a 2d plane. We may have just not known how to remap the controls though - I was 6 ok ::)

The first planet was a lava planet I think. Right at the beginning you were flying down a canyon, and did a barrel roll. Then there was this flying boss thing. I there was a second boss, possibly a moon base with satellite dishes that shot at you, but I may be getting confused. The third boss was this flying dragon that you fought in and around a volcano.

The second planet was a desert planet. The first boss was this bug thing that shot lasers at you as it ran away. I think it looked sort of like a beetle :? If you didn't kill it fast enough it would go into this hole in the ground and turn into a spider (or something similar) and fight you. The second boss was this robot in a dome. I am positive it shot honeycomb shaped lasers at you. Like the honeycomb cereal. (yeah, maybe that's just a memory of breakfast and not part of the game, 6 year olds don't try and commit things to memory, it just happens :P) The third boss on the desert planet was a dragon or prey-mantis inside a cave.

The third planet was an ice planet. Its first boss was this HUGE robot with OMFG-I-JUST-DIED huge laser beams of death.

IIRC there were 7 or 9 planets in total, but that first boss on the third planet was the furthest anyone in my family got.

So, any clue? Not remembering what this game was is bugging me so much. Normally I would have the CD (I have most of my old game CD's, even from that long ago) but I was 6. As a 6 year old I did not know that CD's do not bend. That game CD is how I learned that CD's do not bend. *cries*

super dark33
2012-01-24, 09:54 AM
Ummm, its my thread and all, but last post was in 2010....

2012-01-24, 10:18 AM
Sadly, the only arcade style shooter I've played is Tyrian which, while excellent, does not sound like what you are talking about.
EDIT: Shh, the thread is being used for the intended purpose. As long as nobody notices, it's totally fine :smallcool:

2012-01-24, 10:22 AM
Ummm, its my thread and all, but last post was in 2010....

Didn't notice that :smallredface:

2012-02-26, 02:36 PM
Hi everybody! I have forgotten the name of a game. There were two games in the series(the ones that i know of). The first was with robots. You started the game with a hero robot that had a special weapon ability and he could build basic stuff. He built iron extractors on certain resource spots. He could build basic builders and buildings. Basic builders could then build advanced builders and so on. The game advanced to the point were all the land was made of iron (so you could place iron extractors everywere) and you could build stealth bombers and other advanced machineries. All units except the hero had experience rating (normal, bronze, silver and gold).
The second game in the series had different heroes, one for each element. They also had a special attack and a certain ability. The earth king had the ability to ressurect freshly dead creatures (or permanent skeletons). Some special units were kind of like weather witches that swept enemies with a tornado. The water hero was a kind of mermaid that swam. The first water unit that acted as a scout was a parrot. The ultimate creatures were dragons (that also gained experience). The resource in this one was a kind of mana extractor and mages increased the extraction. The air hero flew and the main defensive towers for air were a kind of stone throwing treants.
Please, if anyone knows the name I would be grateful. Thank you.

2012-02-26, 02:46 PM
I do believe that is Total Annihilation.

And the second game (more of a spinoff) I think is Total Annihilation: Kingdoms

2012-02-26, 03:02 PM
alright, let's try again

I've been trying to remember an old Sega Megadrive game I played as a kid. I only remember one tiny detail of the whole thing: at the end of the second(? almost sure) level, there is a catapult with a sign with a downward red arrow next to it, instructing you to press the down button. If you do so, you jump onto the catapult and shoot yourself into the next level. I believe it was a castle you see in the background, all kinda fuzzy

That's it, all I know. I think the character you played was human, or maybe not

Anyone, please? I googled like mad for this game, even went trough a video with a picture of every single Sega Megadrive game ever, no luck

Brother Oni
2012-02-28, 07:52 AM
Anyone, please? I googled like mad for this game, even went trough a video with a picture of every single Sega Megadrive game ever, no luck

Are you 100% sure it was a Genesis/Megadrive game and not a Master System?

I didn't own either console, so I can't help much more than that I'm afraid.

2012-02-28, 08:26 AM
I'm sure. We only had the Megadrive and that's where I played it.

2012-02-28, 11:30 AM
Alright Playgrounders, there's an old game I would like to find and I'm wondering if you can help me out.

I played a demo of this game repeatedly a long, long time ago (late 90s - early 00s), but I've completely forgotten the name. Anyway, it's a space sim that starts with the characters busting out of a prison space station and escaping on some sort of mining ship. They include a wisecracking American-sounding guy, an aggressive woman (I think she was a red-head), a sarcastic British cyborg, a somewhat cowardly merchant type and a scary assassin chick with a black ponytail. They switch the stolen ship's IFF beacon for one that makes the ship's name appear as the Mona Lisa and when they happen across some cops, the American guy pretends to be some spoiled rich kid to throw them off.

They end up holing up on an old space station that belonged to the American guy's grandmother, who was apparently a pirate. There was also some government organization called MAAS.

Any of this ringing any bells, Playgrounders?

2012-02-28, 12:01 PM
Alright Playgrounders, there's an old game I would like to find and I'm wondering if you can help me out.

They end up holing up on an old space station that belonged to the American guy's grandmother, who was apparently a pirate. There was also some government organization called MAAS.

Any of this ringing any bells, Playgrounders?

No bells, but some research shows that this game is:
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_War_2:_Edge_of_Chaos)

2012-02-28, 12:05 PM
Darn it, I was about to say that! Played I-War 2 many years ago, and it is seared into my memory as one of the most frustratingly difficult games I've ever played--and I played the original X-Wing, so I know of what I speak here...

2012-02-28, 12:48 PM
No bells, but some research shows that this game is:
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos

That is indeed it! Thank you very much.

2012-02-28, 05:20 PM
I do believe that is Total Annihilation.

And the second game (more of a spinoff) I think is Total Annihilation: Kingdoms

Thanks a lot, Dogmantra!!! I searched a lot for them cause a lot of things come up when you search for games, and especially these kind of games that have a lot of elements in them. Beautiful games! Thank you!

2012-03-25, 02:22 PM
This one has been bugging me for a long time now, despite me only ever playing a demo of it from a cover CD:

The genre was "turn-based tactical shooter with squad of space marine-types fighting melee-oriented aliens in an isometric maze".

These were space marines in the generic sense, not 40k ones, so it wouldn't be Space Hulk or Space Crusade. It wasn't Laser Squad either. Nor was it anything to do with the Aliens series.

The aliens (at least the ones you fought in the demo) were green, reptiloid-looking things).

The games used ploygons (not sprites), which may have been quite novel at the time, although my memory is hazy as to when it came out, so that migt not be that relevant.

2012-03-25, 04:30 PM
This one has been bugging me for a long time now, despite me only ever playing a demo of it from a cover CD:

The genre was "turn-based tactical shooter with squad of space marine-types fighting melee-oriented aliens in an isometric maze".

These were space marines in the generic sense, not 40k ones, so it wouldn't be Space Hulk or Space Crusade. It wasn't Laser Squad either. Nor was it anything to do with the Aliens series.

The aliens (at least the ones you fought in the demo) were green, reptiloid-looking things).

The games used ploygons (not sprites), which may have been quite novel at the time, although my memory is hazy as to when it came out, so that migt not be that relevant.

Incubation, possibly?