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2010-09-05, 01:08 PM
This will be the thread for the action and upkeep phases, as well as the non-combat portions of the other two phases (such as the initiative based selection of quests).

As was previously stated, your characters all get 1 week/10 days to do anything that isn't combat based. Make sure you have some idea how you intend to eat by the end of the week.

2010-09-05, 01:16 PM
I will roll survival checks so that me and my allies don't starve

Worry not my new friends I will fetch us food


2010-09-05, 01:19 PM
Sorry making dedicated roll


Alright so I have enough food for me and my friends
Ha ha my friends we have enough to eat for the week so what will you guys do?

2010-09-05, 03:11 PM
I believe that exploration of our current surroundings is in order.

Exploring blindly...

2010-09-05, 03:27 PM
Profession (Farming) for a week of work at making food. Take 10 (unless prohibited) for an 11.
5.5gp in food

2010-09-05, 05:02 PM
"To begin with I shall preform an epic ballard of song and dance. Hopefully to inspire us to glory."


((OOC: i'm not sure how long each action takes so if this doesnt take all week I'll do some exploring or stealing aswell ))

2010-09-05, 05:09 PM
@Mangles Wait wait what are you rolling for?

2010-09-05, 07:51 PM
@mangles, perform action is an action that takes all week. Unless otherwise specified every action takes the one week. In the case of the performance it takes the week to write the performance and then you perform it at the end.

@Light Bogart, I think you should have to decide to do dedicated survival before seeing the result of the first pass, but I will let that slide this time, since I don't care all that much, and I didn't specify before hand.

@KaganMonk, No taking ten for any profession or crafting checks, I want to keep some uncertainty, so you will need to roll it.

2010-09-05, 09:47 PM
Very well.

And I survive for the week.

2010-09-05, 09:51 PM
seriously we're just getting food? no raw materials to work with??

Frida PLEASE tell me you're going to do something more productive in the long term *puppy dog eyes*

2010-09-05, 10:03 PM
Wolu and I will aid in exploration.

Casting Goodberry and Create Water to survive while exploring.


Meanwhile, using a combination of Handle Animal and Wolu's hunting tricks to have him hunt for game as we explore.


2010-09-05, 10:14 PM
uhhhhh I checked the good berry description....... they last for one day per caster level so they'll only be useful to you and your animal companion and I have a lot of extra supplies if 1 of the team wonders off to explore

2010-09-05, 10:50 PM
We're feeding ourselves while exploring; the food you've found can go towards the people who are staying put.

2010-09-05, 10:51 PM

@Dwalin do the extra supplies I get transfer over to the next week? just to make sure

2010-09-06, 11:41 AM
@Lightbogart: Jereboam is eating your food while he explores. :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-06, 05:02 PM
good just in case it spoils

2010-09-07, 02:25 AM
How long, real time, does the Action Phase last? I mean, do we have to wait 10 real life days before it goes forward or what? I certainly hope not...

2010-09-07, 10:14 AM
OOC-@Light Bogart: No, survival checks spoil if unused during the upkeep phase, since otherwise there would be almost no point to farming. Survival is better if you want to feed a lot of people with a lower roll, while farming is better if you want to stock pile food for use in future weeks. Note that to feed three people you need an 18 farming while only a 14 survival, while survival requires less time. The spoiling makes the two options each have a viable reason for existing.
@Jeriah: I am planning on calling the action phase done wednesday morning. I am just trying to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to complete their character and post, but in general it will be just long enough for everyone to post at least once.

2010-09-07, 06:56 PM
I'll roll Farming for the week! Food is always welcome!
Hope to get enough...


