View Full Version : Arena Tournament Round 95: Marquis de la Nuit vs. Rai

2010-08-30, 02:26 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 95: Marquis de la Nuit vs. Rai

The outer Arena walls for this map are 30 ft high, with a Climb DC of 30.

XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Marquis de la Nuit (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=231840) - Beelzebub1111
Rai (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=40806) - Sallera

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2010-08-30, 02:32 PM
Init: [roll0]

Purchases will depend on who wins init.

Edit: Temp copy of the sheet while PifRO's down: Rai (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=40806)

2010-08-30, 03:16 PM
Init: [roll0]
No purchases.
Edit: Yich...that roll does not bode well for the rest of this match.

2010-08-30, 03:40 PM
Purchasing a bullseye lantern, a pint of oil, flint and steel, four sunrods, and a tindertwig.

Rai, Round 1

Starting in Y11, holding lit bullseye lantern, pointing west, and sling loaded with a masterwork bullet. The other 9 slings are also loaded.
Free: Drop the lantern in X11, still pointing west, so you lose sight of me.
Standard: Psionic Shot sling attack, against FF.
Attack: [roll0] (+2 unseen, -4 range)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
And you have concealment, of course, which you roll if necessary.
Refs/LoS:Move to Y14 at half speed.
Hide: [roll3]
MS: [roll4]

Stats:HP 10/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 6/6
Not focused

2010-08-30, 03:55 PM
Marquis, Round 1
Starting in B10, Holding Vial.

Vial is Alchemist's fire.


Move to D8
Ready Action, Cast arrow of dusk when I have Line of Sight.

Thank god for natural ones.
Stats:HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty


2010-08-30, 04:03 PM
Rai, Round 2

Refs/LoS:Standard: Manifest Chameleon.
Move: Reload sling.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

Stats:HP 10/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 5/6
Not focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 100 rounds

2010-08-30, 04:29 PM
Marquis, Round 2

Move to B7
Ready Action: Cast Arrow of Dusk On target within line of sight


HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-30, 04:33 PM
Rai, Round 3

Refs/LoS:Full-round: Attempt to regain psionic focus. Concentration, DC20: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

Stats:HP 10/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 5/6
Possibly focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 99 rounds

2010-08-30, 05:30 PM
Marquis, Round 3

Move to D5
Ready Action: Cast Arrow of Dusk On target within line of sight


HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-30, 05:58 PM
Rai, Round 4

Refs/LoS:Full-round: Attempt to regain psionic focus. Concentration, DC20: [roll0]
No movement, keeping previous Hide result of 37.

Stats:HP 10/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 5/6
Possibly focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 98 rounds

2010-08-30, 06:10 PM
Marquis, Round 4
Double Move to K4


HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-30, 06:37 PM
Rai, Round 5

Refs/LoS:Standard: Manifest Vigor.
Move: Draw sunrod (still unlit).
Hide: [roll0]

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 4/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 97 rounds, Vigor 10 rounds

2010-08-30, 06:45 PM
Marquis, Round 5
Double move to O2
Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-30, 06:49 PM
Rai, Round 6

Refs/LoS:Double move to S16.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 4/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 96 rounds, Vigor 9 rounds

2010-08-30, 06:57 PM
Ref Candycorn

Refs Only: For your enjoyment (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=129kuDCQtHs&ob=av3e)

@Rai:No LOS

@Marquis de la Nuit:No LOS

Marquis's turn.

2010-08-30, 06:58 PM
Marquis, Round 6
Keep Hide Score of 24
Ready Action: Cast Extended Mesmerizing Shade on First LOS within 25ft

HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-30, 06:58 PM
Sallera, can you post Rai's Spot/Listen mods in your statblock until the sheet comes up?

2010-08-30, 07:10 PM
@Hustler: She posted a clone sheet a couple posts down.
Linky (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=40806)

2010-08-30, 07:41 PM
Ref Candycorn

Refs Only: For your enjoyment, Part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDA33hGFNgQ)

@Rai:No LOS

@Marquis de la Nuit:No LOS

Rai's turn.

2010-08-30, 08:07 PM
Rai, Round 7

Refs/LoS:Moth tactics time. Since you can see the light through the ice, but not the source...
Standard: Throw the sunrod at N19+20, where it will fall and light when it strikes the ground.
Attack: [roll0] against AC5 (5 range increments).
On a miss, lands 5 squares in direction [roll1], clockwise from northeast.
Move: Draw another sunrod.
Hide: [roll2]

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 4/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 95 rounds, Vigor 8 rounds

2010-08-30, 08:41 PM
Marquis, Round 7
Free Action: Five Foot Step to N1
Ready Action: Cast Arrow of Dusk on living target that I have LoS to.
Hide [roll0]
MS [roll1]
HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty


2010-08-30, 08:45 PM
Rai, Round 9 8

Refs/LoS:Now then, let's see what we can see.
Move to Q13.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
Standard: Ready action:Psionic Shot sling attack if the Marquis comes in LoE without cover or ends turn in LoE.

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 4/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 94 rounds, Vigor 7 rounds

2010-08-30, 10:10 PM
Ref Candycorn

Refs Only:[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2jfV1DzcuQ]For your enjoyment, Part 3

@Rai:Your toss from Y14 to N19(+20) is a 70 foot throw (accounting for elevation and diagonals)

As an improvised thrown weapon, it uses a range increment of 10 feet, which puts a 70 feet throw at the beginning of the 8th increment, which is out of range for thrown objects (max range of 5 increments).

I'll fetch a High Ref to verify this and make the rewind.

Hold please.

2010-08-30, 10:44 PM
candycorn:I'm in S16 now, not Y14.

2010-08-31, 12:11 AM
Ref Candycorn

@Sallera:Sorry, missed that, in scrolling back through the posts. recalculating everything now.

@Refs only:LOS changed prior to Marquis's turn, round 7. Play will need to be rewound to this point, if he chooses to alter his actions based on the sunrod.

Marquis:No LOS. However, before stepping into N1, a sunrod ignites on the ground in N19. Does this affect your actions?

Rai:No LOS

This LOS is as of the beginning of Marquis's round 7. Fetching a high ref, one moment.

2010-08-31, 05:21 AM
No Change, but I'll need LOS after this move
Marquis, Round 8
Seeing the sunrod, and having a clear view that no one's there I'll move to L4. Check LOS
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Not Done. Waiting for LoS and to get off work

2010-08-31, 12:18 PM
Ref Candycorn

LOS (up to current):
Refs Only:http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w85/maharai23/07-candles2.png
Location of all light effects and players. Shadowy illumination is denoted as well.

Current Arena effects:
Bull's eye lantern in X11, facing west (60 foot bright illumination, 60 more shadowy)
Sunrod in N19 (30 foot bright illumination, 30 more shadowy)
Rai: No LOS.

Current Arena effects (That you know of):
Bull's eye lantern in X11, facing west (60 foot bright illumination, 60 more shadowy)
Sunrod in N19 (30 foot bright illumination, 30 more shadowy)
Marquis:No LOS.

Current Arena effects:
Bull's eye lantern in X11, facing west (60 foot bright illumination, 60 more shadowy)
Sunrod in N19 (30 foot bright illumination, 30 more shadowy)

2010-08-31, 02:27 PM
Marquis, Round 8 Cont.

Move to L2
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-31, 02:37 PM
Ref Candycorn


Rai:No LOS

Marquis:No LOS

Turn is Rai's.

(Note: I will provide maps to players upon request, with information that you have concerning any temporary arena effects.)

2010-08-31, 02:47 PM
No change (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9258410#p9258410).

2010-08-31, 02:56 PM
Apologies. After Marquis's response, no rewind is needed. LOS for post 27 has factored movement for Rai to post 22, and for Marquis to post 26. (Which is what I meant by the "current" comment.)

Were a rewind needed, the match would still be on hold for a high ref to do it.

2010-08-31, 03:02 PM
No change (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9258410#p9258410).
Is that your turn? if so:
Marquis, Round 9
Double Move to Q4
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-31, 03:07 PM
Sorry, should have paid attention to round numbers.

Rai, Round 9

Refs/LoS:Perhaps something more risky is in order.
Move to K13, which should still be in shadowy illumination.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
Standard: Ready action:Psionic Shot sling attack if the Marquis comes in LoE without cover or ends turn in LoE.

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 4/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 93 rounds, Vigor 6 rounds

2010-08-31, 03:17 PM
Beelzebub's turn, post 32, is not valid (taken when not his turn). LOS forthcoming.

@Sallera:Moving from Q13 to L13 will cause you to pass through bright illumination, even though L13 is shadowy. Is this intended?

Square M13, N13, and O13 are bright illuminated (from the sunrod in N19).

2010-08-31, 03:17 PM
candycorn:Moving to K13, not L13. But yes, that's intentional.

2010-08-31, 03:25 PM
Ref Candycorn



@Marquis:You see Rai enter LOS from O13, and move to M13, and then leave LOS to the west.

@Rai:No LOS

It is Marquis's turn, Round 9.

2010-08-31, 04:20 PM
Sorry for the mix up
Marquis, round 9

This is assuming that I'm still at L2

Move to N4
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
Ready Action: Fire Arrow of Dusk if I have LoS and LoE to Rai

2010-08-31, 04:40 PM
Ref Candycorn


Refs:Marquis Listen: [roll0] vs DC 24 (19+ 5 distance)
Rai Listen: [roll1] vs DC 20 (Marquis MS is 15 +5 for distance.)

@Rai:No LOS.

@Marquis:No LOS.

Rai's turn.

2010-08-31, 04:47 PM
Rai, Round 10

Refs/LoS:Move to K8.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
Standard: Ready action:Psionic Shot sling attack if the Marquis comes in LoE without cover or ends turn in LoE.

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 4/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 92 rounds, Vigor 5 rounds

2010-08-31, 04:50 PM
Ref Candycorn


@Refs:Listen (Marquis):[roll0]

LOS Forthcoming.

@Marquis:No LOS

@Rai:No LOS

Marquis's Turn.

2010-08-31, 04:58 PM
Marquis, Round 10

Double Move to T4
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-31, 05:02 PM
Ref Candycorn

@Refs:Rai Listen: [roll0]

@Rai:No LOS
@Marquis:No LOS

Rai's turn.

2010-08-31, 06:17 PM
Rai, Round 11

Spectators:Well now, this is odd. I've given him plenty of opportunities, and I know he's up here somewhere, since I just heard him moving. Is he running from me? o0 Perhaps he wants to drop his cloud first... or perhaps I should stop readying actions, if only to get him to show himself.

Refs/LoS:Move to H6.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
Standard: Throw sunrod at L6+20.
Attack vs. AC5: [roll2]
Miss direction: [roll3] clockwise from west

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 4/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 91 rounds, Vigor 4 rounds

2010-08-31, 06:36 PM
Ref Candycorn

@Sallera:Your roll features the -6 for range, but not the -4 for improvised throwing weapon. In addition, you're aiming at AC 9, due to cover. End roll is 14, vs AC 9, which still hits.

Refs:Blah. Intervening terrain makes listen pointless.

@Marquis:You see light fill the area to your west, and shadowy illumination almost reaches your square (S4 and T3 both have it, but T4 does not). In addition, you can see light fill Q8 and R8.

@Rai:No LOS, but you see a bright illumination through the wall at K6.

Marquis's Turn.

2010-08-31, 08:50 PM
Marquis, Round 11
Double Move to Y6
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-08-31, 10:59 PM
Ref Candycorn



Rai:No LOS

Marquis:No LOS

Rai's turn.

2010-08-31, 11:35 PM
Rai, Round 12

Refs/LoS:Move: Draw another sunrod.
Standard: Manifest Vigor.
5ft step to H5.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 3/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 90 rounds, Vigor 10 rounds

2010-09-01, 03:40 AM
Marquis, Round 12
Double Move to Y11
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-09-01, 10:22 AM
Ref Candycorn



@Rai:No LOS
@Marquis:No LOS

Rai's turn, Round 13.

2010-09-01, 10:31 AM
Rai, Round 13

Refs/LoS:Move: To K4.
Standard: Ready action:Psionic Shot sling attack at the Marquis if he enters LoE without cover or ends turn in LoE.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 3/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 89 rounds, Vigor 9 rounds

2010-09-01, 10:40 AM
Ref Candycorn

@Marquis:You see the lantern in X11, lit and facing west. No other LOS.

@Rai:You see the sunrod shining in L6. No other LOS.

2010-09-01, 02:19 PM
Marquis, Round 13
Move Action: Pick up lantern in X11
Free Action: Drop lantern in Y10 with light facing north
Ready Action
Cast Arrow of Dusk on opponent when they enter LoS

HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-09-01, 03:17 PM
Ref Candycorn


@Rai:Light dims from bright to shadowy in: N12, O12, P11, and P12.

Light disappears from Q10, Q11, and R11.

Bright light fills X4, X5, Y3, Y4, Y5, Z3, Z4, Z5, and Z6.

No other LOS.

@Marquis:No LOS

2010-09-01, 07:24 PM
Rai, Round 13

Refs/LoS:Well, I don't think he's got any way of turning that lantern remotely, so...
Move: To M9.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
Not done, need LoS.

