View Full Version : I MAD3 A GA3M WITH ZOMBI3ZZ 1N 1T!!!1 (Actual Game Title)

Dairun Cates
2010-08-12, 09:07 AM
Okay... I know I'm a bit late to the party on this one, but I have shockingly discovered and downloaded the greatest game ever made. No joke. It's easy to pick up while shockingly deep, has the greatest game soundtrack of all time, is only 10 minutes long but you can play it over and over without losing the fun, and it costs only a dollar.

"I MAD3 A GA3M WITH ZOMBI3ZZ 1N 1T!!!1" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz-TQcdXDJU&feature=related)
(This is about 1,000 times more fun than it looks, and that IS the soundtrack).

I honestly don't know what to say. Occasionally, I get a bit cynical as an academic (yes, I have a graduate degree in essentially video games. Long story), but I downloaded the trial of this game as a joke with my friends (we were downloading every stupid XBLA indie game we could find). We were shocked to find out that this game was not only good, but hilarious. I don't know. You'd think the joke would get old, but combined with the clever enemies and hilarious soundtrack, the game is actually just fun to play (especially if you have 3+ people to play). It made me laugh, I had fun with my friends, and it's got a sense of humor. I was actually reminded of what it is I love about games.

So yeah. Despite its weirdness, I can't help but recommend this game and commend its creator.

Anyway, anyone else play this amazing game?