View Full Version : Bad Company 2 or MW 2?

2010-08-08, 11:29 AM
To put it simply, I've come to a point where I'm going to buy either Battlefield Bad Company 2 or Modern Warfare 2. As I have only played MW2 before, I would appreciate the playgrounds help in deciding which would be the better choice.

The opinions of those who have played both games would be especially appreciated.

2010-08-08, 11:39 AM
I have them both for PC and can say MW2 was worst choice I ever maid, no servers, overpriced expansions and deliberately lagging knifers ,
BC2 is for me better choice more team play destructible terrain and free map packs
also there will soon be a third choice
Medal of Honor (http://store.steampowered.com/app/47790/)
for which they claim will have best parts of both of this games.

2010-08-08, 11:58 AM
I haven't really played Modern Warfare 2, just watched it being played. But I can vouch that Bad Company 2 is amazing, I hit my 48 hour mark in the first week, and usually I don't play games for that long at a time.

2010-08-08, 09:08 PM
Call of duty and battlefeild are both TOTALY different than Mechwarrior 2, so I suggest you just play Mechwarrior 4, as it has similar gameplay to Mechwarrior 2. The jump from Mechwarrior to Call of Duty is quite large.

2010-08-08, 09:22 PM
Call of duty and battlefeild are both TOTALY different than Mechwarrior 2, so I suggest you just play Mechwarrior 4, as it has similar gameplay to Mechwarrior 2. The jump from Mechwarrior to Call of Duty is quite large.

I might be thinking of the wrong one, but didn't they simplify a lot of things in MW4? I heard that earlier ones were better.

More seriously, BC2.

2010-08-08, 10:12 PM
Bad Company 2 definitely

2010-08-08, 10:19 PM
I don't want to be a member of no good company.

Bad Company 2.

2010-08-09, 12:12 AM
Call of duty and battlefeild are both TOTALY different than Mechwarrior 2, so I suggest you just play Mechwarrior 4, as it has similar gameplay to Mechwarrior 2. The jump from Mechwarrior to Call of Duty is quite large.

modern warfare, not mech warrior

2010-08-09, 01:05 AM
I played more MW than BC, but that is only because Bad Company ran terribly for me while MW ran like an absolute dream.

2010-08-09, 02:17 AM
I'd have to say BC2.
There is nothing more enjoyable then thinking you missed with your rocketlauncher, only to hear a huge creaking noise and get a penta-kill out of nowhere xD.

2010-08-09, 02:39 AM
Wow. Judging from the replies, if we're talking about single player experience, BC 2 should probably be the best FPS of gaming history in order to steamroll MW 2 this much.

2010-08-09, 02:50 AM
Wow. Judging from the replies, if we're talking about single player experience, BC 2 should probably be the best FPS of gaming history in order to steamroll MW 2 this much.

Put Team Fortress 2 in and I think it would probably be not so steamrolly and more [Steam]-rolly.

Played MW2 yesterday and didn't like it, much to hard to see anyone (damned camouflage) and how maps too complex for my simple TF2 mind.:smalltongue:

2010-08-09, 02:53 AM
Wow. Judging from the replies, if we're talking about single player experience, BC 2 should probably be the best FPS of gaming history in order to steamroll MW 2 this much.

I'm not sure you should play either if all you care about is single player.

The Baker
2010-08-09, 02:54 AM
They are both good. But Bad Company 2 comes ahead a little because of the awsome camoflauge that COD lacks. But everything else they are the same. Oh and Bad Company 2 also has vehicles in it.

2010-08-09, 05:00 AM
I'm not sure you should play either if all you care about is single player.

Why? MW 2, like its prequel, has an very well done campaign mode - it's pretty much like playing a movie.

2010-08-09, 07:26 AM
I saw someone mentioning Medal of Honor, and from playing the beta I have this one thing to say: my god it is the biggest piece of crap I've ever had the displesure of installing on my PC. Stay clear of it at all costs. It's being marketed as a hybrid between MW2 and BC2, but the way people play it, it's more like MW2 with BC2's UI, nothing more.

2010-08-09, 07:29 AM
Why? MW 2, like its prequel, has an very well done campaign mode - it's pretty much like playing a movie.

If you happen to like an AI that thinks "Hmm, nothing between where you are and I am so, I'm going to shoot you whether I should know you are there or not...oh and for reference, I am not going to miss...no sir" then sure.

I found the AI in BC2 much less omnipotent and I enjoyed the campaign alot more than MW2 because of it.

2010-08-09, 08:41 AM
If you happen to like an AI that thinks "Hmm, nothing between where you are and I am so, I'm going to shoot you whether I should know you are there or not...oh and for reference, I am not going to miss...no sir" then sure.

I found the AI in BC2 much less omnipotent and I enjoyed the campaign alot more than MW2 because of it.

I don't care much about the AI. As I said, the campaign plays like a good movie, and I like that. Not to mention its awesome Hans Zimmer tracks.

2010-08-09, 09:04 AM
Why? MW 2, like its prequel, has an very well done campaign mode - it's pretty much like playing a movie.
Yeah, but the single player is also insanely short. Like, it only takes four hours. And opposed to other games on my PS3 (like Uncharted 2, Assassins Creed 2, Infamous, Batman Arkham Asylum, and God of War 3) it isn't nearly as good. So, I don't recommend the single player. I tried to play the multiplayer, but got demolished by higher leveled guys. The multiplayer is only fun if you're really good, otherwise it's terrible. Special ops can be fun with a friend, but it isn't good enough to suggest buying the game. Overall, the single player is fun for only four hours, the multiplayer is terrible unless you're skilled, and special ops can be fun with a friend, but, then again, what videogame isn't fun with a friend? Now, I've never played Bad Company, but I hear it's good. So, unless you can find a cheap version of MW2, don't buy it.

2010-08-09, 09:09 AM
I'm not sure you should play either if all you care about is single player.

I played BC1 and MW2 single and both were lots of fun. Havn't played BC2 though.
Knowing it isn't very long, I started MW2 on hard and it took me almost 10 hours. Still not very long, but okay when you can get the game for a good price.
But I guess if I played on normal and didn't care for trying to make stealth kills, you could run to the end of the level much faster.

warty goblin
2010-08-09, 09:15 AM
Why? MW 2, like its prequel, has an very well done campaign mode - it's pretty much like playing a movie.

Why on Earth is a game being like a movie - aka a non-interactive and entirely different type of media - a good thing? Would it be high praise to say that a movie is like reading a book?

2010-08-09, 09:18 AM
I don't know where you pulled four hours from - it took around nine hours (on Veteran, though) for me, but I'll admit, yes, the campaign is short.

I now get one of your points, as you don't want to give (how much bucks?) to a game that short. That's understandable, more so if it's really expensive where you get it.

What little hours it offered was really enjoyable for me, though. And the Spec Ops missions (which I single-played) were a lot of fun for me as well. Tastes, I guess.

2010-08-09, 09:37 AM
Yeah, but the single player is also insanely short. Like, it only takes four hours. And opposed to other games on my PS3 (like Uncharted 2, Assassins Creed 2, Infamous, Batman Arkham Asylum, and God of War 3) it isn't nearly as good. So, I don't recommend the single player. I tried to play the multiplayer, but got demolished by higher leveled guys. The multiplayer is only fun if you're really good, otherwise it's terrible. Special ops can be fun with a friend, but it isn't good enough to suggest buying the game. Overall, the single player is fun for only four hours, the multiplayer is terrible unless you're skilled, and special ops can be fun with a friend, but, then again, what videogame isn't fun with a friend? Now, I've never played Bad Company, but I hear it's good. So, unless you can find a cheap version of MW2, don't buy it.I have bolded what I will address. Under no means is this game's multiplayer any fun if you're "skilled." The entirety of the game's skill is knowing where to camp and how to avoid the grenades which will invariably spam your area as a result of your position being given away by kill cam. With the incredibly unfair system of killstreaks, I managed to rack up a cumulative total kill/death of 2.10. The game was still incredibly, incurably boring. Kills are so easy to get they're not even satisfying.

In regards to the campaign and such, I'm a very perfectionist, completionist gamer. Thus, I always play on the highest available difficulty. It's not even about skill at that level. The foes kill you in 2-3 shots, and take a few to drop themselves. It just becomes about patience during the frustratingly slow grind, die, and grind again experience. The plot was interesting, but nothing interesting enough to warrant a second playthrough. You can get more interesting plots, real acting, and more content by buying 12 $5 movies.

Shas aia Toriia
2010-08-09, 09:46 AM
Bad Company 2 is much better. Looks better, plays betters and is more epic. In my opinion, of course.

