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2010-08-05, 10:19 PM
Hello playgrounders! I've got a question for you all.
How many of you have built a character based on an actual character. Your Drizzit/Legolas/Raistlin clones? Your guilt pleasure character.
Since I started this I'll go first.
Anyone know the Belgariad series by David Eddings? Anyway, for a campaign I built the character Silk/Kheldar save for the fact I made a halfling. He hasn't been a true clone so far but that's because of the way the campaign is unfolding.

2010-08-05, 10:22 PM
I built a fighter based on Czernobog from American Gods. He was..unpleasant.

Also, Thor. But I bet most people have tried that route.

2010-08-05, 10:22 PM
No, and I despise them.

Whenever I see a drow character named drizzit or something similar, I have an overwhelming urge to yell at them. Something original is clearly superior.

Czernobog was cool, though. I should differentiate between "inspired by" and "clone of". The first is interesting. The latter is not.

2010-08-05, 10:24 PM
Haven't built anybody off of an actual character, but the three best characters I've made are, respectively:

Siosilvar. Elven fighter/mage with a tormented past, fall to evil, and somewhat redeemed.
Fintan. Tiefling fighter rebelling against his heritage (but not in as many words). Lawful Good enough to be a paladin.
Darren Greenscale. Gnome trying to be a dragon, essentially.

Not particularly original, I know.

2010-08-05, 10:26 PM
I have a long running Changeling the Lost character baised on Angélique from
À la folie... pas du tout.

Virtue: Charity
Vice: Wrath

Very low clarity.

She just wants to help so much.

"Why are you so mad at me, you told me that your boss humiliated you at work, isn't it a good thing he hasn't been back since?"

2010-08-05, 10:26 PM
I probably do this subconsciously for all of my characters, but nothing springs to mind immediately.

2010-08-05, 11:07 PM
Cleric with 2 levels of Fighter, based off Zack from FF7. Cleric because the roll was needed, but war domain to be more fighter-esk. Monkey Grip for big sword and matching physical description. Personality is different though.

I also frequently make a rogue loosely based on myself.

2010-08-05, 11:26 PM
I built a bonkers as heck factotem based on River Tam from firefly. . .

2010-08-05, 11:28 PM
I recently made a goblin ninja/cleric or cleric/ninja. Not sure yet, he is too low lvl to tell.
Inspired of the Goblins webcomic. I just had to roll a goblin.

2010-08-05, 11:28 PM
No, but I occasionally find myself thinking about it. Can't remember the most recent, though.

2010-08-05, 11:32 PM
I've never overtly ripped off any single character. They usually have traits from 3-4 different sources if I'm not feeing particularly creative. I guess I tend to steal from archtypes rather than specific people.

When I'm DMing, though, I tend to be a little more overt, since I find that they've got an easier time remembering it all when there are familiar elements.

2010-08-05, 11:58 PM
I try not to, but twice now a character of mine exactly fit some obscure anime character that at least one player knows of. I don't watch much anime, so it's pure coincidence (to whatever degree that similar fantasy character archetypes can be called coincidence), but damn if it doesn't upset me that I have to redesign a character I'd grown to like before a game...

2010-08-06, 12:06 AM
Tomorrow I'm playing a Call of Cthulhu character named Rupert, who is basically a carbon copy of the things I like about Giles.

2010-08-06, 12:16 AM
I guess you could say twice for me. First one is the same name and personality has one of the girls from negima, but a slightly different build than what she becomes to be. The other is inspired by Dominic Deegan though only partly done waiting for a chance to be used.

Edit: Oh I just remembered about my frost gremlin tinker named Jack Frost. THe Dm was putting me on the spot to come up with a name out of the blue.

2010-08-06, 12:36 AM
Black Mage.

I apologized to all involved. Profusely.

2010-08-06, 12:36 AM
My very first character was heavely inspired by Erol Flyn and Indiana Jones. hes was a thief.

I Dont think ive ever cloned or poserd a character though. I do draw on characters from books and movies but only as a visual for my intent. Most of the time if Im ripping off of a character its out of jest for an on the spot joke.

Come to think of it when I played Pathfinder to test out the new rules with my friends I made a gunslinger based of of Clint Eastwood. He didnt have a name eather. However that character was only used for three days and I hit every western cliche, of the mostly silent gunfighting drifter, who loved poker.

2010-08-06, 12:56 AM
No, and I despise them.

Whenever I see a drow character named drizzit or something similar, I have an overwhelming urge to yell at them. Something original is clearly superior.

Czernobog was cool, though. I should differentiate between "inspired by" and "clone of". The first is interesting. The latter is not.

Seconded. Also never mind the copied concepts, but conserving the name is what irritates me the most.

2010-08-06, 01:11 AM
I have a habit of killing any Drizzit clones I meet. Any Drow acting like that has about a 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance of being your best friend, and the rest of the time they'll kill you and everyone you've ever loved, slowly. Best not to chance it.

I haven't copied characters (though I've frequently been tempted to; Geralt of Rivia, River, Brisco County, Tony Stark, Alex Mercer, etc. would be awesome characters if someone else hadn't done it first) but I frequently steal names; making up a name is often the hardest part of character generation for me, and since real world children are often named after heroes or celebrities, it makes sense for fantasy children to be named after the heroes of obscure fantasy novels, right?

2010-08-06, 01:15 AM
Well I've had wizards "inspired" by Gandalf although the extent varies from "wears a big hat and smokes a pipe" to "his name is Mithrindir and he dresses in all gray, and has gray hair." Coincidentally none of them act at all like Gandalf or prepare similar spells; I mostly just like the pointy hat and idea of using prestidigitation to manipulate smoke rings.

Conversely the aforementioned Mithrindir actually had a philosophy of "steal from the rich and give to the poor" taken from Robin Hood. Although how he pulled it off was in accidentally lighting the mayor's house on fire (after the charmed prisoner/first adventure's boss revealed he was working for the mayor) and the DM getting upset because we had no reason to suspect the mayor was bad and that he was not. Rant about DM is spoiler.
We had also specifically seen poor in the city at the beginning and it was now "all middle class and above." Strangely this was a breach of my character's alignment, but the LG fighter who participated, actually lit the place on fire, and kept all the loot for himself was fine. It was a noob DM, and he did get better (he was 12, 13 at the time), mostly he was just having trouble since we'd derailed the game in fleeing the town.