Edit: Can we do farming 5 days and gathering 5 days? ^^U yeah yeah, not possible, but I had to ask for the first week! :D

2010-09-08, 11:05 AM
So the results that I can see are...
(LightBogart) provides 38 meals, so him, 2 other people, and 8 meals for a fourth
Jeroboam goes exploring (unsure how this works with the food)
(Mangles) inspires 2 people for a +2 bonus on their next 2 rolls in Quest and Def.
Freida explores and provides for herself and her wolf easily (possibly Jeroboam too?)
Corvus makes 3gp in food supplies
Gaunt makes 5gp 5sp in food supplies

2010-09-08, 11:13 AM
Official results of the first action phase:

Frida is sustained for the week food wise. The good berries, since they expire by the day, can't be used to help other people while you explore, but they satisfy you. The handle animal check(s) are enough to convince your animal companion to attempt to gather food. I am going to say that this is it taking a dedicated survival action. I will give it a total survival mod of +3, half the tracking bonus since only part of that use of the skill is tracking down food. Rolls a 13 and 7 and so can feed two creatures, meaning itself and one more person can be sustained on the excess he gathered when they return. As for the exploration, she finds what appear to be the home of a small group of three dogs in the forest to the south, as well as a nest of a few small monstrous centipedes.

Lorn makes temporary food. Missing one crit success blow up roll for the 23, but the second roll was a 1 for a final result of 24. This leads to a result of 39 days worth of food (after comparing days side by side to take the best result). Thus, Lorn will be allowed to choose up to 3 people (including himself) to feed for the week when the upkeep phase occurs (and one more which only requires 3sp of food). (Note for the future, I would prefer if you made survival checks by the week instead of by the day, makes the math a lot easier.)

Jeraboam begins exploring and discovers a bison in some fields to the east, as well as a "medium" viper in a river to the north of that field.

Bernoulli manages to come up with a clever little ditty that could be enjoyed. While enjoyable, not many like it all that much. Two people of Bernoulli's choice gets a +2 to any two rolls any time before the next update.

Corvus tries to do a little farming, and manages to scrounge together about a weeks worth of food.(3gp)

Gaunt gathers some food as well, managing to get nearly two weeks to add to his stash (5.5gp)

Bernoulli needs to declare who receives the bonus from his performance (2 people get +2 to two rolls of their choice before the next update phase).

During the upkeep phase people can declare who gets the food that has been getting gathered.

Now for the Questing Phase:
Initiative Rolls:
Lorn: [roll0]
Corvus: [roll1]
Frida: [roll2]
Bernoulli: [roll3]
Gaunt: [roll4]
Jereboam: [roll5]

Remember that the premise is that you choose quests in reverse initiative order. This means that whoever has the highest initiative can see what everyone else has chosen and respond accordingly, either by following for protection or by intentionally going elsewhere. You are welcome to state what you want to do earlier than your initiative order says, but state if it is official or just a statement which you are letting wait to respond to other peoples choices. Also, you are welcome to state an official contingency as your choice if you don't want to wait. I.E. if you are supposed to choose second but the first guy hasn't chosen yet you can make your official choice be "whatever the first guy does". Hope that all made sense.

Quest options:
-Relax (you stay at home and avoid the dangers of fighting)
-Attack another players camp (if they are relaxing you attack them and if they are away fighting you try to get into any stuff they couldn't carry to the battlefield)
-Attack the bison
-Attack the "medium" viper
-Attack the nest of "small" centipedes
-Attack the small group of dogs

Also, when making your choice realize that any attacks during the defense phase will happen immediately after the questing phase, so no re-preparing spells or any other /day benefits.

Good Luck

P.S. You can grab free clubs and quarterstaves, they are meant to be free since you can take any random stick and use it for that purpose

2010-09-08, 11:18 AM
So the results that I can see are...
(LightBogart) provides 38 meals, so him, 2 other people, and 8 meals for a fourth
Jeroboam goes exploring (unsure how this works with the food)
(Mangles) inspires 2 people for a +2 bonus on their next 2 rolls in Quest and Def.
Freida explores and provides for herself and her wolf easily (possibly Jeroboam too?)
Corvus makes 3gp in food supplies
Gaunt makes 5gp 5sp in food supplies

I am treating exploration as equivalent to staying put for the purpose of food, except with good berry since it spoils in 24 hours.

2010-09-08, 11:20 AM

I'm not happy about those centipedes. We'll go after them.

OOC: Oh, good, I meant to ask about clubs. Definitely grabbing one.

Also, spells for the day:

0: Guidance, Resistance, Virtue
1: Entangle, Cure Light Wounds

2010-09-08, 11:32 AM
Jereboam takes his sling and a few small stones from the ground and accompanies Frida.

Alright, Frida, let's take out those nasty centipedes.

2010-09-08, 04:19 PM
Edit: Whatever Corvus does...


Insects are bad! Take'em out!
Won't you have any weapon to spare?

Gaunt will grab whatever is avaible (maybe a sling? or a club or quarterstaff) if there is nothing, then he'll just go.

Spells for this day:
0: Acid splash x3
1: Mage Armor x1, Benign transposition x2, Silent Image x1, Acid Splash x1

2010-09-08, 06:40 PM
Good man let us attack the centipedes (XP!) :smallbiggrin: (I'll just play music for now)

2010-09-09, 07:32 AM
Centipedes it is then.

2010-09-09, 08:17 AM
who would be our strongest attacker?

I give my wolf (if this is allowed. if not than myself)a +2 and our strongest attacker.

I will also go with the centipedes if everyone is. But i really think we should split our questing into at least 2 groups in order to maximize loot/exp

2010-09-09, 09:53 AM
Really, they are just centipedes, no matter how monstrous. I doubt they need the full force of our combined might.

2010-09-09, 10:10 AM
Frida, Lorn, and I can probably handle the centipedes. Why don't the rest of you attack something else?

2010-09-09, 12:18 PM
Very well. I'll take another group after the snake.

2010-09-09, 12:20 PM
Not very useful without magical components, so I'll stick to an easy task for now, next week I can take more risks :)

2010-09-09, 04:43 PM
Sounds good to me. Put me down for snake hunting. We should do groups of two minimum.

2010-09-10, 10:17 AM
Alright, an update on how this is going to work in the future. For this time since people are being mostly friendly I am not going to worry about the details, but in the future I am going to say that the only way to change which quest you are going on is to get permission from someone else already on the quest. In this case that wouldn't have worked, since by the time the decision to split up had been reached everyone had said they wanted to do the centipede quest. Essentially like everyone got to the centipedes and then said "hey we probably could have handled two quests"

As it stands, I will simplify it by making the thread for both quests, and people should simply choose which one they are at and post themselves into the marching order.

Centipede Quest Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9328808#post9328808)

Snake Quest Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9328828#post9328828)

2010-09-18, 04:21 PM
Um, I just realized something interesting about choosing a warforged character that was unintentional. I don't have to eat. I don't have to sleep either, but I'm guessing I have to anyways to recover infusions. So do I still need to worry about food for upkeep anyways so as not to break the simulation, or should I not worry about it? I'm certainly paying for it in some areas, such as healing spells and the penalty to charisma, but I thought it would be good to ask.

2010-09-20, 10:32 AM
Well, I am trying to make this rules as written wherever possible, with the only exceptions being to try and make things that would be useless have a purpose (like performing for people or appraise), so I am going to say that it is as written. Not sure if food is going to keep its value when it starts being found in treasure, but I think that will be an interesting thing to find out.

2010-09-20, 06:13 PM
Behold my mighty army of warforged followers!

On a serious side (since all warforged is not my plan, yet) I think food will gain back some of its value once people start trying to max out their leadership score. With a ton of followers that you have to support, food will limit the amount of other materials you can get. If anyone makes it to a score of 25, they'll have to come up with 495gp a week in food. Not horrid if the treasure horde is supplying it, but that could be a beast to try to farm each week. If it stops coming up in treasure, one community could make a killing by being entirely agrarian, maxing out all ways to make food, and selling off their food. Skill checks are easy to make soar for one character, harder for a whole bunch at once.

2010-09-20, 06:35 PM
That's true, but there is also the fact that when you get a lot of people you can get away with a lot of spell options like goodberry+create water and create food and water. Besides, the risk of it not coming up in loot is no worse a risk than getting bad rolls one week. You simply need a plan for a stockpile in case **** happens, but since the coins (and so in this game the raw materials) will be on average more than a third of a treasure's value, and food will likely be more about a third of a creatures raw materials (presuming it eats, if you attack demons that is not gonna give you food), then a 12th level encounter each week will feed everyone. Considering that we are talking about a 25 leadership, level 25 I hope is reasonable, so it should be possible to completely feed your people on raids. Now, this is estimation and a lot of guesswork, but I think it is legitimate to a large extent. Besides, we will see what happens.

2010-09-21, 10:34 AM
Alright, Defense Phase has begun.

Rolling random encounters...

Alright, Lorn is under attack by an unknown enemy. Each person who wishes to aid him should post a starting position in the following thread, along with whatever preparations (your character can have one hour of in game time).

Even if you don't intend to participate, chime in to say so to make sure we aren't waiting for you.

Here is the thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9397605#post9397605)

2010-09-21, 05:10 PM
Is lorn the only one being attacked or are we doing these one at a time

2010-09-21, 05:26 PM
Lorn is the only one being attacked, though if other people are with him then they would also be under the same attack. I am basically having each monster randomly determine if it should attack, and if so what to attack. Thus, they might attack each other, or one of the players, but they always will attack one entity. Weather or not other people come to the defenders aid is up to each person.

2010-10-04, 10:54 AM
Okay everyone, the battle with the nixie is over, meaning that if you guys can find it's lair you can try to gather any treasure it might have had, although remember that since it is intelligent, anything it would have benefited from using it would have had with it. Stuff like food or other resources, though, are possibly waiting in the lair.

For upkeep, we will start with food. There are 8 entities which need feeding. 6.9 people worth of food which will spoil exists, and 8.5 gp worth of food which will keep exists, which is enough to feed 1.5(ish) people. Thus, presuming that nobody intentionally witholds their food supplies, there is 1.9gp worth of food remaining. I will let you all pick how that is being held on to (if it is simply being kept by gaunt since he made the most of it, or if it split in some way).

Followers we can skip.

I will give all of you a day or two to get that settled. (I will pm anybody who was playing but hasn't posted by tomorrow morning to make sure that we didn't permanently lose players to the nixie).

Also, let us welcome the two new players, Zeeko (Tukka) the kobold dragonfire adept (sent his char sheet by pm), and Talik (Dresil), an elven rogue. I will add them to the front post.

2010-10-04, 04:07 PM
Corvus takes a little while to rest after the battle with the Nixie in order to process the encounter. Then he begins work again, mining this time, in the tireless way only a warforged can.

Well, I'm fine with letting go of my food cache, since I'm not using any at the moment. Though if I could get some magical herbs this week in return, I would appreciate it.

And might as well get my activity phase out of the way.

Edit: For the record, the roller seems to hate me in the Action Phase. Carry on.

2010-10-04, 05:14 PM
Well I think I should do something that will benefit us in the long term.... after procuring loot (how do we go about looking for loot?)

After getting loot

Profession (herbs) come on *shuka shuka*


Edit: What'd I get?

Edit2: Wait I forgot my wisdom modifier can you add that Dwalin?

2010-10-04, 05:32 PM
Talik will begin work gathering any food he can by farming.

Farming [roll0]

2010-10-04, 05:56 PM
If the nixie's body is still around and relatively unmolested by the time Zeeko arrives, he voices his speculation that the remains of the fey creature may have some use as magical reagents or alchemical components, but admits he doesn't know anything about what parts may be useful for what.

In a similar vein, he suggests that it'd be a shame to let good meat to go to waste, and asks permission to make a meal out of it.

If there is much objection to either proposal, Zeeko relents if he's in the minority.

(I guess if anybody wants to role-play this stuff out more explicitly, the town square thread would be appropriate.)

Since there seems to be a slight surplus of food for now, Zeeko plans to do some mining and will barter for food (I suppose at a 1:1 trade value), with a preference for the perishable stuff so it doesn't go to waste. So he'll mine unless it becomes apparent that nobody is willing to trade on those terms.

Zeeko will join Corvus in his mining efforts, unless the shiny man would prefer to be alone, in which case he'll mine by himself.

Mining check: [roll0]
Also, as a general note: Zeeko will use his endure exposure invocation on all of his allies (for now, all PCs and their companions, etc.) everyday, if they're close enough. For anybody who doesn't know, this basically works like endure elements (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/endureelements.htm) except it also protects you from Zeeko's breath weapon, which is something he informs you of.

For Dwalin, regarding Zeeko's diet:
I am going to assume Zeeko needs to eat like a human, which is fine by me.

