View Full Version : The Legend of Legendary Heroes and other 2010 Anime on Hulu

2010-08-07, 03:48 AM
So I started watching this anime subbed on Hulu recently, and so far have found it quite decent. The kanji of the title seems like it should be translated as The Legend of Legendary Legends. I'm really liking the pace, but that might just mean I've been watching too much glacially paced anime recently.

So, a rare thumbs up on the Legend of Legendary Heroes from me.

2010-08-07, 07:53 AM
Are you talking about Legend of Galactic Heroes? I want to watch it one day - the length is more than a bit intimidating, but I've only heard good things about it, and I don't mind the slow pacing. It's also a great testament of how crazy anime was in the eighties.

EDIT: A different series, apparently. The mentions of different translation of the name and very slow pace misguided me. In any case, remember that there's a general anime discussion thread, no need to start a new one for every series.

2010-08-07, 08:52 AM
except if someone want to specifically discuss about one series :smalltongue:

So... my first impression is. What a title. legend of legendary legends! quite the focus on 'legend' there :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-07, 01:49 PM
It's pretty fun all-around.

The characters are great fun to follow, and work together well. In particular, Ryner's overwhelming laziness in the face of adversity is a welcome change from typical fantasy protagonists, and Ferris's deadpan snark compliments it well. The character designs are easy to look at and fantasy-ish without being exceedingly stupid. The plot's a mix of fairly generic MacGuffin hunt and fairly generic politics, but that doesn't bother me.

In general, I like to describe the show as "Eddingsian". Much like Eddings, it doesn't do anything particularly new. Lolheroes just takes a bunch of stuff that has been proven to work and makes it work better.

Oh yeah, and it's got a great cast.

2010-08-07, 01:50 PM
The kanji of the title seems like it should be translated as The Legend of Legendary Legends.

You'd be wrong, though. 勇者 means "brave one" and is generally taken to mean "hero".

Still, great show. It makes me look forward to Thursdays.

2010-08-07, 04:13 PM
About the pace..I meant that it moves along at a good clip, with me feeling that a whole lot happens each episode. Unlike, say, One Piece or Naruto. One episode even continues into on through the credits, continuing dialogue all the way to the end. Wow!

2010-08-09, 04:54 AM
Hm... I picked it up as well, though I am an episode behind (bit busy lately)
I generally like it. But... I don't know. I'm usually not a fan of too cross-genre series. Not the fantasy/comedy thing, that's alright. But the comedy vs world politics and splicing people into their molecule thing. I just don't like it when my comedy is disrupted by too deep of a plot. (At least not, when the plot takes itself as serious as this one seems to get)
For the pacing... hm... it's not bad. Maybe a bit slow, I don't really know where they are heading but it will be hard to fit something proper into 26 or so episodes like this, I think.
Anyway, I'll keep watching it, I guess.

2010-08-09, 01:35 PM
I've generally enjoyed it, and I don't feel it's mix of humor and deep plot is to jarring, as there are certain episodes more focused on deep plot and others that are humor. But then, we are only 5 episodes in.

Also, hearing lelouche's laugh again is satisfying.

2010-08-09, 02:25 PM
Also, hearing lelouche's laugh again is satisfying.
Lelouch's laugh???

Okay, scrap everything else. I'm watching this.

2010-08-10, 04:54 AM
Also, hearing lelouche's laugh again is satisfying.

Okay, reading this I did a quick search on the seiyu's. They got qzuite abunch of good ones there, it seems.
Now, making Lulu the main character with a vastly different character this time (hell, Ryner is Shikamaru ad infinitum) is interestingand all. But Kyon as the evil(???) uberpowerful man behind the king? Okay, he did Graham in Baccano...
Seems also they got half their cast from Durarara!! (which I still need to watch, dammit)
Anyway, I really need to pay more attention to these things from the beginning. I like overanalyzing such things :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-10, 11:27 AM
So, sampling through Hulu again, I stumbled across another anime I'd have to recommend: House of Five Leaves. Now, see, anime I enjoy is different from anime I'd recommend, as I can enjoy a good run of Inuyasha or One peice, but aside from "Hey I want to learn more about this anime thing" posts, they are hardly anime I'd recommend.

House of Five Leaves, on the other hand, will be something that, assuming they do a good dub job, I'll be recommending for even non anime aficionados to watch. It completely lacks the parts of many Anime that might make it difficult to show such tv fans, as it has nothing cutesy, nothing over the top, nothing overbloody, no mechs, no magic, but does have quick deadly action when it happens. I read someone else's comparison of it to The Wire, and I find the comparison holds. This is good TV for adults. It's a fantastic character study in the corruption of a good man into a criminal underground, why the people in that underground continue to do what they do, and how they justify their actions to themselves and others.

It does take a few episodes to ramp up, but the cliffhangers and information rate remind me of A Song of Fire and Ice (minus the body count), with early forshadowing of plot points that confuse when they are initially presented but then resolved later. Give the series 5 episodes and you'll be hooked. (After Bebop, I always give every series 5 episodes).