View Full Version : Adventures of the Mixed Company (4e Sandbox)

2010-08-08, 11:59 AM
You enter a small office through a large half-orc shaped hole in the wall. Behind a desk stands a gruff man with a gray walrus mustache. He gestures to five chairs for you to sit. "Welcome to the Fannen-Dar Adventuring Guild," he says. He has a voice reminiscent of a drill seargent. "Please ignore the hole in the wall, the last bunch was...not very bright."

"My name is Earl Haggisson, but you can call me Mr. H. I'm the director of the guild and your trainer. After reviewing your resumes, I decided that the five of you would make a good fit for an adventuring team. You'll get to know each other over the course of your adventures."

"Now, you might be wondering when I'm going to tell you that kobolds are raiding the town or something like that. I'm not. You five are all level 1, the lowest of the low. The real adventures are being taken care of by more competent adventurers. The only quests you'll be able to get for now are jobs that townsfolk require some help with. If you're lucky, you might stumble across an adventure. The point is, you're not main characters, and that's important to get through your skulls. You're just lowlevels, and you have to be ready for some hard work if you want to make names for yourselves."

He sits down at his desk. "If you need any more information about this town, Fannen-Dar, feel free to ask. I'm also here for you if you need any tips on adventuring. I used to be an adventurer myself. 8th level warlord; they called me 'The Earl.'" He smirks, clearly proud of his title. "If you have no questions, than you can head downstairs to choose your first quest. Talk to Reggie, the eladrin, for information about quests and such. And, uh...good luck, I guess."

2010-08-08, 01:04 PM
Nihilus responds with an amiable chuckle.

"Good fit huh? Hope you're right about that; been running solo for awhile now and can't say I didn't have good reason."

The drow shrugs, a wry smile playing across his lips.

"Still, wouldn't have applied if I didn't think I'd have a good shake. We'll see; long as these boys here help me rack in the gold and XP, things'll be peachy."

2010-08-08, 03:26 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

At the mention of questions, Jarek eagerly raises his hand, but doesn't bother to wait for Mr. H to call upon him before speaking up.

"Ooh, where exactly is Fannen-Dar, and could you give me the basics on it? I've arrived here just recently, though I was headed away from somewhere, not too, so I never bothered paying attention to where I was until I got here." he says, going a little red and scratching the back of his head out of mild embarrassment.

The falcon on Jarek's shoulder looked around without much interest.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-08, 08:00 PM
The young man in full armor and mask regards Nihilus, but says nothing. He takes the holy symbol hanging from his belt and looks at it, apparently praying.

2010-08-08, 08:22 PM
"Here, I got a tourist pamphlet for those unfamiliar with the area."

Welcome to Fannen-Dar, home of the Fannen-Dar Bazaar! Fannen-Dar is a large town situated to the east of the Arganas (pronounced AR-guh-naws) Sea and the north of the Shadehem (pronounced SHAYD-ehm) Forest. Fannen-Dar is a center of commerce, a perfect place for folks of nearby towns and cities, such as the radiant Rayshin to the north or the dwarven city of Gortul to the east, to gather to trade and barter. Thus, Fannen-Dar has many inns and taverns, also making it a perfect gathering place for adventurers! The bazaar in the town square can hold almost anything you could imagine, and more!

Anyone is welcome, too! Fannen-Dar prides itself on having a rich multicultural history, being founded by the combination of the elven settlement Fannen and the dwarven outpost Dar. Today, the opinions of the people are represented by four representatives from each of the noble houses; one elf, one dwarf, one eladrin, and one dragonborn. Members of all races can find comfort as well as a job here in Fannen-Dar!

Fannen-Dar is divided into four quadrants. The northwest quadrant is the noble district, where are fine leaders live. The northeast quadrant is the temple district, where worshippers of all non-evil gods can find welcome. The southwest quadrant is the industrial district, lined with shops, smithies, stables, and other places of work. The southeast quadrent is purely a housing district. Visitors are recommended to stay in the southwest district in one of Fannen-Dar's fine inns!

"What the pamphlet doesn't tell you," Mr. H interrupts your reading, "is that the southeast quadrant is overrun with thieves and crooks. Stay away from there. Also, I'd personally recommend giving the Dragon's Den Inn a look. It's the best in town, and always has some shady characters with rumors from beyond the town walls about goblins or kobolds or something. Good place for adventurers to get information."

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-08, 10:53 PM
"It seems the southeast quadrant is where we should go then. I do not fear the predations of thieves and others who feel they have the right to take that which they have not made or earned. It is an affront to the Soulforger."

2010-08-09, 05:03 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek regards the masked man with a smile.

"Truly the southeast area does sound in need of aid my friend. However, we likely do not yet possess the skill and connections to make much of a difference there. Good men cannot help anyone when their heads are hanging on pikes. We should check with this Reggie Mr. H mentioned. I'm sure he'll be able to point us in the direction of someone we may help."

"Kaaaw!" Cried the falcon on Jarek's shoulder.

"Er... Mortimer says he doesn't care where we go as long as he can get outside and go hunting. Sigh... always after food aren't you? Whose'a good boy; yes, you are!" He replies to the hawk while scratching its neck.

2010-08-09, 01:53 PM
"Hey, if there's stuff to murder and treasure to loot, I'm all for heading out to wherever it is we're going..."

A pregnant, contemplative pause interrupts the assassin's speech.

"...unless that means picking a fight we can't win of course. Not so fond of those I'm afraid."

He clarifies, shaking his head.

2010-08-09, 02:57 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

"Like I said, I'm sure this Reggie fellow can provide us with a job that'll allow us to do some good and is within our capability..." Jarek begins, then catching a look at Nihilus adds:"... and I'm sure we'll get a reward too."

2010-08-09, 03:08 PM
Masc nodded, and sighed a bit. First though, I wish to go to the temple of the Raven Queen. It has been too long since I met with a member of the church. He stroked the thin beard that lead off his chin a bit. Hmm... Perhaps the church might have some deed to be done as well. If the group does not mind of course.

2010-08-09, 04:46 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

"Of course. I think I shall visit the temple of Avandra while I'm here myself. I could use some guidance from Lady Luck. "

A melancholy look passes over Jarek's face for a moment before returning to it's usual jovial expression

"Still, I really think we should check in with this Reggie fellow first. Get the lay of what quests are about and what not. It shouldn't take long considering he's right in the next room and all."

2010-08-09, 08:41 PM
"Whatever we're gonna do, let's do it soon. Getting antsy, and standing around wondering about it isn't helping."

Nihilus turns to face the improvisational entrance.

"Hell, I'll make it easy for ya. Gentlemen."

The drow takes a shallow bow before egressing, legs hefting him at a swift pace towards Reggie.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-09, 10:26 PM
Oresteus follows.

2010-08-10, 08:33 AM
You head downstairs to find an old eladrin sitting behind a desk. He barely glances up as you approach, but points to the nearest wall. It is covered with sharp nails, with scraps of parchment hanging from some of the nails. The eladrin says, "Those are guild endorsed quests. You will pay the guild ten percent of your monetary reward received from the quest."

When you look over the quest board, a few notes catch your eyes.

Quest BoardLost Eyeglasses
I was strolling through the market, near around Avandra's Well, when a particular vendor's merchandise, being particulalry shiny, caught my eye. I took out my eyeglasses to get a better look, when a young hooligan bumped into me, and my glasses plumetted down the well! I need a couple of able young bodies to retrieve it for me.
Reward: 10 gp

Find My Son!
I implore any adventurers who accept this quest, please help me find my son! My name is Reena, and I live in the northeast quadrent across from the temple of Pelor. My son is fifteen years old, has shoulder length light brown hair, blue eyes, and a bright red birthmark on his neck. If you need any more information, please visit me and I'll tell you anything you need. Just bring him back safe!
Reward: 30 gp

Drinking Contest
My friend and I both have the Constitution of a field mouse, but we can't get enough of drinking games. We made a bet to see who could find the best drinker. I'm making good use of my guild membership and asking any adventurers with hearty stamina if they'd be willing to help out. You'll definitely get a share of the pot, and it will be a grand time! Meet us in the Dragon's Den Inn when you're ready, and say you're drinking for Pick (that's me)!
Reward: 25 gp

Debt Notice
A particular client of mine owes me more than he has been willing to pay. The client in question is Oren Illbeard, a dwarf who lives in the southwestern quadrent in his place of work, the Dire Anvil. None of my associates were willing to pay him a visit, but I am willing to pay any adventurers to get what I deserve. Once you obtain the debt (by any means necessary), my associate will collect it by Avandra's Well in the town square, and he or she will give you your reward.
Reward: 100 gp

2010-08-10, 09:14 AM
After hearing of the guild's cut, Nihilus looks over the jobs with wide-eyed disbelief.

"Wait, we're forking over ten slices for a couple of postings and a little advice we could find in any seedy tavern? You givin' us material support or what?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-10, 09:18 AM
Oresteus goes up to the board and deftly rips the "Find My Son!" posting from it.

"Let us start with this," he says as he hands it to Reggie.

"The boy could be in danger, so time is of the essence."

2010-08-10, 10:31 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Ignoring Nihilus' complaints, Jarek moves up behind Oresteus, places a hand on his shoulder and nods.

"I agree entirely, my masked friend."

And with that he turns on his heel, dramatically whipping his Badass Longcoat behind him and strides towards the exit.

"We should make for this woman's house in the northeast quadrant post haste!"

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-10, 11:33 AM
"My name is Oresteus," he says as he follows.

2010-08-10, 12:34 PM
After hearing of the guild's cut, Nihilus looks over the jobs with wide-eyed disbelief.

"Wait, we're forking over ten slices for a couple of postings and a little advice we could find in any seedy tavern? You givin' us material support or what?"

He's giving us something to fall back on, somewhere to go for advice from a more experienced person, a potential ally, and resources that, while intangible, are worthwhile nonetheless. Money and equipment come second to these. Masc bowed to the Eladrin, I apologize for my compatriot's words. Ah, it seems the others are ready to leave.

2010-08-10, 02:34 PM
"My name is Oresteus," he says as he follows.
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek passes Oresteus a smile as they head on their way out.

"Jarek Evenstride. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, you seem a good man."

2010-08-10, 03:03 PM
"Forget the intangibles. I want something demonstrable! Thirty gold cut four ways doesn't go far, nevermind twenty seven. I just wanna know what we're payin' for. So far, the advice we got isn't worth almost half a party member."

Nihilus shakes his head, his mouth inset with a sour frown.

"And don't apologize for me; I got a right to ask! Some of you might be fine with getting outed, but I got gear to pay for, ambitions to pursue; it's a perfectly legitimate question. Not an iota wrong with some rational self interest."

2010-08-10, 03:28 PM
Masc rubbed the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disbelief. This was already starting to be a pain. You can stay here and argue then. It will just be a bigger cut for the rest of us. He then walked towards the others, making sure his broadsword was secure.

2010-08-10, 03:34 PM
"Yeah, don't count on this takin' too long. Simple questions should have simple answers."

He looks to the Eladrin, eyes sharply expectant.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-10, 03:48 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek passes Oresteus a smile as they head on their way out.

"Jarek Evenstride. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, you seem a good man."

"People can seem to be many things. It is one's actions that are the true test of character. I like to think of myself as a good man, and hope that I can show that through my deeds."

2010-08-10, 03:59 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

"Aye, you speak wisely. We shall have to see what good we can get up to then, ey?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-10, 05:31 PM
"Indeed. So what brought you to this guild?"

2010-08-10, 07:30 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

"We~ell... that's a bit of a story,the short version being: doing the right thing got me into some trouble back in my home town, and I had to get away. I wound up in this town, and taking up adventuring seemed the natural thing for a level one swordmage to do. With enough gold I should be able to buy my way back home. You'll have to forgive me for not giving you the full story, but the fact that you go around with that mask on tells me you understand there are some things one hides for a good reason. If we stick together though I'm sure I'll get around to telling you the whole thing."

Taking a glance over at Oresteus, Jarek adds "You strike me as the kind of fellow who's got quite a story behind him. Any parts of it you mind sharing? Of course I'll take no offense if you'd rather not."

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-10, 10:59 PM
"I was abandoned in the Underdark as a child, and raised by one Father Blackhammer, a hermetic priest of Moradin. He was not a kind mentor. Proud, righteous and dedicated, but not kind. He brooked no failure from me and taught me everything I knew. He taught me the arts of metalworking and smithing. This armor I wear, I forged it myself. I spent years working on it, until finally, after more than ten years of work, Father Blackhammer said it was adequate. He taught me swordplay as well. Dwarven superstitions hold that swords are unlucky weapons, as they are made with only one purpose, to kill. They believe that since a sword can only be used in a negative way, it takes on negative aspects. A dwarf balances this by using a weapon that has a use in peacetime, like a hammer on the forge or the carpenter's workshop, an axe in the lumber camp, or a pick in the mines. Father Blackhammer taught me the sword because he believed that was all rubbish, and aimed to prove it to his peers through me. He taught me to take responsibility for my actions, and only my actions. Walk down one street instead of another, and you may doom someone to die, but you're a fool if you blame yourself for this. I owe him everything."

2010-08-11, 08:31 AM
Reggie looks up at Nihilus, over the rim of his eyeglasses, and simply says, "Stores in town give guild approved adventurers discounts." Then he turns back to his work.

You head to the northeast quadrant, and find that this seems to be where the temples of the area are. The largest temple is dedicated to a trio: Pelor, Bahamut, and Avandra. There is also a temple of Moradin, a temple of Corellon, and a temple of Erathis. However, there is no place of worship for the followers of the Raven Queen.

Across from the temple of the Good trio is Reena's house. When you knock, a pale woman with blue eyes so big that it looks like she's constantly frightened opens the door. Seeing the note and recognizing that you are adventurers, she squeaks and says, "Oh, come in please."

Her house, while not very large, is well adorned and well kept. She sits you all down in her sitting room and brings a tray of tea and biscuts. She then begins explaining her problem more thoroughly. "It was three days ago when he went missing. He walked to school, as usual, but he never came home." She accentuates her worry with another squeak. "Oh, dear, I'm afraid he could have been mugged and robbed and thrown over the town wall to be left to the goblins!" She dabs at her large, watery eyes with a handkerchief.

2010-08-11, 09:11 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Not wanting to affront the woman's hospitality, Jarek helps himself to a cup of tea.

"Madam, I assure you we shall do our utmost to find your son. Can you tell us his name?"

"Could you tell us where his school is and what route he takes there and back?"

"Do you perhaps know of anyone who would want to gain any leverage over you by kidnapping your son or anyone who might haver a grudge against him?"

OOC: I'm shooting questions here to save a bit of time. Assume they are coming at a reasonable pace which the poor woman can handle.:smalltongue:

2010-08-11, 09:52 AM
"Hey hey! Now that's more like it! If there's one thing I love almost as much as cold hard cash, it's discounts. Personally prefer the five fingered variety, but the legal kind has its own, lesser charm. No hard feelings Reggie; be seein' ya."

With a friendly wave, the drow then saunters off, a broad smile on his face as he moves to rejoin the group.


Nihilus stands against the wall, munching absentmindedly on a handful of the provided biscuits as Jarek belts out his questions. His eyes flit impatiently about the room, features clearly steeped in boredom.

2010-08-11, 10:54 AM
"Madam, I assure you we shall do our utmost to find your son. Can you tell us his name?""His name is Howerd, Howerd Tirel, but his friends call him Howie."
"Could you tell us where his school is and what route he takes there and back?"She squeaks and scurries into the other room. When she returns, she is holding a large, rolled up piece of parchment that turns out to be a map of Fannen-Dar. She indicates the path her son usually took; he stuck to the main roads, and it wasn't that far, only a ten minute stroll. She lets you keep the map, in case you need it.
"Do you perhaps know of anyone who would want to gain any leverage over you by kidnapping your son or anyone who might haver a grudge against him?""I don't know...we're not what you would call rich, and I haven't received any ransom notes...he didn't carry much money with him, I didn't want him squandering his hard earned gold on market trinkets...Oh!" She squeaks, remembering something. "He did mention a group of bad mannered boys who were bothering him at school, a few weeks back. I talked to the headmaster and he seemed to sort out the problem, but maybe one of them got hot headed and tried to get revenge? If I recall...Howie told me the leader of those bullies was named Mikal, but I don't remember his surname. The headmaster, Amarella Preisley, will know."

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-11, 11:42 AM
Oresteus nods as Reena and Jarek speak, but politely declines the offered tea.

When Reena mentions the bullies and headmaster, he says, "Then that is where we should look next. Thank you for your time, and fear not. We will find your son and bring him home safely."

2010-08-11, 12:09 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek smiles and nods at Oresteus' words.

"Indeed. Thank you for the information and the tea Mrs. Tirel."

Turning to the others:"Shall we be off to speak to this Mr. Preisley then?"

2010-08-11, 12:29 PM
Nihilus finishes off the last of the biscuits with a satisfied smack of his lips.

"Guess so, but while we're on our way there it'd probably be a good idea to survey Howie's route."

2010-08-11, 12:43 PM
Masc put down the teacup that was now drained of it's contents. Ma'am, have there been any rumors of late, of things moving around at night? Perhaps bedtime stories you have told you child to scare him? Those rumors and stories have a bad habit of becoming true every now and then. Some of the present company should be, he motioned to the drow and himself, evident as to that. Er, not that we're evil or anything. Just to say that we are of racial heritage that usualy involves the kidnapping of little children. I mean, I'm not saying that we kidnapped your son ma'am. We'll do what we can to find him.....

.... You know what, I'll just leave the conversing with others to those who didn't take charisma as a dump stat.

2010-08-11, 02:58 PM
"Oh, my, I haven't heard anything like that," Reena says in response to Masc. "Everything was perfectly normal. I honestly don't know where to look, but maybe something was happening at school that Howie didn't tell me."

So, you head to Opel Academy. You follow Howie's path, and indeed it takes you along the major roads. The first road, heading north, is Temple Way, where all the major places of worship in Fannen-Dar are. From there, you head east, along a wide street of apartments. You pass Market Road, where merchants are shouting to passerby, hoping to get someone to buy their wares. Then you enter the northwest quadrant, where the nobility live. You pass grand stone mansions, built by dwarves and eladrin working together, until you reach the Opel campus.

The school is surrounded by a short stone wall. The entrance is a metal gate. You can hear a buzzing sound coming from behind the wall to the right of the gate, but you can't see what's making the noise.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-11, 03:31 PM
Oresteus checks to see if there's some kind of bell, and if there isn't, he bangs on the gate with his fist.

2010-08-11, 04:25 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek holds up Mortimer on his arm and describes Howie to him, before asking him to have a look; after which Mortimer promptly launches into the air to survey the schoolyard and immediate area for any sight of the boy or anything overtly suspicious.

OOC: Falcon familiars may go as far out as 40 squares from their masters, because WotC seems to believe only the mighty cat deserves the right to wander about on its own.:smallsigh:

Perception roll for Mortimer to see if he gets lucky and spots Howie or anything interesting: 5 trained + 2 familiar

2010-08-11, 04:38 PM
As the group travels along Howard's route, Nihilus' carefully looks about for any clues in the vicinity, head slowly panning across the street's expanse.

Perception Check: [roll0]


When he comes to the gate, the assassin's eyes immediately fall upon the location of the buzzing noise, a hand darting to his longsword, ready to draw. He then sweeps the area with a cautious, searching glance.

Perception Check in OOC.

2010-08-12, 07:54 AM
Mortimer flies over the gate and immediately sees the source of the buzzing: a guard fallen fast asleep in an awkward position, causing his snore to emit as a buzzing noise. However, Mortimer doesn't see anyone fitting Howie's description in the area.

At the sound of Oresteus' knock, the guard springs awake. "Whu-hugh! Ohm, er, greetings. Do you have business at Opel Academy?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-12, 10:23 AM
"Yes we do. We are looking for Howerd Tirel, who dissapeared recently. We were told by his mother, Reena that he attended this school. We would like to speak with the headmaster."

2010-08-12, 12:27 PM
"Okay, well, I don't know anything about the students, I'm just a guard, but you can certainly come right in and speak to the headmaster, as soon as I call down a few guards to escort you."

Two guards arrive, one a dwarf and one an elf, who guide you through the school to the headmaster's office. After waiting a few minutes for the headmaster to be done with a meeting, you are allowed inside.

The headmaster is a female eladrin with golden orbs for eyes and perfectly straight red-orange hair. She wears flowing emerald robes, and those of you who are perceptive see a wand poking out of her pocket.

"Welcome to Opel Academy," she says in a whispery voice. "As you are probably aware, I am headmaster Preisley. I hear you are inquiring about a student, Howerd Tirel. I would be happy to answer any of your questions."

2010-08-12, 01:17 PM
With the noise outed as a lazy (and probably ill-paid) watchman, Nihilus rolls his eyes, sheathing his weapon.


The assassin notes the partially concealed wand with a raised eyebrow, wryly noting that the headmistress may be as talented as she was totally hot. Shaking his head to offset the mental undressing, he responds.

"Yeah, the kid's missing and we're the ones commissioned to find him. Heard there were a couple of bullies he was in the bad books of; Mikal and his crew? His mom said you could tell us a little more about em."

2010-08-12, 04:11 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek could have sworn that Mrs Tirel said the headmaster was a Mr., but oh well, she clearly isn't.

Jarek jumps in to add a touch of politeness to Nihilus' question"Indeed, as my comrade said we are looking for the missing Tirel boy. He hasn't returned home in three days and his mother is worried sick. We were hoping you would be able to help us."

Mortimer chipes in with a lazy "Kaw" for no apparent reason.

2010-08-12, 07:03 PM
The headmistress sighs. "Yes, Howerd's mother sent someone to me two days ago, asking if I knew where her son was. I am afraid I must tell you the same thing: I do not know. With my duties as headmaster as well as teacher, I am too busy to conduct a search; the town guard has been informed, but they won't go out of their way for a middle caste child. That is why she must have went to the adventurer's guild for aid."

"I can tell you that Howerd was a fine student. He was in my combat tactics class. He was studying to be a resourceful warlord, but I was beginning to get suspicious that he had multiclassed into rogue. I was going to confront him with my concerns, but that very day he didn't show up to class."

When Nihilus mentions Mikal, she raises an eyebrow and ever so slightly tilts her head. "I'm afraid Mikal is a very common name; we have about five boys named Mikal here. Two of them I would point out as known troublemakers, and one more who I don't know very well. The other two, though, are fine students who I would never contrive to be involved in bullying."

