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View Full Version : The Hitjacker, jacking hits you make and jacking hits you take! [WIP/PEACH]

Morph Bark
2010-08-12, 09:19 AM
I recently made the dabblemaster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=160062) as a base class, mixing all sorts of magic (and I think it is finally really done, as all the oddities have been worked out and nothing new can be found to add). After finishing up on it, I decided I would venture to make a kind of non-magical melee version for it, although some of the ideas I have gotten for it now might have made it only semi-non-magical, but still fully melee (though it doesn't shun the use of bows).

The hitjacker is meant to combine small parts of just about any base class in 3.5 that isn't a full caster/manifester, or a ToM or MoI class. Some of these parts will be almost unnoticeable, while others will be very clear and obvious. The hitjacker will be meant to be fit as both a lone wolf and a team player, fully capable of leading his own batallion eventually or working as an awesome bodyguard. I can't promise a lot of it will be original, even compared to the dabblemaster's feature slots, but in the end I hope these two base classes will form a nigh-perfect two-man team.

Since it is basically similar to the dabblemaster in premise, the idea here is "commoner guy who thought it was a good idea to figure out the basics of various fighting styles so he could be a hero".

Suggestions are welcome as always, even though I got some set ideas already. :smallsmile:


“Metal and wooden
Are my friends in night or day.
Stealing breaths away.”

“In this world so full of magic, I will prevail where magic fails. I am the failsafe. And sometimes? Sometimes I will make magic fail, so that others can be safe.”

Abilities: Strength and Constitution will likely be two ability scores you will want to invest in, since you're meant to take hits and hit right back. Some of your class features function off your Charisma, so it is smart to invest in that as well.

Hit Die: d10

Starting Gold: 7d4x10

Class Features

Class Skills: The hitjacker’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: All of them. The hitjacker does not relinquish anything in terms of strength or skill.

Skill Points at First Level: (6+Int bonus)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6+Int bonus

Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Strike Points|Special

--|Daily weapon training (one martial), great save! (+2), heroic fighting (inspire courage)

2|Bonus feat, study enemy, studied strike (skilled combatant, solid strike, steady strike, smite, sneak attack, defensive action)

3|Daily weapon training (two martial), heroic fighting (inspire competence)

3|Great save! (+3), studied strike (steal spell)

4|Bonus feat

4|Heroic fighting (test of mettle), Studied strike (steal spell effect)

4|Daily weapon training (one exotic)

5|Bonus feat, studied strike (steal energy resistance 10)

5 |Heroic fighting (inspire greatness)

6 |Great save! (+4), studied strike (spell strike)

6 |Bonus feat

7 |Daily weapon training (two exotic), studied strike (sneak attack immune), heroic fighting (daunting challenge)

7 |Studied strike (steal energy resistance 20)

7 |Bonus feat, studied strike (surge of killing intent)

8 |Heroic fighting (inspire heroics)

8 |Great save! (+5)

9|Bonus feat

9|Heroic fighting (something!), studied strike (steal energy resistance 30)


10 |Bonus feat, great save! (+6)[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The hitjacker is proficient with all simple weapons and light and medium armour and shields, but not tower shields.

Daily weapon training: The hitjacker is apt at training with weapons and becoming familiar with them. If he trains with a martial weapon for one hour, he gains proficiency in that weapon for the rest of the day. If he trains with another weapon for one hour in the same day to gain proficiency in it, he loses the benefit of the previous weapon training. At level 1 he can only be proficient in one weapon through this class ability, and it may not be an exotic weapon.
At level 3 he can be proficient in two weapons through this class ability.
At level 7 he can be proficient in one martial and one exotic weapons through this class ability.
At level 12 he can be proficient in two exotic weapons through this class ability.

Great save!: Every day a hitjacker is put to the test or wilfully puts himself to the test. At any point of the day when he hasn't used this ability yet and he must make a saving throw, he can choose to use this ability and get get a +2 bonus on that save and subsequent saves of that kind (Fort, Ref or Will) of that type. This bonus increases by +1 when he reaches his 4th hitjacker level, and again at level 10, 16 and 20.

Heroic fighting: Your great fighting spirit drives you onwards and keeps you going even in a rough fight, showing off to others who are inspired by your efforts. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to ½ your hitjacker level plus your Cha mod. Each ability requires both a minimum hitjacker level and a minimum number of ranks in the perform (weapon drill) skill to qualify; if a hitjacker does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not gain that heroic fighting ability until he acquires the needed ranks.

Starting a heroic fighting effect is a swift action that must immediately follow after making an attack against a creature that threatens the hitjacker or his allies, whether the attack is successful or not. Some heroic fighting abilities require continuous focus, which means the hitjacker must take a swift action each round to maintain the ability - after making an attack of course. To benefit from the effects of your heroic fighting ability, an ally must be within 60 ft of you and must be able to see you. If there is no line of sight between you and an ally (total cover and such), the ally can’t benefit from your heroic fighting effects. Similarly, if you are under the effects of total concealment, no allies of yours can benefit from your heroic fighting ability. Blind allies obviously can’t benefit either.

Inspire Courage (Ex): A hitjacker with 3 or more ranks in the Perform (weapon drill) skill can inspire courage in his allies (including himself) as he fights, bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. The effect lasts for as long as the ally can see the hitjacker fight heroically (meaning for as long as the hitjacker spends a swift action during his turn after making an attack) and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear. Furthermore, they gain a +1 morale bonus on either attack and damage rolls OR to AC (choose either option when spending your swift action, you can change which one you bestow every round you spend your swift action). You are apt at driving you and your allies on in either offensive or defensive positions.

At 8th level, and every six hitjacker levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+2 at 8th, +3 at 14th, and +4 at 20th). Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Competence (Ex): A hitjacker of 3rd level or higher with 6 or more ranks in the Perform (weapon drill) skill can inspire his allies to focus on tasks at hand, trusting the hitjacker to cover their backs.

The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with Str-based skills, Dex-based skills, Concentration, Sense Motive, Autohypnosis, Intimidate and Iaijutsu Focus for as long as he or she is able to see the hitjacker. A hitjacker can’t inspire competence in himself.

Test of mettle (Ex): Starting at level 6, a hitjacker with 9 or more ranks in the Perform (weapon drill) skill can put on a show to issue a challenge to all enemies, calling them towards him to get a heroic fight going.

As a swift action you can expend one of your daily uses of your heroic fighting ability to make a Perform (weapon drill) check. All creatures within 100 ft of you that have a CR greater than or equal to your character level minus 2 that can hear you and speak a language of some sort and have an Int score of at least 5 are affected. They must make a Will save with a DC equal to your Perform (weapon drill) check result. Creatures that fail this save are forced to attack you with their ranged or melee attacks in preference over other available targets. If a foe attacks by casting a spell or using a supernatural ability, he must target you with the attack or include you in the effect's area.

An opponent compelled to act in this manner is not thrown into a mindless rage and does not have to move to attack you in melee if doing so would provoke attacks of opportunity against him. In such a case, he can use ranged attacks against you or attack any opponents he threatens as normal. If anyone other than you attacks the target, the effect of the test of mettle ends for that specific target.

The effect of a test of mettle lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Charisma bonus (if any). Whether a creature fails or succeeds on its save against your test of mettle, it can only be targeted by this effect once per day.

Inspire Greatness (Ex): A hitjacker of 9th level or higher with 12 or more ranks in the Perform (weapon drill) skill inspire greatness in a single willing ally ally or himself as he fights, granting him or her extra fighting capability. For every three levels a hitjacker attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally with a single use of this ability (two at 12th level, three at 15th, four at 18th). The effect lasts for as long as the ally can see the hitjacker fight heroically and for 5 rounds thereafter. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependant.

Daunting Challenge (Ex): Starting at level 12, a hitjacker with 15 or more ranks in the Perform (weapon drill) skill can put on a show to issue a daunting challenge to his opponents, striking fear into the hearts of your enemies and making sure only the brave will face you and offer you a heroic fight.

As a swift action you can expend one of your daily uses of your heroic fighting ability to make a Perform (weapon drill) check. All creatures within 100 ft of you that have a CR less than your character level minus 2 that can hear you and speak a language of some sort and have an Int score of at least 5 are affected. They must make a Will save with a DC equal to your Perform (weapon drill) check result or become shaken. Any creature can only be targeted once per day by this ability.

Inspire Heroics (Ex): A hitjacker of 15th level or higher with 18 or more ranks in the Perform (weapon drill) skill can inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a single willing ally within range as he fights heroically. For every three hitjacker levels the character attains beyond 15th, he can inspire heroics in one additional creature. To inspire heroics, the hitjacker must make a full attack and spend his swift action afterwards to start inspiring heroics. A creature so inspired gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. The effect lasts for as long as the ally can see the hitjacker fight heroically and for up to 5 rounds thereafter.

Something! (Ex): Requires hitjacker level 18 and 21 ranks in Perform (weapon drill).

Bonus feat: At level 2 and every 3 levels thereafter, the hitjacker gains a bonus feat. He can select any Fighter or Warblade bonus feat for this, any Ambush feat (provided he can meet the prerequisites through use of studied strike) or the Wild Cohort feat. If the Martial Strike or Martial Stance feat is selected, the hitjacker can use his full hitjacker level for his initiator level rather than half his hitjacker level, but only for maneuvers and stances from the Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, Stone Dragon, Tiger Claw or White Raven disciplines.

Study enemy: Starting at level 2, a hitjacker can, as a move action, study an enemy and make a Knowledge check as appropriate for the enemy's creature type to gain insight in its strengths and weaknesses. He can even use Knowledge checks untrained for the use of this class ability.

Studied strike: A hitjacker learns to attack in various ways and can perform his strikes even more aptly on those he has studied. He gains a number of strike points per encounter as shown on the table, which he can spend to gain certain benefits to his attacks or actions during an encounter.

Skilled Combatant (Ex): By spending 1 strike point as a free action, a hitjacker can get half his class level as a bonus to all skills checks with Str-based skills, Dex-based skills, Concentration, Sense Motive, Autohypnosis, Intimidate and Iaijutsu Focus for 2 rounds.

