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2010-08-06, 09:40 PM
First, there were the Osteomancers- spellcasters who learned to control their bones and, eventually, others’ as well. Though powerful in their ability to control the bones of others, they were nowhere near ready to rely on their own bones to keep them alive in combat, let alone have it be their defining feature; so they began researching ways to develop this power for melee combat.
The fruits of their labor yielded something beyond even what they had hoped; they called them Osteophites, but most of the world would come to know them as the Boneblades.
Developing the Boneblade class costed time, gold, and some Osteomancer’s lives. The modern ritual, however, is quick, simple, and safe.

Abilities: Constitution is absolutely vital to any Boneblade. It determines his durability in battle and fuels his powers. High strength scores are natural and quite helpful to the melee-centered types. Dexterity is important to them, but even more so to the ranged specialists.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d10.
Class Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis).
Skills Points at 1st Level: (2 + Intelligence modifier) x4.
Skill Points at each additional level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack|Fort|Ref|Will|Channel Bonus|Tough Bones Bonus

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Boneblade is proficient with any weapon or shield created from his Core (“Bone Weapon”). If a feat requires proficiency with a weapon, this ability fulfills that requirement; however, he may only take the feat in relation to one specific type of weapon (longsword, rapier, etc.), not just every weapon made from the Boneblade’s Core. Aside from his Bone Weapons, he is proficient with simple weapons, light armor, and light shields.

Bone Shift (Su.): A Boneblade’s main power is his ability to bend, extend, and shape his bones in ways his Osteomancer brethren can only dream of. This power grows along with the Boneblade. At 1st lvl, he can create small protrusions from his body or shift his skeletal structure. This can be reflected in game terms as a +2 to Disguise checks. Also, he may form the equivalent of Spike Gauntlets on his hands as part of a move action. From 2nd to 5th lvl, the kinds of weapons (or shields) that can be “drawn” or made with the Boneblade’s bones expands. See Table 2.
How It Works: A Bone Weapon (weapon/shield) is drawn from the Boneblade’s arm (a move action to draw as well as to retract) and acts as the weapon he desires for the purposes of damage, threat range, and type. These are exotic weapons. If it is an extension of himself (ala Wolverine), it may be sundered and broken off. If it is used as a separate weapon, standard rules for disarming apply. Either of these methods may be used and do not affect the weapon’s capabilities so long as it does not leave the Boneblade’s possession.
Losing a Bone Weapon: If the Boneblade loses possession of a weapon (intentionally or not), the weapon loses all its magical properties and becomes regular bone. If he attempts to throw any drawn Bone Weapon, it loses its properties after being thrown. This effect is resolved the moment after damage and attack calculations are completed.
Enhancement: A Boneblade’s Bone Weapon can not receive any permanent enhancement aside from those that come from his own Boneblade Class Abilities.
Armor Spikes: Bone Spikes may also be extended from his body; these are treated as Armor Spikes regardless of placement or size. If the Boneblade attempts to wear armor while using his Bone Armor Spikes, the spikes puncture and damage the armor. It is still usable, but its armor bonus is decreased by 1 until it is repaired (if this reduction would drop the armor bonus to 0, the armor becomes unusable.)
Limit: Only two weapons may be used at any given time, one on each arm; the existence of Spiked Gauntlets and Armor Spikes doesn’t count against this limit.
HP: The HP for a boneblade’s weapon is equal to three times his Con modifier.
Quick Draw: The act of drawing (but not retracting) can be improved with the Quick Draw feat.
Note about losing Bone Weapons: Although drawing a Bone Weapon does not directly affect how much bone mass a Boneblade loses each time he draws one, it does drain him. If he loses possession of a Bone Weapon in any way, he takes one point of temporary Con damage. This can be healed by normal means or by regaining possession of the weapon. The moment you touch the lost weapon, you may choose to reabsorb it into your body as part of a move action or simply pick it up; your Con damage is healed either way. This includes ALL drawn Bone Weapons, including arrows.

Channel Magical Birthright (Su.): A boneblade’s power is drawn from the magic that fuels his abilities, whether his condition is a result of direct meddling or a part of his heritage. This manifests in yet another way: any drawn Bone Weapon has an enhancement bonus on its attack and damage rolls equal to 1 at first level, 2 at 5th, 3 at 10th, 4 at 15th, and 5 at 20th.

Tough Bones: A Boneblade’s bone density is legendary; even the lesser of their class are unusually difficult to damage. At first level, he gains a natural armor bonus to his AC of 3. This increases to 5 at 5th lvl, 7 at 10th, 9 at 15th, and 11 at 20th.

Healthy Bones (Ex.): Healthy bones make a strong Boneblade, and not just in terms of hit points or fortitude save. At 2nd lvl, a boneblade is immune to natural diseases. At 5th lvl, he is immune to all other diseases (magical, supernatural). At 10th, he gains a +5 against poison, fatigue, and exhaustion.

Aligned Bones (Su.): A boneblade’s bones may take on one aspect of his alignment (lawful, chaotic, good, or evil) for the sake of overcoming damage reduction. This may only change if the chosen aspect of his alignment changes (it must follow the change.) Otherwise, this is unchangeable. If a Boneblade does not choose to apply this ability when he first gains it, he may choose to do so again each time he levels up.

Power Choice: The boneblade may choose from one of the powers below to gain as a supernatural ability. He gains one of these abilities at 5th, 10th, and 15th level.

Armor Lock (Su.): The boneblade gains an awesome new ability- the power to solidify his bones even more, making it even harder to damage him. However, when the power takes hold, the boneblade’s bones are frozen in place. Activating this power takes a standard action. At the beginning of each turn after he activates this ability, the boneblade must choose either to end Armor Lock or to sustain his state another round. While locked, the following effects apply:
The boneblade can not take any action involving movement of his body (attacking, moving, somatic components, etc.)
He gains damage reduction/bludgeoning equal to his Tough Bones bonus x 2.
He loses his Dex bonus to his AC.
He gains a +4 on Fortitude saves.
If he attempts a Reflex save, he takes a -2 on the save and Armor Lock immediately ends. This renders the ability unusable for 1d12 rounds.
The Boneblade can use this ability a total number of rounds per day equal to his Boneblade level. With 10 minutes of uninterrupted meditation, he can recover half of any rounds spent (rounded down.) (Note: this ability has no relation to the Armor Lock spell.)

Quartermaster (Su.): With this power a Boneblade can choose to break off or give away a drawn weapon without it losing its unique power. This weapon retains its ability to overcome damage reduction and its bonuses to attack and damage. The bone weapon retains its supernatural properties for a number of rounds equal to the the boneblade’s Con modifier.
To keep a Bone Weapon enchanted, a Boneblade must make a Concentration check. To determine the check, consult Table 2. The DCs for multiple weapons are cumulative. The limit on how many items the Boneblade can keep enchanted with this ability at one time is equal to half his Con modifier.
This effect must be used intentionally for the weapon to retain its properties.

Size Shift (Su.): The boneblade can now shift his entire skeletal structure on a more dramatic scale. The boneblade may as a full-round action enlarge or reduce his size (as the Enlarge/Reduce Person spell) for a total number of rounds per day equal to his Boneblade level. He gains a +1 to his attacks in addition to the consequences of being affected by the spell. Returning to normal size is a swift action.

Ranged Threat (Su.): With this ability. a boneblade can use his bones as special projectiles against his targets. This ranged attack deals 1d6 points of damage, has a range increment of 50 ft, does piercing damage, and has a crit multiplier of x2. These are considered standard Bone Weapons that gain all the bonuses of their melee brethren. The Boneblade must have a free arm to fire the spikes. The projectiles turn to normal bone after the attack is resolved. The attack may be done as a swift action or a standard action (but not both in the same round.) However, if both of the Boneblade’s arms are free at the beginning of his turn, he may make an additional attack at -5 of his full BAB when attacking as a full-round action.

Greater Threat (Su.): Prerequisite: Ranged Threat.
Boneblades who dedicate an extended amount of time to honing their ranged abilities find they can push their limits even further. Their ranged bone attacks now deal 1d8 points of damage, have a range increment of 100 ft, and their crit range becomes 19-20.

Greater Size Shift (Su.): Prerequisite: Size Shift.
Now whenever he shifts his size, a Boneblade can instead choose to increase his size one category further. His supreme mastery over his body grants him an additional +1 to Attack over his original bonus, along with a +1 to Dex. A creature may not grow to a size category larger than Huge. He can use this enhanced version a number of rounds per day equal to his Con modifier. The number of rounds per day he can use the standard version of Size Shift is doubled. Using Greater Size Shift does not simultaneously drain rounds from Size Shift’s pool.

Heavy Armor Lock (Su.): Prerequisite: Armor Lock.
With this upgrade, the Osteophite becomes virtually indestructible. He now gains damage reduction/magic by an amount equal to his Tough Bones bonus x 3 (replacing Armor Lock’s original DR.) The number of rounds per day he can sustain Heavy Armor Lock is now equal to 2 x his Boneblade level. Heavy Armor Lock otherwise works the same as (and replaces) Armor Lock.

Walking Armory (Su.): Prerequisite: Quartermaster.
With further practice and study, a Quartermaster can become a Walking Armory. The limit on how many items that can be sustained at once is doubled, and the DC for all Bone Weapons is halved (rounded down).

Unnerving (Su.): A boneblade’s appearance can magically cause fear in any creature. All hostile creatures within 20 ft must make a Will save (DC 10+ 1/2 boneblade level + Con modifier) or take a -2 on all checks involving the boneblade. A successful save means this creature is immune to the effect for 24 hours. The boneblade’s nature must be recognizable (by any means) and the targets within range for the effect to set in. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect.

Know Thy Origins (Ex.): Knowledge is power. A skilled Boneblade finds understanding magic comes naturally to him; he adds Knowledge (Arcana) to his class skills.

Iron Bones (Su.): A boneblade’s bones are now treated as cold iron weapons when attempting to overcome damage reduction.

Silver Bones (Su.): A boneblade’s bones are treated as silver weapons for the sake of overcoming damage reduction.

Deep Bone (Ex.): At 14th level, the bonuses from Healthy Bones grow even greater. He gains a +5 bonus against sleep effects, paralysis, and death effects.

VERY Magical Bones (Su.): The boneblade’s magical essence begins to overflow, enhancing his battle capabilities even more. His bone weapons are now counted as magic for the sake of overcoming damage reduction.

Adamantine Bones (Su.): A boneblade’s bones are now counted as adamantine weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Gifted (Su.): At 20th lvl, a Boneblade has earned a new title- Gifted. This is a serious and pinnacle moment in a Boneblade’s life: it means that he has truly realized his Osteomancer forefather’s hopes and dreams. If there is an society of Osteophites present, a Boneblade should find them out with all haste. One final ritual is performed, and the Boneblade is granted a Gift. As an alternative, he can simply choose another power from the Power Choice list. (If no society exists or finding them would be too much trouble, the Boneblade may simply choose his new ability when he levels up.)
Moving Fortress: The boneblade is no longer completely frozen while engaging Heavy Armor Lock. He may now take a single swift, move, or standard action that includes movement of his bones. He can now use Armor Lock any number of times per encounter. He may use Dex-based skill checks, but at a -8 penalty.
Solid: The boneblade may choose to engage an enhanced version of his bone armor (Tough Bones ability). His natural armor bonus increases by +5. He can add or detract this extra bonus as a full-round action. If he wants to use this ability, he must not be wearing any armor.
Greatest Threat: The boneblade’s ranged Bone Weapons now deal 1d10 points of damage, their range increment is now 130 ft, and crit multiplier becomes x3. The attack is now made with a full BAB.
Attuned: An Attuned osteophite truly embraces and engages his magical heritage. He gains Spell Resistance equal to 15 plus his Con modifier. He gains Damage Reduction 5/magic outside of Armor Lock, and he may now add his Tough Bones bonus to his Touch AC.
I AM the Core: Through a week of meditation and the careful assistance of an Osteomancer, the Boneblade truly embraces his Core: namely, he becomes it. He is now made of bone, through and through (all bodily functions still work normally.) This is permanent. He gains DR 5/adamantine outside of Armor Lock; this damage reduction is negated while Armor Lock or Heavy Armor Lock are engaged. The Boneblade gains an additional +10 to anything Deep Bone or Healthy Bones gave him a bonus against, as well as cold and death from massive damage. The DC of his Unnerving effect is increased by +5 (if he has Unnerving as a Power, of course).
The boneblade now takes a -2 on diplomacy, disguise, and handle animal checks.

