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View Full Version : Maptool question

2010-09-11, 10:49 PM
I'm using maptool for my online games but can't for the life of me work out how to use the "States" little pictures that came default with the program. Not the generic ones, but the "Bloodied", "Immobilsed" etc. as they come up as icons that I can't attach to the various tokens.

It's probably just a simple thing I am missing, but the documentation on the net on this isn't very helpful.

2010-09-12, 12:16 AM
Look under edit/campaign properties/states to set up the states available to your tokens.

2010-09-12, 12:52 AM
I meant customising those pictures from the states to other ones that are part of my library.

2010-09-12, 12:56 AM
I'm reasonably sure what was listed above should work. That said, my maptool-fu is weak.

2010-09-12, 01:06 AM
Here's what I want to do.

There are some states in the default library that I want to use, shown here bottom left.


They aren't image files, so I can't add them using the Campaign Properties. How do I get them to be used for states?

2010-09-12, 06:20 AM
They are actually image files. They can be found in:
(Windows 7)

C:\Documents And Settings\USERNAME\.maptool\resource\Default\States

(Linux - probably)

Edit: I'm not sure what version you are using, but if its b70, I have had a few Mac players have serious connection issues with it. I know b63 works, but I haven't tested anything between them.

2010-09-12, 06:51 AM
It's b63, but all the files I have in the lib folder are jar files.

2010-09-12, 01:26 PM
It's b63, but all the files I have in the lib folder are jar files.

Gralamin is correct. You should be able to find the resources in the folder he specified - *not* the lib folder.

2010-09-12, 05:51 PM
I'll have anothjer look, but I'm not sure that resources folder is called that.

2010-09-12, 07:41 PM
I'll have anothjer look, but I'm not sure that resources folder is called that.

It will be under your user folder, *not* the actual maptool folder.

For instance, on my laptop, maptool is located in c:\maptool73

My resources folder is c:\users\kyoryu\.maptool\resource

The maptool folder itself (c:\maptool73 for me) has another folder called lib... this is *not* the resource folder.