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View Full Version : Woundpatch... really?

2010-08-21, 12:34 PM
An alchemical item in the DDI character generator says that you can place it on someone and the next time they use a healing surge they gains 5 extra hp... Not temp hp but an extra 5 hp.. Is there a limit on how many of these you can put on someone? And I'm guessing this will work when a power lets you spend a healing surge... I'm also guessing that you can't decide when it goes off it just goes off the next time one is used... Although it does say till the end of the encounter but still this seems like it is spammable... For only 30 gp... hmm

2010-08-21, 12:38 PM
You misunderstand how this thing works. It simply lets you heal 5 HP more.

2010-08-21, 12:45 PM
yes, and with 2-3 on a lower level player that player could spend a healing surge when they are at 1 hp and be at full hp after wards... Specially players with lower con scores or low hp progressions.

Mr Wizard has 30 hp? with three of these (90gp) plus a healing surge he can go from 8 hp to full health.... 7 (hs.. it is 1/4 your hp right?) + 15 = 22 hp...

Granted you won't always need them but when a boss fight comes around you could slap these suckers on... Use three, slap three more on... As long as you are in a normal wealth game using these for boss fights would be a piece of cake... If all three will go off at one time of course

2010-08-21, 12:58 PM
I'm pretty sure they don't stack. What book are they from? I remember seeing them, I just don't remember where.

2010-08-21, 01:00 PM
DDI says they are eberron player guide... And it just says they gain 5 extra hp

Kurald Galain
2010-08-21, 01:17 PM
It doesn't stack with itself (because by default, nothing does, as of errata earlier this year).

The real cost isn't the gold, but the action it requires to apply one. This means that you generally won't be using it during combat, and that you use it to fully heal after combat is really not that big a deal.

2010-08-21, 01:33 PM
If the woundpatch wasn't consumable I would agree that it wouldn't stack but its like drinking a potion one after the other those effects stack cause although from the same type of item they are not from the same item... hmm a better way of showing this would be..

If you had some blast patches and placed two in one square (depends on your definition of unoccupied since they are 5 ft by 5 ft). And a monster stepped on the square.. wouldn't the blast of each stack? yes i think it would.

2010-08-21, 01:44 PM
Don't know the item in question but as I understand your argument these patches would be usable all in one round if they stacked, rather than potions that take an actio each to consume. So they are much more effective than potions if they stack.

I think.

2010-08-21, 01:46 PM
If the woundpatch wasn't consumable I would agree that it wouldn't stack but its like drinking a potion one after the other those effects stack cause although from the same type of item they are not from the same item... hmm a better way of showing this would be..

If you had some blast patches and placed two in one square (depends on your definition of unoccupied since they are 5 ft by 5 ft). And a monster stepped on the square.. wouldn't the blast of each stack? yes i think it would.

You are right, it is a consumable just like a potion, so they can be used one after the other. So if you apply a Woundpatch and spend a Healing Surge, you heal an extra 5 points. On your next round, you can do it again and heal another extra 5 points (assuming you can somehow manage to get the ability to spend 2 healing surges...).

So no, they don't stack in that you can not attach ten of them, spend one healing surge and get an extra 50 points. They do stack in that you can use them in subsequent rounds and get extra healing each round - just like a potion.

Kurald Galain
2010-08-21, 01:49 PM
If you had some blast patches and placed two in one square (depends on your definition of unoccupied since they are 5 ft by 5 ft). And a monster stepped on the square.. wouldn't the blast of each stack? yes i think it would.
By the errata, damage stacks, and bonuses don't (at least, not if they're both untyped and come from the same source). Note that the PHB as printed says differently.

That said, it really won't break anything if they do stack (primarily because adding +50 would require 10 minor actions and a way of drawing items for free), so if you manage to convince your DM to let them, go for it.

2010-08-21, 01:55 PM
Full Text

(Consumable, Healing)
Minor Action. Place the woundpatch on yourself or another living creature. Until the end of the Encounter, the next time the creature spends a Healing Surge, it regains 5 extra hit points.

Compare with Potion of Healing

(Consumable, Healing)
Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a Healing Surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.

The woundpatch produces a persistent effect; the potion of healing provides an instantaneous effect.

After resolving one potion of healing you can consume another and regain another 10 HP - it's like shooting magic missiles at people; each is resolved in turn.

After you place a woundpatch, that creature remains under the influence of that woundpatch. Placing another one on the same creature creates overlapping effects that don't stack - it's like having multiple Warlords in a single party.

Fax Celestis
2010-08-21, 01:56 PM
If the woundpatch wasn't consumable I would agree that it wouldn't stack but its like drinking a potion one after the other

No, it's not. You drink potions one at a time.

2010-08-21, 02:01 PM
I may sound dense for asking this, but what's a healing surge? I'm not seeing it in any of the books i have.

2010-08-21, 02:04 PM
I may sound dense for asking this, but what's a healing surge? I'm not seeing it in any of the books i have.

Are they 4e books?

If not then that's why.

2010-08-21, 02:12 PM
Are they 4e books?

If not then that's why.

Yeah, thats why. I do 3.5, i'm in the "4e doesn't exist nah nah nah I CAN'T HEAR YOU" camp, but lets not derail this thread by getting into that. :smallamused:

2010-08-21, 02:19 PM
So yeah Tyger pointed out why this item is not "the win".

It is this easy, you heal 5 more HP when you SPEND A HEALING SURGE. The surge is the limiting factor. So these are a nice item and might let a group squeeze in another encounter before a extended rest, or might keep someone on their feet in a fight under the right conditions.