However, kobolds are rather small creatures, and indiscriminate eaters. According to RotD, a kobold who stays warm (in a climate above 40ºF for 24 hours) doesn't have to eat for three days, and conversely, must eat three times as much if he spends 3 days+ in the cold. Endure exposure, I think, would protect Zeeko from cold-related issues in most instances.

I'm not so desperate for a tiny edge that I want to create bookkeeping complications with this flavor stuff, though I thought I'd raise it as an issue because it might be nice, should I decide to take on kobold followers later, if they were lighter eaters than humans and dwarfs.

2010-10-04, 06:13 PM
Jereboam is again going to spend the week exploring.

2010-10-04, 08:33 PM
Bernoulli starts on his new boots.


2010-10-05, 10:26 AM
@Zeeko: I think the benefits you would be able to have are needing to eat half as much (true of all small characters) and more leeway in the question of where food is versus where the character is. I.E. if you are exploring, then you can do so and eat food that was back at camp, with the premise being that you simply held your stomach until returning, and then engorged. I am going to assume that the three days without eating is not actually reducing how much you eat, but making it so you can eat bigger meals less often (like most reptiles). Also, the nixie probably wouldn't be very edible for a carnivore, since she probably has a makeup similar to seaweed.

@Group: The way looting goes. The Nixie was away from it's lair, where it's stuff would have been kept. The group has the option of going to look for this, which would be equivalent to hunting for a nixie as a specific creature. That I already outlined. The only difference is that instead of finding a nixie, you find an abandoned nixie lair.

I will message bokodasu and koalita to make sure they have the needed link and that they have the chance to make their actions.

2010-10-05, 11:07 AM
Frida will cast Cure Light Wounds on Wolu and go check out the Nixie's lair.

We're not going to claim any shares of the storable food.

For the week, Frida will direct Wolu to hunt (survival), cast goodberry/create water daily, and attempt to domesticate three warponies (or plain ponies if warponies aren't available).

Anyone who's hanging around camp can have the extra daily goodberries.


Handle Animal (directing Wolu to hunt)

Wolu's Survival roll(s? I forget if we used the +4 for tracking last time or not):

Handle Animal (pony training, using guidance)

2010-10-05, 11:08 AM
Oops, crossposted. Never mind about the looking for the lair, then; we just train ponies and hunt.

2010-10-06, 01:34 AM
Gaunt will gather some magical components (herbalism)

Gaunt may need some goodberries... he thought they'd have enough food for this upcoming week.


2010-10-06, 10:52 AM
Alright, time for the update. Concluding the upkeep phase, there is 4.9 gp worth of storable food remaining, and so since nobody made any direct claims of ownership, I will presume the ownership is roughly equivalent to the rate of gathering. Thus, the new food ownership is Corvus has 2gp worth and Gaunt has 2.9gp worth.

Corvus gathers two gold pieces worth of iron, enough to start working on certain weapons.

Lorn tries to gather some herbs for the use in magical spells. He manages to get 5gp worth of magical herbs, enough to cast many spells. (you forgot your +1 for wisdom and your +1 for bardic knack).

Talic tries to farm some food, but doesn't have a lot of success. Many of his crops get eaten by rabbits, and so he doesn't even get enough food for one person (2.5gp)

Zeeko manages to hit a large clump of iron ore, and so gets enough iron during his mining for a couple of projects, or one bigger one (8.5gp), he also eats the nixie, covering three days worth of food for him.

Jereboam goes out exploring, and finds a heavy horse, and more interestingly, a small cave guarded by three halfling skeletons.

Bernoulli begins working on his boots by preparing the skin of the snake into a workable leather. It is a challenging task, but he succeeds (congrats). Because of this, he manages to prepare 12.5 gp worth of leather. A few more bits and it will be enough for some mighty fine boots. (since you never specified what your cohort does, I will assume he just goes and gets enough food for himself, and rests off his one point of damage).

Wulu no longer has any clear wounds, as the light healing and a few nights of bed rest take care of that. Frida manages to generate 17 days worth of food from the good berries, helping to feed herself and possibly others. Wulu also does some hunting, and finds enough food for itself and two others (I used the average of the two rolls, though in the future, if there is a modifier, just roll once, and we can adjust it. We used half the tracking bonus last time, and that is what I will stick with.)

Frida manages to domesticate a wild pony, though it doesn't yet know any tricks. (domestication takes a full action phase per animal, the tricks are what can be done three at a time).

Gaunt gathers 7.5gp worth of herbs, enough to help cast quite a few spells.


Now, the second action phase is over, and the second questing phase begins.

Lorn: [roll0]
Jereboam: [roll1]
Corvus: [roll2]
Frida: [roll3]
Bernoulli: [roll4]
Gaunt: [roll5]
Talik: [roll6]
Zeeko: [roll7]

Everyone should post simultaneously, but if someone with a lower initiative count than you makes a choice, that lets you change yours. Thus, if A>B>C, and A and C make their choices, then B chooses something they weren't expecting, C is stuck, but A can change his mind.

The quest options are:
3 dogs
1 bison
1 Heavy Horse
3 Small Skeletons

Good Luck everyone

2010-10-06, 10:54 AM
Corvus and Talik both had critical successes, so here is their new initiative (zeeko had a critical failure, but he is already last so it doesn't matter).

Corvus: [roll0]
Talik: [roll1]

2010-10-06, 11:01 AM
We'll leave the pony at camp and go after those skeletons.

2010-10-06, 11:30 AM
"I'm no good against undead, I'll go for the horse. Anyone with me?"

2010-10-06, 01:02 PM
Zeeko decides that horse sounds tastier than nixie, and less threatening than bison. He'll go for the horse and will try to make a stealthy approach if possible (the DM can roll those checks for me).

2010-10-06, 02:19 PM
"I shall assist with the skeletons. Also, Gaunt, can I trade the rest of the food I gathered last week for 2gp worth of your magic herbs, if you don't mind of course."

2010-10-06, 05:32 PM
"I could use an SP or two of herbs but have little to trade. I shall assist with the skeletons. Bardorf needs a bone."

2010-10-06, 06:24 PM
I'll come help out with the skeletons.

2010-10-06, 08:54 PM
Sorry I was so busy didn't think I'd something THE NEXT DAY
The skeletons must be guarding some loot can't wait to try that out

2010-10-07, 08:45 AM
I have no problems borrowing some components, as long as I have some for myself :)
So, trades are good.

Gaunt will go for the skeletons, or if they are too many, I'll help with whoever wants me. My spellbook will contain:

level 0: acid splash x3
level 1: enlarge person, color spray, grease, benign transposition, mage armor.

2010-10-07, 10:22 AM
Alright, nobody changed their minds on anything, and everyone has posted, so it is broken down like this.

Horse: Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=171094)
Zeeko and Talik (edited)

Skeletons: Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9500731#post9500731)
All else

Threads to be added to this post in a jiffy

2010-10-07, 10:44 AM
Alright, nobody changed their minds on anything, and everyone has posted, so it is broken down like this.

Dresil and Talik
Just making sure, but I think you meant Zeeko and Talik. :)

2010-10-07, 10:53 AM
I think I'll exercise my ability to change, as I've got the highest initiative, to the horse.

2010-10-25, 01:50 PM
Alright, as the questing phase is done, it is time for the defense phase.

Everyone, announce your groupings and any preparations you make. You only know that any battle that might occur will take place some time in the next 8 hours.

2010-10-25, 06:05 PM
I suggested moving out camp to the cave where we killed the skeletons, as it provides a shelter and defensive location against attack.

2010-10-25, 06:19 PM
Zeeko will stick with Corvus and/or Talik. He doesn't make any special preparations beyond staying near his possessions and using Endure Exposure on any allies present.
Zeeko's general strategy, applies to every fight, for now:

Attack with entangling breath every round if an enemy is in range. First priority is to get in position to catch as many enemies with the attack as possible; second priority is to provide a flanking position for the benefit of any allies participating in melee (unless his allies' attacks appear to be ineffective due to DR).

If all remaining enemies appear to be immune/resistant to fire, Zeeko's first choice is to make an aid another check to help an ally attack, second choice would be to sling rocks at whatever enemy he thinks he's most likely to hit, third choice would be to assume a defensive posture -- retreat towards allies, or areas of cover/concealment, or take a total defense action.

He avoids making moves that would provoke attacks of opportunity unless it is necessary to attack an enemy that is attacking an ally who is badly wounded.

If he drops to half health, Zeeko tries to distance himself from enemies in such a way that does not provoke attacks of opportunity but still allows him to attack with his breath weapon. If badly wounded (like 1-3 hp) Zeeko will withdraw to get out of melee, but will go back on offense next round, attacking an enemy with a line breath at max range, if possible.

2010-10-25, 06:20 PM
I'll stick with my allies

Lorn's strategy is to play music of course

2010-10-25, 11:12 PM
Going with the safety in numbers tactic.

2010-10-25, 11:39 PM
Jereboam will hurl rocks at the target with his sling and try to stay back from melee, switching to his quarterstaff if they close on him.

2010-10-26, 05:16 AM
Bernoulli will play draconic music if available and the creatures aren't immune to cold damage. He will stay back while Bardorf goes into melee and attacks. If the music runs out or he has no attempts left he will try and use daze than attack with a sling

2010-10-26, 08:14 AM
Frida and Wolu will scout the perimeter of the camp, generally hanging in the same area as everyone else.

2010-10-26, 09:32 AM
Corvus will stick with Zeeko for the moment. Defense strategy is to Infuse Magic weapon then swing away, always closing with the enemy (even in water).

2010-10-27, 02:36 AM
Oh, and Zeeko perks up at Jerboam's the mention of the skeleton-caves and agrees that it does sound like a preferable location for the camp, endorses the move. He'll haul his stuff to the caves unless someone presents an argument for staying where we're at.

2010-10-27, 03:35 AM
I agree on the move. first good resource we have found and finally a roof over our heads

2010-10-29, 12:24 PM
Alright, so the group all sticks together at the newly found cave. A little while later, the group gets attacked by a group of three dogs. They soon kill the attackers, with only a single small injury (3 damage to wulu, will heal fully by the next battle no matter what). The group each gains 37xp.

Time for upkeep and action. Everyone should say how they ate this past week, and then say what their new action is for the upcoming week.

2010-10-29, 02:57 PM
By the way friends, we found a kukri, if anyone knows how to use it. Otherwise, I'll keep it in my armory. Also, if anyone would like to request a weapon, I'll make a list and start working.

Corvus has no need to eat, and so he doesn't.

After the battle, Corvus sets about making a spear and possibly other items.

[roll0] vs. 12

Edit: Alright, it took me less than a day for that. I'll see what else is requested and possibly make a scroll as well.
Inventory: Kukri, Spear
1.33gp Metal

2010-10-29, 03:31 PM
Talik was hoping for some Goodberry action.

2010-10-29, 06:29 PM
I thought i organized some survival deal for last week while i did some crafting. Does anyone want me to harvest/collect/aid another on anything before i make an action this round.

Also I request a Longsword be made for me. Shortsword if longsword is going to take too long. I can provide materials/food/whatever in return

2010-10-30, 08:23 AM
I'm going to need 5 units of metal to make the longsword, so it won't be right away, but I haven't forgotten it. And never mind about the scroll. There's not enough herbs in camp to make one.

2010-10-30, 06:14 PM
Bernoulli will try to do some mining. If anyone has a pick or something would make life easier if i could borrow it.

mining check: [roll0]

I haven't put any modifiers in so if it does need them let me know

2010-10-30, 06:35 PM
Since we might need it I'll scavenge for food DEDICATED



2010-10-30, 06:59 PM
As all the farmers are sleeping. :smallbiggrin: I'll have Biter scavenge and try and domesticate a hawk.

Handle animal (Biter)

Survival (Biter)

Domesticating a hawk

2010-10-30, 11:18 PM
do we get to make more than 1 check for mining and such. Here is 20 additional checks. Use as many as u need to





2010-10-31, 02:33 AM
Zeeko will offer enough iron to complete the longsword. He'll continue mining ore this week. For food, he'll depend on the camp to feed him.

Last week he offered iron in exchange for food (he needed 1.75 gp worth) but nobody ever took him up on it. He'll make the same offer this time around -- maybe Shifty is interested? This week he needs 2.5 gp worth (less any free chow that might be derived from goodberries or dogmeat from the attackers).

Or, perhaps it would be best to treat all resources gathered semi-communally for now, if it would simplify things. I'll chat out some proposals/ideas in the Town Square thread when I get the chance.

Profession (miner) check: [roll0]

2010-11-01, 08:33 AM
We have seven days of goodberries and enough food for two others. It will just go to waste if you don't eat it, so please help yourselves.

Corvus, can you make me a pair of shortspears? I will provide the metal to make them and can pay you in additional metal or stone as you prefer. Does 5sp worth per spear sound fair?

Frida will once again spend the week eating Goodberries and directing Wolu to hunt, and she will dedicate the bulk of her time to training Snowflake the Pony the tricks Defend, Down, and Guard. (I'm assuming Snowflake just grazes or something, I don't actually know how pony care works; if I need to roll something to feed him let me know.)


Handle Animal (Directing Wolu to hunt):

Wolu's Survival (hunting) roll:

Handle Animal (pony training, using guidance):
Defend (DC20): [roll12]
Down (DC15): [roll13]
Guard (DC20): [roll14]

edit: Bad pony! No sugarcube!

2010-11-01, 11:00 AM
Talik will try his hand at stealing from a monster, looking for food, then metal, wood, and herbs in that order.

Hide Rolls

Move Silently Rolls

2010-11-01, 02:36 PM
I don't think I'll be charging for anything quite yet, since it isn't yet my best work. Though if you could keep me stocked with metal or other materials to equip you, it would save time. And I'll take any herbs anyone is willing to part with.

Alright, we'll make daily checks, since the items are so small in cost at the moment. Three for now, with 6 days potential remaining.

5gp for a longsword, with 4.33 of that coming from Zeeko
[roll0] vs. 15
.67gp for two short spears, one each day
[roll1] vs. 12
[roll2] vs. 12

Edit: All successes, no wasted material, 6 days remaining to craft (or mine, if you'll allow it). When I'm able to make Masterwork, we'll see about really getting this economy started.

2010-11-01, 03:12 PM
And for some reason, I forgot how much a longsword costs. 3gp worth down, 12 to go. Six more days at this, with any left over being crossed out, all for the longsword vs. 15. Will edit in results.

[roll0] 2.4 more gp worth down
[roll1] ruin half the raw materials (pay 2.5 to continue)
[roll2] Critical, use next roll.
[roll3] total 41, 11.55gp total worth down,
[roll4] ruin half the raw materials again (need 2.5 to continue)
[roll5] there's not enough iron lying about yet to finish the sword unfortunately

.67 gp spent by Corvus, 4.33 gp from Zeeko, plus 2.5 from ruin = 6.83
Need 2.5gp to attempt to finish. 8 days used altogether.

2010-11-04, 08:44 AM
Who are we waiting on?

2010-11-04, 07:28 PM
Waiting on me, the DM. Admittedly I have been bogged down, and my initial setup was fairly disorganized and I lost a bunch of my notes, so I am needing to go back through the stuff so far and regain the lost info. Should be done soon, but I request a little more patience.

2010-11-05, 03:45 AM
No problem, just checking for activity :smallsmile:

Really interested to see how this works out in the long term, as I'm considering using this concept/system for my rl tabletop game. As I love the simplicity and new challenges. Sandbox is fun, and my group are notorious plotbreakers. And this would system would work good even for short sessions 2-3 hours. Looking at visualisation tools atm, as that could really boost it. I think.

2010-11-18, 09:11 AM
Just checking again. :smallsmile:

I was never known for my patience.

2010-11-22, 01:34 PM
Alright, my sincerest appologies, but it seems that no matter how much I try, I can't get enough RL off my plate to make this work. I thought certain things were going to be temporary, but now they are permanent, so it looks like this won't be something I can manage. I hope someone else tries to take this over or similarly make a sandbox like this, but unfortunately, it can't be me.

2010-11-25, 08:25 AM
Sorry to hear that. The rest doesn't seem to active either (except for light boghart). Maybe I'll DM one myself if when I have a little bit more time.

2010-11-25, 03:38 PM
I'd be up for that. still lurking in this one.