2010-09-02, 01:22 AM
Ref Candycorn

Refs:Marquis Listen: [roll0] DC 14 (after factoring distance)
Marquis Spot: 21 Hide vs +4 Spot Mod, with -6 penalty for distance

Rai:You see the lantern on the ground in Y10, facing north. No other LOS.

Marquis:No LOS.

Still Rai's turn.

2010-09-02, 01:48 AM
Rai, Round 13 cont.

Refs/LoS:Figured. At least I've got his position narrowed down a little, although I still don't know why he's running from me.
Standard: Throw the sunrod at U11+10.
Attack: [roll0]
Miss direction: [roll1], clockwise from west.

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 3/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 88 rounds, Vigor 8 rounds

2010-09-02, 04:19 AM
@Refs:Sunrod lands in Y7.

@Marquis:You see a sunrod land in Y7, flaring to life.
@Rai:Much of the area to the West lights up, though you can't see where exactly the sunrod landed.

LOS is established.

Rai is in M9.
Marquis is in Y11, holding a flask.

Marquis has a ready action trigger.

2010-09-02, 07:07 AM
Marquis, Readied Action
Arrow of Dusk,
attack [roll0] Ranged Touch
Damage: [roll1] nonlethal (x3 crit)

2010-09-02, 10:43 AM
Your turn, still; I'm done.

2010-09-02, 12:32 PM
I know, waiting for a response from a ref in the waiting room.

2010-09-02, 08:25 PM
Screw it, I'll just try it and see what happens.
Marquis, Round 14

Pick up lantern in Y10
Move To Y7
Drop Lantern in Y8 Pointing South
Drop Prone on top of the sunrod
HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-09-02, 10:33 PM
Rai, Round 14 15

Refs/LoS:Move to S10.
Move: Draw a sunrod.

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 3/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 87 rounds, Vigor 7 rounds

2010-09-03, 04:19 AM
Marquis, Round 15

Ready Action:
Cast Extended Mesmerizing Shade if opponent comes within 25 feet and I have Line of Sight

HP 7/7, AC12 (12, 10)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-09-03, 08:01 AM
Hold up a sec. Sallera was entitled some information from post 61. Still trying to figure out exactly what information it is.

2010-09-04, 10:17 AM
@Refs Not Sallera
Some RAW precident? Alright then. In the description for continual flame and Daylight (Spells that creates light, but not heat. Similar to that of a Sunrod) it says that it can be covered and hidden in the case of Continual Light.
And in Daylight:

If daylight is cast on a small object that is then placed inside or under a light-proof covering, the spell’s effects are blocked until the covering is removed.
It makes sense that my body, being opaque, would fall under the category of "Light Proof Covering" So falling on top of it should block out the light.

2010-09-04, 10:26 AM
@Refs Not Sallera
Some RAW precident? Alright then. In the description for continual flame and Daylight (Spells that creates light, but not heat. Similar to that of a Sunrod) it says that it can be covered and hidden in the case of Continual Light and in Daylight.

It makes sense that my body would fall under the category of "Light Proof Covering"

@Response (Not Sallera):I have no problem with that line of reasoning. I will give a reasonable opportunity for any other refs to have a chance to voice any objections, and then provide LOS as if your body blocks light. In either case, all actions after post 61 will need to be voided, as you did not provide information to your opponent based on what Rai saw BEFORE you fell prone.

2010-09-05, 08:08 AM
LOS (as of post 61):

Rai:You see Marquis pick up the lantern in Y10, and move north, leaving LOS as he exits Y10 to the north.

Then, you see bright light illuminate W10, X10, Y10, Z10... V11, W11, X11, Y11, Z11.... U12, W12, X12, Y12, Z12.

Would this alter your actions in post 62?

Marquis:No LOS

Waiting on Response from Sallera.

2010-09-05, 12:55 PM
Refs:Hm? Weren't those squares already brightly illuminated from the sunrod I tossed in Round 14? I believe it landed up in that direction...

2010-09-05, 05:24 PM
@Sallera:Ah, true. Also: V10 and T11 lose their illumination.

2010-09-05, 05:33 PM
Refs:Hmm... odd. No change to my Round 15 turn.

2010-09-05, 06:32 PM
LOS to post 63:

Rai:From S10, you see a lantern pointing south in Y8. In addition, Z8 has no illumination, nor does W9.

Marquis:No new LOS.

Play Resumes, Rai's turn.

2010-09-05, 06:35 PM
Rai, Round 16

Refs/LoS:Standard: Light sunrod.
Free: Move sunrod to mouth.
Move: Draw mind blade.
Hide: [roll0]

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 3/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 86 rounds, Vigor 6 rounds

2010-09-05, 07:23 PM

Rai:No new LOS, aside from squares within 30 feet of you with LOS being brightly illuminated, and squares within 60 feet of you with LOS being shadowy illumination.

Marquis:Bright illumination fills the following squares:
T11, U10, U11, W9.
Shadowy Illumination fills: Z8
In addition, Ice walls at V8 and V9 show bright illumination on the other side.

Marquis's turn.

2010-09-05, 08:31 PM
Marquis Round 16
Ready Action:
Cast Extended Mesmerizing Shade if opponent comes within 25 feet and I have Line of Sight

HP 7/7, AC12 (Touch 12, Flat footed 10) (16 vs Ranged attacks)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-09-05, 08:51 PM
Rai, Round 17

Refs/LoS:Partial move to V10.
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]
Not done, need LoS.

2010-09-05, 09:13 PM
Ref Candycorn

Refs: Marquis Listen: [roll0] vs DC 2 (distance)

Rai:You see Marquis in Y7. He is prone. The bulls eye lantern is in Y8, facing south.

Marquis:Bright Light becomes visible in: Y6, Z6, Y7, Z7.
Shadowy Light becomes visible in Z5.

You hear movement to the south.

Continue Rai's turn.

2010-09-05, 09:25 PM
Rai, Round 17 cont.

Refs/LoS:So he's... what, lying on my sunrod? Strange tactic. :smalltongue: Well, I'm a little too far away for a nice bout of stabbing, so I guess I'll see if he's been readying actions.
Standard: Ready action:Psionic Shot sling attack if the Marquis is ever standing in LoE without cover.

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 3/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 85 rounds, Vigor 5 rounds

2010-09-05, 09:32 PM
Ref Candycorn


Refs:Blah blah blah

Here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKlu3A3BBgE)

Rai:No changes to last LOS

Marquis: No changes to last LOS

Marquis's turn.

2010-09-05, 09:52 PM
Marquis, Round 17

So...I'm in the light...Guess this doesn't matter anymore
Move action:Stand up
Second Move: Move to V6
Hide: [roll0]
MS: [roll1]

HP 7/7, AC12 (Touch 12, Flat footed 10) (16 vs Ranged attacks)
No ongoing effects
Right hand: Alchemist's Fire
Left Hand: Empty

2010-09-05, 10:27 PM
Ref Candycorn



Rai:You see Marquis stand up, and move north to Y6, and then out of LOS as he exits Y6 to the west. The sunrod in Y7 becomes visible again, and resumes providing light.

Marquis:Bright light is in: S4-S5, S15, T5-T15, U4-U16.
Shadowy Light is in: T4, T16-T20, S16-S20, R17-20.

Rai's turn.

2010-09-05, 10:53 PM
Rai, Round 18

This should re-establish LoS at some point, so no reason to spoiler it.
Move to T6.
Standard: Psionic Shot sling attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Stats:HP 15/10, AC19 (15, 15)
PP: 3/6
Psionically focused
Active Effects: Chameleon 84 rounds, Vigor 4 rounds

2010-09-06, 05:56 AM
No need to to confirm that critical, I'm toast. Good game.

Man, I could not make a single hide roll that entire game. Or apparently spot check.

2010-09-06, 07:28 AM
If it makes you feel better, Rai only saw you a couple times. Total darkness beats spot every time.

2010-09-06, 08:28 AM
If it makes you feel better, Rai only saw you a couple times. Total darkness beats spot every time.

Eh, not really. I regret having spent my money on these grenadelikes, when it should have been spent on things to help me see

2010-09-06, 11:37 AM
Heh, it was a good match. Pretty much exactly what I was hoping for from this map. Perhaps we'll meet again after I get my arse kicked by Wendy... :smalltongue:

2010-09-06, 12:38 PM
Oh, come now. Wendy's not that nasty. I'm trying to minimize what I buy in preparation for the level 2 round.

2010-09-06, 12:41 PM
Oh, I won't say I don't have a few ideas, but I still don't like my chances. It's more a matter of being a fitting opponent than being especially powerful.

2010-09-07, 11:30 AM
An unconfirmed crit still spells psionic pain for the Marquis, and Rai get the win!