Table 2
{table=head]Level|DC Modifier|Bone Weapon Available
2nd|+4|Short Swords, Daggers, Darts, Clubs, Bucklers, Arrows
3rd|+6|Longswords, Heavy Maces, Small Shields
4th|+8|Rapier, Scimitar, Morningstar, Medium Shields
5th|+10|Large Shields, Composite Longbow
Note: This table is set, but is by no means extensive. If a player wishes to create a weapon not on this list (or even a completely new one), he must have it approved by the DM.

2010-08-06, 09:55 PM
First off, the formatting on this is really hard to read. The table doesn't state when you get abilities, the abilities are all jumbled together with no bolding or breaks between them, etc.

Anyway, this class is... incredibly weak. It's as bad as the soulknife, honestly. It's key class feature is getting weapons, and not even ones that are good for the level you have them, and many class features are worthless (Damage resistance and penalites to certain saves in exchange for not being able to take any actions? The ability to take 1/2 con damage to attack twice with horribly weak ranged weapons? The fact if you want to be a ranged character you are going to kill yourself?)

The only really useful ability this gets is the ability to increase its size, but that isn't enough to make it useful. Everything else (and I mean everything) is either an ability that is marginally useful (a bit of armor, getting a skill as a class skill later, counting as certain types of metal for overcoming DR long after DR becomes really meaningless, SR that will never stop a spell at the level you get it), actively hurts it (armor lock, taking con damage for using its ranged attack ability, the inability to actually use all weapons until fifth level), or is something other characters can easily get (a mere +5 weapon). It's just... weak. Very, very weak.

EDIT: I just noticed that not only do you not get full access to your weapons until fifth level, the weapons you do get are really, really poor choices. I mean, the only class feature it gets is the ability to use a weapon, the least you could do is give it some greatswords or spiked chains.

2010-08-06, 10:28 PM
First off, the formatting on this is really hard to read. The table doesn't state when you get abilities, the abilities are all jumbled together with no bolding or breaks between them, etc.

Anyway, this class is... incredibly weak. It's as bad as the soulknife, honestly. It's key class feature is getting weapons, and not even ones that are good for the level you have them, and many class features are worthless (Damage resistance and penalites to certain saves in exchange for not being able to take any actions? The ability to take 1/2 con damage to attack twice with horribly weak ranged weapons? The fact if you want to be a ranged character you are going to kill yourself?)

The only really useful ability this gets is the ability to increase its size, but that isn't enough to make it useful. Everything else (and I mean everything) is either an ability that is marginally useful (a bit of armor, getting a skill as a class skill later, counting as certain types of metal for overcoming DR long after DR becomes really meaningless, SR that will never stop a spell at the level you get it), actively hurts it (armor lock, taking con damage for using its ranged attack ability, the inability to actually use all weapons until fifth level), or is something other characters can easily get (a mere +5 weapon). It's just... weak. Very, very weak.

EDIT: I just noticed that not only do you not get full access to your weapons until fifth level, the weapons you do get are really, really poor choices. I mean, the only class feature it gets is the ability to use a weapon, the least you could do is give it some greatswords or spiked chains.

I think you're assuming I was trying to make a power class. Which I wasn't. Spent some time toning it down for that reason.
If I wanted to make something everyone'd use because it destroyed planets, I'd give it back DR equal to three times class level and immunity to essentially every effect (including immunity to all the stuff it gets resistance to.)

I was thinking more along RP lines with this. Really enjoyed the imagery of Ostemancer, just wanted to make a more fleshed out (pun intended) class that served a more martial use.

2010-08-06, 11:15 PM
I think you're assuming I was trying to make a power class. Which I wasn't. Spent some time toning it down for that reason.
If I wanted to make something everyone'd use because it destroyed planets, I'd give it back DR equal to three times class level and immunity to essentially every effect (including immunity to all the stuff it gets resistance to.)

Err... immunity to a few minor things it resits and DR that's, while not bad, negated by every weapon ever (being DR/magic) wouldn't bring this above T5, honestly. Even with immunities, it can't *do* anything. That doesn't change that this is very weak, and balance is always an issue; while you may not care if your character is capable of doing anything, anybody taking this will have to either rewrite it or be very weak unless they are playing with monks and soulknives.

I was thinking more along RP lines with this. Really enjoyed the imagery of Ostemancer, just wanted to make a more fleshed out (pun intended) class that served a more martial use.

It has meh BAB and it's only ability is to get a weapon. It's actually worse at hitting things than a monk. RP reasons doesn't mean it can't be useful; it could get plenty of cool abilities and still be focused on that. In fact, due to the lack of cool abilities, it really doesn't feel that flavorful to me; all I can think is "soulknife that has worse weapons that hurt him if he loses them."

2010-08-07, 01:22 AM
Concept: Really badass, could potentially be a great class with some awesome abilities.

Reality: Lame

I think if you really wanted it to work, make it an unarmed class which gets the ability to make bone spikes stick out of their fists (Think Wolverine). As level increases so does spike length/size, amount, and shape. You could even put in a path which allows a split into either giant hammer things (Turning your fist into a boulder) or daggers/short sword length things. You could have a punch that causes several spikes to shoot out on contact

My 2 cents

2010-08-07, 02:55 PM
Honestly I liked it. true it could do with the removal of a few limiters or something, but make the chart encompass when such powers are obtained, and which are feats not powers (slight assumption on my part please excuse it). How I would personally use this in combat is having bone-locked (give it something offensive in this state, perhaps acting as if under a slow spell as the bones slowly re-mold themselves th the movement) and some ranged bone-spikers in the rear being successfully defended. I would also add more than one attack per round, lax a tad on the con damage (though I understand why you have it mechanics wise it is a tad overboard, perhaps some damage instead. Than lets see how good this class is.:smallamused:

2010-08-07, 03:43 PM
I think you need to give them more options. Think of all the badass moves you could do if you had control over your bones. Okay? Now make it more like that. I'd give it something like a rogue's special ability list, but every 2 or three levels starting a lot earlier, and better than the "powers" you have now. And give it more immunities rather than this weak resistance. Oh, and DR/Magic is basically useless at about level 8.

2010-08-07, 04:51 PM
At level 1, you get a +1 weapon and +3 natural armour, that you can keep while wearing armour. This is overpowered.

Everything else they get is kinda blah. To list the most obvious problems:

VERY Magical Bones - when do they get this? Monks get ki strike (magic) at level 4.

Know Thy Origins - why is this a separate ability? Paladins don't need to level up to get knowledge (religion).

Healthy Bones - No one likes getting bonuses against poison, especially when it would be practically the same to just give immunity. He's already got high fort saves.

Heavy Armor Lock - DR/magic is worse than DR/bludgeoning. Turning yourself into a statue also happens to be pretty much useless in a fight.

Quartermaster - So I can produce 2 magic weapons that last for 4 rounds. This is terrible unless everyone is naked, at which point it becomes underwhelming.

Solid - I can give up wearing armour, to get 5 armour? Unless all the enemies have brilliant energy weapons, this sucks. I could just take heavy armour proficiency and wear mithral full plate like everyone else, and get 8 armour instead.

Attuned - If you constantly pump only CON, you can get maybe a +12 modifier without doing something cheesy like being PAOed into a troll. That gives SR 27, which an equal level wizard with greater spell penetration beats on a 3. The only worthwhile feature is adding the amour bonus to your touch AC.

I AM the Core - DR/5 adamantine, assuming it's not bypassed, is equivalent to about 2 AC on average, making this pretty underwhelming.

2010-08-07, 04:59 PM
How do you figure DR 5 adamantine is worth 2 AC? It all depends on how much the enemy is putting out per attack; 2 AC is getting hit 10% less, so DR 5 adamantine is worth two armor if they hit for fifty every hit, but if they are PAing, then it's going to be worse, and if they are going for lots of attacks at once, it's more meh.

2010-08-07, 05:06 PM
I agree, it would be better to make a list of powers that you can pick once every few levels, and that some should be strengthened. I also agree that you should get immunities like monks do, but resistances aren't a bad place to start. Also I noted that you appeared to want to rank some abilities higher than others. Perhaps once every ten levels and make more that can work together. (I understand that you wanted a special final power but this provides incentive to continue with this class through Epic (though it would still be lacking incentive enough)) Though I agree with Dilb on many points I think this just reinforces that you need to take some of the limiters off this class.

2010-08-08, 12:06 AM
How do you figure DR 5 adamantine is worth 2 AC? It all depends on how much the enemy is putting out per attack; 2 AC is getting hit 10% less, so DR 5 adamantine is worth two armor if they hit for fifty every hit, but if they are PAing, then it's going to be worse, and if they are going for lots of attacks at once, it's more meh.

It's weird and probably unbalanced for someone to be hitting for much more than 40 or 50 a hit at level 20. Even with power attack, unless you have a much higher attack bonus than the enemies AC, you don't get much benefit because your iterative attacks will miss too often. 30 to 50 is also the typical damage range of CR 20 monsters. Unless you fight a lot of uberchargers, 2 AC = 5 DR is a pretty good approximation.

2010-08-08, 12:18 AM
40 or 50 damage is not level 20 material. Spellcasters, barbarians, rogues, psionicists, initiators, etc are all doing that much damage a lot earlier.

2010-08-08, 12:39 AM
It's weird and probably unbalanced for someone to be hitting for much more than 40 or 50 a hit at level 20. Even with power attack, unless you have a much higher attack bonus than the enemies AC, you don't get much benefit because your iterative attacks will miss too often. 30 to 50 is also the typical damage range of CR 20 monsters. Unless you fight a lot of uberchargers, 2 AC = 5 DR is a pretty good approximation.

50 damage is pretty incredibly poor; I'm outputting more than that damage on each hit with an ECL 10 TWF warblade. Well, OK, it's about 35 damage per hit (10 craven, 2d6 sneak attack, bastard sword damage, str mod to damage, dex mod to damage, int mod to damage, which makes the damage output pretty good with decent stat rolls), but with Stormguard Warrior, I can pump it much, much, much higher; about forty per attack higher, after a round of combat rhythm. Side note: Combat Rhythm is a very effective power limiter on builds designed for lots of relatively light hits; bring it out for the big boss fights or if the group is optimized, don't use it otherwise.

EDIT: Also, spellcasters get 50 damage, on average, by caster level 14 or 15, so ECL 13 or 14 assuming a CL boosting item, and that's without any form of damage optimization. Psions get about that much damage by level 10, power attacking guys with decent uses of bonus damage and high strength (through templates or otherwise; in my example, half minotaur would get me a massive boost to damage, or at least a pretty decent one considering I'm hitting a lot of times per round) can easily break fifty damage on all attacks by level 10, and can probably hit fifty damage as low as level 5 or 7, I haven't paid too much attention to mundane melee tricks.

2010-08-08, 04:45 PM
Alright. Thanks for the input guys. Class is in the midst of serious reconstruction.

At some point I was told that it was too overpowered, and I was always working under that impression. Now that I look back (and read a few humbling reviews :P) I'll spice things up a bit.

2010-08-08, 05:13 PM
50 damage is pretty incredibly poor; I'm outputting more than that damage on each hit with an ECL 10 TWF warblade. Well, OK, it's about 35 damage per hit (10 craven, 2d6 sneak attack, bastard sword damage, str mod to damage, dex mod to damage, int mod to damage, which makes the damage output pretty good with decent stat rolls), but with Stormguard Warrior, I can pump it much, much, much higher; about forty per attack higher, after a round of combat rhythm. Side note: Combat Rhythm is a very effective power limiter on builds designed for lots of relatively light hits; bring it out for the big boss fights or if the group is optimized, don't use it otherwise.

EDIT: Also, spellcasters get 50 damage, on average, by caster level 14 or 15, so ECL 13 or 14 assuming a CL boosting item, and that's without any form of damage optimization. Psions get about that much damage by level 10, power attacking guys with decent uses of bonus damage and high strength (through templates or otherwise; in my example, half minotaur would get me a massive boost to damage, or at least a pretty decent one considering I'm hitting a lot of times per round) can easily break fifty damage on all attacks by level 10, and can probably hit fifty damage as low as level 5 or 7, I haven't paid too much attention to mundane melee tricks.

You use a bastard sword? Shame on you man, I use to respect you.

Nah you aight :smalltongue:

2010-08-08, 05:21 PM
You use a bastard sword? Shame on you man, I use to respect you.

Nah you aight :smalltongue:

It's a sun sword... it counts as a short sword or bastard sword whenever it would be beneficial, so it counts as a weapon for many ToB schools, is light if you want it to be, etc.

2010-08-08, 05:59 PM
Hmmm I did just make a rather long critique...No luck it seems.

M, I know buddy, read the white text :P Just jokes.

Also, OP:

Give Simple Weapon proficiency equivalent at first, martial at third, one exotic weapon proficiency at fifth.

Give Light armour proficiency equivalent (+3-4) at second, give Medium armour (3-6) profiency at fourth, give heavy equivalent (6-10) at sixth.

Then give Weapon focus (Bone weapon) at say...I dunno, fifth because that's when you'd get your final proficiency in weapons. Give Specialisation (Bones) at seventh.

Give extra damage die (1d8 becomes 1d10, 1d10 becomes 2d6, 2d6 becomes 2d8 etc etc.) at eighth. Bump it again at ninth.

Give some random abilities geared towards making your bone stuff work (heavy bone armour does not slow or encumber a boneblade in any way).

Create some flavourful awesomeness:

Bone Casing

Starting at sixth level, a bone lord may encase himself entirely in bone. This casing develops thick protruding spikes of bone that damage any attackers who come near.

At sixth level this casing has a hardness of 10 and 50 hit points, it causes 1d8 piercing damage to any who strike it.

At tenth level this casing has a hardness of 15 and 80 hit points, it causes 1d10 piercing damage to any who strike it.

At twelfth level this casing has a hardness of 20 and 120 hit points, it causes 2d6 piercing damage to any who strike it and fires bone arrows in a 10ft radius to any surrounding it causing 1d8 damage. The user may, as a full round action, move this casing half their base movement speed.

At fourteenth level this casing has a hardness of 25 and 150 hit points, it causes 2d8 piercing damage to any who strike it and fires multiple bone arrows in a 10ft radius to any surrounding it causing 2d6 damage. The user may also fire bone protrusions from inside this casing that have a range of 80ft and deal 1d12 damage + 6 piercing damage. The user may now move this casing at their entire base land speed.

Flavoursome, gives options, looks awesome (Think spiky bone tank, booyah). lol.