View Full Version : Only in death does duty end IC

2010-08-05, 06:26 PM
Chapter 1:
Where are heroes, old and new, search fields of glass for metal men.


"We're out sir, slowing to impulse burn only, approaching Odym," the blond haired ensign held his hand to the microbead in his ear as he spoke, relaying information from the Navigator, and other key systems.

Another man, in a similiar uniform, tall and dark haired, speaks as he leans hutched over a large whispering cogigator "sir, we are detecting a transport vessel approaching, callsign Prophet of Profit, should we open a vox channel?"

The command bridge was lined on all sides by ancient cogigator terminals that looped like an amphitheatre with a large view screen to the far front and large wooden doors to the back inlaid with a mural made of a thin plating of etched gold.

At the center was a large holo-vox projector and a great, circular, large, wooden table wrapping around it. Large chairs lined the the circular table meant for the most important crew members and advisors to the Rogue Trader.

Nearer to the back and at the head of the table, within view of both the large holo-vox and the view screen was the throne of the Rogue Trader, his command chair.

Servitos and ensigns raced across the massive domed room, the dome of the room was covered in a painted mural of the Emperor locked in mortal conflict with a dark armoured figure that was most likely of great historical importance, not that any of the crew remember who he was.

Meanwhile. . .

The Acolytes have been staying at a palace on the planet of Odym, just at the edge of the planet's Central city. The King had been placed in hibernation during the harsher weather of the planet's year, mostly to avoid the shard storms that occured when the strong winds of the planet's long summer caught shards of glass from the planet's northern glass sheet that torn at and eroded flesh and buildings alike.

Except for those buildings built by men wealthy enough to build with the planet's form of hardened glass from the same glass sheets. The glass sheets them selves are said to have been formed by massive amounts of sand being fused by a plasma weapon based exterminatus.

The Acolytes wait near a balcony on the first floor during one of the brief spells of calm non fatal weather in the large dining room of the palace.

As they waited a thin, light grey skinned man entered from the door at the far end of the room and with his robe so long it trailed behind him he seemed almost to glide across the room towards the group.

When he spoke he spoke with the intellectual tone of one used to dealing with the upper class of society "I am here to inform you of the mission your master Wagner has set for you, you will rendevouz with a Rogue Trader who shall assist you from this mission forth in your service to your Master Wagner. Then you shall investigate an archealogical dig site in the northern glass sheets before you leave the planet. A mechanicus contingent was investigating it before it lost contact and Lord Wagner wishes to learn why this has occured."

What do you do?

2010-08-05, 06:39 PM
Cutter asks, "How trustworthy are these Rogue Traders?

2010-08-05, 06:43 PM
The man makes a grand gesture with his hand as he speaks "if he has been forced, as I assume, to accomodate you, if any reason he wished against it it would be much easier for him to flee then to get away with murdering all of you, so I would assume, they are trust worthy enough for your Master Wagner."

2010-08-05, 06:43 PM
Gerald, having toyed with the various dining cutlery present, could not help but smile at the approach of the old man. "A mission?" He exclaimed, his eyes going wide with glee. "Oh, it has been so long since I've gone on a mission! And to an archeological dig? Oh, I love ruins! I love them! I can still recall the joys of laying prone on the top floor of some bombed out building, I can still feel the pleasure of looking down my scope of his rifle for days on end, aim unwavering until my target came into sight. The crosshairs lining up, my finger-"

He forced himself out of the revere with a pleasured sigh, feeling gooseflesh as he looked to the old man, "Does he want us to kill the men who didn't report back? No use for quiet old men poking through ruins, beyond target practice that is."

2010-08-05, 06:44 PM
Magnus Reinhart

Magnus straightens up at the sound of the question. Always these incidents taking him away from his thoughts, away of these precious moments where the ship of his own fantasy, fuelled by his boundless ambition sails through the void of potential, formulating possible events and seeking opportunities.

But it is his burden, to be the first and last authority on the ship, after the Emperor, empowered by the ancient warrant that is his heritage and it is a burden he has gladly decided to bear upon his broad shoulders. He gets up, one hand resting on the hilt of his grandfather's ornate power sword, one of his most prized possessions and an heirloom bestowed upon him. Sets his naval officer's uniform straight and sternly replies.

"Open the vox channel. It will probably be Vincent, my old friend".

2010-08-05, 06:49 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location, palace in the Central City of Odym

"Who is the Rogue Trader? And where can we find him?" he asked the man, "And where is this Mechanicus dig site? Gerald, it is likely that something happened to prevent them from checking in on schedule - you know how the Mechanicus is about their procedures."

2010-08-05, 06:59 PM
"Oh, certainly." Gerald remarked to his fellow acolyte, "But just because they couldn't doesn't mean it isn't their fault in the first place! They deserve to die just for the hassle of it all. I mean, they messed up so bad they needed us to go there." He declared with a laugh, "And that's pretty bad if you ask me."

2010-08-05, 07:07 PM
The man seems a bit disturbed by Gerald "I believe he wishes you to merely investigate. . . while heavily armed. . .

After a moment he continues "I believe Lord Wagner intended for the Rogue Trader to introduce himself, but I am aware he will be contacted soon, when he reaches orbit and be given the location of a landing platform on the palace grounds, you'll be brought to meet him when he lands."

He raises a dataslate in his old hands, placing it on the table for one of you to pick up "this contains the coordinates of the archaelogical dig, along with the pass code generator for getting through the mechanicus EM shields placed around the site to protect it from the shardstorms."

Meanwhile. . .

The black and white static of the vox screen slowly to show an young looking, thanks to vita treatments, asian like light brown haired man. His captain's throne is decked in black wood and red expensive looking fabric, he smiles and speaks with a tone both distant and intellectual.

"Hello old friend, it has been a long time Magnus! I was wondering your Majesty would arrive," he laughed at his forced wit "I have the details of our arrangement prepared but I have been told by the Stewart of Central City that your people are waiting for you, if you wish I'll escort you to Odym and you can beam aboard my ship with your new friends to discuss the pariculars, I have a particulary nice table on this bridge that I have yet to drink you under and I would like to change that."

He smiles again and a servitor pours the man a glass of a deep red liguid.

2010-08-05, 07:14 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location, palace in the Central City of Odym

"Don't mind him. He always acts like this whenever he's bored. Which is unfortunately common," he absentmindedly tells the messenger, picking up and reviewing the dataslate, "Excellent. Do you have any other information or messages for us?"

2010-08-05, 07:26 PM
He spoke with a worried tone "That is what I am led to believe is the strangest part, before the Mechanicus contingent departed for the northern glass sheets they deleted all records of their presence and of the intent of their survey. We have no further information, no more knowledge to supply. Though as the Stewart I am acting Lord of Central city while my King hibernates so it was I who had to meet with the exhibitions leader, he was. . . cold even by mechanicus standards, and in my opinion a little madder than I liked. His name was Crane, they never spoke long enough to imply his title but he was their leader for sure."

2010-08-05, 07:30 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location, palace in the Central City of Odym

"They purged everything? Do you know approximately how large their contingent was? Are there any legends or myths about the area they were searching?"

2010-08-05, 07:32 PM
Explorator Drakar, an rarer sight on the bridge than most of the command staff, signals the communications officer to cease transmission, temporarily, at least. "'Your people'? I had not been informed that you already had interests on the planet. Or would 'Captain' Vincent be referring to the passengers you have spoken of in recent days?" Winter asks, changing her focus from the view screen to the Captain's throne.

2010-08-05, 07:36 PM
"Bored?" Gerald inquired, "Oh, I'm actually quite entertained here. Just thinking about these ruins is getting me exciiited." He declared, his voice warbling just a twitch.

"And a Rogue Trader to boot! Oh my, this is going to be quite fun, quite fun, yes. I don't think I've ever killed one of those before. I bet they think they're untouchable, what with all the money they have!" He decided, "But I think I'll take a stroll along the landing pads...yes, that would be fun to watch. Maybe his shuttle will crash? Maybe it won't! Ha!"

He looked to the old man, the assassin smiling as he kept rambling on and on, "So, does he want us to just poke around, or really investigate?" He asked, smiling. It had been a while since he got to interrogate people. It was a skill that required finesse to really get them talking. Gerald could do finesse. He had a lot of finesse!

2010-08-05, 09:06 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location, palace in the Central City of Odym

Drake facepalmed at Gerald's words. "You really are bat-**** crazy, aren't you? We're not supposed to kill the Rogue Trader! Lord Wagner has sent him to work with us. We're supposed to figure out why the Mechanicus contingent has stopped sending reports. What we do depends on what we find.
Cutter, could you do me a favor and gag him before he scares the good Steward out of being helpful or gets us kicked out."

2010-08-05, 10:19 PM
Gerald idly toyed with the butter knife at the dining table, balancing it on his finger, spinning it, rolling it along the back of his hand, and otherwise fiddling with it. "Crazy?" He asked with a laugh, "Oh no, a crazy person I certainly am not! I just enjoy what I do." He stated plainly, "Don't you enjoy serving the Emperor?" He asked with a wry smile, "Now, if I can serve the Emperor by doing what I like, then all the better! And I'd only kill the Rogue Trader if he did something really bad." He said, slightly disappointed, "Or something really inconvenient that would stop us from serving the Emperor."

Leaning forward, he flipped the knife around his wrist before setting it back down on the table, not disturbing the other silverware. He gave the messenger an innocent smile, "As for the Steward? He shouldn't be scared of me in the slightest! Unless he did something wrong...in which case, I'd probably have killed him! So the matter is solved, unless you want to cause any more fuss until the shuttle arrives. Really, it'd be kind of fun to keep talking about this."

Killing the messenger wouldn't have really amused him, either: Men like him knew they could be killed, were terrified of assassins like him. What fun was it when the target knew, or was even expecting to die? The fun ones were the untouchables- the guys who never expected to die. The ones that felt that death was the farthest thing away from them.

Until a diamantine-tipped armor piercing round ripped through their lower jaw, slicing their tongue clean in half before burrowing through the back of their neck. Until that same bullet smashed through the vertebrae of the man in question, and silenced all of his thoughts once and forever.

Throne was he excited! He was just itching for something to hunt down. Something to really sink his teeth into!

2010-08-06, 03:14 AM
Magnus Reinhart

Magnus starts formulating a sentence, probably a witty remark to Vincent's words but the transmission is suddenly cut.

He shifts his attention to the explorator, who abruptly gave the command to temporary cease transmission.

"Explorator Winter. My good friend and fellow voidfarer Vincent, is referring to the passengers that we are about to pick up. My interests, since you asked, haven't yet seen to a full scale affiliation with the planet below but in the future i could cosider that.

I would also really appreciate it in the future if could refrain from ordering my staff in my bridge while i'm present for matters not concerning the proper function of the various technological instruments, especially when i'm in the middle of a conversation.

I am of course fully aware that you are probably not accustomed to naval protocol, of which i know more than i'd like, as i've told you in the past, due to my service in Battlefleet Calixis, but *lowers his voice* the crew members don't take it good when commands are issued without captain's authorization.

I also know that your motives despite being a mystery to me and out of respect to the great Adeptus Mechanicus with which my family has maintained close relationships for long, i dare not ask, have thus far proven you an excellent asset. Don't worry. Everything is ok.

And damn it , i talk too much , he adds with a smile.

He then gestures to the communications officer to bring the transmission back online.

"Dear Vincent, excuse me for the abrupt transmission failure. Nothing serious, all in order. I sure await to see you trying to drink me under your new table, ha ha, as if that is ever going to happen. Like the last time in Scintilla. But let's not get carried away. I'll be meeting my passengers soon and then we can come aboard your ship for further reunion and detailed explanation of the situation at hand.

Till then, Vincent.
The Emperor protects
Magnus out".

2010-08-06, 12:23 PM
Once Magnus had finished with his friend, Winter responded,
"Of course, Captain. My apologies. I am not familiar with Navy communications protocols; I shall remedy that."

Rising to leave, she paused, as her original inquiry returned to her. "As you are aware, I am rarely on the bridge. For that reason, I fear that I am un-informed on this subject; who are these passengers, and why are we taking them on? I have yet to receive plausible information on this, though the rumors among the engine crews are quite imaginative."

2010-08-06, 09:41 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location, palace in the Central City of Odym

"Whether or not you find it fun isn't the point - it's getting in the way of getting all the information we can out of our host. Now, there is a time and place for scaring the crap out of people just by you being you, but that's when they're trying to avoid helping us. In this instance, our hosts are being as helpful as they can."

2010-08-06, 11:26 PM
Gerald frowned in disgust at his fellow acolyte's countenance. "Me being me? Now, whatever would our dear Inquisitor ask of us but to be ourselves?" He asked with a smile, "But yes, he is being helpful- that's why I haven't carved him up like a thrice-damned Carnodon carcass!" He declared, "But this is all getting very tedious, and if it is one of two things I hate, it is tedium, because tedium takes what little time we all have and, rather than spending it in in service or drowning it in what we love most, it just sits there: sucking, eating it up. I can't put up with that, tedium is a crime! Death to tedium! Die!" He declared, getting up from his chair with a wild shake of the head.

"Now, where is this landing bay they'll be arriving? I think I'll meet this Rogue Trader myself!" He asked.

2010-08-06, 11:59 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location, palace in the Central City of Odym

"You misunderstand me, Gerald - your amusing habit of lacking any sense of tact and saying homicidally sociopathic things aloud, has the unfortunate tendency to, ah, worry those who hear you talking when they don't know you," Drake chuckled, "Throne, sometimes it worries those who do know you!
Nonetheless, it is true Lord Wagner selected us for who we are, I just think that sometimes, your tendencies can sometimes scare off those who would otherwise be helpful of their own accord."
Kytheros waved a hand, "Doesn't matter too much right now, since we're probably going into some kind of hellhole that's filled with berserker combat servitors or worse. But I'll let our new pet Rogue Trader fill you in on the tedium on space travel ... while I'm far enough away to avoid getting covered in vital bodily fluids and organ remnants."

2010-08-07, 12:34 PM
The Majesty slows as it approaches the planet Odym, locking into a stable geosynchronous orbit as it does so. The coordinates of the landing bay in the central city's palace gardens, given to Magnus by Lord Wagner, are keyed into the ancient cogigator.

After a moment a eroded brass and corpse servitor speaks with a groan from beside Winter "The teleportarium has locked onto the coordinates master, and your personal shuttle is prepared. Should I contact your personal pilot master or will you teleport to the surface? What is your bidding most beneficient one?"

Meanwhile. . .

The Stewart speaks again, this time obviously trying to keep his cool "I only ever saw about a half dozen of them at one time but some of the servants say the contingent was four times that many, even before they took on adepts and assistants to help in their mission. There is little known about the glass sheets, the outer edges are just as usable as the deeper area's minerals so no one has ever had need to go any farther in living memory. I apologize that I cannot help you further. . ."

He motions with an outstretched arm to a door that opened onto steps to the garden and the landing pad beyond, a large dome had been retracted over the whole garden to reveal the crimson and pale brown sky above "There is the landing pad at which the Rogue Trader shall arrive, follow me if you will."

As he finishes he walks towards the landing pad, with a few cautious glances back.

2010-08-07, 12:57 PM
"Oi, Winter!" A gruff voices crackles over the vox, "What's the word with the captain? We going planetside?"

Quinn is currently leaning against one of the corridor walls outside the bridge. He prefers not to be underfoot in the command areas. His commissar uniform is grimy with accumulated dirt and grease and hangs stiffly from his bulky frame. His mono greatsword is strapped to his back with a thick leather strap. His Hellgun is holstered to his right leg.

"Where are we anyway?" He grumbles, "Looks like a real cesspool down there."

2010-08-07, 02:57 PM
Gerald simply smiled, giving a short bark of laughter as he followed the man, leaving the butter knife he had been fiddling with in favor of shoving his hands into his pockets, the white-dressed man smiling. "I do hope you've had some people moved my gear over to the landing bay. Because I would just hate to have to kill someone on the ship for their stuff....Haha, who am I kidding?" He asked with a short chuckle of mirth, "I'd love to do that! But it'd be very tedious, very tedious and annoying and I might just have to kill a few people before I find something that fits!"

His smile only got wider at the mention of berserker combat servitors, "Oh, I love fighting servitors." He stated, reminiscing, "They're so much fun to kill. All those fancy guns, such beautiful little toys they use! The oil and blood they spray when you hit them just right, how- when you shoot them- they feel the pain but just keep chugging! They're wonderful, they're so stupid that they can't even begin to comprehend the death I bring to them! But those aren't the funnest of them all." He declared, "No, the ones that use them are the best..."

He felt his heart jump a skip as he moved forward, hopping from foot to foot as he followed in the steps of the Steward, just as he had done while chasing down the Chaos Warlord Arng on the icy hills of some frigid little hellhole. Oh, he had followed that man's footsteps so doggedly, right up until he blasted the main's brain out with a single hyper-density penetrator round right through the temple! His men had been so shocked when their great and mighty and oh-so-glorious leader had fallen like a sack of potatoes! It made the assassin get antsy just thinking about it!

2010-08-07, 10:00 PM
Somewhere beneath her robes, Winter emits a series of quiet clicking noise, possibly the cog-head equivalent of surprise. Activating her transmitter, she speaks quietly into her combead in response."I think it probable; both shuttle and teleportarium have been readied. It would seem these passengers are particularly note worthy."

"Where are we anyway? Looks like a real cesspool down there." Quinn added. In silent response, Winter pulled her dataslate out of one of the pockets on her robe, and began navigating through it, and, through it, the ship's cogitators.

"The planet Odym, geosynchronous orbit. We are directly above the capital. In addition, it seems your complaints are less accurate than usual. The planet is said to be mostly covered in large glass plains. I would not think there is significant life among that portion of it." Pausing, Winter kept scanning the displayed information, fingers deftly manipulating the interface.
"There is little on the actual settlements, beyond planetary government data. If your words were referring to conditions, however, it seems unpleasant enough that the ruler cryo-sleeps for half of it each year. Are your questions answered?"

2010-08-07, 10:25 PM
"Yeah I guess, no need to get your cogs in a jam." Quinn grumbles, "Anyway I meant it looks like yet another worthless rock that is probably going to be full of more problems than profit. Not that I'm complaining on that account or nothing, I haven't had a good rumble in ages." He scratches his bulbous jaw in consternation.

"Beside the point, I'll meet you at the shuttle bay." With that Quinn tips his commissarial hat to a jaunty angle, whistles an off key marching tune, and strides briskly down the corridors to catch a ride to the surface.

2010-08-07, 11:53 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location, palace in the Cental City of Odym

Somewhere between 6 and 24, perhaps a few more, true Adepts Mechanicus, and an unknown number of indigenous support personnel.
Drake shook away the thought, refocusing onto the immediate situation, "Well, lets go meet our new pet Rogue Trader," turning to the Steward, in an undertone "Your assistance and hospitality has been noted and appreciated. You needn't be concerned about him, but we'll all be better off the sooner the Rogue Trader gets here."

2010-08-07, 11:57 PM
"Ah. Right." Winter murmured. "And finally, Arch-Militant, would kindly address me as 'Explorator', 'Explorator Drakar', or, if you desire familiarity, 'Drakar'? I would appreciate such formalities." With that, Winter turned her transmitter off, figuring that Quinn's usual grumbling would require no response. Making sure that no significant activity was taking place, Winter turned her chair towards the captain. "Captain Reinhardt, are you planning on making planet-fall personally, and, if so, do you desire my presence?"

2010-08-08, 12:42 AM
As he is following the steward Cutter relives the servant struggling to carry his gear and tells him, "It is a tradition among my people to never make others carry out tasks that we are more than capable of doing ourselves." Once he is finished doing this he increases his pace and as he walks beside the steward he says, "You needn't worry about turning your back on Gerald. He is not allowed to kill without Lord Wagner's approval, unless it is in defense of himself or the rest of us."

2010-08-08, 05:29 AM
Magnus Reinhart

Magnus seems lost to his thoughts for some long moments. Sure is nice to be re-united with an old friend but the nature of his request troubles him. What troubles him even more though is the nature of the people he is about to receive as passengers to his ship and transport them to their destination.

One does not take the request of the Holy Ordos lightly and neither their servants. These people always carry themselves in a distinct manner, there's a palpable air of a much higher authority radiating from them as well as a grave responsibility resting visibly on their shoulders.

He would do wisely to treat them with respect for as he is a master unto himself by grace of the Emperor and decree of the Senatorum Imperialis, they are also most trusted servants of His divine will.

