View Full Version : Non-spellcaster campaign (IC)

2010-09-05, 09:21 AM
The god-king's army has come to the small town of Neia, or at least a small contingent. Pillaging and destroying as they go, they seek creatures deemed "not pure" by their king, and root out spellcasters to boot. Eight military warriors move among the various houses.

OOC: You are all there, figure out why later, roll initiative. I'm switching it up, battle first, talk after.

2010-09-05, 11:31 AM
Bahec will speak in Blue


2010-09-05, 01:51 PM
"Blast" is all Kronk says as he spots the warriors rampaging through the city.

I'm assuming I have my minor aura of dexterity up already for +5 init (as it specifically says you can do in the Marshall's text)
Intiative: [roll0]

2010-09-06, 04:11 PM


2010-09-06, 10:15 PM
The group of eight is made up of four hounds of the god-king (foot soldiers), two hands of the god-king (mages who do the heavy burning and destroying) and two angels of the god-king (medics). They see the three warriors approaching and ready their weapons.

Init order:
27- Kronk
24- Opsiler [delayed]
21- Newcomer
20- Hound
19- Hand
18- Hound [28]
(17)- Opsiler [new initiative]
15- Robin
12- Hound [40]
10- Hand
9- Bahec
9- Hound [-2 to AC, heavy flail in hand]
3- Angel
2- Angel

2010-09-07, 09:00 AM
"Well looks like they are here to start some sort of trouble..let us oblige them Kronk." Opsiler pulled forth his blades and readied himself for some combat.


2010-09-07, 07:09 PM
Kronk nods and begins cautiously moving towards the solders, drawing his weapon and readying his shield as he approaches. "Are you prepared?" he asks as he approaches, not really expecting an answer.

Move Action: Move 20ft down the alley, drawing axe and readying shield as I go as free actions (if I can only do 1 skip the drawing axe, I'll do that next turn then)
Standard Action: Total defense for +4 Dodge bonus to AC (29 with that)
Swift Action: Activate the Force of Will minor aura in place of Motivate Dexterity.

Can I have Kronk treat everyone who looks like they might help fight these guys as allies? If so, +5 Will to everyone within 60ft, a stacking +5 Will within 30ft, and +1 to all saves (also untyped).

2010-09-08, 02:20 AM
Opsiler had already pulled his blades forth and was moving slowly with Kronk..his feet waiting to be let loose..a dance of death was sure to follow before to long and slowly he went waiting for any action that might be noted as hostile before his eyes.: "Ready as I will ever be."

Just walking and keeping a look out until something get near or close enough to attack.

2010-09-08, 11:10 AM
Hound attacks Kronk , but Kronk dodges the swing easily.

Hand conjures a shard of ice and throws it at Ospiler, striking him square in the chest. Cold spreads through his body (14 points of cold), attempting to numb his reflexes (Fort DC 15 or take 2 points of Dex damage)

(I assume Ospiler is delaying his action, he can take it here or anytime after this, if he kills someone their attack doesn’t happen)

Hound charges Ospiler and swings his flail wildly, hitting him in the collar bone (9 points of bludgeoning)

Hound charges Kane, but his swing misses by a mile

Hand conjures an arrow of caustic energy, flinging it at Kronk, but the bolt misses wide

I'm sorry Ospiler, the dice just fell that way. I'm rolling off site for multiple reasons, mainly so I can see the result before I write, allowing me to write these things faster. You have my assurance I'm playing fair (unless it makes more sense to not kill you, then I'll be a normal DM and fudge)

2010-09-08, 12:44 PM
"Your numbers will not help you against my two fists!"

I'm not sure how the layout of the battlefield is, but I want to enter a rage (+4 str, +4 con, +4 nat armor, -2 AC) and charge the Hand. I use a running jump charge with Leap Attack to double my power attack damage.


Using Power Attack and Shock Trooper on my first attack to give myself a -8 to AC for a round and +8 to damage doubled to 16 by Leap Attack.

Full Attack (pounce): 3 unarmed strikes (one-two punch), two at full BAB -2, one at low BAB -2

[roll1] attack 1
[roll2] attack 2
[roll3] attack 3

Each one deals an extra 1d4 cold damage from Frostrage:

Attack 1
[roll4](base+PowerAttack+str)+[roll5] cold damage
Attack 2
[roll6](base+str)+[roll7]cold damage
Attack 3

If I can't do that to the hand, I do it to the nearest enemy instead.

2010-09-08, 07:39 PM
Opsiler looked to the hounds and then the hand smirking as the creature attacked his friend. Being hit twice he merely shruggs it off and full attacks the hound..those blades coming up and swininging wildly really laying into the hound that thought it wise to attack him.



2010-09-08, 10:12 PM
I rolled the Fortitude save for you Doombringer, since you seem to have forgotten. You passed. Also, I will be away until Saturday at a wedding, sorry to get this started then leave, but I'll be back!

The Hand that Bahec attacked drops dead, her body broken and bloodied.

One of the Hounds, the only one who has not charged, turns dropping his shield and flail, drawing a heavy flail quickly, taking a five foot step towards Bahec, swinging wildly. His first swing misses wide, but his second swing connects, smashing the mighty goliath in the ribs (18 bludgeoning damage)

2010-09-08, 11:54 PM
Kane yells and hollers inching away from the hound next to him before his form suddenly shifts into a large brown bear. Letting out a bestial roar he lengths his sharp teeth and massive claws.

He takes a 5' step back. No action. Alternate Form (Bear). Standard Action. Morphic Weapons (increase damage of existing natural weapons). Move Action. Bestial roar (talking in bear form). Free action for awesome.

2010-09-08, 11:56 PM
OOC: So what happened with the guy I hit?

2010-09-08, 11:59 PM
OOC: So what happened with the guy I hit?

OOC: Dropped to 0 vitality, then dropped to 0 wound points, failed Fort save, dead. I assumed your third attack went against someone in reach, but you couldn't hit the Angel's flat-footed AC (16, you had 13). Nice work btw.

2010-09-09, 12:10 AM
OOC: Dropped to 0 vitality, then dropped to 0 wound points, failed Fort save, dead. I assumed your third attack went against someone in reach, but you couldn't hit the Angel's flat-footed AC (16, you had 13). Nice work btw.
Sweetness (also thanks :smallsmile:)

Bahec shouts after felling an enemy then being hit:
"Ha! You mage-slaves cannot conquer me, for I possess the power of mountains!"

2010-09-09, 12:18 AM
One Angel moves forward to reach the Hound fighting Opsiler, patching his wounds (30 temporary hitpoints gained), while the other moves to the other side of Bahec (provoking an attack of opportunity with Power Attack still on I think *roll* hit for 36 damage) receiving a frigid punch to the face. She survives the assault and moves behind Bahec, stabbing both her concealed knee and elbow blades into soft spots on his body.

"The Angels of the God-King fight to the last, cur! Your brethern shall pay for your insolence!"

Both blades fail to find purchase, and scrap harmlessly along Bahec's hide.

2010-09-09, 12:26 AM
As the blades deflect off Bahec's hardened skin, he shouts:
"If I am a cur, and you cannot even harm me, then the God-King's soldiers are even less than curs!"

2010-09-09, 08:41 AM
Kronk smirks as a few of the soldiers fall or take hits. Continuing to cautiously advance he swings his axe at the nearest of them.

Move: 20ft forward, should put me in range right?
Standard: Attacking whoever's nearest, preferably a hand but if that's not possible a hound (least preferable target is an angel). Taking a penalty of 2 on my attack roll to add +2 dodge bonus (27AC) via Combat Expertise.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-10, 01:44 AM
Opsiler was tired of this and soon he started becoming a spinning blade of death chopping slashing and destorying anything that was in his path. He would hack left dodge and parry right..beefore swapping it up..his style was unique and the anger from his wounds were making him burn hot. "Your death is near you dog."


2010-09-10, 01:50 AM
Damage Rolls:Damage:
Sword 2:
Short Sword:

45 Damage total to the same target as last time.

We are outnumbered..fighting tough opponents..they have means to heal yet we are not allowed to...no offense when you said non-magic I thought you meant period.

2010-09-11, 01:45 PM
OC: hey guys sorry I've taken so much time to start
Robin will throw her throwing axe at the Angel that has attacked Opsiler

2010-09-11, 01:46 PM
OC: hey guys sorry I've taken so much time to start
Robin will throw her throwing axe at the Angel that has attacked Opsiler
Confirming critical Failure [roll0]

2010-09-11, 05:49 PM
Kronk moves past the Hound attacking him, who swings and misses, and attacks a Hand. The Hound then moves to attack Kronk with his flail, striking him in the back (7 bludgeoning)

The Hound fighting Opsiler attempts to grab at his target, but fails to grasp the elusive swordsman. As he grabs at him, Opsiler returns his aggression in kind, whirling around him and delivering jabs to the Hound's flank and legs. The Hound kneels on the ground, panting like the dog he is, still able to fight, but no long for this world.

A new warrior joins the fray, throwing her axe into combat, though her presense alerted her target too soon, and she missed her mark.

The Hound fighting Kane swings his flail at the werebear's chest, delivering a sound blow, but failing to pierce his tough hide's magical defenses.

The remaining Hand, hurt, withdraws five feet away from Kronk

Your opponents aren't tough, they are challenging for your level. This is your only fight for this day, and believe me, there will be healing, though I suggest in future investing in healing potions. I said non-spellcaster, doesn't mean no magic. The angels are a class called doctor, it temporarily fixes wounds.

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-11, 08:45 PM
OOC: Sorry that I'm so late. :smalltongue:

From between two homes walk out a man clad head-to-toe in adamantine full plate, armor the reflects a slight bluish tinge in the sunlight. In one of the man's hands is an adamantine bastard sword. If they were closely examined, nearly identical dwarven runes would be visible upon both the armor and weapon. In the meantime, the newcomer wordlessly walks into the battle.


2010-09-11, 08:51 PM
OOC: Sorry that I'm so late. :smalltongue:

From between two homes walk out a man clad head-to-toe in adamantine full plate, armor the reflects a slight bluish tinge in the sunlight. In one of the man's hands is an adamantine bastard sword. If they were closely examined, nearly identical dwarven runes would be visible upon both the armor and weapon. In the meantime, the newcomer wordlessly walks into the battle.


OOC: Would you like to make an attack? I don't think the party would mind the help.

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-11, 11:01 PM
Hmmm... Let's see how these pawns of the god-king act without their fiery support.

The Armored Man charges over to the other hand, slashing down with all of his might at the enemy. Hopefully, this strike would give them some pause.

Using my code of conduct for a +1 bonus on my attack roll, using combat mastery for another +18, and both of my favored stratagems are valid (another +4 Atk/+2d6 damage) plus another +2 for charging. I'm using my demoralizing blow gambit for a -5 penalty to the attack.
If I hit, -1 to attack rolls and damage rolls and saves against fear for all enemies within 60 feet, -1 per 10 points by which I make the AC.

Watch as I roll a natural 1 or 2. :smalltongue:


Edit: Wow. If the mage had 18 AC or less, that's a -4 penalty. :smalleek:

2010-09-12, 10:11 PM
Hmmm... Let's see how these pawns of the god-king act without their fiery support.

The Armored Man charges over to the other hand, slashing down with all of his might at the enemy. Hopefully, this strike would give them some pause.

Using my code of conduct for a +1 bonus on my attack roll, using combat mastery for another +18, and both of my favored stratagems are valid (another +4 Atk/+2d6 damage) plus another +2 for charging. I'm using my demoralizing blow gambit for a -5 penalty to the attack.
If I hit, -1 to attack rolls and damage rolls and saves against fear for all enemies within 60 feet, -1 per 10 points by which I make the AC.

Watch as I roll a natural 1 or 2. :smalltongue:


Edit: Wow. If the mage had 18 AC or less, that's a -4 penalty. :smalleek:

The swing wounds the Hand.

2010-09-13, 11:23 AM
Bahec wheels and swings his massive fists into the Angel that attacked him.

Full attack:

[roll0] attack 1
[roll1] attack 2
[roll2] attack from One-Two Punch


[roll3]+[roll4] cold attack 1
[roll5]+[roll6] cold attack 2
[roll7]+[roll8] cold One-Two Punch

2010-09-13, 11:37 AM
Bahec's fists turn the Angel into a frigid heap of a former person, she lies lifeless covered in a frosty rime.

His attention turned elsewhere, the Hound renews his assault on the goliath, swinging into Bahec, his first swing hitting (19 bludgeoning), but the second glancing off the goliath's hide.

2010-09-13, 03:30 PM
(sorry for delay... I'm a college student ya' know?)

Kane roars at the hound infront of him before viciously attacking the foe trying to rip it to pieces with tooth and nail. Willing to fully maim the body to make sure it is dead.

Free action - Roar/Taunt the Hound
Full-Round Action - Full attack on the Hound.
Claw [roll0]
Other Claw [roll2]
Bite [roll4]

2010-09-13, 03:40 PM
Kane, the mighty werebear claws at his opponent, his claws tearing into his opponent's chest, revealing that the armour is attached in places to the Hound's body. The Hound manages to raise his shield to block Kane's bite however, and remains on his feet.

The remaining Angel continues to stem the wounds of the Hound fighting Opsiler (32 hit points), and she then moves back 30ft to aid the wounded Hand.

No problem with the delay, just making sure you get your action.

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-13, 06:34 PM
OOC: Sorry. Didn't really get the initiative order. Hard to tell if this is possible without a map but...

The newcomer follows up with a full attack against the hand, unleashing a furious volley of blows with the blade.

Using specialized swing for 8 to get +4 damage to all attacks and two extra attacks at full BAB. Also using full power attack on the first swing. Using 17 points of combat mastery on my first attack to cancel the penalties and my last point (plus my second daily use of my Code of Conduct) for the round on my last (low BAB) attack.

[roll2][roll3] Yay! :smallsmile:

And a confirmation roll just in case. Add +17, +9, or +6 depending on which attack.


If a 26 hits, I think that's gonna hurt. :smallbiggrin:

Out of curiosity, is the angel now adjacent to the hand (or what's left of him)? :smallamused:

2010-09-13, 07:11 PM
Hit by a hound's attack Kronk smiles humorlessly as he barely even feels the blow. Sparing a moment to glance around at the others that have joined the battle Kronk is impressed with the number of warriors willing to work against the corrupt government even in a small town like this. Turning back to 'work' he begins a new attack sequence while running through various tactical options in preparation for the combat's last stages.

Well...I'm completely lost as to who's still alive and where everyone is :P. I want to move to the nearest Hand (assuming one's in a spot I can reach) and hit them. If no Hands are nearby and reachable I'll hit the nearest Hound instead. Taking a -3 penalty for +3 AC with expertise (which, tragically, won't trigger until after any AoO's for my movement :smallamused: if I'm reading expertise right)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-13, 09:53 PM
The newcomer strikes down the Hand with a swing, and then does the same to the Angel who had moved to help her.

Kronk strikes out at the Hound in front of him, missing wide. The Hound returns his attack, but Kronk blocks both attacks deftly.

The Hound fighting Opsiler withdraws backwards five feet.

The initiative was near the top of the 1st page
Init order:
27- Kronk
24- Opsiler [delayed]
21- Newcomer
20- Hound
19- Hand
18- Hound
(17)- Opsiler [new initiative]
15- Robin [delaying]
12- Man/Woman
12- Hound
10- Hand
9- Bahec
9- Hound
3- Angel
2- Angel
1- Robin [new initiative]

2010-09-14, 10:10 AM
(Robin is delaying, as she does not have access to a computer at all times of the day.)

The Hound that Kane attacked pushes the werebear off him with his shield, and swings twice, the first attack not piercing Kane's magical hide, but the second attack digging in (2 bludgeoning)

2010-09-14, 11:15 AM
"Feel the iron hammer!"
Bahec attention turns towards the Hound that attacked him. He brings his mighty fists down upon it.

Full Attack:

[roll0] attack 1
[roll1] attack 2
[roll2] one-two punch


[roll3]+[roll4] attack 1
[roll5]+[roll6] attack 2
[roll7]+[roll8] one-two punch

2010-09-14, 01:10 PM
Kane howls at the injury inflicted upon him before he attempts to viscously maim the Hound in front of him.

1st Claw [roll0] (Verification if needed) [roll1]
2nd Claw [roll3] (If needed) [roll4]
Bite [roll6] (If needed) [roll7]
[roll8] Also, if his bite hits the Hound has to make a DC 15 fort save versus Curse of Lycanthropy.

2010-09-14, 01:25 PM
The Hound manages to block the first claw and the bite, but is wounded by the second claw.

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-14, 01:51 PM
Well... they're alone now. Time for some real combat.

The newcomer walks over to the nearest hound and attempts to engage it in combat, attracting nearby attention if at all possible.
Using Code of Conduct and my final full usage of combat mastery for the encounter to make an attack.
I'm using the deadly attraction gambit so if I hit, all creatures within 10 feet (plus 10 feet per 10 points I hit by) are restricted to taking aggressive actions against me if possible.
Hooray for my super Damage Reduction... plus the damage penalties I inflicted on my foes (unless they're immune to mind-affecting abilities. :smalleek:) :smallbiggrin:


Edit: If I need to charge to reach the nearest hound, add a +2 bonus to my attack roll.

2010-09-14, 02:08 PM
Robin attacks the wounded hound with her spiked chain
Damage [roll1]

Next turn if there is a dying party member Robin will attempt to stabalize them with a heal check. If anyone is wounded Robin will use lay on hands on the party member with the lowest hp.
Heal check [roll2]

2010-09-14, 08:10 PM
Swinging at the nearest Hound Kronk shouts to the others present, "Don't let a single one escape!"

With the mages gone I'd like to swap my major aura to Motivate Ardor for +1dmg as a swift action. Then take a move to get adjacent to the nearest Hound (assuming I can) and a standard to attack, no combat expertise.

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2010-09-14, 08:52 PM
OOC: So I take it I killed the opponent I attacked.

2010-09-14, 10:44 PM
Two Hounds both charge the newcomer, swinging with all their might, but both fail to penetrate his mighty plate mail.

2010-09-15, 12:07 AM
Opsiler looks to the hound that was assaulting him kneel to the ground and he would unleash his full onslaught on him once more "You attacked the wrong one today." The blades came up and out is a whirling frenzy. He after attacking move away to more favorable conditions.

(Spring attack)




Crummy rolls but I need to confirm the Critical.

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-15, 12:10 AM
A door of an inn breaks into splinters and there stands a man in full black armor. The black armored figure races across the battle field weilding a katana that has a subtle glow of menacing energy. He races towards the group that has now formed around the newcomer to the battle field. He swings his blade at the unscathed Hound in a menacing arcs that has no beauty or subtlety, only intent to kill.

- Using Improved One kill: if they hit they become criticals
Attack 1:[roll1]
Attack 2:[roll2]
Confirmation 1:[roll3]
Confirmation 2:[roll4]
Damage 1:[roll5][roll6]
Damage 2:[roll7][roll8]
Str Damage:[roll9]


A woman rushes across the battle field in beautiful robes of an exotic nature with one of her hands on a katana that is still sheathed. Her eyes are focused on her prey as she breaks a small smile. The Hound looks over at her and she blows a kiss at him throwing him off balance. She then pulls out her katana with blinding speed and slashes at the wounded Hound that is attack the newcomer to the field.

- Uses Weapon Training to add Cha to attack
- Feint as a swift action
Sneak Attack:[roll4]

2010-09-15, 12:30 AM
OOC: Rolled the critical confirmation for Doombringer and the damage for Frozen Messiah.

Opsiler and the newly arrived man both easily slay their respective Hounds, but the man's companion misses her target.

OOC:And with that there is one Hound left, and it is Bahec's turn. This is looking promising.

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-15, 12:42 AM
rolling damage...

Damage 1:[roll0]
Damage 2:[roll1]

2010-09-15, 12:44 AM
rolling damage...

Damage 1:[roll0]
Damage 2:[roll1]

You don't multiply the damage, you do wound damage on a critical, I already rolled it on my own, you killed the guy and auto-missed on the other.

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-15, 01:03 AM
You don't multiply the damage, you do wound damage on a critical, I already rolled it on my own, you killed the guy and auto-missed on the other.

sorry...kind of drowzy

2010-09-15, 01:05 AM
With only one Hound left, Kane attempts to maul it to shreds.

Full Attacks if it's the one that was near him?

Charges otherwise.

Claw [roll0][roll1]
----(Stop if it is a charge)----
Claw [roll2][roll3]
Bite [roll4][roll5]

2010-09-15, 01:07 AM
OOC: Woot! Natural 20 to hit. xD

Confirmation for Claw#2 [roll0]

2010-09-15, 01:15 AM
Kane rips the last Hound's heart out through the hole he had ripped in his armour.

Combat Finished! 300xp!!

A portly man comes running out, huffing and puffing.

"My word! You have slain imperial soldiers! Quick, come inside my inn!"

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-15, 08:25 AM
Tenshu pauses as the man runs out still with Katana ready to strike him down if the need arises, once the man states his business Tenshu relaxes. He takes his time to clean his blade with a special cloth from a belt pouch. Once his blade is clean he sheathes it and walks past the man into the inn without a word.


Okita pauses after the lycanthrope killed her intended target. Her smile turns into a frown as she looks at the man who lay dead on the ground from the lycanthrope. She quickly cleans her blade, sheathes it and hurries into the inn with her brow furrowed in disappointment

2010-09-15, 08:27 AM
Opsiler tended his wounds and then looked over the bodies before moving into the Inn with the man who offered them to come inside. "Pitiful souls thinking that every person they come across is jsut going to lay down and die." Opsiler then looked to the Inn keep owner. "Got anything to drink around here I am parched."

2010-09-15, 08:54 AM
Kronk glances around to see if there are any unfriendly observers around before accepting the mans offer and heading into the Inn with the others. Nodding at Ospiler and Robin, a compliment for their skill in the fight, he speaks up, "I thank all of you for the aid against those so-called soldiers. I must say I'm rather surprised that so many would defy the empire here, it's very encouraging to an outcast like myself."

Turning to address the Innkeeper, "And thank you for the hospitality. May I ask why you allowed us to come in though?"

Can I get a perception check to actively look around for anyone that's acting Imperial? Should I roll active perception checks or just leave that to you?

2010-09-15, 12:13 PM
I'll roll hidden checks I guess, like Search, Disguise, Spot and Listen
While the others are filing into the inn, you notice man dressed in dark browns clinging to the other side of roof of the building opposite, overlooking the street. He disappears quickly, and appears to be off in the direction of the hills to the north.

Recovering from being pushes aside by Tenshu and Okita, the innkeeper/tavernkeeper/town mayor ushers everyone inside nervously.

"Can't be having fights in the open, not here I say. Bad news, very bad news."

He pushes you all through the door and closes it quick, sighing with relief when he has.

"Now let me get some drinks for our heroes! Does everyone drink ale? Or perhaps a bitter instead?"

2010-09-15, 01:38 PM
Moments after the door closes, the handle jiggles, and a rough voice calls softly from outside "Bah, all the meat is dead, I was too late!"

Once the door opens (either from his own efforts, or from it being opened from inside, if it is locked), he walks in, a tall, thin canine humanoid. "You, you are the ones who killed them, yes?"

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-15, 01:49 PM
Glad that the fight is over, Cornelius ("the newcomer") walks into the structure and takes a quick look around. In the dim light, it is clearly visible that his sword is glowing as brightly as a torch.

If a drink it offered to him, Cornelius politely refuses it with a raised hand and slight shake of the head. Until then, he walks over to the other heavily armored warrior who also wields a glowing bastard sword like himself (though of a design Cornelius is not quite familiar with).

After standing there for a couple of seconds, Cornelius finally speaks. "...Thank you for your assistance, fine sir." The accusation(?) shouted from the doorway doesn't openly seem to attract his attention, though he subtly nods his head in action.

2010-09-15, 03:13 PM
Bahec is wary of the inkeeper, but jumps at the opportunity for ale. He hasn't been able to have some in a while.

"Greetings small inn man! I am called Bahec, and I will receive your gift of ale."

2010-09-15, 06:49 PM
Doing his best to get Ospiler's attention Kronk gives him a slight hand signal, an old army 'be ready for trouble' signal. Smiling at the Innkeeper Kronk nods at whatever he's offered and drinks it slowly, enjoying himself.

I'm assuming I can signal Ospiler somehow with our shared backgrounds...if some kind of check is required should I make it or not and what check should it be? Also I want to swap my aura's back to the default Motivate dex and resilient troops.

2010-09-15, 09:32 PM
Before entering the tavern, Kane's large bear form shrinks as his muscles roll and fold in on themselves as he stands up straight taking his normal human form. As he is rushed into the tavern he takes a deep wiff of the air (OOC: Scent. Learn to love it.) to see if he smells anything out of the ordinary--anyone hiding where his sight or ears can't detect them.

"Nothing for me. Alcohol is bad. Messes with senses."

As the canine rattles the door and walks in, Kane's whole figure almost completely locks up, his back curving in an arc slightly as he stares at the gnoll, his nostrils flared wide. A part of his lip curling up as a light growl escapes him. "Beast--Killed them for Mother."

Those familiar with Were-Bear circles might realize that they tend to form Matriarchal packs, and that there is a chance he might not be referring to his mother, but the pack leader.

(OOC: Intelligence 8. Yay!)

2010-09-15, 10:37 PM
The innkeeper runs in between Kane and the hyena-man.

"NononononononononoNO! I am not having a fight in here!"

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-15, 10:47 PM
If a drink it offered to him, Cornelius politely refuses it with a raised hand and slight shake of the head. Until then, he walks over to the other heavily armored warrior who also wields a glowing bastard sword like himself (though of a design Cornelius is not quite familiar with).

After standing there for a couple of seconds, Cornelius finally speaks. "...Thank you for your assistance, fine sir."

Tenshu takes off his oni mask and places it on a near by table and takes a seat. He looks over at the armored man who thanked him. "You were surrounded, a tactical blunder. Do not rely on your armor, without strategy it will do you no good. The others would have killed them, I am not the person to thank. " Tenshu says to the armored man absentmindedly. His attention is drawn more by the imminent battle between the Lycanthrope and the gnoll, his hand rests on his katana.


Okita stands beside Tenshu and listens the conversations that are going on around her as her mind replays her missed strike on her opponent.

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-16, 12:17 AM
Hmmm...he's either a selfless hero... or an emotionless killer... perhaps both.

Whatever. In any case, it was clear that the man wouldn't care to hear of how he'd intended to defend himself (if such matters could be properly explained). In any case, Cornelius walks over to the apparent figure of authority as he tries to settle the fight. There was a question that had been bugging him.

"Thank you for your hospitality, sir, but the next troops to come your way will most likely destroy your town and kill both you and your family unopposed. Do you have a plan to prevent this?"

There. Polite, honest, and to the point.

2010-09-16, 12:20 AM
Hmmm...he's either a selfless hero... or an emotionless killer... perhaps both.

Whatever. In any case, it was clear that the man wouldn't care to hear of how he'd intended to defend himself (if such matters could be properly explained). In any case, Cornelius walks over to the apparent figure of authority to ask a question that was bugging him.

"Thank you for your hospitality, sir, but the next troops to come your way will most likely destroy your town and kill both you and your family unopposed. Do you have a plan to prevent this?"

There. Polite, honest, and to the point.

"Yes, appeal to Lord Greyson for aid. But the path runs through the enemy's camp. . . bother."

2010-09-16, 01:42 AM
The gnoll sizes up the creature in front of him, and grins. "Good, good! The more that die, the more pups that can feast on their entrails! Pity I missed it, they do taste quite good. But I don't eat what I don't kill, if there is a choice. And I never hunt those who hunt my enemies. Not any more."

2010-09-16, 02:29 AM
Opsiler looked to Kronk and then towards the gnoll. "Well that is good to hear..I would hate to have to fight you over something as silly as food." He then offered a hand to the creature and waited to see if the gesture was returned..in times like this was better to make peace with those who had the same common enemy.

2010-09-16, 02:52 AM
A look of confusion crosses the gnoll's face (or at least, it would seem to be confusion, what with the scrunched up face and the head tilt)."Food, silly? But..." He finally shakes his head, and accepts the offered hand with a firm grip. Different priorities, I guess. Still, this isn't the time for fighting, unless more meat shows up."

2010-09-16, 09:52 AM
"Speaking of meat, here you go."

The innkeeper brings out a large tray of chicken and grains.

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-16, 09:57 AM
"Yes, appeal to Lord Greyson for aid. But the path runs through the enemy's camp. . . bother."

"Then we shall run through that camp also. If we attack at night or, if weather is favorable, early morning. If we attack hard enough than we should be able to do enough damage to make the others flee. If they decide to fight we cut them down." Tenshu says staring at the inn keeper, "I need all of the information about that camp that you have, if you have none then point me to some one who does."

2010-09-16, 12:05 PM
"If the warriors there are anything like the ones we just fought, breaking through the camp will be easy!" Bahec bites into a large piece of meat.

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-16, 01:53 PM
Cornelius listens to the suggestions of the others before he speaks once more.
"Or... if we're so willing to wait until morning, we could always just walk around the camp and head to Lord Grayson directly. Even if there are sheer cliffs or thick forests to either side, it shouldn't take us more than an extra hour or two and we won't have to fight our way through ten times the number of men that we just fought...if not more...
If we find and fight a couple scouts, even better. If we kill them, the camp will suspect an ambush from the flank and won't dare attack. If they escape, they may suspect and ambush or may realize our intentions. Even if they realize what we're doing, the servants of the god-king will ensure that Grayson won't be coming before they come charging back in."

2010-09-16, 03:00 PM
Kane takes a huge bite out of the piece of chicken given to him as he stares at the gnoll. While his instincts told him to attack the gnoll, it seemed civilized. So he'd stay his claws.

"They'd suspect you. Never do people watch for animals. Bears never watched as they run near woods. People retreat and run in fear from the size. I might hide better then you against them. Hide in plain sight is best bet. Use their stuff. Make you look like one of them."

2010-09-16, 07:21 PM
Kronk nods at Cornelius. "I'm glad to see someone here has a grasp of tactics. Attacking the entire camp would be foolish. Even assuming we're strong enough to defeat them we can't possibly do so before they'd call us in. Much better to avoid direct conflict except where it's advantageous. Going around the enemy camp while finding some way to distract them for a time is probably our best bet."

2010-09-16, 08:45 PM
nursing her dragonbite bitter, Robin looked up towards the rest of her companions I do not see the problem, is not our goal to destroy the God-King would it not be to our advantage to take out an enemy camp? she turns her question towards Cornelius as she takes a large bite out of her chicken leg.

2010-09-16, 08:50 PM
"I like this girl's thinking!" says Bahec in response to Robin. "Any blow we can deal to his forces is worthwhile! I would get a good work out doing it too!"

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-16, 09:15 PM
Cornelius listens to the suggestions of the others before he speaks once more.
"Or... if we're so willing to wait until morning, we could always just walk around the camp and head to Lord Grayson directly. Even if there are sheer cliffs or thick forests to either side, it shouldn't take us more than an extra hour or two and we won't have to fight our way through ten times the number of men that we just fought...if not more...
If we find and fight a couple scouts, even better. If we kill them, the camp will suspect an ambush from the flank and won't dare attack. If they escape, they may suspect and ambush or may realize our intentions. Even if they realize what we're doing, the servants of the god-king will ensure that Grayson won't be coming before they come charging back in."

Tenshu looks at the plate of meat that was brought out disapprovingly. "My sister and I do not partake of meat." Tenshu says looking at the owner of the establishment and then Tenshu's focus shifts back to the armoured man. "They are arrogant, they send so few men to the town they expect little resistance. At this monent they probably do not suspect that anything has even happened to those people. If they are as arrogant as they show me that they are than their camp will not be well defended and not well organized. We will be able to strike a crippling blow and then leave them to panic." Tenshu pauses for a moment as he trys to remember a battle that resembled the situation that they are in, "We should scout out the camp, if I am correct in my thinking than we will attack."

2010-09-16, 09:58 PM
A glance at the chicken is all Arambar takes, before shaking his head. "I've already eaten."

Listening to the others, he finally puts in "Best to take a look. If they are weak, we can take them out. If they are strong, we can avoid them, get help, and then take them out. Better to look than jump, though."

2010-09-16, 10:10 PM
"Just so long as we actually get to take them out!"

2010-09-16, 11:31 PM
The innkeeper walks over to you guys again.

"You all are quite welcome to stay the night if you like. I have only one simple request --"

No one taints the sanctity of my daughter!

"-- we clear?"

2010-09-16, 11:37 PM
Kronk smiles and nods at the innkeeper. "Alright, can we at least agree to a compromise? We scout them out first and if we're too vastly outnumbered, say, more than 4 to one, we reconsider attacking. Can we all agree to that?"

2010-09-16, 11:43 PM
"Small note really, you will be. Outnumbered that is."

Calls a raspy voice from the corner. A man in his later years stands up, still able to under his own strength, and wags a finger at you.

"The way you all were fighting out there, you almost got yourselves killed. You take out the ladies, Angels and Hands, you choice which first, not the Hounds. You fight them when they don't have their ladies watching over them. Kids these days."

He appears unarmed and in regular clothes, and has three things set down on his table, a mirror, a book, and a large haversack.

2010-09-17, 03:56 AM
Opsiler looked to the innkeeper raging about his daughter and nods before turning back to the old man who spoke about them fighting like kids. "Yeah I suppose you are right I learnt that lesson the hard way this fight."He took a hunk of the chicken and ate washing it down with the ale. "Thanks for the advise but I have a question..who are you?" Opsiler then turns his head cocking it a little waiting for a response.

2010-09-17, 04:27 PM
Opsiler looked to the innkeeper raging about his daughter and nods before turning back to the old man who spoke about them fighting like kids. "Yeah I suppose you are right I learnt that lesson the hard way this fight."He took a hunk of the chicken and ate washing it down with the ale. "Thanks for the advise but I have a question..who are you?" Opsiler then turns his head cocking it a little waiting for a response.

"Who I am is not important, but what is important is that you guys won't get very far without someone to patch you up when you get stupid."

2010-09-17, 04:38 PM
Glancing around the room, Arambar chuckles softly at the newest person's statement. "Yes, I suspect we'd get a lot of use from someone to fix us up."

2010-09-17, 04:44 PM
"Or, at least, they will need patching up."

2010-09-17, 05:20 PM
Kronk glances at the new voice briefly before returning his attention to his drink. "You speak truth friend. I did my best to engage the others and leave the hounds for last but it can be difficult when your enemy has chosen the ground to engage targets they want to protect."

Finishing his drink with a long sip Kronk sets the glass down and turns to face the others. "But with a little preparation," he says with a predatory smile, "you can choose whatever targets you wish in whatever order and number. Whatsay we go scout this camp of theirs and then work out a plan for how to deal with them then? A berserker rush can be useful in some situations but it's somewhat less effective when outnumbered."

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-17, 09:55 PM
Cornelius listens up to this entire farce of a forming plan. This tactical error had to be nipped in the bud. Now.

"Forgive me, my good sir, but I fail to see how we would need your assistance. When we go around the enemy troops to acquire the lord's aid, we should fight a small handful of scouts, if anything at all. And we WILL need to travel around because nothing less than full destruction of the entire camp would stop this town from being destroyed and, as you say, we have little chance of destroying the camp on our own.
Once we have contact the Lord Grayson and have acquired his martial support, hopefully including some of his own healers, we could launch a full-out assault from behind, leading a charge large enough to accomplish this task. Where, might I ask you, do your plans, however honorable they may be, fit into this equation?"

2010-09-17, 10:06 PM
Cornelius listens up to this entire farce of a forming plan. This tactical error had to be nipped in the bud. Now.

"Forgive me, my good sir, but I fail to see how we would need your assistance. When we go around the enemy troops to acquire the lord's aid, we should fight a small handful of scouts, if anything at all. And we WILL need to travel around because nothing less than full destruction of the entire camp would stop this town from being destroyed and, as you say, we have little chance of destroying the camp on our own.
Once we have contact the Lord Grayson and have acquired his martial support, hopefully including some of his own healers, we could launch a full-out assault from behind, leading a charge large enough to accomplish this task. Where, might I ask you, do your plans, however honorable they may be, fit into this equation?"

"Can't argue with that. I can cook and sew you up, but I guess no one want's the princess' old tutor/emporer's surgeon general, he's nothing compared to a Lord's military medics."

He turns his back to you all and the innkeeper brings him a bowl of broth.

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-17, 10:55 PM
"Can't argue with that. I can cook and sew you up, but I guess no one want's the princess' old tutor/emporer's surgeon general, he's nothing compared to a Lord's military medics."

He turns his back to you all and the innkeeper brings him a bowl of broth.

Tenshu had been listening to the man attempting to see what he held for them. He was the only person who seemed to have any information of any merit and that led Tenshu to be curious. When he offered his services and stated his former rank it led Tenshu to think long and hard at what he said not sure if he was telling the truth.


Okita had been standing listening to everyone’s conversations; she was rather intrigued by all of these people of such a different culture. She noted certain traits of those around her that may come into conflict with her brother's mission. Her attention was brought to the man who spoke from the corner; she concentrated hard on how he said his claim and the intonation of it also.

2010-09-18, 01:18 AM
Cornelius listens up to this entire farce of a forming plan. This tactical error had to be nipped in the bud. Now.

"Forgive me, my good sir, but I fail to see how we would need your assistance. When we go around the enemy troops to acquire the lord's aid, we should fight a small handful of scouts, if anything at all. And we WILL need to travel around because nothing less than full destruction of the entire camp would stop this town from being destroyed and, as you say, we have little chance of destroying the camp on our own.
Once we have contact the Lord Grayson and have acquired his martial support, hopefully including some of his own healers, we could launch a full-out assault from behind, leading a charge large enough to accomplish this task. Where, might I ask you, do your plans, however honorable they may be, fit into this equation?"

"Hold your horses..just who put you in charge of making the decisions for the entire group?" Opsiler glared at the rude warrior and then looks to the one offering to patch them up. "I for one would be happy to have your assitance." He then pointed to the one speaking as if was the leader. "You would do well to remember that while your opinion might be valued it is not the only that matters." Opsiler then looked to the man offering to tend his wounds and said. "I for one have a few wounds that could use some needle work what do you say?" He then waited to see if the man would still be willing to help him. "As for the others..you each have fought as have I. The decisions should be made as a group not simply because one man says we should do something."

2010-09-18, 01:31 AM
"I have injuries as well. But they won't last long. I'll be fine by morning." Kane bites down into his chicken again, the conversation going on around him happening too fast for him to understand it all.

Going off on a tangent, "Is she pretty?" He says as he tilts his head towards the innkeeper.

2010-09-18, 08:56 AM
The old man beckons Opsiler over to speak about the nature of his injuries, in preparation for the surgery.

The innkeeper looks the half-naked (unless you have special size changing clothes) hairy man up and down, and quite timidly says, "I think she is at least, why do you ask?"

2010-09-18, 12:14 PM
(OOC: :smallbiggrin: He doesn't. But Alternate Form lists polymorph for how it works... So either it melds into the body... Or gets ripped to shreds.)

"Hmm... May we see your daughter?" Kane asks before he bites down into his chicken again.

(OOC: Taints the sanctity. Such a complex phrase for someone with a below average intelligence... <-- Referring to Kane.)

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-18, 02:50 PM
Wait... a surgeon?... not a defunct angel, then?... that was a whole other story...

Turning to Opsilar, Cornelius bows. "Forgive my impudent tongue. I've traveled for the past few decades without so much as a single companion. This will take some... readjustment on my part."

2010-09-18, 04:50 PM
"Personally I remain in favor of simply bypassing the enemy camp. But Ospiler is correct, we must decide on this matter together, since we have no clear leader in a group this disparate. But making a decision now on whether we could defeat this enemy camp, when we know next to nothing about their true numbers and skill, would be foolish."

"How about this?" Kronk says calmly as he leans a bit in his chair and watches the front door. "We move out as quietly as is possible. As soon as we're close enough to the soldier's camp a small group of the stealthiest of us goes and scouts the outskirts of the camp, trying to get approximate numbers and skill. With that information in hand then we decide on a proper course of action, whether a simple frontal assault, a planned ambush, simply bypassing them, or something else."

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-18, 06:10 PM
Wait... a surgeon?... not a defunct angel, then?... that was a whole other story...

Turning to Opsilar, Cornelius bows. "Forgive my impudent tongue. I've traveled for the past few decades without so much as a single companion. This will take some... readjustment on my part."

Tenshu's focus shifts from the mystery man back to the armored man. "Why would you jump to such an...odd idea? Healing can be done without magic. Explain yourself." Tenshu's hand is on his blade quickly.


Okita looks at the armored man and understands what her brother is saying about the man. She takes out a fan and begins to wave it in front of her face as she begins to smile.

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-18, 07:38 PM
OOC: What is not in quotes is thought process, not spoken out loud (unless you're reading my mind). :smalltongue:
I've seen other people in campaigns I've joined do this before but I'm sorry if you've never seen it. I'll stop if it's annoying. :smallconfused:

2010-09-18, 10:28 PM
(OOC: :smallbiggrin: He doesn't. But Alternate Form lists polymorph for how it works... So either it melds into the body... Or gets ripped to shreds.)

"Hmm... May we see your daughter?" Kane asks before he bites down into his chicken again.

(OOC: Taints the sanctity. Such a complex phrase for someone with a below average intelligence... <-- Referring to Kane.)

"No, for she is locked away in her room, which she cannot escape from --"

A comely lass of seventeen comes bounding down the stairs.

"Pa, you forgot I can unlock the door from my side! Hi everyone, my you're a strong lot, I was watching from my window!"

2010-09-18, 11:02 PM
"My lady, you honor us by showing yourself!" Kane says as he puts down his chicken, and standing up before bowing lightly before her. Her beauty was obvious, and to a werebear like Kane though, it meant she was obviously the one in charge, since she looked of the age of an adult, even if her father was much older. The beautiful, charming women were generally the ones that headed a werebear society of which Kane was born into.

"May we think you for allowing your father to let us stay?"

(OOD: :smallbiggrin: I love characters from vastly different mini-societies.)

2010-09-19, 08:12 AM
Finishing her Dragon Bitter Robin wipes her mouth on her sleeve and gets up. Walking to the innkeeper she quietly asks Sir do you mind if I have a word with you? not waiting for an answer she continues are there any active slave caravans in this area?
Gather Information Check

2010-09-19, 10:02 AM
Finishing her Dragon Bitter Robin wipes her mouth on her sleeve and gets up. Walking to the innkeeper she quietly asks Sir do you mind if I have a word with you? not waiting for an answer she continues are there any active slave caravans in this area?
Gather Information Check

"Not that I'm aware of, I'm glad to say, though the Imperials might make use of slaves."

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-19, 03:04 PM
Finishing her Dragon Bitter Robin wipes her mouth on her sleeve and gets up. Walking to the innkeeper she quietly asks Sir do you mind if I have a word with you? not waiting for an answer she continues are there any active slave caravans in this area?

"What, may I ask, do you care? Ending a slave caravan is not what we are here to do. We aer here to strike a blow against the Godking. Let's keep our eyes on the path and not be distracted so soon." Tenshu says while rubbing the bridge of his nose knowing that he has come up to one of these people who believe that they can "help" people.

"I seem to have heard that plan from somewhere else. I beleive that was the first plan that I had purposed. I like it, I vote to do it." Tenshu says with a smug smile on his face as he speaks to Kronk.

Tenshu then gets up and walks over to the man who offered his assistance and takes a seat at his table. "I would ask personally for your assisstance, it is not wise to disregard a holy man's aid. I respect your choice greatly but do not mistake this respect for freindship or trust." Tenshu says to the man in a low voice.


Okita had become so focused on the conversations around her that she did not notice the movement of Tenshu. When she looks towards the seat and sees that he has moved her eyes grow wide for a moment. She then looks around like a child lost and when she locates him she shuffles quickly over to his side and goes back to her normal self.

2010-09-20, 01:20 AM
Wait... a surgeon?... not a defunct angel, then?... that was a whole other story...

Turning to Opsilar, Cornelius bows. "Forgive my impudent tongue. I've traveled for the past few decades without so much as a single companion. This will take some... readjustment on my part."

"I understand I was the same way before I met Kronk there. I am sorry to be so snappy but anyone who can provide useful skills and doesn't want to kill us is worth keeping around in my book." most of the men might have looked to the young lass that was coming down the stairs. Opsiler's eyes locked on Robin smiling and winking to her. he then listened to the next man speak up..what was it with the warriors here and trying to act like they cared nothing about people only themselves. "Why don't we all just whip them out and get this over with?" eyes were upon Tenshu when he said that. He hated people with bad attitudes and was quick to speak .. even adjust them where he saw fit. "Well met and what is your name beautiful?" he was speaking to Robin.

2010-09-20, 07:40 AM
"I understand I was the same way before I met Kronk there. I am sorry to be so snappy but anyone who can provide useful skills and doesn't want to kill us is worth keeping around in my book." most of the men might have looked to the young lass that was coming down the stairs. Opsiler's eyes locked on Robin smiling and winking to her. he then listened to the next man speak up..what was it with the warriors here and trying to act like they cared nothing about people only themselves. "Why don't we all just whip them out and get this over with?" eyes were upon Tenshu when he said that. He hated people with bad attitudes and was quick to speak .. even adjust them where he saw fit. "Well met and what is your name beautiful?" he was speaking to Robin.
With an icy glare Robin replied to Tenshu you seem to be under the impression I was talking to you.
Robin blushed and smiled at Opsiler I should hope that you would know my name brother she said chuckling. thanking the innkeerper for his information and handing four silver pieces to him I think me and my friend here will have a mug of ale each please she walked over to sit down besides him.

2010-09-20, 05:10 PM
With an icy glare Robin replied to Tenshu you seem to be under the impression I was talking to you.
Robin blushed and smiled at Opsiler I should hope that you would know my name brother she said chuckling. thanking the innkeerper for his information and handing four silver pieces to him I think me and my friend here will have a mug of ale each please she walked over to sit down besides him.

"Indeed I know your name it is that of a song bird and though it it is lovely..it pales in comparision to your true beauty" Opsiler then kissed her cheek gently and whispered something in here ear before standing and offering his hand to her. "May I have the honor of a victory dance." Opsiler was always one to make merry even in dark times. He when she accepted the hand would dance with excellent foot work some would say he was a very gifted dancer.

Perform Dance

2010-09-20, 06:46 PM
"Indeed I know your name it is that of a song bird and though it it is lovely..it pales in comparision to your true beauty" Opsiler then kissed her cheek gently and whispered something in here ear before standing and offering his hand to her. "May I have the honor of a victory dance." Opsiler was always one to make merry even in dark times. He when she accepted the hand would dance with excellent foot work some would say he was a very gifted dancer.

Perform Dance
Humoring Opsiler Robin gave him her hand Alright brother but do not expect your feet to be the same as they were before

Frozen Messiah
2010-09-20, 07:53 PM
Tenshu raises his hand to notify Okita that her help is not neccesary at this moment. "I don't intend to cause difficulty I merely want to make sure that we are all looking at the same enemy. If we are getting distracted by other matters it would cause our actions to be...slowed. I would like to complete my mission here quickly to allow my sister and I to return to our home. Now then if we can stop taking offense to every word that I take we may be able to progress more quickly." Tenshu says in a frustrated tone while rubbing the bridge of his nose


Okita's hand is quickly on her blade but her hand falls back to it's place after Tenshu's hand motion. She sighs to herself at her brother stopping her, she was not used to this civility in her brother.

2010-09-20, 10:56 PM
Covering his face with his hand briefly Kronk shakes his head at the various antics going on about him. "We should get moving, every minute we waste is a chance for the Imperials to discover their missing soldiers."

2010-09-20, 11:00 PM
"I agree! My fists are still ready to go after that fight!"

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-20, 11:15 PM
Cornelius turns to the innkeeper. "Which way are they, sir? The enemy, that is."

2010-09-20, 11:31 PM
"Yes, point us toward the enemy like a spear. I won't miss this fight at least."

2010-09-21, 09:19 AM
Cornelius turns to the innkeeper. "Which way are they, sir? The enemy, that is."

"North of town, about five miles."

2010-09-22, 08:57 AM
Opsiler laughs as the dance finishes and looks to the others. "You know..I think a few of you should remember that life is meant to be lived..sure we are at war with a monster..you better learn to enjoy life or one day you might find yourself becoming that which you fight." He then placed on his new sandles and said "I dare say that I am the fastest here..if you are looking for a runner or scout." He then moved toward his seat and waited once more.

My character moves 50 feet per round.

2010-09-22, 01:57 PM
Robin paused for a moment to pipe in, Actually I think that I would be the fastest With Anu
(OC Anu is Robins paladin mount a warhorse)

2010-09-24, 10:33 PM
Later that day, you all are walking along a forest path. You are wary of imperial, but have seen no signs.

2010-09-24, 10:35 PM
Bahec strides near the front of the group, admiring the majesty of the trees. "I wonder what this area looks like in winter..." He says (provided it isn't winter right now)

2010-09-27, 08:00 AM
The old man walks a respectable distance behind you, whistling to himself.

Realms of Chaos
2010-09-28, 09:21 PM
Cornelius, of course, has followed the rest of the group, walking in the back of the group (stupid heavy armor...) and watching for other signs of the enemy.
He doesn't even bother asking others to silence the whistling. Her was already making enough noise in his clanking full plate, after all.

2010-09-28, 09:55 PM
Kronk tries to position himself near the middle of the group, an optimal place for reacting to threats from any direction, though with his heavy armor this is a bit difficult. Keeping a wary eye out he stands ready as he moves along.

Ideally I'd like to be positioned so that everyone can benefit from my Auras (+5 Will w/in 30ft, +5 Initiative/Dex based skills and +1 to all saves (stacks with +5 will) w/in 60ft. But if some of the faster players are moving full speed that's going to be hard (20ft movement speed).

2010-10-03, 06:01 PM
The forest seems quiet for the most part, and you eventually reach a clearing. In the clearing you can see imperial soldiers walking about, but you could also just as easily avoid them. What do you do?

Frozen Messiah
2010-10-04, 12:25 AM
The forest seems quiet for the most part, and you eventually reach a clearing. In the clearing you can see imperial soldiers walking about, but you could also just as easily avoid them. What do you do?

Tenshu looks at Okita and nods his head. He looks at the imperial soldiers and then he draws his blade. "If you do not want to kill them than either voice an opinion quickly, keep moving, or draw your weapon. Make it quickly, I will not wait long nor will my sister." Tenshu whispers to the group while never taking his eyes off of the enemy. As Tenshu waited for them to answer he closed his eyes and focused on his training.
Okita smiles and places her hand on her blade. There is an excitement that is apparant in her smile, like a child going to a candy store. Her msucles tense and loosen, readying herslef for the speed she will need for the first attack. Her finger tips tap the sheath of her blade impatiently.

2010-10-12, 09:19 AM
Kronk frowns and shakes his head. "We could easily avoid them..." he says, with a tone that makes it clear that he would prefer that course of action but he isn't holding his breath for the rest of the group voting that way.

Frozen Messiah
2010-10-12, 11:57 AM
Tenshu opens his eyes and charges at the imperial soldiers. He utters no sound as he moves letting the sound of his feet hitting the ground create the tempo for combat. His blade becomes merely an exspression of his muderous intent.


Okita rushes forward as her face lights up with the prospective combat. She notes which soldier her brother is claiming and she chooses another, not wanting to cause any difficulty for her brother in combat and understanding that in a few moments there will be no soldier. As she reaches her target her hand grips her blade.

Iaijutsu Focus:[roll2]

2010-10-12, 03:22 PM
Robin sighs offereing a small prayer to Gwyharwf Alright lets do this she whispers . And then follows Tenshu and Okita into battle
Robin Will akkack the cllosest enemy with her spiked chain unless their is another enemy close enough to attack that is either a
1) Angel
In that prority. In which case she will attack one of them.
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll]1d4+1
If Evil [roll3]

2010-10-12, 03:46 PM
Damage [roll1]

2010-10-12, 07:11 PM
Kronk sighs and takes a deep breath before letting out a menacing warcry, raising his axe, and waving his allies forward into battle.

+5 init for our team from my minor aura, assuming we're rolling init before charging (ie before they move out of its radius).

Init: [roll0]

Ideally I want to hit an Angel/Hand near the center of their group and within range. If that's not possible, but there is another target within range, that'll work. If nothing's in charge range Kronk'll just double move up so that he can charge next turn.

Attack (if in range, trading -3 atk for +3 AC): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

If targeted by a ranged weapon Deflecting save (DC 20+weapon's enhancement bonus): [roll3]

2010-10-18, 11:21 AM
The small group of soldiers were not Hounds or any other elite group, but they were dangerous none the less. Before they could even react, the party quickly subdued them to the last man, though one of their number still breathed.

"Rebellious filth! You won't get away with this!"

Frozen Messiah
2010-10-18, 08:33 PM
Tenshu walks over to the man who is still alive and grabbs him by the neck and pulls him up to his eye level. "You are lucky to be alive, if you wish it to stay that way than I suggest you begin speaking about the main camp. I want numbers, placement of guards, sleeping quarters, and anything else that you might think may be useful. You work with us I give you a quick death and I am a man of my word." Tenshu says to the man as he stares directly into his eyes, like a tiger looking at prey.


2010-10-18, 10:38 PM
Kronk mentally shrugs and stalss towards Tenshu and the soldier, doing his best to look menacing as he approaches and smiling at the soldier unsettlingly.

Aiding, +4 bonus (Teamwork, w/in 30ft). Intimidate: [roll0]

2010-10-19, 11:40 PM
"There's maybe 20 battalions strong, most of them sleep during the night, but we have . . . others to help us. The Zealots."

2010-10-24, 04:47 PM
"Who, or what, are the Zealots?" Kronk asks with a low growling voice as he stands near Tenshu.

If Tenshu wants to keep lead on Intimidation checks I'll aid him (+4), otherwise Intimidate: [roll0]

2010-10-24, 06:22 PM
"Who, or what, are the Zealots?" Kronk asks with a low growling voice as he stands near Tenshu.

If Tenshu wants to keep lead on Intimidation checks I'll aid him (+4), otherwise Intimidate: [roll0]

"Weapons of war beyond all others, thinking, living, breathing monsters. Blind, mute and deaf, the most horrible criminals are mutilated and then . . . then . . . they put something in them."

Frozen Messiah
2010-10-24, 07:46 PM
"Weapons of war beyond all others, thinking, living, breathing monsters. Blind, mute and deaf, the most horrible criminals are mutilated and then . . . then . . . they put something in them."

"You're words will be of much use to me, I thank you, but you will have to be dealt with because you are my enemy." Tenshus says as a blade plunges through the man's stomach.Tenshu than drops the corpes of the man and begins to walk in the direction they were headed


Okita plunges her blade theough the man the her brother was holding up. She retracts the blade from the body of the man and then cleans it before resheathing her blade and shuffling quickly to be beside her brother.

2010-10-26, 02:26 PM
Robin scowls You need not have killed him so brutaly, he was our captive and our responsibility she says somberly to Tenshu as she clutching the limp body in her arms slits the throat.

Frozen Messiah
2010-10-26, 02:46 PM
Robin scowls You need not have killed him so brutaly, he was our captive and our responsibility she says somberly to Tenshu as she clutching the limp body in her arms slits the throat.

"If you had looked at the wound properly it was a very percise strike that caused minimal pain to the man, this was what he won for choosing to aid in our efforts." Tenshu says as he pauses for a moment to look back at Robin "Firstly, I assure you it was far more humane than what would have happened if he was left to go back to the camp and secondly, He would have given away our element of surprise. Now then drop the man and get moving, I would prefer to get to this lords manor by sundown." and with that he keeps walking

Okita stands beside her brother silently looking at Robin disapprovingly as if Robin had insulted her in some way.

2010-10-26, 02:52 PM
Robin lays the body of the man gentely down and closes his eyes. Then gets up and follows.

2010-10-26, 07:12 PM
Kronk frowns at Tenshus's casual killing of the man. "Why? He was no threat, and potentially had more useful information on these Zealots. Killing him leaves another dead soldier, leaving him alive could have given us a useful source of information now...and potentially later if his story spread..."

Frozen Messiah
2010-10-26, 11:24 PM
Tenshu stops walking, uncaring for Kronks, and pauses for a moment and surveys his surroundings, his hand ever ready on his blade.

Spot & Listen:[roll0][roll1]

Okita pauses just as her brother does and looks around the area with less trained focus than her brother

Spot & Listen:[roll2][roll3]

2010-10-28, 12:19 AM
Okita spots a pair of heaviliy armoured warriors hiding in the bush.

Frozen Messiah
2010-10-28, 06:56 PM
Tenshu listens to what her sister has to say and then he nods at her. "Show yourself, you have seen what we can do to your regular units what of you? Heavy armor or not it will not save you when You are facing my blade." Tenshu challenges them with his sword pointed in their direction
Okita quickly touches Tenshu's arm very lightly. "Two in the brush, heavy armor, attack?" Okita asks in a very quiet and soft tone while a her hand rests on her blade the whoile time becuase she understood exactly what her brother would choose.