View Full Version : Varsuvius magnet - available outside of Con?

2010-08-03, 05:34 PM
Is there any chance the Varsuvius magnet will be available outside of con? How about the Elan magnet for that matter? I have the Belkar magnet but was unable to get the Elan magnet.

I am very much interested in getting the 'set' so to speak.

Killer Angel
2010-08-04, 02:42 AM
Odds are that (as for the Tshirts), after the Con, the remaining will likely be put up on Ookoodook.

2010-08-04, 12:18 PM
I am hopeful, but also hoping to get a more definitive answer. I believe the Elan magnet was available for purchasing or buying something else (I forget now) and I was unable to do so at the time. It would be nice to know ahead of time.

I understand there just might not be any available after Con, I can't help but ask.

2010-08-04, 12:47 PM
The Elan magnet was a pre-order bonus for one of the books.

He usually doesn't put them up for sale elsewhere, because that would ruin the exclusive nature of them, as he's said in the past, I believe.

2010-08-04, 03:46 PM
All very understandable however the magnet was free at the time. I'm looking to purchase the magnet(s). Exclusivity aside... I think it makes sense to make money off these neat pieces.

Also, it would suck that I (or other fans) would not be able to get them if we couldn't pre-order yet bought the books later when we had the money.