View Full Version : "If anyone's a part of a White Lantern Corps, it's us!"

2010-08-21, 11:11 AM
The Emotional Spectrum (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Emotional_Spectrum) of the DC Universe spans:

Red: Rage
Orange: Avarice
Yellow: Fear (Sinestro Corps)
Green: Willpower (Green Lantern Corps)
Blue: Hope
Indigo: Compassion
Violet: Love (Star Sapphire Corps)
And two additional elements:
Black: Death
White: Life

Each of these is associated with a Power Battery, and bestows rings on those who most embody their respective emotion, granting them the power of a (Colour) Lantern.

What fictional characters, in your opinion, are qualified to be members of the various Lantern Corps? Click the link (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Emotional_Spectrum) for more info. I'll be keeping an index.

Red Lanterns (Rage)
Guts (Berserk)

Orange Lanterns (Avarice)
Dr. Doom (Marvel Universe)
Gilgamesh (Fate/stay night)
Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Yellow Lanterns (Fear)

Green Lanterns (Will)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)
Simon the Digger (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)

Blue Lanterns (Hope)
Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Indigo Lanterns (Compassion)
Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)

Violet Lanterns (Love)
Nanoha Takamachi (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)

Black Lanterns (Death)
Avenger (Fate/stay night)

White Lanterns (Life)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

2010-08-21, 11:33 AM
I would say that Sam Vimes (Discworld) would qualify for the green lantern corps the man has an immense will.
Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) would be either blue or indigo.
If being capable of great love equals firing a giant magical laser, Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) might qualify for the violet lanterns.

2010-08-21, 11:45 AM
Red: Rage
Orange: Avarice
Yellow: Fear (Sinestro Corps)
Green: Willpower (Green Lantern Corps)
Blue: Hope
Indigo: Compassion
Violet: Love (Star Sapphire Corps)
And two additional elements:
Black: Death
White: Life

For Red:
Rage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_%28Transformers%29)
Rage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_%28comics%29)

For Yellow:
The Fear (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOXHOUND#The_Fear)

For Blue:
Hope (http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Hope)

For Black:
Death (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_%28Discworld%29)
Death (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_%28Castlevania%29#Recurring_characters)
Death (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_%28Marvel_Comics%29)

Hey, this is easy.

2010-08-21, 11:48 AM
Judge Death would be an obvious Black Ring Corps member.

Guts of Berserk would qualify as a Red Lantern Corps member, I would think.

I'd actually argue that Death of Discworld would be a good Indigo Lantern, as Reaper Man, a few choice scenes in Mort, Hogfather, and, to a degree, Thief of Time all demonstrate his remarkable humanism. Similarly, I doubt that he'd be interested in the perversion of death that the Black Lantern Corps represents.

Vash the Stampede would be an excellent Blue Lantern, in his sincere belief that the ticket to the future is always open.

Any Captain Planet villain ever would qualify for the Orange Lantern Corps.

Solid Snake would be a rather good Green Lantern, I would think.

Romeo and Juliet would be obvious Violet Lanterns (setting aside the fact that they're overemotional teenagers, anyway).

I'm still not quite sure what the White Lantern Corps signifies (haven't read Blackest Night), so I'm uncertain who would be good for that.

2010-08-21, 11:50 AM
If being capable of great love equals firing a giant magical laser, Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) might qualify for the violet lanterns.But does she do it FOR FRIENDSHIP?

For Yellow, I nominate Shinji Ikari.It's more the ability to inspire/master fear. As in, Batman was once offered a Yellow ring.

2010-08-21, 11:51 AM
I'd actually argue that Death of Discworld would be a good Indigo Lantern, as Reaper Man, a few choice scenes in Mort, Hogfather, and, to a degree, Thief of Time all demonstrate his remarkable humanism.

I think the point is that he embodies Death. I mean, that's what he is. He is death, regardless of whether he's occasionally compassionate.

2010-08-21, 11:57 AM
It still tickles me that Batman was offered a yellow ring.

2010-08-21, 11:57 AM
But does she do it FOR FRIENDSHIP?
It's more the ability to inspire fear. As in, Batman was once offered a Yellow ring.

Yah. That's why I edited afterward. Apparently you caught it while it was up, though.

Well, perhaps Vorbis from Small Gods for Yellow Lantern, then. A steel ball of a mind that does evil purely to see what happens, and terrifies an entire nation as the head of the Quisition.

2010-08-21, 12:07 PM
It still tickles me that Batman was offered a yellow ring.

Me too, still one of my favorite moments of the Sinestro corps war.

2010-08-21, 12:49 PM

You know, just for that one quote, I'm thinking about nominating Dream for Hope.

Death of the Endless for Compassion.

2010-08-21, 12:51 PM
Well, I haven't gotten the Blackest Night compilation yet, so my knowledge of the Indigo, Black, and White Corps is extremely limited, but some ideas from a few stories that come to mind quickly for me:

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Azula definitely qualifies for yellow/Sinestro. Scariest teenager ever.

Katara could probably qualify for both blue and indigo. Maybe even violet/Star Sapphire, though I'd definitely go with blue or indigo first.

Zuko could qualify for red during season 1 and early season 3.

Surprisingly, I don't think Aang qualifies for any of them. Not even green. I don't know, maybe white? I really know nothing about that one.

Bang would be the first male Star Sapphire. For humor potential if nothing else. And hey, he is "the ninja that fights for love and justice!", and has that really strong, scary, stalkerish crush on Litchi.

Hazama/Terumi would probably qualify for black, what with his apparent desire to destroy the world, and if not he'd definitely qualify for yellow. Dude is just plain scary.

Noel would likely qualify for indigo, being as naively compassionate as she is. Litchi might as well, though I'm less sure.

Arakune is an easy fit for orange. Classic case of someone undone by his own ambitions. Might make yellow too, given scaring people is easy for him with his current form. Then again... would he be able to wear one of these rings at all?

Hakumen might make green lantern... maybe. If he's not too crazy for it.

I'm tempted to say Jin and Ragna might qualify for red, but honestly, their motivations are so muddled and complex that I can't really figure out if they would or not.

Tales of Vesperia
Yuri would make a good green lantern, up until he started clashing with the Guardians on something. At which point he'd quit and go his own way.

Estelle would probably fit for indigo.

Rita at first glance might seem like her only shot would be red, due to her temper, but I don't think she has enough of one to qualify for that. Maybe violet though - the subtext of her crush on Estelle is pretty damn heavy. Eh, okay, so she probably wouldn't make that either, given it doesn't seem to go beyond subtext, heavy as it may be.

Judith might make green, and would probably be less likely than Yuri to quit.

It still tickles me that Batman was offered a yellow ring.
Well, it certainly makes sense. Those seek people with the ability to "instill great fear," and that's kind of Batman's schitck. "Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot" and all that.


2010-08-21, 12:56 PM
I nominate Black Mage (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/11/27/8-bit-chronicles-3-of-3/) for Violet.

2010-08-21, 01:08 PM
Surprisingly, I don't think Aang qualifies for any of them. Not even green. I don't know, maybe white? I really know nothing about that one.

I think Aang would go in Blue if he went into any of them. If only because he inspired Hope throughout an entire world plagued by (repeat) genocide, bigotry, oppression, and general hopelessness simply by revealing the fact that he existed. Not by doing anything (that happened later). But by being, he inspired a world.

2010-08-21, 01:10 PM
I think Aang would go in Blue if he went into any of them. If only because he inspired Hope throughout an entire world plagued by (repeat) genocide, bigotry, oppression, and general hopelessness simply by revealing the fact that he existed. Not by doing anything (that happened later). But by being, he inspired a world.
But the Blue Lanterns require that the recruit in question have "great hope in their heart." It's not a matter of their ability to inspire hope in others - though that is what they do once recruited - but that they be the sort of person who has great hope themselves. Aang... does somewhat, but I don't think he gets to the kind of level the Blue Lanterns would require.


2010-08-21, 01:21 PM
But the Blue Lanterns require that the recruit in question have "great hope in their heart." It's not a matter of their ability to inspire hope in others - though that is what they do once recruited - but that they be the sort of person who has great hope themselves. Aang... does somewhat, but I don't think he gets to the kind of level the Blue Lanterns would require.

I actually have never read a DC comic book before in my life, so I apologize for not knowing how this works. I'm just extrapolating from whats been said in this thread and from one of my college roommates who was into the Green Lantern.

But if you have to have the emotion inside of you in some great amount, whats the justification for Batman getting a Yellow Ring? I don't recall him being particularly full of fear, at least any more than the average person.

Still, I suppose if that is the guideline, then Aang may not fit into any of them. Much of his story (and indeed, the story of all Avatars) is becoming a well-rounded person, so he doesn't have one particular emotion way above the others.

Katara would definitely go to Indigo by the end of the series, I think. "I will never ever turn my back on people who need me!", etc.

I do have a question for those more knowledgeable about the comics, though, because now it interests me. Do Blue lanterns inspire Hope in everyone, or just 'Good' people? Like, if Darkseid is sitting in his bathtub like "Man, I'll never beat Superman, maybe I should just turn around and start conquering in the other direction." would a Blue lantern (who happens to be in Darkseid's bathroom for unexplained reasons) be like "Nah, nah. You'll do it eventually! You just gotta keep at it. Chin up."

2010-08-21, 01:35 PM
I actually have never read a DC comic book before in my life, so I apologize for not knowing how this works. I'm just extrapolating from whats been said in this thread and from one of my college roommates who was into the Green Lantern.
I haven't read many myself, but Green Lantern, particularly those leading up the Blackest Night event, do just happen to be the ones I have.

But if you have to have the emotion inside of you in some great amount, whats the justification for Batman getting a Yellow Ring? I don't recall him being particularly full of fear, at least any more than the average person.
Because the yellow one does operate on instilling fear in others, not being fearful yourself. The Sinestro Corps are a basically a combination terrorist/fascist group.

I do have a question for those more knowledgeable about the comics, though, because now it interests me. Do Blue lanterns inspire Hope in everyone, or just 'Good' people? Like, if Darkseid is sitting in his bathtub like "Man, I'll never beat Superman, maybe I should just turn around and start conquering in the other direction." would a Blue lantern (who happens to be in Darkseid's bathroom for unexplained reasons) be like "Nah, nah. You'll do it eventually! You just gotta keep at it. Chin up."
That's not really how they operate. Granted, they only got short roles in the portions I read, and there were only a couple of them at the time, but the big things they did in those stories were support Hal Jordan in combating the Red Lanterns, and reverse the aging of a star about to go supernova, saving a planet that would have been destroyed in the process and turning the star back to the blue giant state. They comment about how the blue light it now gives off will be a symbol of hope to those who witness its transformation in the skies throughout the galaxy.

Someone who has read the Blackest Night series can probably give a more complete answer, though.


2010-08-21, 01:49 PM

Ah, k, cool. I understand a bit better now. I may have to put some Green Lantern comics on my Big List of Media to Consume.

Sorry to derail the thread a bit!

To contribute: I nominate Kratos for RAAAAAGE.

2010-08-21, 02:27 PM
But does she do it FOR FRIENDSHIP?

Friendship is more of a side effect. Her usual intent is theft, but Marisa doesn't really fall under the scope for orange as she will return the things she stole when she is dead.

As for a possible yellow Lantern, Candlejack (Freakazoid).

Edit: And then for a different violet lantern, Flonne (Disgaea). Seriously, she is a love freak.

2010-08-21, 02:55 PM
But does she do it FOR FRIENDSHIP?

Well, the name of the attack IS "Love Sign: Master Spark", and she does call herself "The Witch of Love". The Defeat Means Friendship shchtick seems to be more Reimu's, though, since everyone Reimu beats becomes a common fixture and pester in her shrine...

Anyway, some random ideas...

Granny Weatherwax would certainly fit a Yellow. The woman has everything from here to the Hub terrified of her name. She'd refuse it, though, because she can't be having with those people in the Sinestro Corps.
I've been reading Kenshin lately - and Kenshin himself would easily fit an Indigo. Sanosuke is ragey, but not enough for a Red Ring, and Anji is both a berserker and way too compassionate, therefore he's between Red and Indigo - so he gets neither :smalltongue:.
Maxim, from Lufia: Rise of the Sinistrals, actually got an artifact running off willpower in his own story, and he did so by having more of said willpower than a god when they did a contested roll for it. I think he just might qualify for a Green :smallwink:.
Also, Link. He's all but the incarnation of courage, he never ever gives up, and always ends up coming on top due to sheer insistence, and he even comes with the green outfit by default! Ganon would probably get an Orange and not a Black himself - his greed and desire for power are the whole drive of the story, after all.

2010-08-21, 03:00 PM
Well, the name of the attack IS "Love Sign: Master Spark", and she does call herself "The Witch of Love". The Defeat Means Friendship shchtick seems to be more Reimu's, though, since everyone Reimu beats becomes a common fixture and pester in her shrine...

Anyway, some random ideas...

Granny Weatherwax would certainly fit a Yellow. The woman has everything from here to the Hub terrified of her name. She'd refuse it, though, because she can't be having with those people in the Sinestro Corps.
I've been reading Kenshin lately - and Kenshin himself would easily fit an Indigo. Sanosuke is ragey, but not enough for a Red Ring, and Anji is both a berserker and way too compassionate, therefore he's between Red and Indigo - so he gets neither :smalltongue:.
Maxim, from Lufia: Rise of the Sinistrals, actually got an artifact running off willpower in his own story, and he did so by having more of said willpower than a god when they did a contested roll for it. I think he just might qualify for a Green :smallwink:.
Also, Link. He's all but the incarnation of courage, he never ever gives up, and always ends up coming on top due to sheer insistence, and he even comes with the green outfit by default! Ganon would probably get an Orange and not a Black himself - his greed and desire for power are the whole drive of the story, after all.

At the same time, she's got such an enormous force of will that it seems a waste not to give her the Green.

2010-08-21, 03:06 PM
At the same time, she's got such an enormous force of will that it seems a waste not to give her the Green.

Point. It's hard to decide. On one hand, she works her whole day job by terrifying everything and everyone into doing what's best for them, and it's what she's known most for to most people on the Disc. On the other, she tends to solve the "big" trouble via the indicriminate application of the willpower equivalent of a massive maul.

Either way, she'd probably tell you to shove the ring where the sun don't shine because that's wizard magic, that is, so it's kind of immaterial anyway :smalltongue:.

2010-08-21, 03:09 PM
Point. It's hard to decide. On one hand, she works her whole day job by terrifying everything and everyone into doing what's best for them, and it's what she's known most for to most people on the Disc. On the other, she tends to solve the "big" trouble via the indicriminate application of the willpower equivalent of a massive maul.

Either way, she'd probably tell you to shove the ring where the sun don't shine because that's wizard magic, that is, so it's kind of immaterial anyway :smalltongue:.

Or she'd apply some kind of Witch-logic and use them all.

Er... best not to tell her about the rings then. :smalltongue:

2010-08-21, 03:09 PM
Then I have a few ideas on these characters might fit.

Aerith Gainsborough, Final Fantasy VII (Violet, Blue, Indigo or White).
Her lover/boyfriend/would be husband Zack Fair, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Green or Blue).
The Doctor, Doctor Who (Green or Indigo).
Doctor Byron Orpheus, The Venture Brothers (Indigo).
Baron Klaus Wolfenbach, Girl Genius (Green or Yellow).
Aang, Avatar: The Last Airbender (Blue or Indigo).
Adam Young, Good Omens (Indigo).
John Mcclane, Diehard series (Green).

2010-08-21, 03:22 PM
Ahem. The Hulk. Red ring.

On the other hand, this is so obvious that someone probably has done it already.

2010-08-21, 03:39 PM
Another obvious choice (http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l70adsCPbd1qce0y2o1_500.png)

2010-08-21, 03:52 PM
So the Battle Moon Wars just appeared in my playlist. Therefore, let's list some people from there...

- Arcueid would fit a Red ring, but it probably wouldn't be smart to give her one (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperPoweredEvilSide).
- Both Shirou and Saber merit a Green each - I may not like Shirou much, but credit where credit's due, the guy's stubborn. Saber needs no explanation.
- Hassan Il-Sabbah (also known as True Assassin - I'm sure I messed up the spelling). Yellow. Enough said.
- On the villain note, Zouken Matou might just be the most perfect fit for Orange EVER.
- Shiki Tohno gets a Green one. His fight with Nrvnqsr in Tsukihime alone qualifies him, really.
- Haruna gets a Blue one. It's subtle, but reading her dialogue, it becomes kind of obvious.
- Sakura's evolution is pretty interesting. But after a certain point, I think her growth probably would actually merit her a Blue.
- Do I mention Berserker and Red or would it be kind of too "duh"? :smalltongue:
- Wallachia is... odd. Black and Yellow would fit him both. I'd probably go with Black, though. This is after all the guy who decided to fulfill a village's desire for "peace" by annihilating both the village and the enemy - no people, no war. In fact, he tends to interpret all wishes as "kill everything".
- There's no ring for Pride, right? Well, even if there isn't, I'm pretty sure Gilgamesh would make one wholecloth, just because. He's that kind of guy :smalltongue:.
- Nasuverse Lancer doesn't get one (which is sad, because I love him). His original incarnation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn), though, would probably be redder than the Hulk :smallbiggrin:.
- Avenger is funny. His whole point is that he's a really weak guy, who was erroneously feared and killed as the origin of all evil. So he'd probably find himself with a Yellow and not even the faintest idea what to do with it :smalltongue:.

Most of the others don't seem to have any characteristic that glows enough - Hisui is pretty compassionate, but not moreso than any standard human, for example, and so on...

2010-08-21, 04:09 PM
What, no Grey Lantern Corp?

2010-08-21, 04:19 PM
I'd actually argue that Death of Discworld would be a good Indigo Lantern, as Reaper Man, a few choice scenes in Mort, Hogfather, and, to a degree, Thief of Time all demonstrate his remarkable humanism. Similarly, I doubt that he'd be interested in the perversion of death that the Black Lantern Corps represents.

From what I can tell, they were created by one of a number of pretenders in the universe. So, unless he was "just visiting," they wouldn't exist at all.

Smiling Knight
2010-08-21, 04:38 PM
So the Battle Moon Wars just appeared in my playlist. Therefore, let's list some people from there...

- Arcueid would fit a Red ring, but it probably wouldn't be smart to give her one (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperPoweredEvilSide).
- Both Shirou and Saber merit a Green each - I may not like Shirou much, but credit where credit's due, the guy's stubborn. Saber needs no explanation.
- Hassan Il-Sabbah (also known as True Assassin - I'm sure I messed up the spelling). Yellow. Enough said.
- On the villain note, Zouken Matou might just be the most perfect fit for Orange EVER.
- Shiki Tohno gets a Green one. His fight with Nrvnqsr in Tsukihime alone qualifies him, really.
- Haruna gets a Blue one. It's subtle, but reading her dialogue, it becomes kind of obvious.
- Sakura's evolution is pretty interesting. But after a certain point, I think her growth probably would actually merit her a Blue.
- Do I mention Berserker and Red or would it be kind of too "duh"? :smalltongue:
- Wallachia is... odd. Black and Yellow would fit him both. I'd probably go with Black, though. This is after all the guy who decided to fulfill a village's desire for "peace" by annihilating both the village and the enemy - no people, no war. In fact, he tends to interpret all wishes as "kill everything".
- There's no ring for Pride, right? Well, even if there isn't, I'm pretty sure Gilgamesh would make one wholecloth, just because. He's that kind of guy :smalltongue:.
- Nasuverse Lancer doesn't get one (which is sad, because I love him). His original incarnation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn), though, would probably be redder than the Hulk :smallbiggrin:.
- Avenger is funny. His whole point is that he's a really weak guy, who was erroneously feared and killed as the origin of all evil. So he'd probably find himself with a Yellow and not even the faintest idea what to do with it :smalltongue:.

Most of the others don't seem to have any characteristic that glows enough - Hisui is pretty compassionate, but not moreso than any standard human, for example, and so on...

I would say old Gil would be orange, among the offered rings, considering how pissed he gets when people (Archer, Shirou, Zero!Berserker) steal his stuff.

2010-08-21, 05:12 PM
As a thread over the games forum just reminded me: Horny the Demon for Red Lantern.

lord pringle
2010-08-21, 05:20 PM
Azula is a red lantern. you can not deny it!
Ozai is totally orange just like little ol' lexy
and Aang I think is white

blackest night spoiler
also Thaal sinesto of korugar LIVE was one of the most awesome things ever.

I disagree with how nekron was killed.

the return of paralax vs. the specter *squee!*

2010-08-21, 05:50 PM
I haven't read many myself, but Green Lantern, particularly those leading up the Blackest Night event, do just happen to be the ones I have.

Because the yellow one does operate on instilling fear in others, not being fearful yourself. The Sinestro Corps are a basically a combination terrorist/fascist group.

That's not really how they operate. Granted, they only got short roles in the portions I read, and there were only a couple of them at the time, but the big things they did in those stories were support Hal Jordan in combating the Red Lanterns, and reverse the aging of a star about to go supernova, saving a planet that would have been destroyed in the process and turning the star back to the blue giant state. They comment about how the blue light it now gives off will be a symbol of hope to those who witness its transformation in the skies throughout the galaxy.

Someone who has read the Blackest Night series can probably give a more complete answer, though.


The blue rings can only operate on any level above the user (apparently) in the presence of a Green Lantern. Atrocitus actually points this out when he shuts down all the Blues by turning Hal Jordan into a temporary Red Lantern.

As far as Death in the Discworld is concerned, I would actually nominate him for a White ring, if any. Ok, yes, he's death, but he treats it more as a job description rather than the "All things must end!" that the Black Lanterns are driven by. He's always been more into preserving life, whether its making sure the sun comes up or that Time keeps working. If anyone should be Black Lanterns, it should be the Auditors. They won't be happy until everything...stops.

Yoh Asukura (Shaman King) as a Green Lantern. Luffy from one piece as well.

2010-08-21, 06:12 PM
The blue rings can only operate on any level above the user (apparently) in the presence of a Green Lantern. Atrocitus actually points this out when he shuts down all the Blues by turning Hal Jordan into a temporary Red Lantern.And this is why I listed Kamina as a Blue Lantern. He can't really do that much on his own, but can inspire (Green Lantern) Simon to great lengths. And (2nd movie spoilers):
The Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann was created from a man's belief that the others could win, took the form of Kamina, and was blueish rather than green.