I'm more likely to play a CG rogue who steals from the rich, and occasionally gives to the poor than to rip-off anyone else. I have included Cthulhu in a D&D game as a bad guy before with simply a name change (to R'lyeh) and description copied from the book as an homage since it was an illithid heavy game. The PCs didn't catch it (even my little brother, despite me having gone around quoting the Call of Cthulhu for weeks) which made me sad.

Edit: And my gods; I crib them from real world mythology with minor or major modifications. Thor is usually in use, although I've done Aztec gods, and obscure Greek gods and various others.

Lycan 01
2010-08-06, 01:15 AM
I played as Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, just so I could go around screaming "NO ONE {verb} LIKE GASTON!!" about random things.

2010-08-06, 01:16 AM
I've never made a character that was basically an already existing character. At least not to my knowledge.

I've often made some that were based strongly on character archetypes; like Dr. Atomic, the mad scientist who performs even more mad experiments, or Sir Thunderfoot, the Superhero Knight who is almost literally fueled by good intentions and purity (He wields a holy sword, and gets significantly stronger by protecting the innocent).

My next character's concept and backstory can be described entirely by using TV Tropes.

2010-08-06, 01:26 AM
My next character's concept and backstory can be described entirely by using TV Tropes.

It's technically a random story generator, but that could be your backstory. Or you could use it for GMing.

2010-08-06, 01:29 AM
I built a Harbinger Bard based on Hannibal Lecter once. I never actually got to play him, but he basically used Perform: Oratory to talk people into sucking long enough for him to kill them.

It would have been epic. :smallfrown:

2010-08-06, 01:30 AM
It's technically a random story generator, but that could be your backstory. Or you could use it for GMing.

I had been successfully avoiding TVtropes :smallannoyed:
It ruins your life (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/TvTropesWillEnhanceYourLife?from=Main.TVTropesWill EnhanceYourLife)

2010-08-06, 01:31 AM
during our last 4th ed session, the GM said my PC kinda reminded him of Diskworld's Rincewind in that my character spends more time trying to run away from problems rather then take them down with his bow (as a warlord he's not much of a damage dealer by himself).

the character has a history of running away from things when the opportunity arises: be it military service, his duties during the war, bounty hunters, assassins, orc warbands, the party, ect... the few times he didn't run away and decided to stand & fight were because A) it was in the middle of a warzone at the moment, so he had to cause a distraction before he could run away with the rest of the party & B) he was cornered on a boat & it was attacked by a giant squid... literally nowhere to run. thankfully i had a rather large amount of explosives on hand for A and a charging warden on hand for B.

i tend to play the more wizened/thinking characters so this guy is a bit different from the norm. it's to be noted that while i've heard many good things about it, i've never read a single book in the diskworld series to draw inspiration from.

2010-08-06, 01:33 AM
I made Belkar as a pregen for the 4e Tomb of Horrors game I'm running.

Otherwise, all of my tribute characters are based on my own characters from previous campaigns. :smalltongue:

2010-08-06, 01:34 AM
In my years of folly, I made a SR3 character who was Spike Spiegal from Cowboy Bebop.

He died appropriately:
In an GM-fiated hail of fatal automatic fire after grenading a Yakuza party wagon when they tried to capture me for no good reason.

It wasn't a very good game, and I know Spike was really a Triad member, but it was still oddly appropriate :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-06, 01:37 AM
I once built a scimitar-wielding outcast drow ranger, to see how un-Drizzt like I could make him while keeping all the hallmarks. He turned out to be a grizzled, one-eyed, embittered desert raider type - not so much CG as CGTFO.

But apart from that all my characters are original. The worst I get is when I make a new character in a new game as an AU version of an old character from an old game.

2010-08-06, 01:37 AM
My first character was a Drizzt clone. Sort of. He was a Lesser Drow Two Weapon Fighting Ranger. The main differences was that he dual-wielded Longswords instead of Scimitars, and his animal companion was an owl, not a panther. However, I was also 10 years old and had never played fantasy before. My second character was much better.

His name was Drake. The Drow, that is. The second character was a Wizard named Aurel.

2010-08-06, 02:09 AM
I didn't play her, but i put Neeshka in once as an Npc.

....What? I liked her even if no one else does. :smallfrown:

2010-08-06, 02:24 AM
When I first started RPGs, all of my characters were essentially Raistlin clones, adapted to whatever system and setting was being used. Eventually I cut it out, as it was rather stupid, not to mention boring. Now I play driz'zt clones.:smalltongue:

2010-08-06, 02:39 AM
... I had a character named Leia when I was about six or seven. She was a magic-user who typically used a sling. She didn't have much in common with Leia at all, really, aside from the appearance and the name (and I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse).

Also when I was about the same age was Xena. She had a lot more in common.

And (again, around the same time) a red dragon magic-user named Flametongue. Who... was basically exactly that character (from the Revenge of the Red Dragon adventure gamebooks).

More recently than that, though? I haven't done anything of the sort. I tell myself my age excuses those. :smallsigh:

2010-08-06, 02:50 AM
I copy ideas from different characters but not complete clones.

My detective in Shadowrun was Jake Diamond, a bad take off ofSam Spade.

I also have a decker called Highlander that was very poor at the start but as time went on he picked up new names and characters and became a very interesting chacter. Finaly being a member of a shamanic magical group called Earthwalker, so called as he had no magic so he didn't walk the astral like all the others in the group.

2010-08-06, 02:51 AM
Based in other characters... yeah, I made a couple. One was based on Shuki Ryougi from Kara no Kyoukai, with appropiate powergaming to make it appropiately resemble the original. Decided to tone it down later :smallredface:.

2010-08-06, 02:51 AM
I didn't play her, but i put Neeshka in once as an Npc.

....What? I liked her even if no one else does. :smallfrown:

I liked her. She was loyal, funny, intelligent, and in the end she stuck with you through torture.

2010-08-06, 07:40 AM
Oh good lord I just realized how many of my characters have been based on Geralt of Rivia... lone, wandering monster hunters with strange physical traits.

But its ok i guess, mainly because the character I based them on is pretty awesome.

Edit: The Doctor too. Ive had way to many magic-user/scientists that rattle on so fast the rest of the party think their quite mad.

2010-08-06, 08:19 AM
When I was about 16 I had a character based almost entirely on Peter LaNague from F. Paul Wilson's books.

More on the "inspired by/homage to" side rather than the "total ripoff" side, the last time we played in Eberron I briefly played a Shifter (Wildhunt) Urban Ranger based loosely on Sam Spade and other noir-ish detectives. He worked in Sharn as a private investigator.

2010-08-06, 08:23 AM
I'm currently playing a ranger (loosely) based on my second year Microeconomics professor.

2010-08-06, 08:27 AM
I played Kano in shadowrun once.

2010-08-06, 08:35 AM
I'm currently playing a ranger (loosely) based on my second year Microeconomics professor.

He must be a cool guy.

2010-08-06, 08:44 AM
I'll commonly have one or more existing characters in mind when making one of my own, using them as a handy base for comparison when explaining the character to others. The most direct inspiration I've ever taken was probably for a character with considerable similarity to Hakudou Yayoi (http://www.snoopycool.com/manga/lucifer/LuciferBH_v4_cover.jpg).

The worst instance I've ever had of this was when I made a character for a transforming heroes game where teenagers were given a superpowered alternate form they could adopt with the aid of a wristwatch-like device in order to battle aliens. Character is a swimmer, named Cat, blonde hair, dresses in blue. About a year later I watch History of Power Rangers (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/linkara/hopr) and learn that the second Pink Ranger was a blonde swimmer who wore a surprising amount of blue in her civilian life... called Kat. :smallfrown:

2010-08-06, 09:02 AM
Currently playing a warforged


Oh, and once I intended to play a character based on Youko Nakajima from 12 Kingdoms

2010-08-06, 09:07 AM
Whenever I see a drow character named drizzit or something similar, I have an overwhelming urge to yell at them. Something original is clearly superior.

Why is that? Not everyone wants to create a backstory and some just want to play a version of their favorite characters. "Superior" makes no sense when you are talking about taste.

2010-08-06, 09:47 AM
Why is that? Not everyone wants to create a backstory and some just want to play a version of their favorite characters. "Superior" makes no sense when you are talking about taste.

Creativity and own creation are always superior to lazy rippoffs in the context of a game that is supposedly about creativity and keeping an open mind.
And yes, rippoffs should be treated with scorn; while innovative creations and original works deserve appriciation and rewards. Claiming that effort and original thought and the lack of it is almost a punch in the face for the people who do care and who do put a lot of thought and work in the development if their characters.

2010-08-06, 10:00 AM
Creativity and own creation are always superior to lazy rippoffs in the context of a game that is supposedly about creativity and keeping an open mind.
And yes, rippoffs should be treated with scorn; while innovative creations and original works deserve appriciation and rewards. Claiming that effort and original thought and the lack of it is almost a punch in the face for the people who do care and who do put a lot of thought and work in the development if their characters.

Rip-offs are done poorly more often than not, yes.

What about the guy who tries to build, say, Aragorn (random example), and tests his ability to roleplay an already-known character, while keeping within what he knows that character would do in certain situations?

So I'm thinking rip-off ~= fanfiction. Done poorly a lot, and when written well and in keeping with the established characters, can actually be quite good.

2010-08-06, 10:08 AM
Not based on anything, but I keep trying to make a good VoP Monk. So far, I've got him up to probably about Tier 3. Unfortunately, he's down to only a single level of monk...

2010-08-06, 10:19 AM
Rip-offs are done poorly more often than not, yes.

What about the guy who tries to build, say, Aragorn (random example), and tests his ability to roleplay an already-known character, while keeping within what he knows that character would do in certain situations?

So I'm thinking rip-off ~= fanfiction. Done poorly a lot, and when written well and in keeping with the established characters, can actually be quite good.
Ideally, you should "graduate" from fanfic into writing your own stories eventually. The same is true for ripoff characters.

Me, I save my Ripoffs for throwaway NPCs. Saves me time with characterization, and my players usually perk up when they get the reference.

Why, just the other night they were chatting up some merchant guards, looking for advice on the road ahead. So the guy they were talking to pointed to a guy with an eyepatch and said "go talk with Plissken - he's made the trip."

Of course, he introduces himself as you'd expect (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EscapeFromNewYork) :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-06, 10:23 AM
Does playing a Son of Ether "ghostbuster" concept with a mentor named "Egon" count? He had a proton pack...

Amazon warrior
2010-08-06, 10:45 AM
I try not to, but twice now a character of mine exactly fit some obscure anime character that at least one player knows of. I don't watch much anime, so it's pure coincidence (to whatever degree that similar fantasy character archetypes can be called coincidence), but damn if it doesn't upset me that I have to redesign a character I'd grown to like before a game...
I don't get it. Why would that mean you need to redesign the character if you did it unwittingly? It's your character and not theirs, after all, and who knows what you might do with the concept during play. :smallconfused:

I've not knowingly cloned a character, but I did make my first character a dragonrider (like in the Pern books, but with modifications to make the Impression rules a little less... perjorative). He wasn't based on any specific character, though.

2010-08-06, 10:57 AM
Almost every single npc in my changeling campaign is an homage to something. I just can't stop. The only things I've actually ripped off are Mr Croup and Mr Vandemar from Neverwhere, and that's deliberate and lampshaded; Neverwhere exists in my setting. It just happens to be partly factual.

Notable homages so far are:
Joan d'Arc
The Count of Monte Cristo
Mr Hyde
Walter (Hellsing)with more Jeeves in him
The father of one of the players (big Yorkshire stereotype)
Badger (Firefly)/ every cockney fence/thief ever
Lucifer (DC Vertigo version)
Alma (FEAR)
Mordin (Mass Effect)

Aotrs Commander
2010-08-06, 12:24 PM
A distressing number, actually, if I stop to think about it... Though they are all "inspired by", rather than clones. And even more sadly, mainly because I wanted to "do the silly voice..." So they tend to only fairly broad adaptions, suited to mechanics of the game I'm playing.

Dixton, who was a fantasy hard-boiled private detective, based on Lewton from Discworld Noir, because I wanted to do the hard-boiled narration...

Judge Caine, when we played Judge Dredd. (I'm nearly sorry for this one, I nearly am, but I just couldn't...:smallcool:...resist.) He is the only one who's name I actually stole, but in this case, I can rationaise he's merely a descendant. (Whose first name may or may not even be Horatio.)

In Cyberpunk, I have Jarmin Kuld, who isn't technically based on a character, but rather the entire of the Global Liberation Army in C&C Generals. (My greatest aim for him is to find a cache of old Russian-made automatcin weapons, soley so I can legitimately shout "AK-47s for everyone!")

General Scaull was an NPC, but I guess he warrents mention. He was an Epic-level Drow general the PCs interacted with (while undercover in the Underdark). He started off fairly ordinary, and then deteriorated into an evil Mr. T/BA Baracus. (Which, when he was forced to deal with a Balor and an interdimsion rift, did lead to the obligatroy line "I ain't goin' to no plane!")

Come to that, I found fond memories in that same campaign of Cthulu Juju, the demon monkey, and my recollections of him are positive, for he was entertaining and I remember him in a manner that is most joyous...

My favourite character of all time Helen-Jennifer Silk is a mutant based around Jubilee (of X-Men fame). At least, at first; after 12-15 years or so Hel-Jen's evolved quite a lot!

And my most current character (I spend most of my DMing at the moment) was Shikue Ryoshin. Who was based around Naruto (both the character in particular and the anime in general). Mechanically, he is a straight re-flavoured Cleric/Monk; I chose that soley as an experimentation in refluffing. (Which worked rather well!) Well, okay, the real reason was so I could annoy everyone by shouting "I'm gonna be a big hero someday!" and of course, the hilariously appropriate phrase for a cleric: "Believe it!"

(Good job I'm the healer, really...!)

2010-08-06, 12:52 PM
I based a Warlock/Binder on the character of Daniel Holtz from Angel, season 3. Same motivation, same voice, same look, even same name. Just shameless! I love the character.

2010-08-06, 01:36 PM
I did this literally by accident in one campaign. I was playing what my DM described as a Lodoss campaign based on the anime series which I'd never seen. I planned on playing a cheerful, agressive elf who found humans interesting and spent all her time hanging around them for fun and adventure. My DM said "So basically you're playing Deedlit." To which I responded "Who the hell is Deedlit?"

I've also played a character heavily inspired by Alma Wade from F.E.A.R., a character heavily influenced by Dante from devil may cry (actually, a bit more like Virgil, but with a pistol), and I once built my freind Snake from metal gear solid, but he was actually Snake and not a clone. No wait, he was a clone, but that's because... Oh never mind.

2010-08-07, 04:10 PM
I made a character that was partially based on Potemkin from Guilty Gear. It was worth it for the ability to pick up a small dragon and explode him, dealing serious damage and sending him flying across his lair and almost into an underground lake.

Of course, he was also a psion. And his backstory had nothing to do with Potemkin in any way shape or form. So I guess the similarity began and ended with "sort of shares the same body type, can do Heat Knuckle / Heat Extend".

2010-08-07, 04:18 PM
On the topic of drizzt clones specifically: Who here has actually had the party run into the real drizzt? Like as a cameo.

2010-08-07, 04:47 PM
I did this literally by accident in one campaign. I was playing what my DM described as a Lodoss campaign based on the anime series which I'd never seen. I planned on playing a cheerful, agressive elf who found humans interesting and spent all her time hanging around them for fun and adventure. My DM said "So basically you're playing Deedlit." To which I responded "Who the hell is Deedlit?"

Not that odd seeing as how the anime is based on light novels written about someone's D&D campaign and Deedlit was actually someone's D&D character, as well as a fairly stereotypical elf.

And no I've never had Drizzt cameo in one of my games, partially because I've only read one book with him in it and he didn't really impress me (probably not the best book for the character) and partially because I don't play Forgotten Realms.

2010-08-07, 04:50 PM
Well yeah...the campaign would kinda have to be forgotten realms for you to meet him :smallbiggrin:

The Dark Fiddler
2010-08-07, 05:14 PM
I borrowed that Drow's name... for an Evil Grey Elf Psion. Does that count?

2010-08-07, 05:16 PM
I tried making a character based on Wolverine but the regeneration is just too hard to get.

2010-08-07, 05:17 PM
After I read the poem Beowulf, I made the title character. I didn't play it or anything--I just wanted to see how awesome he'd look on a character sheet. Turns out that his character sheet wasn't that great. But he can still rip the arms off of demons.

2010-08-07, 06:23 PM

Neil Caffrey (http://www.usanetwork.com/series/whitecollar/)

I feel dirty.

2010-08-07, 07:18 PM
I tend to more find a character I like, think *hmm he looks fun* and then make something that vaguely resembles them after you squint long enough.

My party has had some interesting ones
Wade Galt= a Deadpool stand in.
Thane Krios= a Thane Krios stand in [particularly horrendous when the backstory I received was a copy paste of the Mass Effect wiki with editing to make it more fantasy-ish]
Gorg= originally a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde stand in. Mr. Hyde kind of took over completely.

Tiki Snakes
2010-08-07, 07:19 PM
So, my Beast changeling (where relevant taking feline focus on his various contract powers) goes by the name of Vic Savage, though obviously that's not his real name.

He's tall, with shaggy blonde hair and sideburns. Predatory air to him. Fights with his claws, and after next session is belatedly picking up quick healing. (Was too expensive for taking at character gen, sadly, so I picked up some toughness-increasing merit instead).


Of course, the personality is quite a lot different, 'Vic Savage' was a burly bully of a businessman who got by on animal magnatism and predatory instinct rather than smarts, and his focus in the campaign is less about gutting things and more desperately trying to reclaim a human life.
However, he was used as a marauding killer by his true fey, a mysterious and sinister lord.

But the general inspiration is a direct call-out. No one's spotted it yet, far as I know, too. Good Times. Perhaps I should start calling the other beast 'Pup' or so on. Hmm. :smallcool:

Oh, and most recent exploits involved beating a Kodiak Bear to within an inch of her life with the help of the parties other Beast Aspect Changeling, which was fun.
Bear was called Jenny, I think.

2010-08-07, 08:30 PM
I made a monk/scout female character that was a combination of May and
Tai Li from Avatar: the last airbender

2010-08-07, 10:47 PM
Sometimes I will base NPCs off of an established character when I need one right now. But usually this isn't necessary, only really happened once and as the NPC developed he went a different direction.

And sadly this drives me insane. To the point where if I'm on DDO and I see someone with "Do'urden" as a surname I get pretty annoyed. Its Eberron guys, not even the right setting. *Is stupidly picky about these things*

2010-08-07, 10:48 PM
No, thats not stupid picky, it's a valid beef to have. It ranks up there with all the rangers called legolas.

2010-08-07, 10:52 PM
Oh man the slaughtering of names.... and all of this is on Sarlona, the RP server no less. >_<;;

2010-08-07, 10:55 PM
you think thats bad, you should go play WoW and see the legions of misspelled legolas' and gimli's. The horror...THE HORROR!!!! :smallfurious::smallfurious::smalleek:

2010-08-07, 10:57 PM
I tried WoW once... and unfortunately got bored really quick. I'm more of an EvP kind of girl, and I hear WoW is more fun for PvP.

Oddly enough during my free trial of LotRO I noticed a lot of bad names there too....

So tell me, what is the worst you've ever seen?

2010-08-07, 11:02 PM
Ronnie James Dio: Bard in leather armor, dastana, longsword, and heavy shield who has the voice of a god.

Skwisgaar Skwisgelf: Fastest and tallsest guitars player in world.

2010-08-07, 11:05 PM
I made a monk/scout female character that was a combination of May and
Tai Li from Avatar: the last airbender

Lol, it's Ty Lee. :P

And I created a character named Ty Lee, she was a stunning master, with an item that lets her supress spellcasting abilities of foes. :P

2010-08-07, 11:15 PM
My first drow character, Syrene, was a priestess of Eilistraee. She didn't have scimitars, although I'm pretty sure everyone could guess why I'm not so proud of her =p.

I don't think any of my drow are ever good aligned after that. I've made another priestess of Driz'zt Eiliatraee, named Eylene, although she was very clearly CN and was more of a take that on Eilistraee's design.

Lord Raziere
2010-08-07, 11:28 PM
I tried WoW once... and unfortunately got bored really quick. I'm more of an EvP kind of girl, and I hear WoW is more fun for PvP.

Oddly enough during my free trial of LotRO I noticed a lot of bad names there too....

So tell me, what is the worst you've ever seen?

I once played city of heroes, there was a bunch of blatant ripoffs of every superhero you could find.

2010-08-08, 12:59 AM
Once for a campaign of mine, I had two NPC's who were blatant rip-offs of Ialdabode and Mitra from the Expanded Psionics Handbook. Same looks, same names, same powers (the ones the pictures show them using anyways). Ended up using Ialdabode as a PC in a friend's campaign, though I changed the name by then.

Had a human ranger based off of Beowulf. Didn't get much of a chance to play him though.

2010-08-08, 01:04 AM
I have a long-running 'supernatural hunter' type named Sgt. Duncan Max Fightmaster inspired by...well, the real one (http://www.cracked.com/article_14982_9-manliest-names-in-world.html). In his spare time he markets his personal energy drink brand, MAX'S GUN-FLAVORED POWERTHIRST.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-08, 01:24 AM
I didn't play her, but i put Neeshka in once as an Npc.

....What? I liked her even if no one else does. :smallfrown:

Are you kidding? She was one of the better characters in the NWN 2 OC. She's awesome!

Anyway, the guiltiest character I think I've ever created was Lyon Finch. He started out as just a nice-guy farm boy, which is so ubiquitous I don't think it's really a problem. Then somewhere along the way he became a strange mishmash of Luke Skywalker, Batman, Superman and The Crow. His arm got shoved in a meatgrinder by some demonic beastie, he got a mithral replacement, and he was hit with some mutative power that made his skin a kind of black blue and caused him to sprout a pair of wings from his back.

2010-08-08, 05:00 AM
I tried WoW once... and unfortunately got bored really quick. I'm more of an EvP kind of girl, and I hear WoW is more fun for PvP.

Oddly enough during my free trial of LotRO I noticed a lot of bad names there too....

So tell me, what is the worst you've ever seen?

Ehh, its less of PvE is worse than PvP in WoW, and more of, its only fun when you're really high level. Until then, you'd better have friends to train you, or its going to take a really freaking long and boring time. Or you could just be into grinding for long hours.

I had neither though, so I got bored of it too. =P

Lol, it's Ty Lee. :P

And I created a character named Ty Lee, she was a stunning master, with an item that lets her supress spellcasting abilities of foes. :P

lol, its not :smallannoyed:

It would be spelled Tai Li like he said. Though Mei is spelled M-E-I, not like the summer month.

2010-08-08, 06:21 AM
Thats how you spell the month in dutch...so it doesnt really matter.

2010-08-08, 06:51 AM
It would be spelled Tai Li like he said. Though Mei is spelled M-E-I, not like the summer month.
"Would be"? The characters' names have official spellings. They're Ty Lee and Mai.

2010-08-08, 09:15 AM
"Would be"? The characters' names have official spellings. They're Ty Lee and Mai.


Didn't know that. I was going by the phonetic conventions of writing cantonese words in english. Those spellings seem a bit ridiculous, to me, that's all.

2010-08-08, 09:22 PM
Had a human ranger based off of Beowulf. Didn't get much of a chance to play him though.

Haha. Very nice.
Ranger, huh? Mine was a barbarian. Do you remember why you made him a ranger? Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider, or something like that?

2010-08-08, 09:52 PM
Well, I'm playing a Nanoha ripoff in a BESM d20 game I'm in, with a Aisha ClanClan ripoff as a tag-along. Mostly they just look like them, and have similar abilities. Their personalities are completely different. It works well, though, since the backstory (for all of the PCs) is that we were magical experiments done by an extreme Otaku.

2010-08-08, 09:59 PM
One player had a warforged based off of The Dreadful Adjudicator of Law.

2010-08-08, 10:07 PM

Human Knight/Purple Dragon Knight

He was a sword and board knight based on Borimir

2010-08-10, 04:47 PM

Human Knight/Purple Dragon Knight

He was a sword and board knight based on Borimir

That's pretty cool.

2010-08-10, 05:45 PM
Someone in one of my games rolled up a Sorcerer named Raistlin before quitting the game due to time constraints. The player that replaced him didn't have time to make a new character, and so we handed him the (never played) Raistlin character sheet. The player who wrote up the character didn't have very good handwriting. When he decided to rejoin the campaign, he was very surprised to meet Bastlin, the party Sorcerer.

2010-08-10, 06:14 PM
An Eisen (German) scientist named Victor Wilder. His wife had died, but he found mention of a lost sorcery that could speed up the process of decay. Surely if he could control this, he could reverse the process and create life!

He also had a hunchbacked assistant named Gene Fredericks.

Yep. Frankenstein.

Thrice Dead Cat
2010-08-10, 06:26 PM

That is all.

EDIT: Now it doesn't ding the boards.

2010-08-10, 06:29 PM
Well, I'm currently ripping off Faust from Shaman King, and will very shortly be ripping off Fran Madaraki from Franken Fran. I'm also ripping off Evangeline McDowell from Maho Sensei Negima! in the same campaign.

Also, in the campaign I'm DMing one of the NPC's will be a Paladin who has a black warhorse mount and dual-wields revolvers who goes by the psuedonym "The Mysterious Stranger".

2010-08-10, 06:45 PM
I think the only egregious rip-off I've played was back in ye olde days, when he was a new character, Gambit, in a game of Villains & Vigilantes.

He lasted two sessions. A superhero with no movement power and no defensive powers? Gah. What was I thinking?

I prefer original concepts to playing rip-offs (or homages), but that's just me, and I recognize that not every single D&D player in the world is able to create a more compelling character concept than an award-winning best-selling author like Rob Salvatore, so I try not to get bothered when someone tries out something that is inspired by their favorite media, so long as the character concept fits the setting. (Someone who wants to play a Tremere vampire with Movement of the Mind who thinks he's a Jedi? Get out!)

El Dorado
2010-08-10, 06:58 PM
I rolled up a drow fighter/mage inspired by Liriel Baenre for a 2nd ed game. Confident, sarcastic, and ruthless in battle. Lots of fun.

Andion Isurand
2010-08-10, 07:05 PM
My very first character was heavely inspired by Erol Flyn and Indiana Jones.

I recently added a wide-brimmed fedora hat made of thick woven elvenkind grayish green fabric to my wizard's description... mainly because I wanted more hammerspace for his long braid and familiar.

2010-08-10, 07:08 PM
I built a Drizzit like Drow (he doesn’t use scimitars) but mine is a fighter/ranger/rouge whose one purpose in life is to kill other drow. The funny thing is I only heard of Drizzit (I didn’t know any of his back ground) before I made him then I started to read the "Drizzit Series" by R.A. Salvatore. I always thought it would be cool to have a character who hated his own race and whose sole purpose was to kill his own kind.

Andion Isurand
2010-08-10, 07:15 PM
My first character was a 2nd edition drow ranger/psion using alchemical explosives before I knew of drizzt.

2010-09-09, 05:46 PM
Closest thing I can think of that I've done is trying to make a brute chieftan from halo with a gravity hammer....

Yeah! I said it!

Anyway I went with a half ogre fighter/warhulk with a goliath greathammer and the combination of the warhulk's mighty swing and the knockdown feat actually made it work pretty well.

Also I named him Potemkin because he was "the big guy" but yeah....

I thought about trying to make an Iron Man character with a warforged warlock, but I honestly have never played a caster and I don't know much about the warlock class other than they go pewpewlazerbeamz. Yeah >_> I play melee.

Also, I saw this mentioned earlier, but WoW was probably the absolute worst for people ripping off names. You would find hunters ( the ranged class ) named drizzit, drizt, legolias, leggoloss, drizzthunter.... etc etc. I remember all of those names from my server -_-.

2010-09-09, 06:26 PM
I made a Vampire Ranger / Ninja with a Raven animal companion.

2010-09-09, 08:41 PM
I don't try to clone any particular character, but i have to admit that I absolutely love playing Lawful Evil wizards because I loved the Raistlin Majere character from the Dragonlance novels.

2010-09-09, 08:52 PM
I played a Commissar once. To be fair, that isn't a CHARACTER so much as a meme, particularly since the character's abilities were extremely poorly suited to his role as an inquisitor.

Also, all of my characters like to pretend to be David Tennant whenever possible, but that's just because I do too. And so does everyone else. Ever.

2010-09-09, 08:56 PM
I played a Commissar once. To be fair, that isn't a CHARACTER so much as a meme, particularly since the character's abilities were extremely poorly suited to his role as an inquisitor.

Also, all of my characters like to pretend to be David Tennant whenever possible, but that's just because I do too. And so does everyone else. Ever.

Hey I knew somebody who pretended to be Eccleston instead.

2010-09-09, 09:01 PM
I made a changeling monk / warshaper with the vow of poverty inspired by Mystique from X-men (the movie version who doesn't use guns or anything else that is not part of her body). Never got to play her though.

2010-09-09, 09:11 PM
I tried many times in my wayward youth to come up with a character based on Roger Zelazny's Shadowjack, from the novel of the same name. A rogueish type with power over shadows, the only way I got close was a superhero version in Champions. Years later, 3rd edition comes up with the Shadowdancer prestige class, obviously inspired by th same source material.

I also couldn't help creating a character that was a total rip off of Neuromancer's Molly Millions when I played Cyberpunk 2020.

In the current campaign I'm running a player has got a bodyguard type who's personality is pretty much exactly Dug the dog from Up, which is pretty dern amusing.

2010-09-09, 09:12 PM
It's technically a random story generator, but that could be your backstory. Or you could use it for GMing.

Wow. I did that and the first result came up as oddly similar to something I did before in a persistent world server on NWN2. Except instead of Plucky Girl, it's Action Girl. And no, I won't link any of that, there has been enough evil linked in this thread already.

2010-09-09, 09:34 PM
I made a monk/scout female character that was a combination of May and
Tai Li from Avatar: the last airbender

Mai and Ty Lee? What, is she severely manic-depressive? :smallbiggrin:

One player had a warforged based off of The Dreadful Adjudicator of Law.

...Who in turn is based off of Judge Dredd...

I'm sure I've made a few terribly derivative characters in the past.

The first one that comes to mind is Yoshi, Freelance Ninja. Take Max from Sam and Max, Freelance Police (a 3-foot-tall hyperactive anthropomorphic rabbit), paint him black (with Rustoleum!), and give him a katana instead of a Luger. Keep the complete lack of common sense.

He was a lot of fun.

For a demo game of D&D4, I made a Warlord based off of Kamina from Gurren Lagann. Shame that game didn't last...

Oh, and for a friends' Mutants and Masterminds X-Teens game, I made...a teenage version of Largo from Megatokyo, who ended up with time-freezing powers.

In retrospect, I think I have more fun playing reckless, impulsive characters--it helps get around my tendency to waffle.

2010-09-09, 09:34 PM
Well, in an online game I named my mage/priest character Codice, because Codex was already taken. (from The Guild) :smallredface:
But for D&D... I played a sorcerer that acted like Thor (he came from a barbarian, viking-style town) once. Oh, and I played a character that was literally Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Worst campaign ever. :smallfrown:

2010-09-09, 09:38 PM
I'm playing a Warforged that is a very poorly disguised HK-47 in a PbP here on the forums. On languages, I even remembered Binary and Tusken Raider!

2010-09-09, 11:00 PM
as far as characters ive played...i made a wizard that was sean connery and ive made predator

when i DM though, NPCs are fair game...mainly because i like to sneak in pop culture references and see if the party catches them...like when i made 21 and 24 as henchmen to some big bad necromancer dude, and did the whole smurfs arguement (but replaced smurfs with gnomes of course)

2010-09-09, 11:36 PM
Ooh geeze, if we include NPCs this list is going to be long. Now, I will say I usually play an original character, but we do a lot of 1 shots so I play something fun. So the list I've made characters built off of:

Captain America
River Tam
Edwin Odesseron
Krim from Hack // Sign
Luke Cage
Harry Dresden
James Bond
Antonio Banderez (Aptly named Anton Bandierez)

Probably a lot more. I'll edit them in as they come.

2010-09-10, 12:26 AM
My PC in my regular game(4E) is original(or at least I like to think so), but I have several backup characters in case she dies. 3 are ripoffs/guilty characters.

I have a monk based off Faith from Mirror's Edge. Athletics and Acrobatics are high, so she can do some crazy acrobatic stunts. I made her a monk so she can be effective as an unarmed fighter, and have several options for movement. I also gave her a pair of boots that let her walk along walls.

I have a warlord somewhat based off Seda from Dark Cloud. Prettymuch the same backstory, except I made him more of a military leader. It was mostly his name though.

And finally, I have a kobold named Fang. Completely ripped from Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic. Made him a ranger because that seemed to fit the best. I wrote down everything he says in the comic, and added some of my own sayings, and I plan to use them during the campaign(basically, he makes no sense to anyone. He just blurts out random comments and sayings that don't even fit into the conversation).

I'd never create a Drizzt clone though. Too well known.

2010-09-10, 01:54 AM
I stole a name/background and I recycled an archetype, but not on the same character. The archetype (death-obsessed cheerful little girl--very popular in goth circles) made interaction very easy at least. Haven't checked lately to see if she's still convergent with them. Chose to create her as a gnome and let her discover tinkered objects. I haven't read Dragonlance novels on the topic of tinker gnom(i)es because I don't need to. :smallbiggrin:

Marillion: Speaking as someone who put on the -steen (not "-stein", please, I'm not a monster) along with the lab coat, I salute you.

2010-09-10, 01:55 AM
I haven't created any on purpose or that I'm aware of. A few stereotypes, sure... A really drunken dwarf... A creation that has learned the art that created it (Warforged Artificer)... Very Generic Halfling Rogue... Eladrin Wizard fresh out of school...

The combinations tend to work well together nicely, and as someone who had no real RP experience when I started gave me a baseline to learn from. Since then, I've had a Tree that turns into Bees and hates the Far Realm, a Dragonborn descended from a line of Sorcerers who rule a small section of Hell, using all sorts of evil powers from both the Abyss and Hells for good, and starting this Sunday, a giant bug that won his freedom in one of Athas' Arenas (without becoming a crowd favorite or anything), and has since been, essentially, a mercenary.

So I've gotten better, I think.

Dirty n Evil
2010-09-10, 02:10 AM
Now, I've already mentioned that I started RPing at the ripe old age of 5.5 years, so that in and unto itself bodes poorly on this confession. But when you hear the name of the character I guiltily copied for the game, I think I might have met the prerequisites for "Improved Lame Geek". At 6 years old, I made a fighter who wore plate mail armor, and I called him Rom.

Yes, after the Spaceknight.

Give me a break, I was 6 and it was the 70's! :smalltongue:

2010-09-10, 05:22 AM
I have reused characters names before because i thought they sounded cool (particularly names which mean things in latin or german :D ) but i play their personalities fairly different.

2010-09-10, 06:18 AM
NPC yes (I want to play :smallannoyed: ) but did :

Balbus Bumbledore : failed teacher of the party-gish and now hobo in the invaded capitol.

Edouardo Cullen : 1st level twilight-like vampire, got one-shot by the party and died since he didn't had gazeous form :smallbiggrin:

Duke of URL
2010-09-10, 07:50 AM
Actually, I haven't. At least not intentionally. I'm guilty of reusing the same character concepts over and over, but I don't think any of them are based on another character created by someone else.

