View Full Version : [Nexus] OoC II: Where Sanity Comes to Die.

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Ashen Lilies
2010-08-06, 05:27 AM
Due to general agreement between people on both sides of the line, TOWN and ACRO have been merged. Thus, all threads which previously would have fallen in once category or another, should now be tagged [NEXUS].

So, what is Nexus?
Well, the Nexus itself is like a rift, a single, brilliant point where all the universes in this strange thing we call 'reality' meet. Traveling to, from, and between any world or cosmology is theoretically possible here, and the Nexus itself seems to encourage this happening, often sucking beings and locations out of other universes at random, and dumping them on the world that lies at its center. It was not always like this, however. Once there were two worlds at the Nexus' heart, separate and distinct, though somewhat similar in ways. Similar enough that they slowly and eventually merged, so that only one remained. Here in this world the Nexus' influence reigns supreme, and as such the world has defied almost all attempts at classification. Here, knights of old may engage with Jedi knights. Gleaming spaceships land in Dark Age hamlets. Cowboys and samurai quest together to find holy sandwich boxes. And in the heavens above, Xi Wangmu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster meet every Woden's Day to play bowls with Pelor (it gets pretty epic). Here the possibilities are endless, and the universe without rules (except the Forum Rules, and the general FFRP rules, and the Individual Thread Rules, and oh whatever). Welcome to Nexus. Fun is had here.

Major Locales

For an endless world that defies all logic and classification, Nexus can be pretty darn consistent at times. As such, several locations have survived the test of time, remaining (somewhat) constant amidst the chaos of the rest of the world.

Town - At the heart of the Nexus lies the city-state of Town. Self-governed by an elected council, Town can most accurately be described as a city's planner's worst nightmare. A sump of urban madness, here spires of glass and steel can be seen next to Ancient Babylonian slum. Where Hellenistic Temples co-exist with Gothic Cathedrals and the odd Oriental Pagoda. Where crumbling, zombie infested crypts lie untouched in the middle of verdant parkland. It's craaaaaazy. It's Town.

Inside - A sister city to Town, the City of Inside is less chaotic than its close relative. Inside mostly resembles a modern city, with high-rise buildings and apartments, alleyways and roads, though the odd Demonic Monument can still be seen rising up above the surrounding suburb, teeming with dark cultists. Inside is the current seat of the Acronymian Empire, which controls much of the surrounding area.

Outside - If you ain't Inside (or in Town), you're OUTSIDE! :smallamused: Simple as that. Outside is a meta-thread for all those wildernessy type areas that don't merit their own threads, be it wood or lake or tiny shack.

ACRONYMS - Home to adventurers, these complexes provide headquarters and occasionally living space for like-minded Player Characters. Invariably equipped with cheesy names, these structures provide a place for their various members to fight crime, cause chaos, or have kinky lesbian sex. Current Acronyms include:

AMEN - Association for the Malicious, Evil and Nefarious. Evil aligned organization, exists to be EVIL! And sometimes Ebil.
HALO - Heroic, Anti-evil and Lawbreaking Organization. Non-Evil aligned organization, exists to smite wrong-doers.
GLoG - Good League of Good. Good aligned organization, exists to redeem evil-doers.
NO - Neutralist Oganization. Neutral aligned organization, exists to arbitrate between other organizations, and occasionally do their dirty work.
WATCHTOWER - You Know What? Screw It. Non-aligned aligned organization. Exists to destroy threats to Nexus, whatever form they may take.

The Taverns
What kind of vaguely DnDesque adventurer would you be if you didn't visit one of these places at least once? The various Taverns, Grills, Hotels, Cantinas and Restaurant provide meeting places for the Player Characters, areas for quest givers to stand mysteriously in, and also places for people to eat and spend the money they seem to have infinite amounts of. Though there are a vast number of such places in Nexus, some with their own thread and some without, throughout history three major hubs have existed, without which Nexus as we know it wouldn't exist. The Dancing Fox Inn, which is located in Town. Taverna Generica, which is located near Inside. And Trog's Tavern, which is located, maddeningly enough, in Town and Inside at the same time.

Nexus Character Directory (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8624672#post8624672)

2010-08-06, 08:20 AM
Hey, sanity doesn't come here to die! Sanity comes here to dance with the tutu-wearing robot elephants every Friday.

Wait... :smallconfused:

2010-08-06, 09:59 AM
I think that when NO goes against Jack Empty, everyone involved ought to give some limited godmodding permission to the others. Otherwise the plan might be foiled by incompatibile deadtime schedules.

2010-08-06, 03:42 PM
O noes, Din's dead!

... But she's chosen to remain in Carrion's Pre-Afterlife Realm, so... she can be visited by her friends and stuff... being friends with a death goddess has its kicks.

The Bushranger
2010-08-06, 03:46 PM

2010-08-06, 03:48 PM
I'm totally sure Pesty will take this with understanding and dignity.

Oh, wait, lie.

2010-08-06, 03:50 PM

Ah, she'll get better. :smalltongue:

Anyways, I've been wanting to ask this for a little while Moff.

...and now I'm imagine Yoda as a DJ. Thanks. :smalltongue:

Can I sig this?

2010-08-06, 05:22 PM
I think that when NO goes against Jack Empty, everyone involved ought to give some limited godmodding permission to the others. Otherwise the plan might be foiled by incompatibile deadtime schedules.

For instance, I give Dipsnig limited godmodding permission over Rebecca, because we are on at opposite times.

2010-08-06, 07:12 PM

You guys still here? What'd I miss?

2010-08-06, 07:14 PM
Jack and Moff did a bunch of damage to the embassy and left. The Exalted have gotten as far as the Important Lever, but then one of the elite henchmen broke it, leaving it in the off position. A potential new member is attacking mecha, and Gordon is... Hmm... I've lost track of Gordon.

And NO is moving now on their Kill Jack plan.

2010-08-06, 07:21 PM
Perfect timing!

Gah, I'm exhausted. I feel like I should go and read what posts I missed, but I rather just feel like posting.

Or maybe not. I dunno.

2010-08-06, 08:03 PM
Potential new member? You mean returning old member. :smalltongue:

Who is very, very angry. And I just want to have him eat someone.

2010-08-06, 08:05 PM
It may be a real-life running gag that I fail at having my charries join AMEN.

Anyway, in HALO... get ready for a catgirl to beat the hell out of an emo goddess.

2010-08-06, 08:15 PM
Catgirl? Cage match? :smalleek:

Maybe I should join HALO instead...

2010-08-06, 08:22 PM
Not actually a cage match.
More a straight-up beatdown.

Halo's underwater, so underwater base match?

Moff Chumley
2010-08-06, 08:28 PM

Ah, she'll get better. :smalltongue:

Anyways, I've been wanting to ask this for a little while Moff.

Can I sig this?

By all means. :smallbiggrin:

Also, good to have you back, Murkus.

2010-08-06, 09:11 PM
Good to be back, my friend.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-06, 09:25 PM
Lyrics remind me of Nexus:

f**k dying I hijack a mech
controlling with my magical chance so battle advance
through centuries a hip hop legacy, megaspeed
hyperwarp to automator's crib and light the torch

Deltron 3030. Awesome band, awesome lyrics. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-06, 09:40 PM
[Front Porch]

Charity gets to her feet. She held her temper in the whole time she was dealing with Reinholdt, and this is just one provocation too far.

"This is the **** Nexus! Of course there's a **** reason to hold a **** gun! There isn't any sort of magical **** fairy dust protecting people in this very **** camp from getting kidnapped or killed. And for your information, no one picked a fight with anybody until you showed up and started making **** threats!" :smallmad:

There is nothing currently attacking the base, so no need to draw a handgun out of a holster. Toby knows damn well the members of the group can get kidnapped or killed. That's the whole reason why he's acting like this, if you don't remember how he died to save Abigail. And Charity seems to conveniently forget that she was just talking about killing someone in the base! Really now, is Toby actually going to be yelled at for trying to stop someone, and for all Toby knows it could be a full member and not just someone staying as a guest, from being murdered? Honestly, I don't even know why I bother pushing to RP with more than a few people. Every time Toby tries to do something Good he just gets yelled at, attacked, or killed. :smallsigh::smallannoyed:

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-06, 09:44 PM
I think it was fully in Charity's character to yell at Tobias, and there's no OoC malice in it. In this case, Tobias is actually kinda mostly in the right (though he does have an uncanny ability to escalate things >.>), while Charity and Edijar are in the wrong. And I think HT knows that. Because they totally were planning on murdering an undeserving someone in cold blood. Beat them up and lock their ass in jail. That's my take on it, anyway.

2010-08-06, 09:46 PM
There is nothing currently attacking the base, so no need to draw a handgun out of a holster. Toby knows damn well the members of the group can get kidnapped or killed. That's the whole reason why he's acting like this, if you don't remember how he died to save Abigail. And Charity seems to conveniently forget that she was just talking about killing someone in the base! Really now, is Toby actually going to be yelled at for trying to stop someone, and for all Toby knows it could be a full member and not just someone staying as a guest, from being murdered? Honestly, I don't even know why I bother pushing to RP with more than a few people. Every time Toby tries to do something Good he just gets yelled at, attacked, or killed. :smallsigh::smallannoyed:

Well, Tobias is a paranoid, threating, evil man. Yes, he's trying to do good, but I don't think he knows how to do that well yet. I'm sorry that you keep getting yelled at, and sometimes attacked, but there's little I can do about that.

2010-08-06, 09:48 PM
Er, this is Charity's opinion, not HT's. Charity has a really bad temper and she held it in earlier while talking to the person she despises most in the world. She isn't a terribly rational person at the best of times, and Toby just caught her at the worst.

Charity's being an ass... simple as that. :smalltongue:

2010-08-06, 09:49 PM
I think it was fully in Charity's character to yell at Tobias, and there's no OoC malice in it. In this case, Tobias is actually kinda mostly in the right (though he does have an uncanny ability to escalate things >.>), while Charity and Edijar are in the wrong. And I think HT knows that. Because they totally were planning on murdering an undeserving someone in cold blood. Beat them up and lock their ass in jail. That's my take on it, anyway.

Pretty much this. It all seemed to be an IC reaction from a person who doesn't have her head on straight at the moment.
Reinholdt does that to people.

I don't think anything was aimed you FF.

The Bushranger
2010-08-06, 09:52 PM
I assume you mean Reinholdt does that to people.

As it is, I think I need to go find the brain bleach...

2010-08-06, 09:52 PM
I know nothing was aimed at me, of course. I just didn't think it was completely IC, as in, most people would probably feel guilt at being caught plotting a murder, especially if they've never done it before. But I've been told that lashing out in unreasonable anger is actually Charity's personality, so I guess I was wrong about that.

But the fact remains that I really don't think Toby can take Edijar in a fight right now, and Toby's too stubborn to just let him kill someone, so I'm probably going to have him killed. Again.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-06, 09:54 PM
I could always have Jazirian interfere...
No wait that's a terrible idea just wait for Quinn. Seeing as Jamie's running off for her now.

2010-08-06, 09:55 PM
I assume you mean Reinholdt does that to people.

As it is, I think I need to go find the brain bleach...

I say what I say and I mean what I don't.

I'm rather shocked Charity has taken this long to going into a cursing frenzy. And by this long I mean since I've seen her start being played again, not just this incident. :smalltongue:

And don't kill Toby! He's like Reinholdt's only active, free friend. :smallfrown:

2010-08-06, 09:59 PM
Tobes and R-dawg.

Why has noone made this into an odd-couple sitcom!?

Deadtiming for hockey.

2010-08-06, 10:01 PM
1. Edijar was wrong for not giving an explanation to Tobias when he's on a manhunt in Toby's territory.

2. Toby was wrong for starting the conversation with a threat instead of a question.

3. Charity was wrong for flipping out like a lunatic.

4. Actions 1-3, are completely in character.

5. No way is Charity going to let her boyfriend and the GLoG medic fight to the death in front of her. :smalltongue:

Oh, and Charity's gone on a couple of cursing binges recently, I was just lazy and just used the ooc text to say 'except there was a lot more curse words' rather than inserting ****'s everywhere.

2010-08-06, 10:08 PM
I agree with all the above, now, and am glad the situation can be slowly defused.


*Knocks on wood to keep the jinx off* :smalltongue:

2010-08-06, 10:15 PM

Life's temporary Susan. Heck, he only had 8 years to live originally anyways. And that was over a year ago!

"Oh, then I'll tell you ma'am. I don't intend to stay ma'am. This place neither needs nor can afford a butler ma'am. I'm thinking I'll be working at the Watchtower now ma'am."

That seems like an awfully grown up sentence to come out of Butler's mouth. :smalleek:

2010-08-06, 10:18 PM
Well he can't be stupid ALL the time.
Sometimes you find a good piece of chocolate in that box.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-06, 11:13 PM
This is relevant to the current conversation topic.
Well, kinda.


2010-08-06, 11:34 PM
Kris, that is made of so much win. :smallbiggrin: And it even fits with the current week's theme!

Moff Chumley
2010-08-07, 01:40 AM
That... is a thing of beauty.

2010-08-07, 07:14 AM
And don't kill Toby! He's like Reinholdt's only active, free friend. :smallfrown:

There's also Anatolij, because Reinholdt saved his life and he doesn't know about the rest of his deeds. Dunno if he can be called "active", though.

2010-08-07, 03:01 PM
Back. Perhaps not for long. Real life has reared its ugly head, and thus Kael's going to be as flickery as his ghostly harbingers for a little while, I'm afraid. Come Monday, I'm going to be gone for another stretch of time.

Due to this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9097948&postcount=30), the magic(k) enhancement effects caused by the collapse of various dimensional barriers has ceased, as Kaela pulls in huge amounts of ambient magic(k), as he hits the Nexus...
... which might well be noticeable.

2010-08-07, 10:23 PM
I need to recruit a few people for a potential plot. So... Who likes Drow? And I'm not talking Drizzt clones here, I'm talking dark and mean and irredeemably evil. Drow with a thirst for blood and a lust for power, all for the glory of their twisted spider queen.

I'm going to need a few people to take up some Drow PCs, possibly lead a few small squads of foot soldiers. It's going to be an invasion plot that isn't all that invasive. Yes I said invasion plot, please don't flee from me in fear and aversion. I'm not going to have legions of soldiers flooding the streets, no siege outside the city walls, in fact, if it's played right, the government won't even know they're there. I've already cleared this with DC, too, so we're good that way.

So, if you're looking to add a little unbridled evil to your life, say something here. I'll put up some more specific background details up later. If you're interested but don't know much about Drow, talk to me, I can send you some links or give some advice one-on-one. Thanks everyone!

The Bushranger
2010-08-07, 10:25 PM
Oooh, sounds nifty...

Any room for half-drow double agents? :smalltongue:
No? Hmmm...

2010-08-07, 10:26 PM
Oooh, oooh! Pick me! Pick me! And some links for the drow would be good.

2010-08-07, 10:33 PM
Oooh, sounds nifty...

Any room for half-drow double agents? :smalltongue:
No? Hmmm...

Half-drow roles have already been filled. :smalltongue:

2010-08-07, 10:33 PM
Sure, I'd be happy to. I'd probably need information about culture and stuff.

2010-08-07, 10:34 PM
I'd gladly handle a drow character for that awesomeness! Count me in as well.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-07, 10:36 PM
I'm interested. Sign me up for the nightshift. Or is that dayshift? Whatever.
I'm somewhat familiar with Drow, though some links would be nice.

2010-08-07, 10:37 PM
Bah. They're still stinky old elves, just with a coat of evil. :smallyuk:

2010-08-07, 10:41 PM
Nu-uh. My Drow won't be stinky, cuz he uses old-spice.


Moff Chumley
2010-08-07, 10:44 PM
Eww. Drow. :smalltongue:

The Bushranger
2010-08-07, 10:44 PM
Bah. They're still stinky old elves, just with a coat of evil. :smallyuk:

Don't let BR(-the-character) hear that, since his first love was a Drow. :smalltongue:

@^ And you, too! :smalltongue:

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-07, 10:45 PM
Oh yeah. :smallcool:

2010-08-07, 10:48 PM
*hands KK some pants and a shirt*

Here you go. Sorry about the clown-print shirt.

2010-08-07, 10:49 PM
Heh. Now... Do we have to name our own drow? Cause I'm bad when thinking up names (Vampire Rot. Seriously?), and the exotic double consonants confuzzle me.

2010-08-07, 10:51 PM
Well... that didn't take long. Anyways, Links!

This one (http://drowcampaign.roleplaynexus.com/drowintro.html) has a lot of good general stuff on how drow live and think and work, lots of specific information there. and This one (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Drow) is the Drow page from the Forgotten Realms Wiki if you want some lighter reading. This (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Menzoberranzan) is the city everyone's going to be from.

You'll all be Agents of House Xabaresh Chaeron (usually shortend to Xar'Cha), which I've stuck as the 8th most powerful noble family in the city. You worship Lolth (ot Lloth, pick a spelling you like). The Matron is Danube Xar'Cha, she's y'all's boss. Sorceress and priestess, she's a powerful one.

You can play just about anything, really, although assassins and fighters and rogues would be common. Clerics (priestesses) are female only, and wizards are generally male. Also, Women are in charge here. Yay matriarchal society.

And for names, that first link, under lanugages, has a whole chart full. Roll randomly, or pick and choose the pieces.

The Bushranger
2010-08-07, 10:51 PM
If you have Drow of the Underdark it has a drow naming guide...
*has Drow characters named Amist, Rhyan, Baraol Alism, and Beldra (only the latter being a full drow, though (and the mother of the other three))*

*is also ninja'd by Art*

2010-08-07, 10:52 PM
Bah! Durned elves. :smallannoyed:

Why, back in my day, we had real elves. From legend. The Fae. Sooner kill ya than lookit you. Mean buggers, made these durned Drew thingys look like pansies!

/teasing :smalltongue:

2010-08-07, 10:54 PM
Hooray! Fun times ahead for all! Most likely...

Moff Chumley
2010-08-07, 10:55 PM
When men were men, women were women, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

2010-08-07, 11:04 PM
Mmkay, you all think about that for a bit, I'm going to get some sleep now.

2010-08-07, 11:05 PM
Using the name generator, I'm naming my Drow Merrak. Which apparently means Doomed Storm. And it's a boy. Yay. :smallbiggrin:

Now I need to make a picture and think of some stuff for him.

"All glory for the Spider Queen!"

Moff Chumley
2010-08-07, 11:07 PM
What, like this guy? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtHifkbibyQ)

2010-08-07, 11:19 PM
What, like this guy? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtHifkbibyQ)

No! Who the *IRK* is this *IRK*ing guy Malik Marik?! My *IRK*ing name is *IRK*ing MERRAK! The *IRK*ing names sound nothing like each *IRK*ing other!



Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-07, 11:19 PM
Totally playing a torturer.




2010-08-08, 03:26 AM
*Illy scene goes here*


That girl has some serious problems.

2010-08-08, 07:09 AM

That girl has some serious problems.

Yeah. She makes me sad. :smallfrown:

But I have to admit, I love her second to last line. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-08, 10:09 AM
Attention all lovers of funk and lulz:

There is a Disco Elemental (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9101981#post9101981) in Trog's.


That is all.

2010-08-08, 10:14 AM
I reiterate Morty's character's reaction:

What? :smalltongue:

2010-08-08, 10:17 AM
I remember playing an elemental once.
At... somebody's behest...

Fire elemental called Ante who was essentially, um, James Woods on fire.

2010-08-08, 10:18 AM
Disco elemental? :smalleek:

I want one. >.>

2010-08-08, 10:19 AM
Wolfy also statted it up for DnD 3.5 here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151140).

Now I would totally have Adam West Batman turn up to dance fight with the elemental, but is naptime. So someone else should do it.

2010-08-08, 11:39 AM

What. I'm both confused and entertained.

2010-08-08, 11:41 AM
For now, I'm waiting for more replies in Trog's before any real action starts, so...*pokes people to Trog's*

2010-08-08, 11:45 AM
I'd have my bardic dragon show up and join in on the disco, but I'm too young to know any disco music. :smallfrown:

2010-08-08, 11:49 AM
He could always combat the disco with its mortal enemy, heavy metal! :smallbiggrin:

Moff Chumley
2010-08-08, 12:36 PM
Totally making a Moff plot clone for this... :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-08, 12:43 PM
Would you guys mind if I made a separate plot thread for NO's attempted attack on Jack Empty? It's a big undertaking so without it, I think we might never get it done due to deadtime schedules.

2010-08-08, 12:48 PM
As long as you give the thread a cool name, I can dig it. But remember, Morty: Jack won't just roll over and die. This little plot isn't guaranteed to work.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-08, 12:50 PM
Why can't we just work out our differences? :smallfrown:


2010-08-08, 12:51 PM
Of course it's not. But it'll be better than sort of standing around and not doing anything because the players couldn't get organized, no? :smalltongue:

2010-08-08, 12:57 PM
Indeed. Let us know when the thread is up!

2010-08-08, 01:12 PM
I think "An infailible plan" would be a good name.

2010-08-08, 01:26 PM
Why can't we just work out our differences? :smallfrown:


Yes we can. But only if "work out" means "stab each other repeatedly because of". :smallwink:

@V Hey! Rot is real intelligent evil! The difference is is that he doesn't like anyone enough to be nice to them, and the thing he wants and takes without caring for consequences is your blood! :smalltongue:

And good isn't nice to everyone, it's nice to everyone who hasn't ticked you off recently (the villains).

2010-08-08, 01:28 PM
@Dipsnig: Maybe.

@Everybody else: Real, intelligent evil is simply being nice to the people you like and not caring about anyone who is against you. It's about taking what you want and not caring about the consequences.

Good is about being nice to everyone, regardless of your own safety/welfare.

Good is dumb.

2010-08-08, 01:44 PM
"Not caring about the consequences" doesn't seem very intelligent to me, when the consequences are "army of superpowered beings attacks your base". :smalltongue:

2010-08-08, 01:55 PM
Or "a bunch of people who were hired to get rid of you and are planning on accomplishing it by burying you under several tons of concrete". Which is admittedly less intimidating.

2010-08-08, 01:59 PM
NO, Jack can handle. As for the army of Exalts... we would've been better prepared for tackling those particular consequences if we hadn't just finished conquering Lethargia.

VampireRot, you make a good point. I just think sometimes, a villain's got to have friends.

2010-08-08, 02:03 PM
Villains can and should have friends. Rot's problem is that he's cursed to view most people as meals. He can be amicable when he's not hungry. But usually the people around him when he's not hungry aren't friendly towards him, seeing as how he probably just someone. :smalltongue: So he could make friends with someone who didn't have any blood i suppose.

2010-08-08, 02:06 PM
Make friends with other undead? Or creatures like Jack Empty that aren't very filling? :smalltongue:

2010-08-08, 02:08 PM
Jack could work, actually. Only silly mortals need blood running through their veins. Jack needs nothing! :smalltongue:

2010-08-08, 02:12 PM
The plot thread is now up. Hopefully it'll make it easier to run.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-08, 03:18 PM
The Moff would probably give his blood to Rot if he didn't need it so bad... :smallfrown:

2010-08-08, 03:36 PM
The Moff would probably give his blood to Rot if he didn't need it so bad... :smallfrown:

All of it? :smallamused::smalltongue:

Donating blood straight from your veins to Rot is a good way to get yourself sucked dry, in case anyone felt extra charitable. :smalltongue: Don't do it.

2010-08-08, 07:44 PM
Nexus wide event!!

Clerics, Priests, Fortune Tellers, Godlings, and other beings connected to realms beyond the physical one will be able to feel something very very dark, twisted, and rather dangerous born in KNAVES. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9104644&postcount=988)

OOC Explanation:

Sometimes, an event effects a person so much, that their soul becomes...stained. When this happens, it'll attract the attention of one of three primordial beings. Order, Chaos, or Balance.

Order is most easily seen as Law, Organization, Control, but is also linked with Stagnation and Oppression. It has been known by many names, such as Odin and Zeus.

Chaos on the other hand, is known as Freedom, Growth, Destruction and well, Chaos. It's been known as Loki and Prometheus.

The third being, is Balance. Enough said.

Each of the three has...Beings who work for it. These Beings are the physical embodiments of Ideas, Powers, and Emotions.

Examples of Order: Justice, Law, Hate, and Love. Each of those ideas/emotions are ridged in their ways, even if the mortals who feel it do not understand how.

Chaos: Vengeance, Cruelty, Murder, and Lust. Each of these are chaotic in nature, and work outside rules established by Order. Each of these is just as powerful as their counterparts in Order.

Balance: These are the neutral powers. Not true emotions, but Ideas none the less. These are things like Death, Lady Gaia, Luna, and Wisdom.

When a person who's soul has been stained dies, they have a chance for their soul to be taken in by one of these Beings. For Example, Jeremy. Throughout his entire time in Nexus, he has been seeking revenge on Affidavit. Since he felt such an emotion for so long of a time, it imprinted on him, making him a perfect subject for Chaos when he dies.

Beings who take up Emotions, such as Vengeance, must follow strict rules. For Vengeance, he must be called upon by other people to aide them in their Righteous Fury. He may not be able to seek out his own personal vengeance, in this case, he cannot kill Affidavit, even if he can oppose him.

Emotions will live as long as there are people who feel that way. If their body gets destroyed, they may be summoned back, or simply return when an act linked to them is committed as long as it is powerful enough. For example, a massacre to summon Murder, but it'd also possibly summon Law and Justice. Just because the same Being "owns" them, does not mean they work together.

Now, anyone who wishes to join anything like the above, please, ask me first. These things are rather powerful, even when limited by their rules. I'd like to keep a cap on how many run around and which ones they are.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-08, 07:59 PM
I'm a little lost. What, exactly, happened to Jeremy?

2010-08-08, 08:00 PM
Okay, so I'm just trying to understand this latest Nexus-wide event.

I'll use my character as an example. So, Christopher Grimm is trying to find a way to both get back home and defeat the eldritch abomination that is messing it up. So, assuming he continues this pursuit as his main focus, he will eventually have his soul stained with Order. At this point, he can be summoned by any sufficiently powerful agent of Order, like say a High Priest of Odin. When he dies, his soul will travel to a respective afterlife, where he may still be summoned by a sufficiently powerful agent of Order.

Am I understanding this correctly?

2010-08-08, 08:02 PM
@ Inyu: No, the Nexus wide part is just that some people might sense that Vengeance was born. The rest is just context.

@ Moff: Affidavit sabotaged his new body by putting a bomb in its brain. It went off in the Trog's Second Floor thread.

2010-08-08, 08:04 PM
This interests me a lot... I'd jump at the chance to do something in it, but I'm not quite sure how to proceed as such.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-08, 08:11 PM
@ Inyu: No, the Nexus wide part is just that some people might sense that Vengeance was born. The rest is just context.

@ Moff: Affidavit sabotaged his new body by putting a bomb in its brain. It went off in the Trog's Second Floor thread.

Wow. That's pretty cold. :smalltongue:

2010-08-08, 08:13 PM
@Inyu: Yeah, Happy has it right. And it isn't a priest who does it. It's the one of the three themselves. They're the ones with the power to rip souls away from their appropriate afterlife. Well, intercept them. Only a very small window of opportunity. And it has to be something that doesn't define their life, but them as well. And the person must die first.

@Beans: First off, you'd have to have a PC die. :smalltongue: Then come to me with explanations as to what you think should be done. If it fits, cool, if not, sorry.

2010-08-08, 08:16 PM
Okay, so, who's still interested in playing Drow?

I need an idea of the number of you there are so we can get started.

2010-08-08, 08:22 PM
I'm on the drow boat. Where everyone is planning to kill everyone else. Hilarious.

That plot thing looks cool. Rot would be a prime candidate for Cruelty or Murder. Or Hunger, if there's one of those in the balance. :smalltongue: But of course, Rot won't die easily. So he probably won't be given more superpowers. :smallwink:

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-08, 08:32 PM
Totally playing a drow torturer.

Need to flex my evil muscles a little.

2010-08-08, 08:34 PM
Ooh, ooh, I want to be one of those drow people.

I'm gonna make me an assassin:smallbiggrin:

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-08, 08:41 PM
I'm interested as well. Not sure if I want to make them a female or male yet though.

The Bushranger
2010-08-08, 08:57 PM
I think "An infailible plan" would be a good name.

No no! You're Doing It Wrong.
The proper term is, "A cunning plan." :smalltongue:

Not sure I'll have the time for Drow. We'll see...

2010-08-08, 09:14 PM
Nexus wide event!!

Clerics, Priests, Fortune Tellers, Godlings, and other beings connected to realms beyond the physical one will be able to feel something very very dark, twisted, and rather dangerous born in KNAVES. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9104644&postcount=988)

OOC Explanation:

Sometimes, an event effects a person so much, that their soul becomes...stained. When this happens, it'll attract the attention of one of three primordial beings. Order, Chaos, or Balance.

Order is most easily seen as Law, Organization, Control, but is also linked with Stagnation and Oppression. It has been known by many names, such as Odin and Zeus.

Chaos on the other hand, is known as Freedom, Growth, Destruction and well, Chaos. It's been known as Loki and Prometheus.

The third being, is Balance. Enough said.

Each of the three has...Beings who work for it. These Beings are the physical embodiments of Ideas, Powers, and Emotions.

Examples of Order: Justice, Law, Hate, and Love. Each of those ideas/emotions are ridged in their ways, even if the mortals who feel it do not understand how.

Chaos: Vengeance, Cruelty, Murder, and Lust. Each of these are chaotic in nature, and work outside rules established by Order. Each of these is just as powerful as their counterparts in Order.

Balance: These are the neutral powers. Not true emotions, but Ideas none the less. These are things like Death, Lady Gaia, Luna, and Wisdom.

When a person who's soul has been stained dies, they have a chance for their soul to be taken in by one of these Beings. For Example, Jeremy. Throughout his entire time in Nexus, he has been seeking revenge on Affidavit. Since he felt such an emotion for so long of a time, it imprinted on him, making him a perfect subject for Chaos when he dies.

Beings who take up Emotions, such as Vengeance, must follow strict rules. For Vengeance, he must be called upon by other people to aide them in their Righteous Fury. He may not be able to seek out his own personal vengeance, in this case, he cannot kill Affidavit, even if he can oppose him.

Emotions will live as long as there are people who feel that way. If their body gets destroyed, they may be summoned back, or simply return when an act linked to them is committed as long as it is powerful enough. For example, a massacre to summon Murder, but it'd also possibly summon Law and Justice. Just because the same Being "owns" them, does not mean they work together.

Now, anyone who wishes to join anything like the above, please, ask me first. These things are rather powerful, even when limited by their rules. I'd like to keep a cap on how many run around and which ones they are.

[Expedition 1]

"I'm Coralie." the girl says. And she was about to return to gawking at all the trees, when her eyes start to glow and she stands very still for a moment.

Then she returns to normal, though looking frightened. "Something bad is coming. Something that doesn't forgive."
*makes the connection*

2010-08-08, 09:14 PM
Hmm... perhaps I'll play a woman of great cruelty who has a desire to own a magnificent coat made of drow leather. She'll pay very well for skin that is free of blemishes or wounds. Imperfect skins will earn standard bounty fees. :smallbiggrin:

*Is not srs

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-08, 09:44 PM
Well that rules my character's skin out then. Considering I was thinking of making a Drow Berserker. Buck the trend a little, and make have the Drow's hatred for the surface world give him a few combat benefits. :smalltongue:

The Bushranger
2010-08-08, 09:45 PM
You mean he'd have levels in the Kinslayer PrC? :smallwink:
Yes, there is such a thing (in Drow of the Underdark).

2010-08-08, 10:03 PM
*grumbles about first post getting eaten*

Okay... I'm just going to summarize what I was writing before.

You're all on the same team with the option to call for NPC backup later. Vampire Rot's in charge, because he came up with a name first. That is, unless one of you will be playing a female character, then she's in charge. That's the way things work, but if you don't like it, you can always bump her off, just don't get caught doing it. Your mission will be to, first, scout out the area and look for opportunities that might be found in the Nexus. More specific instructions will probably come later, but until then, you've basically got free reign.

Equipment. You get nice stuff, House Xar'Cha is wealthy. Drow tend to use rapiers or shortswords, because they're so dextrous, and Menzoberranzan Drow favor the twin sword style (Yes, like Drizzt, hush =P) However, pick whatever weapons and fighting styles you like, there's plenty of room for variety. Weapons are often made of Adamantine, and Masterwork Quality or above. Drow also have special hand-crossbows (go ahead and make them repeating if you like) with the bolts usually coated in knockout poison, which can put a strong man into unconciousness (not sleep) in minutes. Or sometimes something nastier. Don't forget armor. You'll probably want lighter stuff, for mobility and stealth, but if you really want the heavy stuff, I won't stop you so long as you can make it make sense.

You also have special abilities. Darkvision (based on the infrared spectrum, you see heat), immunity to sleep, spell resistance, and magical spells usable a few times a day: faerie fire, dancing lights, and darkness, and noble drow (those with blood relations to the House) can levitate. Talk to me if you want to play a noble.

I'm going to give you some nifty stuff, too. A Piwafwi cloak which will help you to hide, even from dark vision, and is mildy resistant to fire. A House Insignia, usually worn on a necklace or in a neck pouch. It depicts the symbol of House Xar'Cha, a spider sitting at the center of an eight-sectioned web. In addition to identifying you as an agent of House Xar'Cha, it can be used as a holy symbol (if we have a priestess), and allows you to cast some spells a few times a day: Floating Disk, Spider Walk, Web, Flare, Invisibility (which I play will make you invisible to heat detecting things too), and will also boost your innate abilities. Lastly you get a communication compact. It's a magic item made of gold and blue enamel, the top is decorated with the house symbol. Open it up, and with a thought, you can contact anyone else who has one, their image appearing on the inside of the lid. Think of it as a two-way video radio thing.

Any other nifty magical stuff you can come up with is probably fine.

And... that's it I think. Heh... some summary, huh?

@ Kid Kris: There are Drow Berzerkers. They're rare, but they do exist.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-08, 10:06 PM
You mean he'd have levels in the Kinslayer PrC? :smallwink:
Yes, there is such a thing (in Drow of the Underdark).

No, I'm saying he's tougher than he looks (or indeed, tougher than most any Drow), throws off minor wounds with frightening ease, moves quickly and with stunning efficiency and economy of motion (as long as he isn't wearing plate or carrying anything heavy), is good at finding traps, has an uncanny ability to dodge things and seems to get even stronger and tougher when he gets mad.

Has decent enough mental stats though, which is different. Incredibly canny.

I was thinking of playing a lizard rider originally, but it would probably be too conspicuous outside the caves.

2010-08-08, 10:10 PM
No, I'm saying he's tougher than he looks (or indeed, tougher than most any Drow), throws off minor wounds with frightening ease, moves quickly and with stunning efficiency and economy of motion (as long as he isn't wearing plate or carrying anything heavy), is good at finding traps, has an uncanny ability to dodge things and seems to get even stronger and tougher when he gets mad.

Has decent enough mental stats though, which is different. Incredibly canny.
Batman Hulk Drow?

2010-08-08, 10:12 PM
*pokes people to War Island*

Fun for all! Come on down! Enjoy a vacation while trying not to die!

AMEN could definitely use one or two more.

2010-08-08, 10:13 PM
I like the way you think, Kid Kris. If you really want the lizard, take it. Giant spiders are also an option. Bats too... Would be a little conspicious, yes, but you could stable it somewhere. Or maybe shrink it?

2010-08-08, 10:16 PM
Woot! I'm the top ranking male! Merrak Xar'Cha is going to rock this world! Just because I feel like annoying you guys with my characters, I'll tell you all about him.

So yeah, basic drow male. His white hair is in a ponytail behind him so it doesn't get in his eyes. He is a replica of most drow (small and lithe but strong) besides a nasty scar that goes across his left eye. Thanks to priestess magic, the eye works fine, though they left the scar because they thought he was too pretty. Yeah. He is a basic fighter type guy, with light drow chainmail that doesn't restrict movement at all but still protects him. Another difference from most drow is that he uses a longsword and a mace instead of the usual two-blades. Cause that's how Merrak rolls. He is not unusually stealthy for a drow (which means a well-trained drow can spot him but he can be practically invisible to most non-underdark races). And he doesn't afraid of anything. Except the females of course, whom he resents but puts up with because open rebellion is impossible against the only people that can heal that nasty wound the assassin gave you last attempt. :smalltongue:

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-08, 10:18 PM
My train of thought as of this moment:
Drow Barbarian + Drow Lizard Rider -> Drow Barbarian with Ranks in Ride -> Drow Barbarian with Ranks in Ride who uses his lance even while on foot -> Drow Dragoon... >.<

2010-08-08, 10:22 PM
Looks good, Vampire Rot, except I think I neglected to mention something. You guys, most likely, would not have the name Xar'Cha, you just work for them. Unless you're a blood relation (say son of one of the sisters) or the mate of one of the family, could you earn that honor.

And that's kind of a silly image, Kid Kris. Made me giggle.

2010-08-08, 10:30 PM
Aww. I suppose he's just Merrak then. That's fine. I generally keep away from romantic (as far as romance goes in Drow society) ties for my character. So he'll just be a generic high-ranking soldier. Who uses a snazzy mace.

2010-08-08, 10:32 PM
On a completely unrelated note...

I've been feeling rather unenthusiastic about doing much with the Empire for a while now, so there's the reason delays in my posting with stuff related to it keep popping up.

Just wanted to mention it so no one (mostly Murkus and nanobot_swarm, though the latter's been resolved) thought I was delaying anything because of them.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-08, 10:35 PM
I think I'll decide on mine being a Berserker/Barbarian/Fighter-person with Ride feats and such, but who had to leave his lizard at home and is not too happy about it. He uses some sort of cavalry saber or polearm and his philosophy towards fighting is 'Kill every last ************ in the room before they can even think about maybe possibly in the near future raising a weapon against you.' Or if that doesn't work, just whack them until they die. Defense? What's that? :smallconfused:
Description to come in a second.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-08-08, 10:57 PM
Oooh, bad idea. You see, which yes, the lever would turn itself, that would wake up the base itself. Remember the base is a genius loci, and since the person who blew it up is here, well, its not happy about that. The floor tries to swallow Cerise whole.

Also, in the crater, the lava cannon rises from the lava.

Meanwhile, Cerise directs the lava tentacles to begin attacking the lava cannon.

As tentacles, it can damage the cannon, as lava it can't.

(It looks like I wasn't clear. The cannon and the lever are apart from each other. The lever is inside the building, while the cannon is in the couldren, you would have to blast through a lot of rock and metal to hit it.)

Phantom, I'm having a hard time understanding what's going on here. You described the lava cannon rising without making it clear that it was taking place elsewhere (that is, by using a location tag). Cerise summoned the lava tentacles in the room with the lever, and then later directed them to begin attacking the lava cannon, which you had no issue with allowing, despite the fact that you are now claiming the cannon is in a completely different room from the tentacles - which you do now that Cerise is aiming a disintegration spell at it.

I can't help but think this is fairly suspicious. At best, this is a case of you forgetting the layout of your own base, and regardless of what is at the root cause of this apparent misunderstanding, I don't think it's fair to change your in the middle of a fight to give yourself an advantage - at least not on the scale of a single room where the action is occurring.

2010-08-08, 11:22 PM
They are lava tentacles, I thought they were connected to the main source of lava around, the lava of the volcano which means they could strike in the room, and still hit the cannon.

Sorry about the confusion. I didn't mean to cause a problem.

2010-08-08, 11:23 PM
I linked the main page for this site the other day, but two specific pages for you guys to look at. One is on Drow Fighting Styles (http://drowcampaign.roleplaynexus.com/drowfightingstyles.html) and the other is about Classes (http://drowcampaign.roleplaynexus.com/drowclasses.html). The main paragraph there talks about the base classes as applied to Drow, but the list of alternative ideas beneath that is pretty interesting, if you need some inspiration.

Variety is the spice of life, skies the limit and all that jazz.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-08-09, 12:02 AM
They are lava tentacles, I thought they were connected to the main source of lava around, the lava of the volcano which means they could strike in the room, and still hit the cannon.

Sorry about the confusion. I didn't mean to cause a problem.

Well, there is a problem. You're basically making BR and I retcon a few pages' worth of posts and actions because you couldn't describe your base clearly enough.

2010-08-09, 12:06 AM
Well I'm sorry. How about this, I just put a window in the room, which faces the crater, and therefore, you blow the cannon to bits, there, that should do it.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-08-09, 12:10 AM
Sorry, I'm tired, and that's probably making me a bit testy. I understand you don't want to make it too easy to destroy the cannon. A window would make a certain amount of sense, but if it's supposed to be a completely different part of the base, then...

I have a hard time believing that the entirety of the Lava Cannon Controls consisted of a single lever - how would you even aim the thing? Maybe if there were some sort of magitech control panel, we could do something with that instead of going straight for the kill just yet.

Does that sound like a good compromise?

2010-08-09, 12:12 AM
The lever is only the controls to make it come out of the lava. The controls for the cannon is a bit like a piano keyboard, but much more high tech.

Sure, you can damage the controls.

Lord Iames Osari
2010-08-09, 12:14 AM
Okay, thanks.

The Bushranger
2010-08-09, 12:16 AM
Also, as an aside, where did Shrike end up after all her backflipping to avoid the collapsing floor?

2010-08-09, 12:18 AM
On a part of the floor that didn't fall.

The Bushranger
2010-08-09, 12:20 AM
Which was her aim. ^_^
Thanks. I'll post in AMEN in the morning.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-09, 12:24 AM
Arg. I seem to have re-introduced the Dancing Zombies just as Wolfbane deadtimed. >.<

2010-08-09, 12:30 AM
Tebtranlyn Xar'Cha son of one of the priestess of Lloth in house Xar'Cha. Being an extremely good marksman with any type of bow or crossbow (though he prefers a long bow), having been trained in dual-wielding daggers, and with the knowledge of fighting, combat, and poison, Tebtranlyn has become one of the best fighters and assassins within the Xar'Cha household. Having been born and raised a noble Tebtranlyn has his sights set on reaching great power for a male drow. He's strong, obedient, cunning, intelligent, beautiful, and has dabbled a bit in the arcane arts. He will surely become the favored consort of some high ranking female drow someday and possibly the master of arms of the household. That is if he's able to survive and eliminate the competition.

So, that's my drow character pretty much. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-09, 12:31 AM
On a completely unrelated note...

I've been feeling rather unenthusiastic about doing much with the Empire for a while now, so there's the reason delays in my posting with stuff related to it keep popping up.

Just wanted to mention it so no one (mostly Murkus and nanobot_swarm, though the latter's been resolved) thought I was delaying anything because of them.

I understand. Take your time. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-09, 03:56 AM
And I have to go again. Promise apocalypse plot'll start back up properly within a week. Be well, folks.

2010-08-09, 04:47 AM
Balayne'da (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9106828#post9106828), me drow.

She's female, so probably in charge, unless anyone more competent and also female comes along. Because she's probably not fit to lead anyone. :smalltongue:

2010-08-09, 07:24 AM
No no! You're Doing It Wrong.
The proper term is, "A cunning plan." :smalltongue:

With only four people there(not counting whoever TSA-1 wants to bring along) the name will be the least of their problems... >_>

2010-08-09, 08:16 AM
Balayne'da (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9106828#post9106828), me drow.

She's female, so probably in charge, unless anyone more competent and also female comes along. Because she's probably not fit to lead anyone. :smalltongue:
Ilpholin glares. GLARES.

2010-08-09, 11:33 AM
I got my Drow character up! Hooray? Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9108131&postcount=135)

2010-08-09, 11:58 AM
Hey there people, so work and life has been keeping me busy for a while. And will continue to do so till probably Wednesday night, or maybe even Thursday.

Sorry if I am holding up anything.

The Bushranger
2010-08-09, 11:59 AM
OK, that tears it.

*starts mixing up a cauldron of RealLife-Away™ to pass out to people*

2010-08-09, 12:33 PM
Merrak (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9108511&postcount=136) is ready to smash your head in! But secretly. :smallwink:

Moofin Bard
2010-08-09, 12:38 PM

Yeah. It's been awhile.

The Bushranger
2010-08-09, 12:39 PM
Hi Moofin!

Moofin Bard
2010-08-09, 12:40 PM
FF guilted the crap out of me until I came back.

2010-08-09, 12:40 PM

Yeah. It's been awhile.
*jumps up and down*

Moofin Bard
2010-08-09, 12:41 PM


Moff Chumley
2010-08-09, 12:42 PM
'sup. :smallsmile:

2010-08-09, 12:56 PM


Infodump tiem?
Infodump tiem.

Okaaaaaay, so Gen somehow had a daughter called Amanda who was, like, 17 somehow.
Gen and Carrie were getting sorta-divorced. Not married yet, but still.
At Amanda's theatre performance, everyone's not-favorite meanyface snakebutt death god The Cardinal showed up, but Carrie decided to have a badass moment and exploded all over him and he was like bleh im ded.
Aaaaaaaaaaand Carrie came back! EXPLANATION?
Carrie was originally the mortal reincarnation of a death goddess called Joy. When she died, she sort of reformed more like what Joy was, thus explaining why Carrie has whitegold hair and a pale color scheme. :smalltongue:
Carrie and Gen got re-engaged and Carrie adopted a catgirl.

Pesty was preggers, but some wacky stuff happened and somehow got Grant kicked out of HALO by BR. Pregnant Pesty went with him, though it was only a temporary ban.
Pesty and Grant had a baby. Kitten. Whatever. And then Pesty had an Echo child, who's all weird.

DIN KILLED HERSELF, although she's chillin' in Carrie's realm so people can visit and stuff. Shrug.

And then... a weird alt-universe Pesty... who's, like, an Imperial Grand Admiral (from Star Wars. YES I KNOW)... appeared...

2010-08-09, 01:06 PM
Well I'm back from camp,
not that anyone cares or noticed...

Hey moofin's back.
Hey I'm still gonna get ignored.


Where's my copy of Starcraft II....?....

The Bushranger
2010-08-09, 01:07 PM
Welcome back, Bergett!

Moofin Bard
2010-08-09, 01:09 PM

Hi! What's up?

2010-08-09, 01:10 PM
Well I'm back from camp,
not that anyone cares or noticed...

Hey moofin's back.
Hey I'm still gonna get ignored.


Where's my copy of Starcraft II....?....


2010-08-09, 01:14 PM
i feel so loved...

Just got back from Marrowstone Music Festival and realized that I don't have a copy of Starcraft II yet.

That must be remedied...

I think the bigger one is MOofin is back (for now at least?) I was under the impression that you had faded into *gulp* REAL LIFE.

Moofin Bard
2010-08-09, 01:18 PM

It was a close one there.
Thank FF I guess.
He's persuasive.
He needs to be a lawyer. Or car salesman or something.

The Bushranger
2010-08-09, 01:21 PM
...I can totally see Tobias, at least, as a used car salesman.

"This one's had only one careful owner."
"But look at it - it's a wreck!"
"The other five owners weren't as careful, I'm afraid."

2010-08-09, 01:22 PM
Well props for FF then.

Seeing as I usually don't leave knots untied I'm going to go catch up on anime for a bit.

2010-08-09, 03:20 PM
I'm this close to having Dipsnig leave NO, thus causing it to die... it seems more than usual right now that I'm just dragging it along despite noone but a couple of people caring.
Then again, I say that every once in a while, so I suppose I'm just venting.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-09, 04:09 PM
Well, if Dipsnig hadn't been so unreasonable and rude towards The Moff... :smalltongue:

2010-08-09, 04:13 PM
Quiet, you. :smalltongue:

2010-08-10, 11:06 AM
Dipsnig has an answer ready. I'm an NPC Vincent; I don't level up. I have to figure out how to defend NO now that he's most likely after us.

With monsters! Lots of them!

(Roxie discusses her pets.) "The main one is a half dragon dire rancor. Fluffy doesn't do well out on his own, so I have to keep him supervised at all times. I have a roc named Buster who may come to visit occasionally. Then there's Benny, the golden boar, and Prissy the Sleipnir, and..." This might take her a while. When she finally finishes the list: "I'm aware this will probably require some renovations to make beast quarters, but I was hoping we could work out some sort of arrangement to help cover the expense. Fluffy's is great hired muscle for anything that doesn't require brains, Buster can help with transportation needs, and I can help out as a medic when I'm not taking care of my babies."

If anyone is interested in playing one of Roxie's monster pets at NO, speak up. :smallbiggrin: She's a pixie with epic Charm Monster and Animal Handling abilities, and has lots of monstrous pets. These would be creatures like Wolfbane's Fluffy who have animal level intelligence, not a monster PC that has human level reasoning and abstract thought. You'd start out loyal to Roxie and generally obedient, with plenty of wiggle room for individual characterization.

Come on, you know you want to! Rawr! I'm a monster! :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-10, 12:11 PM
I'd say something along the lines of "poor Dipsnig" but he's pretty enthusiastic at the prospect of having a bunch of monsters on his paycheck. :smalltongue:

2010-08-10, 02:50 PM
With monsters! Lots of them!

If anyone is interested in playing one of Roxie's monster pets at NO, speak up. :smallbiggrin: She's a pixie with epic Charm Monster and Animal Handling abilities, and has lots of monstrous pets. These would be creatures like Wolfbane's Fluffy who have animal level intelligence, not a monster PC that has human level reasoning and abstract thought. You'd start out loyal to Roxie and generally obedient, with plenty of wiggle room for individual characterization.

Come on, you know you want to! Rawr! I'm a monster! :smallbiggrin:

Sooo, do we have to pick from a list, or can we make our own monsters up?

Because I'm thinking some kind of Dire Dragon-type Pokemon with a device that can summon Personas from the Persona series. You know, like that dog from Persona 3.

2010-08-10, 03:05 PM
A little clarification for those of us who only have a vague idea about what Persona is? >.>

2010-08-10, 03:07 PM
A little clarification for those of us who only have a vague idea about what Persona is? >.>
... I woulda said it in fewer words, such as...


I might make a cephalopod-ish-type thingy...

2010-08-10, 03:12 PM
@Inyu: I understood 'dire dragon' and that's about it. But I would think a monster clever enough to summon another monster is probably too smart to be someone's pet. And Roxie already has a half-dragon beast, so probably something different.

2010-08-10, 03:13 PM
I would love to play a dinosaur. For funzies.

The Bushranger
2010-08-10, 03:15 PM
What? No umber hulks? Displacer beasts? Rust monsters? Kids these days...

2010-08-10, 03:20 PM
Well, to answer your questions about what a Persona is, here (http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Persona_(Concept)) is a link on the subject. Also, for those interested, the dog to which I was referring to is named Koromaru. I'm sure you can find a link to his character page in the link above. As for the Dire Dragon-type Pokemon...yeah, you're probably right. Back to the drawing board I guess...

2010-08-10, 03:45 PM
Since Hekta preformed a hostile action against a NO member, it opens fire on her when she is put dow, and says, "I don't hate you."

WHAT?! Don't kill Hekta! :smalleek: I love Hekta!

2010-08-10, 04:18 PM
...I think I just came up with something.

A Phrenic Wobbuffet (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Wobbuffet_(Pok%C3%A9mon)). An immovable object who happens to be psychic.

If not, I'll break open the several Monster Manuals I own, see if I can't find something.

2010-08-10, 04:32 PM
Hmm... I think you'd probably be better off just playing a monster of your own instead of one of Roxie's pets, Inyu.

2010-08-10, 04:38 PM
But can I be the pixie's pet dinosaur? Pretty please? I promise I won't poop on the carpet and eat your mother. :smallsmile:

2010-08-10, 04:40 PM
Sure. Pet dinosaur works fine.

What kind? Raptor? Ankylosaur?

2010-08-10, 04:49 PM
:smalltongue: Yeah, it probably is best...

Well, what were you thinking of for the kinds of monsters that Roxie would have? And I guess I should have asked this question earlier, but how permanent are these monsters going to be?

2010-08-10, 04:50 PM
As permanent as their players want them to be. And I was thinking just your basic monster, with about the intelligence and loyalty of a pet dog.

2010-08-10, 04:58 PM
Ah, and I'm guessing that you would only want organic monsters, no golems or constructs of any kind?

I'm sorry if my proposals are putting you off in any way. The creative side of me seems to prevent me from making anything less than the weirdest possible stuff I can make whenever I hear the words "monster" and "whatever you want from wherever you want". :smalltongue:

2010-08-10, 05:17 PM
I don't think she could charm or bond with a construct or golem, no. And there's nothing wrong with your proposals, they just don't fit with Roxie.

2010-08-10, 05:43 PM
Sure. Pet dinosaur works fine.

What kind? Raptor? Ankylosaur?

Saurornitholestes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saurornitholestes) :smallamused:

I almost went with the Piatnitzkysaurus. Yes, that is a real dinosaur. And so is Fukuiraptor. Seriously. Look it up. :smalleek:

2010-08-10, 05:53 PM
Noes! Don't make me do research! I believe you!

Hmm... now what would Mummy Roxie name you? :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-10, 06:21 PM
Heh, doncha love it when one site decides to load all sloooooooowwwww on your comp?
And that's my lead in for... iElf, sorry if I'm not posting on Pantheon, but the stupid forum is loading up at about one pixel per Donald Trump lifespan.

2010-08-10, 06:51 PM
Tweetums! THE DINOSAUR MUST BE CALLED TWEETUMS!!! :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-10, 06:55 PM
Tweetums it is. :smallbiggrin:

"Tweetums, Mummy is going to live at a new place now, called NO. When you come to visit me there, you mustn't eat anyone without Mummy's permission. Okay?"

2010-08-10, 07:10 PM
Heh, doncha love it when one site decides to load all sloooooooowwwww on your comp?
And that's my lead in for... iElf, sorry if I'm not posting on Pantheon, but the stupid forum is loading up at about one pixel per Donald Trump lifespan.

it's loading fast again beansy!

2010-08-10, 07:16 PM
Tweetums it is. :smallbiggrin:

"Tweetums, Mummy is going to live at a new place now, called NO. When you come to visit me there, you mustn't eat anyone without Mummy's permission. Okay?"

Tweetums stares up at Mummy with a blank look in its eye. The dinosaur turns its head. It probably got the message. You hope.

Are there any gnomes at NO? :smallamused:

2010-08-10, 07:18 PM
I don't think there are.

Feel free to arrive at NO whenever you like. If Roxie is deadtimed, Tweetums is obviously unsupervised.

The Bushranger
2010-08-10, 07:21 PM
Saurornitholestes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saurornitholestes) :smallamused:

...I know Mag keeps saying Saurous is a monster, but...