I saw someone mentioning Medal of Honor, and from playing the beta I have this one thing to say: my god it is the biggest piece of crap I've ever had the displesure of installing on my PC. Stay clear of it at all costs. It's being marketed as a hybrid between MW2 and BC2, but the way people play it, it's more like MW2 with BC2's UI, nothing more.

Yeah, the beta wasn't great, but that's just because it was full of bugs. Bugs that are getting fixed in the final version. In fact, looking at videos of the final multiplayer product, it looks amazing.

2010-08-09, 09:49 AM
Would it be high praise to say that a movie is like reading a book?

Yes. Books > Movies

2010-08-09, 10:19 AM
The reason why games are compared to movies is because video games are an inferior half medium not respected by the modern society that can only try to emulate the glory and level quality of today's movie industry.

Yeah, really.

Bad Company 2 is the better game. I rage quit Modern warfare 2 when I realized that there is not that much depth in the game.

2010-08-09, 10:33 AM
Why on Earth is a game being like a movie - aka a non-interactive and entirely different type of media - a good thing? Would it be high praise to say that a movie is like reading a book?

My point in the movie analogy was (and I don't buy that you couldn't see it) that it offers a great atmosphere, has solid characters, good story, epic moments - all in all, things that can mark a great movie but not necessarily a great game. In games, there are other factors that should be counted: gameplay, graphics, linearity, etc. which means that there could be good games without ever resembling, in my words, a movie.

By the way, I should make it clear. I haven't played BC II and I'm not comparing the two. For all I know, it could be better than MW 2. I'm just saying that MW 2 isn't the "OMG don't ever buy!!!" kind of game some of you are claiming it is.

Anyway. Looking at the praise it receives, it seems like I'm getting BC II as well.

The reason why games are compared to movies is because video games are an inferior half medium not respected by the modern society that can only try to emulate the glory and level quality of today's movie industry.

Yeah, really.

If this was aimed at me, it's absurdly funny, seeing how it's aimed at a guy spending 8+ hours each day on video games. Yes, I may have no life after all.

2010-08-09, 10:49 AM
Well, I went and checked my game and it actually took me five and a half hours to beat the single player campaign. But that was on normal, so I can see why it would take longer on higher difficulties.

2010-08-09, 10:58 AM
I would go with the Bad Company 2, the large destructive environments as well as the vehicles make it a more interesting game in my eyes.

2010-08-09, 11:18 AM
Why? MW 2, like its prequel, has an very well done campaign mode - it's pretty much like playing a movie.

If a game's gonna be five hours, it'd better be pretty replayable. MW? Not so much.
I don't get why you'd play a game that's obviously designed to be multiplayer on your own, anyway. You want single player, you play a game that was designed for one player. That makes a lot more sense.

I don't really see why anyone would want to play a movie, either. If I wanted a movie I'd watch a movie. When I play a game I want a game. Not cutscenes and scripted events and people talking at me, but a game. Though well a lot of people seem to enjoy that so I guess it is kind of a selling point.

2010-08-09, 11:26 AM
I say Bad Company 2. While MW2 Multi-Player has action as good as any Call of Duty game (they haven't really increased or decreased in quality the past few games), Bad Company 2 adds vehicles, a destructible environment, (slightly) more strategic gameplay (taking objectives, medics, squads, etc.) and in general a less ridiculous armoury. CoD's getting quite bafflingly over-the-top with the latter recently.

2010-08-09, 11:48 AM
While BC2 lacks moddability, which I think would be good for it, it's still tons of fun to play. Even if you're just messing around. Running around with a couple of friends as snipers using the shotgun slugs to snipe people from the other side of town or throwing c4 all over the places is a great way to spend time.

I'd still say that you need friends to enjoy either game to it's fullest.

2010-08-09, 12:04 PM
MW2's single player is indeed quite the experience.

I wouldn't say that the story is actually good, but it is highly entertaining. If you played MW1, you know what you are getting into. But you know that one moment, when they set off the nuke and you are like "woa"?

There are at least 3-4 of those kinds of moments. It makes it rather ridiculous considering the actual length of the game, but it makes for a fun time.

I found BC2's story far far more dull, and have heard others who have played and enjoyed the first, say the same thing.

2010-08-09, 04:26 PM
Yeah, the beta wasn't great, but that's just because it was full of bugs. Bugs that are getting fixed in the final version. In fact, looking at videos of the final multiplayer product, it looks amazing.

