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View Full Version : Biomancer (3.5) PEACH "Beware your own weapon, under my voice it will live"

2010-08-08, 10:32 PM

Biomancer’s hail from the positive energy plane. A Biomancer is life incarnate; they are the avatar of life-giving. Where they walk objects animate, friends are healed or made stronger, their touch is a powerful healing medium and they’re gaze is the bane of all negative energy. They are the piercers of death. Biomancer are to be feared for the fact that any object you stand near, any object you hold, any object you wear, any spell you cast, may be turned on you, given life and controlled to cause you no end of trouble.

Biomancers are adept at giving life, both in the forms of healing and creating life in objects that would not otherwise be able to sustain itself. They are always good aligned and will not harm a creature pure of heart, however, they do not have the strict moral code of a paladin or priest and are able to make judgement calls on the best method to deal with any situation.

Their voices often echo, as if multiple lives exist in the vessel of a Biomancer, their eyes are often golden, their hair pure blonde or white. These features seem to make their way on to any race who spends their time learning Biomancy. Biomancer have powerful personalities and are extremely charismatic and persuasive.
However it is not unusual to see the occasional Biomancer developing an overtly fond habit of conversing with the items he creates.

{table="head"]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Biomancy Points
1st|+0|+2|+0|+2|Biomancy, Bonus points|20
3rd|+2|+3|+1|+3|Beacon of Hope|120
4th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Force of Personality|170
5th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Augment Biocreation|220
6th|+4|+5|+2|+5|Radiant Seal|270
7th|+5|+5|+2|+5|Greater Beacon|320
8th|+6/+1|+6|+2|+6|Greater Augment Biocreation|370
9th|+6/+1|+6|+3|+6|Arcane Biomodification|420
10th|+7/+2|+7|+3|+7|Positive Imbue|480
12th|+9/+4|+8|+4|+8|Greater Radiant Seal|600
13th|+9/+4|+8|+4|+8|Perfect Augment Biocreation|660
14th|+10/+5|+9|+4|+9|Light Strike|720
15th|+11/+6/+1|+9|+5|+9|Positive Purification|780
17th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+10|Raise Dead|900
18th|+13/+8/+3|+11|+6|+11|Perfect Radiant Seal|960

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8

The Biomancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis) Spot (Wis)

Class Skills:

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armour proficiencies: Biomancer are proficient with all simple weapons and one martial weapon. They are proficient with all armour and shields except tower shields.

Class Features

Biomancy (Ex)

A Biomancer gains a pool of points that begin at twenty and gain fifty points every level as they progress in this class until level 10, wherein the amount increases to sixty points every level. These points may be used to heal their comrades any amount of points per day up to a total as determined by level (see table below), deal a ranged ray attack to evil/negative aligned creatures (See table below) or temporarily boost their own hit points (See table). These temporary hit points last 1 round/level. The ability to heal their companions or deal ranged damage to evil/negative creatures begins as a touch ability, but at fifth level increases by 10ft for every second level the Biomancer has.

{table=head]Level|Healing Limit Per Day

{table=head]Level|Biomancy Points|Damage

{table=head]Level|Point Cost|Temporary hit points

Bonus Points (Ex)

A Biomancers power is directly linked to the force of his person, how radiant he is, how strong his persona is, how strong an ego he posseses. Biomancers with extra charisma gain bonus points to their usual allotment. As follows on the table below, the points are gained retroactively. Thus if a Biomancer increases his charisma somehow, he recalculates his total points.

{table=head]Charisma Modifier|Extra points per level

Biocreation (Su)

A Biomancer creates life where he walks, he truly adores creation, the existance of life. A biomancer of this level may create animated objects (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm) by investing a certain amount of biopoints. These objects last for one hour at second level, two hours at fourth, three hours at sixth, four hours at eigth and six hours at tenth, where the ability caps. However, in combat, the intense focus required to keep these animated constructs alive diminishes the time they may spend animated. As soon as combat is entered in to (first blow struck by any party) each construct's animated time dimishes to 1 minute per level of the Biomancer to a maximum of 10 minutes for anything up to a large construct or 5 minutes for a gargantuan.

{table=head]Size|Point Cost|Max number

The Biomancer may animate tiny objects between first and third level, medium between fourth and seventh, large between eighth and eleventh, gargantuan between twelfth and fifteenth.

This ability may be used to animate a held or worn object however the Biomancer must succeed on an opposed will check. A Biomancer may boost his Will modifier by one by spending 100 biopoints. If the held or worn object is magical the Biomancers will modifier is penalised by each point of enchantment.

If the individual is wearing the item, they may make a reflex save (DC10+Biomancer level+Cha) to remove the item quickly before it begins attacking. Medium armour increases this DC by 5, Heavy armour by 10.

A Biomancer does not need to focus on any creature he animates, he may control them as a free action. Objects typically tend to take on the traits of their creators and if they can speak (a statue) they have the voice of the Biomancer.

Beacon of Hope (Su)

A Biomancer stands as the light against the dark, they are a true beacon against darkness and negative energy. They now begin to radiate a light in a 30ft radius that illuminates as if natural daylight is in the area. They may suppress this ability at will. Additionally, they grant a +1 bonus to hit and damage to all allies within a 30ft radius. Finally, they grant the ability to reduce any negative energy damage done by 1d2 points when the target is within a 15ft radius.

Force of personality (Ex)

A Biomancer is a powerful diplomat, a vocal force to be reckoned with and an extremely persuasive entity. Whenever they make charisma based checks they double their charisma modifier. Additionally, a Biomancer may use his diplomacy check in place of both Bluff and Sense motive. This ability does not grant extra bonus damage on their Biomancy ability to damage or heal nor does it grant any extra ability with spells.

Augment Biocreation (Su)

The Biomancer gains greater control over the objects he animates and is able to imbue them with some of his own strength and will. The Biomancers animated objects now have +2 to strength and dexterity and gain a +2 bonus to armour class.

Radiant Seal (Su)

The Biomancer’s body begins to harbour positive energy to a greater degree. They gain Fast Healing 1 as per the ability listed on the SRD. Additionally 1/day they may grant Fast Healing 1 to one ally for five ten rounds.

Greater Beacon (Su)

At this level the light radius increases to 60ft and now causes 2d6 positive energy damage to any undead or negative energy type foe who enters this radius (This is a once off effect). Additionally this light also pierces magical darkness and negates any concealment other than total as long as the Biomancer focuses for a standard action. The bonus granted to allies now increases to +2 within 60ft, the negative energy damage reduction increases to 1d6.

Greater Augment Biocreation (Su)

The Biomancer gains even greater control of his objects, he is able to imbue more of his energy into the items and grant them greater strength. The animated objects still have +2 to strength and dexterity but gain +4 to armour class and have twenty extra hit points.

Arcane Biomodification (Su)

At this level the Biomancer gains the ability to modify spells, modifying them to utilise to his own ends or negating the life inside them completely.
A Biomancer of this level may spend one hundred points plus twenty points per level of the spell cast to modify it in some way. If it is a direct damage or energy damage spell the Biomancer may spend these points to either negate the damage, or redirect the damage to another living creature within the original range of the spell. E.g if the spell has a maximum range of thirty feet and was cast at twenty feet, the Biomancer may redirect it to any living force within ten feet of the caster.

If the spell is one of summoning, the Biomancer may choose to gain control of one creature per spell by spending Biomancy points. That is, if he spends points to gain control of a Create Undead, he may only gain control of one creature summoned. He may, however, spend triple the amount of points to gain control of two creatures.

If the spell is one that creates magical protections, enhances an individual in some way or provides some sort of special, extraordinary or supernatural ability, the Biomancer may redirect that ability to enhance himself, or for ten biomancy points per HD of the creature, enhance a companion or ally.

The Biomancer must still succeed on an opposed spellcraft check to gain control. He may add his Charisma modifier to his spell check bonus instead of his Intelligence modifier.

Positive Imbue (Ex)

The Biomancer may imbue any weapon he strikes with intense positive energy. He gains an increase to any weapon he is wielding of one damage dice (E.g 1d6 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10), additionally, any evil character or creature of the negative energy plane receives 1d6 positive energy damage per strike.

Biomodification (Su)

As a Biomancer becomes more and more experienced in granting and giving life, they come to understand the composition that is a natural part of all creatures and may make slight verificiations to living creatures. A Biomancer may grant one ally per every five levels he has any one of four Biomodificiations.

Bony Body- The ally is granted +1 AC for every five levels of the Biomancer

Muscled- The ally is granted +1 Strength for every five levels of the Biomancer

Hardy- The ally is granted 10 temporary hit points for every four levels of the Biomancer, these last for a number of rounds equal to the Biomancers charisma modifier.

Boosted Metabolism- The ally is granted immunity to diseases and poisons.

These biomodifications last for 3 rounds+Cha modifier and may be granted to one individual 1/day each. Additionally the Biomancer may modifiy his own body with these abilities but gains them for a total of ten rounds+Charisma modifier.

Greater Radiant Seal (Su)

At this level the Biomancer learns to harness positive energy to an even more powerful degree. He gains Fast Healing 2 and may now grant Fast Healing 2 to any ally within 10ft for ten rounds. Additionally, he gains Damage Reduction 5/Evil/Negative/Magic. Finally, any spell with the Healing descriptor also heals the Biomancer an additional 2d8 hit points.

Perfect Augment Biocreation (Su)

The Biomancer gains perfect control of his objects, he is able to imbue an exceptional amount of his energy into the items and grant them greater strength. The animated objects now gain +4 to strength, dexterity and AC and have 40 extra hit points.

Light Strike (Ex)

A Biomancer of this level is able to imbue his weapons with the Brilliant property at will. With the exception that these weapons may also strike undead. They still cannot affect constructs or objects though. Dismissing the Brilliant property from a weapon is a move action.

Positive Purification (Ex)

The Biomancer actively seeks out all negative energy creatures and attempts to rid the world of their presence. They are adept at hunting and killing undead creatures. 4/day a Biomancer may imbue their weapon with the Disrupting property for four rounds. Three times a day they may also imbue their weapon with the property Ghost Touched for three rounds. Finally, once this ability is gained a Biomancer may wield a Holy Avenger sword as if they were a paladin of equal level and had Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation with the sword.

Plane Walk (Su)

As the Biomancer grows in power, he manages to located and transport himself and his allies to his home plane. He instantly transports himself and his companions back to his natural plane.

As a standard action, 4/day for three rounds, the Biomancer may transport himself and one individual per every four levels the Biomancer possesses to the Positive Energy Plane.

Instead of taking his allies he may instead opt to take one foe if they fail their Will Save (DC10+1/2 Biomancer levels+Cha)

Raise Dead (Su)

As the Biomancer gains more control over his power, he is able to force other individuals to shun death. He refutes deaths grasp over the character and fills them with his energy. As a spell like ability 3/day the Biomancer gains Raise Dead at the cost of 50 Biomancy points per use. He may choose to make this spell Resurrect for 100 points per use. He may choose to subvert the level loss from a Resurrect by spending 200 points. This is a standard action. He may spend all of his remaining Biomancy points to use this ability as a swift action.

Perfect Radiant Seal (Ex)

At this level the Biomancer has perfected his ability to harness positive energy. He gains Fast Healing 5 and may now grant Fast Healing 4 to any ally within 10ft for ten rounds. Additionally, he gains Damage Reduction 5/Evil/Negative. Finally, any spell with the Healing descriptor also heals the Biomancer an additional 2d8 hit points.

The Pressman
2010-08-08, 10:47 PM
I would recommend making levels 14-20 worth it. But you probably know that.

2010-08-08, 10:48 PM
I would recommend making levels 14-20 worth it. But you probably know that.

*chuckles* Indeed.

I posted to get it off the microsoft office document I had at work.

There are no dead levels in my classes.

*shudders at dead levels*

Concept so far though? Balance?

2010-08-09, 12:36 AM
i would totally play it if i played 3.5.

2010-08-09, 12:53 AM
i would totally play it if i played 3.5.

That's awesome. Thanks for the compliment.

What do you play? 4e?

2010-08-09, 04:19 AM
yeah (stupid minimum length of word posts HAPPY NOW!)

2010-08-10, 06:23 PM
Hit Die: d8

The Biomancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armour proficiencies: Biomancer are proficient with all simple weapons and one martial weapon. They are proficient with all armour and shields except tower shields.

So far, it looks similar to a cleric with its chassis. Biomancy should take it right out of that similarity.

I'd add Craft (Int) and Profession (Wis) to the class skills, and probably take out Use Magic Device (Cha).

Biomancy (Ex)

A Biomancer gains a pool of points that begin at twenty and gain fifty points every level as they progress in this class until level 10, wherein the amount increases to sixty points every level. These points may be used to heal their comrades any amount of points per day (up to a maximum of ten points at first level, forty at fourth, eighty at eighty, one hundred and twenty at twelfth and one hundred and fifty at fifteenth where it caps, deal a ranged ray attack to evil/negative aligned creatures (1d6+Cha mod) per 10 points spent, Maximum 12d6)) or temporarily boost their own hit points to a maximum of 10 points +Cha modifier per level. These temporary hit points last 1 round/level. The ability to heal their companions or deal ranged damage to evil/negative creatures begins as a touch ability, but at fifth level increases by 10ft for every second level the Biomancer has.

You don't get to 80th level with a non-epic base class.

It would be easier to just make a table for this, I think. Copy-paste this table over your old one.

{table="head"]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Biomancy Points
3rd|+2|+3|+1|+3|Beacon of Hope|120
4th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Force of Personality|170
5th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Augment Biocreation|220
6th|+4|+5|+2|+5|Radiant Seal|270
7th|+5|+5|+2|+5|Greater Beacon|320
8th|+6/+1|+6|+2|+6|Greater Augment Biocreation|370
9th|+6/+1|+6|+3|+6|Arcane Biocreation|420
10th|+7/+2|+7|+3|+7|Positive Imbue|480
12th|+9/+4|+8|+4|+8|Greater Radiant Seal|600
13th|+9/+4|+8|+4|+8|Perfect Augment Biocreation|660
14th|+10/+5|+9|+4|+9|Light Strike|720
15th|+11/+6/+1|+9|+5|+9|Positive Purification|780
17th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+10|Raise Dead|900

Then make a second table or add another column to the first.

{table=head]Level|Healing Limit Per Day

Your wording is a little unclear as to whether the temporary hit point limit is a base 10 + Cha mod per level or (10 + Cha mod) per level.

I recommend changing the healing limit, however, to class level x 10. You'll also have to clear up whether you meant you can only heal that amount in a day or you can heal that amount to each person in a day.

Biocreation (Su)

At first level the Biomancer gains the ability to animate one object of up to fifty pounds, at each level gained the Biomancer gains the ability to animate another object until tenth level. At tenth level each object he animates can way up to one hundred pounds. At fifteenth level he gains the ability to animate more objects until twentieth level where this ability caps (15 objects each weighing up to 100 pounds).

These objects have a move speed equivalent to the Biomancers base land speed. The objects may exist anywhere up to 30 ft away plus 5 feet per every second level the Biomancer possesses.

At first level animated objects have the following attributes: Strength 8 Dexterity 8 Constitution 10 Wisdom 2 Intelligence 2 Charisma 0.

If the object animated has legs, it gains a Slam attack (Melee touch attack 1d8+Strength).

If the object is a weapon it floats and attacks like a regular weapon of it’s size and ability doing damage as a normal weapon plus the weapons new strength modifier.

If the object was previously longer than 5 feet it gains a Trip attack on a successful hit and may also attempt to disarm or grapple a foe, it deals bludgeoning damage of 1d10 plus strength or if it was bladed or spiked it deals slashing/piercing damage respectively.

If the animated object is a piece of armour or clothing that the individual was wearing, the target is allowed a reflex save (DC10+1/2 Biomancer levels+Cha) to remove the armour quickly. This armour may be removed instantly, unless it is medium armour (Increase DC by 2) or Heavy Armour (Increase DC by 5) If the individual does not remove the armour in time, the object uses the ability Constrict. The animated objects abilities grow when the Biomancer learns the augment Biocreation ability.

This begins as a touch ability where in the Biomancer must be in contact with the object for three full rounds. At third level the time spent is reduced to one full round. At fifth the Biomancer may touch an object and immediately bring it to life. At seventh level this may be done at a range of up to 10ft, this range increases every second level by 5 feet to a maximum of 50ft at fifteenth level. These items last for a number of hours equal to the Biomancer level.

This ability may be used to animate a held or worn object however the Biomancer must succeed on an opposed will check (DC10+Biomancer level+Cha).

The first quoted paragraph makes hardly any sense. You say it caps at 20th, but the cap is fifteen objects and you gain one per level. You'll have to make up your mind, there.

The ability scores are kind of weird, too. Are the animated objects constructs (like the normal animated object (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm))? If so, take away their Constitution and Intelligence scores and make them Ø. Charisma should be 1, as nothing that has Ø or 0 Charisma is able to do what you've set out for the animated objects to do.

Make the slam damage 1d8 + Str modifier and give examples of objects that gain a slam attack (chairs, tables, statues).

Does the trip attack from being long work like the wolf's trip, or is it a trip that can be returned? Does it provoke attacks of opportunity? How exactly does a long object grapple an enemy? Make the damage 1d10 + Str modifier.

How much damage does the constriction do?

This ability is essentially useless until 5th level unless you know there's something coming or you're using the objects for utility (in which case, prestidigitation would probably work just fine, along with the heavy lifters in the group).

An opposed check doesn't have a DC. Just drop the "(DC10+Biomancer level+Cha)" part.

Beacon of Hope (Su)

A Biomancer stands as the light against the dark, they are a true beacon against darkness and negative energy. They now begin to radiate a light in a 30ft radius that illuminates as if natural daylight is in the area. They may suppress this ability at will. Additionally, they grant a +1 bonus to hit and damage to all allies within a 30ft radius. Finally, they grant the ability to reduce any negative energy damage done by 1d2 points when the target is within a 15ft radius.

Ah, bacon (:smallcool:) of hope. It doesn't do much, really. Do the bonuses to hit and damage, as well as negative energy damage reduction, work without the light, or does the biomancer need the radiation aura?

Force of personality (Ex)

A Biomancer is a powerful diplomat, a vocal force to be reckoned with and an extremely persuasive entity. Whenever they make charisma based checks they double their charisma modifier. This ability does not grant extra bonus damage on their Biomancy ability to damage or heal.

This can be abused, I reckon. Limit it to Charisma-based skill checks. Then, get rid of Use Magic Device on the class skills list, as this should help more than enough with cross-class skill ranks.

Augment Biocreation (Su)

The Biomancer gains greater control over the objects he animates and is able to imbue them with some of his own strength and will. The Biomancer animated objects now have a strength and dexterity score of 10 and a constitution score of 12. They still have an intelligence and wisdom score of 2 and no charisma scores.

Give them at least 1 Charisma, and if they're constructs (sounds like they are to me), take away their Constitution and Intelligence scores.

Radiant Seal (Su)

The Biomancer’s body begins to harbour positive energy to a greater degree. They gain Fast Healing 1 as per the ability listed on the SRD. Additionally 1/day they may grant Fast Healing 1 to one ally for five rounds.

The fast healing is nice, but granting it to an ally is absolutely useless, since it effectively heals 5 hit points at 6th level. Make it last for 15 rounds, at least. Maybe add their Charisma modifier to the duration in rounds.

Also, add a range for granting it to allies.

Greater Beacon (Su)

At this level the light radius increases to 60ft and now causes 2d6 positive energy damage to any undead or negative energy type foe who enters this radius. This is a once off effect. The bonus granted to allies now increases to +2 within 60ft, the negative energy damage reduction increases to 1d6.

Call it greater beacon of hope so there's no confusion.

Can the biomancer suppress the damage-dealing effect of the aura if they want to? How about the negative energy resistance?

Raising the resistance to negative energy wouldn't hurt.

Greater Augment Biocreation (Su)

The Biomancer gains even greater control of his objects, he is able to imbue more of his energy into the items and grant them greater strength. The animated objects now have a strength and dexterity score of 12 and a constitution score of 14, their intelligence and wisdom increases to 4 however their charisma score is still 0.

See above biocreation features.

Arcane Biocreation (Su)

At this level the Biomancer gains the ability to animate or gain control of spells cast within their presence. At ninth level this begins as first level spells, at thirteenth level this is second level spells, at sixteenth this is third level spells and at nineteenth this is fourth level spells.

A Biomancer must succeed on an opposed spell craft check utilising their Charisma modifier. If successful the spell halts mid air or the summoned creature pauses. A spell causing damage in this way gains a life of it’s own for three rounds, it may deal up to ½ of it’s original intended damage each round in this way or choose to move at 1 foot/round in any direction. If it was an area effect spell it is now a direct damage spell and only affects one target. If the spell had multiple parts (e.g a Magic Missile spell) each part is given life and may deal ½ of their intended damage each round with the original DC’s that the caster utilised.

If this is a summoned creature, it’s hit points are immediately halved, it’s BAB is halved and it’s speed is halved. The Biomancer gains control of this creature for four rounds before it fades from existence.

Why not give it a linear progression? Make it 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, or 9th, 13th, 17th.

Do you use your Charisma modifier in addition to your Intelligence modifier on the Spellcraft check?

Make damage spells' speeds 5 feet (1 square) per round.

This ability doesn't allow the biomancer to control any spells except summoned creatures. Admittedly, that's useful, though situational.

The other parts, however, lead me to say it's pretty powerful. You can basically avoid any spell effect if you pump Spellcraft. Even if you don't, you probably have a fair chance of succeeding. The only thing you have to do to avoid the spells is take a 5-foot step every round (Actually, as written, you can avoid them by taking a 5-foot step every five rounds.).

Positive Imbue (Ex)

The Biomancer may imbue any weapon he strikes with intense positive energy. He gains an increase to any weapon he is wielding of one damage dice (E.g 1d6 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10), additionally, any evil character or creature of the negative energy plane receives 1d6 positive energy damage per strike.

The "evil" thing is the best part of this ability. No problem here.

Biomodification (Su)

As a Biomancer becomes more and more experienced in granting and giving life, they come to understand the composition that is a natural part of all creatures and may make slight verificiations to living creatures. A Biomancer may grant one ally per every five levels he has any one of four Biomodificiations.

Bony Body- The ally is granted +1 AC for every five levels of the Biomancer

Muscled- The ally is granted +1 Strength for every five levels of the Biomancer

Hardy- The ally is granted 10 hit points for every four levels of the Biomancer

Boosted Metabolism- The ally is granted immunity to diseases and poisons.

These biomodifications last for 3 rounds+Cha modifier and may be granted to one individual 1/day each. Additionally the Biomancer may modifiy his own body with these abilities but gains them until he chooses to dismiss their effects.

Are the hit points healed or granted as temporary hit points?

I'd take out the ability to grant this to yourself permanently and/or change the hardy/bony body option(s).

Greater Radiant Seal (Su)

At this level the Biomancer learns to harness positive energy to an even more powerful degree. He gains Fast Healing 2 and may now grant Fast Healing 2 to any ally within 10ft for three rounds. Additionally, he gains Damage Reduction 5/Evil/Negative/Magic. Finally, any spell with the Healing descriptor also heals the Biomancer an additional 2d8 hit points.

This isn't much of an improvement over the other radiant seal, really, but I guess it's something. Raise the duration of granting fast healing to allies and format the damage reduction as 5/evil and magic. Grant negative energy resistance 5.

Perfect Augment Biocreation (Su)

The Biomancer gains perfect control of his objects, he is able to imbue an exceptional amount of his energy into the items and grant them greater strength. The animated objects now have a strength and dexterity score of 16 and a constitution score of 18, their intelligence and wisdom increases to 8 however their charisma score is still 0.

See above biocreations.

Light Strike (Ex)

A Biomancer of this level is able to imbue his weapons with the Brilliant property at will. With the exception that these weapons may also strike undead. They still cannot affect constructs or objects though. Dismissing the Brilliant property from a weapon is a move action.

This is fine.

Positive Purification (Ex)

The Biomancer actively seeks out all negative energy creatures and attempts to rid the world of their presence. They are adept at hunting and killing undead creatures. 4/day a Biomancer may imbue their weapon with the Disrupting property for four rounds. Three times a day they may also imbue their weapon with the property Ghost Touched for three rounds. Finally, once this ability is gained a Biomancer may wield a Holy Avenger sword as if they were a paladin of equal level and had Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation with the sword.

You're thinking of the disruption and ghost touch properties. Specify that disruption works regardless of the weapon type.

This feature would be smoother if you just made it 3/day enhance weapon with both disruption and ghost touch for 3 rounds.

It's kind of cool to wield a holy avenger as if you were a paladin of the same level, though specific.

Plane Walk (Su)

As the Biomancer grows in power, he manages to located and transport himself and his allies to his home plane. He instantly transports himself and his companions back to his natural plane.

As a standard action, 4/day for three rounds, the Biomancer may transport himself and one individual per every four levels the Biomancer possesses to the Positive Energy Plane.

Instead of taking his allies he may instead opt to take one foe if they fail their Will Save (DC10+1/2 Biomancer levels+Cha)

Make sure to put Cha modifier in the save DC.

You probably want to state the effects of being on the positive energy plane, and perhaps why the biomancer would choose to do transport like that.

Raise Dead (Su)

As the Biomancer gains more control over his power, he is able to force other individuals to shun death. He refutes deaths grasp over the character and fills them with his energy. As a spell like ability 3/day the Biomancer gains Raise Dead at the cost of 50 Biomancy points per use. He may choose to make this spell Resurrect for 100 points per use. He may choose to subvert the level loss from a Resurrect by spending 200 points. This is a standard action. He may spend all of his remaining Biomancy points to use this ability as a swift action.

At 17th level, you have 900 biomancy points. This ability makes death extremely cheap and makes it nearly impossible for a party to be wiped out. Setting it to 1/day and making it more expensive to use might balance this.

Well, there's nothing beyond 17th level, so taking the class past that is next to worthless.

There are some problem abilities, but most of them are because of a lack of clarity. Changing the abilities so each of the questions above are answered will likely solve the biggest problems in the class.

Zeta Kai
2010-08-10, 06:26 PM
Hey, this smells a bit like the Bio-Mage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2487790#post2487790). Huh.

2010-08-10, 06:37 PM
Hey, this smells a bit like the Bio-Mage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2487790#post2487790). Huh.

.... God dammit.

Yeah Tem, I see why you told me to look through the boards to see if there's anything else now.

Barring the massive amount of points, I've been one upped in almost every way by Zeta.

....God dammit.

2010-08-11, 01:48 AM
.... God dammit.

Yeah Tem, I see why you told me to look through the boards to see if there's anything else now.

Barring the massive amount of points, I've been one upped in almost every way by Zeta.

....God dammit.

Except that save for in name, the two classes are almost totally different.

His is a standard mage (that can also sometimes heal) that spends a rapidly depleting life force to cast spells.

Yours is a sort of Cleric Paladin Hybrid that can spend his Lay on Hands pool to animate objects, heal, an shoot lasers.

Anyway, your class seems a little bit all over the place. The thing about classes is that generally, you're going to want to establish what role your class is going to play in a standard party. Are you going to be healing, sitting in the back, buffing, sneaking, casting spells?

Note that most base classes establish what they are going to be doing for the next 20 levels pretty quickly. A rogue sneak attacks and finds traps, this is established quite quickly in the rogue's state block. A Paladin kills evil things and heals people. This is also established quickly. Though there are some exceptions (such as the later level rogue toys like Evasion), for the most part, a base class picks a handful of things that add together to make one party role (or a hybrid of roles), and then gets better at them. Rogues sneak attack for more damage, Wizards cast more spells, Paladins deal more damage and heal more with Lay on Hands.

Very quickly, your class seemed to be about two things. He can heal people, and he can bring things to life. Okay, he has some sort of positive energy thing going on, and he can spread those points to allies or objects.

This makes sense, and establishes him as a healing/support character. He heals his allies, at later levels buffs them, and he can bring things to life to debuff his enemies or aid his allies.

But then I read on, and a few things confuse me:

1. Biopoints are based on level and nothing else. It seems to me that your class is heavily charisma based, which gives him the option of being the party face. But Charisma has seemingly nothing to do with how well his main class abilities work (Healing and Animation). I would suggest tying Biopoints to Charisma in some way. You want to reward players and give them idea of where they should go, ability wise. But there doesn't seem to be any real reason to go in a particular direction with your class, since charisma is only half-tied in some later stuff to class abilities, and other class abilities encourage being a frontline fighter (more on that later).

2. Animation has relatively few restraints. Firstly, apparently the animation lasts forever, which confuses me. An animated object can be a very powerful ally in battle, and being able to animate one good one and carry it around all the time is a very very powerful ability. Enough to make a class out of by itself. I would recommend setting a time limit on how long an object can be animated. Ten minutes is sixty rounds, and is more than enough time for an object to be animated in the first round and last until the end. Secondly, animation takes no biopoints to do. I would suggest tying biopoints to animation, and then making heavier objects or larger objects (a Huge Animated Carpet could be a lot more useful in a fight than a small table, even if the table weighs more) cost more biopoints. Thirdly, the duration that it takes to animate these objects makes it extremely unlikely that a player will ever do this in combat. Unless this is your intention. Three rounds is far too long for a player to be outside of combat to call a summoned ally, so it is far more likely that a player will wake up in an inn, animate his bed, and then fight with that all day. Or even forever. Finally, the number of animated objects this Biomancer can have is quite startling. Fifteen objects is a hefty number, and is going to be a massive clutter in battle, not to mention potentially unbalancing.

In any of those cases, I suggest an alternate mechanic you might like:

The Biomancer can "invest" his daily biopoints into an object. The animation lasts all day. This can be done at first as a touch, and perhaps later at a distance. A heavier or larger object requires a larger "investment". Then, the Biomancer can animate one large thing or many small things. You could keep a cap on the number (I would recommend looking at Control Undead as a sample pattern, since it sets the balance for how many HD should be under the control of a player at a time.)

3. Later on, the class gains more and more Anti-Undead abilities, which encourage a sort of "front-line" mentality. The problem is, that this kinda strays from what the class originally was, a healer and support class.

4. Arcane Biocreation is confusing and potentially frustrating for anyone playing opposite a Biomancer. Adding positive energy to spells to make them come alive and giving the Biomancer ANOTHER ally to help him in battle is a little bit troublesome. If you are attached to the ability, I would recommend changing this ability so that it makes more sense. For example, instead of making the spells come alive by overloading them with positive energy, maybe the Biomancer tunes a burst of positive energy (maybe using biopoints?) so that the spells effect is negated or at least reduced. Also, the Plane of Positive Energy has an effect where being there too long makes you explode from too much positive energy. Maybe that's something you can apply to the summoned monsters. Just overload them by spending enough biopoints. Because spending positive energy to take over the mind of a summoned monster makes very little sense.

5. Why give him the power to plane shift? And why would he want to take his allies to the Positive Energy Plane that many times per day, and for such a short time? I can see this being a potential combat mechanic, maybe, where he takes his allies away from combat to heal momentarily before coming back, but that could probably be better represented by forming a barrier or shield out of positive energy and healing at that power level, rather than the Biomancer taking his allies to a place to heal them instead of him just doing it.

6. The Raise Dead power can happen far too often. Making Biopoints only good at shooting energy rays (which won't happen that often) or healing means that at 17th level, the Biomancer is going to have no problems with just casting four no-penalty Resurrects a day (Which is just about as strong as casting True Res, which is a 9th level spell).

2010-08-11, 01:52 AM
Except that save for in name, the two classes are almost totally different.

His is a standard mage (that can also sometimes heal) that spends a rapidly depleting life force to cast spells.

Yours is a sort of Cleric Paladin Hybrid that can spend his Lay on Hands pool to animate objects, heal, an shoot lasers.

Good. I took a brief look at his table and they seemed very similar. But still....I don't like the similar names for abilities etc.

Anyway, your class seems a little bit all over the place. The thing about classes is that generally, you're going to want to establish what role your class is going to play in a standard party. Are you going to be healing, sitting in the back, buffing, sneaking, casting spells?

So what you're saying is this class needs to be more focused.

Note that most base classes establish what they are going to be doing for the next 20 levels pretty quickly. A rogue sneak attacks and finds traps, this is established quite quickly in the rogue's state block. A Paladin kills evil things and heals people. This is also established quickly. Though there are some exceptions (such as the later level rogue toys like Evasion), for the most part, a base class picks a handful of things that add together to make one party role (or a hybrid of roles), and then gets better at them. Rogues sneak attack for more damage, Wizards cast more spells, Paladins deal more damage and heal more with Lay on Hands.

Repetition of more focus, and I concur.

Very quickly, your class seemed to be about two things. He can heal people, and he can bring things to life. Okay, he has some sort of positive energy thing going on, and he can spread those points to allies or objects.

This makes sense, and establishes him as a healing/support character. He heals his allies, at later levels buffs them, and he can bring things to life to debuff his enemies or aid his allies.

Yep, he's a good healer and battlefield controller with his enemies.

But then I read on, and a few things confuse me:

1. Biopoints are based on level and nothing else. It seems to me that your class is heavily charisma based, which gives him the option of being the party face. But Charisma has seemingly nothing to do with how well his main class abilities work (Healing and Animation). I would suggest tying Biopoints to Charisma in some way. You want to reward players and give them idea of where they should go, ability wise. But there doesn't seem to be any real reason to go in a particular direction with your class, since charisma is only half-tied in some later stuff to class abilities, and other class abilities encourage being a frontline fighter (more on that later).

I liked this....And I do believe that I will tie in a charisma mechanic. You make some very good points.

2. Animation has relatively few restraints. Firstly, apparently the animation lasts forever, which confuses me. An animated object can be a very powerful ally in battle, and being able to animate one good one and carry it around all the time is a very very powerful ability. Enough to make a class out of by itself. I would recommend setting a time limit on how long an object can be animated. Ten minutes is sixty rounds, and is more than enough time for an object to be animated in the first round and last until the end.

I concur. I will make the duration scale by minutes. One minute at first level, 10-15 at last. But I will make a provisio that the intense focus required to maintain an animated object IN combat differs to that outside of combat. So I'm going to give them an hour at first level outside of combat, two fifth, three at tenth and leave it there. I would like him to be surrounded by animated objects as he's a life bringer.

Secondly, animation takes no biopoints to do. I would suggest tying biopoints to animation, and then making heavier objects or larger objects (a Huge Animated Carpet could be a lot more useful in a fight than a small table, even if the table weighs more) cost more biopoints. Thirdly, the duration that it takes to animate these objects makes it extremely unlikely that a player will ever do this in combat. Unless this is your intention. Three rounds is far too long for a player to be outside of combat to call a summoned ally, so it is far more likely that a player will wake up in an inn, animate his bed, and then fight with that all day. Or even forever. Finally, the number of animated objects this Biomancer can have is quite startling. Fifteen objects is a hefty number, and is going to be a massive clutter in battle, not to mention potentially unbalancing.

I see what you're saying. What cap do you believe I should put on the amount of animated objects? Also, granted, tying biopoints to animating is a very fair point and would also give him the option of extending his animations.

n any of those cases, I suggest an alternate mechanic you might like:

The Biomancer can "invest" his daily biopoints into an object. The animation lasts all day. This can be done at first as a touch, and perhaps later at a distance. A heavier or larger object requires a larger "investment". Then, the Biomancer can animate one large thing or many small things. You could keep a cap on the number (I would recommend looking at Control Undead as a sample pattern, since it sets the balance for how many HD should be under the control of a player at a time.)

I like this. But what cap are you thinking? Two large objects at 15/20 levels and ten small? How would it scale? I do like the suggestion.

3. Later on, the class gains more and more Anti-Undead abilities, which encourage a sort of "front-line" mentality. The problem is, that this kinda strays from what the class originally was, a healer and support class.

