View Full Version : AvB - Ashbrook

2010-08-14, 03:58 PM
After a bit of walking around, you manage to find the Smiths' Guild. It is a squat stone building of quite some size belching smoke near the Docks district.

2010-08-15, 05:29 AM
'Hadn't considered the smell.' He mutters to himself. Still, the building was large and that was good, people with money always made enemies. He was also pleased to see the building was so near to the docks. Sudden influxes of foreign coin or foreign folk could destablize the region, good for business.
He looks for the chimney producing the least amount of smoke, reasoning that was most likely to be the visitor's entrance or living quaters.
He picks a door and walks through it, although it's getting late the place was clearly still in business hours.

2010-08-15, 02:19 PM
Inside, he discovers that the front door on ground level outside opens onto a wooden platform about 20 feet up from the ground inside. The majority of the building is actually a large, integrated foundry. With proper knowledge checks, he might be able to identify the various parts and the steps for which they are used.

To the right, he sees an enclosed office suspended above the work floor below.

2010-08-15, 02:47 PM
Those checks aren't happening :p I have an assassin planned out who'll be better suited to such things. Ashbrook doesn't need to know any more then who he's killing today.

Letting out a low whistle he admires the sheer scale of the place. I'll admit, I'm impressed. Nodding quietly to himself he makes for the office, he puts hand to doorknob but hesitates before he barges right in. A few seconds later, after he has mustered himself, he knocks politely (Although rather loudly) and waits.

2010-08-15, 02:50 PM
You hear no reply over the loud sounds of the foundry behind you.

2010-08-15, 03:27 PM
The elf grits his teeth and exhales loudly. He then opens the door and walks in.

2010-08-15, 04:38 PM
The secretary quickly covers her ears and looks at you angrily until you close the door.

2010-08-15, 06:28 PM
Flashing her what he hopes is a winning smile Ashbrook strides up to her desk. 'I expect that happens a lot, you have my humblest apologies. I would like to speak with the guildmaster please. At his earliest convenience.'

2010-08-15, 09:02 PM
Shutting the door, activates the silence effect built into the walls of the office, completely blocking out the sounds of the foundry outside; however, within the office sound can be heard perfectly.

"Hmmm.... And you are?"

2010-08-15, 09:20 PM
'Ashbrook Slade, former adventurer. I'm here to offer my services, and I don't mean as a blacksmith.'

2010-08-15, 11:24 PM
"Then what are you here to offer?"

2010-08-16, 05:38 AM
'I am a weapon, point me at your master's enemies and they shall die. However, if I might make one humble suggestion, with the city in such turmoil the wisest place for such a weapon would be thy master's side.'

2010-08-17, 04:04 PM
"Huh. Most hired swords don't announce themselves so openly. We have quite a few qualified guards already, but you're welcome to apply anyway."

She checks her notebook.

"I'll schedule an interview for you... in four days at 1PM."

2010-08-17, 05:22 PM
The elf leans over the desk, placing both hands with a heavy thud upon the top 'With respect, I am not a "qualified guard" or a hired sword. I' He says with some pride 'am a professional.. I will of course wait four days for your master, with the explosion I am sure he is much overtaxed.
'But four days is a long long time to look for work. I am sure your master would be loath to find he desired my service but, upon inquiry, find it unavailable. Especially if I came to his attention in the employment of a rival. Such a thing would bode ill for both of us I fear.'

2010-08-17, 05:41 PM
"Right, well, I'll include that thinly veiled threat in the note to him. I'm sure he'll find you most interesting, four days from now."

2010-08-17, 08:01 PM
The elf smiles thinly and says with dripping insincerity 'Thank you, you've been most helpful.' He considers leaving the door ajar but thinks the better of it. Instead he quietly leaves, returns to the stables and takes off all his armour in relative privacy. He packs it all into his backpack and turns and says goodnight to Spartus.
He goes looking for an inn for the night. Nothing too upmarket, but one where he'd be likely to hear some gossip about local business.

If he finds one, a short human wearing moderatly expensive robes walks in, gets a room for the night and makes for the common room.

2010-08-18, 02:02 PM
He hears tell of The Maid and Mermaid near the city's main intersection. While the most expensive in this part of the city, it is also the one most likely to be a source of rumors and gossip.

There are, however, a few smaller establishments around town.

2010-08-18, 03:47 PM
He'll make for the Maid and Mermaid first of all then.

2010-08-18, 04:08 PM
The inside of The Maid and The Mermaid is extremely disconcerting at first. Even though the building is fairly large on the outside, the inside seems too big to fit. Then you realize that it is too big. The Maid must be enchanted. Not surprising, really.
The first floor of the Maid consists, as far as you can see, of one giant room with nearly a hundred tables scattered about. There are three separate bars, one on each of the walls other than the one the main entrance is on. Each is at least fifty feet long, and staffed by real mermaids - a quick glance reveals that the area behind the bar is filled with water, probably through magical means. Serving women of all races wander between the tables, carrying trays of food and drink.
The current owner of the bar is a spry old man named Harro Hedderich, whom you recognize from the tales about the inn. He is seated in his customary spot beside the nearest bar, chatting amiably with a large warforged.
The Maid is obviously doing well. Most of the tables are full, and the servers disappear into a small door - presumably the kitchen - and reappear with trays of food every few seconds. The clientele is incredibly diverse, consisting of men, women, and... things of all races. You even see a solar angel sitting at one table, speaking in a quiet voice to a halfling woman dressed in fine clothing. Even your strange garment doesn't seem so out-of-place here. Everyone is wearing different types of outfits, ranging from beggars' rags to full plate armor to suits and dresses fit for a royal ball.
One serving girl, a half-elf with long brown hair, spots you entering and strides over to you, a tray of beer mugs balanced on one hand. "Welcome to the Maid and the Mermaid, sir!" she says brightly.Standardized description... :smallwink:

2010-08-18, 06:01 PM
He smiles delighted by this strange place and laughs softly at his welcomer 'Welcome and well met indeed. Thank you. It's an incredible place you've got here, can't imagine how it first got started.' He pauses for a few seconds 'Umm... Actually I was hoping I could beg a favour from you. I'm trying to find a man, without any success sad to say. I met him on the road years ago and I thought I'd look him up while I'm here. All I have is a name and occupation. Could you point me to someone who knows a lot about the local traders?'

2010-08-18, 06:49 PM
She smiles warmly and say, "Oh, there's lots of people around here that know people. I'm sure you'd be able to find someone who could tell you what you need to know. Just ask around."

You'll have to roll Gather Information and maybe buy a few ales.

2010-08-19, 03:27 PM
I don't mind buying a few ales but do I have to roll gather information:smallfrown:
Gather info: [roll0]

2010-08-24, 10:59 PM
After a few hours, you manage to find one slightly inebriated man who claims to know the man you seek.