2010-08-12, 07:54 PM
"Warlord and rogue multiclass?"

Nihilus visibly winces at the thought.

"Urgh, you were right to be concerned. Well fortunately, if he's uh, still alive, there's always retraining; this is fourth ed after all."

It takes him a strained moment to purge the idea of such a patently terrible build decision.

"Anyway, this Mikal hung around in some sort of gang if that helps narrow things down. If it doesn't, maybe you can give us the names and whereabouts of their teachers. I'd also like to hear more about those troublemakers."

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-12, 08:28 PM
"What is this 'multiclassing' of which you speak?"

2010-08-12, 09:21 PM
After a disdainful glance at Oresteus, headmistress Preisley says, "Certainly, you may speak to the boys and their teachers, but I won't have you interrupting their classes." She glances at a sundial near the window. "In about a half of an hour we will have our afternoon break. You may speak to whomever you like then; I will gladly fetch them for you. In the meanwhile, you may wait downstairs."

If you have no more questions, the guards lead you to a waiting room downstairs, where you can discuss what you have learned or surmised and what you plan to do next.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-12, 09:58 PM
Oresteus regards the headmistress.

"Is there any particular reason for the dirty look, madame?"

2010-08-13, 05:09 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek attempts to answer Oresteus' question.

"Multiclassing is when you take a feat that grants you a small, weaker version benefit from another class as well as skill training in one of that classes skills. For instance, I've taken a ranger multiclass feat that got me trained in perception and lets me use the hunters quarry class feature once per encounter, though it only lasts until the end of the my next turn after I activate it, unlike the true ranger ability."

2010-08-13, 08:49 AM
"Excellent summary, ser," Preisley says.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-13, 10:13 AM
Oresteus scratches his head, as if he didn't hear them.

"Is someone smashing a wall in the building?"

2010-08-13, 10:36 AM
"If you're referrin' to the fourth, it's been blown wide open well before we got here."

Observes Nihilus with a grin.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-13, 12:03 PM
"The fourth?"

((I'm starting to think this'll be Oresteus' schtick. The anti-Elan, completely incapable of understanding that they're in a fictional medium and taking everything seriously. :smallbiggrin: ))

2010-08-13, 03:07 PM
"Yes, the metaphysical partition between this fictitious world and reality."

Nihilus sighs and shrugs in resignation.

"Ah, forget it."

Turning back to the headmistress, he makes a final query.

"Don't suppose you could you provide us with the names of the teachers who oversee these Mikals? Would save us some time."

2010-08-13, 03:27 PM
And if any of them are secretly in a cult to Vecna. And if any are, the location of where they sleep at night would be useful. Masc said, looking off into space.

2010-08-13, 11:05 PM
"The sages in question are Ploronius, who heads the Wizardry department, and one Miss Setchel, who teaches the new class "Lost in the Crowd: How to Hide in Plain Sight. I'll send them both down to the waiting room as well as the boys."

In response to Masc, the headmistress furrows her brow but simultaneously smiles, not sure whether he was joking or if she should take his comment seriously. "I don't think that will be necessary," is all she manages to say.

2010-08-14, 09:33 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

"Excellent! We should head over there presently then, unless any of you have any further questions?"

2010-08-14, 11:31 AM
"I'm good, time to play the waiting game I guess. Been a pleasure Ms Preisley, hope we'll meet again soon; perhaps after I get through with this contract?"

Nihilus gives the headmistress a flirtatious look and wink as he turns on his heel and departs.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-17, 01:05 PM
Oresteus follows the others to the waiting room.

2010-08-20, 08:03 AM
After a wait that seems a lot longer than a half of an hour, the door of the waiting room opens. One adult and three children step inside...or that is what it appears to be at first glance. When you take a second look at the girl who comes in, you realize that she is an adult halfling, not a student.

The tallest of the four is a blue-eyed eladrin wearing deep violet wizard robes. His white hair is cut short (for an eladrin), only shoulder length. This is obviously Ploronius, the head of the Wizardry department.

The halfling finds herself an armchair and sits up on the arm. This must be Miss Setchel. She is young for an academy professor. Her curly dirty blond hair hangs randomly about her shoulders, and she eyes the adventurers with a sly glance, as if she already knows who you are and that she's smarter than you.

The two children must be the Mikals. They are both humans, but they are very different. One is a beady eyed and slightly chubby kid, who clearly wants nothing more than to get out of here. The other wears large round eyeglasses that cover up large bags under his eyes, a short wizard robe, and has tousled black hair.

The boys don't seem to know why they're here, but the teachers were obviously told. They wait for you to initiate the conversation.

2010-08-20, 10:44 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek takes in the scene, notes the appearances of the two boys in front of him, remembers the description of Howard and visibly winces.

"Please no..." He mutters under his breath.

Approacing the boys with a sheepish and somewhat pained expression on his face he asks "Er... I don't suppose either of you Mikals is a horrible, little gang member who happens to bully Howard Tirel for kicks?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-20, 11:49 AM
"That was incredibly blunt, Jarek." Oresteus comments.

2010-08-20, 12:14 PM
Masc, meanwhile, slapped himself in the forehead and shook his head in disbelief. I thought you.swordsages were supposed to be smart.....

2010-08-20, 03:25 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

"Yes. It was. I'm afraid we may be under incorrect assumptions. This is the quickest way to find out. Besides, we've got an avenger and a hybrid cleric here. One of you has got to have a high insight and can tell if the kids are lying or not... right?"

2010-08-20, 05:28 PM
The chubby Mikal wrinkles his nose, disgusted that he has to spend his break dealing with this. "Please. Just because I don't like conforming to society, everyone always blames me for bullying. I know that Howerd kid, but I bother him only as much as he bothers me."

The wizard Mikal nods. "We are not the miscreants here. How do you know that this Howerd is such an upstanding citizen? What if he's the one who's lying? Besides," he adds, "we're NPCs with common names. We don't even have colored speech. Do you expect us to be important?"

2010-08-20, 06:33 PM
Nihilus looks upon the heavyset Mikal with a sneer as the two finish speaking.

"Well, well, looks like we got our kid. Like the nerd's angle though."

He condescendingly ruffles the wizard child's hair.

"Could be worth exploring."

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-20, 10:12 PM
The wizard Mikal nods. "We are not the miscreants here. How do you know that this Howerd is such an upstanding citizen? What if he's the one who's lying? Besides," he adds, "we're NPCs with common names. We don't even have colored speech. Do you expect us to be important?"
"Colored speech? Speech cannot have colors, it is heard, not seen."

2010-08-21, 06:21 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek gives a heavy sigh. "This is what I was afraid of."

Turning to Oresteus. "Er... Don't worry about it."

Back to the children. "Alright, alright, it certainly is dramatically appropriate that Howerd turns out to be the bully, but then again looks can be decieving and that's also dramatically appropriate so you two could really be the bullies..."

He stops and thinks for a moment.

"Luckily... that really doesn't matter. Bully or no Howerd needs to be found and that's what we're going to do."

Jarek steps back and addresses both the two boys and the teachers.

"Do any of you know, or have any clue as to, the whereabouts of Howerd Tirel?"

He adds to the party: "Prepare your insight rolls fellows."

2010-08-21, 08:21 AM
The boys roll their eyes and Ploronius shakes his head, but Miss Setchel pipes up. "I overheard 'im talkin' a few days before he left, and 'e mentioned a name that I didn' recognize as a student's, but he talked about her like she was his age. The name wus Anara...Pack, Anara Pack, that was it." She shrugs. "Maybe that has somethin' to do with it, maybe it doesn'. But the fact that I tought of it when you asked should be proof enough that it's impor'ant."

2010-08-21, 09:38 AM
"Probably, if my player's prior experiences are any indication."

Nihilus shrugs.

"Kind of a dead end though; usually you NPCs would give us more of a lead, a place to go looking, another person to ask questions, so is there anything else you guys know about this girl, or are we gonna have to backtrack to the mom and headmistress?"

He then looks suspectingly at Ploronius.

"And what's your purpose? Do you have useful information, or are you the obligatory red herring slash flavour NPC?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-21, 10:18 PM
"One's personal intuition does not roll in any fashion," Oresteus says, sounding more and more confused.

2010-08-22, 12:31 AM
So you took the red pill and chose not to see how far down the rabbit hole goes, eh? Masc said with a slight smirk. Still, it would be best not to roll over the fourth wall with a steamroller. Otherwise, certain expectations might change.

Masc stroked his chin, humming to himself. We need to ask ourselves... WWSHD?

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-22, 01:23 AM
"What is a pill?"

2010-08-22, 05:42 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Jarek attempts to answer Oresteus' questions, believing him more interesting than the children:

"Er... well the rolling of insight and other such personal skills is an anecdote of the physics of our world. A pill is... er... a medicine or drug. A product of alchemy. They're small and solid... somewhat like a peanut, only man-made and nothing actually like a peanut. You swallow them and the chemicals do something to your body. Usually something good, but some people are either evil or idiotic and create pills that harm the body... sometimes poison, sometimes harmful hallucinagenics, etc. Er... do you understand?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-22, 10:22 AM
"I'm not quite sure I do. The physics of our world refers to gravity and the distribution of work, does it not? I fail to see how one's personal intuition "rolls" anywhere."

