View Full Version : Sam and Fuzzy

2010-09-11, 09:14 PM
Sam and Fuzzy (http://http://samandfuzzy.com/archive_story.php) has been one of my favorite web comics for years now, and I am shocked not to find a thread! Come on playgrounders! Who else enjoys thi black and white exellence?

Any favorite comics? I can't say why, but this (http://http://samandfuzzy.com/659)is one of the most hilarious comic I have ever read. I don't know what about it gets me, but I remember the first time I read it I could barely breath for laughing so much. And I still laugh. Come, share your own favorites!

Discussing recent developements, who thinks it will actually be Hazel? I personally will be a bit surprised if it is that easy for Fuzzy to track her down. And I'm hoping she'll have some type of connection to Sam, or at least someone at NMS.

2010-09-14, 08:17 AM
Great comic. The first Robert Boyle one is probably my favorite.


2010-09-14, 08:47 PM

Also, I guess it was that easy to track her down! :smalltongue: