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2010-08-08, 01:18 AM
Somewhat confused by the entry.

Does the soulbound weapon get the +1 to +5 from the normal use of the power?

Or does it gain a free +1 to +5 based on lvl?

Or does it gain a +1 to +5 like the normal use with a free +1 to +5 enhancement bonus that is set with a variable +1 to +5 based on how many pp you pump into it?

Or any variation thereupon?

So yeah, how does it work?

mabriss lethe
2010-08-08, 01:48 AM
It gains a level dependent enhancement bonus for free and then you can pump PP into it to give it weapon properties as an Augmentation

2010-08-08, 01:57 AM
Now, do these propertys replace the base +1 from call weaponry or do they stack?

2010-08-08, 02:21 AM
Relevant text, all available online (http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a):

Soulbound Weapon

You can summon a specific weapon to your hand that is bound to your very soul.
Level: 1st and 2nd.
Replaces: You lose your 2nd-level bonus feat.
Benefit: You must choose a soulbound weapon at 1st level and you gain the Weapon Focus feat with this weapon. Also, the first power you learn must be call weaponry. You can summon your chosen soulbound weapon to your hand using call weaponry.

At 2nd level, you gain the soulbound weaponclass ability, and the weapon you summon using call weaponry is of the same type as you chose at 1st level. Its physical appearance slowly changes, growing in power as you do. You must manifest the power call weaponry to obtain your soulbound weapon; you retain the weapon for the duration of the power. You may still use the call weaponry power as normal if you wish. This is a specific weapon every time you summon it, and it automatically gains a weapon enhancement at the following levels:
4th +1 weapon
8th +2 weapon
12th +3 weapon
16th +4 weapon
20th +5 weapon

Also, add the following augmentation to your call weaponry power:

Augmentation: When you manifest your soulbound weapon, for each additional 5 power points you spend, you may add a weapon enhancement of +1 value to the weapon. For example, if you spend an additional 10 power points, you could add two +1 weapon enhancements or a single +2 weapon enhancement.
It gets a +1 Enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls for every 4 levels automatically. Only one specific weapon gains this when summoned, and this free enhancement replaces the normal augmentation option. You could manifest Call Weapon normally, without using this ability, and get any type of weapon, but it would not automatically gain the enhancement bonus, you'd have to augment it as-printed for anything.

For every 5 additional powerpoints you spend, it gets a +1 equivalent special property. This augmentation can still be used when using Call Weaponry normally, so for example you could spend ten powerpoints to get a +1 Seeking Composite Longbow (1 base, 4 for the +1, and 5 for Seeking).