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View Full Version : Bridger of Death (PrC+Item+Demiplane, 3.5, P.E.A.C.H.)

2010-08-19, 12:08 AM
Story, spoilered for length.

Davan had been invited to a party. It was his first time at something like that, and he was very excited. His position at the outpost of the Guild meant that he could rarely do anything besides watch the graveyard all day and read about Death. Death is rarely something that likes to be read about, and does not appreciate people stealing its secrets, and so it is very hard to come by information, but the Guild had. The Guild always did.

He had been invited as a guest to a more minor party, by a close friend that lived nearby, Caterin. She had promised him some more spellcaster company, and he had dearly needed it. He was about to drive himself crazy in this little towns mortuary, full of dead bodies. Not a soul in sight. It bored the living daylights out of him

Caterin was actually a close family friend, and had lived in the village since her childhood, and had left for a couple of years in order to pursue clerical goals, but still returned back, in order to help the town’s people. It wasn’t a happy job, and she had never received any thanks from it, but from time to time her friends from the city came by to talk. It was just another of those occasions, except now it was an entire party of friends, all arcanists, by her description. Davan was excited, and he hadn’t been excited in a long time!

As he walked up to her door, a growing sense of unease came over Davan. He felt strangely cold, but he ignored it, and continued into the house. There was no point in worrying over nothing, especially not if it was going to ruin the party.

Several miles away, it lurked. It smelled the air, all wooded and damp, and sighed an unnatural breath. Its tongue licked out, and swiped itself over the things long, pointed teeth. Its eyes rolled everywhere in their sockets, and his body lurched forward by a little bit. But it waited. It always knew when to strike.

The inner hall of Caterin’s house was packed with wizards and sorcerers. They all looked very scholarly and official, and Davan looked down at his stained mortuarium robe, and grimaced. He walked forward and was immediately met by Caterin. She looked very aged, at least 40. Her hair was a pale shade of brown, and her blue eyes crinkled when she saw him. Her loose robe, similar to his own, was slightly less dirty, and she swept him up in a big hug.

“It’s been so long! How are your parents? I hear Josua and Berinine just made it into some paladin order, or somesuch. That is wonderful news! Here, you must meet everyone.” She chattered at length like this, and then dragged him over to the nearest mage. His eyes were high and arched, and with his hair fair, he had an exotic look of elegance, his clothes shiny and new. Davan was extremely intimidated.

“Colkisertion! This is Davan, the young man I was telling you about. He’s a Bridg—“ She stopped midsentence when Davan looked at her sharply, and finished lamely, “He is a Mage.”

Colkisertion looked over Davan grimly, and had a look of extreme pity. His eyes, apparently some sort of orange gold, seemed to want to ignore his very presence.

”Oh really? What college were you educated in? I hear Kirkmont is very good.”

“I have never been educated in a college, sir.” Replied Davan tersely.

“Oh? How barbaric!” said Colkisertion. “Me and my companion here were just talking of the Sempra Sortim Sotriana Theorum. Have you any experience in such matters?”

“No.” said Davan. He knew this evening was going to be bad.

It sucked in the air from its surroundings, knowing it was almost time. It would only have another three days before it would die, and it needed to return. It needed the fell pulling it had been raised on.

It galloped closer to the little house, and locked its strange and ever shifting eyes on the windows. There was a light on, and a large group of people. Just what it needed, food and a return home. It snuggled up in the higher branches of the tree it was sitting in, its legs curled as tight as they could, so as to not impede it any more that they already were.

The night had actually gone worse, for Davan. The chill that was verging on a dull headache was creeping up his spine, and he was slowly becoming increasingly annoyed by the mages. They asked him to show them what he could do, and he could only show a few parlor tricks, not wanting to harm them, or anything else in the house he had practically grown up in. They had all laughed hysterically at his notion of a light spell, and had guffawed by the little tricks he did with a small prestidigitation.

Caterin had tried to come to his rescue, and tell them of the Guild, but he silenced her every time. He was not going to use his only other family and friends in order to make himself look better to these buffoons, and they probably didn’t even know of the Guild, so he had endured.

When it came close to midnight, the chills became an active migraine. He could no longer handle the mages, and they gave him strange looks when he held his head in his hands.

“It looks like I will have to go handle it…” He whispered to himself.

“Handle what?” Questioned a shorter plump mage, obviously questioning his ability to handle anything.

Davan ignored the man, got up and turned to Caterin. In a lowered voice, he whispered to her “There is something outside. I am going to go handle it. Can you try to keep this idiots in here?”

Of course, this is completely the wrong way to deal with a crowd of bored mages, who all have at least one spell to increase their hearing. All of them popped their heads up from deep conversation after that.

“What is outside, Mr. Coldseye?” asked Colkisertion.

“Nothing you could handle,” Whispered Davan, and then said to the lot, “Everyone, stay inside. If you leave, I cannot guarantee your safety, and then promptly grabbed his hat, and walked out the doors.

It was waiting for him. It had been waiting for about an hour. Time didn’t phase it though, and it was patient. Both knew each other was there, so there was no point in hiding. Slobber slipped off of the things slackened jaws, the long fangs pearly white, and the tongue, sliding all over its face. The nose was long and crooked, as if someone had bent the last half downward. Its body was black and twisting, the bones never seeming to fit together right, and claws on its hands and feet sheathed and unsheathed themselves. It appeared to be undulating, and its mouth had curved into a savage smile. Its tail was the only thing that didn’t move.

“You should not be here, monster. Whose Soul did you ride the wake of? Which Bridger did you follow into the world? What are you doing away from the Bridge?” Questioned Davan softly.

Although he could not see it, he could sense that the Mages were standing behind him, and taking notes, while Caterin attempted to shoo them back inside.

It lumbered around, left, and then right, and worked its mouth, trying to speak. Finally, it seemed to figure out how to work its lungs, and then rasped for a moment or two, and then spat, “You!”

Davan sighed. He had had a perfect track record up until now, and he would have to kill it too. That meant the Bridge. He could call it, he supposed.

It appeared to be done with its lumbering spell, and rushed forward, intent on the kill. Davan sighed, raised his hands, and murmured softly, “Asorkith melosifario, Denizone, á apitheuo.”

A bolt of black energy flew from his hands, and struck the beast right in its chest. It froze mid motion, and stared at him unblinkingly. Davan sighed, and brought out a strange little bottle from the depths of his Mortuarium robe. He spoke a soft little word, and the top popped off. A small child wafted up from the Jar, and flew towards a door, hidden to the other mages. The beast’s eyes grew huge, and it screamed, “NO!”

It was too late. Nothing appeared to the mages behind him, but to Davan and the beast, they saw a large bridge appear out of thin air, as if they were on one end and the soul flew across it. Davan felt a strange power run over him, and it felt smooth and warm, unlike the cold feeling he had been feeling all evening. He picked up the beast, and stepped onto the bridge. The mages only saw him disappear, only to reappear a minute later, but to Davan and the beast, he stepped onto the bridge.

”Yes! I can feel the pull!” Screamed the beast, its whole being invigorated. Davan flung it over to the side, and it panted for a few moments. Davan was already preparing the spell he was going to cast, thinking over the mental energies and the flow that would be changed since he was on the Bridge, even as the beast stood up. It shook itself, and charged forward, toward Davan. It’s fangs glittered in the moonlight flowing from above the Bridge, through the branches that had appeared there.

Davan finished his preparation, and started saying the words.

“Fock, Sath, Kith, Reth, Moth, Syth, Ganth: I call upon the spirits of the dead to put this Denizen down!” He shouted. All time appeared to go still, the incandescent souls that floated above the conflict stopping their wandering, the pull fading a little, and the beast’s eyes widened.

“Y…You can’t use that spell here! It is reserved for the Greater Denizens!” stuttered the beast.

Davan smiled savagely. “That,” he said triumphantly, “Is what you think.”

Time seemed to resume. The spirits started moving, and the tug of the Bridge resumed to full strength. The only thing that didn’t continue moving was the beast. It seemed to be stuck in position, while a strange light gathered around it. It howled menacingly, but the lights didn’t seem to care, as far as Davan could tell. They slowly coalesced into seven people, one for each of the Great Spirits. Each had a sword, and they raised them above their heads, and then slowly brought them down. The Beast was ripped apart, and flung down into the river below, to spend an eternity in the lower planes.

He stepped back across the Bridge to the side he came from, before another denizen could find its way over to him, and crossed the border.

As he stepped back out into the material plane, the mages looked stunned. They had formed a circle around him, or the spot where he had entered the Bridge from, and were studying the exact spot where he appeared. They all jumped on his arrival, all asking nervous questions, and eyeing the spot where he had appeared from, as if expecting the beast to reappear at any second.

He circumvented their questions, and made his way over to Caterin, apologized for ruining her party, kissed her on the cheek, and made his way back to the Mortuary. He would have to rest after that spell.

The mages stood in stunned disbelief. One whispered quietly, “What is he?”

Caterin smiled patiently, and said with a bouncy cheer “He’s a Bridger of Death, that one is!”

Bridger of Death


I cross the Bridge between life and death. You see that river down there? It seems normal and innocuous, but it hides death himself, waiting for them to fall. The dead, they congregate here. You see, the Bridge wants them to fall down to him. The Bridge does not want to be crossed. – Shinra Kolema, Bridger of Death.

The Bridger of Death either guides souls across the Bridge into death, or brings the souls back, to become undead. Bridgers are widely feared for their powers of death magic, and over the Bridge. They travel and peruse the Bridge, and gain power from it. A Bridger of Souls' job, first and foremost, is to send souls that refuse to go across the Bridge. Those that do not, are generally considered evil (Even if they are not of the Evil alignment), and are tracked down by other members of the Bridger's Guild, although it is pretty hard for the Guild to keep track of who uses undead and who doesn't, among members of the Guild.

NPC Bridgers of Death are generally those that focus on sending souls across the Bridge, rather than those that focus more on the necromantic side of the class, because those that do use undead are usually found and killed, unless they work in secrecy, but if they were to work in secrecy, it would be very hard to encounter as an NPC. Those few Bridgers that do not work for the Guild are considered traitors, and quite often tracked down and forced to face their "crimes."

Because of the requirements to enter this class, most hopeful entrants must know a Bridger of Death, and have crossed the Bridge with him or her, and returned. Also, most have some sort of fascination with death, and quite a few are very macabre, in their tastes. Most Bridgers of Night are arcane casters, Dread Necromancers, Sorcerers or Wizards, but divine casters are not unknown.

Feats: Spell Focus (Necromancy), Skill Focus (Balance)
Skills: Balance 4 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks.
Spells: Must be able to cast a 3rd level necromancy spell, and second level arcane or divine spells.
Special: Must have crossed the Bridge, and returned.

Class Skills
The Bridger of Death's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance, Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

Hit Dice: d6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spellcasting

+2|Crossing the Bridge, Soul Sight|

+3|Turn Undead|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+3|Lesser Ferry the Souls|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+4| |+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+4|Abrogative Might|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+5|Ferry the Souls|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+5|Charnel Body|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+6| |+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+6|Greater Ferry the Souls|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+7|Calling the Bridge|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: The Bridger of Death does not gain any proficiencies with weapons or armor.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: At every level except for first and sixth, the Bridger of Death gains new spells per day (and spells known if applicable), as if she had gainsed a level in a spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefit of a character of that class would have gained. If she had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Bridger of Death, she must choose which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known.

Crossing the Bridge (Ex): While on the Bridge, the Bridger of Death gains a bonus to all Balance checks, and opposed checks to prevent tripping, equal to her Bridger of Death levels. While lying prone, she is dragged half of the normal distance, towards the edge of the Bridge. The Bridger may enter the Bridge as a move action, and take one person with her per three Bridger of Death levels (one person at first level). The Bringer of Night is able to freely traverse the Bridge, including being able to cross to the other side, and return.

Soul Sight (Su): The Bridger of Death can see the recently dead, and those who have not yet crossed the Bridge. She also can determine the condition of creatures near death within thirty feet. She instantly knows whether each creature within the area is dead, fragile (alive and wounded, with 3 or fewer hit points left), fighting off death (alive with 4 or more hit points), undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct). A Bridger can automatically tell the size and type a Soul was before it died.

Turn Undead (Su): At second level the Bridger of Death has the power to affect undead creatures by channeling the power of the Bridge into an Undead.

A Bridger of Death may choose to either Turn or Destroy undead with this ability, or to Command or Rebuke with this ability. She must decide upon gaining this ability which she is able to do. Once this decision is made, it cannot be reversed.

A Bridger of Death may attempt to turn undead a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. A Bridger with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion) gets a +2 bonus on turning checks against undead.

If the Bridger of Death is already able to Turn Undead, then her effective level for the effect of Turn Undead is equal to the class that originally granted Turn Undead's level plus her Bridger of Death level. If she has multiple classes that grant this ability, then she must choose to which her level for effective Turn Undead level is added.

Lesser Ferry the Souls (Ex): Starting at third level, the Bridger of Death can send souls across the Bridge, or prevent them from going across, or even pull them back when they are already on the Bridge. Sending a soul across the Bridge is a standard action, and the Bridger of Death gains a sort of spiritual empowerment from the effect, increasing her caster level by one for a number of rounds equal to the Hit Dice of the soul that was sent across, or her Bridger of Death levels, whichever is higher.

If the Bridger prevents souls from moving across the Bridge, the soul spends its time in the material realm, wishing for death. The Bridger of Death may keep this effect going by concentrating as a move action. If the soul is held back for three consecutive rounds, it becomes a ghost, as if the creature the soul was before its death had gained the Ghost (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/ghost.htm) template, but does not gain the special attacks of the template, except for Corrupting Touch. The ghost is not under the Bridger of Death’s control, but will not attack friendly targets, and must attack the closest nearby living target. It lasts until the end of the encounter, and then dissipates, crossing the Bridge. This experience is incredibly draining, and the Bridger of Death is exhausted for 15 minutes after creating the Ghost. This ability may only be used once per encounter.

If the Bridger pulls souls from off the Bridge, she must have a physical shell for them to inhabit for the duration of their stay in the material plane. This must be a physical body of the same size and type for the creature to be able to move and attack. These creatures follow the will of the Bridger of Death to the letter, and are considered as having a telepathic connection. These creatures last for one day per Bridger of Death level, but the spells that hold the souls in place are severed in Antimagic Fields, setting the souls free. It is a full round action to pull a soul from the Bridge, and transfer it into a body, and the Bridger of Death must sacrifice a spell slot. The creature has the stats of a skeleton, with the size of the physical body that the soul is moving into, with a bonus to all ability scores that the undead has equal to the spell slot sacrificed by the Bridger of Death. The undead also gains bonus Hit Dice equal to the sacrificed spell slot. She may also use this ability with a soul that has not yet gone to the Bridge, with the same effect.

The Bridger may only use the last two abilities on creatures with HD equal to or less than her own HD.

Abrogative Might (Su): Starting at fifth level, the Bridger of Death gains a bonus to all attack and damage rolls involving negative energy equal to her Bridger of Death levels plus her charisma modifier. The number of negative levels bestowed by the Bridger of Death via negative energy damage is increased by a number equal to one half their Bridger of Death levels. Also, all touch attacks that deliver negative energy damage (such as from the Dread Necromancers Charnel Touch, or from the Inflict Wounds spell series) can be administered from up to 30 feet away, instead. It is still a touch attack.

Ferry the Souls (Ex): Starting at sixth level, the Bridger of Death improves her ferry the soul abilities in specific ways, detailed here.

When the Bridger of Death sends souls across the Bridge, she now increases her caster level by three for a number of rounds equal to the Hit Dice of the soul that was sent across, or her Bridger of Death levels, whichever is higher.

When the Bridger of Death creates a ghost by preventing a soul from crossing over the
Bridge, that ghost can use its Telekinesis special attack.

When the Bridger of Death siphons a soul into a physical shell, the undead now has the statistics of a Ghast, with the size of the physical shell.

Charnel Body (Ex): Starting at seventh level, the Bridger of Death is no longer harmed by negative energy, but is instead healed by it, at a rate of one point of healing per two points of negative energy damage. Negative levels bestowed via negative energy instead heal 10 points of damage per level.

Greater Ferry the Souls (Ex): Upon reaching ninth level, the Bringer of Night improves her Ferry the Souls abilities, as detailed here.

When the Bridger of Death sends souls across the Bridge, she now increases her caster level by five for a number of rounds equal to the Hit Dice of the soul that was sent across, or her Bridger of Death levels, whichever is higher.

When the Bridger of Death creates a ghost by preventing a soul from crossing over the
Bridge, that ghost can use its Corrupting Gaze special attack, but only twice per encounter.

When the Bridger of Death siphons a soul into a physical shell, the undead has the statistics of a Mummy, with the size of the physical shell.

Calling the Bridge (Su): At tenth level, the Bridger of Death no longer must have a recently deceased corpse or soul nearby in order to access the Bridge, and can call it to her location as will. While in the vicinity of the Bridge, the Bridger of Death is immune to all death effects, being able to use her force of will to return her soul to her body, even before the effect is fully cast. Once per day, the Bridger of Death is able to return to her body even after dying. If the Bridger of Death’s hit points fall below -10, she may still revive herself, as if the Resurrection spell were cast upon her. When she returns to her body, she is unconscious for an hour, and is exhausted after that, until she can rest for a week. The Bridger of Death counts as a Denizen of the Bridge (Except for changing to aberration), and no longer has to make a Balance check to stay on the Bridge.

Bridgers of Night are necromancers focusing on death and the passage thereto.
Combat: Most Bridgers of Night use their powers over negative energy and death in order to combat enemies. Those that focus on sending souls to death use more negative energy, so as to kill the opponent in the cleanest way possible, and not harm the soul with emotional and physical trauma, where as those who focus on keeping the souls from crossing the Bridge use their undead minions to kill others with the most fear possible, in order to keep their soul fresh and strong, and keep it in order to fuel their minions, and create more.
Advancement: The Bridger of Death is very unique in its strengths, and abilities, and not many other classes complement it very much. In fact, almost no classes deal with solely arcane energies and powers over death.
Resources: The Bridger of Death is able to call upon the resources of the Bridger’s guild, which has outposts in various wide spread locations, in order to deal with death. Often times, if a local church or office of clerics knows of the Bridgers, they will help, or attempt to help, the Bridger. The more experienced Bridgers often know of strange and powerful creatures that stalk the Bridge, and would be willing to help a fellow Bridger in looking for information.

”And then his soul, it just wafted out! I could see some sort of bridge, off in the distance, and Jim-no, Jim’s soul, just flew towards it. It was the scariest thing I had ever seen!” – Kit Prekkat, professional mercenary

Few people know of the Bridgers specifically, and those that do often deal with death a lot. Otherwise, one might think they were a simple arcane order, dealing with necromancy.
Daily Life: Few Bridgers follow the same schedule, but many scout the Bridge during the morning, before others wake, if they are in a party, and if they have access to it.
Notables: Two of the most notable Bridgers, were once sisters. They both followed the path of the Bridger, but in opposite directions. Shinra, the elder sister, has followed the path of bringing souls into death, across the Bridge. Her sister, Kamayan, has focused more on the necromantic aspects of her abilities.
Organizations: the Bridgers guild is the only organization devoted entirely to the Bridgers of Night, and they have extensive recruitment, in training Bridgers, and also in gaining them to the guild.

NPC Reaction
Most NPCs see the Bridger of Death as just some necromancer, which can lead to problems of discrimination against the Bridger, even though most do the exact opposite of what a necromancer does.

Because Bridgers require souls in general, in order to power their class features, they must have someone dead, which is why the Soul jars are a very helpful thing for most Bridgers of Night.
Adaptation: The Bridgers of Night and the Bridge are very specific to one another, but it would not be very hard at all to include both in a campaign. Bridger function in the classical sense, similar to death, and it would not be very hard to include the Bridge, simply having it as a variant to the realms of death, or simply the start of the road towards the realms of death.
Encounters: Most encounters would probably be with the more Necromantic version of this class, and would involve large numbers of undead. Because Bridgers of Night that do focus on the more undead aspects of this class tend to hang around graveyards, for the bodies, they would likely have several Soul Jars, and reanimate the souls into the bodies, or possibly create a Ghost.