Maybe, but the reason I found it to be a giant steaming pile of poo wasn't because of the bugs, but because it was MW2 with squads slapped onto it. It lacked the depth of BC2 to dub it the hybrid everyone seems to think it is. Hopefully I'm deemed wrong when it's released. Hopefully BC2 doesn't die off as a result either, since finding a good, low ping server can sometimes be a chore =/

2010-08-09, 10:41 PM
The single player campain for both games are 'on rails'. I hate that about all of the big three shooters. Battlefield, Call of Duty, and Medal of Honor. However the multiplayer is ware they distinguish themselves.

Battlefield BC2. Is a nice game. It's far superior to MW2 in almost every way. Exept for two points. 1) you cant go prone. This bugs the hell out of me. 2) aiming can be frustrating. It might just be me or latency but I find it hard to shoot accuratly when in other battfield games I didnt have a problem.

Modern warfair 2. Its ok, for a fast paised shooter it has its moments. It attracts the juvenile player. And alot of racists. You have to deal with steam, I hate steam. If I buy I game I should be able to play it, not need the permission of a third party. The host system sucks ass. major ass. You cant chose what host you connect to. They lose connection all the time. You can end up in a hacked host. I stopped playing a wile ago when I started other games. I dont miss it at all.

2010-08-10, 02:34 AM
The difference in the aiming for Bad Company 2 and the other Battlefield games is that in BC2, the bullets have drop over range. It also pays to use small bursts. However, it can still be rather hard to hit stuff over a very long range.

2010-08-10, 02:43 AM
Bad Company 2 is over-hyped. I would go with Modern Warfare 2. But if you're just looking for a really good FPS, I would go with The Orange Box, HL2: Deathmatch, or one of the Unreal Tournament games (if people still play those).

Why on Earth is a game being like a movie - aka a non-interactive and entirely different type of media - a good thing? Would it be high praise to say that a movie is like reading a book?

Do note that many of the qualities that Planescape: Torment is praised for are the same qualities that you might look for in a good book.

2010-08-10, 07:31 AM
While the singleplayer is a bit below MW2. Everyone I've listened to has said that the multiplayer was better.

2010-08-10, 07:48 AM
If a game's gonna be five hours, it'd better be pretty replayable. MW? Not so much.
I don't get why you'd play a game that's obviously designed to be multiplayer on your own, anyway. You want single player, you play a game that was designed for one player. That makes a lot more sense.
"Stop having fun with a game I hate!"

2010-08-10, 08:35 AM
Thinking that a game which focuses entirely on providing a single player experience will probably be better at it than a game with a split focus = hating a game and not wanting people to have fun with it?

Right on, dude. That totally makes sense. I'm going to be going away now.

2010-08-10, 09:27 AM
Modern Warfare 2. There's a reason it's still the most popular online shooter on both consoles it's available for, there's a reason it's one of the best selling games of all time. The personal opinions of the people on this forum aside, the world suggests you get MW2. There are a lot of things it does wrong, but there are more things that it does right, and it does them so right.

Shas aia Toriia
2010-08-10, 09:35 AM
Actually, the reason its so successful in my opinion is that it coasts off the success of previous games in the series. Its fantastic for people who are really good at the game, as well as people who like to exploit the game.
Generally speaking, these are the sort of people who go on the internet - they then flood the internet singing its praises. The game isn't that fun otherwise.

2010-08-10, 09:37 AM
the world suggests you get MW2.

The world really isn't a good way to say what is good and bad. The world also suggests you listen to Lady Gaga, smoke Marijuana, and play a lottery where you'll almost definitely never make up your losses.

2010-08-10, 10:11 AM
Man, I'm terrible at MW2 and I can still have a blast. There are many different kinds of classes a person can make that are easier to use than others or just downright silly and fun to play. If you're going to take the game seriously, and take it personally if you do poorly in multiplayer, it will likely be a sub-par experience. That said, if you do that with just about any game online you're setting yourself up for disappointment; I find that there is always, always someone better than me on the internet.

2010-08-10, 05:54 PM
Bad Company 2. For me, it's very simple, because I really don't like Modern Warfare 2. I like the squad-based aspect of Bad Company, it ads cooperation to the mix. Now don't get me wrong, there are teams in Modern Warfare 2, but, to me, that's just people not shooting each other. In Bad Company 2, teamwork is necessary, because the one deathmatch mode is a small, 4-person team one.

Also, vehicles and destroyable buildings, of none of what I just said made any sense.