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View Full Version : Transfering a campaign from 3.5 to nWoD

2010-08-23, 01:11 AM
You read right.

After le conclusion of the last campaign in my homebrewed world, the player said they like the universe but the power-levelof 3.5 made it a little hard to care about the NPCs. As the paladin put it: " why should I invest 16 000gp of my treasure to start an order of knights when could put that cash on a right of protection that will have a much greater effect in defeating the Balor?"

So I went looking for a new system and snce the next chapter will be set at a technological level around 1870, I wanted to use the storyteller system.

Now, why not simply Exalted with guns? The rule of cool and over-the-topinness of Exalted would not get rid of the problem. Why not E6? Class system is not a favorite here.

so nWoD it is but what should I be warry of? The players cannot be monsters (or aim for it but I night throw a bone or two) but I wanted to look for advice and warnings about the power levels of various templates and books. There will be 5 of us and I already own Vampire and the WoD rulebook so we can all chip in for a book each.

Main Questions (but feel free to throw ideas and warnings):
1- How much do Mages break the game and how do I limit that?
2- What can I give to a normal human to make him badass normal?
3- I'll use a merit to justify them not dying from a bad roll outside of a dramatic combat. Is there a better way?
4- Are divine casters better emulated by Mages or Hunters or something else?

Thanks in advance!

2010-08-23, 08:10 AM
1- How much do Mages break the game and how do I limit that?

A lot! Mages can learn any powers, and even one they do not know yet, they can still cast (with a lower dice pool). And the powers are open-ended enough that they can be used creative ways.

2- What can I give to a normal human to make him badass normal?

Make them Hunters.

In all honesty, putting normal mortals up against supernaturals is a good way to get them killed quickly. Defending against powers is almost always at a disadvantage because defenders use two stats (power stat and usually something like resolve or composure), whereas attackers use 3. If your PCs don't have a power stat, they will be at an even worse disadvantage.

4- Are divine casters better emulated by Mages or Hunters or something else?

Mages or maybe Sanctified Vampires.