2010-08-10, 07:55 PM
What? No umber hulks? Displacer beasts? Rust monsters? Kids these days...

Which reminds me... Are you EVER going to kill that dagger of doom? :smalltongue:

Tweetums stares up at Mummy with a blank look in its eye. The dinosaur turns its head. It probably got the message. You hope.

Are there any gnomes at NO? :smallamused:
I don't think there are any gnomes in Acro at all. Kobolds are also severely underrepresented.

@ Watchtower - Silly hunter. Butler works there now. All you had to do was knock. :smalltongue:

@ Pets - I keep thinking about playing a Tiger of some kind. White or Sabre-tooth.

The Bushranger
2010-08-10, 07:57 PM
Which reminds me... Are you EVER going to kill that dagger of doom? :smalltongue:

Hey, Butler distracted Susan from it! :smalltongue:

I don't think there are any gnomes in Acro at all.
Cosmo is not amused.


Of course. Cosmo is never amused. So there's nothing new there...

2010-08-10, 07:59 PM
....I don't know why...but I hate gnomes....I absolutely hat them for some reason

2010-08-10, 08:00 PM
@Rein: I'm picturing Mr Buttons from Vampire, but in a sabre tooth tiger's body. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-10, 08:03 PM
@Rein: I'm picturing Mr Buttons from Vampire, but in a sabre tooth tiger's body. :smallbiggrin:

Whoa. Out of the ballpark reference.
But it fits so perfectly. He even changed into that at the very end too.
Not even Hell can hold back MISTER BUTTONS! :biggrin:

You got yourself a new pet.

2010-08-10, 08:11 PM
Idea: Leathery octopus-like creature that, sort of like a hermit crab, inhabits objects as "shells".
Current shell: a metal urn.

Possible name: Lord Squishington. ^_^

2010-08-10, 08:14 PM
Yay! Lord Squishington and Mr Buttons are both perfect. They can show up at NO whenever you like.

Hehe... Dipsnig's going to go nuts. I'm guessing he'd better get the goblins in quick to build the animal pens. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-10, 08:15 PM
Okay, so far I am coming up pretty much blank for monsters. The only thing I can come up with that might be interesting to me would be some kind of warbred or dire or otherwise slightly modified Girallon. For those who don't know what a girallon is, it's basically a giant, four armed gorilla.

2010-08-10, 10:24 PM
Ooh, ooh, there should totally be a displacer beast! And it's name should be Unhuggables! Get it! Get it!

2010-08-10, 10:26 PM
Which reminds me... Are you EVER going to kill that dagger of doom? :smalltongue:

I don't think there are any gnomes in Acro at all. Kobolds are also severely underrepresented.

@ Watchtower - Silly hunter. Butler works there now. All you had to do was knock. :smalltongue:

@ Pets - I keep thinking about playing a Tiger of some kind. White or Sabre-tooth.

Hunters don't knock! Hunters break things! :smallfurious:

2010-08-10, 10:28 PM
Hunters don't knock! Hunters break things! :smallfurious:

Hunters get their butts kicked by psychics and jedi then. :smalltongue:

2010-08-10, 10:29 PM
Saw a clip or two of Owlman from Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths and OMNICIDAL MANIAC FANSQUEE.

2010-08-10, 10:30 PM
Exactly. See, the Hunters from Halo are used to fighting stock good guys, and slaughtering them.

Then they get slaughtered by the Master Chief.

In Nexus, basically everyone is the Master Chief. Y'know, a protagonist.


Maybe this character was a bad idea. :smalltongue:

Edit @ Beans: I saw part of that movie. Omnicidal maniacs are some of my favorite villains.

2010-08-10, 10:34 PM

*mighty manly man-Squee*

2010-08-11, 07:17 AM
Hehe... Dipsnig's going to go nuts. I'm guessing he'd better get the goblins in quick to build the animal pens. :smallbiggrin:

That's true, but I think it's quickly going to switch from "goddammit, I'll have to put those monsters somewhere :smallannoyed:" to "OMFG I have a bunch of monsters on my orders! :smallbiggrin:"

2010-08-11, 09:54 AM
Friends, it has come down to this.

While we have been idly roleplaying away, the great war of our times has been taking place. Indeed, it is a battle for the very heart and soul of the internet.

I speak, of course, of Catfight (http://www.urlesque.com/2010/08/11/catfight-finals/).

It is the final round today, pitting Ceiling Cat against Maru.

Vote wisely, my friends. Vote wisely.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-11, 10:01 AM
Wait, Ceiling Cat is losing!? This... it cannot be. :smalleek:

2010-08-11, 10:05 AM
HEATHENS! :smallmad:

2010-08-11, 10:05 AM
Maru controls the vote with strange box powers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2q7fw3PdFA)! (or possibly tens of thousands of youtube followers...)

It was a close decision for me. But I had to go with the author of the Lolcat Bible.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-11, 10:08 AM
Also, KR vs. Kr?
KR is the classic, but I've taken to pronouncing it (in MY HEAD! WITH MY MIND-PRONOUNCING POWERS!) with a single syllable, as opposed to initials (unlike DeeCee) so 'Kr' would be more grammatically correct. And we can't have incorrect grammar in my posts. good it not would be

2010-08-11, 10:10 AM
I've been always pronouncing it as two separate letters, either Polish ones or English ones. I can't imagine pronouncing it as a syllable, honestly.

2010-08-11, 10:11 AM
How is Kr pronounced? What hidden vowel is employed? :smallconfused:

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-11, 10:12 AM
It's pronounced like 'Care' except with a little emphasis on the end (Kay'r?). Basically just a contracted version of 'Kay Arr'. Blame Fullbladder. *nodnod*
I suppose 'Ker' would be correct too.
This is probably a terrible idea anyway. Too bad Decker was only able of thinking up silly names way back when. At least DC has a proper moniker (fake as it is) to fall back on.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-11, 10:30 AM
...before I forget.


Jazirian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8626166&postcount=8) - Gold Dragon Rogue. Handsome, Greedy, Handsome, Easily Distracted, Handsome, Blond, Handsome, kind of a ditz. Member of GLoG.
Johannes Frederikson (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9013641&postcount=116) - Knight Errant. Ridiculously tall and MANLY, and also LAWFUL GOOD(!). AND MANLY. Member of HALO.
Kal'selthezaar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8626258&postcount=9) - Tiefling (Half-fiend?) Assassin. Devilishly charming (Not demonically! Get it right!), master of Obfuscating Stupidity (we think), grandson of Lady Morgana and consort of Lady Decker. Has a nice hat. Former Member of HATS. Member of SAINT. Until they blew him up. Member of AMEN. Member of MURDER. Nuisance at WATCHTOWER.
KR (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8632592&postcount=62) - Human Fighter-Scientist-Wizard-Spark-Assassin-Jedi-Thing. Short, but strongly built and very intimidating. Has all the social grace of a snapping turtle. Is fully capable of killing anything and everything and IS IN CONTROL. Also, SCIENCE! Triumvir of WATCHTOWER.
Lillanthil (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11864073&postcount=558) - Half-Succubus retired adventurer socialite. Estranged daughter of Lady Morgana, estranged mother of Kal'selthezaar. New owner of Restaurant Enchante, relocated to Mallside.
Mister Marble/David Pietá (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13118286&postcount=710) - Tankalicious marble superhero. Reluctant member of the Justice Crew.

Ask my characters a question on Formspring! (http://www.formspring.me/krisonastick)

2010-08-11, 10:42 AM
What about Phoenix? :smallfrown:

Also: The mob of monsters in NO makes me very happy. :smallbiggrin:

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-11, 10:50 AM
I don't have a post for him in the NEW!registry yet. I need one for Lucretia as well, so I can add them both to the SIG!index.

2010-08-11, 10:52 AM
...before I forget.


Jazirian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8626166&postcount=8) - Gold Dragon Rogue. Handsome, Greedy, Handsome, Easily Distracted, Handsome, Blond, Handsome, kind of a ditz. Treasurer of GLoG.
Kal'selthezaar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8626258&postcount=9) - Tiefling Assassin. Devilishly charming (Not demonically! Get it right!), master of Obfuscating Stupidity (we think), great-grandson of Lady Morgana and consort of Lady Decker. Has a nice hat. Former Member of HATS.
Johannes Frederikson (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9013641&postcount=116) - Knight Errant. Ridiculously tall and MANLY, and also LAWFUL GOOD(!). AND MANLY. Member of HALO.
KR (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8632592&postcount=62) - Human Fighter-Scientist-Wizard-Spark-Assassin-Jedi-Thing. Short, lightly built and not very physically intimidating. Has all the social graces of a snapping turtle. Is fully capable of killing anything and everything and IS IN CONTROL. Also, SCIENCE! Unofficial leader of WATCHTOWER.
KR-15 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9073044&postcount=124) - Amnesiac Assassin Droid. Psychopathic, ruthless and completely original. Not a ripoff of anyone, nope! Member of AMEN. Or will be, anyway. Just as soon as the base stops being attacked.

I need to make a list like this and put it in my sig.

2010-08-11, 11:12 AM
The character list does make things easier. Mine has links to the old index and the new, as well as unlinked characters that don't have a sheet yet.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-11, 12:15 PM
Should probably do something like that... even though I only have two characters... :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-11, 04:17 PM
Just so you guys know, a friend or two of mine will be trying out FFRP here in the Nexus. They seemed pretty interested.

2010-08-11, 04:21 PM
w00t! More victims! :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-11, 04:25 PM
Oh, good. I was getting hungry.
*gets out BBQ sauce*

2010-08-11, 04:27 PM
w00t! More victims! :smallbiggrin:

Indeed. The one is currently about to have his character burp in a mage's face.

Hilarity ensues.

2010-08-11, 04:29 PM

How did I somehow guess that gutbeast was one of your friends?

I swear, sometimes I'm psychic.

2010-08-11, 04:30 PM
*cronch cronch cronch*

2010-08-11, 04:35 PM
And... he and I must deadtime, at least for the next few minutes. Dangit.

2010-08-11, 05:04 PM
I don't have a post for him in the NEW!registry yet. I need one for Lucretia as well, so I can add them both to the SIG!index.

Don't forget everyone's favorite...
The ROFLMancer. :smallwink:

I'm still working on getting my second character entry up. Once I actually have time and stuff.

2010-08-11, 05:15 PM
Lol at gutbeast's decision to omit the U from "forums".

That's right, man. Kick that extra vowel.

I tried having a sig-index once, but I'm stupid and I have a jillion charries...
So I have a bookmarks toolbar index with sub and sub-sub categories so I can just give people a linky.

The Bushranger
2010-08-12, 12:12 AM
Poor Zel...

Erin needs to go find a way to fix her. *nodnod*

Lord Iames Osari
2010-08-12, 01:31 AM
And now I deadtime for the next six days.

2010-08-12, 09:10 AM
Since NO will reach its seventh thread soon... any suggestions for the title?
Also, I think the base could use a new layout. The current one is a bit... generic. Now that GLoG has a campsite, WATCHTOWER has a, well, tower and AMEN is on top of a volcano, NO could use something distinct, I think. And failing that, something a bit more organized. Besides, they'll be getting rather large beast pens.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-12, 09:17 AM
Underground Base.
Tree Base.
Space Base.
Moon Base.
Floating (on water) Base.
Moving Base (legs or treads).
Flying Helicopter Base.
Steal AMEN's Flying Castle Town...
Steal a Helicarrier...
Steal Sanctuary...
Steal Castle Wulfenbach...
...or Castle Heterodyne...

Edit: Flying Stone Whale Base (http://www.akiba-station.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/rune_factory_wii.jpg). DO IT. Bonus points if the whale is one of Roxie's pets.

2010-08-12, 09:26 AM
I think Nexus has enough flying things.

How about a fortress that looks simple from the outside, but has extensive underground quarters and tunnels and such?

Also... I'm thinking the entire catpeople war took less time than the Exalted-AMEN battle. :smalltongue:

2010-08-12, 09:28 AM
Yeah, I don't think a flying base is a good idea. The life of low-powered characters is hard enough as it is and besides, the leader of NO is airsick. Of course, if all people with NO characters want it, we'll do it.
A fortress with complex undergound quarters and tunnels sounds good, though.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-12, 09:34 AM
Eeh... WATCHTOWER is basically an underground base, flipped on its side, built in a cliff as it is. Then again, it's not as complex as what goblins could possibly construct, and not particularly warren-like or even eyrie-like, save for the catacombs. I do love the idea of a floating lake or ocean base, or even a giant boat base, but somehow I doubt Dipsnig would want to live in one of those. Swamp base?
What Would Nameless Do? Assuming he's the one who would have built the base (IC) in the first place, though Dipsnig and his goblins are also a good candidate for original architect. So a base that could conceivably have been constructed by either goblins or the a Grim Reaper.

@ht: And now it's on hold for six days it seems, unless BR has charge of the Deliberative now. I shall have to undeadtime KR-15 somewhere else first. Maybe someone should 'discover' him and turn him on? Any old place would do.

2010-08-12, 09:39 AM
The base was built by Nameless. Dipsnig started out as a rank-and-file member and took over later. The goblins aren't really "his", he merely hired them to dig the tunnels. IC, I was thinking about calling the changes to the base "rearrangements". Besides, the NO base is rather... undefined unless someone remembers to look at the map.
Swamp base has some appeal, I think. It'd make it different from other organizations.

2010-08-12, 09:41 AM
Eeh... WATCHTOWER is basically an underground base, flipped on its side, built in a cliff as it is. Then again, it's not as complex as what goblins could possibly construct, and not particularly warren-like or even eyrie-like, save for the catacombs. I do love the idea of a floating lake or ocean base, or even a giant boat base, but somehow I doubt Dipsnig would want to live in one of those. Swamp base?
What Would Nameless Do? Assuming he's the one who would have built the base (IC) in the first place, though Dipsnig and his goblins are also a good candidate for original architect. So a base that could conceivably have been constructed by either goblins or the a Grim Reaper.

@ht: And now it's on hold for six days it seems, unless BR has charge of the Deliberative now. I shall have to undeadtime KR-15 somewhere else first. Maybe someone should 'discover' him and turn him on? Any old place would do.

Oooh! I have a character that would be hanging around old places. Tell me where.

NO should build their base out of the bones of their enemies! :smallmad:

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-12, 09:46 AM
This wouldn't be the Male with the Falsetto Footwear, would it?

Also, that's totally what Nameless would do! =D
Either that, or a base made out of cake. And pineapple. With heavy metal guardians.
Now I feel like PMing him out of the blue and asking him what his dream fortress would be. e_e

2010-08-12, 09:48 AM
If you want to change it more than can be covered under renovations, then the daemon that escaped could have weakened the foundation enough to cause a sinkhole, forcing the filthy neutrals to relocate.

Swamp base... hmm, no more underground tunnels, but you could have penguin operated airboats to take visitors safely over the mosquito and alligator infested waters.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-12, 09:50 AM
Oh right, Clockwork Penguins.
This calls for an (Ant)arctic Base.
And all the snowflakes are shaped like cogs. Uniquely.

2010-08-12, 09:50 AM
This wouldn't be the Male with the Falsetto Footwear, would it?
Could you... be more specific? :smallconfused:
Footwear what? I don't get it.

I'm going to guess you meant Vincent, but it is not him.

Wait. SQUEAKY SHOES MAN?! He be dead! :smalleek:

2010-08-12, 09:51 AM
Relocation is indeed an option if the base gets substantially changed. I'll leave it at that to hear more opinions, I suppose. So far, we have:
-Swamp Base
-Lake/Sea base
-Fortress with an underground complex
-Flying base

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-12, 09:52 AM
So was Reinholdt. And Butler. :smalltongue:

@^: (ANT)ARCTIC BASE. I'll even make Roxie a pet [snow creature]! =3

2010-08-12, 09:52 AM
Roxie only asks that there be pet flaps to allow her animals to move between the base and their pens during free association time. :smallbiggrin:

My preferences:
1. Fortress with an underground complex
2. Swamp Base
3. Leave as is (just add animal pens)
4. Lake/Sea base
5. Flying base
99. Antarctic base (hate snow! hate hate hate!)

2010-08-12, 09:55 AM
So was Reinholdt. And Butler. :smalltongue:

@^: (ANT)ARCTIC BASE. I'll even make Roxie a pet [snow creature]! =3

Reinholdt wasn't my fault! Honest!

*thwaps* I don't have all day. You want me to turn on KR-15 or not?

Gotta second the Antartic base. FOR THE PENGUINS.

2010-08-12, 09:58 AM
Antarctis base? Hmmmm. Nexus has few snowy and icy locations, I suppose. Dipsnig, at least, is used to cold, if not arctic cold.

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-12, 09:58 AM
Alright then. Some abandoned alleyway in Inside then? A scavenger's shop? Or perhaps Trog or Taverna's? No I don't know how the blown up carcass of a KR-15 prototype would have gotten there either. But it's more public, I suppose.

@ht: :frown:

2010-08-12, 09:59 AM
Snow is eeeeeevil!

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-12, 10:00 AM
From my point of view the Tropics are evil!

2010-08-12, 10:04 AM
Alright then. Some abandoned alleyway in Inside then? A scavenger's shop? Or perhaps Trog or Taverna's? No I don't know how the blown up carcass of a KR-15 prototype would have gotten there either. But it's more public, I suppose.

@ht: :frown:

Not the GLoG visitor's center? :smalltongue:
Inside probably wouldn't work too well.
So Taverna or Outside someplace. Oooh! Traveling Jawas!

Snow is the bastion of all that is holy. You don't make snow demons do you? Just snow angels.

Now deserts. Those are evil.

2010-08-12, 10:21 AM
Well, that settles it. You can't put the Neutralist Organization in the midst of anything holy. :smalltongue:

Ashen Lilies
2010-08-12, 10:33 AM

Meanwhile: Travelig Jawas! Have a sale! At Taverna!

2010-08-12, 10:34 AM

Meanwhile: Travelig Jawas! Have a sale! At Taverna!

*checks cards*
DANG IT! You always win this game. :smallannoyed:

2010-08-12, 10:34 AM
What about the Weald?



You don't want us to rescue Phoenix at all, do you? :smallfrown:

2010-08-12, 10:35 AM
Arctic base sounds kinda tempting. I suppose we can wait with making the decision.