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View Full Version : Ways to become a True Outsider?

2010-09-02, 08:26 PM
The title says it all.

I'm trying to build a Half-Ogre that will get quite a few templates via rituals and stuff, and I was thinking of getting one that makes him a true Outsider type (by 'True' I mean non-native).
For now I can only think of Divine Minion, but that doesn't fit the flavour well.

Thanks in advance! :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-02, 09:16 PM
Risen Martyr from Book of Exalted Deeds gets to be treated as a Celestial for all purposes; more specifically: an Archon if Lawful Good, a Guardinal if Neutral Good, and an Eladrin if Chaotic Good. This ability is... one of its capstones...

Also, if you're willing to Polymorph Any Object yourself into an Illithid a few levels, an Illithid Savant 3 can steal a 20th level Monk's Perfect Self if you can manage to suck out his brains and get Savage Species and PAO abuse allowed by some miracle but are somehow disabled from using PAO to just become an Outsider permanently.

Okay, I have nothing of real value for you. Your thanks in advance may have been a little hasty. :smalltongue:

2010-09-02, 09:50 PM
Monk level 20 that is all

2010-09-03, 12:41 AM
I wonder if Polymorph any Object could work...

2010-09-03, 12:44 AM
I wonder if Polymorph any Object could work...
Yep. Polymorph yourself into an outsider, then into the same outsider. You now have outsider type.

Half-Celestial/Half-Fiend templates are a more expensive way of doing it. I'm pretty sure you could just wish to gain outsider type (per some guidelines in Savage Species or something).

2010-09-03, 12:50 AM
There are several class capstones that make someone an outsider, I was trying to find a complete list a few days ago but was unsuccessful. The few classes I recall offhand that do that are 10 level prestige classes, but there may be one in a 5 level prestige class or some other less-than-10 level PrC.

I was also trying to figure out how to become an outsider without taking a particular class, but indeed, as far as I can tell only PAO tricks and that Savage Species ritual held much hope of doing so within standard rules.

The lowest template that I could find to grant Outsider was Half-Elemental with a +3 LA, if I remember correctly. I couldn't find any acquired templates that granted it, although I admit I did not search particularly thoroughly at high level adjustments.

2010-09-03, 01:00 AM
Heh. Technically, Petitioner would do it, but I sincerely doubt that's helpful. :smalltongue:

Entropic will change you to an Outsider at LA +2. It's inherited though, but that could reasonably be worked around.

2010-09-03, 06:01 AM
Most of those things that you people mentioned turn you into a Outsider with the native subtype, which isn't what I'm looking for.

Thanks a million, argukos, that Entropic template will do perfectly.

Thank you all for the responses, I appreciate it :smallbiggrin: