View Full Version : I'm looking for some items.

2010-09-13, 05:08 PM
I'm going to be a Ranger soon in a new campaign so I'm hunting for some useful items. For the sake of combat I'm grabbing the wings of flying ( Gygax wasn't helping with the names that day) but I found the pipes of sewers http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicitems/wondrousitems.htm#pipesoftheSewers and I was wondering if I could get something like this that worked with either more rats or more kinds of animals.

2010-09-13, 07:24 PM
I'm going to be a Ranger soon in a new campaign so I'm hunting for some useful items. For the sake of combat I'm grabbing the wings of flying ( Gygax wasn't helping with the names that day) but I found the pipes of sewers http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicitems/wondrousitems.htm#pipesoftheSewers and I was wondering if I could get something like this that worked with either more rats or more kinds of animals.

While this is the only item of its type that I'm aware of, I'd go to your DM about making modifications to it. I've let my players have such an item that worked for swarms of bees before, and something like that is reasonable to homebrew.

2010-09-13, 07:41 PM
I'm going to be a Ranger soon in a new campaign so I'm hunting for some useful items. For the sake of combat I'm grabbing the wings of flying

Winged Mask (Magic of Faerun p. 168, 13000 GP) is cheaper for at-will flight.

I found the pipes of sewers http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicitems/wondrousitems.htm#pipesoftheSewers and I was wondering if I could get something like this that worked with either more rats or more kinds of animals.

Some items that can summon creatures:

Aberrant Sphere (MIC p. 149, 2800 GP)
Amber Amulet of Vermin (MIC p. 68, 500-1200 GP)
Bag of Flames (MIC p. 151, 3500 GP)
Bag of Tricks, Gray/Rust/Tan (SRD)
Bowl/Brazier/Censer/Stone of Controlling various Elementals (SRD)
Dragonfly Medallion (A&EG p. 131, 29760 GP)
Figurines of Wondrous Power (SRD/Frostburn/various)
Horn of Dragons (Draconomicon p. 121, 75000 GP)
Horn of Valhalla (SRD)
Horseless Saddle (A&EG p. 79, 43200 GP)
Idol of the Dragon (Draconomicon p. 121, 15000-142000 GP)
Instrument of the Winds (MoF p. 161)
Pegasus Helm of Kloeth Ironstar (PGtF p. 124, 20160 GP)
Paper of Forms (OA p. 141, 10000 GP)
Sapling Club (A&EG p. 115, 32540 GP)
Summoner's Bridle (A&EG p. 51, 2160/12960 GP)
Survival Pouch (MIC p. 187, 3300 GP)

Of all the various summon items... Figurine of Wondrous Power: Gold Beetle (Sandstorm p. 133, 11500 GP) is probably the most useful, particular for combat, since it doesn't have a limited number of uses per day/week/etc. It has a maximum duration of 24 hours per week, but if you're not using it for traveling and just activating it for a dozen or so rounds every encounter, you're not likely to run out of usage.

Figurine of Wondrous Power: Blue Quartz Eagle (Races of Faerun p. 173, 5400 GP) isn't quite so sturdy, but makes one of the best scouts in the game: remote viewing with a +19 spot check. Like the Gold Beetle, it's duration need not be continuous.

Another notable Figurine of Wondrous Power: Limestone Crab (WotC Website: Far Corners (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040320a), 10000 GP). Yes, *That* Crab. 2/week a TPK that fits in your pocket.

Paper of Forms may be a little expensive and has a size limit (only goes up to large animals), but has no HD limit, so you can go right up to Legendary Tiger (26HD) if you like.

Amber Amulet of Vermin: Giant Wasp (800 GP) can serve as a flying mount for 10 rounds 1/day. Cheap, and easy to buy multiples if you need more uses per day.

Survival Pouch comes in quite handy for trap detectors or the ol' Wall of Mules trick.