Solid Strike (Ex): By spending 1 strike point as a free action, a hitjacker can get half his class level as a bonus to all damage rolls for one round.

Steadied Strike (Ex): By spending 1 strike point as a free action, a hitjacker can get one-fourth his class level as a bonus to all attack rolls for one round.

Smite (Su): By spending 1 strike point as a free action, a hitjacker can smite a foe with a melee attack. He must choose one alignment component (Chaos, Evil, Good, Law) to smite, which may not be part of his own alignment. He adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per hitjacker level. If the hitjacker accidentally smites a creature that is not chaotic/evil/good/lawful (as determined before making the attack), the smite has no effect. At hitjacker level 10 your smite also pierces damage reduction of the alignment you choose. This affects only a single attack.

Sneak Attack (Ex): By spending 1 strike point as a free action, a hitjacker can get 1d6 Sneak Attack dice to all of his melee attacks and ranged attacks within 30 ft for 1 round. This ability stacks with itself. When determining whether you can sneak attack someone with uncanny dodge, use your hitjacker level as your rogue level.

Defensive Action (Ex): By keeping moving the hitjacker prevents being easily targeted by enemies. By spending 1 strike point as a free action, a hitjacker can get a +1 bonus to his AC for 1 round. This ability stacks with itself.

Steal Spell (Su): As the Spellthief ability. You can steal spells of up to a level equal to the amount of Sneak Attack dice you are using. Minimum level 4. Lasts for 1 round.

Steal Spell Effect (Su): As the Spellthief ability. Minimum level 6. Lasts for 1 round.

Steal Energy Resistance (Su): As the Spellthief ability. Minimum level 8. You must sacrifice 2d6 Sneak Attack and be at least level 13 to steal 20 points of energy resistance. You must sacrifice 3d6 Sneak Attack and be at least level 18 to steal 30 points of energy resistance. Lasts for 1 round.

Spell Strike (Sp): By spending 1 strike point as a free action, a hitjacker can cast a spell he has stolen through Steal Spell. However, he can only use himself as the target without changing the casting time, or channel a spell that uses an attack roll through his melee attack as a standard action. The melee attack remains the same, but the damage and effects from the spell are stacked onto it. Minimum level 10.

Sneak Attack Immune (Ex): By spending 2 strike points as a free action, a hitjacker can deal sneak attack damage to creatures of types that are otherwise immune for 1 round. Minimum level 12.

Surge of Killing Intent (Ex): By spending 3 strike points as a free action, a hitjacker can get an extra standard action on his turn that he must use for an attack. This attack uses his full base attack bonus. Minimum level 14.

Morph Bark
2010-08-13, 10:15 AM
Stuff goes here.

2010-08-13, 10:31 AM
Give them the ability to reduce non-proficiency penalties. Supplemental to Daily Weapon Training.

Morph Bark
2010-08-13, 11:35 AM
Hm, that certainly is a good idea I could try. But once the nonproficiency penalties get to -1 it would prettymuch be like "you are proficient with everything, but some give you a -1 penalty" (except for feat and PrC prerequisites of course).

I considered making a part of Daily Weapon Training being the ability that you could instead gain daily proficiency with either heavy armour or tower shields instead of weapons. Does that sound like a good idea?

Morph Bark
2010-08-14, 12:06 PM
Finished most of Studied Strike, the other essential core ability of the hitjacker. The rest will be finished later when I have the time and ability...

2010-08-15, 12:36 AM
So, this is sort of an everyman warrior class? I'm just trying to get a feel on the flavour here.

I ask because if my conclusions are correct, this could have potential in a three-man party consisting of a dabblemaster, a factotum, and this class. Imagine how the villain would react to dealing with a party with totally blurred roles. It'd be frustrating as all Hell.

Morph Bark
2010-08-15, 04:42 AM
So, this is sort of an everyman warrior class? I'm just trying to get a feel on the flavour here.

I ask because if my conclusions are correct, this could have potential in a three-man party consisting of a dabblemaster, a factotum, and this class. Imagine how the villain would react to dealing with a party with totally blurred roles. It'd be frustrating as all Hell.

That's prettymuch the idea yeah. Of course this class isn't really meant to be taken in a party that also has one of it's "component classes" so to speak (Rogue, Scout, Spellthief, Fighter, Duskblade, Paladin, Ranger, Bard, Knight) the same way the Dabblemaster isn't as much fit to go along with classes that do the same thing but better. Admittably, the power level of this class is probably higher than the Dabblemaster's, but the amount of variety it can give is much, much lower by the very nature of the Dabblemaster. I do think the Dabblemaster more easily fits into parties where it doesn't matter what the other characters' classes are, though, which isn't really the case with the Hitjacker.

Of course, it's also kind of the point to confuse others with what you are or can do, though classes are still just an abstraction from the IC campaign world the characters wouldn't really know about. This also means the Hitjacker and Dabblemaster are great for NPCs DMs can use to fight the PCs every so often.

If you are the only melee character in the party, the Hitjacker is perfect. If the whole party is non-magical or melee, it should not be used.