View Full Version : No modding experience and very little programming experience? Make a source mod!

2010-08-26, 11:34 AM
I am a little tired of these melee mods released that are REALLY GOOD and professionally done but focus too much on block and counter mechanics. I want some good ol' fashioned hack and slash style battles. Anime influenced with a hint of Rune and Jedi Knight 2.

I will be attempting to make a ****ty prototype version of my dream and expand on it from there. I have experience with the map editor but I have next to no C++ experience. Just C#, although, I have been told if you know one C language you have a good grasp on them all.

Any suggestions or tips?

My over all theme is a more anime influenced 80s sword and sorcery style. Quick and devastating melee fights mixed with some potent spells. I LOVED the multiplayer in Dark Messiah and further down the road when I know exactly what I am doing would like to try to implement a 'talent tree' like they have. Instead of having classes you could specialize your way into a class of your own creation.

I guess I'll start working on my map today. I'll just create a basic arena map and go from there.

2010-08-26, 01:32 PM
Write down your goals. Define your goals. Make sure you actually know EXACTLY how it's supposed to work.

I've noticed that even if I have an image of something that's so vivid that I feel like I can imagine even the tiniest of the details easily, I actually can't.

Also, you should consider how you should handle illogical playing styles, like only using a single move all the time, or moving backwards while attacking. Will people move around bunnyhopping to make themselves a harder target? Should you prevent it, could you prevent it?

2010-08-26, 04:04 PM
Thanks for the reply!

I'll definitely write down on paper my goals and such for this project. I really don't want to worry about balanced and jazz right now. I just want to have something playable!

2010-08-26, 05:59 PM
That was among the first things I did was mod what already was hanging around.

Balance is a finicky thing, and you have to play to balance, which is something that many game makers don't seem to get.