View Full Version : Tales of Symphonia: "Can't we use a quick jump?"

Fiery Diamond
2010-08-26, 10:01 PM
So, I didn't see a ToS thread, so I decided to start one. Besides the fact that we just need one, I have a question that I can't find the answer to anywhere, and I was wondering if anyone here could help me.

So, question.

In ToS, you gain grade by battling. When you finish the game, you can start a new game plus. The grade you earned carries over and you can use it in the Grade Shop, or just let you hard-earned grade sit there and do nothing.

In ToS2, when you finished a new game plus and started a new game plus with that save file (a new game ++, if you will), all grade you spent in the grade shop at the beginning of your first new game plus is returned to you, in addition to the grade you gained during your new game plus.

My question is, does it work like that in the first ToS? When you start a new game ++, does the grade you already spent at the beginning of your new game + get returned to you; or is it gone for good?

So, chat.

I am a shameless Lloyd/Sheena shipper. Because Sheena is awesome and deserves more love. From someone who isn't Zelos, because he has a ... different ... idea of what "love" means. As my friend says, yelling "chest" when you spot a treasure chest just makes her think of Zelos. Who would probably yell "chest" for a different reason. Though, come to think of it, he probably wouldn't use the word "chest" that much, preferring...other words.

Also, I found a really neat fanfiction about ToS. It's an author-insert, so I thought it would be crap, but it turns out it's really one of the best fanfictions I've read (not the best, to be sure, but still). It's called New Reality. (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4772320/1/New_Reality)

Teutonic Knight
2010-08-27, 03:26 AM
We had a this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157023), and it's within the 6 week no necromancy rule, so if you want to post there you can, and I think you should because the topics are the same and we don't want two post on the same topic.

Not sure about the New Game ++, cause I don't want to restart my + file to test it. Even though everyone is 100+. :smalltongue: But actually it was because I got into Niflheim, beat Living Armor, got to floor like 12 out of 15, I believe, and when I used the green flame to save I pressed A one too many times and accidentally exited the dungeon. That was the last times I played Symphonia. Since then I have been playing Abyss however. I should return and beat Niflheim, and I also don't think that there was a New Game ++ in ToS.

2010-08-27, 10:50 AM
Yes, you do get to reuse the grade you spent on NG+ bonuses on NG++.

Fiery Diamond
2010-09-06, 10:47 AM
Yes, you do get to reuse the grade you spent on NG+ bonuses on NG++.

Thanks muchly.