View Full Version : JibSkarn Industries Presents: Warlords Battlecry III, ButtSkarn vs Jibar

2010-08-31, 05:09 PM
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Phase and BlackFox, to...

Jibar and Rutskarn vs The World Each Other


Once again I and my esteemed hated ally take to the Let's Play floor, with 100% less horribly breaking video and audio attempts, and 100% more text and lack of pictures. In our latest attempt to complete a project together, we've taken to the RTS genre to present to you accounts of our deadly battles with one another in the medium of cyberspace as video technology cannot yet capture our world shattering physical contests in the outer limits of the universe.
Hint: I'm Hal Jordan, he's Sinestro.
This is only the beginning, folks! Like this? We'll do more. Yeah, how's that for a threat. We'll do more. We'll do our own fan art. We'll write fan fiction about our created characters. Encourage us and we will unleash creative Hell upon your internets and hit you harder than Tyler Durden's ear.
Note: Inform Rutskarn of these plans
So, without further ado! Let's introduce your heroes hero Jibar!

The Players

I'll be playing as the ssrathi, which is ssrathi for ssrathi, or in english, Lizardmen. I don't really know why, and I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing, but scales are pretty cool. My hero is Oedipus T Rex, Dragonslayer. After murdering his parents in a bizarre and ludicrous backstory, he decided it was his mission to kill stuff. Kill lots of stuff. Battle cry: "SWORDS AND SCALES, SIBILANCE!"

I’ll be playing as the fey, because I’m a big fan of playing the wussiest-looking race and because their voice actors are hilarious. For my hero, I created Pollo Manguire, fey alchemist. When not brewing up pots of hallucinogenic substances in his covered wagon, Pollo dabbles in horticulture, sewing, and leading bloodthirsty warbands. Battle cry: “Wait, what was I talking about?”

The Battle

Or alternately, I guess... if you're in to fairies (http://www.chocolatehammer.org/?p=2651)

0:00 Time to pick my starting units. I’m playing as the Fey, so my builder units are Oaksmen, which sounds like a now-obsolete naval era profession but is actually a squat tree-dude. One of those should be enough. For my entourage, I take a fairy dragon for defensive purposes (he’s a flyer, and can’t be hit by starting melee units) and a sylph for scouting. I decide not to take a spriggan, mostly because I remember how overpowered they were in 2E Dungeons and Dragons.

0:00 Man, T-Rexes are expensive.

0:05 In this game, you gain resources by having your hero (or town center) “convert” mines. This consists of standing near some and doing a minute-long little dance, at the end of which the mines come under your possession and start passively giving you resources. You usually start out with some really good mines in town to get you started. Unfortunately, because my hero has the confident charisma of a dried slug, I can’t take all of them in one go, and have to muck around with waypoints just to get my starting mines and order. Put down the blotter and get moving, jack.

01:00 So let's assess our starting force. Two Chameleons, the builder units, who are incredibly hard to see. That'll be a problem for me and Rutskarn. A single Lizard Rider, to act as a guard alongside the three pre-built towers. And of course, my Hero, Oedipus T Rex, the Dragonslayer With Daddy Issues. Considering we're the reptiles, I don't know how much use he'll be, but I know Rutskarn has Fairy Dragons on his team so... I guess I'll kill them? That's a good starting plan.

01:26 These lizards are all Mayan, so my base is some weird stone temple with the coolest power ever: making it day. Come on. The sun. I can summon the sun. If I had Superman I'd be unstoppable. It costs crystal, which I'm just rolling in so once I've done the research I intend to make the most of it.

02:19 Hey look, a goblin, how cuteOHGOD MY LIZARD RIDER!

3:36 After scouting around with my sylph, who takes every opportunity to remind me that I smell like violets, I discover a crappy hole-in-the-ground crystal mine. Better than nothing, I suppose—every damn unit in this fey’s army requires a measure of crystal to train except for spriggans, who I’m racist against. Anyway, it’s time to grab my hero and some of the sylphs I’ve trained and start cruising for resources.

3:48 Hey, it’s raining. Fabulous.

04:40 COW!

04:41 Dead cow.

5:13 While capturing some center mines, a couple of gnolls wander in and start chopping up sylphs. This game has random monsters that spawn from lairs and start suicidally assaulting your units—I’ve had a couple of gnolls wander into my base at this point, and Jibar’s griping over chat indicates that he’s got a similar infestation. I make a mental note to burn down any gnoll nurseries I come across.

05:13 I found a goblin hovel thingy. I'm going to assume this is where that earlier murderer came from. I sent Oedipus T Rex to destory it. Ruuuun puny goblins, ruuuun!

5:49 I’ve research Clumsy Racial Stereotyping, and can now train leprechauns. Their spawn structure is literally a pot of gold with a rainbow coming out of it. My first thought was that the pot of gold was some sort of leprechaun bait, and I was going to grab them by the ankles and shake them until they agreed to kill dinosaurs for me, but that hypothesis was shot when I found out it cost crystal to train them. I’m starting to wonder if this race needs any resource but crystal, bunch of new age fruitcakes.

07:06 Oh God they've got a Shaman! Ruuuun from the not so puny goblins, ruuuun!

07:57 Hey cool, I can build a tree. Gonna build one Hell of a tree. Gonna build the best tree. Best.

8:48 Found some goblins. Luckily, they’re from the Tarol Hunt tribe, which means they appear at a rate of like three per month and then get into fights that don’t have much of an effect on anything.

10:00 Holy crap, Pollo can cast spells. How did I manage to forget that in my mine-seizure and gnoll-spankage? He only knows four to start with, and I immediately make a beeline for “Create Minor Item,” which has a 77% success rate.

I cast it. The spell fails.

10:00 I have no spells. I sad.

10:22 After killing a few wandering goblins, I try the spell again, with more success. The Breastplate of Khazrami is yielded—it gives me slightly worse spellcasting and very slightly improved defense. So, it’s exactly the opposite of what I would want for my sideline hero. I put it on anyway.

10:28 Built myself a temple and some holy priests. I guess they're my spellcaster units? I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing.

11:00 A couple gnolls trickle into my hero’s midst. I should really recall him at this point, since there are no more mines left that Jibar wouldn’t contest the taking of, but I’ve just spotted a goblin hatch and concluded, quite naturally, that it’s time for the Great Gobbo Hatch Attack.

11:05 I've got a plan now. My tree can make Dragonflys, small, cheap flyer units. With my Sun power and my huge store of crystals, I can keep the daylight going forever and make sure my Dragonflys have maximum sight range. If I fan them out bit by bit from my starting corner I can explore the map super fast and use them as an early warning system. I congratulate myself on using tactics for the first time in an RTS.

12:10 Okay, I just went into my hero’s spell list to cast Create Item, I glanced down to make a note of it, and all of the sudden, I hear, “Your hero has fallen!” I look up, wondering if I’d misheard it and Oedpius Rex had just tried to teach a dinosaur to eat from his hand, and saw that not only had my hero been murdered, my entire army was dead. I seriously have no idea what just happened, but I’ve instantly lost my ability to gather resources, build without builder units, or protect myself. That would have been an excellent ambush on Jibar’s part, but I’m 95% percent certain he had nothing to do with it and that I’d just gotten punked by some gnolls instead. GNOLLLLLSSSS!

12:10 Oh, hey, my priests know healing magic. Considering those goblins kicked my Hero's ass earlier, this is much needed. It's great having a hero that is alive. So great.

13:04 YEAH, YEAH! TAKE THAT GOBLIN SHAMAN. TAKE IT. BEATEN DOWN BY CHARLIE BROWN if Charlie Brown were a lizardman. Less witty lines more winning, Jibbers.

13:35 Hey look, gnolls. How could these simple, puny creatures ever be a bother.

14:10 To add insult to injury, a handful of gnolls just assaulted my base and starting smacking my towers. What the hell? What did I ever do to you bastards? Have some lucky charms and chill out, brah! No? Okay, fine, I’ll blow the ten units I’ve managed to train and show you the door. It’s a good thing Jibar is too busy ogling his future dinosaur units to assault me, or I could be screwed.

14:41 I've been expanding, bit by bit, and I reckon I own half the map at this point. Got myself a nice stone and gold income and crap tons of crystals. Of course I use metal for everything so poop on that. Anyone's guess really why the Mayan civilisation need so much metal. There's a small base of snakemen defending my base while Oedipus is out converting things.

16:00 I found a chest, and a Greater Troll Ring! Now my Dragonslayer heals himself. Part Troll-All Lizard Sweet.

16:51 HELLS YEAH I built a dinosaur pen. I can build Triceratops!

18:05 About 10 gnolls come to visit. They bring greenbean casserole and violence.

18:50 HELLS YEAH TRICERATOPS HELLS YEAH. Time to build a billion more.

20:32 While my unstoppable stampede of Triceratops is building, I've been moving my Dragonflys out further and further, and now one's come across Rutskarn's forces. At last I have an idea what he's up to and what he's up to is building more bases and OHCRAP HE SAW MY DRAGONFLY RUN DUDE RUN DUDE RUN.


22:51 Upon closer inspection, the encyclopedia salesmen visiting my north base are gnolls. A fairy dragon takes care of them, preserving my dominance of the crystal mine there and saving Fairy Christmas.

23:02 Score. A group of gnolls interrupted Rutskarn's force just a moment ago and the Dragonfly got away. Sucker. I'll put him back roughly a metre to the right of where he was before RUTSKARN WILL NEVER SEE IT COMING.

23:32 I finished upgrading my base. On the plus side, I can now train the endgame units. On the minus side, I can only train those at my fully-upgraded main building, so I can’t just set up a bunch of buldings to churn ‘em out, which is my preferred strategy. So, I’ve got a stream of quality units coming out, but it ain’t a very fast stream.

24:32 OH GOD THERE ARE GNOLLS EVERYWHERE SUDDENLY WHY OH WHY OH WHY OH oh yeah, I have Triceratops. Problem solved.

24:59 Since my hero can’t convert mines anymore, being dead, I build a new main building in the south to convert me some crystal mines. I’m going to need this to train a half-decent army.

25:33 I'm on my final rung of the tech tree, which means I'm building my final building. Which means... T-Rexes.

27:49 Started building my first T-Rex.

28:50 T-REX

29:42 GNOLLS

30:32 Right, that’s it. I just need two or three more unicorns, a couple of sylphs, and maybe a half-dozen leprechauns and we’re ready to schlep over to Lizardville and do some quality violence. I have a feeling Jibar’s trained mostly melee units, so as long as I hang back and let him come to me, I can take the bulk of his army with my ranged sylphs, leprechauns, and banshees before muscling in to tank his towers with my unicorns. It’s a tactic straight from the spiral-bound war diaries of General Lisa Frank.

31:26 While more T-Rexes build, I grab the final upgrade of the line of sight tree and now I can see EVERYTHING. NOTHING IS HIDDEN FROM JIBAR. No more fog of war, no more hidden parts of the map. I can see everything Rutskarn is doing... that's a lot of units in his corner.

32:47 Oh snap, Rutskarn's moving everything he's got towards my base. This means WAR! Because that's what we should've been doing this whole time!

33:13 And the gnolls move in! It's a three way battle to the death! Unicorns and Leprechauns vs Triceratops and Snakemen vs Gnolls Gnolls Gnolls!


34:02 Okay, looks like he’s got some triceratopses—oop, adolescent torosauruses—and some lizard dudes. Not as bad as I thought it would OH GOD A T-REX WHAT HAVE I DONE THE ANCIENTS WARNED US ABOUT THIS

35:00 In the end, everything died, Rutskarn destroyed one of my towers, and the only survivor is my beautiful T-Rex. He shall be named... King Dong.

35:02 The bad news is, Jibar’s still alive. The good news is, I’ve lost my entire army and he still has his most powerful unit. Wait.

36:00 Sneak attack time. Oedipus has been sitting at the south of the map, waiting for his moment. Now, with nothing to stop me, I send him to steal a bunch of Rutskarn's mines while I send King Dong down to rendevous.

36:15 Oho, somebody thinks he can take my mines, eh? Time to ineffectually fling a couple fresh-trained leprechauns at him and hope he runs away!

37:20 Hey, it kind of worked. He stepped off, and all I had to do was lose most of my leprechauns failing to take down his tyrannosaur. Now all I have to do is concentrate on re-re-re-building my army, and I’m probably not completely screwed forever!

37:31 GNOLLS

40:31 GNOLLS EVERYWHERE. I'm bouncing off Rutskarn's expansions bit by bit, Snakemen to the north, Oedipus and King Dong to the south. Once I knock down the south one, I'm sending in Oedipus and King Dong to destroy Rutskarn's base while he sends his troops north, meaning I can have my way with his stuff.

40:46 Crap, he’s back at my south base—and now he’s attacking my north one! I’ve got a decent-ish army now, but I can’t defend two targets at once, and I don’t know which he’s got the bulk of his forces stationed near. I’ll go after his hero and let the north one burn, I guess. It’s okay—my ace in the hole has been training for like five minutes now, and he’s 90% finished.

41:25 Uh oh. His hero and one of his Rexes are coming to hit my base, and my Crack Leprechaun Division is still mired in the south. He can cause a lot of damage if I don’t get there in time…and if he breaks my golden unicorn statue before my ace is done training, after I’ve waited six minutes for him, I think I’m gonna cry. 97% done…

42:30 Oh thank god. I managed to divert his T-rex with my leprechauns, which gives me time to let my unit finish building. He’s running roughshod all over me, but it won’t matter as long as I hit 100%. I’m at 98…99…

Aaaaaand I’ve hit my unit cap, so he refuses to come out.

Yeah. Jibar just broke all my main buildings, so my maximum unit threshold cap sunk like a stone, and suddenly I’m five points over the limit. And this guy requires four points. He’s done, but he won’t come out unless I lose half my army first. Of course, there’s no way to kill units with the delete key, or else I’d be winning as we speak. Luckily Jibar’s pulled back a bit to regenerate his forces.

42:38 I lost a T-Rex somewhere. I mean... he didn't die, but I don't know where he is.

45:01 I’m throwing my Crack Leprechaun Division directly into his face. It looks like a suicide assault, but that’s only because it is. Come on, you bastards, I’ve got important troops to fund!

45:02 I'm so close to winning at this point, half his base is destroyed and I just knocked down his north expansion. Time to make the final push and destroy what is left of his buildings.

45:14 Crap, he’s in my base again. Of course, he immediately goes for my golden unicorn statue again, and within like ten seconds it’s on fire. How does that even make sense? Man, this sucks. I’ve got my entire endgame sitting around in there, and the only reason I can’t bring him out is that I’ve got too many leprechauns stinking up the place! I shove my remaining couple of leprechauns against his T-Rex to distract it. The next ten seconds will decide the match. Does he go for the statue, or does he turn around to stomp some leprechauns?

YES! HE’S GOING FOR THE LEPRECHAUNS—and suddenly, I’ve got some breathing room!

Welcome to the battlefield, Mr. Forestwarden. I’ve always thought there’s no gasping war effort that couldn’t be improved by a giant centaur-titan with a bow.

46:00 Welp, there goes my victory. That's a big centaur. There's a creepy furry out there who is very happy right now.

46:15 A couple of shots and Oedpius hits the dirt. His precious dinosaur rides his coattails—or just regular tail—straight to Hell. Okay, that’s it, time to get him and leprechauns #24 and #86 over to give Jibar some payback. Return to freakin’ centaur! (http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/9/98/Scout_cartgoingbackdefense01.wav)

49:35 Crap

49:41 This guy has so many damned hitpoints, it’s almost unfair. He literally is single-handedly taking on Jibar’s entire base, his only assistance coming from whatever scrap units I manage to scrounge together and schlep his way. It’s going to take a while to kill all of Jibar’s buildings with what amounts to a really big longbow, but I’ll get there.

51:29 Hey, it's that T-Rex! I found him! Straight to Smacky's base he goes!

53:56 And now Rutskarn has destroyed my Dino Pen so I can't keep pumping out T-Rexes.

54:45 Boop.

55:45 Oh, hey, I could have been making demons this whole time too. When did I convert that random demon sanctuaryoh they take ten minutes to train and I’ve hit my cap anyway.

55:45 Oh, hey, I could've been making Pterodactyls this whole time too. When did I upgrade that treeoh it's been destroyed now.

56:01 My Forestwarden, who I’ve named 50 Centaur, manages to shoot down Jibar’s last building. Game over, fairies win.

56:01 Well that's it. Game over, man. Spoils: I found myself a Red Mage for my entourage, and Oedipus gained a post mortem level in addition to the three he gained while alive.

Final Thoughts

That was way too close. Jibar actually had significant tactical, economic, and military superiority for much of the game, especially after I lost my ability to get new mines. If hadn’t decided to train up a titan after losing my first army, and if he’d managed to take out the building training it, I would have been completely screwed.

Of course, Oedpius T. Rex managed to significantly outlevel Pollo, so the results of next match are anybody’s guess. One thing’s for sure: I am definitely not playing Fey again. I can’t get a handle on their upgrades and unit structures, and they seem somehow even more crystal-centric than the Wood Elves, my usual.

Hm. Pollo, pick yourself up and pick up some Deep Woods Off!—we’re going to see about getting you transferred…

In the end? Man was I close. If that damn Forestwarden hadn't shown up, or if I'd managed to get my Chameleons out when he first attacked, I would've had him dead. BUT, I killed three times the folks he did so I'd count myself the victor overall. King Dong dined well on Leprechaun flesh.
Good game. Good game.
AND LIKE THE MIGHTY PHOENIX (his mother), OEDIPUS RISES FROM THE ASHES TO FIGHT AGAIN! But then, there's also this lovely minotaur I know who wants a scrap at Rutskarn...

Dr. Bath
2010-08-31, 05:19 PM
Kinda borked OP there Jibbo.

Also what game is this. OH it's in the title. Nevermind.

2010-08-31, 05:20 PM
Kinda borked OP there Jibbo.

Also what game is this. OH it's in the title. Nevermind.

Oh my God the colours


2010-08-31, 05:21 PM
Woooaaaah, Warlords Battlecry III? Didn't know people even played this.

Have either you or Ruts played the 2nd game in the series?

2010-08-31, 05:28 PM
This is one of the more most exciting Lets Play formats I've seen. How exactly do you guys record this?

Also what game is this, because it sounds like one I should be playing.

2010-08-31, 05:41 PM
This is one of the more most exciting Lets Play formats I've seen. How exactly do you guys record this?

Also what game is this, because it sounds like one I should be playing.

I ripped the idea off of Computer Gaming World's old Tom vs. Bruce series. Basically, we both play with Skype on and notepads handy. Whenever something happens to either of us, we consult my watch timer (me by looking down, Jibar by badgering me) and write down a note with a timestamp on it.

The game is Warlords Battlecry III, available on GoG for 10 dollars (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/warlords_battlecry_3). I've played that one and the first one, Jibar had played exactly one practice match before this game. But I suck pretty badly, so it balances out.

2010-08-31, 06:12 PM
I loved this game in the olden days.

2010-08-31, 10:13 PM
I wish I knew where my copy of Warlords Battlecry was.

2010-09-01, 12:43 AM
Needs more lesbian half ninja artists.

Other than that, looks good.

Rustic Dude
2010-09-01, 03:34 AM
Looking at this with interest.

Take the Empire, Rutskarn. Elephants, for the God-Emperor.

2010-09-01, 07:10 AM
Very amusing!

2010-09-01, 07:20 AM
If Fey still have Banshees, they like most general units can also convert structures. (including mines.)

Sadly I only have I and II, but still great read. Reminded me of the games my brother and I used to play.

2010-09-01, 07:49 AM
This Let's Play is the best.


2010-09-01, 08:13 AM
The game is Warlords Battlecry III, available on GoG for 10 dollars (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/warlords_battlecry_3).
Yeah, I remember when that was announced. I saw the words 'Warlords' and 'III' and was: :smallbiggrin:
Then I realised it wasn't the old Reign of Heroes/Darklords Rising TBS game and was: :smallfrown:

This Let's Play is the best.


2010-09-01, 08:22 AM
OHMYGOSH!!! Warlords Battlecry III!! I used to love this game!

Great read, nice job!

2010-09-09, 12:42 PM
I'm sorry, what was that, you thought this was a one off?



The Players


My hero of choice for today's battle is my superhero concept: ANGER MOOSE. A moose who hated Canada so much he gained limbs, speech and superpowers. He'll be leading the undead, angry souls raised by his sheer anger. Honestly, I'm just going for flat out silliness right now. Battle cry: "I'M SO ANGRY I COULD HATE YOU TO FROZEN"


I know I said I was rolling wood elf, but there was a change of plans when I noticed there was a race called dark dwarves. I’m not a tremendous dwarf fan, but dark dwarves? That’s a sultanly level of kickass. I’m envisioning a horde of bristling, fur-clad berserkers, eyes ringed red, beards mottled with blood and froth—honor and reserve changed for sheer, naked bloodlust. Obviously I can’t strut up to these fearsome dudes with a pansy fey as my commander, so I create a new hero, Mollow Clockson, a black-bearded dwarven monk who thinks crane-kicking is an acceptable response to a good half of his problems. Battle cry: “As the cunning tiger said to the wise fox, GRAAAGGGGHHH! DIE!”

The Battle

Or if you're Canadian, you heathen. (http://www.chocolatehammer.org/?p=2738)


-5:00 I'm building a new hero for this match. What the devil is a Runemaster and how Dorfy is it.


-1:00 Wait, minotaur... ice mage... ANGER MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!


0:00 I guess when I think “dark dwarves,” I think of raging loose-cannon berserkers too fierce to be contained by regular dwarvery. Imagine my surprise when I get to the unit selection screen and discover that the one thing the dark dwarf army doesn’t have any of is, well, dwarves—dark or otherwise. Isn’t that supposed to be their thing? Okay, the builder unit’s a dorf, but the rest are various flavors of golems and siege weaponry. I can’t shake the feeling I’ve been ripped off. If you’re offering me a hit of dark dwarf, you’re promising me two things, here: that there will be dwarves, and that these dwarves will be—chromatically or ideologically—suitably dark. I guess it could have been worse; there was always the outside chance that I was signing up to play the emo jackass dwarves.

Also, there’s a unit called firebomb. It’s a spider-robot. I’ve only got enough points for one combat unit, and while my instincts are telling me spending it on this thing instead of a golem is a bad idea, I have to know what this little sucker actually does.


00:00 SO ANGRY. SO FREAKING ANGRY. GONNA RAISE THE DEAD I'M SO ANGRY. But yeah, I'm marching in here with the undead at my side. Two zombies, my builders, and three skeleton warriors should be sufficient for my purposes. These purposes being the total annihilation of the Canadian, Buttskarn de Arse.


00:08 This is actually a fantastic position I'm in. My base is surrounded by a river, with only three routes in. Both of the bridges are only wide enough for 1 unit at a time, and the southern path is so hidden no one would think to use it. I can do great things with this.


0:30 There’s a seal in my base. The accords between the Seal Empires and the undead are well known, which means I’ve got no choice but to detain this one. And by detain, I mean demolish. I send over my firebomb, who mildly surprises me by doing exactly what his name says he’d do—explode. As in, no more unit. I’m starting to wish I went with the stone golem, although since so far this race only labels things properly when they suck and are useless, there’s a decent chance that’d turn out to be a plaster statue of a mermaid.


01:11 I swear, all these skeleton warriors sound like total emos. Why did I have to raise the wanted-to-be-dead and not the annoyed-that-they-are-dead.


1:56 My engineers are tremendous drama queens. Every time I tell them to do something they’re like, “Strip the land!” “In the name of progress!” “Burn the forests!” I guess this is where the “dark” part comes in? Because they’re breathless fans of industrialization, expansion, and random ecological vandalism? Ignoring for a second that they’ve got the nuance and delicate characterization of a Captain Planet villain, I’ll admit it’s kinda refreshing to play a race whose very mission is to curbstomp hippies.


01:56 Oh, cool, magic. This is the first hero I've used with any kind of magic. The rain spell looks useful, as I believe my skeletons have the same line of sight no matter what. My aren't I tactical.


3:33 I saw a flicker of blue in the corner of my eye. I check my Doomed Bastard’s Spotting Guide, and conclude that I’d just gotten a glimpse of the elusive Jibar. The book says that they like cool, dark places, feed on Pringles, and can be identified by their overpowering musk. And that they’re extremely endangered.


03:37 Hi skeleton, how are... you're not one of mine. What are you up toSTOP CUTTING UP THAT MINE.


04:27 Well, ANGER MOOSE's initial scoutings have found a shop. I... don't know how this works.


5:06 The dark dwarves are a little more nuanced than the fey in terms of resources, but they do seem to base their economy primarily on stone. Lucky thing there’s some decent stone mines in the area. I’ve trained up a few stone golems by now, so I send them out to chaperone Mollow as he sweet-talks some rock mines.


5:27 Why are the undead attacking why is there a sorcerer why is this happening


7:30 I’ve almost finished putting the moves on a level 2 ore mine when suddenly, a parcel of skellies hops out of nowhere and starts beating on my hero. I’m starting to flash back to Pollo’s last stand over here, so I decide not to take any chances and to have him run like hell. He manages to garrison inside one of my towers--whereupon the skeletons surround it and start whacking the living crap out of it while arrows plink down harmlessly onto them. Flames appear within moments. Help?


8:12 It takes a long damn time for my tower and stone golems to bash up those skeletons. Wait, aren’t these Jibar’s basic unit? This doesn’t bode well at all.

With reservations, I send Mollow back out into the field. I’d prefer to keep him locked up, but dammit, those mines aren’t going to charm themselves.


09:04 Welp, after fending off all those undead I've lost my zombies. Maybe a skeleton got confused and just started cutting down everything without a pulse. Who knows.


09:36 More undead. I should've brought the paladin.


09:37 The undead paladin, for the record.


11:00 A couple spiders wander into my base. Some loitering golems take ‘em out. Could be worse, but I really hope this isn’t going to become a regular thing.


11:00 I'm evacuating what zombies I've got and packing them off across the map until I can stop the undead. I'll have 'em build an expansion while they're at it. Just to keep 'em busy.


11:30 Mollow bumps into a shrine. Shrines are little buildings where you can sometimes get quests for your hero—sometimes these quests will involve converting or destroying buildings, sometimes they’ll involve killing dudes, but this one was a simple matter of, “Pay me 800 gold and I’ll give you a guy.” I don’t have 800 gold, but I will soon. I stick a pin in this one for later.


12:11 Put your head back on zombie.


12:39 I finally scrape up the payment and receive my shrine-reward: a brand-new Archon. Archons are basically flying angelic units with flaming swords. Jibar’s gonna crap his pants when I sic this bad boy on him. He’s named something like Elias, but I’ve decided to call him Boreanaz.




13:46 Apparently Jibar’s hero died? The weird thing is that the kill indicator came from over in his base—just what the hell’s going on over there? Either he just committed ritual suicide or he’s got one king-hell infestation or another.








16:35 And as my towers finally finish off the Slayer, half my base is destroyed and a lot of it on fire.


16:35 Whoa, crap, just bumped into a high-level wandering undead and his pals. My stone golems dogpile him, but I lose a couple in the melee. That’s it, I’m going to hunt down that undead lair before it does any more damage.


17:25 I find a mausoleum nearby with a couple skeletons standing around it, apparently out for their union-mandated smoking break or something. I stone golem them to bonemeal, then proceed to knock down their place of employment. Better get some better file security, because it looks like you just got…decrypted.






21:34 And the Priestess once again destroys my Flier building. May I ever build a Vampire Bat.






24:37 Alright, I haven’t seen a trace of Jibar and my army’s starting to near critical mass. Time to send Boreanaz over to have a little look-see.


25:10 Oh great. Rutskarn found my expansion. And... yup. There he goes.


25:18 Okay, this is eerie. I just had him do a flyover and there’s nobody in Jibar’s base. I guess this infestation could be worse than I thought, or maybe his units are in his towers—of which there are a dozen, by the way—but I don’t see any trace of an army except a couple milling skeletons. The bad news is, he appears to be on an island—which there are exactly two ways onto, both of them narrow bridges. How come my base is set up in the middle of a pasture while he gets friggin’ Tenochtitlan? Yeah, I’m going to hold off for a bit before invading. Plus, I half-figure he’s got dudes stationed outside waiting to block off the bridge and sandwich me. I’m not sure I buy that this place is a complete ghost town.

Get it?

Eh? Eh?

Because he’s undead.

In the process of gearing up for a possible invasion, I do come across a north base that consists of a keep and a builder unit. I tear that shiz down, then scramble into the FOW before he can retaliate.




27:35 I found another shrine. The lady inside is willing to join my faction if I kill 13 units, for reasons that don’t make an abundance of sense—something about foreign invaders harassing her crew? I sign up, then start tromping around the north area killing the random wandering spiders. I think the flavor text indicates she wanted justice for actions against her people, but what she’s getting is me playing exterminator.


28:01 My Orkin Golems manage to find the spider lair pretty quickly. Actually, Boreanaz is the first on the scene, which is funny because the spiders can’t actually hit him back. They start running away…towards Jibar’s base. I think I’ll let those be.


28:13 Wow, that's a lot of golems destroying my expansion SPIDERS OH GOD THE SPIDERS




29:03 The lair goes down. My quest reward turns out to be a lady who can summon spiders. The spiders I just easily dispatched 13…no, 14 of. Thanks?


31:12 And there go the last of my Skeleton Warriors, defending what is left of my base from the Spider menace. There's some weird mechanic with these guys where you turn the Skeletons into better units but for the life of me I've no idea how. None of them live long enough for me to find out.


32:00 Okay, that’s enough foreplay. If I’m not ready to invade now, I’m never going to be. Currently my forces consist of golems—mostly stone golems, although there are a couple iron golems shouting stuff like, “Tin!” and “Copper!” and I’m not making that up—but there’s the angel dude, the spider priestess, and six siege weapons. I figure I’ll send the siege weapons onto the bridge, have some of them hit the towers while the rest pick at Jibar’s units, then clear the bridge for the melee units. No point having a bunch of rangeless dudes loitering around getting shot at.


32:20 Oh look at all the golems. How lovely. I'm gonna try and build some walls to keep them out and just eternally build bats. I don't know why. What's the point. Mother Nature just decided to visit her wrath upon me this round.




35:02 That went pretty damn well. The towers disintegrated like wet Cheetos in a blender, he only had a handful of bats and skellies to support—this place kinda feels like a massive, hulking oak tree that turns out to be rotted through on the inside. It looked stout and imposing, but it turned out that you can give just sort of give it a shove and it collapses. I kinda felt like I was wandering onto somebody else’s battlefield, like if I after my failed invasion last session I’d had another army lying around to have a second go at him.


35:02 Well that was horrendous. Game over. A mercy killing really.

Final Thoughts


Now, my impressions on the player race: will I double-dip the dusky dorfs? Doubt it. They’re the complete opposite of the fey in that they’re fine mechanically, but they’re grating in terms of flavor. Plus, now that I think of it, their unit balance kinda sucks. Maybe I’ll just cave and go Welfs next time.


And at the end of that round I acquired myself a minotaur for ANGER MOOSE's retinue. How USEFUL. Ya know, I had such a great thing going there. I could've had an unassailable base, expansions out my wazoo, if those first skeletons hadn't attacked so early. Guess next round I'll build myself a stronger defence first and foremost.

2010-09-09, 02:02 PM
Mhm, dare i say, i enjoy your mutual suffering. :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-09, 02:16 PM
That is epic. I love your comments Jibar. :smalltongue:

2010-09-09, 02:22 PM
So much <3 for this LP.


2010-09-09, 02:32 PM
Eh, upgrading skellies isn't that hard Jibar, just use the transform abilities they have. (Costs a certain amount of resources depending on the unit, tech buildings are needed.)

You guys do sound like you're having lots of fun. I really need to buy WL: Battlecry III sometime. (Only have I and II.)

Also, Undead just have great quotes. I always loved upgrading skellies straight to Slayer Knights: "I am strooonnnngggerrr." (Wight), "I am much stronger!" (Doom Knight), "I am invincible!" (Slayer Knight)

Edit: So I just gave in to temptation and bought the game. If you guys want to try this with 3 sometime, I'm always up for it.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-09-10, 02:40 AM

In other news: This is a fairly awesome LP.
And I /*cough*/ Now own the game and can't get the hang of anything but Barbarians. Any of you other guys who own this game can totally murder me.
I need the practice dying.


2010-09-10, 05:38 AM
Play Fey, it's just "Research all xp upgrades", Build a ton of main buildings, turn Spriggans on repeated build, own face.

Edit: And Fairy Dragons, tons of Fairy Dragons.

2010-09-10, 07:21 AM
I have also been sold on this game by this LP.

Although to be honest, I'll buy pretty much anything with lizardmen as playable characters.

Question: Is there a way to assign your hero's spells to hotkeys? Bringing up the spellbook and paging frantically through it for the right spell is kind of tricky when the war elephants are descending.

2010-09-10, 07:31 AM
I have also been sold on this game by this LP.

Although to be honest, I'll buy pretty much anything with lizardmen as playable characters.

Question: Is there a way to assign your hero's spells to hotkeys? Bringing up the spellbook and paging frantically through it for the right spell is kind of tricky when the war elephants are descending.

You can assign them to the F keys by putting your mouse over the spell and pressing that key I think. Unless you're doing defensive alchemy its pretty much essential.

My high elf paladin always had heal self on F4 and there were many cases when I spammed it. Then she became so powerful she could solo-zerg rush the enemy before they got started and the game started to be a lot less fun.

2010-09-10, 07:42 AM
Any and all questions about how to play have to be directed to Rutskarn. I seriously have no idea how to play this game still, in case that were not evident.

Eh, upgrading skellies isn't that hard Jibar, just use the transform abilities they have. (Costs a certain amount of resources depending on the unit, tech buildings are needed.)

The tech buildings were what confused me, really. I couldn't work out if I just needed to build them or if I needed to also research something in that building. Every time I went to the building to check the skeletons were dead and there were other skeletons burning and ransacking in one giant, horrible identity crisis.

Also, for further fun:







Direct quotes from the Skype chat.

2010-09-10, 07:46 AM
Hmm, seems they added a timer to summons.

Also, just remembered why this game is crazy: No spell cooldowns. Which means, cast Ring of Ice five times -> Kill nearly everything.

Edit: Hmm, they actually seem to have added a short cooldown.

2010-09-10, 08:27 AM
Then she became so powerful she could solo-zerg rush the enemy before they got started and the game started to be a lot less fun.

I remember the time I saved/reloaded and spammed those chaos spells that change your stats until I had a retinue of guys with maximum everything, back when they were permanent instead of wearing off at the end of the round.

It was pretty silly.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-09-10, 12:29 PM
Play Fey, it's just "Research all xp upgrades", Build a ton of main buildings, turn Spriggans on repeated build, own face.

Edit: And Fairy Dragons, tons of Fairy Dragons.

But Barbarians! My basic troops throw spears! And upgrade to Insane Levels of Kick Ass! And Reavers Wreck Faces!

I'm pretty sure I have other troops, but damned if I know what they are. (Excet the Titan. Who is Awesome)

2010-09-10, 04:23 PM
Hmm, is it just me or are Knights' Dancing Swords ridiculously good for their price? (Especially considering it's mostly Crystal, which isn't a primary resource for them.)

Edit: And they train incredibly fast.

Rustic Dude
2010-09-10, 05:00 PM
They are. And I think they attack air, which is a plus.

You almost don't need knights with that awesome swords. :smallsmile:

2010-09-10, 05:12 PM
Skarn, here is another reason to play dark dwarves:

IIRC their titan is a giant dark dwarf. With a steam roller. Am I wrong, people still playing it?

2010-09-11, 06:08 AM
Hmm, I assume combat still works the same as it used to? With the difference in Combat Value between attacker and defender determining the chance of doing quadruple, double, normal, half and next to no damage?

However, armour seems to have changed from the second game, anyone care to explain how it works now? (It used to be a percentage reduction in damage, but now it's a +X value.)

2010-09-13, 09:41 AM
We are waiting (im)patiently for the next installment of Jibar vs. Rutskarn. This is probably the best LP I've read to date. Thanks and keep 'em coming! :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-13, 06:49 PM
We've got the gameplay for the next bit done, so it should be up tomorrow.

2010-09-13, 07:41 PM
Despite the lack of images or videos this thread is one of the most awesome LPs I've ever seen. Congratulations!:smallbiggrin:

2010-09-14, 02:18 PM
a Head to Head let's play.

This is Genius, Insanity or Both!

This has made me hunt down the demo and I'll be watching for later instalments

2010-09-14, 02:34 PM
Later instalments you say?

Returning once again due to popular demand, one's got charm to spare and one's got no chin hair, it's Jibar and Rutskarn with another round of Warlords Battlecry III!

The Players


This week's hero is Deathy McLiving, a paladin so holy not even death itself could keep down. Posessing skills to help him both lead the undead and kill them and a Hell of a grin he's here to kill undead and digest bubblegum, and he's all out of a digestion system. Battlecry: "Now we're both dead"


This week I’ll finally be playing as the Wood Elves. These are my main race, so I’ve already got an encyclopedic knowledge of the cheap units and good tech trees. And by “encyclopedic knowledge,” I mean “I’ve completely forgotten how to play this race and I never really learned in the first place.” I am going to play a bit more conscientiously this time—usually I ignore the unit upgrades and just churn out swarms of the basic dudes until I can train dryads, the death-dealing spam squads I crank out by the dozens, but somehow I feel like that tactic’s not going to fly against an actual human being. For my hero, I’m using Piccolo Darkwytch, fey lichelord. She decided early on that the whole buttercups and pink sashes aesthetic adopted by the conformist sheeple fey masses was both materialistic and totally lame. Once she’d taken on the all-black look, she figured she might as well learn to summon zombies and stuff, and the warlord gig followed naturally after once her parents started pestering her to get a job. Battle cry: “I’m a goth, not an emo! There’s, like, a difference, you know. We shop at totally different aisles at Hot Topic.”

The Battle

Which could refer to Rutskarn's version... (http://www.chocolatehammer.org/?p=2785)


-2:00: What do you get for the paladin who has no life? More importantly, what army should he lead? Not the undead, I hate them now. How about... uhh... Plaguelords? What the Hell are they?


-1:00 Okay, see, if you asked for a wood elf army, this is exactly what you’d expect to get served. You got your forestguards, you got your archers, you got druids and dryads and tree people—they didn’t decided to go all avant-garde and free-associative with this one. Not like with Jibar’s plaguelords, where three hours into the faction brainstorming session from hell some executive finally crapped out, “Plaguelords. Like, friggin’, lords of plague. We’re running with it. What units do they have?” and some intern who may or may not have been awake muttered “giant eyeballs” and they ran with it because they were too burned out to argue. Anyway, I take a couple builders and two cavalry units. Yeah, okay, maybe the cavalry part doesn’t make a ton of sense.


-1:00: Ohmigod so many eye monsters. I'm pretty sure there's a tongue coming out of one of them. I guess I'll... oh God, they're the main bulk of my army. I guess I'll take some ghouls and some zombies and one of the big guIS THAT A HYDRA. Mother of God.


0:00 The match starts. Our map—one I picked, not a random one—is bisected by a river. There are two bridges across, one north and one south, which should become important choke points. I spawned in the top left corner, which means Jibar’s most likely in the bottom right. I make a mental note to drop towers by the bottom bridge, then send out a cavalry dude to scout around, starting at the bottom left corner and crossing up to the top right.


00:00: Well this is bloody useless. No defenses, no landmarks, nothing to give me any idea about how to play things from here. What a useless starting zoneGOOSE.


00:00: And Rutskarn is useless and forgot to start the timer. At any rate, he's sent a scout down here straight into my base. Hmmm... dude on a horse vs dude who is a Hydra. Who do you think wins?


0:40 Hey, everybody, it’s time for another round of: Wheel! Of! Irritating Environmental Enemies! And today’s spin is…harpies! My base towers make short work of them, but before I manage to withdraw my fresh-trained grunts one of the harpies nicks a forestguard. Now he’s poisoned. Oh, great, that’s great, these are poison harpies. See, if they were harpies, I would have been worried, but poison harpies, hell, that’s hardly a problem.


01:24: If I learnt anything from the previous match, it was build units, units, and more units. Erect an unstoppable wall of ghouls so no random monster can invade! Game head on Jibbers, we're gonna win this one and we're not gonna let any undead get in our way.


02:00: Why do I build a Temple of Eyes. As someone without eyes, I find this very offensive. And gross.


2:02 I send out the units I’ve trained so far to escort Piccolo on a tour of the eastern mines. I’m a little nervous leaving my base unguarded, but hopefully I’ll be able to crank out units fast enough that it’ll be a moot point by the time harpies/Jibarbies roll around. Besides, Jibar has demonstrated a track record of sitting on his unit producing structures for massive swathes of downtime, possibly hoping that if he doesn’t look at them for a bit a dinosaur will pop out.


2:25 A harpy hits my away team in mid-crystal-mine-conversion. This sucks because harpies are flying units and I’ve only got a couple archers in my party, and the only other unit who can attack fliers—Piccolo—is kinda busy. I could interrupt the conversion, but the harpies are weak enough that I just let it finish before taking them apart. Now I’ve got two or three poisoned units. Remind me why we even want to conquer this area?


3:18 I’m researching a bunch of unit upgrades. Problem is, you research those at your main building, and doing those means you can’t level your tower as quickly, which is what I usually do so I can unlock the cheap units quick-like. I’ll be honest, this is going against my instincts—I feel like I shouldn’t care about archers or cavalry as long as I’ve got enough warm bodies around to drown him in guys—but I get this sense that this sort of slow progression is what is done. My RTS instincts are amazingly poor, and as often as not, my best bet when I want to play serious is to ask myself: What would somebody who knows what he’s doing do here? And the answer is usually: find the corner your instincts told you to cut and glue that bastard right back on.

Also, I realize at this point that the harpies killed one of my builder units. Also, I can’t find the other one. I train another guy to avoid a repeat of the whole civilization-locked-in-place-centaur-on-deck situation from Battle 1.


03:28: So I'm building these fancy smanshy bone catapults when a thought strikes me. Why the Hell would Rutskarn send someone straight into my base as soon as we start? What's the benefit? These maps all put you diagonal to one another, and I'm going to have no more buildings or units than he does, why waste the dude?


What if he isn't diagonal from me? The dude came from straight north, so what if he is, in fact, straight north...


04:19: Yeah he's straight north. I sent Deathy to take a gold mine a little north of my base and just on the edge of his line of sight is a stupid wood elf pansy tree. This map is ridiculously small.


05:10: Oh, looks like a Harpy poisoned my Hydra a while ago. Well as long as he's going to die anyway, I might as well make him be useful. ATTAAAAAAAAAAAACK!


5:51 Holy son of a crap, I’m being attacked! And half of my units are still screwing around in the east! Luckily, my fresh-trained contingent is still enough to hold him off, although I lose a lot of guys and my tree’s now on fire. I start building some of my most recently-unlocked units, which seem to be taking way too long to train.


06:34: "THE EYE OF ANTHRAG IS UPON YOU!" Oh God I hate you already eye monster.


7:08 I send a scouting party southwards. I figure Jibar probably blew through most of his units in that assault, so I feel relatively secure in prodding around and figuring out just where the hell his base is.

I find a mine. It’s Jibar’s. My hero is all the way over there, so I settle for just straight-up stone-cold breaking it.


07:11: Well, after all that hullabaloo about an army of ghouls, catapults and a hydra having themselves a lovely time burning down his trees, Rutskarn has seen fit to attack one of my mines. Good thing I've got this back up army here.


7:48 Wait, what the hell? Did…why does Jibar still have an army? This is disorienting.


08:26: Welp, there goes Rutskarn's army. This is going pretty well.


10:36 Alright, I’ve got a bit of an army back myself, and my hero’s returned from valiantly snapping up crystal mines. Time to invest in a little home defense. I send my wisp out with full escort to put up a tower between our bases, which won’t halt an assault but might give him pause anyway. Plus, it’s an extra pair of scouting eyes.


11:20: Hey look I'm throwing everything I have at Rutskarn. Hey look my hero died. Hey look I don't care.



I'm winning.


11:37 That was a tremendous crapstorm. Just when I thought we were both militaristically a shade away from depleted, he whips out another damned army. Before I could so much as blink, a massive horde of eyeballs crested over the hill and started tearing my archers apart.

In the chaos, I make out his hero and take him out with a hail of arrows. Now he’s dead—not that this changes much, but at least his ability to take mines will be impaired. If I can take some of his mines quickly and cripple him economically, I might still have a chance.

Oh, yeah, and my army and tower are both taken to shreds. Only this time, he’s the one who’s still got a respectable force standing. Luckily, for some inscrutable reason, he decides to retreat instead of trying to finish me off. Which, let’s face it, he could pretty much do at this or any point.


12:15 I’m desperately trying to retrain my army, but it seems to be coming out at a snail’s pace. There’s just no goddamned way I’m going to get up to speed again before his guys invade...


13:00 Oh, there’s my demise. Took him long enough.

Yeah, this was over pretty quickly. Almost embarrassingly quickly, really, like when the teacher demands to see your work so far and all you’ve got is a doodle of a T-Rex winning the lottery. Except this time Jibar demanded to see my defenses, and all I had was a couple hippies with longbows.


13:43: Seriously, how small is this map. I've just wiped out his base and we're only 10 minutes in. Not that I'm complaining...


16:05: Oh no, Rutskarn's lone single builder has escaped. Time to turn on the crazy! I set all my units to Rampant, which makes them scour the map searching for anything to kill.


17:02 I did send a druid to run off and hide, because I’m cheeky like that. Go, druid! Carry forth our legacy and our secrets so that future generations might know a world without oop he got killed by a harpy.


17:09: Rutskarn keeps saying I've won but the game isn't ending. I mean, have I won? What's happened? Oh, oh there it goes. The sweet sound of cheering applause. And look, a vampire... to add to my paladin's retinue?

Final Thoughts


Well that was way too easy. We sat after the match wondering if we should have another battle because it was so short, but I'm willing to leave here with a win under my belt. It's frankly bizarre that the map would place us above and below one another, but that's how random systems work I guess. Here's hoping this works out as well for me next time.


Yeah, this match kinda sucked from my perspective. Although the close proximity certainly exacerbated things, I think I had two main problems: one, I retarded my tower progression by focusing too much on redundant unit upgrades, and two, I didn’t build enough unit-producing structures. If I’d stuck to my classic spam strategy, I think I’d have lasted a hell of a lot longer. That’s what I get for trying to play above my strategic means. This is why I can’t have nice tactics.




For those keeping score, this now rests at:

And now, just to throw a couple things out there, behind the scenes we sit and discuss a lot of ideas, Rutskarn and I, and we happened to have one that pertained to this LP. Namely, what if were to play stuff other than Warlords III?
The fortunate thing about Rutskarn and I is while I'm smarter than he, he's luckier than I am and everything we play sort of balances out that way, so we could play anything and keep it entertaining without any one player dominating. We're just a little strapped of ideas of what else to play. So, if you have any ideas of games we could chronicle throw them out there and we'll be sure to ignore you.

Also Rutskarn cheats at Blood Bowl. Also throwing that out there.

2010-09-14, 02:56 PM
What this thread needs is more dinosaurs. GO LIZARDMEN! :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-14, 03:11 PM
Also Rutskarn cheats at Blood Bowl. Also throwing that out there.



2010-09-14, 05:42 PM
I suggest the following games:Dungeon siege. Or Warcraft III, or *Insert game designed for multiple people here*

2010-09-14, 06:59 PM
I quite like the current game, honestly. Failing that, maybe... I don't know. Civilization? That'd take too long... Dawn of War? Ohwait, Age of Wonders 2 (Shadow Magic or Wizard's Throne) is quite fun, and has plenty to snark at. So yes, if Warlords gets old, I vote for that.

Also, having played Plaguelords, I can safely say that Jibar essentially won with an army scraped out of a sewer. Also that your PVP matches are incredibly different from mine. I suggest Swarm next, at some point.

2010-09-14, 08:14 PM
I suggest the following games:Dungeon siege. Or Warcraft III, or *Insert game designed for multiple people here*

Isn't Dungeon Siege coop? They can hardly play against each other like that.

(Maybe try Heroes of Might and Magic 2, 3, 4 or 5? It's turn-based though, so that may not be as fun.)

I've got it!

Try playing Borderlands! :smallwink:

2010-09-14, 09:04 PM
Try playing Borderlands! :smallwink:AHAHAHA HAHAHA hahahaaaaaaaaa

2010-09-14, 10:04 PM
I suggest the following games:Dungeon siege.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I mean, I had fun with Dungeon Siege (the first time I played it, anyway), but just what the hell would we comment on? We went from one room to the next and killed a bunch of guys, then we went from one room to the next and killed a bunch of guys? Every fight in that game was exactly like the last one.

I might swing Warcraft III--might have it installed on here somewhere, although I never liked it that much. Warhammer 40K sounds good to me. I don't know if Jibar's got that one, though.

2010-09-14, 10:10 PM
I've got it!

Try playing Borderlands! :smallwink:


2010-09-14, 10:46 PM
I could almost see Majesty as being a fine candidate, but the lack of different civilizations could hurt it quite a bit.

Great LP, though, guys.

2010-09-14, 10:49 PM
I might swing Warcraft III--might have it installed on here somewhere, although I never liked it that much. Warhammer 40K sounds good to me. I don't know if Jibar's got that one, though.

Since you likely haven't heard of Age of Wonders, let along played it, here's an explanation. Knowing me, this may become a whole pile of babble, so I'll spoiler it.

So. Age of Wonders. Basically, turn-based strategy. Does not take as ridiculously long as civ 4, but it'll last a few sessions all the same. Thankfully, you can save. Er, provided you get Wizard's Throne or its expansion/sequel (I forget which it is, never worked on my computer) Shadow Magic. I'll just explain Wizard's Throne here, which is the second game and the one I know best.

Basically, you pick a sphere of magic (death, life, fire, water, earth, air or cosmos, the last being a swiss army knife, the bard of magic schools), which governs the spells you can get. And there are MANY spells. Then you pick a race. There's a whole bunch of them, including obligatory Egypt-knockoff fiery cats and shamanic frozen midgets. Then you get a city. The map dictates whether the city will start off being horrible or merely awful.

Resources are simple. Gold is used to pay for buildings/upkeep/units, mana is used to pay for casting spells, research (mostly since you can reduce your income of actual mana resource to boost research) and upkeep for summoned stuff/maintained spells. Gold and mana income come from cities and their buildings, as well as stuff you capture on the map - buildings and nodes, respectively. Your sphere of magic determines what's best for you. For example, as an earth mage, you get double mana from an earth node and double gold from a mine. I'm pretty sure there's no gold-producing building for life and death magic, come to think of it.

Diplomacy exists, but it's also rudimentary. Gets the job done well enough, mind you. What other races think of you is more important, you don't want your cities rebelling or anything (hint: Put troops there, police state is the best state). That and neutral cities (of which there are MANY, though you can build your own veeeeery slowly) run by friendly races will join you if you pay them.

Your wizard is strictly an armchair general and should not leave a city with a wizard's tower. This is because being in a tower will (with the right upgrades) make them better casters, and extends their domain big time, this being the area over which you can cast spells. Also your wizard is pretty lame in a fight. Instead you get heroes.

Heroes are fragile at first, but they level, and get stat boosts/abilities with each level. You choose exactly what they get out of three choices at each level, and they also carry a tiny domain around themselves. Oh, and they can potentially cast too, though they'll probably never be as good as your wizard. Give them treasure (often looted from dungeons, which are basically tiny fights all over the map) and they'll get better. Eventually, they'll become gods of war if you play your cards right, entirely capable of mowing down armies. Generally, you'll make a mistake and they die at level 1~3.

Speaking of which, combat's more intricate than, say, Civilization. By which I mean it's actually fun and fairly tactical. But anyway, the game's biggest selling point? Magic. You get three kinds. There's combat magic for blowing stuff up, obviously. Unit spells for buffs, debuffs and occasionally healing (buffs can be applied on the map and persist as long as you fork over the mana to keep them running). Then there's global spells. While you can cast unit and global spells on the world map (only some unit spells... I think) while staying at home, the target does need to be within range.

Global spells are essentially where the craziness starts. You can summon hordes of elementals, freeze the sea to walk across it, sink ships in whirlpools, drop a city into anarchy, rot farmland, set swathes of ground on fire and so on. Fun stuff. Of course, keeping any of this sustained calls for mana, but eh.

Oh, right. The bad news, to round off my rambling. While I do recommend this game, there's a problem. Basically? Unbalanced. It subscribes to the "they weren't even trying, were they?" school of balance, not so much in the way of broken stuff, but some things are just astonishingly useless. Oh, and the campaign is cheesy, but that's neither relevant nor anywhere near as bad as 90% of Warlords :smalltongue:

I talk too much. Sorry >_> Anyway! Short version. Age of Wonders 2: Wizard's Throne, or Shadow Magic. Turn-based strategy, crazy magic, heroes that die like flies or become demigods, and... uh... Halflings? There are halflings. Yes.

Might want to play it.

2010-09-15, 02:50 AM
I might swing Warcraft III--might have it installed on here somewhere, although I never liked it that much. Warhammer 40K sounds good to me. I don't know if Jibar's got that one, though.

I've got the whole first Dawn of War set, and as much as I agree that Dark Crusade is the most balanced, Soulstorm gives me my precious Sisters of Battle, but I'm cool with whatever.
I have a copy of Warcraft III, and a copy of Frozen Throne, but due to shenanigans they won't work with one another. I can always grab another version of Frozen Throne however.

Also, Borderlands. HA.
You don't want to see me play Borderlands.

2010-09-15, 03:23 AM
Also, Borderlands. HA.
You don't want to see me play Borderlands.

I think that means we do. A lot.

Also, Dawn of War sounds interesting. I can just see...

22:07: Jibar: OH GOD ORKS

2010-09-15, 03:47 AM
22:07: Jibar: OH GOD ORKS

Honestly, the infestation or Orks just goes to prove the current administration's inexcusable Dakka deficiency. Someone needs to do something about this, and soon.

2010-09-15, 04:20 AM
Orks, orks, orks, orks!

I Luv da Orks. ('Cuz red ones go FASTA!)
I play orks just to listen to their comments when you click on them.

2010-09-15, 06:28 AM
Also, having played Plaguelords, I can safely say that Jibar essentially won with an army scraped out of a sewer.

QFT. I played plaguelords for just long enough to learn how grim they are.


2010-09-15, 06:31 AM
Right, so since a few people who have Warlord: Battlecry III have been posting in this thread; would any of you be interested in a multiplayer game sometime?

2010-09-15, 08:30 AM
Sure, I'm up for a match. Add me on Steam/IM of your choice, should make organizing matches easier.

Potato: It doesn't help that their basic unit building is a cesspool. And they get slimes as a unit. Also swarms of bugs. I was being quite literal about the sewer thing. For lower tiers, anyway. Plaguelords are powerful, mind, even if they did get stomped by dark dwarves when I played them. I hate dark dwarves.

Also, demons are borked, as far as I can tell. Imps.

2010-09-15, 08:35 AM
I think that means we do. A lot.I think I can safely say that no, you don't. You will at the very least regret having seen it.

2010-09-15, 12:44 PM
I think I can safely say that no, you don't. You will at the very least regret having seen it.

I think i can safely say that yes, we do. Someone has to finish that at some point. :smallwink:

2010-09-15, 03:11 PM

You wouldn't get anything we say.

2010-09-15, 03:17 PM
Gah, so I tried undead, and the summon timer remains on summoned skellies even if you upgrade them. This is incredibly disappointing. I always loved Warlord Battlecry for not having cooldowns and summon timers. :smallmad:

2010-09-15, 03:51 PM

You wouldn't get anything we say.Do you want this LP?

2010-09-15, 04:11 PM
Do you want this LP?


So much yes.

2010-09-15, 05:11 PM
Well, see, there's an interesting point there. The correct answer to Blackfox's question was, "I want it!" Like, those exact words. Because "Do you want this x?" "I want it!" is an in-joke of our games.

And that's half our games, too. In-jokes.

And then there's the matter of texting it--which would be basically impossible--and recording it, which would be difficult because the in-game voice chat is ass so we use Skype. Recording separately on Skype means we'd have to synch it which takes hours which blah blah, long story short, probably not gonna happen.

2010-09-15, 05:56 PM
And then there's the matter of texting it--which would be basically impossible--and recording it, which would be difficult because the in-game voice chat is ass so we use Skype. Recording separately on Skype means we'd have to synch it which takes hours which blah blah, long story short, probably not gonna happen.

Not that I am in support of this outrageously bad idea, but synching up one's own voice with an alternate audio program is quite simple.

2010-09-15, 05:57 PM
Well, see, there's an interesting point there. The correct answer to Blackfox's question was, "I want it!" Like, those exact words. Because "Do you want this x?" "I want it!" is an in-joke of our games.

And that's half our games, too. In-jokes.

And then there's the matter of texting it--which would be basically impossible--and recording it, which would be difficult because the in-game voice chat is ass so we use Skype. Recording separately on Skype means we'd have to synch it which takes hours which blah blah, long story short, probably not gonna happen.

Shadow and I are the experts for FRAPS Borderlands via Skype. It works, but it's a pain in the donkey to get it set up. If you actually want to do this, talk to us.

2010-09-15, 06:21 PM
Not that I am in support of this outrageously bad idea, but synching up one's own voice with an alternate audio program is quite simple.

It is, but when you've got four people, it apparently isn't. I'm just going by what Josh from Spoiler Warning says, here.

2010-09-16, 05:21 AM
Shadow and I are the experts for FRAPS Borderlands via Skype. It works, but it's a pain in the donkey to get it set up. If you actually want to do this, talk to us.

I remember Shadow asking me about recording this.
His microphone did automatically what it took me hours of research to work out I wanted to do with my incompatible mic.
You got so lucky and I hate you for it.

2010-09-16, 06:33 AM
I have a copy of Warcraft III, and a copy of Frozen Throne, but due to shenanigans they won't work with one another. I can always grab another version of Frozen Throne however.

I fully vote for WC3, in particular that altough there's only 4 base races, there's countless custom multiplayer mods wich are very easy to download and install.

So each session you try out a new mod and let crazyness ensue! You can even let us sugest/vote the next mod you use!

2010-09-16, 07:55 AM
Get another copy of Throne, new patch means you will never need to install it again.

Anyway,DoW, Battle for middle earth II. Warcraft. Age of mythology.

Imperial Psycho
2010-09-18, 07:37 AM
I now have a copy of Warlords Battlecry III! Hooray! If anyone is up for a game, PM me. :smallbiggrin:

As for an alternate game to play.... Age of Mythology? Heroes of Might and Magic series are good, but a bit long, I guess. Some Total War battles could be interesting...might not translate to text well though.. bah, I dunno :smallconfused:

2010-09-30, 11:52 AM
No more Battlecry?

2010-09-30, 06:05 PM
This is good.

Seriously, I didn't notice that this is a real game and at first I thought you just make **** up for a completely different LP.

2010-09-30, 06:41 PM
This is good.

Seriously, I didn't notice that this is a real game and at first I thought you just make **** up for a completely different LP.

Nah, that's AgentPaper's and my area. These guys are for real. :smallwink: