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View Full Version : Chasing Perfection...Again! [3.5 Spells]

2010-09-12, 12:09 PM
Chasing Perfection, Lesser
Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Rgr 3, Sor/Wiz 3

Lesser chasing perfection works like chasing perfection1, except that the subject only gains a +2 enhancement bonus to all of their ability scores.

Chasing Perfection, Mass
Level: Clr 8, Drd 8, Sor/Wiz 8
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Mass chasing perfection works like chasing perfection, except that it affects multiple creatures.

1. Player's Handbook II.

2010-09-12, 12:27 PM
You're just rolling these out, aren't you? :smalltongue:

The levels seem appropriate. This spell is much cooler then all the other ____'s ____ spells (they each give a +4 bonus to one stat, right?), so the higher level you gave was probably needed.

Great job, I love the spells.

2010-09-13, 06:05 AM
I wouldn't give it to clerics, possible a domain, but not the default cleric list :smallconfused:

2010-09-13, 02:46 PM
Um...are you aware of Chasing Perfection, which does the samething as Nature's Magnificence but I believe is 6th level across the board? PHB2? Ring a bell, maybe?

2010-09-13, 06:44 PM
Um...are you aware of Chasing Perfection, which does the samething as Nature's Magnificence but I believe is 6th level across the board? PHB2? Ring a bell, maybe?

Darn it. I hate myself for not looking in there. I found nothing in Spell Compendium or Races of the Wild (related to animals, after all), so I thought perhaps that would be it...

Well, I'll keep the lesser and mass versions, then, and change their names.

I knew this would happen. I should have looked everywhere, because I could have sworn I'd seen it done before. :smallsigh:

2010-09-14, 01:20 PM
Darn it. I hate myself for not looking in there. I found nothing in Spell Compendium or Races of the Wild (related to animals, after all), so I thought perhaps that would be it...

Well, I'll keep the lesser and mass versions, then, and change their names.

I knew this would happen. I should have looked everywhere, because I could have sworn I'd seen it done before. :smallsigh:

Happens, hence why you put it forth for PEACHing so catches like that can be made. :smalltongue: