View Full Version : Arena Tournament Exhibition: NPC #354 & Nici vs. Sarah & rar

2010-08-25, 01:18 AM
Arena Tournament Exhibition: NPC #354 & Nici vs. Sarah & rar


NPC #354 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=214453) -TheFallenOne
Nici (http://pifro.com/pro/view.php?id=5414) - Sallera
Sarah (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=230219) - candycorn
rar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=218801) - Sanity702

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare any final purchases

Prior to the match start you may privately plan by spoiler or PM with your partner, but after the start any communications will need to be done in character inside the arena as rules allow.

2010-08-25, 01:23 AM
Init: [roll0]

No purchases.

Sturmherz:I'll stay behind you and keep up the song; once we get sight and engage, I'll join you. Since you've a much higher move speed, we could both go up the south stairs.

2010-08-25, 01:24 AM
Init: [roll0]

Buys TBD. Might just keep what I had in the other thread.

2010-08-25, 01:29 AM
Initiative [roll0]

I'll wait if he gets the Fly potion again, if yes I'll do so too, only mine will cost 500 GP because it's made by a Duskblade :smallbiggrin:

You're lightweight and I have strength 22, if the match stays on the ground I could just carry you and drop you off at the right place to give you a clear line for a charge. Though I see you didn't go with the pounce feat after all
maybe I should get a second resist fire lest he nukes you too easily, tough a failed save would still floor you even with 10 resistance

Resist Fire potion 50 GP
Masterwork Concentration Tool 50 GP

2010-08-25, 01:39 AM
Sturmherz:Ah, yeh, I was still considering whether to swap in that one. Kinda liked having four attacks. But if you dropped me 10ft from one of them (rar especially, with his AC), that'd be pretty amusing. If they both go resist fire, though, I'll just have to use the normal song. (And a good Ref save, at least, is one of Nici's strong points.)

2010-08-25, 01:43 AM
yeah, I'll try dropping you off at the right point. I'll try to go for Fiorella, a hit drops her and Shadow Blade Technique gives me good chances. THough if he goes for Fly we'll have to change plans, I'll fly as well then and catch him. Carrying you would be no good idea then
And I think I'd go for the pounce, getting a full attack is kinda hard

2010-08-25, 01:58 AM
Showing up fashionably late is RAR

[roll0] <----- YEA GO ME! FEAR MY NATURAL 2'S!!!!

Fiorella -

Well I know for a fact that Sturmherz is one mean.... mean man. ((well I guess the same could be said for Thefallenone in general

and ummm I'm not sure what to make of Nici, got any battle plans thus far?

2010-08-25, 02:49 AM
I get another Resist Fire potion 50 GP

2010-08-25, 09:23 AM

Well, I know what the Dragonfire thing Sallera has does, someone's using it in another of my games. Means their weapons will all do 1d6 fire damage in addition to other damage. So Resist Fire potions are the order of the day. Don't know the rest, but since he lists Claw and Bite I assume shapeshifting is involved. Let me know if I need to buy anything for you, I'll save a few gold for later reactionary purchases.


Fly potion (750), Blindness scroll (150), Expeditious Retreat scroll (25), Shield scroll (25), Tanglefoot Bag (50), Resist Fire potion (50). Remaining gold: 55

Probably more, want to see if my partner needs anything.

2010-08-25, 10:05 AM
Fiorella -

I got the money for a potion of resist fire and that is about it, I also can't really think of anything else I might need so I will think on that.

buying 1 potion of Resist fire (-50 gp)

2010-08-25, 01:13 PM
well, I've been holding onto this, time to use it
Potion of Fly CL5 - 500 GP(made by a Duskblade)
ML3 Vigor Tattoo - 150 GP

should the starting locations(north/south) be public and randomized?

well, the carrying plan, nice as it was, is off then now this is an airborn battle. I'll get buffed with Child of Shadows, Travel Devotion, Fly and Resist, drop the potion in your vicinity and then go after Fiorella full speed. I wonder, would Improved Speed apply to a fly speed gained by a spell?

be careful with rar, he's quite the speed demon. Better don't forget hiding this time :smallwink:

2010-08-25, 01:38 PM
Let's just go North/South/North/South.

Sturmherz:Aye, hiding and a readied action should get me out of his first attack, and I can follow up with a full attack against his rather pitiful AC - provided Fiorella doesn't blind me first, which with a -4 fort save is rather likely. Long as you keep her distracted. :smalltongue:

2010-08-25, 01:49 PM
I think Fio will have other things to worry about :smallbiggrin: granted, he has 2 turns while I buff, but I'm pretty sure he will buff his AC as well to prevent an easy death. But even with Shield, Shield of Faith and Mage Armor my Shadow Blade has a good chance

so, where should I drop your potion? Any opinion of Fly+Improved Speed interaction?

Starting location
B7, holding 3 potions(resist, resist, fly) in one hand

2010-08-25, 01:57 PM
Starting:B20, holding shortbow.

Sturmherz:Anywhere nearby is fine. Not sure on Fly/Improved Speed, since I'm at work.

2010-08-25, 02:00 PM
@Sallera:Relevant Text:
You are faster than others of your kind.
Prerequisites: Str 13, dragon type.
Benefit: Your fly speed (if you have one) improves by 20
feet. All other speeds you have improve by 10 feet.

Level: Sor/Wiz 3, Travel 3
Components: V, S, F/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The subject can fly at a speed of 60 feet (or 40 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load). It can ascend at half speed and descend at double speed, and its maneuverability is good. Using a fly spell requires only as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells normally. The subject of a fly spell can charge but not run, and it cannot carry aloft more weight than its maximum load, plus any armor it wears.

Should the spell duration expire while the subject is still aloft, the magic fails slowly. The subject floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of fall. Since dispelling a spell effectively ends it, the subject also descends in this way if the fly spell is dispelled, but not if it is negated by an antimagic field.
Arcane Focus

A wing feather from any bird.

2010-08-25, 02:21 PM
Wait a second, what map is this?

2010-08-25, 02:25 PM
A newly submitted one. Sallera and I talked about doing a testrun on it, that's what I thought you agreed to, seems you haven't read the whole discussion

2010-08-25, 02:38 PM
Yeah, no. I knew the map was being switched, but hadn't seen what it was being switched to. I'm already voting no on this map, the time limit's too slow to matter and at this point Arena does not need more lava maps.

2010-08-25, 02:42 PM
dunno, I think it's a nice adaption of the Sinking Island concept without the LoS nightmare. Though maybe a gradual expansion of the lava from turn 3 or so onward would be better than the sudden change in turn 7

2010-08-25, 02:51 PM
It's virtually unrecognizable as a Sinking Island-derived map. The combination of the slow time limit and how much easier it is to get to the safe areas strips away any sense of urgency SI possessed. And the more certain lethality of lava compared to the luck element in Sinking's sharks...nah.

2010-08-25, 03:00 PM
well, still up for the playtest or do you want to be beaten up by fight against Sturmherz on Glass?

2010-08-25, 03:02 PM
I've no intention of slighting the other two who volunteered for this. Switch it back to Glass and let's have us a 2 on 2 melee. Or the solo struggle, whichever works.

2010-08-25, 03:06 PM
well, if you don't want to play on the new map let us just continue in our 1on1 thread and look for a replacement player for the 2on2, this was supposed to be a map testrun after all

2010-08-25, 03:08 PM
Solo, then. I think my buys on the old thread were finalized if yours were.

2010-08-25, 03:17 PM
Entry Substitution:Sarah (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=230219) - Candycorn.

2010-08-25, 03:19 PM
Sturmherz flies away for a Solo fight and leaves Aberrant Commoner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=214453) behind in his place

Can't edit OP, Sallera didn't make it with Arena manager

well, new plan then :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-25, 03:29 PM
@rar:Sorry, your team mate wasn't feeling the new map, so me and fallen replaced the level 2's with commoners. Our mobility should end up being an asset. I'm going to go for reach and such, and I'll try to follow your lead.


Resist Energy (Fire) CL 1 - 50gp
Enlarge Person CL 2 - 100gp

Question: How does Aberrant commoner have 20 foot reach with a Longspear? Inhuman reach increases it by +5 feet, and a longspear's natural reach is 10 feet. Wouldn't that make it 15 foot reach?

2010-08-25, 03:44 PM
Inhuman Reach increases natural reach by 5, reach weapons double natural reach

2010-08-25, 03:45 PM
NPC #354:In that case, I'd say Improved Speed does apply, since it doesn't specify your natural flight speed.

Now then, we don't need the potions this match, but they still do - let's take the high ground early from the south stairs. I'll head a little north since I've got range and tumble on Sarah; if you take the south end, you've got reach on rar. I'll use ordinary music for +1 hit/damage, since they'll be expecting dragonfire and we don't really need +2 hit much against these two.

2010-08-25, 03:51 PM
Alright, I'll take on rar then. Problem is I won't drop him with one hit, so I need staying power(ML3 Vigor) or more damage(enlarge) or grapple him(again enlarge)

Sure you want the flying commoner? Her main trick is flying above the enemy with her reach to avoid counterattacks, my superior reach counters that handily and I can drop her with a single hit if I take -4 for nonlethal damage, her AC is quite pityful

2010-08-25, 03:53 PM
Inhuman Reach increases natural reach by 5, reach weapons double natural reach

Fair enough.

I'm also going to add a Psionic Tattoo of Grip of Iron (ML3) -150gp.

2010-08-25, 03:54 PM
NPC #354:Ah, that's a good point, I forgot she flies. Go ahead and take Sarah then, I'll go with my original readied-action strategy against rar.

2010-08-25, 04:02 PM
commoners steel need initiative [roll0]

Buy ML3 Psionic Vigor Tattoo 150 GP

both of them are very fast with Travel Devotion, so we better stay close lest they single one of us out. I'll use the vigor right away and keep the enlarge in my mouth until we know they commit to the fight. If Candy enlarges herself I'll need the potion to keep the range advantage

Starting Location
B7, spear in hands, potion enlarge in mouth

2010-08-25, 04:03 PM
28 on a d30, nice roll... Pity it isn't valid

2010-08-25, 04:11 PM
Init: [roll0]

2010-08-25, 04:14 PM
Initiative Order

Terror Farmer 7
Nici 6(higher modifier)
Sarah 6
rar 4


2010-08-25, 04:52 PM
Well, as rar and Nici are both broke, I think we can begin.

2010-08-25, 05:00 PM
Terror Farmer Turn 1

Tap Psionic Tattoo Vigor
Move to E14


2010-08-25, 05:10 PM
Fallen, I was taking a gander over your sheet, and noticed that your purchase log and your equipment list don't 100% match up. Were those potions used, or are they still in the inventory?

2010-08-25, 05:23 PM
I usually transfer expendables only to the proper equipment list if they don't get used in the match I bought them for. My match opponent knows about them anyway, though in exhibitions this approach does fall short. The enlarge person and faith healing are still there
edit: hm wait, I bought those for the Xie match. Seems I indeed forgot to update that

2010-08-25, 05:49 PM
Nici, Round 1

Refs/LoS:Standard: Start singing, inspire courage.
Move: To G20.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: 0.

Stats:HP 6/6, AC19 (16, 14)
Active Effects: Inspire Courage

2010-08-25, 06:32 PM
Sarah, Turn 1

Refs/LOS:Start in Y7, Spear in 1 hand, potion of enlarge person in 1 hand.

Move to: V14.
Standard: Drink Potion, Expand to U14-V15.
Swift: Activate Animal Devotion(Flight)
Free: Drop Potion.
Free: Switch to 2handed grip.
Speak: Let's use our speed. Focus on one, drop him, move to the second.


Stats:Location: U14-V15
AC: 8 (Touch 8, Flat footed 8)
HP: 8/8
Effects Active: Enlarge 1/20, Animal Devotion (Flight) 1/10

2010-08-25, 10:30 PM

Start in Y 20, potion of resist fire in one hand, Large war mace in the other

Move to: V15.
Standard: Drink Potion
Swift: Activate Travel Devotion
Free: Drop Potion.
Free: Switch to 2handed grip.
Speak: Sounds good, who do you want to focus on?

2010-08-25, 11:24 PM
@LOS/Refs:Speak: Ideally, the commoner. But let's go after whichever one looks like the easier target at the time.

Also, announce you're done if your turn is over.

2010-08-25, 11:26 PM
Please include some formatting sanity so we know when you're done

2010-08-26, 12:35 AM
Sorry I am not in town and am trying to do this with my limited internet access.

End turn

2010-08-26, 10:31 AM
NPC #354 Turn 2

double move to J22


2010-08-26, 10:53 AM
Nici, Round 2

Refs/LoS:Continue singing.
Move: To J18.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: 0.
Standard: Ready action:Move if attacked or if anyone attempts to jump to this platform.

Stats:HP 6/6, AC19 (16, 14)
Active Effects: Inspire Courage

2010-08-28, 11:53 AM
Awaiting an LOS check.

2010-09-02, 12:23 PM
.... this still alive?

2010-09-02, 01:19 PM
I've posted the LOS request twice. I'll post a 3rd time.

Psionic Dog
2010-09-02, 06:09 PM
One LoS check coming soon.

No LoS, and too much stone for a negative listen mod to hear singing.
Edit stamp.

@NPC #354
You see Nici. No other LoS

You see NPC. No other LoS

You see rar. No other LoS

You see Sarah. No other LoS

2010-09-02, 06:30 PM
Sarah, Round 2:

LOS/Refs:Free (Speech): "Make sure you get up to the upper levels soon. I'll follow your lead."

Swift:Activate Devotion (Travel)
Move: to U21-V22
Standard: Ready Action: Move if any opponent performs any act which would provoke an AoO


Stats:Location: U21-V22
AC: 8 (Touch 8, Flat footed 8)
HP: 8/8
Effects Active: Enlarge 2/20, Animal Devotion (Flight) 2/10, Travel Devotion 1/10

2010-09-02, 06:55 PM
Rar round 2


Speak "sounds good, I am going to jump across and see try to get to them. Don't forget your potion of Resist fire"
Swift move to s-20
Switch large war mace to off hand
I think I break Los with partner so I am going to do a new spoiler,

Move to Q-18 as part of move draw sling.
Jump across to N-18

Ready an action -

Attack with sling If I gain, Los.

End turn

Stats -

Location: n-18
AC: 14 (Touch 11, Flat footed 12)
HP: 13/13
Effects Active: Travel Devotion 1/10, resist fire 2/100

2010-09-02, 06:59 PM
@Refs/Sanity:Before he swift moves:

Free: "Don't split up too far. We need to be able to support each other. If we do not hang together, we will all hang seperately."

Psionic Dog
2010-09-02, 07:54 PM
LoS established Sarah/Nici

Rewind back to Sarah, Round 2

@NPC # 354
No change

You see a 10ft tall enlarged Sarah move south into U15/V16

When you reach the U15/V16 you spot Nici standing at J-18.

You may revise from that point if you wish.

No change

2010-09-02, 08:00 PM
Turn 2, Redux:

@LOS:Finish move in T18-U19, Altitude +15, as luminescent wings unfurl.

Speak: "Nici's in J18"

Ready Action: Move if any opponent performs an action that would provoke an AoO.

Stats:Location: U21-V22
AC: 8 (Touch 8, Flat footed 8)
HP: 8/8
Effects Active: Enlarge 2/20, Animal Devotion (Flight) 2/10, Travel Devotion 1/10

Rar's turn (due to rewind).

2010-09-02, 08:11 PM
Rar turn revised -

Speak "Understood"
Free RAGE!
Swift move to s-20
Switch large war mace to off hand
Move to q-18 drawing sling as part of move.

Attack! If I have LOS which according to my partner I do - (Also I just noticed my sheet has an error on it I need to fix, my attack bonus with a sling should be +3 not +2 (2 from dex 1 from bab)


Damage -

End turn

Stats -

Location: q-18
AC: 12 (Touch 9, Flat footed 10)
HP: 15/15
Effects Active: Travel Devotion 1/10, resist fire 2/100, rage 0/7

Psionic Dog
2010-09-04, 09:31 AM

When LoS rains, it pours.

As soon as you reach +5 ft elevation you gain LoS to NPC #354 in J-22 as well. Does that change anything, and if so where did you first reach +5ft elevation?

2010-09-04, 09:43 AM
@Psidog:Nothing changes. :) Excellent.

Psionic Dog
2010-09-04, 10:09 AM
LoS Established all around.

NPC #354 is standing in J-22 holding a spear in hand and potion in mouth.

Nici is standing in J18, singing, holding (nothing?)

Sarah is enlarged, and flying in T18-U19/+15 holding a spear.
Everyone saw Sarah ready an action.

rar appears in R-20 moving up the stairs holding a large war mace. Rar may revise or repost original posted actions from that point.

2010-09-04, 12:20 PM
Rar turn re-revised -

Speak "Understood"
Free RAGE!
Swift move to s-20

Switch large war mace to off hand
Move to q-18 drawing sling as part of move.

Attack Npc #354
Copying my attack as I don't think I qualify for a reroll

Damage -

End turn

Stats -

Location: q-18
AC: 12 (Touch 9, Flat footed 10)
HP: 15/15
Effects Active: Travel Devotion 1/10, resist fire 2/100, rage 0/7

2010-09-05, 10:11 AM
Tentaculon Turn 3

Move and jump to J16, autosuccess
spear in one hand, pozion in other, drink it, drop vial
Enlarge to J15/K16
Spear in both hands again
"I'm hit! Be careful of Sarahs reach, come up and I'll cover you"


though I suspect I trigger the readied action somewhere along the way

HP 13/13 + 6/15 Temp
AC 15, FF 12, Touch 13
Vigor 28/30

2010-09-05, 12:42 PM
Nici, Round 3

Continue singing.
Move: Draw shortbow.
Standard: Ready action:5ft step and attack if attacked or if anyone attempts to jump to this platform.

Stats:HP 6/6, AC19 (16, 14)
Active Effects: Inspire Courage

2010-09-05, 04:46 PM
NPC #354 triggers my readied action when he attempts to drink his potion.

Move: From T18-U19 (+15) to N16-O17 (+15).

Drinking the potion provokes an AoO.

Attack: [roll0] **Great, roll of 4**
Damage: [roll1] **And then 2 and 1**

2010-09-05, 05:02 PM
My turn? Or... Sarah

2010-09-05, 05:03 PM
Nici may want to revise after the readied action, otherwise it is indeed your turn(Sarah acts right before me due to readied action)

2010-09-05, 05:06 PM
Thought so, just double checking I am going to wait for Nici to state whether her turn is kept or changed before posting.

2010-09-05, 05:10 PM
Just a slight revision to my readied action:5ft step and attack if attacked, if anyone attempts to jump to this platform, or when Rar ends turn.

2010-09-05, 05:21 PM


Reload sling -

Attack Npc #354
[roll0] (sob sob sob)

Damage -
[roll1] (sigh)

Waiting to see results before finishing

That should do it. End turn.

2010-09-05, 05:30 PM
End of turn triggers Nici's readied action, that being to 5ft step to J19 and shoot Sarah with a dragonsbreath arrow.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+ [roll2] fire, on the off-chance you're not resistant at the moment).

2010-09-05, 05:39 PM
That's a hit. 4 damage taken.

2010-09-05, 05:43 PM
if you're not resistant you need a reflex save to avoid catching fire

2010-09-05, 06:04 PM
If these things were told to me when the attack was made, I'd know to do them. What is the source for Dragonsbreath Arrows?

2010-09-05, 06:10 PM
Right, sorry, it's a DC15 reflex. Races of the Wild, p. 164.

2010-09-05, 06:17 PM
I'm showing that it gets 1 extra fire damage. What's with the 1d6+1?

2010-09-05, 06:19 PM
The extra 1 damage on the d4 is ordinary damage from Inspire Courage.

2010-09-05, 06:27 PM
I am not referring to that. You have:

1d4+1 - sling damage + Inspire courage


1d6+1 - fire damage.

I am referring to the 1d6+1 fire damage. Where is the 1d6 coming from?

2010-09-05, 06:37 PM
Ah, right. Need to pay more attention to what I'm typing, those should be separate. >< The 1d6 is the damage you take from catching on fire if you fail the Reflex save.

2010-09-05, 07:07 PM
Understood. I have taken 3 damage, in that case, and will take 1 more, if I fail this reflex save:
[roll0] vs DC 15.

2010-09-06, 02:41 AM
hm, would

-2 penalty on all saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities with the fire subtype or used by creatures of the fire subtype, including extraplanar creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire.

apply here or doesn't it cover alchemical stuff like the wording seems to indicate?
Remarkably, you pass the save either way. Your turn

2010-09-06, 02:43 AM
Yeh, wouldn't apply; it's just mundane fire.

2010-09-06, 07:07 AM
So, the new order (from this point) is:

NPC 354

My action: Attack the aberrant commoner!

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]
Remainder of turn to follow.

EDIT: I'm showing a Base AC for NPC 354 at 15, with a -2 penalty from enlarge person (size increase, and -2 Dex). That would mean current AC is 13, correct?

2010-09-06, 07:15 AM

I'm still standing

2010-09-06, 07:25 AM
Care to explain how?

I see a base of 13hp.

A ML3 Vigor provides 5 temporary HP, for 3 minutes (as increases to ML do not increase the amount of temporary HP, only augmentation does, which is not provided for in the tattoo description).

Thus, at best, you can only have 18 effective HP.

Rar hit you for 9 damage, and I hit you for 15, which is a total of 24 damage.

That means, at the absolute best, you would be at -6 HP.

2010-09-06, 07:30 AM
Tattoos with higher ML than necessary are augmented. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8693414&postcount=1321)

2010-09-06, 07:33 AM
Incorrect. That post states that they CAN be augmented. Not that they automatically are. That is a choice that must be made and announced at purchase (and is relevant, as many powers can be augmented in multiple ways).

The wearer doesn’t get to make any decisions about the tattoo’s effect—the manifester who scribed it has already done so.

Your purchase announced no augmentation. Therefore, there should not be any. As all purchases should be announced when made, the exact nature of any item should be fully declared at purchase. If I were to announce the purchase of a resist elements potion, I'd need to announce what element it protected from. If I were to announce the purchase of a ML 7 expansion, and I wanted to augment, I would need to announce whether I wanted Swift action activation, 2 size category expansion, or extended duration. And if I didn't announce, I shouldn't get any of them later.

2010-09-06, 07:40 AM
Psidog purchased a ML2 Vigor powerstone and we treated it as augmented although he didn't explicitedly call it out in the purchase and neither I nor the High Refs involved objected. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8702707&postcount=4) Same in Round 90 where I bought a tattoo of Vigor. Precedent is with me on this one. And that's all I'm gonna say on the matter, rule discussions with you lead only to walls of text. The intention should be clear enough and if you want to argue semantics on that level even in an Exhibition I see no reason to continue the match, they're supposed to be friendly sparring matches, and playing Grammar Inevitable here certainly doesn't fit that notion

2010-09-06, 07:47 AM
Look, all I'm saying is that there are a lot of powers with more than one augmentation use. That isn't a grammar issue. If players are allowed to announce augmentation at activation, rather than at tattoo creation, it's in direct violation of the "all decisions made at crafting" rule. I'll go along with it for this match, but there should really be serious thought put into whether that's a good precedent to have. Many powers allow you to choose between extra damage, duration, or effect on augmentation, and it would probably be a good idea to require players to announce how their tattoos are augmented when they are purchased.

5 Foot step to M16-N17, and land.


2010-09-06, 08:24 AM
in cases where there are multiple augmentation options, I agree. If there only is one, it should be a no-brainer that the player intended for that one and having to spell it out to get the augmentation goes too far in my opinion. Otherwise, when someone says at the start of the game they have the shield in their left hand we could question if it's held or equipped. Likewise, I don't think everyone with Rageclaws noted anywhere that they shaped the Soulmeld that morning, but it's obvious because everything else doesn't make sense; same for single augment options

well, onward then

2010-09-06, 08:35 AM
in cases where there are multiple augmentation options, I agree. If there only is one, it should be a no-brainer that the player intended for that one and having to spell it out to get the augmentation goes too far in my opinion. Otherwise, when someone says at the start of the game they have the shield in their left hand we could question if it's held or equipped. Likewise, I don't think everyone with Rageclaws noted anywhere that they shaped the Soulmeld that morning, but it's obvious because everything else doesn't make sense; same for single augment options

well, onward then
I'll grant the single augmentation/single soulmeld option thing. However, on the odd side note, I think it should be announced whether a shield is held or equipped. After all, there are several situations where I'd accept needing to ready a shield in exchange for the ability to drop it as a free action.