Sample Encounter
A strange woman with a long, black veil appears before you. She appears hauntingly beautiful and small tendrils of what appears to be black smoke appearing at her feet, spreading wherever she steps. She holds a small jar, its stopper appearing to be made out of jet.
EL 10:

Neutral/Female/Human/ (Dread Necromancer 6/Bridger of Death 4)
Init +2, Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Abyssal
AC 16 , touch 12, flat-footed 14 (10(Base) + 2(Dex) + 4(Nat))
hp 48 (6d6+4d6+10)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +10
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Base Atk +5, Grp +4
Atk Options Charnel Touch +7 (1d8+2)
Spell Slots: 1st: 8
2nd: 8
3rd: 7
4th: 6
5th: 4
Supernatural Abilities Lesser Ferry the Souls, Fear Aura (DC 19), Scabrous Touch 1/day, Turn Undead 9/day
Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 22
SQ DR 2/ Bludgeoning, Soul Sight, Mental Bastion +2
Feats Spell Focus (Necromancy), Skill Focus (Balance), Corpsecrafter, Nimble Bones
Skills Balance +17, Spellcraft +14, Knowledge (Religion) +14, Knowledge (Arcana) +14.
Possessions Soul Jar, +2 Cloak of Charisma, +4 Bracers of Natural Armor

The Bridge

The Bridge is a long, dark bridge. It runs over a giant, ever flowing river, which leads directly towards the lower planes. Only by passing over the Bridge can souls reach the upper planes, and even then, the dangers are high. The Bridge is about 200 feet wide, and appears to be pretty short, but the journey itself can take several hours. The other side is covered with a grey fog, and the great gorge that the Bridge runs over’s walls are a dank grey. Small creatures scramble over the walls. The Bridge itself appears to be made out of some sort of limestone, and at several places it looks about ready to fall apart. The souls that are crossing float several feet off the floor of the Bridge, and are slowly drifting towards the end. Every minute or so, several fall off, and are thrown bodily down into the river below. The river seem stretch off into the distance, towards a giant waterfall and the flow of the water seems to suggest that the river is running towards the waterfall.

Planar Border: Material Plane, the Plane of Shadow, the Higher and Lower Planes.
Size: Medium-small.
Location: Material Plane.
Population: Small.
Temporal Velocity: 1 round/1 round.
Special Traits: Pull of the Bridge, Necromantic Power, the Denizens.

Planar Border: The Bridge has a border with the Material plane (the start of the Bridge); the Plane of Shadow, which has a border with almost all planes, and the Higher and Lower planes, via the end of the Bridge and the River, respectively.

Size: The Bridge is about 200 feet across, and about 1000 feet all the way across. The trip seems longer because of the Bridges pull, and because the way eyes perceive the distance of the Bridge itself is distorted.

Location: The Bridge appears whenever a soul is released from it’s body, and is ready to leave the material plane. Those that are not ready usually turn into ghosts, because the pressure to leave the material plane once you no longer have a body is simply too great. It does not appear on other planes, so when a creature dies on those planes, it usually must travel to the material plane, and then enter the Bridge.

Population: The Population of the Bridge is very, very small, possible a hundred souls on the Bridge, at most. Sometimes there are none at all, it just depends on the location. Thusly, in theory, there are multiple Bridges, all throughout the Material plane, however this theory has never been proven, and it is not unknown to have people not even in the same location on the same Bridge. The Bridge is just mysterious like that.

Temporal Velocity: The Bridge has the appearance of longer time, but that is mostly because the journey itself takes a long time. The actual temporal velocity of the Bridge is exactly the same as the Material plane.

Pull of the Bridge: When on the Bridge, all occupants must make a DC 15 Balance Check every minute. They do not receive benefits of ranks in Balance that they might have had if they are dead. If they are in the exact middle of the Bridge, and are a soul, they do not need to make this check. Those who are living must make the check no matter where they are. Those who are not dead must bring their full attention to crossing the bridge, or staying in place. If a living being on the Bridge ever enters combat, or does any action other than moving, the DC of the Balance check increases by 1 on the first round, and by 1 every other round after that (so, it is 16 at the first round, 17 on the third, 18 on the fifth, and so on). This new DC applies until the living being leaves the Bridge and rests for a day. If you fail a check, you fall prone, and start being dragged toward the edge of the Bridge, at 10 feet per round. You may attempt to make a DC 30 balance check in order to get back up, and stop the dragging. Denizens are Immune to this, and do not have to make a Balance check. If at any time anything falls asleep on the Bridge, they move 50 feet closer to the edge of the Bridge every minute.

Necromantic Power: While on the Bridge, all Necromantic spells are cast as if they were one spell level higher. This does not change the actual spell level, and does not allow the caster to qualify for a feat or prestige class that requires a higher level spell slot. Metamagic that affects this spell affects it as if it were the normal spell slot (I.E., a wizard casts Maximized Vampiric Touch, it costs a 6th level spell slot, but when it is cast counts as a 7th level spell slot).

The Denizens: Any creature that lives on the Bridge, either on the underside, or on the above portions, or rides the skies above, is completely void of the compulsion to slide off the Bridge, and fall into the River. The Bridge, depending on location will have anywhere from 6 to 10 Denizens on it at a time. Denizens of the Bridge gain the Denizen template:

Denizen Template

Denizens are the things that populate the Bridge besides souls. They are eternally forced to live upon the Bridge, and hunger for flesh, and eat all those who enter the Bridge that are living. Their entire being longs for the satisfaction food brings, and most can be satisfied by an offering of meat. They are the main danger that Bridgers of Night come across. While a Bridger of Death is sending a soul across the Bridge, a Denizen has a chance of returning to the material plane, though few are able to. Those that do are often sick and uncomfortable in the strange atmosphere of the new plane, but gradually adjust.

Denizens like to hide, and wait for their food to come to them. They prefer stealth over overt movements, and many have been known to hide on the underside of the Bridge.

Their true shape is something far more twisted and blackened than the original form, but because they are usually invisible on the Bridge, unless they attack their prey, their true form cannot be seen, unless they enter the Material plane.

Creatures that gain the Denizen template loose all supernatural or spell-like abilities that they might have had before gaining the template, but keep all extraordinary abilities. Spellcasting for this effect is a Supernatural ability.

Size and Type: The creature’s size remains unchanged, while the type changes to Aberration. Do not recalculate base attack bonus or saves.

Hit Dice: Increase the creature’s racial HD by one size, to a maximum of d12.

Speed: a Denizen gains a +20 bonus to base land speed, and one other form of movement he or she has access to.

Armor Class: Natural Armor increases by +5.

Special Attacks: Sense Life.

Special Qualities: Ignore the Pull, Covert Denizen, Bridgebound.

Abilities: +2 Constitution, +4 dexterity.

Skills: a Denizen gains a +4 bonus to Balance and Hide checks.

Environment: the Bridge.

Challenge Rating: +2.

Alignment: One step closer to Neutral.

Level Adjustment: +3.

Sense Life: A Denizen can sense all creatures within 60 feet that have a constitution score.

Ignore the Pull (Ex): A Denizen ignores the pull of the Bridge, and no longer has to make a Balance check in order to avoid being pulled off the Bridge. They can freely traverse the Bridge, including climbing on the underside. They only way for them to die is to be defeated on the Bridge, and then thrown off, or tripped off the Bridge.

Covert Denizen (Ex): In order to grab prey as quickly as possible, the Denizen have incredibly high ability to not be seen. As long as the Denizen is not in combat, and on the Bridge, he is invisible, as the invisibility spell. He gains a +30 bonus to Hide checks, while not in combat. If he enters combat, his true form appears.

Bridgebound (Ex): The Denizen is bound to the Bridge at all times. He may never leave the Bridge, unless a gateway out has been created by a Bridger of Death sending a soul across the Bridge. When that happens, the Denizen must be within 5 feet of the opening through which the Bridger is sending the soul. When it leaves the Bridge, it is nauseated for 20 minutes, and then fatigued for 2 hours, or until it rests for 30 minutes, whichever comes first. For the duration of the Denizens stay on the Material plane, they take a -2 penalty to all rolls, saves and checks. When a Denizen is on the Bridge, he does not die from aging, and does not acquire aging benefits or penalties. In the Material plane, the Denizen has a lifespan of about 3 years, and then it must return to the Bridge, and wait there until a Bridger of Death is able to create an opening for it, or die. A Denizen cannot return to the Bridge unless it kills the Bridger that let it out. Denizens have a climb speed of 30 feet while on the Bridge, and does not need to make a Climb check in order to stay from falling off the bottom of the Bridge.

The Bridgers Guild

The Bridgers Guild is a group of people who focus on necromantic magic in order to send souls that would normally not seek death, over the Bridge. They are all of the Bridgers of Night prestige class, except for the Apprentices, who always hope to become a Bridger of Death. It is incredibly hard to become a Bridger of Death without affiliation to this Guild, although it is technically possible. Guild members cannot initiate just any one off the streets into Bridger-dom, first the hopeful apprentice must undergo several years of training as a necromancer in their own right, and then they must go across the Bridge with a member of the Guild, and then they may start training into the ways of the Bridger.

Most Bridgers Guild outposts do not like to advertise their location to local necromancers, therefore many take a cover business. The most common being, ironically, a Bridging business, because then they can travel pretty much anywhere, and considering that the common superstition about undead is that they cannot cross running water (Which comes from the River below the Bridge, which frightens all who seek escape from death), and so it is very common for graveyards to be placed near rivers, just in reach of the Bridgers Guild to watch over them. The other common cover business is either a mortuarian, or a gravedigger, so as to watch over the graves of those newly died. When a new sect of clerics enters a community, or the Bridgers Guild joins a community with a church, they are usually the first people to be told the true purpose of the Guild’s being in the community, but are told expressly not to tell anyone else. For those clerics who enter a community who worship a god of death, and are capable necromancers, the Guild lends out permits not to be killed on sight when they steal a body or two.

After joining the Guild, a Bridger must work at a Guild outpost for a year or two, unless they petition to start adventuring. If they are adventuring, they must pay a small monthly due to the Guild, roughly 500 gold pieces, in order to pay for those working the outposts meals and costs. Roughly half of all Guild members adventure at a time. Some adventure, and then take a break, to work an outpost, and then start adventuring again.

Joining the Bridgers Guild: To join the Bridgers Guild, first you must enter as an apprentice, working your way up in the ranks, for a year or two. You do not necessarily have to simply work for the guild this entire time, one could be an apprentice to the Guild and still adventure. After that period, you must go across the Bridge and return, and then you are allowed as a member of the Guild. You do not necessarily have to be a Bridger of Death at this point, but you must enter it as soon as you can.

Character Benefits: Players who belong to the Bridgers Guild gain access to many adventure leads, usually about Necromancers who unlawfully bring the dead back, or about Denizens that have returned to the Material plane, and seek revenge. They also gain the advantage of allies who know quite a bit, in the guild, although rarely receive actual physical assistance from members.

Roleplaying Suggestions: Members of the Bridgers Guild tend to be overly morbid, and generally self possessed. Entering death requires that one remembers all of one’s self, or be sucked away by the pull. Bridgers Guild members like being mysterious, and like the attention they get from it, but because their spells are so firmly rooted in death, it is not generally useful for them to be used on a regular basis, so many members get by with what they can, simple tricks and minor spells, which leads many more “Powerful” spellcasters to look down on them, especially if they work at an outpost.

Typical Member: All members of the Guild are Bridgers of Death. Most are Dread Necromancers or Sorcerers. Quite a few are Wizards and Archivists, and a few are Clerics and Favored souls. Those clerics and favored souls usually worship the Bridge itself for their power and magic.

Prestige Classes: Every member of the Bridgers Guild is a Bridger of Death. Seldom are other prestige classes are in the guild.

Lore of the Guild: No one knows when the Guild was founded, it was so long ago. The Bridgers have a story that the first Bridger was a mortal, who then built the Bridge, became a god, and came back to teach others of this strange magic. This is another reason why so many cover businesses for Bridgers Guild outposts are Bridge Builders. The Bridgers have an inherent need to create a crossing over a gap, either from life into death, or over water or chasm, be it the case. Texts from thirteen generations back can be found in the libraries of the Bridgers, listing every Denizen ever known, and possibly ever existing. A person could spend several lifetimes in those libraries and still not know all that they hold.

A Bridgers Guild Campaign: Most Bridgers Guild campaigns involve a large amount of undead, and a lot of Denizens. Denizens are the main thing that a Guild member will come up against, either defending another Bridger from it, if they are unsuspecting, or defeating one that they have created themselves. In a Bridgers Guild campaign, all of the members of the party would have to be Bridgers themselves, so often a campaign of just the Bridgers guild does not work out very well for everyone involved, unless they are all Bridgers.

Soul Jars

Soul Jar
Price (Item Level): 20,000 gp (10th)
Body Slot: — (Held)
Caster Level: 10th
Aura: Moderate
Activation: Swift (Command)
weight: 2 lbs

This crystal clear bottle has a large, jet stopper on the top, that appears to be made of solidified ash. In it’s depths strange figures dance about, and they entrance the viewer. The bottom holds a tiny amount of liquid, that is of a strange, greenish color, but does not roll around when the bottle is moved or shaken. A small soul rests inside, if it is filled, and weeps mournfully into the pool that the bottom. It is plain to see that the pool is really tears.

A Soul Jar holds the souls of those deceased. When a person or thing dies, and the Lid of the Jar is opened, the soul gets sucked in, as if it were a Magic Jar spell. The soul does not die or fade away while in the Jar, and lasts indefinitely. The Jar cannot break by normal means, but a successful Greater Dispel Magic, or a Mage’s Disjunction cast upon it will destroy the effect, freeing the soul. The opening of a Soul Jar is not possible in the area of a Antimagic Field, but it does not destroy the Jar when the Jar enters or leaves the field.

A Soul Jar may be opened only by saying the command word, decided on during creation. When the command word is said, the soul flies out of the Jar, and either leaves for the Bridge, or is forced to be used in a spell, or ability that involves souls, such as many of the Bridger of Death class features. Alternatively, the soul may be held for resurrection purposes. If a soul is held in a Soul Jar, consent is not needed in order to bring them back to life.

Only one soul may be stored in a Soul Jar, and a soul may be taken out and put back in up to three times per day.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Magic Jar.
Cost to Create: 10,000 gp, 800 XP.

I was going to save this for a possible Prestige Class contest, but with all of the fluff, the story, the plane, organization and extra item, it just kind of seemed too much.

So; should I add another ability? If so, any possible ideas? I was thinking maybe moving Abrogative Might to level 5, and give the Bridger Turn Undead usage at level two. Does that sound balanced? Also, does the Soul Jar cost too little? Based on the Create Magical Item rules from the SRD, it should cost 100,000 gp, but that just seemed too much.

2010-08-19, 03:29 PM
This is awesome. I like this a lot. A lot a lot. It requires potentially changing a fair bit of how the afterlife works in a lot of standard settings but is so well done. (I may be slightly biased having already made a bridge-themed necromantic martial discipline (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113982).)

My only nitpick is the difficulty of the entry requirements. I think only requiring 8 ranks in Spellcraft and Knowledge(religion) would make sense so that people can qualify for the class at level 5 rather than waiting to level 6.

Given the power level you could reasonably have 9/10 spellcasting rather than 8/10.

So; should I add another ability? If so, any possible ideas? I was thinking maybe moving Abrogative Might to level 5, and give the Bridger Turn Undead usage at level two.

This seems reasonable.

2010-08-19, 03:51 PM
This is awesome. I like this a lot. A lot a lot. It requires potentially changing a fair bit of how the afterlife works in a lot of standard settings but is so well done. (I may be slightly biased having already made a bridge-themed necromantic martial discipline (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113982).)
Oh my goodness, thank you for posting! I was wondering if I was going to have to bump. :smalleek: Thanks for the response! Also, while reading your Discipline, I realized that I had already read it, and posted in the thread. It was a really cool Discipline.

My only nitpick is the difficulty of the entry requirements. I think only requiring 8 ranks in Spellcraft and Knowledge(religion) would make sense so that people can qualify for the class at level 5 rather than waiting to level 6.
OK, I can change that. I just wanted to make sure that the entry requirements weren't too easy to get past, considering that this class originally had full casting, as well as the rest of the abilities. Will be done!

Given the power level you could reasonably have 9/10 spellcasting rather than 8/10.
OK, I will change that.

This seems reasonable.

Also; any thoughts on the story? I was just kind of in the mood, after writing most of the class. I know I am not any good at writing, but it was fun. Any ideas on how to include the spell that cut the Denizen up and threw him off the Bridge? I was thinking maybe having it be something like 1d6 per caster level, and then shunts the recipient in any direction 100 feet, probably level 4 or 5, maybe higher.

Morph Bark
2010-08-19, 06:57 PM
I find it curious that that picture is my wallpaper at current time...

I also actually expected this to focus around card games. Disappointment. :smallfrown:

At first look the fluff and crunch seem to mesh well, but I will take a closer look later.

2010-08-19, 09:44 PM
I find it curious that that picture is my wallpaper at current time...

Well, I got it from coolvibe.com, which is just a great site.

I also actually expected this to focus around card games. Disappointment. :smallfrown:
Card games?

At first look the fluff and crunch seem to mesh well, but I will take a closer look later.
Thanks! I really appreciate it.

[EDIT]: Also, just to make sure it is most certainly clear, I based a tiny bit of this class off of the Abhorsen series, which should be at least a little bit obvious to some who have read the books.

I will post up the details of the Greater Spirits soon, as well as the spell Davan used in the story.

2010-08-20, 02:49 AM
Greater Spirits of Death

This may be a bit gruesome (I tried not to keep any detail of the deaths out), and I am sorry if anyone is truly grossed out by this.


Spirit of Nihilism, Fock was once a great judge, excessively fair, to the point where it drove others to a rage. He always gave the same verdict for the crime, no matter the accused, which rang wrong in several peoples books, so they decided he must die.

He was sleeping, but they woke him anyway, just to make sure he felt terror, or at the very least some emotion before he died. He was terrified, but he still almost convinced his attackers that they were doing wrong, until one who was so scared out of his mind made a battle cry and plunged his knife into the heart of the judge, tearing it out, and leaving it on the floor.

When Fock appears to others, he has a great, gaping, chasm of a hole were his heart once was. The flesh that would surround it is black, black as night, and seems to radiate outward, in a vein-like pattern. The inside of the wound, if one were to see it, would be as black as the area around where his heart once beat. Fock’s skin is inhumanly pale, and his eyes are a deep, emerald green. He appears as emotionless in death as he was in life, but now working against the rules, order and any government that hopes to exist.


Spirit of Madness, Sath was once a philosopher, and a great doctor, focusing on the area of the mind. He could help any man with their problems, but could not, as it seems, deal with his own. He had a wife and two children, a girl and a boy, both close to four or five years old. He loved to study others, and made pet projects of toying with their emotions, and then trying to fix them from such psychological trauma, in a most scientific manner. None of his subjects ever came close to normalcy, and he was beaten by several ferocious patients, before his guards could stop them.

One patient, however, did manage the appearance of sanity. He managed to pretend to be normal long enough for the doctor to let him go, and then went on a rampage. He killed more than twenty people before his eyes turned back on the doctor. He went to his home, and found his wife and child. They screamed and screamed as he tore them up, and then waited for the doctor to come home, sitting in his favorite chair, by the writing desk. He turned and looked at the doctor, when Sath came in, and smiled a savage, dreamy smile, before taking a meat cleaver he had found in their kitchen, and chopping up the doctor.

Sath embodies the insanity that he once denounced, his mind and spirit overflowing with insane daydreams, and more often than not, nightmares. When he appears to others, he has glasses that rest haphazardly on his nose. His face appears to be switched up a bit, one appendage too big for the other, one too low, that makes it feel when one sees him that he was put together by a toddler. His skin is a sort of pale yellow orange, and his tongue is long and flickering, waving all over his teeth and lips. His hair is greasy and brown, and his eyes shine every single color, all waving back and forth across his iris.


Spirit of Loneliness, Kith was once a great king, sagacious and good. He treated his subjects well, and he never gave them any reason to complain. His daughter was wonderful, smart, beautiful and everything like her mother, who was dead. He loved her ferociously, and it was apparent to anyone who lived in their quaint little kingdom, who also loved her. She used to skip down to the little villages and hamlets outside their fort, and play with the small children and run through meadows.

However, not all was going well in the next over kingdom. They had received massive shortages of grain and water, seeing as the river that ran through the kingdom had run completely dry. They looked jealously at their neighbor, and decided that they would conquer him, and his precious little land. They overran the fortress and took hold of the villages in a matter of days. The king was beheaded, and his corpse left on the wall of the fort, head hanging next to body. His daughter was taken by the king and given to his son, the crown prince, as a slave for pleasure.

Now, Kith lives on in death as a Greater Spirit. He is benevolent and kind, even in death, but his head is gone, forever lost among the tumult of the River. The stump where his head once lay now oozes a gray green puss. His skin is a light brown, or darkly tanned, it is hard to tell from all of the ooze coming from his stump. All he longs for is the touch of another being, the warmth that is emotion and connection, but now, all those who see him are disgusted, and he cannot explain to them what he really is.


Spirit of Intoxication, Reth was once a great warrior. He lived in the dwarvish lands, as a dwarf, and was well known for his exploits. He had killed more dragons than you could count on both hands and feet! He was said to be unkillable, and he wasn’t trying hard to remove that status. He must have taken on a dungeon or two every week, by himself. His power made him well known among the lords and ladies of the dwarves, and his personality made him well liked.

But when he finally was told he was just too old to adventure anymore, and that if he did, he would most likely die, he was crushed. How could he go on living, with the boredom of life? He tried, and succeeded for a few years, but the only thing that kept him going was the alcohol that he had spurned earlier in his life. He would visit the bar every day, for several hours, just drinking the time away, until he started spending less and less time not at the bar. Eventually, he never even left, the barkeep simply setting up a cot in the corner, and when he would get too inebriated, they would just lay him down, the once great adventurer. His health was slowly failing, and he had started to go blind from all the drink he was consuming, but considered it weak for a dwarf to get alcohol poisoning.

His last straw came when a Warforged challenged him to a drinking contest, citing that maybe with his great age and weak knees, he had rather sit this one out? Reth had gone into a rage, and immediately set up the drinks. They were drinking a bottle of dwarven fire whiskey, from a most excellent year, 326. They sat their staring at each other, and each took a gulp of the potent liquid, waited for their glasses were refilled, and then drank again. They continued this late, late, late into the night, even after all the other onlookers had fallen asleep drunk, or left, refilling their own glasses. They went through four bottles of the Fire whiskey, and on the last sip, of the last bottle, Reth’s face went red, and he vomited, several times. He continued vomiting for several minutes, even after his stomach had no more to give, and then he started puking up blood. The little old dwarf finally stopped, and fell to the floor, his face falling in the blood and vomit. The Warforged got up, walked over, and poked him. No response. He woke the Barkeep, and asked him to see the dwarf. The funeral was that very day. The cot that the dwarf had slept on for the last four years of his life was burned by the evening. He was forgotten by the next day.

Reth, when he appears, lives only to drink. He always has about six full mugs of beer, or whiskey, or scotch. He tries to drink away his sorrow, and pain, and the sorrow and pain that came from him drinking, setting him in a self destructive circle. When he drinks, he weeps, long and bitterly. His skin is a pale grey, and his eyes are a burnished silver. His head is completely bald, and he has no beard. He longs for the relief that alcohol can give him, but never finds it.


Spirit of Destruction, Moth was once a most famous architect and painter. He built grand houses, flowing marble statues, and small houses out of little more than sweat, stone, and creativity. He loved to paint, to bring out his emotions onto a canvass, and his artwork was almost as prized as his buildings were. He worked night and day, tirelessly. He refused to give up on a project that was thought to be defunct or unstylish. He created from the heart.

But, unfortunately for him, Moth had competition. Competition that didn’t like him displaying his works around everywhere. Mainly, his brother. His brother had begun work as an architect mainly because of Moth himself, and Moth had loved his brothers work, and they had even collaborated on a few works. But Moth’s brother was jealous, and he was losing patrons to Moth’s skill and is charm, and he was slowly falling apart. None of his work was coming through right, none of it seemed good enough, and Moth; everything he did seemed touched by gold, or the creation of the gods.

So, Moth’s younger brother went out to kill him. It wasn’t a conscious decision on his brothers part, he had just felt the need, and had never felt such a need before, and didn’t know how to react to it, so he followed his instincts. He went to the site of another Build, and found Moth, overseeing mages lifting stones high in the air. Moth’s brother was an accomplished mage himself, and he tore out the foundations to the project, a giant tower, rivaling the size of any other building ever made. It collapsed slowly, and to Moth’s horror. As it fell, falling debris from the mages who were working the site also fell on him, crushing him and all of his life with him.

When his younger brother had seen what he had done, he panicked. He knew that what he had done was wrong, in the most fundamental sense, and that he should pay for what he did. So he picked up a large rock with his arcane abilities, and lifted it high over his head. He didn’t even flinch. They were buried in unmarked graves, side by side.

Now, Moth is a destroyer, not satisfied that he may no longer create, because of this, he believes that no one should create. He hates art and creativity, and he longs to destroy all that is made by mortal hands. His skin is a pale magenta, and his hair is golden. His eyes are black, black as night, and his hands are shriveled stumps of what they once were.


Spirit of Despair, Syth was once a great bard, singing songs and telling tales. He lay with many a woman, but his last lover was his wife. She was beautiful beyond all compare, seemingly touched by the fey, and he was deeply, deeply in love with her. Every song that he sung seem to be of her. Every note, every chord rang with her name. He sung lullabies over her head every night, and told her evermore of his devotion to her. She died nine years after their marriage, leaving Syth and his young son. Syth’s son was a precocious boy, ever playful and always joyous. He loved to watch his father’s work, and he looked forward to one day being a bard. He had gained from his mother her beautiful looks, and a wonderful voice from his father.

It was the day of is nineteenth birthday that he had been drafted to the war. The country they lived in was going to war with another, unmentioned and unknown, and they needed troops, so they decided they would take some from the local populace. His son left for training, and subsequently battle before Syth could even say goodbye.

The war lasted six years, and Syth could not stay at that house, missing both his wife and his child. He traveled, far and wide, singing songs of deep despair and fallen hope. One day, while on a bridge, he saw a vagabond. He was running towards Syth, and brandishing a spear, ready to attack Syth. He lowered it and charged. Syth drew his dagger, and sidestepped the charge, stabbing the vagabond in the chest, and then gut. He fell over, his spear clattering to the floor, as Syth gasped in horror. His son lay before him, lying on the ground bleeding. He looked up at his father in astonishment, and then smiled. He tried to get up, but his father kept him down, and tried to keep the bleeding to a minimum.

Syth’s son related as much of the story as he could, while Syth tried to bandage the wound, through bleeding gasps. He had been a soldier until a few years before, when he had been discharged without a pension, and sent back to his home. The war had haunted him in many ways, and he wanted to see his father again. When he found him not home, he asked around and found out that he had gone traveling, and so went looking for him. It had been several months since the start of his son’s trip, and when he had seen him on this road, he immediately thought him a thief, and charged at the vagabond. His father thinking the same thing had dodged, and stabbed. He looked up at his father, blood soaking down from his chin, and smiled, while his fathers tears soaked away the blood and pain. “It was good to see you again.” He said, and then drew his last breath.

Syth’s heart was overburdened, by the death of his son at his own hands, the death of his wife, so many years ago, and he put his hands on his head and wept. When all the tears had dried up, and his eyes had nothing left to give, he looked bitterly at the spear that his son had used, picked it up, and put it’s but end into the ground. He fell upon it, ending his miseries, or so he thought. Neither was given a burial, and both were picked clean by bandits and vultures.

Even now, Syth is ever weeping, tears of blood. His sorrow has turned from warm, bitter hot sadness into despair, cold and dark. Everything around him seems colder, less amusing, less happy, more hateful and dank. His eyes are red from weeping, and his skin is a sort of tanned pale combination. His hair is black, and his hands are forever stained in blood. He seeks his death, but cannot find it now, having made his way through death.


Spirit of Rage, Ganth was once a monk, working in a vast monastarian complex. It housed some of the greatest relics of all mortals, and was very kind towards the local townsfolk, Ganth especially. He conducted the schoolhouse for the children that lived near the monastery, and was always helpful to them. He lived their for some fifty years, and had taught children for generations. He was always known for his kindness and his calm patience. The children all loved him, and believed every word he said, down to the littlest ghost story he told. It was common knowledge that anything brother Ganth said must be true.

The barbarians that lived farther north had heard of this place, this great house of bricks and learning, and they wanted it. Their warlords had never received an actual education, and many of the younger generation wanted to learn desperately. Of course, considering that they didn’t really understand how learning worked, they thought the first step would be to kill all of the monks and then stay at the house for a while, and then they would become smart. So that is exactly what they did, and they pillaged the neighboring village as well. When they came to the school house, its doors were barred and padded, and the school children all hid behind brother Ganth. He promised them that no harm would come to them, and told them to stay quiet. The barbarians knocked down the doors, and came rushing in. They saw the group, and laughed. When they asked a warlord who was nearby, he told them to “Kill the lot; we ain’t got no need for ‘em.”

They knocked brother Ganth aside, and murdered every single child before his eyes. They made him watch, and by the end, he was a nervous wreck, whimpering and sobbing into his hands, curled up in a ball on the floor. Then they killed him.

Even in death, Ganth had a sort of fatherly look to him, but now he is consumed by rage, rage against those who despoiled the children, rage against the children themselves for forcing him to protect them, and rage against himself, for allowing them to die. The once gentle and kind monk had turned into a giant mass of anger and perpetual hate. He hates everything, everything that lives, moves, breathes, has a name, and doesn’t have a name. He hates it all. He appears to be a giant man, with skin the color of fire, bright red and burnished orange. His eyes have been cut out, as how he died at the hands of the barbarians. He screams and moans when he is not talking, or killing things. He longs for the same release that Syth does, but both will never find it, so Ganth turns his rage outwards, towards others.

Partially based on these guys. (http://img26.imageshack.us/f/qbleach356sleepyfans14a.jpg/)


Dissevering Death
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 5, Cleric 6
Components: V
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. / caster level)
Target: One Living or Undead creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

A strange, glowing light surrounds the target, creating a circle of vaguely humanoid bodies. They coalesce into the Greater Spirits, and each raises a sword made of pure light above their heads, and bring them down upon the target. It is sliced into many pieces, and is flung a hundred feet or so in any direction.

One creature within range is dealt 1d6 negative energy damage per caster level (Maximum 15d6 at level 15), and are flung 100 feet in any direction of the casters choosing. If a creature saves from this spell, they only take half damage and are flung only 50 feet.

When this spell is cast, and both the caster and the target are on the Bridge, the damage dealt is doubled (2d6 per caster level, maximum 30d6 at level 15), and the distance is doubled, to 200 feet flung. If the target saves, they still only take half damage, and are only flung 100 feet.

2010-09-05, 03:14 PM
Dissevering Death should not be on the Dread Necromancer spell list. Dread Necromancers get spontaneous access to their entire spell list so adding spells to it changes balance. Also, the only spells on the list are highly generic necromancy spells. Adding one that specifically connects with certain spirits changes the nature of the DN class. The point of having Advanced Learning is that it allows you to take a very generic necromancer and then play with that by adding a few spells.

2010-09-05, 03:16 PM
Dissevering Death should not be on the Dread Necromancer spell list. Dread Necromancers get spontaneous access to their entire spell list so adding spells to it changes balance. Also, the only spells on the list are highly generic necromancy spells. Adding one that specifically connects with certain spirits changes the nature of the DN class. The point of having Advanced Learning is that it allows you to take a very generic necromancer and then play with that by adding a few spells.

OK, I can change that. What do you think of the Greater spirits of death?

2010-09-05, 03:43 PM
OK, I can change that. What do you think of the Greater spirits of death?

I'm not sure I like them just in that I'm not sure making world-spanning spirits be connected to comparatively minor mortals. But if as a flavor it works well with the rest. My objection is based purely on my own personal aesthetics.

2010-09-05, 03:48 PM
I'm not sure I like them just in that I'm not sure making world-spanning spirits be connected to comparatively minor mortals. But if as a flavor it works well with the rest. My objection is based purely on my own personal aesthetics.
It is more like they became the different aspects of death, after their deaths. So, each represents a different part of death, each having their deaths based on the aspect of death that they embody. In truth, I doubt even the best Bridgers, or the highest ranking members of the Guild have any idea of their backstory. They mostly just know what they look like when they appear to mortals and the dead. Also, the Greater spirits do not speak of their past, either for personal reasons (because it was a life changing moment in their life, and because it was very deeply personal to them), or because they physically cannot (Kith).

And, again, nobody has any comments on the story. I has a sad. :smallfrown:
Maybe it is too long?

2010-09-05, 07:47 PM
I may go ahead and read the whole of it later, but my initial suggestion would be to move charnel body to level seven. Seven is totally dead in terms of BAB and saves, whereas eight grants +1 BAB and +2 overall to saves.

2010-09-05, 07:53 PM
I may go ahead and read the whole of it later, but my initial suggestion would be to move charnel body to level seven. Seven is totally dead in terms of BAB and saves, whereas eight grants +1 BAB and +2 overall to saves.

The problem with that is, if you are entering with a prepared caster, they gain a new spell level at that level. If you are entering with a Dread Necromancer or Sorcerer, you gain nothing at level 7, yes. I was thinking of adding another ability, but I am not sure what to add.

2010-09-06, 10:09 AM
The problem with that is, if you are entering with a prepared caster, they gain a new spell level at that level. If you are entering with a Dread Necromancer or Sorcerer, you gain nothing at level 7, yes. I was thinking of adding another ability, but I am not sure what to add.

That assumes that a character goes straight into this class and nothing else. Add a one level dip in mindbender (for example) and the shoe's on the other foot, no?

2010-09-06, 10:12 AM
That assumes that a character goes straight into this class and nothing else. Add a one level dip in mindbender (for example) and the shoe's on the other foot, no?

I suppose I could change it.

Any other comments?