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2010-09-02, 02:17 AM
Suicidal Thoughts
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 round/2 levels
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

You put suicidal thoughts in the mind of your target. If the creature succeeds on the initial Will save, it negates all effects of this spell. If it fails, however, it must make a Will save each round right before its turn or be forced to attempt to kill itself with any means possible. The subject looks for the quickest method to end its life and attempts to do so. It takes no other action on its turn except attempting to harm itself. If armed, the subject attacks itself as a full-round action. The attack automatically succeeds and deals damage as a critical hit. If unarmed, the subject moves adjacent to the nearest enemy and provokes an attack of opportunity, offering its opponent an opening, which the opponent may choose to take advantage of. If the subject is unarmed and no enemy is nearby, the subject simply does nothing at all. A subject close to an immediate and lethal hazard such as a cliff or a fire might hurl itself off the cliff or into the fire instead of striking itself with a weapon. Some creatures might think of using improvised weapons or rocks to harm themselves.

Each round in which the creature succeeds on its Will save, it may act normally, as if unaffected by this spell, though it continues to have thoughts of killing itself, and it observes ways to do so even while attacking its enemies. Because of this, it takes a -1 penalty to all attacks, damage, Armor Class, and saving throws for the duration.

If the subject is being affected by charm person, suggestion, dominate person, or any of their counterparts (such as dominate monster or charm, psionic), they take a -4 penalty on saving throws against this spell until the previous spell or effect ends.

Suicidal Thoughts, Mass
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Target: One living creature/two levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

This spell functions like suicidal thoughts, except it affects more targets.

2010-09-02, 02:31 AM
Suicidal Thoughts, Psionic
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Psion/Wilder 4, Telepath 4
Components: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7

As the suicidal thoughts spell, except as noted here.

You can augment this power in one or both of the following ways.

For every 2 additional power points you spend, this power can affect an additional target. Any additional target cannot be more than 30 feet from another target of the power.
For every additional power point you spend, this power's duration is increased by 1 round.

In addition, for every 2 additional power points you spend to achieve either of these effects, this power's save DC increases by 1.

Two words: Death Urge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/deathUrge.htm)

2010-09-02, 11:05 AM
Two words: Death Urge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/deathUrge.htm)

Oh. :smallsigh:

I really have to get in the habit of scanning every spell and power in existence before doing homebrew. Although my power is slightly different, it's not different enough to warrant a new power. I'll erase it.

At least I got the level about right, it seems.

2010-09-02, 11:42 AM
Oh. :smallsigh:

I really have to get in the habit of scanning every spell and power in existence before doing homebrew. Although my power is slightly different, it's not different enough to warrant a new power. I'll erase it.

At least I got the level about right, it seems.

Death Urge + Lightning Maces.

*cackles maniacally*

2010-09-02, 12:52 PM
Death Urge + Lightning Maces.

*cackles maniacally*

You are evil. I LIKE IT :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-02, 03:19 PM
The mere fact that it is a spell instead of a power makes it worth keeping around.

2010-09-02, 03:42 PM
Is there some reason the target wouldn't just Coup-de-grace itself or cast a save or die spell and intentionally fail it's save? Without something like death urge's attacks and autocrits or moves to someone to provoke AoO's, this pretty much looks like a multiround save or die with several chances to roll a 1 per casting even on uber high save targets? Otherwise it seems interesting, I'm pretty sure my DM would giggle and say no if I tried to use it as written though.

T.G. Oskar
2010-09-02, 03:43 PM
Death Urge + Lightning Maces.

*cackles maniacally*

Bad Milski! Bad Milski! Leave poor Olo alone!

As for the spell itself, it's easier to resist, but lasts for much, much longer. I'd make it so that it lasts for 1 round per 2 caster levels (or 1 round per 4 caster levels, as Death Urge actually is).

Also, much like...later spells (Complete Scoundrel and Complete Mage comes to mind), I'd make it so that you could increase the effect if you have other kinds of spells (namely, Suggestion). Since Suggestion, Charm Person and Dominate Person usually snap out when you force said types of thoughts in the target, there is some sort of odd synergy within the spells (you are using a spell to bypass the only restriction to those spells). I'd say that a penalty to the save of the spell when the target is under the effect of Suggestion or Dominate would be a reasonable synergy; target takes a -4 penalty on the save vs. the new spell, if successful, the target immediately gains a new save on the older one (Suggestion, Dominate, etc.)

2010-09-02, 04:13 PM
Death Urge + Lightning Maces.

*cackles maniacally*
I'm a little slow, what do Lightning Maces do?

2010-09-02, 04:28 PM
I'm a little slow, what do Lightning Maces do?

It's a Style feat from CW that gives you an extra attack when you crit. The funny part here is in reference to a bout by Olo Demonsbane in the ToS, who was Death Urged into shooting himself with his pair of hand crossbows, which were Aptituded to use Lightning Maces and thus killed himself spectacularly. One of many funny deaths he had, I must admit.

2010-09-02, 06:02 PM
Is there some reason the target wouldn't just Coup-de-grace itself or cast a save or die spell and intentionally fail it's save? Without something like death urge's attacks and autocrits or moves to someone to provoke AoO's, this pretty much looks like a multiround save or die with several chances to roll a 1 per casting even on uber high save targets?


As for the spell itself, it's easier to resist, but lasts for much, much longer. I'd make it so that it lasts for 1 round per 2 caster levels (or 1 round per 4 caster levels, as Death Urge actually is).

Sounds good to me.

Also, much like...later spells (Complete Scoundrel and Complete Mage comes to mind), I'd make it so that you could increase the effect if you have other kinds of spells (namely, Suggestion). Since Suggestion, Charm Person and Dominate Person usually snap out when you force said types of thoughts in the target, there is some sort of odd synergy within the spells (you are using a spell to bypass the only restriction to those spells). I'd say that a penalty to the save of the spell when the target is under the effect of Suggestion or Dominate would be a reasonable synergy; target takes a -4 penalty on the save vs. the new spell, if successful, the target immediately gains a new save on the older one (Suggestion, Dominate, etc.)

That sounds like a fine idea, as well.

Improvements inbound complete!

John Cribati
2010-09-02, 06:34 PM
Am I a bad person for thinking this spell is hilarious?

You should add something about improvising weapons (attempting to bash oneself with a rock, for example)

2010-09-02, 06:39 PM
Am I a bad person for thinking this spell is hilarious?

You should add something about improvising weapons (attempting to bash oneself with a rock, for example)

A single sentence has been added. I've also separated another paragraph for ease of reading.

I suppose you're not that bad. :smallwink: