View Full Version : Horror ITP: OoC and Signup/recruitment

2010-08-26, 07:46 PM
We shall see that at which dogs howl in the dark,
and that at which cats prick up their ears after midnight.

H.P. Lovecraft

For some reason, I am strangely terrified by that quote once I let it sink a bit, the words that play tricks on your mind, that is horror at its finest, and I hope we can all share in this... madness and these fantastical fantasies of eachother within this Free Form RP.

Horror ITP is the tagline associated with a horror story, with a place and with characters where madness will eventually rule.

In this game, players are asked to create a human, without extraordinary powers or contraptions, just a human, be it a girl or a boy, woman or a man, college professor, university student, reporter, police officer, baker, fisherman etc.

And for some reason, all of these characters are drawn to the small community of Innocence, a small fishin town on the northern shores of the English coast.

Strange things have always happened in Innocence, sightings of creatures, of occurences and of happenings, some claim alien abductions occur in the area, others say Nightmares ride them in their sleep. Fishermen speak of faintly glowing eyes far beneath the surface, and hunters speak of them between the trees.

Each and every night, a thick and heavy fog rolls in over the town, drowning out most of the cluttering noise that is lone birds or rattled windows, leaving only the pulsing sound of the sea, sloshing against the docks and tied down boats in the harbour. The lighthouse stands tall at a cliff near the edge of the cove, its mighty horn blowing into the night every hour, and sometimes... something answers, something... ancient. The damp, almost deathly groan rolls in over the waves, or mayhap underneath them, for nobody knows just where it comes from, it could be far out at sea, it could be at the bottom of the ocean, or it could be from somewhere right outside the cove.

But as the day rises, the fog slowly fades away, it takes a few hours, but only the most hardened of fishermen will be out before it is gone completely. The rising sun first touches by the eastern cliff and the lighthouse atop it, before it lends its bleak and early light onto the old Hospis Resort, a place of rest. Tired people of fame and wealth used to recover from their illnessess over at the resort some hundred years ago, but it was also a place for those who needed to be locked away, those who needed to rest for... longer. You can still find tools of electro therapy and lobotomy in some of the old storage rooms over by the hospis.

An old, burned down factory shares the sunlight at about the same time as the glittering ocean, the factory has been rebuilt, time and time again, until five years ago, when noone could be bothered to even put the fire out.

Within the town lies a hotel, a shoddy restaurant and two pubs, both owned by old and bitter women who are at eachother's throats for the customers and for the occasional older gentleman who happens to charm them both by mistake. A smaller convenience store can also be found, the delivery truck usually shows up once a week, however, there are those drivers who refuse to go near the town of Innocence, fresh milk and meat are rare comodities here.

And now, for one reason or another, several people are drawn to a town said to be haunted, was it a chance meeting? A rare occurence? Luck? Or mayhap this meeting, was nothing but a curse.

IC Thread

Other Gaming Worlds: Are, unfortunately, not welcome into Horror ITP, however, if you like your character that you're using somewhere else, and whish to bring him/her/it, then humanize, power down and adapt.

Characters in general: characters should feel human, or at least somewhat human, backgrounds you find plausible at least, and professions and interests likewise. Of course someone could be a complete Horro Freak and know tonnes and tonnes of info, but, if he holds the answer to everything, it is not a very fun character in the long run.

This is your chance at exploring the psyche of your character(s), and there is nothing stopping you from rolling another character if your first or second bites the dust or throws himself off a cliff or somesuch. I would ask however, that players stick to only one character until we see how this develops.

Guidelines to participating in this RP:

To reiterate a... strangely... newer post (how unreal)

Also, an important footnote on this RP.

I have recently come across a handful of wonderful and fantastic stories, both novels and manga and comics, with amazing characters and background, but which were all, in essence, sullied, because the authors all had problems displaying evil and horror and dangerous situations.

What happened in these stories was that, in order to cause shock value or attention, they all were degraded to a point where a badguy was only evil if he tried to rape someone, this would involve posessed horses standing over maidens and other more heinous things. I stopped reading at that point.

I have also seen horror that forget what is scary and focus solely on the gore, the more flayed babies the better, especially if you hang them by the guts it would seem.

In this RP, all of us players are given an incredibly large frame of what can be created, what can be written, but, I must ask people to abstain from things which would either:

Get the thread locked.

Drive younger players away.

I'm not saying it has to be pegi 13, but to have it devolve into an exploration of explicit sexual events, or into a feast where someone will slowly stick out an eye with a fingernail and force someone else to watch as they forcefeed it to a puppy-kitten-baby is something I will ask players NOT to do.

I do not want this game locked. I do not want this game shyed away from because of things you players write. I ask this as the creator of this universe, and also as a fellow player. If I find someone overstepping this line, I will PM you and innitiate a discussion about it, if it continues, I might report you, but everyone WILL get a second, third, or sometimes more chances before this, so don't be afraid to do things.

But, don't overdo stuff so that the thread gets locked or we drive people away. If they're too scared to continue playing, fair game, nightmare fuel is bad, I'll have a hard time looking out windows this night because of the original post of the IC thread, and that is fine.

Just so we've got some sort of guidelines for what can and cannot be done in this rp.

Of the Horrors: the horror in this game is supposed to be created by players. Do not godmod other characters within this horror though, send the players PM's or discuss in the OCC, but do NOT have your horror eat another character unless you specifically state (in the OCC or elsewhere) that this is all in your character's head (a PM to the other player before the noming would be good form and would preserve suspense in what is happening).

Likewise, do NOT godmod others horror, running in and revealing it all to be something the original horror creator had not intended is very bad form. You can participate in the horrors or situations created by others though, but again, try not to step on toes if this is something a player want to play out properly. Discuss in OoC and PM's yet again.

The horrors can be illusions/nightmares/tricks of light or they can be very, very real, or even something in between, it would be good to try and get this across after something has transpired in case it involved damage (this does not go to say that a character cannot damage herself in the dellusion of it being something else that does this).

Basically, if it needs to be cleared up for the sake of others, clear it up, if not, then keep it so that only you and a select few knows whether it was real or fake.

In addition, the horrors can vary from strange symbols reoccuring, to mysterious diseases, afflictions, ideas, mirrages, illusions, psychological, deeply psychological, whispers, startles, monsters etc. Whatever you can think of as being horrible or even nightmare fuel (or high octance nightmare fuel at that) can find its place into this RP. Tread carefully though, don't break any forum rules.

Footnote Horrors:
You do not create one separate character that is a living horror. You create your character, and the horrors of which I speak are the horrors that said character experiences. These can of course take on characteristics of a person, and it can be rp'd that way, however, the horror is primarily the experience(s) of your character.

I.e. Jenny experiences horror that happens around her.
You do not create a Horror Nemesis to oppose Jenny and RP that Nemesis separately.

In the city of Innocence, nightmares gently strokes your cheek and ancient memories come to life.

If you wonder anything else, feel free to ask.

2010-08-26, 08:47 PM
Hmm, now I need to figure what kind of character I'm going to make here.

Wait... I have something that might work...

Maximum Zersk
2010-08-26, 09:02 PM
Cool... Okay, I'm making someone.

2010-08-26, 09:31 PM
So, to sum it all up.
We create a human.
And a "Horror", pretty much a villainous character of some supernatural origin?

Sweet peas with a side of crazy sauce, I'm soooo in!:smallbiggrin:

2010-08-26, 10:25 PM
I'm in. But to get an idea of the setting, and to make sure...this is set in modern day right? Not earlier?
Also, do we just post our horrors right here in the OOC to start with so you can shove them at us when we least expect it or do we start them out on our own somehow?

Pie Guy
2010-08-26, 10:30 PM
I'm in, and I already have an idea for a character. Is there a particular format you want?

Maximum Zersk
2010-08-26, 10:34 PM
I'm in. But to get an idea of the setting, and to make sure...this is set in modern day right? Not earlier?

My guess is that it's set in modern times, but the town is one of those sleepy british towns.

2010-08-27, 06:55 AM
Sleepy brittish town in modern day, yes.

However, you do not create one instance of horror. It will be more allong the lines of your character experiencing different forms of horror and nightmares, illusions and monsters etc.

You do not have to preset something as "this is my nightmare". Instead, the more time you spend in the town, the deeper and darker the things he experiences will become.

Think of it like this:

Day 1. character just walks around, hears something rattle and sees a pair of glowing eyes in the undergrowth, his eyes are diverted from there for a moment, and when he looks back, they're gone.

Later that night, he could hear something scratching his window in the hotel, or he could be having a bad dream, or something else entirely. He could hear something out in the mist, he could hear something crawling in the walls.

Day 2. nothing strange happens to him directly, however, as he's walking around town with someone else, that someone completely freaks out over something he himself did not notice. Later that day, whatever freaked the first one out, happens to him to, a sort of "get dragged in by the madness of others" experience.

This could go on and on for days, steadily building, several characters could encounter something in the fog that they see eating someone, or dragging someone off (be it an NPC or a willing character) and they all run in horror, all of them are in the same situation, and it is just like with any other group in any other RP running from the same thing.

Someone could have a nightmare involving another character (where the other character is RP'd by its player) which eventually ends up having the other character die in the dream, only for him/her to be the one to wake the dreamer up in real life.

EDIT: And yes, you start the horrors on your own when and where they'd be apropriate. Note however, that you can't really play a horror onto another person if it is something detrimental to that person. You can have something watching them and describe that etc. but you can't have a monster leap from the shadows and start gnawing at them for no good reason. (If they however, involve themselves into your own horror which involves face-eating monsters, one could well jump onto them, but it is up to the person being eaten to rp out that specific situation still).

There are so many delightful things, events, environment buildings etc. that it'd be a shame to just limit yourself to 1.

2010-08-27, 07:49 AM
Expressing quiet interest I am! :smallsmile:

2010-08-27, 09:17 AM
Dibs on the young country gentleman, at his leisure in the town, here to observe some rare birds. A dabbler naturalist, a man who rides with the hounds, graduated with a gentleman's C from the finest schools, and has enough money to think, someday, about sitting for Parliament. A lover of poetry and women, perhaps described by Eliot:

"Politic, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool."

2010-08-27, 12:33 PM
I'd like to play a weatherman who just moved out of his apartment in the city and bought a house in Innocence. He's determined to make it as a "real" reporter, and he's frustrated that everybody just knows him as "that goofy weatherman." For a name, let's go with Kirk Danning.

2010-08-27, 12:47 PM
Since character ideas are starting to pop up, I figured we should try to structure them a bit at least.

For your character, I want:




Clothingstyle etc



Background and personal history

Any aditional details as well.

And some reason they're in or on their way to Innocence (although this can well be developed as the RP starts to take off, an opening post of someone getting off the train or a bus that stops a long way away from the town out of fear, or hitchhiking, or biking, or driving etc.)

Note however, that it does not have to be bullet pointed like this, nor in this order, as long as the character description flows nicely and is easy to read and grasp it'll all be good.

So, some more in depth character creations would be welcome.

Mina Kobold
2010-08-27, 01:02 PM
This looks very promising.

I think I'll take the niche of the naive youngster who just moved to town and only figure out that following glowing eyes into the dark alley was really really stupid when it's almost too late. Can't have horror without one :smalltongue:

I think he'll be an aspiring cook (They have those snazzy shirts) and a Metal fan.

How does it sound? Too idealistic?


Of course the requirements are posted while I write this, typically :smalltongue:

2010-08-27, 01:13 PM
You can't make an indepth character without an idea first, so no biggie there ^^

Just as long as people start throwing out some more indepth characters and we'll be set to start

2010-08-27, 02:40 PM
Here's a [not-so] brief background for Kirk, the local boy turned celebrity who's determined to put this town in his rear-view mirror:

Born right here in Innocence but educated at Brown University, Kirk Danning has never known anything except a life of privilege. His parents were always well-off (some say extraordinarily wealthy), and it showed in the way he dressed, the food he ate, and the arrogant way he carried himself. From his specialty coffee to his Italian suit, everything about Kirk screamed success. Of course, the people of Innocence knew better.

Everybody laughed about the boy who was too ugly for American TV; Kirk hopped a plane across the Atlantic as soon as a broadcasting career was offered. He had been working for KHYW, a local affiliate near Innocence, for just over two years now. In that time, he made a name for himself as the weatherman who was never right. He had never thought of himself as a meteorologist, determined to create a name for himself as a real reporter. He combed back his hair and filled his wardrobe exclusively with expensive suits, but everybody knew the goofy British boy he used to be. He was a truly awful weatherman, but everybody loved him. He was one of their own.

He hated the recognition--no, adoration--that he received. He didn't want to be known as a hometown hero, a joke to the world of broadcasting. No, he wanted to be the topic of conversation in broadcast journalism classes of future generations. He remembered the mists in Innocence that would roll in every night when he was a child, the strange happenings that nobody seemed to talk about, and he smelled a story. He was determined to get to the bottom of it--who knew, maybe this putrid-smelling town would be good for something after all?

2010-08-27, 04:22 PM
Name: Hugh Cunninghame Borthwick, 25th Lord Borthwick

Age: 22

Appearance: Handsome in a vapid sort of way.

Style: Varies between absurd hunting gear (clashing tweeds), very nice Savile Row suits, and stylish casual wear.

Profession: Wastrel

Character/Behaviour/etc: A hale and hearty type of fellow, gladhanding and friendly. Spends money like water to make people like him. Eccentric, hangs out on the highlands above town or down at the beach looking for odd birds, shells, fossils, whatever catches his fancy, before retiring to the pub and buying everyone a drink.

Background and personal history: Hugh is the 25th Lord Borthwick, ancestral heir of Borthwick Castle, a cold pile of stone south of Edinburgh. He spent his early days as a middling student, graduating Oxford with a middling record in classes but a high grade in spending Pater's money and impressing co-eds with his title. The 24th Lord Borthwick was never fond of his son, and was perhaps considering disowning him before his tragic and sudden hunting death last year.

Now Hugh owns it all. The castle, the money, the peerage, the seat in the House of the Lords and the right to wear a funny wig. But he hates the castle (but loves the money), so he bought a little cottage (by little, we mean five bedrooms, four baths, etc.) in sleepy Innocence and has set himself up in the life of the country squire, trying to make friends with everyone.

In his spare time, which is all of his time, he's either in the pub, or perhaps painting (badly) the seascapes, or composing (bad) poetry to whichever woman has caught his fancy, or trekking the countryside. He's got a fondness for classic English follies, though absurd buildings that dot the countryside in their uselessness, like the tower old man Dundrige built in the 1800s to "call down the lightning." Some day, he'll make a folly of his own.

2010-08-27, 05:42 PM
Consider me curious. Not sure I'll be able to pull off one more game, especially one with this much potential creative output, but I'm curious.

A question: whould it be too off genre to create a weird character that isn't entirely a horror, but is more of a weird guy who seems to know crap, but just doesn't care most of the time?

2010-08-27, 06:45 PM
Is it acceptable to have a character who has slight empathic/psychic capabilities (that he can't control) or do we have to be completely normal physically?

Pie Guy
2010-08-27, 09:52 PM
Name: James Goodman

Age: 32

Appearance Slightly taller than average, brown hair, and very welcomeing body language.

Clothing: A high class, fomal suit with tie, but it varies on the job.
Profession: Confidence man.

Behaviour: Flatters people who have something that he wants, and is a great person around them. Otherwise, he makes sarcastic comments as he feels.

History: James (he insists on it) was a conman in America. He was decent at it, and laundered his money well, so he lived fairly extravagantly. Went to all the classiest restaurants in Manhatten, Boston, Chicago, everywhere. Most of the time it was business, though. Nothing like a good meal to earn someone's trust.

But it wasn't enough. He wanted more, so he went international. This fared poorly. The first job in London ended badly, so James went somewhere noone goes to hide out. He has almost no money (relatively speaking) and no safety net.

2010-08-27, 10:15 PM
Name: Marin Morita

Age: 16

Appearance: A small girl, probably about 5' 2". She has brown hair that falls to her shoulders and it is usual curled at the very end. She looks younger than she is having a very youthful face and not very curvy or filled out body.

Clothingstyle: Usually wears a simple black dress that looks pretty much like this Dress (http://s5.thisnext.com/media/230x230/Gothic-Lolita-Dress_F3654E20.jpg). She also wears black leggings that don't come quite all the way up to the hem of the dress. She also doesn't wear make up.

Proffession: Doesn't have one

Character/Behaviour/etc: Acts somewhat childlike and doesn't form bonds with people very easily but once she does she doesn't want to let go. Doesn't like actual scary things but if it's dressed up cute and cuddly and used to be scary she loves it.

Background and personal history: She was born and raised in this town called Innocence. Her father disappeared on her six birthday after giving her, her present for that day. She waited day after day expecting him to come back but he never did. A similar accident happened on her tenth birthday. This time she didn't bother waiting for her mom to come back. She currently lives with her grouchy uncle that she hardly ever sees and she's fine with that. She currently just finished highschool (she took some extra classes) and currently doesn't know what to do.

Any aditional details as well: Usual carries a puppet or doll around with her.

2010-08-27, 11:35 PM
Sounds good. I love a good British mystery.

Roger DeMaryn

Age- 21

Roger is a gaunt boy, though handsome, with fair brown hair, blue eyes and slender features. He dresses well, coming from money, usually in a button-down dress shirt and sweater, with jeans or khakis and leather loafers. Occasionally, he wears a tie, whether formal or not.

Roger is unemployed.

Roger is surly and quiet, with a slouching posture. Not quick to laugh, Roger often finds himself wandering alone. He can usually be found at a bar sometime after noon, smoking or drinking liquor. However, he is rarely drunk.

Roger grew up in Scotland with his two older brothers, mother, and nobleman father. His oldest brother is a sought-after barrister in London, and his second brother runs several successful jewelers in England and France. Roger's father holds him in contempt, as Roger's biggest accomplishment is having slept with every girl who would have him. His brothers ignore the shortcomings as best they can, and his mother barely even cares anymore.
Therefore, Roger took the next train to wherever he could, to escape the fate his father is sure he'll lead; that of a bum and a drunk. The rattling wheels will take him to Innocence, the Hospis, and whatever else he may find hidden in the fog...

2010-08-28, 12:23 AM
I'm interested. I'll start working on something.

Mina Kobold
2010-08-28, 05:11 AM
Character time!

Johnathan "Johnny" C. "Chefboy" Harrison

Johnny, or Chefboy as some have taken to call him, is a remarkable boy who hailed all the way from London to the sleepy little town of Innocence.

I think it'll be best to start at the beginning:

Young Johnathan always seemed to be surrounded by bad luck, though it never affected his optimism, such as when his parents enrolled him to a strict private school and he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time and got himself send to work in the canteen as punishment.
Others would have taken this as unfair but for Johnathan it was the first step on his road to become a chef in his own right.

Optimistic and volunteering in helping to make the food he was soon noticed by the other students and despite those who mistrusted him he managed to find friends and still retains great memories of this time.

During his Year 11 at the school it was closed down after a lawsuit thus causing Johnny to be send through other schools in many places until finally graduating at age 17 and moving away to find apprenticeship at a restaurant. It was during this period of time he gained a fondness for the newer genres of Metal

Finding a restaurant willing to take him in proved difficult and all he found was one in Innocence, far away from anything, but Johnny remains positive that he'll have a great time.

Johnny have long blond hair, dark eyes and an affection for odd choices of hats and long coats, making him look much like a Metal musician himself when not wearing the double-breasted jacket of an aspiring chef.

The nickname 'Chefboy' come from his profession and a joke about it being his middle name

I hope it's not too long and that I haven't messed up the British school system too much (he's supposed to have graduated one year later than normal)

PS: Kudos to anyone that can guess which famous musicians I named him after (Hint: They have nothing to do with Metal, in fact, they're older than Metal)

2010-08-28, 05:40 AM
Johnathan "Johnny" C. "Chefboy" Harrison

John Lennon and George Harrison?

2010-08-28, 06:08 AM
A question: whould it be too off genre to create a weird character that isn't entirely a horror, but is more of a weird guy who seems to know crap, but just doesn't care most of the time?

The main problem in doing so would be to balance his non-caring with what he goes through, risking to be jaded against everything and anything. Of course he wont freak at the drop of a hat, I think there are very few characters who would, but if there is no sense of unease or no uncertainty of the smaller things, he does run the risk of staring at a monster and go "meh".

It's a balance, if you can manage it without having him jaded to everything and anything, I don't see why not.

Is it acceptable to have a character who has slight empathic/psychic capabilities (that he can't control) or do we have to be completely normal physically?

It is a horror story, and several horror stories involves a character like that, don't overdo it with mindreading at all times though. It can be wonderfully played to question whether the abillities are real or if it's just another part of madnes, so I say go for it, but don't overdo it.

Mina Kobold
2010-08-28, 07:09 AM
John Lennon and George Harrison?

Well that lasted all of 39 minutes...

Still gives me an excuse to do this:

BEATLES! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKXfqpg-Q-k) XD


2010-08-28, 10:22 AM
Either you book-keep those properly, or just type "A few" "A pair of" "a handful" instead of solid numbers. I've found numbers often mean very little in a free form RP.

2010-08-28, 12:06 PM
FFRP Central (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166066) is up and stickied. Come in and say hi, and offer any suggestions you might have to improve it and make the first few posts Newbie friendly. :smallsmile:

2010-08-29, 12:26 PM
Could I, in theory, make a Monster whose actually sympathetic, and a cruel, evil and sadistic human?

2010-08-29, 01:13 PM
Hard to answer, since you're not really rp'ing a separate character for the horror, but rather, the horrors I'm talking about is what your RP character experiences.

2010-08-29, 01:18 PM
Hard to answer, since you're not really rp'ing a separate character for the horror, but rather, the horrors I'm talking about is what your RP character experiences.

...:smalleek: Sorry, I misunderstood when I read the instructions earlier. :smallredface:

2010-08-29, 06:12 PM
That clears that up. I too thought we were also playing a monster or type of monster.

Pie Guy
2010-08-29, 09:20 PM
When will we make the in character thread?

2010-08-30, 03:58 AM
I'm usually, used to using (gah, "use" en mass) the OoC thread for a character registry, it's one less thread to be cluttering up the boards and it's an easy job to find it.

Then again, with the 50-page rule-thingy, I can see that being hard should this continue for too long, I'll see what I can do character-thread-wise, I'll try and piece something together.

2010-08-30, 08:14 AM
Could we perhaps piece together an In-Character thread before we worry about making separate OOC and Character Registry threads? Please, Thank you, Goodbye

Hello! ... ... I feel silly right now.:smalltongue:

Mina Kobold
2010-08-30, 11:43 AM
I'm usually, used to using (gah, "use" en mass) the OoC thread for a character registry, it's one less thread to be cluttering up the boards and it's an easy job to find it.

Then again, with the 50-page rule-thingy, I can see that being hard should this continue for too long, I'll see what I can do character-thread-wise, I'll try and piece something together.

We could copy the RailgunITP guys (which include me, so I'm just copying myself again :smalltongue:) and get a wiki with inbuilt Character Registry.

Or we could have a bunch of links in the first post of every new OOC thread that lead to the posts containing the characters.

Just ideas, though :smallsmile:

2010-08-30, 01:00 PM
I was thinking of that second method, since I'm really rather bad with wiki's when it comes to updating and arranging them.

However, it is leaning to typing up a separate thread for the character registry.

I am also working on writing up the IC thread. Links to come, got some foodstuffs with family atm though, crayfish is all prepped and ready, seeing them is a horror experience in and on itself, eating them however, is deceptively tasty.

2010-08-30, 01:17 PM
...seeing them is a horror experience in and on itself, eating them however, is deceptively tasty.

Your family or the crayfish?

2010-08-31, 12:55 AM
Withdrawing interest. I'm sure lots of other folk will play though.

2010-09-01, 05:31 PM
IC Thread is UP

Also, an important footnote on this RP.

I have recently come across a handful of wonderful and fantastic stories, both novels and manga and comics, with amazing characters and background, but which were all, in essence, sullied, because the authors all had problems displaying evil and horror and dangerous situations.

What happened in these stories was that, in order to cause shock value or attention, they all were degraded to a point where a badguy was only evil if he tried to rape someone, this would involve posessed horses standing over maidens and other more heinous things. I stopped reading at that point.

I have also seen horror that forget what is scary and focus solely on the gore, the more flayed babies the better, especially if you hang them by the guts it would seem.

In this RP, all of us players are given an incredibly large frame of what can be created, what can be written, but, I must ask people to abstain from things which would either:

Get the thread locked.

Drive younger players away.

I'm not saying it has to be pegi 13, but to have it devolve into an exploration of explicit sexual events, or into a feast where someone will slowly stick out an eye with a fingernail and force someone else to watch as they forcefeed it to a puppy-kitten-baby is something I will ask players NOT to do.

I do not want this game locked. I do not want this game shyed away from because of things you players write. I ask this as the creator of this universe, and also as a fellow player. If I find someone overstepping this line, I will PM you and innitiate a discussion about it, if it continues, I might report you, but everyone WILL get a second, third, or sometimes more chances before this, so don't be afraid to do things.

But, don't overdo stuff so that the thread gets locked or we drive people away. If they're too scared to continue playing, fair game, nightmare fuel is bad, I'll have a hard time looking out windows this night because of the original post of the IC thread, and that is fine.

Just so we've got some sort of guidelines for what can and cannot be done in this rp.

Maximum Zersk
2010-09-01, 05:34 PM
Adding to that, the scariest horror is the most subtle horror, anyway.

2010-09-01, 06:03 PM
Im quite interested.. i think I may play an American detective hired by a wealthy British family to find their missing daughter. hmm, he's going to need a name though...

2010-09-01, 07:08 PM
Of Swedish or Norwegian descent:

Edward N. Ygmir

But to go with something a bit more serious, I think Smith might work very well as a family name for him, a given name however, could be a bit harder.

EDIT: Now sleep. Character thread might have to wait a few days due to university stuff I need to do.

However, this does not mean character creation is prohibited. Feel free to post your characters in this thread.

Mina Kobold
2010-09-02, 07:37 AM
Of Swedish or Norwegian descent:

Edward N. Ygmir

But to go with something a bit more serious, I think Smith might work very well as a family name for him, a given name however, could be a bit harder.

EDIT: Now sleep. Character thread might have to wait a few days due to university stuff I need to do.

However, this does not mean character creation is prohibited. Feel free to post your characters in this thread.


That name sounds incredibly funny if pronounced in Danish (close enough to Swedish and Norwegian that each just sounds like a heavy accent to the others)

Essentially 'Ygmir' would be pronounced like 'ymer' which means...

Soured milk :smalltongue:




Was the joke that bad?

2010-09-08, 07:00 PM
Not in the least bit.

I am currently prevented from typing properly though. Cut off a piece of my left index finger.

Apeoflight, dolls are ALWAYS creepy :smallbiggrin:

And good to see there's interest still here, I think it mostly a matter of getting it off the ground, and me getting back my abillity to type longer posts, I can do short stuff using my middle finger as a substitute, but seeing as I normally use practically all my fingers for typing, left hand is a bit.... stumped :smallbiggrin: right now.

So here's to bumpage, and to at least occasional posting from people ^^

Maximum Zersk
2010-09-08, 07:07 PM
I'll post up my character soon. I've been busy on about fifty other things. Sorry. :smallredface:

Mina Kobold
2010-09-09, 07:36 AM
Not in the least bit.

I am currently prevented from typing properly though. Cut off a piece of my left index finger.

Apeoflight, dolls are ALWAYS creepy :smallbiggrin:

And good to see there's interest still here, I think it mostly a matter of getting it off the ground, and me getting back my abillity to type longer posts, I can do short stuff using my middle finger as a substitute, but seeing as I normally use practically all my fingers for typing, left hand is a bit.... stumped :smallbiggrin: right now.

So here's to bumpage, and to at least occasional posting from people ^^

You cut of a piece of your own finger? :smalleek:

I feel sorry for you :smallfrown: can it be reattached?

Try writing with only your right hand, I usually use all my fingers when posting but I could write this post without using my left hand at all :smallsmile:

and I'm left handed :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-09, 11:57 AM
The missing piece is neither big enough to remove the fingerprint, nor to be re-attatched, it is however, in a bloody annoying place (between the middle of the fingerprint and the top left corner of the nail).

Basically, it's about the size of the spoiletag symbol and it's missing on the proper place to be impossible to write with until it's healed a bit more.

Mina Kobold
2010-09-09, 12:28 PM
The missing piece is neither big enough to remove the fingerprint, nor to be re-attatched, it is however, in a bloody annoying place (between the middle of the fingerprint and the top left corner of the nail).

Basically, it's about the size of the spoiletag symbol and it's missing on the proper place to be impossible to write with until it's healed a bit more.


Hope it heals up nicely :smallsmile:

2010-09-09, 02:17 PM
Finally figured out some details for my private detective character: Errol Althaus, from Accident, Maryland, sent to find the daughter of of a wealthy British family.

Now to work on that other character I had an idea for...

2010-09-11, 05:33 PM
¤cracks fingers¤ Ok, I can at least type somewhat decently now after a few days of practicing on not using the index finger to much, and it is also healing rather well.

Now to see if we can't properly get this thing off the ground.

Also, do we want a separate Character Registry?

Mina Kobold
2010-09-12, 05:11 AM
¤cracks fingers¤ Ok, I can at least type somewhat decently now after a few days of practicing on not using the index finger to much, and it is also healing rather well.

Now to see if we can't properly get this thing off the ground.

Also, do we want a separate Character Registry?

Huzzah! you're back!

*Cracks whip*

Now get to work :smallmad::smalltongue:

I don't think we need one but some might want it, it makes us look more organised.

I suggest we give the IC thread more activity before thinking about that, though :smallsmile:

2010-09-21, 05:25 PM
Name: Jack Lanceson

Age: 24

Appearance: Jack is a man of middling height, his skin is somewhat pale, and his hair is a solid black color. Thin, with high cheekbones, sunken cheeks and eyes, giving the look of a man perpetually tired, he wears thin round spectacles, which he always seems to be adjusting. Jack has a pointed chin, and his dark hair is cut short. Jack is almost always smoking a cigarette.

Clothingstyle: Jack prefers long-sleeve shirts, usually blue, and pressed or cargo pants, usually khaki or some shade of brown or green. He occasionally wears a heavier coat with these.

Profession: Jack does not currently have a profession, having been only somewhat recently released from an asylum, and not having acquired a job as of yet.

Personality/Character: Jack is a somewhat haunted individual, possessed of many shakes and ticks due to a traumatic event in his past which has left him somewhat nervous and paranoid, smoking is one way he calms his jagged nerves. Besides this, Jack isn't an overtly cold person, a seeming intellectual he portrays himself as a seeker after truth, and will readily engage in conversation with others. Inwardly, Jack is not so different as he would appear. Despite past experiences he is a constantly curious man, one who looks upon the world as a place of gray morality, and perpetual secrets.

Background: Jack was an intrepid, curious youth, who spent much of his time exploring the world around him. He would constantly inquire into the history of his home, and if he did not like his answers, he would jazz them up. Jack is not a native to England, having been born in New York, his home, which he shared with two brothers and his parents, sits eternally atop a sleepy hill, tucked in a rural area of Northern New York. Jack's curious nature did not diminish as he aged, he merely increased his realm of exploration, from the purely physical of the land around his quiet home, to the physical landscape of his schools, and of the mental plane, learning all he could from books and from school, avidly devouring any knowledge he could come across. Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction of all kinds soon became his preferred area, but he did not shy from Maths, History, or Science. However, his care-free youth was running headlong into misfortune. Jack was perhaps, too curious. In his youth he had heeded the warnings of his parents to stay away from the brooding old house that stood not too far from the sleepy hills of his home, a strange blackened house, ominously ringed by dead trees, all of which faced inwards, their branches stretching and scraping against the abandoned house, the remaining paint chipped away at the scraping of these branches, almost like a man tearing away at his own face. This house had scared Jack as a youth, and he did not need his parents warnings to keep away from it. But, in the ever increasing bravado of his teenage years, the dark brooding aspect of the old abandoned house called to the faint macabre fascination he held. He assumed his parents had warned him away because of the house's rickety foundation, after all the house was ancient, and was once obviously the location of a dreadful fire, but it had not seen fit to fall since that supposed event, so long ago, and he presumed it would not if he saw fit to do some late night exploration. Only a few days after his 17th birthday, Jack headed out to the old abandoned house with a flashlight and some batteries in case it's current pair ran out. Heading up to that dread old house sent chills all through Jack's body, though whether they were thrills of excitement, or some recall of his old boyhood fears, he could not say. Entering through the front door, which opened with uncanny ease, Jack felt that his earlier predictions were much on the mark, the old house was even more ragged on the inside, blackened and charred remains of pillars and foundations resting every so often, now covered in the old webs of spiders, and the skittering of a stray rat or two that must have moved in since the old fire sounded every so often. Searching about the lower floor, Jack discovered that most of the bottom floor was burned away, leaving little to be seen. Traveling upstairs, Jack found the higher he went the less damage there seemed to be, with the old paint holding reign at the heights of the second floor walls. Finding little else of interest, Jack was about to leave, somewhat disappointed, when he noticed that all the fire damage seemed to radiate from a single point, a trap door leading to the attic. Jack seemed to recall that it was from this area that most of the strange trees outside seemed to cling the most, and so his excitement renewed, he decided to ascend into the room above. Using a fold-down staircase, Jack attempted to open the trap door, but found that it was blocked by something heavy above. Not one to be easily deterred, Jack heaved against the door with all his strength, and noticed the weight slightly alleviated. Repeating this a few more times, Jack was finally able push his way up into the room. The source of the weight was a heavy chest, which Jack assumed must have fallen over onto the door during some previous event. Casting about, Jack found that the room was almost totally spotless, the paint did not seem to have come loose yet, and not even spider webs seemed to intrude on the uncharacteristic calmness of the room. After looking about the room for a few minutes, Jack finally noticed the Mirror. It was strange he had not seen it before, it was standing straight up, not too far from the door. It was an old kind, long and oval shaped with a gold rim made out like a golden rope, on a similarly golden stand. Like the rest of the room, the mirror was seemingly untouched, and as Jack marveled at the polished gold of the mirror, he noticed something strange. There seemed to be a twitch of movement in the corner of his eye. Startled for a moment, Jack stepped back a moment, then snickered at himself. Surely it was just his own flashlight moving, edging closer Jack studied the reflection in more detail, and he began to notice something odd. The room in the reflection looked much as he would have expected it, old, dusty, paint peeling from the walls, cobwebs in the corners, all illuminated easily by his flashlight. Wondering if he had perhaps not noticed these things, Jack turned about, looking at the room again but... no, the image in the mirror did not match the room about him. This disturbed Jack, but he would not be unduly scared by something like that. It was probably a trick of his eyes, he had been up an awful long time. Looking once more into the reflection, Jack saw it again, a twitch of movement, spinning around rapidly, Jack's flashlight fell upon the over-quiet room, and nothing else. Cursing himself for a fool, Jack turned around once more, and stared in horrified shock. He barely noticed the strange silhouette standing off in the corner... no, what caught his eye was his own reflection. All was not as it should be. There was something subtly... wrong about it, it took him a moment to place. He was not smiling, he had not blinked. His flashlight was not where it was in the mirror... and then suddenly, the figure moved, and the silence was broken as Jack let out a sharp bark, falling backwards away from that cursed room and that hated mirror. He fell through the trap door, bouncing down the stairs. Jack hurriedly ran back up, pulling the trap door shut. His heart pounding, his eyes bulging, Jack did not dare to believe what he had seen, dared not think it could be real, his breathing choked and heavy, it still did not drown out that final straw, that broke his youthful bravado. It was the unmistakable sound of odd, creeping steps, and the scraping of the heavy chest on the wood floor, scraping back onto the trap door. Jack fled from that old house, screaming and raving about the ghosts in the attic, the monster that lurked in the corner of his eye and it's cruel, masked steps, until Jack had to be sent to a mental institution, for his own sake. And all through his treatment, it was not the wrongness of the room, or the disharmony of the mirror, it was not the strange figure behind him it's haunting steps, it was not even the movement of his reflection, or even the hideous scraping of that heavy chest across the old wooden floors, that haunted his days and his nights, and chased sanity away time and again. It was a single memory, that he could not suppress. It was it's eyes, the eyes in the mirror, he had looked into them and seen something that he could not deny. He saw himself in his own eyes, and it had been him in that rotting old room, with it's mold and it's musty old wood, it's peeling paint, and that hateful figure in the back, and he had seen himself, fall through that old trap door, but it had not been him, and as he fled the old house he had not heard his screaming and raving, he had heard only an inhuman laughter as he ran from that old room, knowing something within him had been set free, something he could see whenever he looked upon a mirrored surface, and others could not.

2010-09-22, 05:54 AM
And you are sending this poor man to Innocence? You cruel, cruel person :smallbiggrin:

This character si most definately aproved, feel free to start posting. My internet and computer died last night so couldn't reply early ><