Oh, and

Kris Strife
2010-08-21, 07:16 PM
I'd give Phillip J. Fry either a Compassion (Once he figures out the right thing to do, which can take a while, he'll sacrifice anything for it) or the Love (He moved the stars in the heavens themselves to tell Leela just how much he loves her) ring, Bender would get an Orange ring and maybe a standard green ring for Leela.

2010-08-21, 07:48 PM
http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/i/2010/017/7/c/Daffy_Duck__Orange_Lantern_by_general_greivous_luv .jpg

"It's mine, ya understand? Mine, MINE, all MINE!, get back in there!, down down down!, go go go!, mine mine mine! YAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

"I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward."

How about the other Looney Tunes?

Yosemite Sam is easily a Red Lantern. He is rage incarnate.
Pepe LePew is, of course, Violet.
Granny is Indigo, she takes in all the little animals and cares for them.
Bugs is Green, he's imaginative and never gives up. Or even Speedy Gonzalez, for the same traits.

That leaves Yellow, Blue, and Black. Those are tougher.

Gossamer often inspires great fear. Maybe him for Yellow. Or Witch Hazel.
The only candidate for Black I can think of is Count Bloodcount.

Hope? Hrm....I can't think of anyone, offhand.

- Yulian

2010-08-21, 08:56 PM
http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/i/2010/017/7/c/Daffy_Duck__Orange_Lantern_by_general_greivous_luv .jpg

"It's mine, ya understand? Mine, MINE, all MINE!, get back in there!, down down down!, go go go!, mine mine mine! YAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

"I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward."
Oh, that is perfect. Love the image. :smallbiggrin:

Azula is a red lantern. you can not deny it!
Er, no, no I don't think so. She's an absolute perfect fit for yellow. She's a Magnificent Bitch who manipulates and controls other through fear. So much so that her mental breakdown was set off by her failure to do so completely with one of her lackeys.

Mai: "You miscalculated, Azula. I love Zuko more than I fear you."
Azula: "No, you miscalculated! You should have feared me more."

The blue rings can only operate on any level above the user (apparently) in the presence of a Green Lantern. Atrocitus actually points this out when he shuts down all the Blues by turning Hal Jordan into a temporary Red Lantern.
I knew that much - I was more referring to exactly what the Blue Lanterns' mission is, what they normally do with their powers, aside from de-aging stars and lending Hal Jordan a hand.

And since we're on the OotS forum and I'm shocked nobody else has done this:

:roy: - Green. The kind of willpower you need to put up with what he does...
:durkon: - Maybe white? Doesn't seem to fit any of those I'm more familiar with.
:elan: - Blue or indigo, pretty easily.
:haley: - Orange or none.
:belkar: - Could fit in any of the three "negative" emotions, but probably best for red.
:vaarsuvius: - None.
:xykon: - Yellow or orange, easy. Probably yellow.
:redcloak: - None, I'd say.
:miko: - Yellow, if any. I thought about orange, but self-centered as her worldview was, it wasn't quite in a manner that qualifies as "greedy" or "avaricious."
Nale - Orange. "No one denies me!"
:sabine: - None, since I don't think the Star Sapphires cover lust and illicit sex in their "love"-based powers.
:thog: - None. Besides, he wouldn't understand them even if one was offered to him anyway.


2010-08-21, 09:05 PM
I'm surprised no one mentioned this (maybe it's just obvious) but what about Light Yagami.

I would assume he would get Black: he did use the Deathnote and became Kira. Or yellow: he inspired fear through his alias as kira.

That being said I can't contribute to anything because most of my options would have been said. Although I could nominate Vash the Stampede for something, but I'm not entirely sure what, as I'm not familoar with the Green lantern stories.... for that matter I didn't know there was anything outside yellow and green for lantern corps till today.

2010-08-21, 09:06 PM
I'd like to point out that Black Lanterns aren't embodiments of death. They're dead people brought back to life by Black Lantern Rings.

2010-08-21, 09:10 PM
But..... wouldn't that be technically saying they are the embodiments of death? Almost undeadish, but without the whole eat brains, suck out blood, steal souls kind of way? Or maybe in this crazy universe we call...... DC White (life)does that. Aha, I get it.

Really I don't, I still don't understand XD

2010-08-21, 09:14 PM
But..... wouldn't that be technically saying they are the embodiments of death? Almost undeadish, but without the whole eat brains, suck out blood, steal souls kind of way? Or maybe in this crazy universe we call...... DC White (life)does that. Aha, I get it.

Really I don't, I still don't understand XD
Actually, more than "almost" undeadish. I haven't even read Blackest Night yet, but I know I heard around the 'net that the popular fan term for them was "Black Lantern Zombies."


2010-08-21, 09:17 PM
^ I'd make early V an orange lantern, but with the recent character development, Indigo.

Heres what some of the more confusing rings say whent hey take a new wearer.
Red - You have great rage in your heart
Orange - You want it all
Yellow - You have the ability to instill great fear
Green - bunch of different things about will and justice
Blue - You have the power to inspire great hope
Indigo - *
Violet - You have great love in your heart
Black - Rise**
White - Live***

* The Indigo i remember gave the atom a speech about giving up so much human interaction to benefit the humanity he was pushing away. basicly he gave up having a life to make everyone elses better.

** The black rings re-animate people and use the memories up to their death to taunt the living. Only someone you cared about in life would become a black lantern and attack you, for example, all the heroes with dead family had to fight off family members who became zombie lanterns.

*** The white ring also told deadman that in his previous life he loved cheeseburgers, and made him go eat one.

2010-08-21, 09:26 PM
^ I'd make early V an orange lantern, but with the recent character development, Indigo.
Eh, maybe soul splice V would qualify for orange, but in general I don't think so. Nor do I think she's anywhere near qualifying for indigo at this point - maybe in the future, given the direction she's taken, but not yet.


2010-08-21, 09:33 PM
I'd give Phillip J. Fry either a Compassion (Once he figures out the right thing to do, which can take a while, he'll sacrifice anything for it) or the Love (He moved the stars in the heavens themselves to tell Leela just how much he loves her) ring, Bender would get an Orange ring and maybe a standard green ring for Leela.

Orange Lantern for Bender? Yessss


2010-08-21, 09:47 PM
Eh, maybe soul splice V would qualify for orange, but in general I don't think so. Nor do I think she's anywhere near qualifying for indigo at this point - maybe in the future, given the direction she's taken, but not yet.


what I'm thinking of is when they did fan mail and V discovered the doily was a path to great powerful magic, but there were a few in story moments when V stated the need for powerful magics. That's why V became soul splce V, that was the orange ring.

After the fact V was smart enough to see that was a bad thing, and at a great cost (a divorce and lost custody of offspring) V gave up something V held close, and started down the Indigo path.

I agree however that V hasn't fully reached that point, I was just trying to point out that's where things seem to be going.

lord pringle
2010-08-22, 04:12 PM
Er, no, no I don't think so. She's an absolute perfect fit for yellow. She's a Magnificent Bitch who manipulates and controls other through fear. So much so that her mental breakdown was set off by her failure to do so completely with one of her lackeys.

Mai: "You miscalculated, Azula. I love Zuko more than I fear you."
Azula: "No, you miscalculated! You should have feared me more."

I dunno at the end she's red...
but yellow works a bit better I suppose

And since we're on the OotS forum and I'm shocked nobody else has done this:

:roy: - Green. The kind of willpower you need to put up with what he does...
:durkon: - Maybe white? Doesn't seem to fit any of those I'm more familiar with.
:elan: - Blue or indigo, pretty easily.
:haley: - Orange or none.
:belkar: - Could fit in any of the three "negative" emotions, but probably best for red.
:vaarsuvius: - None.
:xykon: - Yellow or orange, easy. Probably yellow.
:redcloak: - None, I'd say.
:miko: - Yellow, if any. I thought about orange, but self-centered as her worldview was, it wasn't quite in a manner that qualifies as "greedy" or "avaricious."
Nale - Orange. "No one denies me!"
:sabine: - None, since I don't think the Star Sapphires cover lust and illicit sex in their "love"-based powers.
:thog: - None. Besides, he wouldn't understand them even if one was offered to him anyway.


in my opinion:
:belkar:: red lantern
:xykon:: black lantern
:vaarsuvius:: red, orange indigo violet or something lantern
:thog:: red lantern
:sabine:: violet lantern
:roy:: green lantern
:durkon:: blue lantern
:elan:: indigo lantern
:haley:: Orange lantern
:miko:: yellow lantern
:mitd:: indigo lantern
:nale:: orange lantern for nale, super genius
:redcloak: green lantern

2010-08-22, 06:36 PM
:xykon:: black lantern
:vaarsuvius:: red, orange indigo violet or something lantern
:thog:: red lantern
:sabine:: violet lantern

See, these ones just don't add up. I mean, sure, thematically, Xykon as an undead would be best in keeping with the black lanterns, but I don't see him as type to be the putz that's being controlled by a ring.

V's been angry, sure, but rage doesn't appear to be his defining characteristic.

Thog... Thog is precisely a deconstruction of orkiness and barbarianhood in that he ISN'T consumed by rage despite having it as a class and racial feature. To give him a red ring is to ignore his child-like innocence.

Sabine... Depends upon how you interpret the encounter between Sabine and V at that bar, I guess.

2010-08-22, 07:38 PM
Thog... Thog is precisely a deconstruction of orkiness and barbarianhood in that he ISN'T consumed by rage despite having it as a class and racial feature. To give him a red ring is to ignore his child-like innocence.

Sure, until you run out of ice cream and sprinkles.

2010-08-22, 08:18 PM
Let's see... I'm thinking Dexstar needs some companions.

Garfield the cat: Orange Lantern (obviously)

Greebo from Discworld: Yellow Lantern (Only Granny Weatherwax is feared more than he is)

Meowth from Pokemon: Green Lantern (He hasn't gave up on capturing Pikachu so far.)

Rita from Animaniacs: Blue Lantern (She never does give up on trying to find a better life for herself and her companion.)

Eek the Cat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eek_The_Cat): Indigo Tribe (Motto is "it never hurts to help" even if it'll hurt... alot.)

Nermal (http://garfield.wikia.com/wiki/Nermal): Star Sapphire (Absurdly cute kitten that's loved by all. Plus, as a male kitten it'll be affirmative action, or something)

In other news, I don't think anyone should be a candidate for a White Lantern for now. We've no idea what qualifications you need to become one.

2010-08-22, 08:21 PM
See, these ones just don't add up. I mean, sure, thematically, Xykon as an undead would be best in keeping with the black lanterns, but I don't see him as type to be the putz that's being controlled by a ring.

You, uh, you don't really get a choice in the matter.

2010-08-22, 08:47 PM
You, uh, you don't really get a choice in the matter.

I think that's the problem really, the only prerequisite for being a Black Lantern is that you've died, other than that I don't think there's any way someone can be a good Black Lanten (I've yet to read Blackest Night, but this is what I've gathered from a tie in issue or two)

2010-08-22, 08:52 PM
Well, you get the powers you had in life in addition to the Black Lantern stuff, so anyone who's really powerful and yet really dead makes a good Black Lantern.

2010-08-22, 08:59 PM
I knew that much - I was more referring to exactly what the Blue Lanterns' mission is, what they normally do with their powers, aside from de-aging stars and lending Hal Jordan a hand.

Their mission? Its to, um, well, you see, they want to...

I have no idea. I don't think they've ever stated one, other than to assist the Green Lanterns through Darkest Night. Saint Walker is currently trying to track down Adara, the Blue Entity, but that's about it. I think part of the problem is that they were originally formed by two of the Guardians, who both quit the club right after Darkest Night. (Ganthet has since become the Green Lantern of Sector 0, and Sayd is upholding her end of the bargain and currently "belongs" to Larfleeze.)

Their rings are, individually much more powerful than anything else we've seen done by a ring so far. For comparison, Sodam Yat de-ages the main star for Daxam from red to yellow, which requires the full powers of Ion (the Green entity) as well as his constant presence at the heart of the star. Saint Walker, on the other hand, simply waves his hand at a red giant and converts it all the way back to blue pretty much that's because the people on the planet it below wanted it that way. On the other hand, they can't do squat other than flight and basic force fields when not around a Green power ring.

My best guess is that they're supposed to be some sort of cosmic conscience to the Green Lanterns, even if we won't see them often.

2010-08-23, 12:48 AM
You, uh, you don't really get a choice in the matter.

Whereas Xykon did choose. He seems too willful to be controlled anyway. Manipulated yes, but he manipulates back anyway.

2010-08-23, 01:35 AM
Whereas Xykon did choose. He seems too willful to be controlled anyway. Manipulated yes, but he manipulates back anyway.

What I'm trying to say is that if Nekron chooses Xykon, Xykon would be a patsy for him no matter what.

2010-08-23, 02:15 AM
What I'm trying to say is that if Nekron chooses Xykon, Xykon would be a patsy for him no matter what.

In that case, you can just put, "everyone," for black lantern then.

2010-08-23, 02:16 AM
In that case, you can just put, "everyone," for black lantern then.

Well, everyone who's dead.... or can die...

Or is a robot or similar.

2010-08-23, 02:36 AM
Everyone who's dead, and everyone who died and came back to life if memory serves. Oddly, I believe Roy has a better chance of going Black Lantern than Xykon... Does the process of creating a lich kill that person?

2010-08-23, 02:41 AM
Everyone who's dead, and everyone who died and came back to life if memory serves. Oddly, I believe Roy has a better chance of going Black Lantern than Xykon... Does the process of creating a lich kill that person?

IIRC Start of Darkness correctly, yes. I believe Redcloak did something interesting with Xykon's heart.

Though apparently having been a zombie is listed as one of the things that gave people immunity/resistance to being turned/controlled. So, unless there's some example of then-undead things being controlled it's uncertain?

2010-08-23, 06:02 AM
Well, everyone who's dead.... or can die...

So pretty much everyone then, yeah. Absolute immortality is really kind of a rare trait, after all :smalltongue:.

Kris Strife
2010-08-23, 06:03 AM
The black rings can't bring back those who are at peace, so I'm a little surprised Dove was the only one that stayed that way.

2010-08-23, 06:42 AM
The black rings can't bring back those who are at peace, so I'm a little surprised Dove was the only one that stayed that way.

Yeah I chalk that up to the writers not thinking that condition through.

I mean, Kal-L came back and seemed awfully peaceful when he died.

I mean honestly, does this:
look like the death of a man who's aching with unfinished business?

- Yulian

2010-08-23, 07:43 AM
you may be interested in this link:


it has a bunch of alt art of fictional characters as Lanterns of various colors.

I really like Darth Vader as a Yellow.

2010-08-23, 11:21 AM
Hope? Hrm....I can't think of anyone, offhand.

- Yulian

A. Flea, from "An Itch in Time (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Itch_in_Time)."

There's food around the corner, food around the corner! Food around the corner, for me!

2010-08-23, 01:56 PM
A. Flea, from "An Itch in Time (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Itch_in_Time)."

That guy isn't really giving hope for the future to others, rather he is more of a self-serving parasite. His motivation in "An Itch in Time" is more of satisfying his greed than inspiring hope for anyone. The "for me" part is closer to the ideals of orange than blue.

2010-08-23, 07:40 PM
So pretty much everyone then, yeah. Absolute immortality is really kind of a rare trait, after all :smalltongue:.

So, should we put "everyone except Jack Harkness" for Black Lantern?

2010-08-23, 07:47 PM
So, should we put "everyone except Jack Harkness" for Black Lantern?

Speaking of... Jack Harkness, Star Sapphire.

2010-08-23, 08:38 PM
Speaking of... Jack Harkness, Star Sapphire.

He would wear the outfit. We all know that he would.

- Yulian

2010-08-25, 01:09 PM
I knew that much - I was more referring to exactly what the Blue Lanterns' mission is, what they normally do with their powers, aside from de-aging stars and lending Hal Jordan a hand.

You're actually a lot closer to their mission than you thought. Ganthet (one of the two founders of the BLC) came very close to explicitly stating that the purpose of the Blue Lanterns is to help the Green Lanterns. While there are other aspects (the whole spreading hope thing), this is their practical purpose.

Southern Cross
2010-08-25, 03:39 PM
For the cast of Ranma 1/2:
Akane becomes a Red Lantern. Hell even her NAME means "red". However, she's one of the few members of the cast who might be able to break free of the ring's control. If she does this she'd become either a Green, Blue or Indigo Lantern ( if the twit acknowledges she's in love with Ranma,that is).
Nabiki becomes an Orange Lantern.
Soun becomes a Yellow Lantern.
Kasumi tends to fade into the background,so it's rather hard to determine the best ring for her. She might be a Blue Lantern, though.
Ranma: Probably a Green Lantern,though he could become a Blue or Indigo Lantern.
The Kunos are all Yellow Lanterns (though Tatekawai probably wants an Indigo or Green ring).
Genma would probably be an Orange Lantern.
Nodoka would be a Green Lantern. Anyone who goes to the lengths she does to carry out promises has willpower in spades.
Ukyo would probably want an Indigo ring. However, she's probably a better fit for either the Orange or Green rings. Her crossdressing suitors would be either Indigo (Konatstu) or Yellow (Tsubasa).
Shampoo would be a Yellow Lantern. Her suitor Mousse however would make a GREAT Indigo Lantern though.
I'd say Cologne or Happosai would get Yellow rings.
Ryoga would be a Red Lantern. Akari, on the other hand, would be an Indigo Lantern.

2010-08-25, 04:00 PM
Assuming we don't just make the whole cast Star Sapphires:

Nanoha Takamachi: Green
Fate Testarossa: Indigo or Violet (how does DC differentiate Love and Compassion, again?)
Yuuno Scrya: Doesn't get a ring. Isn't it sad?

Hayate: White
Signum and Vita: Green
Shamal and Zafira: Blue
All five of these people could be Violet, though, if we take Violet to mean filial devotion.

Subaru Nakajima: Green, of course. It's the color of the G-Stone.
Teana Lanster: Green or Blue
Erio Mondial: ex-Red, now probably Indigo.
Caro Lu Rushe: Blue or Violet

Precia Testarossa: Orange (greed for knowledge and things that should not be)
The Book of Darkness: Green power battery that got corrupted into Black or Yellow
Jail Scaglietti: Yellow

2010-08-25, 08:42 PM
Jack Sparrow: Orange
Brothers from Boondock Saints: Red? Yellow? Green? Blue? four hands four rings!
Malcom Reynolds: Green?
Eddie Riggs: Blue
Companion Cube: Violet
Baron Munchausen: Blue (White?)
Stephen King: Yellow
Rorschach: Yellow
Sheldon Cooper: Green
Doc Brown: Blue
Samurai Jack: Green? Blue?
Riddic: Yellow
River Tam: yes
(from the labyrinth) Jareth: Orange
(from Mirror Mask) Valentine: Orange

2010-08-25, 09:52 PM
Since Green Lanterns are pretty much Exalts anyway, how about some Yozis?

Malfeas: He'd pretty much take all the Red rings he could and make them standard issue for his subsouls and Infernals.

Cecelyne: Would try to find a loophole that allowed her to take all the varieties of rings, but if pressed, would go for Violet (of the "all-dominating extremist" variety) or Blue (because of her closeness to escape, and besides, it's her favorite color).

She Who Lives In Her Name: Yellow or Orange if she's being honest with herself, White if she isn't.

Adorjan: Indigo, despite the fact that many people would like her to stop helping, thanks.

Ebon Dragon: Since Orange is too obvious and the others represent concepts he's opposed to or views as too unsubtle, Green all the way.

Beyond my White Wolf fanboyism, I would say that Queen Aurala of Eberron qualifies for the Indigo Tribe, and Kaius, Orange and Black (if only the latter because he's undead).

Oh god.

I just had a flash of horror upon seeing any Code Geass character with a power ring.

Lelouch: "Lelouch vi Britannia, the Emperor, commands all of you: Hold still while I crush you with my Orange Corps powers and absorb your identities!"

2010-08-25, 09:54 PM
This says enough right here (http://g-e-e-r-s.deviantart.com/gallery/#Star-Wars-GL-crossover).

2010-08-26, 01:23 AM
http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/i/2010/017/7/c/Daffy_Duck__Orange_Lantern_by_general_greivous_luv .jpg

"It's mine, ya understand? Mine, MINE, all MINE!, get back in there!, down down down!, go go go!, mine mine mine! YAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

"I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward."
But Daffy Duck (or Duck Dodgers) was a temporary Green Lantern. Granted, it's due to a mix-up in the laundry with Hal Jordan, but he did manage to beat Sinestro and save the Green Lantern Corps (Of course, after betraying the Green Lantern Corps by accepting Sinestro's "We Can Rule Together" speech).

Hmm, I guess going by Mass Effect characters:

Shepard, Garrus and likely Samara would be a Green Lantern.
Wrex, Grunt and Jack would likely be Red Lanterns.
Tali and Liara might lean towards Indigo.
Saren, TIM and possibly Mordin would be Yellow Lanterns.

2010-08-26, 03:21 AM
But Daffy Duck (or Duck Dodgers) was a temporary Green Lantern. Granted, it's due to a mix-up in the laundry with Hal Jordan, but he did manage to beat Sinestro and save the Green Lantern Corps (Of course, after betraying the Green Lantern Corps by accepting Sinestro's "We Can Rule Together" speech).

And Hal has been Green, Red, Blue, and White.

One cannot deny that Daffy's defining characteristic is some sort of avarice.

- Yulian

Kris Strife
2010-08-26, 03:39 AM
And Hal has been Green, Red, Blue, and White.

One cannot deny that Daffy's defining characteristic is some sort of avarice.

- Yulian

Are we going with basic Daffy or one of his personas? Cause I'd say Duck Dodger main characteristic is pride... And maybe lust.

2010-08-26, 05:18 AM
Shepard, Garrus and likely Samara would be a Green Lantern.
Wrex, Grunt and Jack would likely be Red Lanterns.
Tali and Liara might lean towards Indigo.
Saren, TIM and possibly Mordin would be Yellow Lanterns.

Shephard could also be a Blue, what with getting more powerful based off of companions and inspiring greatness in them and others. Even when s/he's a jerkbutt.

Morinth's either a black or an orange... Hedonism and hungry for death but not really in the red's bloodlusty sort of way either.
Samara might also be capable of going both ways viz-a-viz Yellow and Green.

Jacob of course, is a bland protagonist turned sidekick, so he's, of course, a green. Though depending upon what limited characterisation he got in the 2nd one, he might also have shades of blue to him. Not sure since I'm not familiar with his primary characterization when he was der protagonist of his thing.

2010-08-26, 12:17 PM
So, since others are doing Mass Effect, how about some Dragon Age?

Alistair would probably be indigo, or maybe blue. Don't think he'd qualify for green even post-hardening.

Morrigan is a tricky one. She could probably qualify for green, but would be unlikely to work well with the Corps. Yellow might be a better fit in that regard. She might qualify for others as well, depending on what we discover about her true goals and motivations in her upcoming DLC.

Leliana could probably be argued for any of the more positive emotions, but I'd say most likely indigo.

Sten is yellow or green. More likely yellow.

Zevran... is an odd one. I suppose his best fit is orange, but if you bring out his better side, he might actually qualify for violet. Which is one weird combination of options.

Wynn is indigo, if any.

Oghren is red or none. I can't see anything else fitting him, and even red is pretty tentative and situational, since he's often light-hearted.

Shale... well, maybe yellow. Maybe. I don't think anything else fits her, and even that doesn't really once you get to know her well.


2010-08-26, 02:53 PM
Scott Pilgrim - Green
Ramona Flowers - Blue
Knives Chau - Violet
Wallace Wells - Blue
Stephen Stills - Orange
Kim Pine - Red
Gideon - Yellow

2010-08-26, 09:57 PM
Shephard could also be a Blue, what with getting more powerful based off of companions and inspiring greatness in them and others. Even when s/he's a jerkbutt.

Um, by that I meant The Illusive Man. Probably should have clarified that.

2010-08-26, 10:15 PM
in my opinion:
:belkar:: red lantern
:xykon:: black lantern
:vaarsuvius:: red, orange indigo violet or something lantern
:thog:: red lantern
:sabine:: violet lantern
:roy:: green lantern
:durkon:: blue lantern
:elan:: indigo lantern
:haley:: Orange lantern
:miko:: yellow lantern
:mitd:: indigo lantern
:nale:: orange lantern for nale, super genius
:redcloak: green lantern

Definitely swap Elan and Durkon. Durkon, as a healer, is more about having compassion for others (such as Miko, even) while Elan, as a bard, is more about inspiring hope. His bard song has basically exactly the same function as a Blue Ring: boost the powers of the other, more effective members of the team.

EDIT: Also, Miko would be an ideal Black Lantern at this point: Brought back from the dead with all of her impressive powers to provoke an emotional response from the Order. Therkla would qualify, too, though she would have made a good Violet Lantern in life.

DOUBLE EDIT: O-Chul is a White Lantern, because no color can say no to him.

2010-08-26, 10:34 PM
Definitely swap Elan and Durkon. Durkon, as a healer, is more about having compassion for others (such as Miko, even) while Elan, as a bard, is more about inspiring hope. His bard song has basically exactly the same function as a Blue Ring: boost the powers of the other, more effective members of the team.
It's not their classes that determine which rings they're compatible with though, but their personalities. Elan might qualify for blue, but I'd say indigo is more appropriate, given how easily he sympathizes with others - hell, he tends to assume the best about everyone until seeing the most blatant evidence of ill intent possible.

And Durkon doesn't really qualify for either - he's a healer, sure, but he doesn't display any special amount of compassion for others. The Miko thing was about him realizing she was a Paladin and, as a Lawful Good cleric, respecting the status that meant she has as a Lawful Good holy warrior.


2010-08-26, 10:58 PM
He is trying to get them to level with Malack at the moment. Whatever you want to say about whether or not he's right in this, it would support the idea of him as an Indigo Lantern.

And memetic badass aside, I think comic 542 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0542.html) cements O'Chul as a potential Green Lantern. Great willpower? Overcoming fear? Pretty much automatic in this case

2010-08-26, 11:01 PM
He is trying to get them to level with Malack at the moment. Whatever you want to say about whether or not he's right in this, it would support the idea of him as an Indigo Lantern.
No, not really. That's his lawfulness asserting itself in the former of a dislike of lies and deception and favoring honesty. Not compassion.


2010-08-26, 11:35 PM
Fall-from-Grace gets indigo, Dakkon wears green, Ignus is orange simply because he wants it all... to burn. He'd be appropriate to yellow for that reason as well. Vhailor gets red. Annah and Deinnora (badly misspelled) get violet. Ravel is an odd case. On the surface, she is yellow, but many of her more recent actions tend to blue, possibly violet. Morte might also shade blue, just for always being there, despite everything. Nordom is green.

The nameless one is tricky. His condition runs to both white (calling his companions and self back to life) and black (the cost of that power). His nemesis, who I won't name, is even harder to define, though his goal runs an orange course.

2010-08-26, 11:53 PM

The Ultimate Blue Lantern! (http://morganagod.deviantart.com/art/The-Ultimate-Blue-Lantern-117045460?q=gallery%3Amorganagod%2F6063698&qo=9)

2010-08-27, 01:26 AM
Ah, k, cool. I understand a bit better now. I may have to put some Green Lantern comics on my Big List of Media to Consume.

Sorry to derail the thread a bit!

To contribute: I nominate Kratos for RAAAAAGE.

Seconded very very much.

Also, Hulk goes under Rage as well.

2010-08-27, 02:23 PM
I'm not at all familiar with the series, but let's give it a try with some Warcraft characters:

Thrall: Blue, of course. He renewed the hope of the orcs and reawakened the Horde.

Arthas: Black might fit, but it's apparently a confusing color, so I'll go with Yellow here, every Dark Lord's favorite color!

Jaina: Indigo? Violet?

Grom and Garrosh Hellscream: Red all the way.

Varian: Red or Green, depending on the writer.

Alexstrasza: White? Indigo? Violet? Like I said, I'm no expert.

2010-08-27, 02:28 PM
Arthas is definitely Black. It's just that he'd kick Black Hand out and take his place.

Jaina would be Indigo.

Varian's Green, though there's hints of Red. He ultimately isn't ruled by his anger, unlike Grom and Garrosh.

Alexstrasza would be White.

2010-08-27, 08:16 PM
Are we going with basic Daffy or one of his personas? Cause I'd say Duck Dodger main characteristic is pride... And maybe lust.

Well, I'd have to say basic Daffy. The tag-line for the Orange Light is, after all "You want it all.".

Oh, and just because I want to make some of you cry.


I'd suggest turning off the sound and just reading the panels. The reading isn't very good.

And on another note, Donald Duck as a Red Lantern:

Hmmm...Disney characters? Not the movie ones, but their core stable. Suggestions?

- Yulian

2010-08-27, 09:36 PM
It's not their classes that determine which rings they're compatible with though, but their personalities.

Yes, and their personalities determined what classes they picked. So it is as valid a basis as any if those class abilities might imply certain things about the characters.

Elan might qualify for blue, but I'd say indigo is more appropriate, given how easily he sympathizes with others - hell, he tends to assume the best about everyone until seeing the most blatant evidence of ill intent possible.

Compassion, in the Indigo Lantern way of looking at it, is truly understanding another. Elan doesn't do that. Elan just assumes the best because he doesn't really process information properly. It's not compassion for others as much as it is lack of understanding. If anything, he has LESS understanding of other people because he tends to see them as broad story clichés until proven otherwise. In other words, he doesn't "sympathize" with Tarquin, he is just oblivious, i.e. he hopes that he's Good rather than having compassion for the things that may have driven him to Evil.

Consider the Blue Lantern motto: "All will be well." That sounds like something Elan would say. It's a generalization of optimism, and Elan is made out of optimism.

2010-08-27, 10:18 PM
Yes, and their personalities determined what classes they picked. So it is as valid a basis as any if those class abilities might imply certain things about the characters.
Not really. Characters of the same class can have an incredibly wide range of personalities, especially for classes which can have members of any alignment, such as Clerics. And since even within each alignment personalities can vary pretty wildly... yeah, seems like a very bad basis to use. If anything, we can look at their personality to help learn why they picked their class, not the other way around.

Compassion, in the Indigo Lantern way of looking at it, is truly understanding another. Elan doesn't do that. Elan just assumes the best because he doesn't really process information properly. It's not compassion for others as much as it is lack of understanding. If anything, he has LESS understanding of other people because he tends to see them as broad story clichés until proven otherwise. In other words, he doesn't "sympathize" with Tarquin, he is just oblivious, i.e. he hopes that he's Good rather than having compassion for the things that may have driven him to Evil.

Consider the Blue Lantern motto: "All will be well." That sounds like something Elan would say. It's a generalization of optimism, and Elan is made out of optimism.
All right, as I've said before, I haven't actually read Blackest Night, just the books leading up to it, and the Indigo Tribe were not covered by those, so I was not aware of exactly how they look at their "compassion" theme. That does seem a decent argument for Elan being a better fit for blue than indigo.


2010-08-27, 11:29 PM
Gotta love deviant art...here's one.


Piece is entitled "And I won't feel....a thing".

2010-08-28, 10:44 AM
I'm not at all familiar with the series, but let's give it a try with some Warcraft characters:

Thrall: Blue, of course. He renewed the hope of the orcs and reawakened the Horde.

Arthas: Black might fit, but it's apparently a confusing color, so I'll go with Yellow here, every Dark Lord's favorite color!

Jaina: Indigo? Violet?

Grom and Garrosh Hellscream: Red all the way.

Varian: Red or Green, depending on the writer.

Alexstrasza: White? Indigo? Violet? Like I said, I'm no expert.

Jaina would be Indigo, for compassion. The comic books have always conceded that this is a rare trait, and it suits her better than love. Personally, I don't think she loves Thrall at all -- she just feels compassion for the mess he's gotten himself into and is trying to help.

Alexstrasza? I think Violet is a better fit than white. I haven't seen enough evidence that the white lantern is as life-oriented as we've been told myself, your mileage may vary.

/humor on
But then, she'd liable think the Violet outfit covered too much flesh...

2010-08-28, 12:25 PM
Gotta love deviant art...here's one.


Piece is entitled "And I won't feel....a thing".

In that case, Captain Hammer is an Orange Lantern and Penny is an Indigo.

2010-08-29, 07:20 PM

The Tool: Orange, most definitely
Wanda: Black, Instrument of fate plus decrypted hordes
Ansom: Green/Black, once noble now slave
Jillian: Orange, possibly Violet
Sizemore: Indigo
Maggie: Blue
Jack: Is there a color for insanity?
Charlie: Orange, leaned towards Yellow, but it wasn't as important as schmuckers
Ossomer: Like brother like brother
Trammenis: I want to say Blue forced into Green
Parson: ... ... ... red at the end of book 1?

2010-08-29, 09:13 PM
I dunno... the Tool seems to have done everything because Wanda pushed him, and because it's what's expected of him. He certainly doesn't seem happy because his side is getting stronger. I'd say the dude's just a stubborn oaf, which should fit green... kind of.

Jack is either mildly amused at things, or tormented by his crush. I'd say he's a very weak sapphire cause of the whole hole in the heart thing. Probably needs some time in the brainwashing crystal though.

Parson, is maybe hope considering how he perks up those who actually have a modicum of brains. Not really a rage driven fellow I think...

2010-08-31, 11:21 AM
His severe depression with the whole world made me steer away from blue. On the whole I consider him rather colorless, but a single moment of rage can bring you a red ring yes?

2010-08-31, 12:18 PM
His severe depression with the whole world made me steer away from blue. On the whole I consider him rather colorless, but a single moment of rage can bring you a red ring yes?

I believe so. It seems like Red and Black are the easiest Corps to qualify for. For the Red, you just have to have a moment of extreme rage while a ring is looking for a new member. Once you accept it basically kills you and takes you over. And as for the Black...well, just die and you should be good (The chances of you truly being at peace is damn low...as Yulian mentioned, look at Kal-L.)

Also I would like to nominate Mega Man X for the Indigo Tribe.

2010-08-31, 06:36 PM
^ thats a great orange lantern avatar.

A single moment of rage can, but not a childs temper tantrum, we're talking full out ready to kill blind rage.

But if a blue ring found him it could clean out the red. Blue rings that are near a green will drain yellow and red, to the point of destruction, and will calm an orange while the orange power source is in the ring bearers hands. Immagine what the blue ring would do to the orange if he put his battery down (not likely but it did get taken away...)

2010-08-31, 06:42 PM
Brook and Blackbeard from One Piece fit the Black Spectrum.

2010-08-31, 07:04 PM
Brook and Blackbeard from One Piece fit the Black Spectrum.

How does Blackbeard fit black?

2010-08-31, 07:33 PM
How does Blackbeard fit black?

His first devil fruit power?

2010-08-31, 07:46 PM
His first devil fruit power?

Yeah, but you kinda have to be undead to be a Black Lantern, right?

2010-08-31, 07:47 PM
Yeah, but you kinda have to be undead to be a Black Lantern, right?

Fine, Moria then.

2010-09-05, 03:05 PM
From The Authority:

The Midnighter: Fear
Apollo: Hope
Jack Hawksmoor: Will

The Engineer: Avarice
Shen: Life

Spider Jerusalem: This may sound bizarre, but Compassion

Alucard: This one is obvious; Death

Anderson: Rage(Wrath)

John Constantine: Willpower

2010-09-05, 10:02 PM
From Homestar Runner, one is obvious.


Is obviously


- Yulian

2010-09-05, 11:08 PM
Yeah, but you kinda have to be undead to be a Black Lantern, right?

You have to be dead to become a Black Lantern. Undead can become Black Lanterns too, I believe. Solomon Grundy became one.

2010-09-08, 10:33 AM
Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas as Violet

2010-09-08, 11:41 AM
Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas as Violet

So does that make Jack Yellow or Blue? He was sort of composed of fear and hope in equal measures.

- Yulian

2010-09-08, 03:31 PM
So does that make Jack Yellow or Blue? He was sort of composed of fear and hope in equal measures.

- Yulian

if only there was some sort of obsessiveness ring...
that can be a fun game too: invent a new lantern

the purple-with-green-spots lantern- weirdness and Cloud Cuckoo Landery

2010-09-08, 03:52 PM
that can be a fun game too: invent a new lantern

Grey lantern: the power of indifference and indecision.

2010-09-08, 03:52 PM
So does that make Jack Yellow or Blue? He was sort of composed of fear and hope in equal measures.

- Yulian

He was almost kinda bi-polar that way. I dunno, maybe he'd have both and randomly switch between them?

2010-09-08, 04:06 PM
Jack was a yellow, who saw blue and truely wanted what he thought it was, and upon figuring it out tried to make up for what he did and re-embraced his yellow-ness.

but he's a good guy yellow, not sinestro.