View Full Version : New Devil May Cry announced!

Dante & Vergil
2010-09-15, 04:06 PM
There's a video and info here (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/09/15/dmc-devil-may-cry-for-ps3-revealed-in-new-trailer/).
They're doing a major over haul of the series and I don't know if I like it.

2010-09-15, 04:17 PM
'S weird indeed. Then again, if I'm reading the rumours right, they're basically going back to Dante's roots back when he was a young, barely-demon punk rocker or something along those lines. It's an interesting enough premise.

Not a huge fan of the new character design. Or the graphics in general, it seems the japanese equal "western style" with "brown". Which is pretty accurate, funnily enough, but still looks kinda bland.

And, most importantly, I'll miss Nero! He was a great character, with interesting game mechanics. And we never did see more of the fact that he had the frigging spirit of Vergil living in his hand!

But still, this looks like it could turn out surprisingly well. Looking forward to it.

2010-09-15, 05:14 PM
Only DMC I have ever played was DMC3 and freakin loved it. This one looks alright, but I dont exactly like the setting and the character design.

Dante & Vergil
2010-09-15, 05:18 PM
This had better be a prequel, 'cause I miss his white hair.

2010-09-15, 05:40 PM
Yea, it looks bland, but DMC4 (and three, from what I saw) were awesome. I hope these are equally fun. :smallsmile:

2010-09-15, 11:50 PM
Well, so far the fandom's reactions are pretty much "OH GOD WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" or "NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINJA THEORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY". They're not taking it well to say the least.

Can't say I'm excited for this. Big fan of the series myself and to my knowledge Ninja Theory (AKA Those guys who did Heavenly Sword) aren't exactly the best kind of people to work on this. I'll see how it goes though...

2010-09-15, 11:56 PM
Well so far its only one trailer so its too early to definitely judge but so far... I hate it. Its like they threw out everything that made DMC cool in favour of making it grittier and more generic :smallfrown:. Ah well maybe this will end up as a side series and the main series will continue running? We'll have to see I guess.

Dante & Vergil
2010-09-16, 02:53 AM
Well so far its only one trailer so its too early to definitely judge but so far... I hate it. Its like they threw out everything that made DMC cool in favour of making it grittier and more generic :smallfrown:. Ah well maybe this will end up as a side series and the main series will continue running? We'll have to see I guess.

They did totally thow everything out, right?! I want to see Vergil again, dang it! I can only hope it's a side game./random thoughts

2010-09-28, 12:25 AM
So this quote has been appearing around the internet and it seems to be a legitimate response from the Creative Director at Ninja Theory.

The essence of Devil May Cry is all about ‘cool. It’s about Dante being cool and making you feel cool when you’re playing it, and so the combat and the style system and everything is integral to that. But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago — I think that was when the first game came out — isn’t cool anymore. If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out. What Devil May Cry did when it launched was it brought everything that was great about action cinema like the fashion, music — it was like a cultural melting pot — and I feel like now, for Devil May Cry to have that same impact, it needs to draw on new things. New music, new ways of cinematography, new fashion.

But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago — I think that was when the first game came out — isn’t cool anymore.

You think that was when the first game came out? You mean you didn't even want to fact check it before making a statement!? The first DMC was actually released in the year 2001 not the year 1998 and you know what would have happened if it was released in 1998? It would have been released on the PS1 seeing as the PS2 was released in the year 2000.

So basically the guy in charge of the new game apparently never thought of the idea of fact checking before making a statement and also apparently can't even pin down what console the series he is supposed to be continuing debuted on!

Also its pretty ironic him saying that the old Dante isn't cool anymore when this new Dante looks like an unwelcome gritty anti-hero that went out of fashion at the end of the nineties.

Please someone tell me that Ninja Theory are just trolling me and that the DMC series really isn't being left in the hands of someone who really thinks like this :smallfrown:. I mean he might even have a point about having to update Dante's style but somehow I have the feeling that going for a character archetype that's even more out of style is the wrong way to go about it.

Yeah I'm feeling pretty pessimistic about this game right now.

warty goblin
2010-09-28, 12:42 AM
Well so far its only one trailer so its too early to definitely judge but so far... I hate it. Its like they threw out everything that made DMC cool in favour of making it grittier and more generic :smallfrown:. Ah well maybe this will end up as a side series and the main series will continue running? We'll have to see I guess.

Wait, you can get more generic than the way Devil May Cry looked before?

2010-09-28, 06:20 AM
I have to agree that the new look seems pretty risky...it also seems strange that he doesn't have white hair. I always thought it was a genetic trait, since even Nero has white hair. Is every sparda devil increadibly old?

I may still try the game, but already I can tell I'll either like it (not love it) or hate it.

2010-09-28, 06:50 AM
Wow. That looks terrible. Dante looks retarded, and apparently smoking is super cool and edgy. Also, what the hell is he wearing?

Dante & Vergil
2010-10-03, 01:35 AM
If you look closely during the video, you can see a spot of white hair on his head. So at the very least he'll grow into the full white hair hopefully.

2010-10-03, 12:01 PM
I only played only DMC3. Would play DMC4 if I had anything capable of running the game. This? If the trailer is any indication I won't touch that DMC "reboot" with a stick. As for the quote from Ninja Theory posted above: Wait, what? That new design is supposed to feel "cool"? Can't see how - to me it looked lame not cool :smallyuk:

2010-10-03, 03:48 PM
I've been hearing that this is a reboot of the series, not a sequel or a prequel. I'm hoping this isn't true, and that it's actually a sequel -- with the new Dante being a son/botched clone/crazy guy who thinks he is the original Dante.

I may still play the game if it's a fun game, I'll just be trying very hard to forget that he's supposed to be Dante.

The Rose Dragon
2010-10-03, 03:53 PM
But... but... Dante doesn't smoke because cool kids don't smoke.

2010-10-03, 04:22 PM
But... but... Dante doesn't smoke because cool kids don't smoke.

Cool kids also generally don't throw cars at demons. Granted, this may be because of a general lack of demons or cool kids with super strength.

The Rose Dragon
2010-10-03, 04:23 PM
Cool kids also generally don't throw cars at demons. Granted, this may be because of a general lack of demons or cool kids with super strength.

That was a reference to what one of the developers said to the people who designed Dante. Dante doesn't smoke because smoking is not cool, according to Capcom.

Inhuman Bot
2010-10-03, 07:26 PM
This is gonna suck...

2010-10-03, 11:44 PM
That was a reference to what one of the developers said to the people who designed Dante. Dante doesn't smoke because smoking is not cool, according to Capcom.

I'm inclined to side with Capcom on this one. I think we can all agree that new Dante does not = cool.