View Full Version : FRAPS issue

2010-08-26, 11:28 PM
So, sometimes when I do an LP, I find that my voice gets out of sync with the game.

That is to say, I'll be watching the playback, and I'll hear myself saying something like "OH DEAR GOD" a second or two before the ambush that triggered the startled reaction.

Other sounds, like gunshots and hats falling off, seem to be perfectly in sync with the video. It's just my voice. What gives? Can I fix this?

2010-08-27, 01:34 AM
You are psychic. There is nothing medical science can do.

2010-08-27, 03:55 AM
Sure it's not just your video card temporarily choking on the flow of data that prompted the "OH DEAR GOD"? I haven't noticed any stutter on the FRAPS videos but then I also didn't have any idea that since the game sound was disabled, FRAPS would pick up the speaker output from iTunes as the soundtrack.

2010-08-27, 07:03 AM
Sure it's not just your video card temporarily choking on the flow of data that prompted the "OH DEAR GOD"? I haven't noticed any stutter on the FRAPS videos but then I also didn't have any idea that since the game sound was disabled, FRAPS would pick up the speaker output from iTunes as the soundtrack.

Well, I'm not sure how it could temporarily choke on the flow of-




Whenenever FRAPs reaches the end of a video file (It likes to crap them out in 15 minute chunks) it stutters for a couple seconds. But I've noticed that things I say DURING that stutter still get recorded. Maybe- Wait no that doesn't make sense either, since if there's 3 seconds of stutter and 3 seconds of me talking during the stutter then there's nowhere for me to have gotten ahead there.