Positive energy healer support class. Thus...makes sense they would be the nemesis of undead? No?

4. Arcane Biocreation is confusing and potentially frustrating for anyone playing opposite a Biomancer. Adding positive energy to spells to make them come alive and giving the Biomancer ANOTHER ally to help him in battle is a little bit troublesome. If you are attached to the ability, I would recommend changing this ability so that it makes more sense. For example, instead of making the spells come alive by overloading them with positive energy, maybe the Biomancer tunes a burst of positive energy (maybe using biopoints?) so that the spells effect is negated or at least reduced. Also, the Plane of Positive Energy has an effect where being there too long makes you explode from too much positive energy. Maybe that's something you can apply to the summoned monsters. Just overload them by spending enough biopoints. Because spending positive energy to take over the mind of a summoned monster makes very little sense.

I agree with using Biopoints to negate/reduce damage. Should we say... 10 points per spell level used + 100?

5. Why give him the power to plane shift? And why would he want to take his allies to the Positive Energy Plane that many times per day, and for such a short time? I can see this being a potential combat mechanic, maybe, where he takes his allies away from combat to heal momentarily before coming back, but that could probably be better represented by forming a barrier or shield out of positive energy and healing at that power level, rather than the Biomancer taking his allies to a place to heal them instead of him just doing it.

Because healing on the positive plane is doubled. Not only does it give the party time to heal, not only is he from the positive plane, but healing is doubled. lol. Seems like a handy option to have?

6. The Raise Dead power can happen far too often. Making Biopoints only good at shooting energy rays (which won't happen that often) or healing means that at 17th level, the Biomancer is going to have no problems with just casting four no-penalty Resurrects a day (Which is just about as strong as casting True Res, which is a 9th level spell).[/QUOTE]

So...once or twice a day then? As well as investing two hundred biopoints?

Thanks again for the awesome long review.

2010-08-11, 07:21 PM
So far, it looks similar to a cleric with its chassis. Biomancy should take it right out of that similarity.

I'd add Craft (Int) and Profession (Wis) to the class skills, and probably take out Use Magic Device (Cha).

You don't get to 80th level with a non-epic base class.

It would be easier to just make a table for this, I think. Copy-paste this table over your old one.

{table="head"]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Biomancy Points
3rd|+2|+3|+1|+3|Beacon of Hope|120
4th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Force of Personality|170
5th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Augment Biocreation|220
6th|+4|+5|+2|+5|Radiant Seal|270
7th|+5|+5|+2|+5|Greater Beacon|320
8th|+6/+1|+6|+2|+6|Greater Augment Biocreation|370
9th|+6/+1|+6|+3|+6|Arcane Biocreation|420
10th|+7/+2|+7|+3|+7|Positive Imbue|480
12th|+9/+4|+8|+4|+8|Greater Radiant Seal|600
13th|+9/+4|+8|+4|+8|Perfect Augment Biocreation|660
14th|+10/+5|+9|+4|+9|Light Strike|720
15th|+11/+6/+1|+9|+5|+9|Positive Purification|780
17th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+10|Raise Dead|900

Then make a second table or add another column to the first.

{table=head]Level|Healing Limit Per Day

Your wording is a little unclear as to whether the temporary hit point limit is a base 10 + Cha mod per level or (10 + Cha mod) per level.

I recommend changing the healing limit, however, to class level x 10. You'll also have to clear up whether you meant you can only heal that amount in a day or you can heal that amount to each person in a day.

The first quoted paragraph makes hardly any sense. You say it caps at 20th, but the cap is fifteen objects and you gain one per level. You'll have to make up your mind, there.

The ability scores are kind of weird, too. Are the animated objects constructs (like the normal animated object (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm))? If so, take away their Constitution and Intelligence scores and make them Ø. Charisma should be 1, as nothing that has Ø or 0 Charisma is able to do what you've set out for the animated objects to do.

Make the slam damage 1d8 + Str modifier and give examples of objects that gain a slam attack (chairs, tables, statues).

Does the trip attack from being long work like the wolf's trip, or is it a trip that can be returned? Does it provoke attacks of opportunity? How exactly does a long object grapple an enemy? Make the damage 1d10 + Str modifier.

How much damage does the constriction do?

This ability is essentially useless until 5th level unless you know there's something coming or you're using the objects for utility (in which case, prestidigitation would probably work just fine, along with the heavy lifters in the group).

An opposed check doesn't have a DC. Just drop the "(DC10+Biomancer level+Cha)" part.

Ah, bacon (:smallcool:) of hope. It doesn't do much, really. Do the bonuses to hit and damage, as well as negative energy damage reduction, work without the light, or does the biomancer need the radiation aura?

This can be abused, I reckon. Limit it to Charisma-based skill checks. Then, get rid of Use Magic Device on the class skills list, as this should help more than enough with cross-class skill ranks.

Give them at least 1 Charisma, and if they're constructs (sounds like they are to me), take away their Constitution and Intelligence scores.

The fast healing is nice, but granting it to an ally is absolutely useless, since it effectively heals 5 hit points at 6th level. Make it last for 15 rounds, at least. Maybe add their Charisma modifier to the duration in rounds.

Also, add a range for granting it to allies.

Call it greater beacon of hope so there's no confusion.

Can the biomancer suppress the damage-dealing effect of the aura if they want to? How about the negative energy resistance?

Raising the resistance to negative energy wouldn't hurt.

See above biocreation features.

Why not give it a linear progression? Make it 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, or 9th, 13th, 17th.

Do you use your Charisma modifier in addition to your Intelligence modifier on the Spellcraft check?

Make damage spells' speeds 5 feet (1 square) per round.

This ability doesn't allow the biomancer to control any spells except summoned creatures. Admittedly, that's useful, though situational.

The other parts, however, lead me to say it's pretty powerful. You can basically avoid any spell effect if you pump Spellcraft. Even if you don't, you probably have a fair chance of succeeding. The only thing you have to do to avoid the spells is take a 5-foot step every round (Actually, as written, you can avoid them by taking a 5-foot step every five rounds.).

The "evil" thing is the best part of this ability. No problem here.

Are the hit points healed or granted as temporary hit points?

I'd take out the ability to grant this to yourself permanently and/or change the hardy/bony body option(s).

This isn't much of an improvement over the other radiant seal, really, but I guess it's something. Raise the duration of granting fast healing to allies and format the damage reduction as 5/evil and magic. Grant negative energy resistance 5.

See above biocreations.

This is fine.

You're thinking of the disruption and ghost touch properties. Specify that disruption works regardless of the weapon type.

This feature would be smoother if you just made it 3/day enhance weapon with both disruption and ghost touch for 3 rounds.

It's kind of cool to wield a holy avenger as if you were a paladin of the same level, though specific.

Make sure to put Cha modifier in the save DC.

You probably want to state the effects of being on the positive energy plane, and perhaps why the biomancer would choose to do transport like that.

At 17th level, you have 900 biomancy points. This ability makes death extremely cheap and makes it nearly impossible for a party to be wiped out. Setting it to 1/day and making it more expensive to use might balance this.

Well, there's nothing beyond 17th level, so taking the class past that is next to worthless.

There are some problem abilities, but most of them are because of a lack of clarity. Changing the abilities so each of the questions above are answered will likely solve the biggest problems in the class.

I'm going to add in all or most of your suggestions Mr Tem.

2010-08-11, 08:14 PM
A LOT of changes made. Still a lot more to come.

But how is the updated information on Biomancy/Biocreation/Arcane Biomodification?

Arcane Biomodification is expensive in points....So I figure somewhat balanced considering that the Biomancer may want to animate a gargantuan creature that day.

2010-08-11, 08:45 PM
A LOT of changes made. Still a lot more to come.

But how is the updated information on Biomancy/Biocreation/Arcane Biomodification?

Arcane Biomodification is expensive in points....So I figure somewhat balanced considering that the Biomancer may want to animate a gargantuan creature that day.

Right then, it's getting there, I like some of the changes you've made, and I've got quite a few more suggestions.

1. I still think that you should get bonus points for having a higher charisma score. As is, the biggest abilities of this class aren't impacted by having a higher charisma score, so there's no big reason not to just pump strength and dex, take a level in rogue, and have your constructs provide flanking. Instead of being multi or even single ability dependent, it still feels like this class is null-ability dependent. Anyone with any stats could pick this up and not have much of any difficulty.

2. Construct Stats, I like how you've fixed them. It makes much more sense for a nonliving thing to get more HP instead of Constitution, which represents having a biology.

3. Construct Sizes. You did the opposite of what I would have done here. I would encourage being versatile and having options by letting the Biomancer have only a certain number of the largest objects he can make, but many more smaller objects. You instead limit him to massive objects if he has animated one massive thing, which makes little sense. I would argue that the strain of controlling a large thing makes it hard to control MORE large things.

4. I like that you've attached a cost to the Arcane ability, but I do not like that it is an instant "I win" button against Arcane Casters. He should still have to succeed in a spellcraft check, or at the very least do some sort of pseduo-Dispel check, maybe use the Dispel Rules, but let the Biomancer spend increments of Biopoints to get bonuses to that Dispel Check.

5. I get the "undead hunter" vibe, that makes sense. The problem I saw was that the way that you've provided the Biomancer to hunt undead is via Melee-bonuses. Maybe replace Brilliant Energy and the Holy Avenger and all those other melee-centric bonuses with something that fits the Biomancer better. Maybe the ability to Turn or Destroy Undead as a Cleric by spending Biopoints, or the ability to supercharge his lasers to hit undead even harder by spending more biopoints. Because I'm pretty sure as is that his Lasers are gonna be hitting even Incorporeal beings.

Other changes look good. It's coming along.

2010-08-12, 01:58 AM
Right then, it's getting there, I like some of the changes you've made, and I've got quite a few more suggestions. I'm all ears.

1. I still think that you should get bonus points for having a higher charisma score. As is, the biggest abilities of this class aren't impacted by having a higher charisma score, so there's no big reason not to just pump strength and dex, take a level in rogue, and have your constructs provide flanking. Instead of being multi or even single ability dependent, it still feels like this class is null-ability dependent. Anyone with any stats could pick this up and not have much of any difficulty. How much of a bonus do you think is fair? 100 per charisma modifier points?

2. Construct Stats, I like how you've fixed them. It makes much more sense for a nonliving thing to get more HP instead of Constitution, which represents having a biology. Awesome sauce. I agree.

3. Construct Sizes. You did the opposite of what I would have done here. I would encourage being versatile and having options by letting the Biomancer have only a certain number of the largest objects he can make, but many more smaller objects. You instead limit him to massive objects if he has animated one massive thing, which makes little sense. I would argue that the strain of controlling a large thing makes it hard to control MORE large things. How would I word that mechanically? Or should I just leave the table as is?

4. I like that you've attached a cost to the Arcane ability, but I do not like that it is an instant "I win" button against Arcane Casters. He should still have to succeed in a spellcraft check, or at the very least do some sort of pseduo-Dispel check, maybe use the Dispel Rules, but let the Biomancer spend increments of Biopoints to get bonuses to that Dispel Check.

If a caster casts a fifth level spell the user must spend 150 points to redirect the damage. Considering the total points he has is a little over 1000, this is a heft cost...Add that to his construct animations? Either way, you may have a point. Mechanical suggestions?

5. I get the "undead hunter" vibe, that makes sense. The problem I saw was that the way that you've provided the Biomancer to hunt undead is via Melee-bonuses. Maybe replace Brilliant Energy and the Holy Avenger and all those other melee-centric bonuses with something that fits the Biomancer better. Maybe the ability to Turn or Destroy Undead as a Cleric by spending Biopoints, or the ability to supercharge his lasers to hit undead even harder by spending more biopoints. Because I'm pretty sure as is that his Lasers are gonna be hitting even Incorporeal beings. I loved the Holy Avenger ability :smallfrown: Hmmm okay, again I'm gonna ask for mechanical suggestions on incorporating Turn Undead... Say... 50 points per HD of of undead turned? less? more? Supercharge lasers was a good suggestion....

Other changes look good. It's coming along.[/QUOTE]