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View Full Version : [3.5] Bonded Shaman - A Spirit Shaman Variant - New and Improved!

2010-08-09, 06:04 PM
In my Homebrew Spirit Shaman Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154917), Mulletmanalive suggested a class variant based on negotiating with and binding various spirits in exchange for invocations or spell-like abilities; something of a binder/warlock hybrid. I really liked the idea and ran with it, but don't really want to raise the old thread from the depths of forum obscurity. So, here it is. The bonded shaman. Probably not as comprehensive a variant as Mulletmanalive initially intended, but let me know what you think. I'm not entirely sure of some of the conditions under which spirits abandon pacts, so if anyone has any suggestions...

Edit: Version 2.0 is more binder-like, less reliant on spell-like abilities and can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9130319&postcount=6)

Class Variant: Bonded Shaman

Spirit shamans draw their power from the spirits. In most cases, their guides act as intermediaries between the shaman and the spirits, bargaining each day with nameless, faceless spirits for spellcasting power.

Some spirit shamans, however, do more than bargain with the spirits for scraps of power. To do so places the spirit shaman in a subordinate, recipient position. These spirit shamans interact more directly with the spirits, binding specific beings into daily pacts that grant the spirit shaman great power. These spirit shamans are known as bonded shamans.

The bonded shaman gains all the standard spirit shaman class features, except as noted below:

Spellcasting: The bonded shaman does not gain the ability to retrieve or cast spells.

Spirit Pact: Beginning at first level, a bonded shaman learns to travel into the spirit world and make bargains with the spirits to gain magical and spiritual powers, known as spirit pacts. Traveling to the spirit world and making one or more successful spirit pacts requires one hour of relative peace and quiet following at least eight hours of rest, during which time the bonded shaman meditates and establishes her daily pacts.

Establishing a spirit pact requires that the bonded shaman bargain with a specific spirit; usually a powerful ancestor or a spirit representing an aspect of the physical or spiritual world. A bonded shaman does not need to make a check of any type to enter into a spirit pact. However, the motivations of the spirits are arcane and difficult to determine. Even the wisest bonded shamans cannot be certain that their arguments will sway the spirits. When a bonded shaman makes a spirit pact, there is always a 10 percent chance the spirit is unwilling to enter into the pact. Failure simply means that the pact is unsuccessful and the bonded shaman cannot attempt to make a pact with that spirit for 24 hours (though she can attempt to make pacts with other spirits without penalty). If the bonded shaman can make multiple pacts per day, she must make a separate successful check for each pact. A spirit pact lasts 24 hours.

If, while under the influence of a spirit pact, a bonded shaman takes an action that is contrary to the desires and motivations of the bound spirit, the pact ends immediately. The bonded shaman looses the use of any abilities associated with the bound spirit. Additionally, the chance a future spirit pact with that spirit fails increases to 75 percent for the next week. At the DMs discretion, the bonded shaman can receive an atonement spell or take another action clearly showing contrition and repentance to return the failure chance to normal before the week has ended.

A successful spirit pact grants the bonded shaman a set of spell-like abilities that she can use at will. These spell-like abilities are listed in the spirit’s description. A bonded shaman who has forged a spirit pact with a given spirit can use any spell-like ability available to bonded shamans of her level or lower. If a bonded shaman can make more than one pact per day, she can use all of the spell-like abilities granted by all of her pacts at will. A bonded shaman’s caster level for any spell-like abilities gained as a result of a spirit pact is equal to her class level. A bonded shaman can use her Guide Magic ability in conjunction with spell-like abilities granted by her spirit pacts, should she so desire.

At first level, a bonded shaman can make one spirit pact per day. At 10th level, she gains the ability to make two pacts per day.

Spirit Pacts

Spirit of the Woods:
The Spirit of the Woods is the guardian and guide of all who live among the trees. It embodies the power of nature in its most primal forms: the stability and strength of a towering oak tree, the tenacity of a boar’s last breath, the speed and grace of hind, the ferocity of a swarm of locusts, the cunning of a wolf pack.

The Spirit of the Woods can take the form of any plant or animal within its domain but appears most often as an ancient treant; gnarled and strong with the dark brown bark and red and orange leaves of an oak tree in autumn. Its voice recalls the clatter of bare tree branches, the babbling of a forest stream and the slow crunch of roots forcing their way through stone.

The Spirit of the Woods grants bonded shamans the ability to control and manipulate the plants and animals of the forest. Entering into a spirit pact with the Spirit of the Woods empowers a bonded shaman to control his environment and protect the natural world. The Spirit of the Woods will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman knowingly, unnecessarily and irreparably harms a plant or animal for any reason other than survival, sustenance or self-defense.

The Spirit of the Woods grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Entangle and Endure Elements
Levels 4-6 – Spike Growth and Warp Wood
Levels 7-9 – Charm Monster and Command Plants
Levels 10-13 – Black Tentacles and Tree Stride]
Levels 14-16 – Insect Plague and Wall of Thorns
Levels 17-20 – Fire Seeds and Liveoak
Spirit of the Plains:
The Spirit of the Plains embodies the love of travel, of vast open spaces and of solitude. It watches over those who travel and those who live in the open, under the sky. It accompanies nomads on their never-ending journeys, guides flocks of geese in their annual migrations and swirls around those who stand at crossroads deciding which way to travel.

The Spirit of the Plains’ voice is as gentle and restless as the long grass rubbing together in the wind. It most often appears as a solitary, cloaked traveler leaning on a gnarled staff or a wild horse with pale tan fur and a black mane.

The Spirit of the Planes grants endurance and speed. It grants control over some of the creatures of the prairie and awareness of one’s location. The Spirit of the Plains will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman knowingly and willingly travels less than five miles over the course of first 12 hours of the spirit pact.

The Spirit of the Plains grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Entropic Shield and Expeditious Retreat
Levels 4-6 – Bear’s Endurance and Summon Swarm
Levels 7-9 – Phantom Steed and Ray of Exhaustion
Levels 10-13 – Freedom of Movement and Giant Vermin
Levels 14-16 – Shadow Walk and Waves of Fatigue
Levels 17-20 – Antilife Shell and Find the Path
Spirit of the Mountains:
The Spirit of the Mountains embodies the towering heights and strong roots of the hills. The cacophony of an avalanche, the strength and hardness of stone and the dizzying heights of a cliff are all a part of its nature.

The Spirit of the Mountains most often takes the form of a mountain sheep, with hooves and horns of sparkling quartz. It can speak as a human, however, in a voice as deep and gravely as the mountains themselves. When it moves, its hooves crash loudly like a rock tumbling down a precipice.

The Spirit of the Mountains grants the ability to shape and manipulate stone. It also grants the strength and resilience needed to face problems head-on. The Spirit of the Mountains will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman takes a run or withdrawal action.

The Spirit of the Mountains grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Feather Fall and Magic Stone
Levels 4-6 – Bull’s Strength and Soften Earth and Stone
Levels 7-9 – Meld into Stone and Stone Shape
Levels 10-13 – Spike Stones and Stoneskin
Levels 14-16 – Passwall and Transmute Rock to Mud
Levels 17-20 – Flesh to Stone and Stone Tell
Spirit of the Water:
The Spirit of the Water cares for bodies of water and the creatures that make their homes in the water. It embodies water’s inherent contradiction; its nature is at once soothing and nurturing and cold and unforgiving.

The Spirit of the Water most often appears as a faint humanoid figure in the foam on the crests of waves or in the midst of raging rapids. Its voice is as musical as the soft flow of water through the pebbles on a beach or riverbank. It moves in swift, graceful, flowing motions and often seems to be carried by the surrounding water rather than moving under its own power.

The Spirit of the Water grants control over water, snow, ice and fog. It can bestow the ability to heal, conceal or destroy with different forms of the element over which it presides. The Spirit of the Mountains will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman does not cover or immerse her hair in water at least once every hour for the duration of the pact.

The Spirit of the Water grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Create Water and Cure Light Wounds
Levels 4-6 – Fog Cloud and Chill Metal
Levels 7-9 – Cure Moderate Wounds and Water Breathing
Levels 10-13 – Control Water and Wall of Ice
Levels 14-16 – Cone of Cold and Cure Serious Wounds
Levels 17-20 – Freezing Sphere and Cure Critical Wounds
Spirit of the Sky:
The Spirit of the Sky is born out of the wind and the clouds, the still evenings and the violent storms. The Spirit of the Sky is elusive, ever-moving and almost impossible to find or capture.

The Spirit of the Sky is, of all the spirits, perhaps the most difficult to see. It can be found in leaves that blow on the breeze or in rain that falls sideways in the storm. Most often, it appears to bonded shaman as the faint whiteness of a breath on a cold winter’s day. Its voice is soft and airy, though when angered it can be as deafening as a gale.

The Spirit of the Sky grants the gifts of flight, speed and grace. Bonded shamans who enter into spirit pacts with the Spirit of the Sky can control winds and lightning, soar above the earth and travel with unparalleled speed. The Spirit of the Sky will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman spends more than five consecutive hours in a building, cave or other completely enclosed location.

The Spirit of the Sky grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Magic Missile and Obscuring Mist
Levels 4-6 – Cat’s Grace and Gust of Wind
Levels 7-9 – Fly and Lightning Bolt
Levels 10-13 – Dimension Door and Solid Fog
Levels 14-16 – Control Winds and Overland Flight
Levels 17-20 – Chain Lightning and Wind Walk
Spirit of the Sun:
The Spirit of the Sun is the embodiment of heat and light and, according to some legends, the source of the world’s fire. The Spirit of the Sun is intense and powerful, able to wield devastating flames. It is also as beautiful and ever-changing as a flame.

The Spirit of the Sun most often appears as a hazy humanoid shape concealed within a hazy sunbeam as it filters through the leaves. Its voice is heard more in the mind than the ears but its words burn themselves on the listener’s consciousness.

The Spirit of the Sun grants power over heat, fire and light. It can bestow the power to consume your enemies, dazzle their senses or illuminate your surroundings. The Spirit of the Sun will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman is conscious during the night for longer than she is conscious during the day.

The Spirit of the Sun grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Burning Hands and Color Spray
Levels 4-6 – Heat Metal and Scorching Ray
Levels 7-9 – Daylight and Fireball
Levels 10-13 – Rainbow Pattern and Wall of Fire
Levels 14-16 – Flame Strike and Shadow Evocation
Levels 17-20 – Disintegrate and Permanent Image
Spirit of the Champion:
The Spirit of the Champion is the spirit of a mighty warrior from legends of the bonded shaman’s tribe. Bonded shamans seek out the Spirit of the Champion when mortal danger threatens them and their loved ones. The Spirit of the Champion is the spirit of prowess, honor and courage.

The Spirit of the Champion grants abilities that heighten the bonded shaman’s combat prowess. It can empower the shaman’s weapons and armor or lend strength and speed to her sword arm. The Spirit of the Champion will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman goes three consecutive encounters without dealing hit point damage to an opponent.

The Spirit of the Champion grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Divine Favor and Enlarge Person
Levels 4-6 – Flame Blade and Rage
Levels 7-9 – Greater Magic Weapon and Magic Vestment
Levels 10-13 – Divine Power and Holy Sword
Levels 14-16 –Disrupting Weapon and Righteous Might
Levels 17-20 – Blade Barrier and Transformation
Spirit of the Sage:
The Spirit of the Sage is the spirit of a mighty wizard or sorcerer, knowledgeable and well-trained in the arts of magic. Bonded shamans seek out the Spirit of the Sage when confronted with a difficult puzzle or a challenge that requires finesse, subtlety and information.

The Spirit of the Sage grants abilities that can persuade, control or reveal information. It can ensnare or paralyze an opponent. It can reveal information that would otherwise remain hidden. The Spirit of the Sage will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman actively chooses to disregard demonstrably-accurate information that contradicts her view of a situation.

The Spirit of the Sage grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 –Charm Person and Shield
Levels 4-6 – Detect Thoughts and Hideous Laughter
Levels 7-9 – Clairaudience/Clairvoyance and Suggestion
Levels 10-13 – Arcane Eye and Hold Monster
Levels 14-16 – Dominate Person and Telekinesis
Levels 17-20 – Irresistible Dance and True Seeing
Spirit of the Conqueror:
The Spirit of the Conqueror is the spirit of a legendary leader or war chief from the tribe’s past. It is charismatic, forceful and inspiring. It also cares a great deal about the future of the tribe. It is perhaps the most willing of the spirits to enter into spirit pacts, always seeking to assist the tribe in hours of need.

The Spirit of the Conqueror grants abilities that enhance the combat prowess of the bonded shaman’s allies. It can cast protective wards over its friends or guide their blows. The Spirit of the Conqueror will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman knowingly and intentionally causes harm to a member of her tribe.

The Spirit of the Conqueror grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Bless and Magic Weapon
Levels 4-6 – Heroism and Spiritual Weapon
Levels 7-9 – Good Hope and Prayer
Levels 10-13 – Fire Shield and Mass Enlarge Person
Levels 14-16 – Cloudkill and Mass Cure Light Wounds
Levels 17-20 – Animate Objects and Greater Heroism
Spirit of the Hunter:
The Spirit of the Hunter is known in tribal legends for its stealth, fortitude and resourcefulness. It knows how to move quickly and silently, how to track its prey and how to take down important targets quickly and efficiently.

The Spirit of the Hunter grants abilities that enhance the bonded shaman’s stealth and resourcefulness. They aid the bonded shaman in destroying individual threats to the tribe or traveling great distances to find her quarry. The Spirit of the Hunter will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman does not consume any meat over the course of the first 12 hours of the spirit pact.

The Spirit of the Hunter grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Pass without Trace and Ray of Enfeeblement
Levels 4-6 – Blindness/Deafness and Invisibility
Levels 7-9 – Dispel Magic and Haste
Levels 10-13 – Enervation and Greater Invisibility
Levels 14-16 – Feeblemind and Teleport
Levels 17-20 – Analyze Deweomer and Grasping Hand
Spirit of the Guardian:
The Spirit of the Guardian is the spirit of one known for defending others to its final breath. It is resilient and implacable, devoted in its defense of the tribe and its allies.

The Spirit of the Guardian grants abilities that make it difficult to injure the bonded shaman and her allies. It bestows the power to ward against death or to draw of an enemy’s strength. It aids the bonded shaman in defending against sword and sorcery alike. The Spirit of the Guardian will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman knowingly and intentionally allows an ally to perish without making an effort to prevent his or her death.

The Spirit of the Guardian grants the following spell-like abilities:
Levels 1-3 – Mage Armor and Protection from [Alignment]
Levels 4-6 – Barkskin and Shield Other
Levels 7-9 – Displacement and Vampiric Touch
Levels 10-13 – Death Ward and Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
Levels 14-16 – Telepathic Bond and Wall of Stone
Levels 17-20 – Blade Barrier and Repulsion

2010-08-10, 06:18 AM
One evident major problem: this guy never makes the power curve contest.

Also, average [#pacts] is way too small.

2010-08-10, 08:49 AM
One evident major problem: this guy never makes the power curve contest.

Could you elaborate? I know its not as powerful a class as wizard or cleric, but it seems to compare favorably with warlock (which was, after all, one of the inspirations). At any given level it has as many or more spell-like abilities as a warlock with substantially greater versatility (he can change them every day, he picks from a larger list, the available options have a wider range of effects and include options for buffing, debuffing, battlefield control, direct damage and healing). The power of the spell-like abilities scales at about the same rate as warlock invocations too. Sure, it doesn't get 9th level spells but it has plenty of interesting and powerful options. I'd say it's a tier 4 to tier 3 variant, which was what I was shooting for. Why do you say it doesn't make the power curve contest? Am I missing something? Are there better spells in the SRD I could have/should have picked for spell-like abilities?

Also, average [#pacts] is way too small.

Are you saying that the number of spirit pacts a bonded shaman can have at any given time is too low; that it should be able to bind more spirits at once? I think I disagree. Remember that a bonded shaman's spell-like abilities are usable at will and that the only comparable class (warlock) only gets 12 of them throughout its career (maybe a few more with feats). A bonded shaman tops out at 48 spell-like abilities at 18th level. Why do you say it should be more?

I really appreciate the comments and would be interested in hearing your elaborations!


2010-08-10, 01:10 PM
As it is now, this is a beast of a class alongside such things as initiators [whom it's less powerful but more flexible than] and Warlocks [whom it's more powerful than, except in sheer brutality (Dark Invocations make the level 6 spells this caps out at look girlish)].

It's probably a little weak in a 3 encounter working day, or as several of my groups have tried before, one encounter working days... not that this is a problem to me, personally.

I like this, save that it relies on spells and i really liked the idea of taking on aspects of the spirit you bind from the Vestiges thing. Sadly, I can't come up with a way of polishing that smooth, but i do really like the spirits you came up with. Really do.

Gonna make a point of not messing with a Sun-binder...

2010-08-11, 09:50 AM
As it is now, this is a beast of a class alongside such things as initiators [whom it's less powerful but more flexible than] and Warlocks [whom it's more powerful than, except in sheer brutality (Dark Invocations make the level 6 spells this caps out at look girlish)].

It's probably a little weak in a 3 encounter working day, or as several of my groups have tried before, one encounter working days... not that this is a problem to me, personally.

I agree with you that it lacks power but is more flexible than most classes of its type. In fact, I think I'm going to scale back the flexibility a bit and only allow them to enter into two spirit pacts simultaneously. 48 spell-like abilities seems like a bit much, now that I think about it.

I like this, save that it relies on spells and i really liked the idea of taking on aspects of the spirit you bind from the Vestiges thing. Sadly, I can't come up with a way of polishing that smooth, but i do really like the spirits you came up with. Really do.

Again, I agree. I toyed with the idea of making more vestige-like spirits but ended up shying away from all the work that would be involved. Plus, I don't have a lot of experience running a binder and don't really feel comfortable with the power balance a vestige should have. Spell-like abilities provided an easy method of comparison. Plus I like the idea of a spirit shaman as a caster class, even if in a non-traditional way.

Gonna make a point of not messing with a Sun-binder...

Agreed! Thanks for the comments.


2010-08-12, 03:56 PM
So, I was looking at this again and decided, in the interest of making it more unique and interesting, to go more vestige-like with the spirits. I think the balance is fairly good but am not sure, so if someone more well-versed in vestiges and pact magic would let me know what they think, I'd be most appreciative. I've only completed the nature spirits so far but wanted to post and see what people thought. Hopefully you guys find this a bit more interesting.

Class Variant: Bonded Shaman 2.0

Spirit shamans draw their power from the spirits. In most cases, their guides act as intermediaries between the shaman and the spirits, bargaining each day with nameless, faceless spirits for spellcasting power.

Some spirit shamans, however, do more than bargain with the spirits for scraps of power. To do so places the spirit shaman in a subordinate, recipient position. These spirit shamans interact more directly with the spirits, binding specific beings into daily pacts that grant the spirit shaman great power. These spirit shamans are known as bonded shamans.

The bonded shaman gains all the standard spirit shaman class features, except as noted below:

Spellcasting: The bonded shaman does not gain the ability to retrieve or cast spells.

Spirit Pact: Beginning at first level, a bonded shaman learns to travel into the spirit world and make bargains with the spirits to gain magical and spiritual powers, known as spirit pacts. Traveling to the spirit world and making one or more successful spirit pacts requires one hour of relative peace and quiet following at least eight hours of rest, during which time the bonded shaman meditates and establishes her daily pacts.

Establishing a spirit pact requires that the bonded shaman bargain with a specific spirit; usually a powerful ancestor or a spirit representing an aspect of the physical or spiritual world. A bonded shaman does not need to make a check of any type to enter into a spirit pact. However, the motivations of the spirits are arcane and difficult to determine. Even the wisest bonded shamans cannot be certain that their arguments will sway the spirits. When a bonded shaman makes a spirit pact, there is always a 10 percent chance the spirit is unwilling to enter into the pact. Failure simply means that the pact with that spirit is unsuccessful and the bonded shaman cannot attempt to make a pact with that spirit for 24 hours (though she can attempt to make pacts with other spirits that same day without penalty). If the bonded shaman can make multiple pacts per day, she must make a separate successful check for each pact. A spirit pact lasts 24 hours.

If, while under the influence of a spirit pact, a bonded shaman takes an action that is contrary to the desires and motivations of the bound spirit, the pact ends immediately. The bonded shaman looses the use of any abilities associated with the bound spirit. Additionally, the chance a future spirit pact with that spirit fails increases to 75 percent for the next week. At the DMs discretion, the bonded shaman can receive an atonement spell or take another action clearly showing contrition and repentance to return the failure chance to normal before the week has ended.

A successful spirit pact grants the bonded shaman a set of supernatural abilities listed in the spirit’s description. A bonded shaman who has forged a spirit pact with a given spirit can use any ability available to bonded shamans of her level or lower. If a bonded shaman can make more than one pact per day, she can use all of the abilities granted by all of her pacts. The following rules govern these abilities:
All powers granted by a spirit pact are supernatural in origin, even if they replicate spells or abilities that are not normally considered magical. As supernatural abilities, they are not subject to dispelling, counterspelling or spell resistance but are suppressed in an antimagic field.
Unless otherwise noted, using a supernatural ability is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This is true even if it duplicates a spell or ability that usually requires more than a standard action.
Supernatural abilities do not have verbal, material or somatic components unless the description of the ability indicates otherwise (for example, opening ones mouth and breathing to activate a breath weapon)
A bonded shaman’s caster level for any supernatural abilities that replicate spells is equal to her class level.
The save DC to resist the effects of a bonded shaman’s supernatural abilities is equal to 10 + half the bonded shaman’s class level + the bonded shaman’s Charisma modifier.
At first level, a bonded shaman can make one spirit pact per day. At 10th level, she gains the ability to make two pacts per day.

Spirit Guide: All bonded shamans have a spirit guide, a link between their physical existence and the spirit world. In some sense, a bonded shaman and her spirit guide are one being, knowing and seeing and experiencing the same things. Unlike a familiar, a spirit guide is not a separate entity from a bonded shaman. Under normal circumstances, she is the only one who can perceive or interact with her guide.

The bonded shaman’s spirit guide confers greater awareness of her spiritual surroundings and grants her the Alertness feat. A bonded shaman’s spirit guide also grants her the use of a spell-like ability (choose one of the options listed on Table 3) based on the spirit guide’s characteristics and personality. The bonded shaman can use this spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to her charisma modifier with a caster level equal to her class level. A bonded shaman’s spirit guide also grants additional abilities as her power and experience increase, as outlined in Table 1 and explained below.

The exact form of the spirit guide is chosen by the bonded shaman at first level based on the qualities it represents and the bonuses it grants. A spirit guide usually appears to the bonded shaman in the form of an animal that represents the spirit guide’s personality (for example, a lion for an aggressive spirit guide or a fox for one characterized by cunning). However, the exact form and personality of the spirit guide is purely personal preference and confers no special advantages or disadvantages beyond those outlined here.

{table=head]Spirit Guide|Characteristics|Granted Spell-Like Ability
Perceptive (owl, eagle)|Caution, wisdom, awareness|Eyes of the Spirit (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8626635&postcount=7) or True Strike
Aggressive (bear, leopard, badger)|Strength, self-reliance, tenacity|Produce Flame or Shillelagh
Defensive (turtle, mongoose)|Caution, stoicism, self-protection|Shield of Faith or Protection from (Alignment) (choose one alignment)
Elusive (snake, lizard, eel)|Stealth, wariness|Hypnotism or Swift Invisibility (SC)
Cooperative (wolf, lion)|Loyalty, interdependence, teamwork|Summon Nature's Ally 1 or Enlarge Person
Deceptive (crow, coyote)|Trickiness, intelligence, deviousness|Silent Image or Disguise Self
Cunning (fox, spider)|Cunning, creativity, tactics|Entangle or Grease[/table]

Spirit Pacts

Spirit of the Woods
The Spirit of the Woods is the guardian and guide of all who live among the trees. It embodies the power of nature in its most primal forms: the stability and strength of a towering oak tree, the tenacity of a boar’s last breath, the speed and grace of hind, the ferocity of a swarm of locusts, the cunning of a wolf pack.

The Spirit of the Woods can take the form of any plant or animal within its domain but appears most often as an ancient treant; gnarled and strong with the dark brown bark and red and orange leaves of an oak tree in autumn. Its voice recalls the clatter of bare tree branches, the babbling of a forest stream and the slow crunch of roots forcing their way through stone.

The Spirit of the Woods grants bonded shamans the ability to control and manipulate the plants and animals of the forest. Entering into a spirit pact with the Spirit of the Woods empowers a bonded shaman to control her environment and protect the natural world. The Spirit of the Woods will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman knowingly, unnecessarily and irreparably harms a plant or animal for any reason other than survival, sustenance or self-defense.

Granted Abilities:
Barkskin – The bonded shaman takes on some of the visual characteristics of the Spirit of the Woods. Her skin becomes brown and woody, like the bark of an ancient tree. She gains a +1 bonus to her natural armor. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Woods and does not require any action to activate.

Woodland Travel – The bonded shaman gains the woodland stride ability as a 2nd level druid. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Woods and does not require any action to activate. Additionally, at 10th level she gains the ability to use Tree Stride once per day.

Woodworking – By speaking and singing in the language of the trees, a bonded shaman gain the ability to shape any existing piece of wood as she desires. This ability functions as the Wood Shape spell. A bonded shaman can use this ability at will.

Forest Ally – A bonded shaman can call upon the forest for aid, bringing mobility and strength to a single tree within 30 feet and enlisting its assistance. The forest ally has the statistics of a small animated object which obeys the bonded shaman’s verbal commands and acts on her initiative count. The forest ally remains animated for a number of rounds equal to the bonded shaman’s class level before turning back into a normal tree where it stands.

A bonded shaman’s forest ally improves as she gains experience. It has the statistics of a medium animated object at 4th level, a large animated object at 8th level, a huge animated object at 12th level and a treant at 16th level.

Alternatively, a bonded shaman can use this ability to call upon the aid of a single natural creature from the Summon Nature’s Ally I list. The ally summoned must be one that could reasonably live in the area. The summoned ally can be from the Summon Nature’s Ally II list at 4th level, the Summon Nature’s Ally III list at 8th level, the Summon Nature’s Ally IV list at 12th level and the Summon Nature’s Ally V list at 16th level.

A bonded shaman can use this ability once every 5 rounds but can only have one forest ally at a time.

Entangling Growth – A bonded shaman can cause shrubs, grasses, roots and other small plants to rise up and grasp at nearby enemies, growing wicked thorns in the process. This ability functions as the Entangle spell, save that it has a 20 foot radius. Additionally all creatures take 1d4 points of piercing damage each round they remain within the radius. The bonded shaman, her summoned or animated creatures and a number of additional allies equal to her Charisma modifier are unaffected by this ability and can move within its radius as normal. A bonded shaman can even use roots and ground cover for this ability; augmenting their strength and causing them to expand to fit her needs. She can use this ability in any terrain where there might reasonably be some living plant material.

At 10th level, the entangling plants become more powerful and aggressive. The ability functions as the Black Tentacles spell instead of Entangle. Creatures not grappled by the plants but still within the area are still reduced to half movement speed. All creatures still take 1d4 points of piercing damage per round they remain within the radius, whether or not they also take damage from the grappling plants. A bonded shaman can use this ability at will.

Spirit of the Plains
The Spirit of the Plains embodies the love of travel, of vast open spaces and of solitude. It watches over those who travel and those who live in the open, under the sky. It accompanies nomads on their never-ending journeys, guides flocks of geese in their annual migrations and swirls around those who stand at crossroads deciding which way to travel.

The Spirit of the Plains’ voice is as gentle and restless as the long grass rubbing together in the wind. It most often appears as a solitary, cloaked traveler leaning on a gnarled staff or a wild horse with pale tan fur and a black mane.

The Spirit of the Planes grants endurance and speed. It grants control over some of the creatures of the prairie and awareness of one’s location. The Spirit of the Plains will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman knowingly and willingly uses a spell or ability that paralyzes a foe. At the DM’s discretion, it might also abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman travels less than five miles over the course of first 12 hours of the spirit pact. DMs should decide which conditions apply at the beginning of the campaign and use this decision consistently.

Granted Abilities:
Grassland Gait – The bonded shaman gains a +10 foot enhancement bonus to her base speed. This bonus increases to +20 feet at 8th level and +30 feet at 14th level. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Plains and does not require any action to activate.

Grassland Endurance – The bonded shaman gains the Endurance feat. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Plains and does not require any action to activate. Additionally, beginning at 4th level, she gains the ability to use Bear’s Endurance once every 5 rounds.

Toll of the Long March – The bonded shaman learns to affect others with the fatigue associated with travel through the plains. She gains a touch attack she can use at will. Any creature she touches becomes fatigued for one round per level. At 5th level she can use this ability as a ranged touch attack with a range of 50 feet. At 10th level any creature she affects with this ability becomes exhausted instead of fatigued. At 15th level, she can cause all creatures within a 60 foot cone to become exhausted. Creatures within this area can attempt a Fortitude save to become fatigued instead of exhausted.

Deceptive Distance – A bonded shaman knows that distances on the plains can be deceiving. A landmark that appears nearby can still be miles away. She can take advantage of this fact to avoid ranged attacks. Any creature she touches gains a 20% miss chance against ranged attacks. At 10th level the miss chance increases to 50%. A bonded shaman can use this ability at will.

Expeditious Travel – When vast distances are involved, speed is essential. A bonded shaman gains the ability to summon her choice of a light horse or a pony (her choice) as the Mount spell. She can use this ability at will. At 8th level she gains the ability to summon a quasi-real horse instead, as the Phantom Steed spell. Additionally, at 14th level she gains the ability to use Shadow Walk once per day.

Sense of the Plains – The bonded shaman gains the ability to use Know Direction at will. At 10th level she gains the ability to use Find the Path at will.

Spirit of the Mountains
The Spirit of the Mountains embodies the towering heights and strong roots of the hills. The cacophony of an avalanche, the strength and hardness of stone and the dizzying heights of a cliff are all a part of its nature.

The Spirit of the Mountains most often takes the form of a mountain sheep, with hooves and horns of sparkling quartz. It can speak as a human, however, in a voice as deep and gravely as the mountains themselves. When it moves, its hooves crash loudly like a rock tumbling down a precipice.

The Spirit of the Mountains grants the ability to shape and manipulate stone. It also grants the strength and resilience needed to face problems head-on. The Spirit of the Mountains will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman takes a run or withdrawal action.

Granted Abilities:
Mountain’s Hardness – The bonded shaman’s skin becomes grey, hard and flecked with bits of quartz, taking on some of the characteristics of stone. She gains damage reduction 1/bludgeoning. The damage reduction increases by +1 at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels and becomes x/adamantine at 10th level. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Mountains and does not require any action to activate.

Mountain’s Embrace – The bonded shaman gains the slow fall ability as a monk of her level. Essentially, the earth softens to catch her, reducing the violence of the fall. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Mountains and does not require any action to activate.

Mountain’s Consistency – The Spirit of the Mountains grants bonded shamans control over earth and stone. The shaman gains the ability to turn dry earth to loose sand or dirt and wet earth to thick, sticky mud. This ability functions as the Soften Earth and Stone spell, save that the bonded shaman cannot affect stone in any way. She can use this ability at will. At 5th level she gains the ability to alter the earth in both directions, softening and hardening earth, sand and mud as she desires. At 10th level she gains the ability to affect stone, as the Transmute Mud to Rock and Transmute Rock to Mud spells. At 15th level she gains the ability to affect cut and worked stone, though magical stone remains unaffected.

Secrets of Stone – The bonded shaman can feel vibrations in the stone through her feet and hands, sensing things that might be hidden. She can take a standard action to gain 30 foot tremorsense for one round. The range of her tremorsense increases by 30 feet at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels. Additionally, she can use Stone Tell once per day beginning at 10th level.

Body of Stone – Even as her own body takes on some of the characteristics of the mountains, a bonded shaman can inflict certain stone-like characteristics on her enemies as well. She can target one creature within 30 feet with this ability, forcing them to make a Fortitude save or take a penalty to their Dexterity score equal to half her class level. The target’s Dexterity score cannot drop below 1. At 10th level the target takes Dexterity damage instead of a Dexterity penalty and the score can drop to 0. At 15th level, creatures whose Dexterity score drops to 0 as a result of this ability are turned to stone, as the Flesh to Stone spell. A bonded shaman can use this ability once every 5 rounds.

Spirit of the Water
The Spirit of the Water cares for bodies of water and the creatures that make their homes in the water. It embodies water’s inherent contradiction; its nature is at once soothing and nurturing and cold and unforgiving.

The Spirit of the Water most often appears as a faint humanoid figure in the foam on the crests of waves or in the midst of raging rapids. Its voice is as musical as the soft flow of water through the pebbles on a beach or riverbank. It moves in swift, graceful, flowing motions and often seems to be carried by the surrounding water rather than moving under its own power.

The Spirit of the Water grants control over water, snow, ice and fog. It can bestow the ability to heal, conceal or destroy with different forms of the element over which it presides. The Spirit of the Mountains will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman does not cover or immerse her hair in water at least once every hour for the duration of the pact.

Granted Abilities:
At Home in the Water – You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed, a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks and the ability to take 10 on Swim checks, regardless of the circumstances. At 5th level you gain the ability to hold your breath twice as long before making Constitution checks to avoid drowning. At 10th level you can breathe underwater for a number of hours per day equal to your class level, divided up as you desire. At 15th level you can grant this ability to a number of allies equal to your Charisma modifier, with each ally able to breathe underwater as long as you can. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Water and does not require any action to activate.

Healing Touch – You gain the ability to channel the soothing power of water into a potent healing ability. You can heal 1d6 points of damage plus on e additional point for every two class levels you have to a single creature you touch. You can use this ability at will. Additionally, at 10th level you gain the ability to create a powerful burst of healing. The creature you touch heals 5d6 points of damage plus one additional point for every class level you have. After healing a creature in this way, you cannot use your Healing Touch ability again for 5 rounds. This ability requires a full-round action to use.

Obscuring Mist – You gain the ability to form an obscuring cloud of mist or fog around you. This functions as the Obscuring Mist spell. At 10th level, enemies within the radius of this mist move at half speed and take a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls.

Create Water – You can use Create Water at will. However, you can only use this ability once per day in deserts or other areas with little or no water in the atmosphere.

Winter’s Caress – Power over ice and cold comes hand in hand with power over water. You can harness this power and breathe out a storm of snow, ice and frigid air. This storm deals 1d4 points of cold damage per class level to all creatures within a 15 foot cone. Affected creatures can make a Reflex save to halve this damage. At 5th level, the damage you deal increases to 1d6 points of cold damage per class level. At 10th level, you can affect a 60 foot cone. You can use this ability once every 5 rounds.

Rushing Wave – Once every 5 rounds you can create a massive wave to wash away your foes. The wave you create travels in a straight line in a direction you choose for a maximum distance of 10 feet per level. It initiates a bull rush against any creatures in its path, counting as a large creature (with a 10 x 10 face) with an effective Strength score of 14 + 2 per 3 class levels. You can only use this ability if there is a body of water containing at least 10 cubic feat of water within 30 feet of you.

Spirit of the Sky
The Spirit of the Sky is born out of the wind and the clouds, the still evenings and the violent storms. The Spirit of the Sky is elusive, ever-moving and almost impossible to find or capture.

The Spirit of the Sky is, of all the spirits, perhaps the most difficult to see. It can be found in leaves that blow on the breeze or in rain that falls sideways in the storm. Most often, it appears to bonded shaman as the faint whiteness of a breath on a cold winter’s day. Its voice is soft and airy, though when angered it can be as deafening as a gale.

The Spirit of the Sky grants the gifts of flight, speed and grace. Bonded shamans who enter into spirit pacts with the Spirit of the Sky can control winds and lightning, soar above the earth and travel with unparalleled speed. The Spirit of the Sky will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman spends more than five consecutive hours in a building, cave or other completely enclosed location.

Granted Abilities:
Cloak of Air – The bonded shaman is constantly surrounded by swirling air currents. She gains a +1 deflection bonus to her armor class. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Sky and does not require any action to activate.

On the Back of the Wind – The bonded shaman can call strong winds to her aid when falling and is constantly under the effect of the Feather Fall spell. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Sky and does not require any action to activate.

At 5th level the bonded shaman gains the ability to call stronger winds to carry her through the sky, giving her a fly speed of 40 feet with good maneuverability. She can fly for a number of minutes per day equal to her class level. She can divide these minutes up as she desires. Flying only requires as much concentration as walking, so she can attack and cast spells as normal.

At 10th level the bonded shaman learns to travel on the back of the wind over long distances. She can fly with a speed of 60 feet and poor maneuverability for a number of hours per day equal to her class level. This is in addition to the time she spends flying at her slower, more maneuverable speed. At 15th level she can bring a number of allies equal to her Charisma modifier with her when using this long-distance flight speed.

Air Blast – The bonded shaman gains the ability to fire a burst of compressed air at will as a ranged touch attack. A bonded shaman’s air blast deals 1d6 points of damage for every 5 class levels and has a range of 50 feet. Half the damage is bludgeoning and half is force damage. At 10th level she can use this ability as a normal ranged attack.

Raging Storm – The bonded shaman can use either Gust of Wind or Wind Wall every 5 rounds. At 10th level she can use Control Winds once every 5 rounds instead.

Spirit of the Sun
The Spirit of the Sun is the embodiment of heat and light and, according to some legends, the source of the world’s fire. The Spirit of the Sun is intense and powerful, able to wield devastating flames. It is also as beautiful and ever-changing as a flame.

The Spirit of the Sun most often appears as a vague humanoid shape concealed within a hazy sunbeam as it filters through the leaves. Its voice is heard more in the mind than the ears but its words burn themselves on the listener’s consciousness.

The Spirit of the Sun grants power over heat, fire and light. It can bestow the power to consume your enemies, dazzle their senses or illuminate your surroundings. The Spirit of the Sun will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman willingly and intentionally spends more than two rounds within an area of magical shadowy illumination or darkness.

Granted Abilities:
Heat of the Sun – The bonded shaman gains fire and cold resistance 5. This energy resistance increases to 15 at 10th level. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Sun and does not require any action to activate.

Eyes of the Sun – The bonded shaman’s eyes glow with the light of the sun, shedding light as a torch. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Sun and does not require any action to activate. The bonded shaman can, however, take a free action to suppress this light and can reactivate it with another free action.

Beginning at 5th level, the bonded shaman can amplify this light, as the Daylight spell. This intense light lasts one round per level. She can use this ability at will.

Scorching Heat – A cone of searing heat and flame shoots from the bonded shaman’s hands. All creatures in a 15 foot cone take 1d6 points of fire damage per class level (Reflex half). Additionally, all creatures within the area must make a Fortitude save or be fatigued for 1 minute. At 5th level this ability affects all creatures in a 30 foot cone. At 10th level it affects all creatures in a 60 foot cone. At 15th level, this ability deals 1d8 points of damage per level instead of 1d6. The bonded shaman can use this ability every 5 rounds.

Burst of Light – The bonded shaman creates a localized burst of intense light around a single creature. That creature is dazed for one round and must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for one minute. At 5th level, the creature is stunned instead of dazed. At 10th level, the creature is blinded for one instead of dazzled on a failed Fortitude save. The bonded shaman can use this ability at will.

Spirit of the Champion
The Spirit of the Champion is the spirit of a mighty warrior from legends of the bonded shaman’s tribe. Bonded shamans seek out the Spirit of the Champion when mortal danger threatens them and their loved ones. The Spirit of the Champion is the spirit of prowess, honor and courage.

The Spirit of the Champion grants abilities that heighten the bonded shaman’s combat prowess. It can empower the shaman’s weapons and armor or lend strength and speed to her sword arm. The Spirit of the Champion will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman goes three consecutive encounters without dealing hit point damage to an opponent.

Granted Abilities:
Prowess of the Spirit – The bonded shaman gains a +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th levels. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Champion and does not require any action to activate.

Strength of the Champion – The bonded shaman gains a +2 bonus to her Strength and Constitution scores. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Champion and does not require any action to activate.

Skill of the Champion – At the time the bonded shaman makes a spirit pact, she can choose a number of feats equal to half her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). These feats must be from the list of fighter bonus feats. She can use these feats for the duration of the spirit pact, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. If her Charisma modifier decreases during the duration of the pact, she loses access to an equal number of these feats. Lost feats are chosen randomly and remain lost until the bonded shaman makes another spirit pact with the Spirit of the Champion.

Blade of the Champion – The bonded shaman gains the ability to imbue her weapon with the power of the spirits. She can cause her weapon to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. At 5th level she can cause her weapon to gain a single magic weapon special ability whose base price modifier is equal to a +1 bonus in addition to the standard enhancement bonus to attack and damage. At 10th level she can cause her weapon to gain a single +2 bonus special ability or two +1 bonus special abilities in addition to the standard enhancement bonus to attack and damage. At 15th level she can cause her weapon to gain a single +3 bonus special ability or any combination of +2 and +1 bonus special abilities totaling +3 in addition to the standard enhancement bonus to attack and damage. This enhancement lasts a number of rounds equal to the bonded shaman’s class level. While enhanced, the bonded shaman’s weapon overcomes damage reduction as a magic weapon, even if it is normally only a mundane or masterwork weapon. She can use this ability at will.

Might of the Champion – The bonded shaman gains the ability to grow temporarily, gaining enormous combat prowess. She can use Enlarge Person (self only) at will. At 8th level, when she uses this ability on herself, her size increases to huge, including all the associated bonuses and penalties. At 14th level, she can use Righteous Might (self only) instead of Enlarge Person every 5 rounds (though she can still use Enlarge Person at will).

Spirit of the Sage
The Spirit of the Sage is the spirit of a mighty wizard or sorcerer, knowledgeable and well-trained in the arts of magic. Bonded shamans seek out the Spirit of the Sage when confronted with a difficult puzzle or a challenge that requires finesse, subtlety and information.

The Spirit of the Sage grants abilities that can persuade, control or reveal information. It can ensnare or paralyze an opponent. It can reveal information that would otherwise remain hidden. The Spirit of the Sage will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman actively chooses to disregard demonstrably-accurate information that contradicts her view of a situation.

Granted Abilities:
Mind of the Sage – The bonded shaman gains a +2 bonus to her Intelligence and Charisma scores. She also gains a +5 insight bonus on Knowledge checks. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Sage and does not require any action to activate.

Study of the Mind – The bonded shaman can use Detect Thoughts at will.

Study of Persuasion – The bonded shaman gains the ability to manipulate the minds of those around her. She can use Charm Person at will. At 8th level she gains the ability to use Suggestion at will. At 14th level she gains the ability to use Dominate Person at will.

Study of the World – The bonded shaman gains the ability to detect magic at will, as the spell. At 5th level she gains the ability to use Clairaudience/Clairvoyance at will. At 10th level she gains the ability to use Arcane Eye at will. At 15th level she gains the ability to use True Seeing at will.

Study of Force – The bonded shaman gains the ability to telekinetically manipulate small objects, as the Mage Hand spell. She can use this ability at will. At 10th level she gains the ability to use Telekinesis every 5 rounds.

Spirit of the Conqueror
The Spirit of the Conqueror is the spirit of a legendary leader or war chief from the tribe’s past. It is charismatic, forceful and inspiring. It also cares a great deal about the future of the tribe. It is perhaps the most willing of the spirits to enter into spirit pacts, always seeking to assist the tribe in hours of need.

The Spirit of the Conqueror grants abilities that enhance the combat prowess of the bonded shaman’s allies. It can cast protective wards over its friends or guide their blows. The Spirit of the Conqueror will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman knowingly and intentionally causes harm to a member of her tribe.

Granted Abilities:
Skill of the Conqueror – The bonded shaman gains a +2 bonus to her Constitution and Charisma scores. She also gains a +5 insight bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Conqueror and does not require any action to activate.

Aura of the Conqueror – The bonded shaman projects an aura that enhances the abilities of her allies. All allies within 20 feet of the bonded shaman gain a +1 moral bonus to attack and damage rolls, saves, skill checks and ability checks. These bonuses increase by +1 at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Conqueror and does not require any action to activate. She can, however, suppress it or reactivate it as a free action.

Healing Burst – The bonded shaman sends out a wave of positive energy. All allies within 20 feet (including the bonded shaman herself) instantly heal 2 hit points. All undead within the radius take 2 points of damage from the positive energy. The bonded shaman can use this ability every 5 rounds.

At 4th level, all allies within the burst gain fast healing 1 for the next 5 rounds in addition to the instant healing. The value of the fast healing increases by 1 at 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th levels.

Motivate Haste – Once every 5 rounds, the bonded shaman can grant all allies within 30 feet a +10 foot enhancement bonus to their base speed. This enhancement bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to the bonded shaman’s class level. At 10th level, this effect duplicates the Haste spell instead.

Swift Strike – The bonded shaman can incite a single ally to immediately make a single melee or ranged attack. Taking this attack does not affect the subject’s place in the initiative order. This is a single attack and follows the normal rules for attacking. The subject can choose to make a trip or disarm attempt, discharge a held touch spell (but not cast a spell) or take any other action he or she could normally take when making an attack. At 5th level, the bonded shaman can use this ability to incite all allies within 20 feet to immediately make a single melee or ranged attack. She can use this ability once every 5 levels.

At 10th level, the bonded shaman can instead grant all allies within 20 feet the ability to immediately take a single move action or move-equivalent action. At 15th level she can grant all allies within 20 feet the ability to immediately take a single standard action. Affected allies can always choose to take a quicker action than the one allowed (attack or free instead of move, move, attack or free instead of standard).

Spirit of the Hunter
The Spirit of the Hunter is known in tribal legends for its stealth, fortitude and resourcefulness. It knows how to move quickly and silently, how to track its prey and how to take down important targets quickly and efficiently.

The Spirit of the Hunter grants abilities that enhance the bonded shaman’s stealth and resourcefulness. They aid the bonded shaman in destroying individual threats to the tribe or traveling great distances to find her quarry. The Spirit of the Hunter will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman does not consume any meat over the course of the first 12 hours of the spirit pact.

Granted Abilities:
Skill of the Hunter – The bonded shaman gains a +2 bonus to her Dexterity and Wisdom scores. She also gains a +5 insight bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Hunter and does not require any action to activate.

Skillful Strike – The bonded shaman gains the sneak attack ability as a first-level rogue, dealing 1d6 points of sneak attack damage to flanked foes or foes who are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC for any reason. At 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels, her sneak attack damage increases by +1d6. This damage stacks with sneak attack damage from any other source. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Hunter and does not require any action to activate.

Walk Unseen – The bonded shaman can through any type of terrain and leave neither footprints nor scent for a number of minutes per day equal to her class level (divided as she chooses). When moving in this way, she cannot be tracked by non-magical means.

Beginning at 5th level, she can choose to become invisible (as the spell) instead of leaving no tracks or scent. She becomes visible if she attacks a foe directly, as normal. At 10th level, she remains invisible even if she attacks an opponent.

Master of the Hunt – The bonded shaman gains the Track feat. She also gains a +10 insight bonus on Survival checks made to follow tracks. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Hunter and does not require any action to activate.

At 10th level the bonded shaman gains the ability to use Locate Creature at will.

Flensing Strike – The bonded shaman knows that the most dangerous foes are those that wield some form of magic. She has the ability to strip enemies of their magical protections and enhancements. Beginning at 8th level, if, as a standard action, the bonded shaman hits an opponent with a melee attack or a ranged attack from within 30 feet, she can attempt to dispel one spell or spell-like ability currently affecting the target. She is successful in her dispel attempt if her class level check (made as part of the flensing strike attempt) exceeds the caster level of the spell or spell-like ability. The bonded shaman always dispels the most recently-cast spell or spell-like ability before moving on to other active spells. If the bonded shaman’s flensing strike is a sneak attack, she gains a bonus to her class level check equal to the number of her sneak attack dice. The bonded shaman can use this ability at will.

Spirit of the Guardian
The Spirit of the Guardian is the spirit of one known for defending others to its final breath. It is resilient and implacable, devoted in its defense of the tribe and its allies.

The Spirit of the Guardian grants abilities that make it difficult to injure the bonded shaman and her allies. It bestows the power to ward against death or to draw of an enemy’s strength. It aids the bonded shaman in defending against sword and sorcery alike. The Spirit of the Guardian will abandon a spirit pact if the bonded shaman knowingly and intentionally allows an ally to perish without making an effort to prevent his or her death.

Granted Abilities:
Spirit’s Toughness – The Spirit of the Guardian is known for its overwhelming toughness and ability to take a hit. The bonded shaman gains 3 temporary hit points per class level when she makes a spirit pact with the Spirit of the Guardian. These temporary hit points are lost first and last until they are lost or the pact ends, whichever comes first. At 10th level, the bonded shaman gains 5 temporary hit points per class level instead of 3.

Human Shield – The bonded shaman learns to place herself in danger instead of an ally. During her turn, she can instantly swap positions with one willing ally. The bonded shaman and the selected ally must be within 50 feet of each other. Objects carried by the bonded shaman and her ally (up to their maximum loads) are transported with them but creatures are not, even if carried. The movement is instantaneous and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The bonded shaman can use this ability at will.

At 5th level the bonded shaman can target any two creatures with this ability, including enemies. Unwilling targets can make a Will save to negate the effect. At 10th level the bonded shaman can use this ability as an immediate action, though she can only do so once every 5 rounds. She can still use the ability as a standard action at will.

Self Sacrifice – The bonded shaman defends her allies at the expense of her own safety. The bonded shaman creates a spiritual link with one ally within 30 feet, enhancing that ally’s defenses at the expense of her own. The bond lasts for a number of minutes equal to the bonded shaman’s class level. The ally gains temporary hit points equal to 5 plus the bonded shaman’s class level. These hit points last the duration of the bond or until lost, whichever comes first. The bonded shaman can use this ability once every 5 rounds but can only have one link active at a time.

At 5th level the bonded shaman’s link becomes stronger. For the duration of the link, the ally takes half damage from all wounds and attacks that deal hit point damage, as the Shield Other spell. The bonded shaman takes the damage not taken by the linked ally, also as the Shield Other spell.

At 10th level the bonded shaman can maintain simultaneous links with a number of allies equal to her Charisma modifier, though doing so requires that she concentrate to maintain the links. At 15th level, instead of transferring damage from her allies to herself, the bonded shaman transfers half of the damage dealt to her linked allies to the creature or creatures that caused the damage.

Freedom of the Guardian – When an ally is affected by an ongoing, detrimental effect, the bonded shaman can grant that ally an additional save to end the effect. The bonded shaman must touch the ally. The ally may immediately roll an additional save against the ongoing effect. The bonded shaman can use this ability once every 5 rounds but can only use it on a given ally once per day.

Spirit of the Healer
The Spirit of the Healer is the spirit of one known for his or her skill at soothing pain, easing sickness, and restoring life. It is knowledgeable and wise, caring and gentle, and fervent in its drive to protect of life.

The Spirit of the Healer grants abilities that can revive fallen allies or stop plagues and epidemics. Powerful bonded shamans who enter into pacts with the Spirit of the Healer can even bring life back to those who have died. The Spirit of the Healer will abandon a spirit pact if the spirit shaman knowingly and intentionally refrains from aiding any creature (other than an enemy) who is at fewer than 0 hit points.

Granted Abilities:
Skill of the Healer - The bonded shaman gains a +2 bonus to her Intelligence and Wisdom scores. She also gains a +5 insight bonus on Heal and Survival checks. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Healer and does not require any action to activate.

Touch of Healing – The power to preserve life flows through the bonded shaman’s hands. As a standard action, the bonded shaman can cure (1d8 + her class level) points of damage to a single creature touched. She can use this ability at will.

Beginning at 4th level, the bonded shaman can create occasionally a larger burst of healing. Once every 5 rounds, she can heal (2d8 + her class level) points of damage. The amount of damage she can heal in this manner increases by an additional 1d8 at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th levels. Once she has done so, she must wait 5 rounds in order to use heightened healing ability again, though she retains the ability to heal the normal (1d8 + her class level) points of damage at will.

An Ounce of Prevention – The bonded shaman knows that it is better to avoid illness entirely than to cure it after-the-fact. All creatures within a 30 foot radius of the bonded shaman gain a +2 bonus on saves to resist disease and poison. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels. This is a constant ability that is in effect as long as the bonded shaman has a pact with the Spirit of the Healer and does not require any action to activate.

The Balm of Gilead – The bonded shaman gains control over the ravages of disease and poison. Once every hour, the bonded shaman can use either Remove Disease or Neutralize Poison as a spell like ability.

Life to the Lifeless – Beginning at 10th level, the bonded shaman can use Reincarnate as a spell-like ability once per week. Beginning at 15th level, the subject of this ability is not subject to level, hit dice, or Constitution loss as a result of being reincarnated.

2010-08-12, 05:06 PM
I'd suggest using the same mechanic as the Binder for bad bindings. In this current version, you're screwed if you roll that 10% before level 8; no powers. The penalties for the rest of time until you choose another spirit to bind is pretty damn harsh anyway...

I like this new version much better...

Would it not make sense to devise a "Spirit" template and grant a variant of Summon Monster to every spirit?

2010-08-12, 06:32 PM
I'd suggest using the same mechanic as the Binder for bad bindings. In this current version, you're screwed if you roll that 10% before level 8; no powers. The penalties for the rest of time until you choose another spirit to bind is pretty damn harsh anyway...

Actually, you can still make spirit pacts with other spirits, just not the one you first attempted to. If, for example, I fail to make a spirit pact with the Spirit of the Sun, I can still try to make a pact with any other spirit that same day.

I initially toyed with the idea of a check-based mechanic similar to the Binder mechanic but rejected the idea. I didn't want to make spirits of different power levels, so a flat DC for each spirit didn't make sense. Then I tried to scale the DC based on the power of the spell-like abilities available (this was back with version 1) but it got too complicated to be worth it. Then I thought about not requiring a check at all, but wanted to maintain the possibility of failing and having to make a spirit pact with a different (perhaps sub-optimal for the situation) spirit. The only thing I could think of that wasn't overly-byzantine or completely irrelevant was a percent chance. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

I like this new version much better...

Would it not make sense to devise a "Spirit" template and grant a variant of Summon Monster to every spirit?

There actually is a spirit type. It was originally presented in Oriental Adventures and resurrected for the spirit shaman in Complete Divine. Among other things, it classifies all fey, elementals and incorporeal undead as spirits. I actually made a "summon spirits" series of spells over in the Spirit Shaman Homebrew Handbook. I wouldn't be opposed to just giving it to the bonded shaman as a class feature in the absence of spellcasting.

I also like the idea of a "Spirit" template but am not sure what it would be like. Could be interesting, though.

Glad you like the new version so far. Any comments on the balance of the vestiges, either against already-existing vestiges or among themselves?

2010-08-13, 01:50 PM
It'd worth actually including that you can try for another spirit in the text. This is never normally the case in D&D; demons can't retry their summon abilities if they fail and so on.

These spirits are more powerful than a conventional vestige by a small margin. I think that shouldn't be an issue, given the more limited number of them and the fact that you can't get, say, Expel Vestige to boost your in play flexibility. It gets a little bit difficult given that abilities like Stone Shape are 3rd level spells but aren't really any use for anything very much.

A Spirit template would be geared up to be a +0/+1 template similar to the Celestial/Fiendish/Pseudonatural ones. I'm in two minds as to whether Insubstantiality would be all that much of an advantage as it leaves the creature with a 50% miss change on its attacks and abilities.

It'd probably be easier with my Spirit creature type, but that would mean changing a whole bunch of the core assumptions of the game...

2010-08-13, 02:32 PM
I'm not totally sure which of the two styles I like more. But I will say the second style imo is more powerful then vestiges by more then a small margin. But they are limited in the number that they can choose from. I'm just not sure how totally balanced that is.

2010-08-16, 02:02 PM
First, I posted the last several spirits in post #6. I may try to write up a Spirit of the Healer to give the bonded shaman access to spells that restore ability damage, cure diseases and deal with poisons, but all of the original spirits now have a more vestige-like write-up. Let me know what you think. I'm less certain of the balance of these than of the nature spirits.

It'd worth actually including that you can try for another spirit in the text. This is never normally the case in D&D; demons can't retry their summon abilities if they fail and so on.

Probably a good idea. I clarified (I think) the text so it's more obvious that the bonded shaman can just try again with a different spirit.

These spirits are more powerful than a conventional vestige by a small margin. I think that shouldn't be an issue, given the more limited number of them and the fact that you can't get, say, Expel Vestige to boost your in play flexibility. It gets a little bit difficult given that abilities like Stone Shape are 3rd level spells but aren't really any use for anything very much.

I know they're more powerful than most individual vestiges, though I tried, like you said, to keep it by a fairly small margin. You're right in that they aren't as flexible. I designed the spirits to stand alone better than individual vestiges and to scale more obviously. Since there aren't spirits of different power levels, I wanted to make sure their abilities started reasonable but got more powerful and interesting as the bonded shaman progressed. I think they do a fairly good job of staying within reasonable power limits.

A Spirit template would be geared up to be a +0/+1 template similar to the Celestial/Fiendish/Pseudonatural ones. I'm in two minds as to whether Insubstantiality would be all that much of an advantage as it leaves the creature with a 50% miss change on its attacks and abilities.

It'd probably be easier with my Spirit creature type, but that would mean changing a whole bunch of the core assumptions of the game...

It would definitely be an interesting template to see created, but I agree that it could be quite a challenge given that the spirit type as outlined in OA is so diverse. I agree that some form of insubstantiality or incorporeality would probably be a good place to start, but it's so hard to balance. I'll have to think on it a bit. Also, where can I find your Spirit creature type? That would also be a good place to start.

I will say the second style imo is more powerful then vestiges by more then a small margin. But they are limited in the number that they can choose from. I'm just not sure how totally balanced that is.

Is there anything that jumps out at you? I intentionally made them more powerful than most vestiges but also tried to make them scale so that they're not overwhelming at 1st level and still relevant at 20th. I'm not very experienced with vestiges, so I may not have succeeded. I know that some of the abilities (like, for example, Detect Thoughts for the Spirit of the Sage) come earlier than they would normally be available, but I think I did a good job of ensuring that they were still balanced at early levels. Anything I should fix?

Thanks for the comments! Let me know what you think of the new spirits.

2010-08-20, 08:02 AM
Not sure if it needs fixing.. It's just that imho, this binding alone could be a tier 3 class. But I must say I like the flavor.. Perhaps they can be used as vestiges by a liberal DM.