2010-09-06, 08:41 AM
Way of the Tentacle Turn 4

Full attack: tentacle slaps on Sarah, dealing nonlethal damage

Tentacle 1
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Tentacle 2
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Staggered and Unconscious

When your nonlethal damage equals your current hit points, you’re staggered. You can only take a standard action or a move action in each round. You cease being staggered when your current hit points once again exceed your nonlethal damage.

When your nonlethal damage exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious. While unconscious, you are helpless.

This bypasses Rageclaws since they only protect against the Disabled and Dying conditions

HP 4/13
AC 13, FF 10, Touch 11
Enlarge Person 9/10

let's see what that does

2010-09-06, 09:19 AM
It does bypass Rageclaws, but not for that reason.

Rageclaws does protect vs staggered and unconscious conditions when the bearer is at 0 to -9 HP. Reasoning: during these conditions, the character's nonlethal damage will always exceed their current HP, even if that nonlethal damage is 0. It also explicitly protects vs unconsciousness at these HP levels. For the feat's "you may act normally" to apply, it must ignore those conditions.

Also, when the bearer's HP is 0, it allows the character to act normally, despite the fact that any character that is Disabled is, by definition, Staggered (with 0 nonlethal damage).

The reason that it bypasses Rageclaws is that my HP are not -1 to -9, so the feat's benefits are not triggered.

That means that at this point, I fall unconscious.

2010-09-06, 09:24 AM
well, I didn't look up the exact wording, I don't have Incarnum here at home. Just knew fom previous matches how nonlethal interacts with Rageclaws. That's the reason Aberrant Commoner has Durable Form instead, Psidogs commoner almost got me with Deaden Blow

by the way, why doesn't Sarah have any armor? :smallconfused:

2010-09-06, 09:34 AM
Because the difference between 9 AC and 11 AC is pittance... Even moreso when I am Enlarged, and at 8 AC (10 AC with armor). Any armor heavier than that would start infringing on my attack rolls due to nonproficiency. In this instance, being enlarged, armor would have made no difference (though a potion of Mage Armor would have).

The original idea was to purchase mage armor potions as needed to make my armor a bit less horrendous, but 13-15 damage average hits and reach were designed to carry the day.

Also, Dragonborn was intended, for a bit more HP, as well as gliding/jumping (to protect vs stalls). Didn't quite get around to it though.

2010-09-06, 09:40 AM
still, as long as you don't take Mage Armor a leather armor gives +2 AC with no drawbacks for a mere 10 GP, looks like an easy decision for me. Whether or not taking a masterwork studded leather on the other hand is harder.

2 AC is 2 AC and unless the attacker has a +8 or higher bonus it will make a difference

2010-09-06, 09:49 AM
I originally was intending for 20 foot reach and flight to keep me out of melee, for the most part.

Also, on the other side of the equation: I've not been playing very long. I've got a lot of reading in, and I've got a pretty good memory... But all things considered, I've only been playing D&D for about 3 months.

I haven't really played any bruiser types, so a bit of trial and error is what I'm doing. May as well do it with a commoner, rather than an actual class.

2010-09-06, 10:14 AM
I drop prone(+4 AC vs ranged, -4 AC vs melee) and then end my turn. Go Nici

2010-09-06, 11:34 AM
Nici, Round 4

Continue singing.
Standard: Ready action:5ft step and attack if attacked, if anyone attempts to jump to this platform, or when Rar ends turn.

Stats:HP 6/6, AC19 (16, 14)
Active Effects: Inspire Courage

2010-09-06, 11:38 AM
doh, completely forgot about your song on my rolls, sorry -.-

2010-09-08, 05:15 AM
rars turn.

2010-09-08, 11:48 AM
Did not realize it was my turn apologies


reload sling -

Attempt to finish NPC #354

[roll0] (what is with these horrible attack rolls? :smallconfused:)


Waiting for results from attack.

Swift move to T-18

End turn

2010-09-08, 12:24 PM
End of turn triggers Nici's readied action.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-08, 12:29 PM
Aberrant Commoner Turn 5

Move: draw Faith Healing
Standard: drinkt it
drop vial, hold spear in both hands again
Free: rude gesture towards rar with my tentacles
still prone


HP 13/13
AC 13, FF 10, Touch 11
Enlarge Person 8/10

2010-09-08, 01:31 PM
Nici, Round 5

Continue singing.
Standard: Ready action:5ft step and attack if attacked, if anyone attempts to jump to this platform, or when Rar ends turn.

Stats:HP 6/6, AC19 (16, 14)
Active Effects: Inspire Courage

2010-09-08, 02:41 PM
reload and attack Npc



2010-09-08, 02:42 PM
... apart from your first attack the dice gods don't seem to be with you in this match

2010-09-08, 03:03 PM
Readied: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-08, 03:10 PM
Aberrant Commoner Turn 6

Full Round: Coup de Grace helpless Sarah with tentacle(don't get any dirty thoughts here, she's too close for my spear)

Damage [roll0]
Fortitude DC 10+damage taken or instant death
still prone


2010-09-08, 03:22 PM
Fort:[roll0] DC 23

2010-09-08, 03:28 PM
Nici, Round 6

Continue singing.
Standard: Ready action:5ft step and attack if attacked, if anyone attempts to jump to this platform, or when Rar ends turn.

Stats:HP 6/6, AC19 (16, 14)
Active Effects: Inspire Courage

2010-09-08, 04:21 PM
... apart from your first attack the dice gods don't seem to be with you in this match

You think :smallannoyed:
Even my fist attack barley hit you.

2010-09-08, 04:28 PM
hit is a hit, makes no difference if you pinpoint the AC or get an unconfirmed natural 20.

Also, forget the sling reloading. You have +1 BAB, so you can draw a weapon freely as part of a move. Get 20 loaded slings instead of 1 sling with 20 bullets, allows you to move and shoot to your hearts delight instead of having to spend an action to reload. Simple trick to get ahead in the action economy

2010-09-08, 04:55 PM
I actually intend to do that with Wendy, soon as I level her. :)

2010-09-08, 05:42 PM
Yea but the same thing can be done with travel devotion... What round is this?

Either way swift move to p-18 jump to n-18 (auto succeed)

question before I continue -

Can I jump and attack at the same time.... Ie jump towards NPC and attack him?

((Since this is just for fun I wanted to know.))

2010-09-08, 05:55 PM
you can't attack in the middle of a jump, if you want to attack me you need to stand next to me, lacking reach or a fly speed

also, you provoke an AoO. 30 feet melee reach is nice :smallbiggrin:

attack [roll0] -4 prone
Damage [roll1]

just noticed I forgot the size bonus to damage on the Coup de Grace, not that it mattered

2010-09-08, 06:09 PM
Yea but the same thing can be done with travel devotion... What round is this?

Yeah, but if you had multiple slings, you could move into LOS (drawing a sling), sling attack, and move out of LOS (travel devotion). Multiple slings cost nothing, weigh nothing. If you have a BAB of 1 or higher, there's almost never a reason not to.

2010-09-08, 06:17 PM
yeah, Travel Devotion and BAB+1 really offers itself for hit-and-run ranged attacks. Sturmherz did it in his first Round 89 match(though with javelins). Travel Devotion by far is my favourite feat for Arena, it gives you so many options

2010-09-08, 06:19 PM
And yea that makes more sense now.... I will have to do that next time.

forgot your damn 30 ft reach.

anyways move to n-19 jump to n-22 (still with travel devotion)

Now reload and attack with sling.

Attack NPC


2010-09-08, 06:20 PM
OMG I think I hit.... I DID!

now damage roll since I messed that up.

[roll0] (that ends you right?)

2010-09-08, 06:22 PM
Honestly, I'm surprised that Trickery devotion doesn't see more use.

2010-09-08, 06:26 PM
it hits, but with the Faith Healing I drank I'm still standing, barely. I count 35 damage(9 first sling, 15 Sarahs attack, 11 this sling), I have base 13, 15 temp, 9 Faith Healing

Trickery Devotion certainly is intriguing, just never got around to use it and can't remember it seeing anywhere yet

2010-09-08, 06:32 PM
It would certainly throw a wrench into readied action tactics.

2010-09-08, 06:36 PM
And you get another arrow for that one.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-08, 06:37 PM
Crit confirm: [roll0]
Crit damage: [roll1]

And that looks like the end of this match.

2010-09-08, 06:39 PM
aye. Claim for the second kill goes to you, so just one soul for my Kyeudo Collection count

2010-09-08, 08:31 PM
I blame the god of dice... and luck :smallannoyed: