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View Full Version : Telflammar Shadowlord [3.5 FR PrC Redux - ToB] (PEACH)

2010-09-14, 03:56 PM
Basically, the Telflammar Shadowlord is a really cool PrC from Unapproachable East that tries to make a shadowy ninja figure that magically hops from shadow to shadow in order to wreak havoc. It does so by synergizing with the Shadowdancer core PrC (sensible), granting a shadow-based Dimension Door SLA, some minor spells, and the fairly awesome Shadow Pounce ability.

Overall, it's a pretty solid PrC, but it's somewhat awkward because the system it was built on, as we know, was not very good at giving melee nice things.

Quite a bit later (Unapproachable East is a 3.0 book), Tome of Battle was released, and Telflammar Shadowlord suddenly looks perfect as a Shadow Hand master PrC a la Bloodclaw Master for Tiger Claw, but awkwardly, the 3.0 Telflammar Shadowlord doesn't quite work with Shadow Hand maneuvers.

This is an attempt to redress this situation.

Martial Maneuvers
3 maneuvers from the Shadow Hand school, including Shadow Jaunt, Shadow Stride, or Shadow Blink, and Assassin's Stance.
Hide 12 ranks,
Move Silently 12 ranks.
Shadow Blade,
Gloom Razor.
The character must either be from Thesk, or possess two ranks in Knowledge (Local - Thesk).

Class Features

Hit Die

Class Skills
The class skills (and key ability modifier for each) of the Telflammar Shadowlord are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points per Level
6 + Int modifier

{table=head]Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special | M. Known | M. Readied | Stances
1st | +0 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Shadowsight, Shadow Jump | +1 | +0 | +0
2nd | +1 | +0 | +3 | +0 | Shadow Blur | +0 | +0 | +1
3rd | +2 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Hand of Darkness | +1 | +0 | +0
4th | +3 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Shadow Pounce | +0 | +1 | +0
5th | +3 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Shadow Discorporation | +1 | +0 | +0
6th | +4 | +2 | +5 | +2 | Hand of Death | +0 | +0 | +0[/table]
Armor and Weapons Proficiency
Telflammar Shadowlords do not gain proficiency in any weapons or armor.

Maneuvers Known
At 1st, 3rd, and 5th level, the Telflammar Shadowlord may add a new maneuver from the Shadow Hand discipline to his maneuvers known. He must meet any prerequisites for the maneuver. The Telflammar Shadowlord also adds his full class level, not half, to his Initiator Level in order to determine his total Initiator Level for the purpose of maneuvers he initiates and the highest level maneuver he may learn.

Maneuvers Readied
At 4th level, the Telflammar Shadowlord may ready an additional maneuver.

At 2nd level, the Telflammar Shadowlord may learn a new Stance from the Shadow Hand discipline.

Shadowsight (Ex)
The Telflammar Shadowlord gains a special version of Darkvision that can see through normal and magical darkness. The range of this "Shadowsight" is 60 ft.

Shadow Jump (Su)
As a special action that consumes both a Swift and a Standard action, the Telflammar Shadowlord may travel instantly from one square, which must not be brightly illuminated, to another square within 10 ft. per class level that is also not brightly illuminated, and then initiate any strike maneuver with an Initiation Action of one Standard Action. He must have line of sight and line of effect to his destination, his destination must be unoccupied, and he must be able to initiate a strike against a valid target from the destination.

When a Telflammar Shadowlord uses Shadow Jump, he loses the use of one Shadow Hand maneuver he had readied for the current encounter, just as if he had initiated the maneuver (except that he does not also gain the maneuver's normal effect). Once he has used this ability, he can recover the expended maneuver and use it normally. The Telflammar Shadowlord also expends the use of the strike he used at the end of his Shadow Jump, as normal.

Shadow Blur (Su)
So long as he is not in an area of bright light, a 2nd level Telflammar Shadowlord gains the benefits of a Blur spell. The Shadowlord may choose to activate or end this effect as a free action.

Hand of Darkness (Su)
As a Swift action, a 3rd level Telflammar Shadowlord can initiate a special maneuver that has the effect of a Darkness spell, using his Initiator Level as its Caster Level, except that it counts as a spell of the same level as the highest level maneuver the Shadowlord has readied and not expended for the purposes of dispelling it, and it only lasts for one round per level instead of 10 minutes per level. Thanks to his Shadowsight, the Telflammar Shadowlord can see through this darkness. The Telflammar Shadowlord may use this ability at will.

Shadow Pounce (Su)
This ability functions exactly like Shadow Jump, except that it requires a Swift and Full-Round Action to use, and allows the 4th level Telflammar Shadowlord to initiate a strike with an Initiation Action of a Full-Round Action instead of just a Standard Action. The same rules and restrictions for Shadow Jump apply.

Shadow Discorporation (Su)
At 5th level, the Telflammar Shadowlord may, provided he is not in an area of bright illumination, attempt a DC 5 + damage dealt Reflex save any time he takes damage sufficient to reduce him to 0 HP or less. If successful, he immediately disappears, with everything he is holding or carrying, in a shadowy cloud that rapidly dissipates. After this discorporation, he simply does not exist: nothing can affect him nor can he affect anything else. He then re-appears anywhere within one mile of his discorporation at the following sunset.

Hand of Death (Ex)
Beginning at 6th level, a Telflammar Shadowlord may choose a target as a free action on his turn. He is treated as flat-footed against any attack by anyone aside from his target, and his attacks against anyone else take a -2 penalty. Anyone observing the Telflammar Shadowlord is entitled, once per round on the observer's own turn, to a Wisdom check with a DC equal to 10 + the Shadowlord's Initiator Level to recognize the special attention that the Shadowlord is paying to his target. If successful, may make a DC 30 Martial Lore check to recognize what the Shadowlord is planning.

The Shadowlord must continue to observe the same target under these rules for at least three consecutive rounds in which the target is not aware of what he is planning. If the target becomes aware, either by making both of the above checks, or because an ally has made them and warned the target, this count restarts, and furthermore everyone aware of the previous attempt gets a +5 bonus on the Wisdom check and automatically makes the Martial Lore check.

However, if at least three rounds of observation occur without the target being aware of it, the Shadowlord may expend any Shadow Hand maneuver that he has readied in order to make a special attack as a Full-Round Action. He gains a +2 bonus per round of consecutive successful observation on this attack, and for each round of observation he also gains +2d6 damage. Furthermore, the target must make a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + the level of the maneuver expended + the Shadowlord's Wisdom modifier, or immediately die. If the target fails the save but is immune to death effects, the attack instead deals an extra +1 Con damage per level of the maneuver expended.

The expended Shadow Hand maneuver is lost just as if it had been initiated, but the attack does not also gain the benefits of the maneuver. This attack is considered a Shadow Hand strike of a level equal to the level of the maneuver expended, for effects that depend on the school or level of maneuvers. This attack may be made as part of the Shadow Pounce class feature, if desired, following the normal rules for Shadow Pounce.

The Telflammar Shadowlord works perfectly well outside of Faerūn, mechanically. Since Telflamm does not exist, it should probably be referred to as merely Shadowlord, and the Special requirement ought to be waived, as Thesk does not exist.

2010-09-14, 04:06 PM
I don't PEACH ToB works, since I've no interest in them. However, the class caught my eye. I'm sure it's a fine redux, but the prereqs need changing.

"The character must either be from Thesk, or possess two ranks in Knowledge (Local - Thesk)". Given that the 2 rank thing no longer works for regional feats (clarified in PGtF, sidebar on page 33), I feel that it should be removed. Just ask them to be from Thesk. In non-FR campaigns, it wouldn't matter either way, so why bother with including an outdated mechanism, right? :smallsmile:

2010-09-14, 04:15 PM
DragoonWraith, have an internet. This is going in my favourites.

My only lament is that this redux won't work with the Warlock's flee the scene, but it's definitely worthwhile, as I only pull that trick in gestalt builds.

2010-09-14, 04:38 PM
I don't PEACH ToB works, since I've no interest in them. However, the class caught my eye. I'm sure it's a fine redux, but the prereqs need changing.

"The character must either be from Thesk, or possess two ranks in Knowledge (Local - Thesk)". Given that the 2 rank thing no longer works for regional feats (clarified in PGtF, sidebar on page 33), I feel that it should be removed. Just ask them to be from Thesk. In non-FR campaigns, it wouldn't matter either way, so why bother with including an outdated mechanism, right? :smallsmile:
I feel completely the opposite: the PrC was designed with that mechanic in mind, not with the new one. These prerequisites indicate how the class was intended to be played, and is in any case a far more reasonable requirement than actually being from Thesk.

DragoonWraith, have an internet. This is going in my favourites.

My only lament is that this redux won't work with the Warlock's flee the scene, but it's definitely worthwhile, as I only pull that trick in gestalt builds.
Yeah, this is not the same as Shadow Pounce, and basically only works for initiators. Still, I think it's pretty sweet.

2010-09-14, 05:22 PM
I feel completely the opposite: the PrC was designed with that mechanic in mind, not with the new one. These prerequisites indicate how the class was intended to be played, and is in any case a far more reasonable requirement than actually being from Thesk.
It's your class, do as you feel is best. *shrugs* I only mentioned it since the 2 skill point mechanic is outdated and now serves no purpose. It's not like the Thesk requirement is gonna come up all that much anyways (how many of us really play FR campaigns that frequently?).

2010-09-14, 05:24 PM
I assume that FR still uses Knowledge (Local - Thesk) for general knowledge checks about Thesk? Or did they do away with that altogether and just use a single Knowledge (Local)?

2010-09-14, 05:31 PM
I assume that FR still uses Knowledge (Local - Thesk) for general knowledge checks about Thesk? Or did they do away with that altogether and just use a single Knowledge (Local)?
I am unsure. Knowledge (Local) was never a clear skill, TBH. It may well have changed.

fil kearney
2010-09-14, 06:19 PM
Mixed reaction from me:

Here's what I LOVE

Martial Maneuvers
[list] 3 maneuvers from the Shadow Hand school, including Shadow Jaunt, Shadow Stride, or Shadow Blink, and Assassin's Stance.
Hide 12 ranks,
Move Silently 12 ranks.
Shadow Blade,
Gloom Razor.

Maneuvers Known
At 1st, 3rd, and 5th level, the Telflammar Shadowlord may add a new maneuver from the Shadow Hand discipline to his maneuvers known. He must meet any prerequisites for the maneuver. The Telflammar Shadowlord also adds his full class level, not half, to his Initiator Level in order to determine his total Initiator Level for the purpose of maneuvers he initiates and the highest level maneuver he may learn.

Maneuvers Readied
At 4th level, the Telflammar Shadowlord may ready an additional maneuver.

At 2nd level, the Telflammar Shadowlord may learn a new Stance from the Shadow Hand discipline.

I would swap all this in with the material as written, remove spells, and call it DONE. For me, this solves Everything the Telflammar SHOULD be. If your uber swordsage wants to blow the swift, move, and standard teleport moves in 1 round to pull off 3 pounces and then have to adaptive style to get em back... that, to me, says "competitive" at higher levels.


2010-09-14, 06:27 PM
I am unsure. Knowledge (Local) was never a clear skill, TBH. It may well have changed.
Went and checked out Player's Guide To Faerūn - they still use regional Knowledge (local) skills, so the pre-req makes perfect sense for Forgotten Realms campaigns. I'll add an Adaptation section for non-FR campaigns (namely, waive that requirement).

Mixed reaction from me:

Here's what I LOVE

I would swap all this in with the material as written, remove spells, and call it DONE. For me, this solves Everything the Telflammar SHOULD be. If your uber swordsage wants to blow the swift, move, and standard teleport moves in 1 round to pull off 3 pounces and then have to adaptive style to get em back... that, to me, says "competitive" at higher levels.

Meh, I strongly disagree. The advantage of Tome of Battle is that you're no longer full-attacking all the time and no longer using the same tactic round after round. Three full-attacks in one round is also a bit ridiculous, IMO. That's 50% better than arguably among the best of 9th level maneuvers. I'd recommend against allowing that.

2010-09-14, 06:39 PM
While you're revamping the PrC, as a tricky class that assumes light armor and light weapons and requires a core of several well-developed skills to be effective, this class merits 6 skill points per level (on par with swordsage and shadow dancer).

2010-09-14, 06:44 PM
While you're revamping the PrC, as a tricky class that assumes light armor and light weapons and requires a core of several well-developed skills to be effective, this class merits 6 skill points per level (on par with swordsage and shadow dancer).
Alright, I'll buy that.

2010-09-16, 02:53 PM
Good stuff, overall. I have some ideas, though:

Nitpick: This is a sneaky, rogue-ish PrC, less stand-upish than even the Swordsage. A d6 HD feels more appropriate.
Nitpick: The martial prereqs are very strict. This can't be effectively entered without Swordsage levels. I'd have done something like "Shadow Jaunt, Shadow Stride, or Shadow Blink, and a Shadow Hand Stance.", so that a Warblade or something that's willing to sink all of his feats into it feasibly could get in.
Mechanical issue: Anyone who enters this class is going to have shadow teleportation maneuvers. And there is a lot of overlap between those and Shadow Jump/Pounce. Seriously, they are nigh-interchangeable. I suggest that instead of introducing a mechanic on its own, Shadow Jump just allows you swap out any maneuver you have currently readied for one of the shadow teleportation maneuvers as a swift action (or something like it). Shadow Pounce would allow you to swap in and initiate one of them as part of the same swift action. It's not a huge deal, but I think that PrCs should strive to synergize with their entry requirements, rather than introducing things that make them obsolete. :smallconfused:

2010-09-16, 03:25 PM
Mechanical issue: Anyone who enters this class is going to have shadow teleportation maneuvers. And there is a lot of overlap between those and Shadow Jump/Pounce. Seriously, they are nigh-interchangeable. I suggest that instead of introducing a mechanic on its own, Shadow Jump just allows you swap out any maneuver you have currently readied for one of the shadow teleportation maneuvers as a swift action (or something like it). Shadow Pounce would allow you to swap in and initiate one of them as part of the same swift action. It's not a huge deal, but I think that PrCs should strive to synergize with their entry requirements, rather than introducing things that make them obsolete. :smallconfused:[/list]

I could get behind this suggestion as well. I actually did something similar with a homebrewed revamp of the shadowdancer that re-envisioned it as a martial initiator prestige class.

2010-09-16, 08:03 PM
Good stuff, overall. I have some ideas, though.
Glad to hear em!

Nitpick: This is a sneaky, rogue-ish PrC, less stand-upish than even the Swordsage. A d6 HD feels more appropriate.
I'm concerned about anything that has to go into melee on a d6, honestly. I know, the Rogue has a d6, but I feel like it shouldn't. The d6 should be for like, Clerics and Druids, the "hardier" spellcasters, not for any kind of physical type, in my mind.

Nitpick: The martial prereqs are very strict. This can't be effectively entered without Swordsage levels. I'd have done something like "Shadow Jaunt, Shadow Stride, or Shadow Blink, and a Shadow Hand Stance.", so that a Warblade or something that's willing to sink all of his feats into it feasibly could get in.
It's pretty damn similar to Bloodclaw Master, honestly. Bloodclaw Master requires 3 Tiger Claw maneuvers; this requires 3, and specifies what two of those should be. No harder to get into for a Warblade than Bloodclaw Master is for a Crusader, methinks - easier, even, since you can wait on getting the pre-reqs.

Mechanical issue: Anyone who enters this class is going to have shadow teleportation maneuvers. And there is a lot of overlap between those and Shadow Jump/Pounce. Seriously, they are nigh-interchangeable. I suggest that instead of introducing a mechanic on its own, Shadow Jump just allows you swap out any maneuver you have currently readied for one of the shadow teleportation maneuvers as a swift action (or something like it). Shadow Pounce would allow you to swap in and initiate one of them as part of the same swift action. It's not a huge deal, but I think that PrCs should strive to synergize with their entry requirements, rather than introducing things that make them obsolete. :smallconfused:
I could get behind this suggestion as well. I actually did something similar with a homebrewed revamp of the shadowdancer that re-envisioned it as a martial initiator prestige class.
My primary response is that it does not wholly obsolesce Shadow Jaunt/Stride/Blink - those maneuvers do not require shadowy illumination, and always move you 50 ft. - as opposed to the 10-60 ft. of the Shadow Jump/Pounce. I feel like the ability to immediately go straight to what would effectively be Shadow Jaunt (per your suggestion) would mean there is absolutely no reason for the Shadowlord to have any version of the maneuvers aside from Shadow Stride.


2010-09-19, 09:00 AM
My primary response is that it does not wholly obsolesce Shadow Jaunt/Stride/Blink - those maneuvers do not require shadowy illumination, and always move you 50 ft. - as opposed to the 10-60 ft. of the Shadow Jump/Pounce. I feel like the ability to immediately go straight to what would effectively be Shadow Jaunt (per your suggestion) would mean there is absolutely no reason for the Shadowlord to have any version of the maneuvers aside from Shadow Stride.


I'd still suggest merging the abilities somehow. Not having a reason to take more maneuvers of the line beats having overlapping abilities, IMO.

Another idea - have the range of the shadow teleports increase with your class level?

2012-05-31, 07:49 AM
Hello, I have a question about the shadow discorporation class ability at 5th level from telflammar shadowlord.

Do this ability permit to regain all hit points, severed limbs/heads ... ?

Thanks for your future help.

2012-05-31, 09:04 AM
Hello, I have a question about the shadow discorporation class ability at 5th level from telflammar shadowlord.

Do this ability permit to regain all hit points, severed limbs/heads ... ?

Thanks for your future help.
Well, the author's not going to respond, it seems, but I would think that yes, it regains all hit points. Wouldn't do much good otherwise.

As for severed limbs, those are not a thing in 3.x. There is no rules for them occurring, and lots of good meta-game/balance reasons not to allow them. The combat system does not go into that much detail; those are abstracted away. If you use houserules that include them, I strongly encourage you to ditch them, but failing that, you'll have to make a houserule for how this PrC behaves with them. Considering that it prevents death, I'd allow it.

Severed heads can only happen with a nat-20 on a Vorpal weapon, in which case the Shadowlord is dead for reasons beyond hit points and I don't think the discorporation triggers at all. Though I'd personally rule that it does, just because I think lucky-crit insta-deaths are lame as hell.