2010-09-10, 09:11 AM
In games of mine, I've built and played:

The Tin Man: Peacekeeper, a warforged who was protecting the party in hopes of receiving a soul. The DM actually pointed out the similarity--I hadn't thought of the relative closeness between soul and heart.
Dexter (of the Labratory variety, not the serial killer): Adlous, a child artificer whose primary motivation in life was outdoing his big sister.
Talahassee from Zombieland: Avery, a man hellbent on destroying everything in sight after SPOILER ALERT the death of his son.
Orlando Bloom: Talahassee "Two Blades" Blossom, a fearsome sea captain who was at once womanizing and effeminate, eternally confused over his romantic longings for his own sister. The similarity may have been in name alone.
Salvador Dali: Roi D'Esprit, a dapper human wizard/cleric (4E) who never went anywhere unless immaculately groomed. He espoused a rather unique worldview, and desperately hid the fact that his family worshipped Asmodeus and sacrificed his younger sister before his eyes. In this case, the similarity was only in physical appearance.

Ricky S
2010-09-10, 09:52 AM
I believe someone said Black Mage before. I have played a character along those lines. Fighter! My party didn't realise what I was doing until the 4th gaming session when I tried making sword chucks. My DM raged and did the ol' rocks fall everyone dies trick. Good fun while it lasted though.

2010-09-10, 10:45 AM
Sadly, tons as well. Usually, but not always, with the name changed, but the personality intact.

Jan Jansen, from Balder's Gate. In my defense, the campaign was set in Athkatla, and the rest of the group DID NOT try to kill him.

Mother Courage (by Bertolt Brecht)

Madeleine Albright (yes, that one)

Lestat (sorry, Anne Rice)

Felix Unger (the Odd Couple)

Mouse (Matthew Broderick character from Ladyhawke)

Norris Cole (from Coronation Street)

Yosemite Sam (transformed into a halfling evoker-type)

2010-09-10, 12:07 PM
my most enjoyed chars was:

on MERP using rolemaster rules with a lot of houserules i did a "mage" wich i had to fluff down and use real powerfull magic as last resource.

so initially was inspired on gandalf but i play so much time with it (i think it was for 4 or 5 straight years) at the end i develop an unique rol and personality.

on Dragonlance a kender, ruinix, aaahhh my ruinix so many times i enjoyed that char, i f*k up all the table all the time, i mess with the good guys the bad and party members all the time totally clueless and fearless of everything.

originally thinked as Tass from the novels, and preaty much as any kender but he go a bit further in mischievousness.

2010-09-10, 12:11 PM
Hello playgrounders! I've got a question for you all.
How many of you have built a character based on an actual character. Your Drizzit/Legolas/Raistlin clones? Your guilt pleasure character.
Since I started this I'll go first.
Anyone know the Belgariad series by David Eddings? Anyway, for a campaign I built the character Silk/Kheldar save for the fact I made a halfling. He hasn't been a true clone so far but that's because of the way the campaign is unfolding.

Honestly, I played a character loosely based on Guts from Berserk, and another loosely based on Haplo from the Death Gate Cycle, but he didn't get to have a dog. :smallfrown:

2010-09-10, 01:08 PM
Guilt Pleasure character? I had several during my younger years, but my most recent and guiltiest has to be Mary Sue. Yeah, that Mary Sue.

2010-09-10, 01:21 PM
Madeleine Albright (yes, that one)

I really want to hear more about that one.

2010-09-10, 01:58 PM
Hello playgrounders! I've got a question for you all.
How many of you have built a character based on an actual character. Your Drizzit/Legolas/Raistlin clones? Your guilt pleasure character.

I've got one. I have a mad scientist in Deadlands. He's based on the Professor from Futurama. I call him Rupert Barnsworth. The best part is that the setting includes a nemesis for him who is a rival mad scientist named Hellstrom. Hellstrom!

My justification for this character is that it's an exercise in acting. Instead of imagining a character, portraying it, and letting the players react to that, I have an established character in mind that I'm trying to live up to. My own characters are mutable. This one isn't. I have to act like someone whose behavior is already known to the PCs. If I deviate, they know. With my own characters I can deviate as much as I like because nothing is established in the other PCs' eyes.

2010-09-10, 03:58 PM
I really want to hear more about that one.

A high-RP game in which players form a royal council. She was a lawyer who studied at the Havelock Vetinari (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Vetinari) school of diplomacy. It was PBP, so I was often able to google Albright's speeches and quotations for the character. MUCH fun.

2010-09-10, 10:22 PM
A high-RP game in which players form a royal council. She was a lawyer who studied at the Havelock Vetinari (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Vetinari) school of diplomacy. It was PBP, so I was often able to google Albright's speeches and quotations for the character. MUCH fun.

Awesome. Best reason for playing PBP I've encountered.

2010-09-10, 11:12 PM
I havn't play much D&D in my time, (may that change!) but I would enjoy playing an Assassin a'la Assasin's Creed, or even hombrewing new ablitys for it. (hay-based Telekinisis anyone?)

....i just like hoods for some reason...

Lycan 01
2010-09-11, 02:04 PM
I've decided I want to play a Drow of some sort eventually. :smallsigh:

Granted, there's a 99% chance it will be Evil, but still. I feel dirty.

I also want to play an assassin of some sort, likely in Dark Heresy, that is modelled after one of the assassins, the doctor specifically, from Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-11, 02:15 PM
I've decided I want to play a Drow of some sort eventually. :smallsigh:

Granted, there's a 99% chance it will be Evil, but still. I feel dirty.

I also want to play an assassin of some sort, likely in Dark Heresy, that is modelled after one of the assassins, the doctor specifically, from Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. :smallbiggrin:

I played an outcast drow once. He was an outcast because he was a half-fiend (baatezu in specific) assassin who was suspected of plotting to kill all his siblings and his mom, and he fled to the surface to get the power needed to usurp the priesthood of Lolth and lead the drow into a new golden age by plunging everyone else into a new dark one.

No need to feel dirty for playing a drow as long as it's not Gary Stu that one.