2010-08-23, 02:43 PM
Nihilus sighs as Orestrus and Jarek continue to banter, his features betraying a measure of impatience while he waits on his answers.

2010-08-24, 09:35 AM
At the mention of the girl's name, the boys adjust themselves, as if they're hiding something.

Ploronius puts his hand to his chest. "Me? I beg your pardon. I have more information than you'll ever need, but your questions thus far have been fairly paltry. I know of this boy Howerd. He was a tad odd. However, I never had him in class, so I don't know him that well."

2010-08-25, 01:29 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Noticing the squirming of the boys at the mention of Anara pack, Jarek's mouth once again leaps into action.

"Aha! They're squirming. It seems you two know something about this Anara. Please, do share."

2010-08-25, 09:00 PM
"See? See? What did I tell you? Like clockwork!"

Exclaims Nihilus, grinning triumphantly.

2010-08-25, 09:13 PM
Good. Now go fetch me my thumbscrews and we can get this over faster. Masc said with a flat tone.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-26, 01:04 AM
"Please tell me that was sarcasm," Oresteus replies.

"You don't even get good information that way. Eventually they'll tell you what they think you want to hear just to make it stop."

2010-08-29, 01:42 PM
Chubby Mikal shakes his head, eyeing Ploronius. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know nothing."

Wizard Mikal, however, says, "I am familiar with the name Pack. You see, I have studied the history of Fannen-Dar as well as wizardry. There used to be a crime syndicate that terrorized the citizens of Fannen-Dar. It was run by an entire family, but was finally stopped by a new general of the guards. The leader, the patriarch of that family...was Bordus Pack." He looks legitimately worried at the mention of this name. "I thought the Packs were all put in jail and died there years ago...and Fannen-Dar may be big, but it's still just a town. A surname like Pack doesn't resurface if it's not related to the Packs of the past."

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-29, 06:37 PM
"So you think this Anara Pack is out trying to restart her father's syndicate or get revenge on the local law enforcement for what happened to her family, and that she's using Howerd as an instrument of that plan?"

2010-08-29, 07:29 PM
"Could be. But she could also be one of those rebellious heroes who are trying to right the wrongs of their family or race." He openly gives Nihilus a knowing glance.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-08-29, 08:38 PM
Oresteus nods solemnly.

2010-09-01, 04:09 PM
Jarek, human swordmage:

"This is becoming more and more difficult. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." Jarek says with a sigh, before turning to Oresteus. "You may get your wish of tackling the local criminal element after all."

Looking back to the boys he continues. "I don't suppose you might have any ideas about how we could find this Anara Pack without having to search every mugger-infested alleyway we can find?"

2010-09-01, 06:24 PM
"Sorry, can't say that I have," the wizard Mikal says.

The other Mikal shakes his head as well, avoiding eye contact with anyone else.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-09-01, 10:37 PM
Oresteus goes over to the other Mikal, and squats so he's at eye-level with the kid.

"I know that look. There's something you're not telling us."

This close, the boy can see Oresteus' eyes, like pools of mercury.

2010-09-02, 09:04 AM
The boy gulps. "I...I know where you can find the Packs."

The wizard Mikal looks utterly confused. Miss Setchel gasps and falls off the arm of her chair. Ploronius' eyebrows raise. Mikal continues, "Howerd talked about her enough that I figured out where she and the rest of her family are hiding. They're...um...in the southeastern quadrant of the city. They use a tavern called the Headless Horse as their base; Howerd mentioned it a bunch of times, that's how I know. Honest, I have nothing to do with it." The poor boy looks terrified, like you might accuse him of being involved with criminals.

Masc and Krolin:You notice that the terrified looks are directed at Ploronius, not your group. The chubby Mikal seems to be afraid that Ploronius will reprimand him severely for something.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-09-02, 10:20 AM
"Thank you for your honesty. What's wrong? What is it you fear? You should never be afraid to tell the truth."

2010-09-02, 10:26 AM
I think we should be asking the teacher that, not the student. Masc said, looking towards the eladrin.

2010-09-02, 12:20 PM
Ploronius looks confused, and Mikal says, "No, I just...didn't want you to think...that I was a criminal too, if I know so much. I'm not, honest."

2010-09-06, 02:24 AM
Jarek, human swordmage:

Turning to mask with a confused look, Jarek interupts with "What are you on about?", before turning to reassure the chubby Mikal "Er... no, no. Don't worry. We don't think you're a criminal."