As a matter of fact, they may prove useful as contacts and peers in the long runs and help to expand his lineage's relations with the Holy Ordos. Maybe even become a trusted peer of their Lord and assist in his manifold duties in the future.

He turns to Explorator Drakar and replies.

"Indeed, your inquiry is just and most timely. Our passengers belong to a very special category and i won't discuss any more details while still here. I'll update you while we fly to the planet. I'd appreciate it very much if you could join me in my travel to the planet since i regard you as one of my most trusted councellors and i want you present".

Then he opens his vox-link and addresses his Arch-militant.

"Quinn, your presence is required. We are about to make planetfall soon and i need you on my side. Full gear. Meet me on the hangar at 10 minutes. We'll be travelliing via our shuttle. Let the pilot know and let's be quick about it.
The Emperor protects".

2010-08-08, 06:01 AM
As the crew approaches the Aquila lander they are greeted by a quick salute from the Rogue Trader's personal pilot, a young grey haired, obviously voidborn man by the name of Ebon.

He waves the group aboard as he keys in coordinates and begins his rights of engine ignition and prayers of auger activation. Eventually after much pomp and ceremony the small ship shudders off of the floor of the shuttle bay and shoots away out of the bay door down towards the waiting planet below.

Without incident the ship eventually finds the palace garden, slowing to descent speed with a few more rushed and whispered hymns. It finally comes to a stop with a thud on the landing bay in front of the acolytes and the stewart as the ramp descends, allowing the crew to depart.

The man speaks up and his voice is soft "I'll wait here for you my lords, to return you to the ship when you're ready."

2010-08-08, 07:16 AM
Magnus Reinhart

Magnus exits the shuttle tapping his pilot in the back. "Excellent landing Ebon. You're in top shape".

He then turns to his retinue, the explorator and the arch-militant, both trusted comrades, their loyalties and abilities tested and proven. As he looks upon them he dreams for a few moments how he would like his dynasty to grow more glorious with the passing of time and these two worthy explorers to still be at his service, not as subjects to his authority but as peers and trusted friends.

This is how he is treating them so far, while taking care to appear as the leader on occassions concerning the rest of the crew, realizing deep inside him that while certain pretentions must be maintained for discipline's sake, it is the ever inquisitive mind, free will, witty observations and remarks as well as the proven capabilities of those most close to him that he really needs.

And if all goes well, along with the Emperor's blessings, then one day they may very well be remembered across the sector and even further away, their names whispered as the legends of famous voidfarers accross the Imperium.

"So, as i informed you in detail during our descent, we are about to meet with a cadre of acolytes of the Inquisition. The request of their master's liaison was such that i could not refuse without repercutions and we still may profit from it.

There's more to it though, since we'll be also pursuing our own agenda, having to do with my friend's Vincent request, to find information about an adept working closely with an Adeptus Mechanicus detachment in the planet.

We need to be sharp and on our guard at all times. Inquisition personell tend to be strange individuals and i don't want any unwanted trouble. Treat them with respect - for i'd expect as much if i was in their company as well, and i've given the crew similar orders - but make sure they understand their place in our ship. Naval service tends to leave a few habits on me and as you very well know, old habits die hard.

Now let's straighten up and make a good impression. If anything goes wrong, the coded vox-command between us will be "Oceanis". All clear?"

Magnus sets his formal Naval attire straight, makes sure his medals and accolades are properly set on it and his trusted servo-skull - a permanent token of recognition and mutual respect by the Priesthood of Mars - hovering above him, checks his plasma pistol and secures it to its holster, checks the power pack of his sword, now resting in his scabbard and moves on tall and defiant, a fine representative of a noble lineage and descendant of a glorious line of voidfarers.

2010-08-08, 12:13 PM
The assassin, being of slightly above-average strength, lifted his own kit with one hand and rested his trusty hunting rifle onto his shoulder with the other. The beautiful weapon had a sturdy construction- a buffered steel wire frame butt with an elongated wooden stock and a perforated barrel. The silencer screwed onto the end of the rifle was about the size of a tin can, the in-built flash suppressor making it every bit the weapon worthy of an assassin like him. The magazine alternator, made with attenuated mechanisms, could slip between the three magazines strapped to the gun with but a flick of the wrist or a simple, whispered command.

He could take on an entire company on with the rifle, from its red-laser aiming aid to the scope he ever-so-lovingly utilized. When the shuttle landed, without incident, he felt slightly disappointed. He had been hoping that a shard storm would spontaneously erupt, annihilating the aircraft with such precision and grace so as to leave but a distant pop of the engine exploding!

When it finally landed, pistons hissing and hydraulics wailing, he had simply stood there, smiling. He wondered if the man would wear solid gold armor, to try and imitate the Emperor. Then, his mind trapezed to the thought that the Rogue Trader might not even walk! He could very well arrive on some sort of palanquin, feeling the ground was too inferior for a man as godly as himself. Gerald could barely contain his glee, hopping from foot to foot, the leather of his shoes making a distinctive clack as he waited for the ramp to fully descend.

When he actually saw the man, all dressed up like a toy admiral, he could have squealed in delight. He was dressed up to be so shiny! He wondered if the Rogue Trader, for that was all he could be between the armed man and the tech-priest, had paid people to stuff the golden rod of rulership up his-

A wide smile split his face as he moved forward, rolling his neck as he looked at the tech-priest and the armed man. The Adeptus Mechanicus were always fun: He could spend days on end killing one of them, taking their little tubes and wires and ripping them out, before doing a little plug-and-play to see how they'd react! The servo-skull floating around the group made him give the machine a wary glance- he had hoped that, someday, when someone finally managed to kill him, they would convert him into some sort of super-servitor assassin. But a servo-skull, forced to tote around the weapons of people he would otherwise have hated?

It almost sent a shiver down his spine.

The soldier received his appraisal just as well. That man would be fun to fight, he reckoned. He didn't seem to have the same pretentiousness as his peers- he wouldn't just stare in disbelief if Gerald decided to start shooting. No, no, no- that one would probably just open fire right away. No hesitation, no begging, none of that pointless screaming. Actually, perhaps he would scream? Gerald could never tell with the ones who had all the shiny guns- and shiny they were indeed! As a matter of fact, he probably thought that his shiny guns would keep himself safe from death, like a piece of freaking polished metal and some bullets would keep him from getting murdered so beautifully! He'd have to see, he'd have to go see for himself!

Slugging his hunting rifle around his shoulders, he let out a whoop of laughter as he lunged forward, flipping forward and attempting to flying summersault himself- one handed- onto the deck in a small display of acrobatics. There was killing to be done today! Death! Murder! Destruction! It made his heart swell with glee, and he just couldn't wait to start killing in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind! And...for himself, of course.

Acrobatics test vs 52. Seeing as a summersault is fairly difficult, I'd estimate it to fall under Challenging- therefore, +0
[roll0] vs 52

2010-08-08, 12:49 PM
"Greetings." Winter said, a hint of bemusement coloring her tone. The acrobatics of the one dressed in white were somewhat surprising. Quite agile. And from the look of the rifle he carried, likely quite skilled. A wonderful piece of workmanship, it looked. It would be quite... engaging, to examine that in her workshop.

Forcibly turning her gaze from the rifle, she surveyed the remaining three members of the welcoming part. One was simply dressed too well. Probably a local official. One was covered in tattoos. Quite literally, covered. Probably a bounty hunter, or feral worlder. "Could just as well be some ex-hive ganger, though too." Winter thought silently. And finally, one with cranial augmentation. A psyker, most likely. It could of course, be some specialized tech-adept, or an archivist with implants, or cerebral restructuring. Unlikely, though. Especially, she thought, considering the force-weapon on his belt. That too looked to be of superior quality. Again, Winter's mind began wandering to her workshop, on board the majesty.

2010-08-08, 01:19 PM
Magnus Reinhart

"Gentlemen. Greetings. As the descendant of the great dynasty of the Reinharts, renowned voidfarers and nobles of our beloved Imperium, allow me, the Rogue Trader-by will of the Emperor and decree of the High Lords of Terra- Magnus Reinhart, to greet each of you properly as the esteemed agents of the Ordos of His Most Holy Inquisition that you are".

Magnus makes the sign of the aquilla and salutes each of the cadre with the official salutation of Battlefleet Calixis.

"On my right is Arch-militant Quinn, a true master of the art of warfare and on my left Explorator Drakar, hailing from the vaunted Lathe forge worlds of our sector, a perfect example of the devotion and capabilities of the Priesthood of Mars. Both are my trusted advisors and you can speak to them, regarding most issues, as if to me.

I hope your Lord Wagner is at good health and standing though i must admit his offer caught me somewhat unaware. You see gentlemen there are many able to perform such services in the Imperium and i hadn't deem myself yet worthy of serving, even indirectly as it is, the Inquisition. I trust that the vagaries of warp travel and the multitude of responsibilities demanding my attention, haven't been much of a delay to your cause gentlemen.

I will be ready to depart when you are and the travel program will be the following. Departure will be via the same lander that brought me and my retinue here. We'll make a first stop to the vessel of an esteemed ally to acquire certain information regarding a certain case that i have to look to and then we'll arrive at my ship, the Majesty, awaiting us above the planet. Everything is prepared for your stay and i hope we'll have the chance to discuss more during dinner in the officer's hall.

From there you will be transported with no further delay to your assigned destination to conduct your work. Any help or support deemed necessary will be provided after the necessary briefing on your behalf".

Then he turns to the planetary official, salutes him with all the formalities of noble etiquette and awaits for the cadre's response.

2010-08-08, 01:34 PM
Cutter walks toward the lander hefting his shotgun over his right shoulder and carrying his helmet under his left arm bows his head in deference and says, "Many thanks for your assistance in these matters m'lords. Please, try not to take anything Gerald says too seriously." Once he is seated and his gear stowed, he digs his copy of the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer and begins to read.

2010-08-08, 01:53 PM
The official bows momentarily to the Rogue Trader before he quickly says "Then my work here is done sir, please contact the palace by vox if you require any further assistance."

He tries not to look at Gerald as he rushes away.

For speeds sake assume the following, transportation to the ship and back is uneventful. The ship leaves when you are ready without having to wait for the GM giving the okay and the Stewart did not call on the Arbites to haul Gerald away. :smalltongue:

2010-08-08, 05:58 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location, landing pad, Central City of Odym

As Kytheros saw the Rogue Trader and his clear appearance of stilted formality, he stopped drumming his fingertips on the hilt of the sword hanging at his waist, and hefted his pack, summoning a faint hint of warp essence to speed his reactions. This is ... going to be interesting.
"Reinhart, Quinn, Drakar," Kytheros nodded brusquely at each of them in turn, "Lord Wagner will have had his reasons.
The case that you seek information from your friend from. What does it concern?"

Cranial Augmentation? Who has cranial augs? I sure don't.

2010-08-08, 08:23 PM
Quinn sees the others readying themselves for the first impression and does likewise. He pulls the brim of his hat down lower, flutters out his coat to free any snags that would restrict his motion, and makes sure his sword and hellgun can be easily drawn. He grinds a bit more grease and ash onto his carapace armor, making sure any spots that have flaked off are covered. Some like to keep their carapace bright and shiny, but Quinn always felt that it was better to not give anyone a target that sun might reflect off. His weapons are matte black and gray, the handles are utilitarian and unadorned. Quinn is an arch militant, his business is Death, not marching in parades.

As Quinn steps off the shuttle and on to the glass filled soil he rapidly sizes up his competition. Quinn wasn't one for intellectual analysis. He works off his gut. He sees the one man with his uplifting primer. Guardsman then. No worries there, they tend to be solid types if they live this long. The second one seems to blur slightly, twitchy almost as he hefts his pack. Something queer about that one. Dunno what. Keep an eye on 'em.

Quinn freezes as he turns to the mad man in white. His eyes rapidly skim over the gear, the gun, the suit. That one's bad news. Other one's a bit odd, but this guy's a basket case. He thinks it was the eyes that gave him away. Those darting furtive eyes, like a wild animal. He looks at people the way a dog looks at raw meat. Getting a real bad vibe from this guy. Taking the gun into accounts Quinn rolls his shoulders to bring his sword back into drawing position. He wouldn't want to bet on winning a gunfight with that guy.

"Nice meeting you, Acolytes.." Quinn grunts, "Does the monkey really have to jump around like that? He's making me nauseous just looking at him?"

2010-08-08, 08:34 PM
Without looking up from his primer Cutter responds, Trust us, you'll prefer this to his usual method of amusing himself.

2010-08-08, 09:07 PM
"If we don't intend to do anything more planet-side, shall we proceed to orbit?" Winter asks to the crew at large. Switching to her commbead, she sub-vocalizes, "Captain, if this is all we came for, could we not have greeted them on the Majesty?"

Sitting back down in the corner of the shuttle, the Explorator pulls out her data-slate as she awaits take off.

2010-08-08, 09:09 PM
The pilot speaks over the vox >"ready when you are Captain."<

2010-08-08, 09:10 PM
Drake Kytheros; Location: landing pad, Central City of Odym

As Quinn calls Gerald a monkey, Drake winces and takes a step back from him, clearing a path for Gerald, "Gerald, could you possibly try to make it a smidge less bloody this time? Otherwise, we'll make a bad impression on the cleaning staff."

2010-08-08, 10:12 PM
Gerald, having landed on his feet with a solid thud, felt his limbs sway slightly as he waved to the tech-priest. "It really is freaking wonderful to meet you!" He declared, setting his things down as the Rogue Trader yammered on.

And on.

And on. This was why he left the negotiating to other people- his style of wheeling and dealing usually involved a literal interpretation of the phrase: He would tie the person he wanted to make to an auto's front wheel, and slowly, tenderly begin to run them over until they eventually made a deal with him. This sort of yammering generally only happened when he was ramming a gun barrel through a man's eye. It thus came to reason that the Rogue Trader was, in fact, somehow trying to use all of those words to try and beg the assassin for his life. But his posture was all wrong for begging! It only came to reason, then, that he was simply making up some sort of excuse to delay them from the fun. When he heard "acquire information", however, he instantly lit up like an Emperor's Day tree with the lights doused in low-grade promethium.

"Come now," He said, "You only had to say that you wanted me to get some information for you. But why? Is there anything in it for us? If you were a woman, I could expect a kiss or so, but you're a guy! On the contrary, you could just die. I mean, just die. So why waste time with such tedious yammering?" He inquired with a short chuckle, "So what is it that you offer for our help? I will either laugh or get angry, and that will decide what happens."

Quinn's comment brought forth a small smile, looking over the man in carapace armor. Even in his white suit and bowtie, he could probably have taken the man. A leap through the air, perhaps pirouetting to better dodge an opening shot from the hellgun, and he would be on top of the man- then it would be a simple matter to grab his sword, impale his left hamstring, wrench the hellgun from his grasp (Perhaps even snapping his wrist in the process?) and place four well-placed shots into each of his socket joints.

The cauterized arteries there would render the Arch-Militant a quadruple amputee in only a few minutes. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, the golden-haired man simply let out a string of laughter, resting his hands on his hips, before laughing further.

"Your kind are all the same. You think you're so special! "Oh yeah, with all of my wonderful toys against this pathetic assassin, there's no way anyone can stop me! I am invincible and unbeatable! I am so strong with all of my men and my gun!" Hahaha!" He laughed, taunting, "You are my absolute favorite people to kill! You are so beautifully amazed when you die! Especially when I squish your brains! between my fingers like a freaking sausage!"

He began laughing once more, "But no, I won't kill you- the people here have been most kind to my fancies as of late, and I would hate to stain my suit before the real party began." He declared, waving away the Arch-Militant like he was made of thin air, "Oh, and I have been ever-so-inconveniently ordered not to kill you in the fashion I have so dearly described. Provided, of course, you give me no reason to...and you haven't, yet."

Walking into the shuttle, he reached down and grabbed both the bag containing his equipment and his hunting rifle, giving it a practice twirl before sighting down towards the pilot's compartment with the scope.

"But that doesn't mean I can't cripple you." He said with a final note, before riding out the trip to the Rogue Trader's starship with a smile.

2010-08-09, 04:31 AM
Magnus Reinhart

Magnus turns to the pilot.

"Take off, set course to the Prophet of Profit, it is anchored by the Majesty up in orbit".

Then to the acolytes.

"Gentlemen, no need for unnecessary talk of killing and dismembering at this point. Maybe when i undertake my next endeavour to the Koronus expanse i'll invite you onboard the Majesty to meet some of the more dangerous denizens of the void and sate your bloodlust, though i don't know if your responsibilities would allow you this future journey. But anyway,this isn't a matter that i request your help, at least not while i don't know the details. It is somewhat of a personal favour i'll be doing for an old friend and since i didn't want you to wait planetside while i'd be on his vessel discussing the matter, i opted to take you from here first and then move on. Besides my friend didn't seem to bother having you on board. Don't worry, i'll try to keep it fast and don't delay you further.

I just need to know, alongside the expert counseling of explorator Drakar, more details about that Mechanicus research team, since i'll be looking for a certain individual who accompanied them and that's why we're heading towards my friend's ship. This is my "endeavour" on the current planet besides transporting you wherever it is you need. There is nothing to hide from the vigilance of the Inquisition. Besides, that means that i'll also be to the planet in case you need any support.

Now strap on to your seats and get ready. Let's move out. The Emperor protects".

2010-08-09, 05:44 AM
Cutter sighs and gives Gerald a look of complete exasperation before looking to Magnus and saying, "I apologize m'lord. He's usually better behaved than this. Just give the word and we'll gag him... Or break his jaw. Whichever you'd prefer."

2010-08-09, 08:25 AM
When you arrive on the Prophet of Profit and descend the ramp of the shuttle pod you are met by Vincent Leonhart, a.k.a. Vinny Blade lined on each side by an honour guard in carapace armour.

As Magnus descends from the shuttle Vincent rushes forward and embraces him "It's great to see you Magnus! How have you been? Are these your guests? How's the family? The ship?"

He smiles and wraps an arm around Magnus' shoulders "Right this way. The dining room has been prepared and my personal chef cooks the most esquisite geeza stake."

He shows you to a large round table, already prepared for a meal, cutlery and finery for display, he seats himself in a throne like chair with its front to the door and motions for Magnus to sit at his right hand.

2010-08-09, 10:51 AM
Magnus Reinhart

Magnus's souls fills with hapinnes to be in a familiar vessel once again and in the presence of his best friend.

"Vincent, my dear friend. I am most delighted to see you again and in good health and shape. Everybody in the family is fine. My father is endlessly scheming and plotting like the great planetary governor he's become as for my mother she's ever happy to manage our mercantile affairs throughout the sector, with as much care and ruthlessness as ever.

The Majesty is at very good condition despite the travails of my last endeavour. Well, she's undergone quite a few repairs since i returned but both the expert advice and ministrations of my advisor Explorator Drakar and our continuing good relationships with the Adeptus Mechanicus have proven critical in her restoration back to optimal condition.

And since i mentioned Explorator Drakar, here she is, accompanying me, as well as my Arch-militant and peerless master of warfare, Quinn.

Allow me also to introduce to you my future passengers, the cadre of Inquisitor Lord Wagner. But, let's move to the dining hall as you suggested and we can discuss there in detail. I can't wait to taste all these delicacies you must have prepared for us and the new wine you promised. Don't think i forgot it".

2010-08-09, 03:57 PM
Gerald let out a low sigh as the shuttle went on this overly extended side-trek. While he could just hijack the shuttle for himself and simply do the job as he was asked, the assassin had yet to find a good reason to kill their newest contenders. They weren't obvious heretics, and- though he dearly wished to kill the one with the weapons- he hadn't yet found a reason to override his orders to leave them be. The fact that he had been dragged out on the Rogue Trader's whims did not catch his fancy all that well either.

Having remained on the shuttle, he looked to Cutter, "Why is it that you seem so repulsed by killing? You're a Guardsmen! War is in your veins! You read the Primer! You, of all people, should be joining me in relishing murder!" He inquired, deciding to pass the time with a little playful back-and-forth.

2010-08-09, 04:32 PM
Cutter considers Gerald and his words for a moment before responding, "And as a Guardsman, I kill the Emperor's foes because it is my duty and to protect all of mankind from the vile predations of His enemies. Not because I find any particular enjoyment in the deed itself."

"It is also the reason the Commissars would shoot you the first time you opened your mouth to speak." This last statement was delivered with a slight smirk.

