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2010-08-08, 06:50 PM
What would be the best way to allow a character to have lyconthropy? Just make them a shifter race or is there some feat that will give them the ability to have lycanthropy

2010-08-08, 07:05 PM
go shifter and then there is a paragon path that will take them more along the path of lycathropy (can't remember the name off the top of my head)

2010-08-08, 07:24 PM
I love lycanthropy in PCs, so I've thoght about this for a while. Wouldn it make sense to make the character gain some properties of shifters after they reach the final phase of moon frenzy/filth fever, and then change shape on the full moon?

2010-08-08, 07:24 PM
If you're asking about giving an existing character lycanthropy (bitten by a werewolf, cursed, etc.), I think the best way to do it is to say "On the next full moon, your character becomes an NPC under my control. I'll give you something to play for that session, and then you'll get your character back."

At least, that's for classic lycanthropy, where you lose control and act like an animal at the full moon. If they retain control, give them an alternate set of stats and powers that replace their normal abilities: bite attacks, frenzy attacks, rip-people-in-half attacks, regeneration, etc.

If they get to shift back and forth at will...well, I'd stay away from that kind of lycanthropy, but if you must, make it the sort of thing where they choose their form during a short rest, and give them two sets of stats like above.

The problem with giving players lycanthropy that lets them stay in control is that there's no real downside. If one player gets it, the rest of the party will want to get bitten. And if they can change back and forth at will, suddenly you have a wizard who isn't vulnerable to getting in close combat, because he can just turn into a monster and rip people to shreds.

2010-08-08, 07:30 PM
They could have Control Shape rolls, like in 3.5.

Tiki Snakes
2010-08-08, 07:45 PM
I put together a touch of Lycanthropy for a player in my KOTS campaign a while ago. Sadly, I didn't save the finished version of the rules that I whipped up.

If I remember, and cribbing from the very earliest form, the basics were;

Gained a Bite attack. Something smallish, but I eventually made it target reflexes or something like that, and count as a basic attack.

Some form of Daily or encounter Regeneration stance power thing. Possibly based on the Longtooth Shifter racial.

and the ability to at-will change forms as a minor action.

Change Form (Minor, At will)
You can alter your form to appear as a Wolf-Man, a grey-wolf, or (human)
While in wolf-form, you cannot use any power with the Weapon Keyword. While in human form, you cannot use your Bite attack, and you lose the regeneration ability.

Pretty sure the Hybrid form got a +2 speed, and the wolf a +4.

I can't honestly remember but I think it took the form of a custom race, rather than just extra stuff added on. Don't ask me what the rest was, haven't the foggiest.

No crazy uber-bonuses to strength from being a werewolf, nothing along those lines in-fact. All pulled together from looking at how the 4e werewolves mostly worked and comparing to the shifter race.

It's worth noting that, of the two main lycanthropy concepts, this was firmly the 'Inherited, non contagious' rather than the cursed via bite.

I might try and see if the player still has the message containing my final write-up, actually. (If nothing else, it will make her suspicious in reguards to the current campaign, which would amuse me).

2010-08-08, 07:55 PM
What about a modifyied heritage feat? Would something like that work? You get bitten and you gain a a feat that is associated with whatever animal bit you?

Rat Lycanthrop
+2 Thievery +2 Stealth (does not stack with racial bonus)
Encounter power
str/con/dex versus AC
Hit: 1d6 + con mod damage + 1 disease (roll d6)
1: weakened (save ends)
2: blinded (save ends)
3: slowed (save ends)
4: knocked prone (save ends)
5: paralyzed (save ends)
6: re roll

maybe even make this able to be used more times when you reach paragon and epic tier

The Glyphstone
2010-08-08, 07:57 PM
Lycanthropy: You are cursed to transform into a ravenous beast under the full moon (save ends)?:smallcool:

Okay, not very helpful, I admit. Out of the constructive advice, I think SSGoW is the best one. Simple and effective, a bit like multiclassing into were-whatever would be.

Kurald Galain
2010-08-09, 02:39 AM
There's a Tiefling feat that lets you "hulk out" once per day; it transforms you into a big demon, which could easily be refluffed as a lycanthrope's battle form.

Holocron Coder
2010-08-09, 08:16 AM
I'd stat up a chain of feats very similar to the Vampire Heritage or Vistani Heritage feats, form one of the 4e Dragon articles (or in the Character Creator software) :smallsmile:

Or, similar to my Cubatic Heritage feats in my signature :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-09, 08:39 AM
As a DM, one of my players had his gnome paladin get bit by a lycanthrope, he failed his saves, and contracted a minor version of lycanthropy. We were playing around the time the "Three Wolf Moon" shirts were viral on the internet. So, here I give you ...

When you've lost most of your lifeblood, you can manifest the feral aggression of the Three Wolf Moon.
Daily ✦ Healing
Minor Action - Personal
Requirement: Your character must be bloodied and you must be wearing your Three Wolf Moon t-shirt.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, while you are bloodied, you gain regeneration 2 and a +1 bonus to damage rolls. In addition, you suffer a -1 AC, Fortitude, Reflex, attack rolls and must choose an aggressive option for an action (e.g. attack, challenge, etc).
Level 11: You may use this power once per encounter. Regeneration 3.
Level 21: You do not suffer the penalty to your defenses or attack rolls. Regeneration 4 and +2 to damage rolls.

I worked with the player on this because he wanted to kind of "loose control" in a kind of "feral aggression" (hence the name), therefore the minus to AC, Fort, and Attack rolls.

Also something I kept secret from the player, I had him make a saving throw to come out of it at the heroic tier at a -2, then a straight save at paragon, and then at the epic tier the ability to control the aggression without a save. He only used it once (we didn't play but a handful of sessions after this), but it was glorious when I told him he saw the cleric (the player's wife's character) as the closest once all the baddies were gone and he attacked. The looks on their faces ... priceless. :smallbiggrin:


2010-08-09, 08:44 AM
There's a Tiefling feat that lets you "hulk out" once per day; it transforms you into a big demon, which could easily be refluffed as a lycanthrope's battle form.
OMG, awesome! What is that from? Does it work well on a tiefling bard?

Mando Knight
2010-08-09, 11:29 AM
There's also just plain ol' Druid, and the Druid MC feat that lets you Wild Shape.