2010-08-10, 12:44 AM
"Now there's a sentiment I could get behind." Quinn chuckles from the front of the compartment. He tips his hat upwards, better to look the tuxedo-ed assassin in the eyes. "Now I know this is probably just going to piss you off but I'm going to say it anyway. You are possibly the most arrogant creature I have met. You made a pretty little speech back there about how guys like me hide behind their guns. But you are more guilty of that than I have ever been. You don't talk except when it's to scare people. You wave the sniper of yours likes it's a goddamn magic wand that can get you whatever you want. I never asked you for nothing, I never ordered you to do anything, I never even spoke to you, but you went right for the death threats."

"I seem to remember you saying something about how easy it would be to kill me, how you would enjoy it. Squish my brains like freaking sausages, I believe you said." Quinn says calmly, "Y'know what, it's probably true. You probably are a bonafide Imperial killing machine. If you and me threw down, I don't really know how it would turn out. But I'm telling you that someday soon that attitude of yours is going to get you killed, and probably your buddies killed too." He walks across the compartment and leans on the bulkhead, closer to the group of acolytes. He leans in, lowering his voice.

"You may think you're invincible, but I have seen **** out there that makes you look like a pampered noble's lapdog in comparison. The Universe is a big scary place kid, and you gotta learn that threats don't earn allies. And if you got no one watching your back then you're just a small fish in a real big pond. You on the job, for an Inquisitor no less, if you want to go on killin' then you better not **** this up. Because to him you're just another weapon. A loaded gun he's points at whatever, or whoever, he wants to get rid of. Guns can be replaced." Quinn pulls back from the group and returns to his post at the front of the cabin.

"There are more than enough enemies out there for both of us," He sighs, "Think before you talk for once. Not everyone is going to ignore you, and eventually one of them is going to be the Big Fish that you can't afford to tangle with."

2010-08-10, 01:41 AM
"You know..." Gerald remarked, weighing the man's words carefully, "Maybe you're right." He admitted with a laugh, "Maybe I am a great big coward! Maybe I just threaten people, with no physical threat behind it?" He asked, shaking his head, "But is anyone here willing to test that theory?" He asked with a smile, watching the man rise and approach. His internal chronometer gaged that he, from his current position, would need perhaps three seconds to draw the hunting rifle up and begin shooting.

But when it was clear that the man wasn't going to actually do anything, as Gerald had been hoping he would, the assassin still cracking his neck as the man approached. The last time someone had been so close to him, he had been biting down on the man's neck, ripping his larynx out with a hilarious blaring sound, somewhere between a vuvuzela and a trumpet on a low note. A smile was plastered on his face as he saw the man talk about him getting killed, about Gerald's seeming appearance of invulnerability.

He laughed at being called just another weapon: "You're right! I am a weapon, and I love it! I'm one of untold millions, and were I to die here, there probably wouldn't be another thing nudged in the universe! And you know what? I've become content with that! But you? If someone were to kill you, if someone were to take this 'magic wand' here and use it to blast your brains out? There would be so much different for those around you. We're two different classes, you and I."

The assassin spread his arms out along his seat in the shuttle, relaxing, "But you know what? Mouthin' off to me like that, getting this close, either takes a lot of guts or a lot of confidence in your skill skill, and either way it gets me jazzed for the mission ahead. So thank you- thank you for helping me get my Murderous Gauge up to max! Now, if I ever do meet the man that kills me? I shall be sure to thank you right before I die, thank you for letting me know that someone out there is competent enough to rend me limb from limb with any decent level of skill!"

2010-08-10, 04:30 AM
Drake Kytheros

As Quinn tries to frighten the acolytes, Kytheros chuckles derisively, He actually thinks he's seen worse than we have. It would be ... amusing ... to prove him wrong, but it's all classified. I wonder what would his reaction would be. As Gerald responds he sighs, "Easy, Gerald. Why don't you and Quinn settle this after the mission, or, if things go to hell during it, like it usually does, compare scores afterwards. As for you, Quinn, what you're doing is like waving a fresh piece of raw, bloody meat at a starving carnosaur. Please, stop. I would prefer to avoid the paperwork that will be required if you continue."

As they prepared to disembark the shuttle, Kytheros muttered, "Captain Reinhart, we'll all be better off if we make this quick and get kitted out and dirtside asap."
He followed along with Reinhart and Vincent, paying attention to everything and everyone, and trusting nothing.

2010-08-10, 01:18 PM
The assassin piped up at the idea of scores.

"Oh, now there is a wonderful idea!" He said, agreeing with his fellow acolyte, "How about we make this mission a fun little game? Whoever kills more people gets to win...let's call it a prize. Each dead person is worth a point. Any daemons or other funny critters are worth two points." He said, thinking up off the top of his head, "Come on...it'll be fun! A nice way to really get jazzed up." He goaded, trying to get the Rogue Trader's pet gundog into a nice little contest when they hit planetside.

2010-08-10, 07:50 PM
When Vincent finally sits himself he speaks in a calm tone, ignoring the talk of violence, he has a far off look, distant thoughts seem to fill his mind.

"I have lived a long time, longer now than it seems, I've killed, had men killed, enjoyed it even. The drugs for that? Did you know? They call it callous, it was created, they say for the guardsmen of some far off world, so they could war and war and feel no quilt nor know the touch of madness, but I fled my home world, or at least the world I had called home since I fell from my family's graces.

I had no more of this narcotic, no more immunity to guilt, I am a crimelord, was and still am, but I once enjoyed the carnage of it, now I do not, I was a monster but without my stream of Callous I was forced to live life as one with a soul.

After a time, a few weeks really I decided to seek out a world I had long ago visited, to trace back my steps, to go back to what I had been before, to rest, where I had met a young adept in my wilder, younger days.

She was dead, the Iron plague had taken her years before my return, but I learned of someone, a daughter.

She had never married. I sought out my scion only to discover she had departed days before to the glass wastes. I waited for word from the Mechanuc contingent but when we realised no message would be forth coming I decided to take it into my own hands to find someone capagble enough to locate them,"

"That is when you contacted me?"
Magnus Reinhart asks.

"Yes old friend, but there is something I must tell you, I alone know the reason that the Mechanicus came to this half glass world,"
as he finishes repurposed servitors arrive with wine, handing it to Magnus who thanks his host and then to the others.

"Continue Friend, why did the Mechanicus come to Odym, what treasure do they seek under the glass?"

"There is a hungerer, an alien force the Imperium attempts to keep as secret as possible, they are known as the Tyranid, when they descend upon a world they strip it bear of life and only the angels of death seem to be able to successfully repel them but even that might simply be a belief in a rumor on my part.

What I am sure of is that the monsters exist, because they are the reason the Mechanicus came here. They came here because a half century ago the splinter fleet codename Apophis was aimed towards this world, it had feasted on a dozen worlds before this one, all seemed lost, people argued whether the world could be evacuated, should be evacuated, all seemed lost when the Hive fleet came towards the systems edge and. . .

Stopped, and turned away, something on that world made the Tyranid fleet pause, and flee. The Mechanicus believed it was some form of lost technology but no one believed enough to warrant an investigation, not while there were more pressing concerns.

Someone thought it was important enought to investigate.

These people have my daughter.

I want her back.

Can you do this?"

2010-08-11, 08:14 PM
After the long silence he speaks up again, irate "what? Do you expect Magnus to speak for all of you? I know Magnus! I do not ask him, I ask of you. Each of you. Can you do this?!"

He stares at each of you waiting for a response.

2010-08-11, 08:18 PM
Cutter considers for a moment before answering and says, "While this is very different from our normal assignments I am not opposed. I am however, concerned. You are asking us to confront someone or something that can cause Tyranids to recoil in fear. I wish to know more about this group if information is available."

2010-08-11, 08:22 PM
"Well since I'm one of the crew," Quinn snorts, "It's part of my job description to let the Captain speak for me. But I'm a man of my word, and I gave Captain Reinhart my word that I would do what he says. If he says we take the mission then I'm on board."

"If that makes sense to you." He says, scratching his chin.

2010-08-11, 08:28 PM
"Hmmm. . ." he thinks for a moment "my ship's few tech adepts scanned their ship, the Iron Vessel, when it came into close proximity to the planet, they noticed some irregularities but I payed them and the whispers of their auger devices no heed, that information on their ship might hold the only indication of their origin in the system as their ship quickly departed without them, or at least left auger range of the planet."

2010-08-11, 10:29 PM
Drake Kytheros

"If she is yet alive, it may be possible. It may not be. If if it is possible, at present I see no reason that we could not take her out with us. That may well change, depending on what we find.
We will require all the information you have managed to obtain about the expedition and their objective. Numbers, equipment brought, other resources, etc. As well as the data on their ship, including the .. irregularities."

2010-08-12, 12:50 AM
Gerald sat there, bored, before shrugging. "But why would we risk ourselves to save her? As far as I am concerned, she likely has already fallen prey to whatever these Tyranids were repelled by. But if you can think of some reason as to why I would go out of my way to rescue her, then by all means, I shall make sure to bring her back to you." He stated, "But if you don't make it worth my time...well, who knows?" He asked, smiling with his chin resting against the palm of his hand.

2010-08-12, 04:19 PM
Magnus Reinhart

Magnus turns a bit facing his old friend.

"Emperor's mercy, Vincent, that's serious indeed. You know me well, as you said and there's no doubt i'd go through the Eye of Terror to locate someone of your family. I'm sure that my crew, as Quinn said will back me up on this one at the best of their abilities. Also, my advisor, explorator Drakar, a valuable member of the Adeptus Mechanicus of the Lathe Worlds might be able to provide a lot of help in this situation.

Maybe she'll discern something more from those anomalies your sensors detected and certainly be able to identify and communicate any Adeptus Mechanicus personell we meet on the site.

For my passengers though i can't say much since i'm responsible for their transportation to their destination - which they know and will probably tell me when we're back on the Majesty. Aside from this and in case they would be willing to assist further on our endeavour, i'd be glad to compensate them personally, besides providing them with all necessary additional gear they might require".

*turns briefly to Gerald*
"From what i've made of you this far, think you might enjoy a tour in my armoury. There's a special variant of the long las, acquired long ago from an associate of mine, specializing in potent weapons, that might actually lift your spirits. Outfitted with a precision scope and all that."

*then back to the rest*
"Vincent is a friend of mine, so close, that the word friend cannot adequately describe it. More like the older brother i never had. If you're willing to assist on this, know full well, that apart from any compensation, you'll have one individual more, in the vastness of the Imperium, to whom you can call for aid, during any of your assignments, whenever you think you're plunged to deep into danger and he'll do his best to arrive like the Emperor's salvation at your side. This is it. You're free men and servants of the Emperor. The choice is yours".

It seems i managed to sneak in an update through the efforts of the local Astropaths. Hope i'll update again in the next days.

2010-08-12, 05:59 PM
Drake Kytheros

"As I said, assuming, of course, that she remains alive and that it remains possible to extract her, at present I see no particular reason that would prevent us from extracting her while we are there investigating the site.
However, as I also said, that situation may change, subject to the conditions we find on the ground. The Mechanicus contingent has, after all, stopped making contact. With anyone, so far as we know. It is probable that they are either all dead or worse."
Kytheros pauses, looking up, "If she is yet alive, is probable that we may find her but be unable to get her out."

2010-08-14, 11:12 AM
"As an Explorator stationed to this ship, my duty is both to the Adeptus Mechanicus, and their interests, as well as to the Captain, commander of the ship." Drakar says, pausing from eating. "I believe that, between the Mechanicus installation involved, and Captain Reinhardt's intent to investigate, that meets both criteria. I shall happily assist."

Winter stopped to let the Captain speak, listening to his plea to the acolytes. Recalling what she had inloaded of the exchanged data between the Inquisitor and the Captain, Winter pointedly asked Magnus, "Does your compact with the Inqsuisitor not require you to aid them in their missions, and for them to reciprocate for yours? I believe there were stipulations to that effect."

2010-08-14, 08:58 PM
Gerald smiled at the Rogue Trader's offer. Oh, he could enjoy a new longlas, he really could. There was such fun to be had in watching the wounds cauterize in the wake of a well-aimed shot...perhaps he really could take up the man on his offer? Just because he might have to kill the guy later didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the time they still had left!

Rising up, he rolled his neck further, "Yeah, that might do it." He said eventually, "A nice new long las could definitely do it for me! But if she's already dead and gone..." He stated, eventually giving a shrug before starting to walk back to the shuttle, "Well, those are just the facts of life, my new friend!"

2010-08-14, 10:08 PM
"Pardon me, Captain, but there are parts of your dissertation I do not immediately comprehend. First of all, you say your daughter has departed into the glass wastes?" Drakar asked, addressing Magnus' friend. "Was she part of the Mechanicus contingent? Would she be joining them? More concisely, what reason do you have to suspect her fate is related to that of the Mechanicus' excavation site? Additionally," Winter asked, her words taking a slightly sharper tone, "if data on this mission was withheld, how is it that you are aware of it's purpose?"

2010-08-14, 10:23 PM
Drake Kytheros

Kytheros's eyes flashed, but nothing else in his expression or in his voice changed, "Drakar, have I not said that while we are there, I presently see no reason we could extract Vincent's daughter, assuming it is possible to do so? Or has your sense of hearing temporarily taken leave of you? If it has, fix the problem before we return dirtside, otherwise it is probable you will suffer an ignoble fate at best."
He turned to Vincent, "If you will provide us with the information on your daughter, and the other information on the Mechanicus contingent as I requested, we will recover your daughter while we are there, if it is possible to do so," he shrugged, "however, if it is not possible to do so, we will not. It is likely that it will not be possible to recover her alive.
"Though I am presently irritated with Drakar, she makes a good point. How do you know about the Mechanicus contingent's purpose?"