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2010-09-18, 07:10 PM
Darkness on the Playground


The forces of the Damned stand ready.

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

Giant in the Playground PrC Contest XXII

The contest begins with the posting of this thread and will run through midnight of October 21st.

Soon after a poll will be opened for everyone to vote for their favorite that will last until midnight of October 31st.


1) You will be creating an 'original' prestige class. The class you write must in someway involve the character's struggle with the forces of the damned and darkness. These forces include the legions of the undead, fiends, devils, and other otherworldly and supernatural terrors that are the stuff of legends and nightmares. The characters that interact with these forces could be grim demon hunters who hunt these creatures due to family tradition, a secretive order of monks who's training causes them to undergo a monstrous metamorphosis into a demonic creature (for good or for evil), a group of martial adepts who eat the flesh of their fallen foes to learn great martial secrets, a (possibly fallen) paladin order specially commissioned to be able to combat secret cabals of necromancers and demon worshipers, binders who have learned to bind aspects of Demon Lords as vestiges, a group of psychics who have embraced the teachings of a horror in the Far Realms and have become terrifying infiltrators bent on bringing the world to ruin, or perhaps members of a cult of disease and undeath who's leaders have all become a new and special type of lich. Any official WotC book is allowable for reference and resource, no 3rd party please. Get at it and get spooky! Happy Halloween folks!

2) Entries must include name, complete class, and fluff (Playing the Class, the Class in the World is mandatory, while the combat section and adaptation section is nice, it is not necessary). Incomplete entries at the deadline will be disqualified.

3) Entries must be 3.5, using the standard format below.

4) Post all entries in this thread. Post all conversation, questions, etc here in the
chat thread) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=167302).

5) Maximum of one entry per participant (gotta save up those creative juices for the next one too!)

6) Entries must be your own work, and must not be copied for other places. Only new work may submitted; no previously posted work will be accepted. Such entries will be disqualified. Such entries will be disqualified.

7) No reserving posts. Feel free to tweak your class, but the initial post must include the basics.

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

And here's helpers if you need it!

(Fax Celestis' Prestige Class Creation Thread) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10433)
(Djinn_In_Tonic's What to make and How to make it special!) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=137641)

2010-09-18, 07:12 PM

http://Picture URL

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

A general description of whatever the class is!

How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
Skills Points at Each Level: x + int

Hit Dice: dx

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
Put all the different class abilities in here!

Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


http://Picture URL

Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

A general description of whatever the class is!

How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
Skills Points at Each Level: x + int

Hit Dice: dx

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
Put all the different class abilities in here!

Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

2010-09-19, 02:15 AM
Lord of Rusted Iron

"This? Garbage. Copper for a dozen. I keep it for...sentimental reasons."

Lord Raylen of Rusted Iron, when asked about his Slivermarked weapon.

The Lords of Rusted Iron don't really look much like lords, lugging about pocked and rotted weapons, badly patched armor and dented shields, all covered in a rusty film that makes crude, blocky runes. Many of them seem haggard or exhausted; almost all of them possess dark circles around their eyes and a thousand mile stare that seems utterly indifferent about the existence of whatever their conversation partner is blathering on about now. All of them, however, have a single weapon or tool that does not get drawn except in times of need, and it is then that they truly prove themselves Lords.

What are they? Fiend hunters might be an accurate term, but that's only a means to an end. The Lords of Rusted Iron track down evil outsiders and lock their essence into iron shavings, using them to gain power, justice, vengeance, adoration, or anything else the Lord might quest after. Though they hunt down the servants of evil, there is no promise of kindness or mercy on the Lords' part, and many an ignorant peasant has been brutally slain by a Lord pushed just too far. And yet, even the most mercenary Lord removes evil from the world - which might be almost the same as doing good.

Becoming a Lord of Rusted Iron
Lords of Rusted Iron tend to combine two traits that are often at odds; ambition and a moralistic worldview. Undoubtedly, what they do is in search of power, but the Lords of Rusted Iron deliberately choose the least sympathetic beings in existence upon which to prey. While most acknowledge, internally, that their depredations are questionable at best, many of them justify their lust for power by claiming to remove evil from the world - a claim which may just be accurate.

Ultimately, one comes seeking Lordship, usually at the feet of another Lord, though some scholars have managed to discover copies of the Book of Chains on their own. Though some wonder why the tome is written in Infernal, most discard their doubts and plunge deep into the dark lore. It isn't long after that they find - or summon - a fiend to slay, thus gaining their first Slivermark and beginning down a long road of iron and blood.

Most Lords are martial characters with some expertise in classes like rogue, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, or bard, to gain the requisite scholarly acumen. Single-class rogues, bards, and warlocks are somewhat rarer (with warlocks especially being reluctant to lose their invocation progression), and single-class spellcasters are nearly unheard of, though not nonexistent.

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Knowledge (The Planes) 6 ranks, Craft (Metalworking) 8 ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Iron Will
Special: A potential Lord of Rusted Iron must read, or be taught by someone who has read, The Book of Chains. This process takes approximately a month, and requires that the character be able to speak and read Infernal.
Special: Must defeat an outsider with the evil subtype and gain the killing blow or spell.

Class Skills
The Lord of Rusted Iron's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (N/A), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex).
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier

Hit Dice: D10

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Create Slivers, Weapon Slivermark

+3|Pierce Evil's Armor

+3|Armor Slivermark, Decree of Shackles

+4|Ferrous Fortitude

+4|Locus Slivermark, Ferrous Smite

+5|Unyielding Will

+5|Personal Slivermark, Iron Devastation

+6|Iron Vengeance

+6|Improved Slivermarks, Iron Flesh

+7|Stolen Transcendence[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: The Lord of Rusted Iron gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Create Sliver (Su): Whenever the Lord of Rusted Iron reduces an evil outsider (that is, an evil-aligned outsider or any outsider with the [Evil] subtype, regardless of actual alignment) to zero or fewer hit points by any means, the creature is instantly obliterated as its body converts to rusted iron slivers that then proceed to appear in a floating cloud around the Lord of Rusted Iron's body. A number of slivers are created equal to the slain creature's hit die, and they cannot be separated from the Lord of Rusted Iron who created them by any means short of an antimagic field, his death, or divine intervention.

These slivers are used to power a number of the Lord of Rusted Iron's class features, but have one more important use; as a swift action, the Lord of Rusted Iron may reclaim any number of his slivers, destroying them and regaining 1d10 hit points for each sliver destroyed this way. Any excess healing is wasted, and does not take the Lord of Rusted Iron above their full normal maximum. The Lord of Rusted Iron may choose to reclaim his slivermarks in this fashion, but doing so destroys it, ridding the item, area, or being benefiting from the slivermark of its effects. If the Lord of Rusted Iron chooses to reclaim a slivermark in this fashion, he must reclaim the whole slivermark at once, not any lesser fraction thereof.

The slivers created by this ability radiate strong transmutation and necromancy when scrutinized by detect magic or similar abilities and radiate strong evil when investigated by detect evil, know alignment, or similar effects. A being with an active detect thoughts spell on their person (or the Telepathy extraordinary or supernatural ability) is able to detect the slivers within range of the spell (or ability) with no save or check necessary, but the slivers themselves only give off screams of unimaginable pain and desperate sobs for freedom or death, and cannot be communicated with in a meaningful fashion.

If the sliver is separated from the Lord of Rusted Iron who created it (either through the use of an antimagic field, picking them up off of the ground where they fall once the Lord is dead, or sundering the item they are empowering) and destroyed, the outsider(s) used to create them are freed, though they gain the [Native] subtype. Additionally, they lose all alignment subtypes, with the good-evil component of their alignment shifting to neutral. Finally, the trauma of their experience causes them to permanently lose four points of Wisdom. All of the slivers created by a particular Lord of Rusted Iron must be destroyed for this to occur.

Upon gaining their first level in this class, the Lord of Rusted Iron immediately gains a number of slivers equal to the hit die of the most powerful evil outsider they have slain to date. Should these slivers be destroyed, that evil outsider is the one released.

Weapon Slivermark (Su): The primary use of the slivers the Lord of Rusted Iron creates from his fiendish victims is the creation and enhancement of magical items, the most basic of which is a weapon. As a swift action, the Lord of Rusted Iron can cause a number of his slivers to settle into a crude, rusted, rune on the weapon's surface, imbuing it with magical properties. Any given weapon may be imbued temporarily or permanently, with the various costs for each listed below (permanently imbuing an item requires the Lord of Rusted Iron to spend experience points as though he were crafting the item, though he spends no other resources for doing so and does not need to meet the crafting requirements). A Lord of Rusted Iron may only have a total number of permanent slivermarks (of any variety) equal to his class level plus his charisma modifier, and any one item, area, or being may only bear total number of slivermarks equal to half his class level, rounded up.

Temporary slivermarks last for a number of rounds equal to the Lord of Rusted Iron's class level plus his charisma modifier. Permanent slivermarks last until reclaimed or destroyed.

Enhancement Costs
Three Slivers (Temporary)/Ten Slivers (Permanent) - Defending, Distance, Flaming, Frost, Ghost Touch, Keen, Shock, Thundering, Throwing, Vicious

Seven Slivers (Temporary)/Fifteen Slivers (Permanent) - Anarchic, Axiomatic, Bane, Speed, Unholy, Wounding.

A Lord of Rusted Iron may create a slivermark that increases his weapon's enhancement bonus by +1 (and may even do so multiple times); such slivermarks cost thirty slivers to create, and are always permanent.

Armor Slivermark (Su): At third level, the Lord of Rusted Iron may also imbue armor and shields with slivermarks. The available abilities (and their costs) are listed below.

Enhancement Costs
To come!

Pierce Evil's Armor (Ex): Starting at second level, the Lord of Rusted Iron's dedication and knowledge allow him to pierce the armor and resistances of his fiendish victims. Magical weapons he carries or wields are considered to be chaotic, cold iron, good, lawful and silver for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction (damage dealt with magical spells or psionic powers that would be subject to damage resistance is also treated as chaotic, cold iron, good, lawful and silver for this purpose).

Decree of Shackles (Su): Fiends and monsters alike often have just one more escape route, tunnel, or teleport readied to flee from their hunters - but not from the Lord of Rusted Iron. Starting at third level, the Lord of Rusted Iron may activate this ability as a free part of rolling initiative. Any being that is part of the encounter (including the Lord of Rusted Iron) must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + the Lord's class level + his charisma modifier) or be trapped within the battle, unable to move more than 100 feet from the Lord of Rusted Iron by any means (creatures further than this distance are shunted harmlessly to an empty space within 100 feet of the Lord of Rusted Iron, chosen by the Dungeon Master. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity). Furthermore, they are unable to leave their current plane of existence, gain or lose the incorporeal subtype, and/or cast or benefit from any spells, abilities, powers or maneuvers with the teleport descriptor; all attempts to perform the aforementioned actions simply fail unless backed by divine intervention, wasting any resources used in the attempt.

Decree of Shackles lasts until the end of the encounter or until each creature hostile to the Lord of Rusted Iron within the encounter is rendered unconscious, helpless, dead, or chooses to surrender to him and/or his allies/forces. A creature joining the encounter after Decree of Shackles is used must succeed at a Will save against it or suffer its effects.

Ferrous Fortitude (Ex): Starting at fourth level, the Lord of Rusted Iron can draw upon iron's legendary resilience to shield himself from harm; he gains a bonus equal to his charisma modifier on Fortitude saves, as well as DR X/Cold Iron equal to his class level.

Locus Slivermark (Su):

Ferrous Smite (Su): Starting at fifth level, the Lord of Rusted Iron may channel the power of his slivers into a weapon-based attack. As a free action included as part of an attack with any natural or manufactured weapon, the Lord of Rusted Iron may destroy a number of his unused (that is, not currently being used to power one of his slivermarks) slivers up to his class level. Each sliver destroyed this way provides a +1 profane bonus to the attack roll and adds 1d6 points of damage which stems from pure unholy power (and is thus not subject to resistance of any kind). It should be noted that the Lord of Rusted Iron, given sufficient slivers to do so, could use this ability on each and every weapon-based attack he makes.

Unyielding Will (Ex): Bolstered by his connection to iron and the sheer determination to not become a tool of the things he hunts, a Lord of Rusted Iron of sixth level or higher adds his constitution modifier to Will saves in addition to his wisdom modifier. Furthermore, he gains a +2 competence bonus to Will saves against compulsion effects.

Personal Slivermark (Su):

Iron Devastation (Su): Starting at level seven, a Lord of Rusted Iron using the Power Attack feat while weilding a cold iron weapon (or any weapon treated as being cold iron for any reason) adds double the penalty taken to the attack roll to his damage roll (triple for two-handed weapons). Additionally, any weapon he weilds is treated as having an enhancement bonus two points higher than it actually has for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction (up to a maximum of an effective enhancement bonus of +10).

Iron Vengeance (Su): Iron is a metal notable for negating magic and shielding against spells and powers, at least in legendry, and while the Lord of Rusted Iron is not invulnerable to magic, his connection to iron punishes those who dare turn it against him. Starting at level eight, any being targeting the Lord of Rusted Iron with a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability takes 8d6 points of slashing damage (which is treated as coming from a +4 weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction), with a Will save (DC 10 + the Lord of Rusted Iron's class level + his charisma modifier) allowed to cut the damage in half. In the case of spells, powers, invocations and other actions that can be disrupted by damage, this damage does have the potential to disrupt the action.

The Lord of Rusted Iron may choose to waive this damage, and may unconsciously recognize the difference between spells cast by hostile beings and non-hostile ones, though he cannot necessarily identify who has cast the spell or what spell it is (though he may, of course, guess that the being that just started gushing blood all over the floor is probably the spellcaster).

Improved Slivermarks (Su): At ninth level, the Lord of Rusted Iron perfects the art of creating slivermarks, allowing him to condense fiendish energy with greater efficiency. He may now have a total number of permanent slivermarks equal to [1.5 x his class level] + his charisma modifier. Furthermore, any weapon, piece of armor or shield bearing one of his slivermarks gains an additional +2 enhancement bonus (to a maximum of +5).

Iron Flesh (Ex): At ninth level, iron bestows its final blessings of protection upon its Lord; the Lord of Rusted Iron becomes 50% immune to critical hits. Furthermore, he is not subject to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless that effect also affects objects.

Stolen Transcendance (Ex): Years of hunting down fiends and channeling their power causes a tenth level Lord of Rusted Iron to achieve transcendance; his type changes to Outsider [Native]. He also acquires either the , [Obyrith], or [Tanar'ri] subtype, with all of the abilities that entails, with one exception; instead of gaining any abilities that enable him to summon creatures, the Lord of Rusted Iron gains the animate chains supernatural ability, as a kyton of his character level.

[b]Playing a Lord of Rusted Iron
Lords of Rusted Iron are martial-esque characters that excel at hunting down evil outsiders and controlling the battlefield, using their Decree of Chains and their Locus Slivermarks. In day to day life, the Lord of Rusted Iron acts as a scholar for his party, as well as a potential source for cheap magical items or buffs; certainly his ability to craft his own magical items on the cheap means less of a financial burden on the rest of the party. The best method to describe the Lord of Rusted Iron might be "specialist"; conduct oneself accordingly.
Combat: Lords of Rusted Iron typically mix it up in melee, using their Decree of Shackles to keep foes from running too far away and then wading in with enhanced weaponry to cleave through damage reduction. At higher levels, as the Lord becomes more resilient, he becomes able to plow through enemy lines and try to line himself up with soft targets like spellcasters and rogues, using his Locus Slivermarks to clear out swaths of the battlefield and help control his environment. How a Lord of Rusted Iron plays otherwise largely depends on if a player chooses to use any Personal Slivermarks and if so, what they do.
Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

2010-09-19, 03:43 AM
Mental Reaper
“I've seen death face to face. I don't intend to see him again.” Mental Reaper known only as “Madman”.

Mental Reapers have come face to face with death, and his visage left a lasting scar on their psyche. Now they are slowly consumed from within by the fear of this encounter, driving them mad. The only way they have to prevent this is to bolster their psyches with the stolen conscious thoughts of others.

BECOMING A Mental Reaper
All Mental Reapers start out as Soulknives. Many of them worship gods of death; though this is not a requirement. The only other requirement is that they must have had a close brush with death.

Alignment: Any non-good
Class Features: Mind Blade, Shape Mind Blade
Feats: Psionic Meditation
Special: Must have been at -9 hit points, or have died and been resurrected.

Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis)
Skills Points at Each Level: 4+Int

Hit Dice: d8

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Altered Shape Mind Blade, Power Points, Soulknife abilities, Reap thoughts

+3|Mental Reaper ability

+3|Speed of Thought, Rapid Focus

+4|Mental Reaper ability

+4|Knife to the Soul

+5|Mental Reaper ability

+5|Gift of Death

+6|Mental Reaper ability

+6|Knife to the Mind

+7|Mental Reaper ability, Gift of Madness[/table]
Weapon Proficiencies: A soulknife gains proficiency with the scythe. He does not gain any other weapon proficiencies; nor does he gain any armor proficiencies.

Power Points/Day: Mental Reapers gain an additional two power points/day for every class level that they have in Mental Reaper. These power points may be used to power certain Mental Reaper abilities or to manifest powers gained from a different class. He also gains bonus power points per day based on his Wisdom score.

Soulknife abilities: Mental Reaper levels stack with Soulknife levels for determining the extra damage dealt by the Psychic Strike class feature, and the total enhancement bonus of his mind blade.

Shape Mind Reaper: Mental Reapers' mind blades take on a crueler form to reflect their corrupted state of mind. Whenever the mind blade would take the form of a short sword, it instead takes the form of a sickle, using the stats for a light pick instead. Whenever the mind blade would take the form of a long sword, it instead takes the form of a longer sickle, using the stats for a heavy pick instead. In both cases, he also gains the trip bonus of a sickle. Whenever the mind blade would take the form of a bastard sword, it instead takes the form of a scythe, using the stats for a scythe instead. This effect cannot be reversed. This ability changes the damage done by the Throw Mind Blade ability, but does not otherwise interfere with it.

Reap Thoughts: A Mental Reaper's thoughts are twisted and fragmented. To keep himself from going insane, he must 'borrow' the sanity of his opponents. As an immediate action after dealing damage with his mind blade, a Mental Reaper may spend 2 power points to afflict the target as if with confusion for a number of turns equal to half his levels in Mental Reaper (minimum 1). A Will Save (DC 10+Class Levels+Wis Modifier) means the target is instead treated as if shaken for this time. This ability only functions on creatures with an Intelligence score. Every day a Mental Reaper does not use this class ability, he takes 1 Wisdom damage. Damage taken from not using this ability is completely removed when the Mind Blade uses Reap Thoughts; regardless of the creature's save.

Should a Mental Reaper's Wisdom reach 0 before he Reaps Thoughts, he goes irrevocably insane, acting always as if under the effects of an insanity spell. His Wisdom damage is removed at this point (he does not enter a coma) but this effect cannot be removed save by effects which can remove the insanity effect.

Mental Reaper abilities: At every even level, a Mental Reaper selects one ability from the list of Mental Reaper abilities (see below).

Speed of Thought: At third level, a Mental Reaper receives Speed of Thought as a bonus feat. If he already has this feat, he may select any other psionic feat for which he qualifies.

Rapid Focus: Mental Reapers learn to constantly maintain their focus, lest they fall near to death again. At third level, a Mental Reaper may expend 3 power points to become psionically focused as a swift action, or 1 power point to maintain a psionic focus which would normally be expended on a feat or Mental Reaper ability. If he ever drops to 0 power points, his psionic focus immediately ends.

Knife to the Soul: This ability is the same as the Soulknife ability of the same name. For convenience, it is copied below (All data available on the SRD).

Beginning at 5rd level, when a Mental Reaper executes a psychic strike, he can choose to substitute Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage (his choice) for extra dice of damage. For each die of extra damage he gives up, he deals 1 point of damage to the ability score he chooses. A Mental Reaper can combine extra dice of damage and ability damage in any combination.
The Mental Reaper decides which ability score his psychic strike damages and the division of ability damage and extra dice of damage when he imbues his mind blade with the psychic strike energy.

If the Mental Reaper already has this ability from Soulknife levels, whenever he uses it, it also damages another mental stat for an amount equal to half that effect. The Reaper chooses which stat takes this lesser damage when using this ability. For example, a Mental Reaper using this ability to deal wisdom damage gives up 4 dice of Psychic Strike. He does 4 damage to Wisdom, and also does 2 damage to either Charisma or Intelligence (his choice).

Gift of Death: Mental Reapers seek to send their opponents to Death in their stead, hoping to prolong the day he comes back for them. Beginning at 7th level, a Mental Reaper may expend his Psychic Strike ability, along with his psionic focus, to cause a death effect on a struck target. The attack does no damage, but the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+Mental Reaper level+dice of Psychic Strike) or have their soul severed from their body and sent to Death. They receive a bonus on this save equal to their current hit points/5, rounded down. This is a mind-affecting death effect.

Knife to the Mind: Mental Reapers of 9th level are incredibly skilled at attacking the mind and body at the same time. Whenever a Psychic Strike deals damage to a target, it also reduces their power points by an amount equal to half the Psychic Strike damage. Furthermore, whenever the Mental Reaper chooses to use Knife to the Soul, it also damages another mental ability score for an amount equal to half that effect. The Reaper chooses which stat takes this lesser damage when using this ability. If he already does damage to a second ability score, he can instead do full damage to this second ability, or half damage to both other abilities.

Gift of Madness: Upon reaching tenth level, a Mental Reaper has reached a state of true madness. He no longer takes Wisdom damage on days when he does not Reap Thoughts. He gains a bonus equal to his class level on saves against mind-affecting effects (this bonus does not apply against characters with the feat Chaotic Mind, Clerics with the Madness domain, or characters with similar characteristics of insanity). Finally, whenever he is telepathically linked to someone, and whenever someone targets him directly with a mind-affecting effect; he can as a free action costing 2 power points assault their mind with his insanity, forcing them to succeed on a Will save (DC 10+1/2 Mental Reaper levels+Wis modifier) or suffer the effects of a Mindwipe power. Once a target has made his save against this ability, he cannot be targeted by this ability again for 24 hours.

Mental Reaper abilities: The following can be chosen any time the Mental Reaper gains a new Mental Reaper ability. Unless otherwise noted, no ability can be taken more than one time.

Alert Avoidance: Whenever the Mental Reaper is psionically focused, he gains the benefit of the Alertness feat (or doubles the bonus of he pre-existing Alertness feat) and the Evasion class feature, as a rogue. Whenever he rolls a Reflex Save, but before he knows the results, he can expend his psionic focus to gain the benefit of the Improved Evasion class feature. He also gains a bonus equal to half his class levels to Initiative rolls, whether he is psionically focused or not.

Cheat Death: The Mental Reaper fights with all his being to never see Death's face again. He gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against any death effect or negative energy effect. If he expends his psionic focus, he can increase this bonus to +8 for one saving throw.

Consume Thoughts: A Mental Reaper who has become Good cannot take this ability. The Mental Reaper's Reap Thoughts ability can do more than bolster him now; he can glean information from his target. Whenever a target fails a save against a Reap Thoughts ability, the Mental Reaper can glean one piece of information from them. This information includes, but is not limited to: the target's alignment; the target's name; the name of one of the target's allies, friends, or family members; the target's current goal; or the target's current emotional state. The Mental Reaper does not choose which of these he gleans (either determine randomly or DM choice).

Death Urge: The Mental Reaper can produce a Death Urge effect as a Psi-like ability 3/day. He can take this ability multiple times. Each time he takes it, he can either increase the DC of the effect by 1, or he can gain another use per day. The Save DC for this ability is 10+Mental Reaper levels+Wis modifier.

Extra Power Points: The Mental Reaper can in place of a new ability gain additional Power Points. He can gain this ability multiple times. Its effects stack. Each time he takes this ability, he gains two bonus power points.

Improved Reap Thoughts: The Mental Reaper must be at least level 4 to take this ability. Now whenever a creature succeeds on their save, they are still confused for 1d4 rounds.

Mindlink:The Mental Reaper adds the power Mindlink to his powers known. If he already has levels in a class with this power on its list, it does not count against powers known for that class. He can otherwise use it as if he had a manifester level equal to his levels in Mental Reaper. His save DC is Wisdom based.

Theft of Youth: The Mental Reaper must be at least level 6 to take this ability.

In his bid to avoid Death at all costs, the Mental Reaper has developed a means to immortality. When using the Knife to the Soul class feature, he may instead give up dice of damage to drain years from his target. He drains one year from the target for every dice given up in this manner. The target ages this amount; the Mental Reaper de-ages this amount. If this moves either person into a new age category, that person receives the benefits and penalties of the new age category immediately. This ability will never move a Mental Reaper below the Adult category. If the Mental Reaper has the Knife to the Mind class feature, he can forgo the damage to the second ability score and instead drain additional years equal to the damage he would do to that score (EX: A Mental Reaper with Knife to the Mind could sacrifice 4 dice of Psychic Strike to deal 4 points of wisdom and 2 points of charisma damage; alternately, the same four dice could be used to steal 6 years from the target.)

Turbulent Mind: The Mental Reaper's mind produces a lot of excess, false thoughts. His madness can protect him from divination spells. Divination spells, similar psionic powers, or other similar effects used to detect his alignment, honesty, thoughts, emotions, or other mental aspects have a 10% chance per class level of failing. In these cases, his thoughts can be outright false, his emotions can be incorrect, his alignment will register as if he was a neutral character (he doesn't register as either good, evil, chaotic, or lawful), or the spell simply returns no understandable result. He has a 10% per level chance of being able to tell a lie in a Zone of Truth or similar effect. This ability is only active when the Mental Reaper is psionically focused, and he can expend his psionic focus to treat any attempt to use this ability as successful.

Will to Live: Whenever damage from an attack or effect would reduce the Mental Reaper to negative hit points, he can expend his psionic focus to reduce the damage he takes by half. If this damage still reduces him to negative hit points, he is still reduced to negative hit points. If he can expend his psionic focus multiple times, as with the Rapid Focus class feature, he can use this ability as many times as he could gain his psionic focus. Each use halves the remaining damage from the previous use. He cannot reduce damage below one with this ability.

Bonus Feat: Instead of one of the abilities listed above, a Mental Reaper can select any fighter bonus feat or psionic feat for which he qualifies.

Ex-Mental Reapers: Mental Reapers who become Good aligned can continue to advance levels in this class, but remember that the Reap Thoughts, Theft of Youth, Death Urge, and Gift of Madness abilities are generally evil acts.

Mental Reapers are combatants, but they are also dedicated wholly to not dying. In combat, they will avoid taking any unnecessary risks.
Combat: Usually, a Mental Reaper will favor the scythe form for his Mind Blade. He opens combat by using Reap Thoughts or charging Psychic Strike. He tries always to maintain his psionic focus, since being focused is what ultimately keeps him alive.
Advancement: Most Mental Reapers will continue to advance as Soulknives, though some may choose to advance as Egoists or Telepaths, and a few may even go the path of the devout as a cleric or paladin.
Resources: Mental Reapers with the Theft of Youth ability can have incredible amounts of resources or connections, since they can effectively live forever. Otherwise, their resources are the same as a Soulknife of comparable level.

I saw him once. His eyes looked like they were seeing beyond the doors of Death. A glowing scythe held in his hands, one minute red the next green. He was the most terrifying man I've ever seen. And yet, I felt that above all, he was sad and afraid. Mayor of Heflerr, speaking about a Mental Reaper known only as "Madman".

Most people will view Mental Reapers the same as they view any other psionic character. However, the more empathic ones will see a glint of Death's face reflected in their eyes and recognize them as madmen. Those ones will either pity them for their insanity or fear them for their insanity.
Daily Life: Mental Reapers wake each day with the thought in their mind that they can fight off Death one way or another. Evil Reapers will try to send as many others to Death as they can to appease him so they may be spared. Non-evil Reapers try to train themselves so that one day they can best Death in single combat.
Notables: The only notable Reaper is the serial killer known only as "Madman." He once traveled the countryside killing as wide a variety of people as he could. His face never seemed to age, though each new corpse was often dead much older than they were in life. He selected each victim on the basis that they shared nothing in common with a previous victim. After killing them, he was known to give them a proper funeral, complete with the prayer "And as Death takes you from this world, may he remember who sent you to him, and spare me when my time comes."
Organizations: Organizations of Reapers simply do not exist. However, many Reapers are attracted to churches, especially churches of benevolent gods whose afterlife doesn't include the leering visage of Death. They despise Nerull and his allies, even going so far as to attack their worshipers with no further provocation than that they worship Death's master.

NPC Reaction
NPCs will either see a powerful, respectable, and shell-shocked warrior, or a lunatic who needs to be locked away as tightly as possible. Which depends on the worldview of the NPC and the actions of the player.

Be wary of tying the party up for long periods of time, or the Mental Reaper will have to attack something which he shouldn't or go fully insane. Other than that, treat them much as you would a crazier, slightly eviler Soulknife.
Adaptation: If your game does not include an appropriate deity or aspect to instill the fear, select an appropriate afterlife. If your game does not allow resurrection, then the character can simply be said to have had a delusion in his near-death; from the character's perspective little is different.

2010-09-19, 12:32 PM
[MY-er Sh-A-da]

* * *

The city of Duskbowel was never a friendly place to be, but on the Night of the Red Moon, his kind were little better then gnats to be crushed under the will of the churches. All around him he could hear the screams. Men gasping for their last waking breath after being stabbed in their sleep, women crying in fear as they desperately clutched their children; tainted for having mere contact with his people. Through alleys paved in dying flesh and laid in blood, a young man quickly dashed through the streets, blood congealing to his bare feet.

He was little better then naked; with no time to draw a seal he fled in nothing more than a cotton shirt and pants; once white, now a grisly brown. The sound of iron steps echoes behind him, so the young man pushed his body to its mortal limit only to meet the end of the alley, and presumably the end of his life. Braced against the wall, a steady drip of blood lurched down from a far above alcove onto the young man's face, sliding down his cheeks until its iron taste greeted his lips.

The holy men walked into the light; smirked with iron-clad faces at the sight of the child before them. Barely a man, the heathen clutched the bloodied brick wall as of it would spin about and whisk him to safety. All souls present knew that Heironeous granted no boons to heathen 'filth.'

"Where's your little parasite now, Binder?" One of the men smirked as he stepped closer, drawing his blade. The boy held his breath, his mind racing with ideas, each one more ludicrous then the one before it. His heart beat faster and faster, until it happened. The boy clutched his heart. It was if his entire being shattered. A calm sweat dripped down the boy's face, mixing with blood shed by others like him. All emotion drained from his heart; his fear of death, his sorrow for the loss of his mother, all vanished.

Except for hunger.

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Image by the talented Wen-JR. (http://wen-jr.deviantart.com/)

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There is a word that strikes fear in the hearts of those who hear it. It makes Clerics instinctively clutch their holy symbols, Paladins draw their blades, and children weep at night. There is a word of darkness, a word describing a blight that has been plaguing the world in the 10,000 years since the death of Syfal and the rise of the Order of Seropaenes. That word is Myr'Shaejae.

The word is elven in nature, and it roughly translates into soul-breaker. There is nothing pleasant about what the Myr'Shaejae do to their victims; save for their motive. Hunger. The hunger of a soul desperate to maintain its own existence pulls at every Myr'Shaejae. They have no goals, no claims, no caution and no restraint. Nothing, except hunger.

Perhaps the cruelest of all is that a Myr'Shaejae's attack does not kill its victims. Their soul mutilated beyond its natural beauty, although the scars on the soul will heal, the memories of overwhelming pain and unfathomable terror will never leave the victims of a Myr'Shaejae. It is a dreaded memory that a victim must live with, die with, and experience even in the afterlife. And they feed on.

Becoming a Myr'Shaejae
Those who take from nothing loose everything. Countless callings upon the vestiges leave their strain on the mortal soul, created spots of weakness on the soul like a cancerous plague. Under particularly violent conditions, these spots collapse, and the soul itself begins to fall in on itself like a dying star. Churches claim that the soul is a beacon of light, and they are correct. Every soul, even the most vile, is one of positive energy. But where the light exists, so too does the shadow, and as it collapses, the soul offers itself one final way to save its own existence; the shadow. Gouts of overwhelming negative energy take over the person's existence and caress their ears, "I can save you." And thus a Myr'Shaejae is born.

The word "Myr'Shaejae" is not Common; it is an elven word that literally translates as "Breaker of Souls," for this is precisely what they do. The Myr'Shaejae shatter souls, consume the pieces, and maintain to hold onto their own dying existences long enough to continue on, forever hoping in vain that a cure exists for their condition. For when the souls run dry and the holes remain unpatched, all Myr'Shaejae know that the tragic fate of all Binders awaits them; to fall through the cracks of the cosmos and become vestiges themselves.


Alignment: Any evil alignment.
Skills: Knowledge (the Planes) or Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks.
Soul Binding: Must be able to bind 4th level Vestiges.
Supernova Soul: In order to become a Myr'Shaejae, the Binder's soul must collapse, for this survival instinct is the only thing dark enough to cause a Binder to turn to shredding souls. At some point during their career as a Binder prior to taking this prestige class, the Binder must have been placed in a life-or-death situation from which he or she was either horribly outnumbered or likely to die and survived. If you choose to use that event to require for this prestige class, the Binder's soul begins collapsing immediately following the event, and if they do not obtain their first level in Myr'Shaejae within one week, the Binder immediately dies, their soul collapsing in on itself and becoming impossible to retrieve; even through Wish, Miracle, or Reality Revision. Should they achieve a level in this class before this happens, the threat of their soul immediately collapsing fades, but without consuming souls, it is still a very real possibility at the Dungeon Master's digression. Note that a soul does not randomly collapse on itself; the Myr'Shaejae can feel their soul collapsing and has ample time to try and use their dark arts to stall the inevitable.

Myr'Shaejae Class Features

{table=head] Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fortitude Save | Reflex Save | Will Save | Special
01 | +0 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Soul Violation
02 | +1 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Consume Soul
03 | +2 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Additional Trait
04 | +3 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Craft Horrific Items, Horcrux
05 | +3 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Scry
06 | +4 | +4 | +2 | +5 | Ecstasy of the Defiler
07 | +5 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Additional Trait
08 | +6/+1 | +5 | +2 | +6 | Partition the Damned
09 | +6/+1 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Cache of Souls
10 | +7/+2 | +6 | +3 | +7 | Additional Trait, Eternal Soulblighter[/table]

Hit Dice: d8

The Myr'Shaejae's class skills (and the key ability for each) are:
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Profession, and Sense Motive (Wis).

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Myr'Shaejae gains no additional proficiencies with any weapons or armor.

Soul Binding: At each Myr'Shaejae level, the character's soul binding ability improves as if they had also gained a level in the Binder class. Levels of Binder and Myr'Shaejae stack for the purpose of determining the character's effective Binder level. This improves the Myr'Shaejae's bonus on binding checks, the effectiveness of their vestige-granted abilities, and the number of vestiges they can bind. However, the character does not gain any other benefits a Binder would have gained, and the Myr'Shaejae's level does not stack with their Binder level for the purpose of determining the highest level of vestige they can bind.

Soul Violation (Su): As horrid a term as it is, there is none truer to what the Myr'Shaejae do to their victims. With but a single touch, a Myr'Shaejae can sear off bits of their victim's soul, using the stolen fragments in a vain attempt to patch the holes in their own collapsing souls. In order to use this ability, the Myr'Shaejaes must be bound to at least one less vestige then their maximum total; for example, an effective 14th level Binder may have no more than 2 vestiges bound to them while an effective 20th level binder may have no more than 3 vestiges bound to them. In addition, a Myr'Shaejae can never have more than one soul violation pact active at a time; too many different souls colliding in conjunction with their own have the potential to overwhelm and destroy them, a risk all Myr'Shaejae are all too aware of.

As long as these conditions are met, the Myr'Shaejae can make a touch attack against a living, nonmindless creature. On a successful touch attack, the Myr'Shaejae makes a binding check opposed by the touched creature's Will save. For every hit dice more that the touched creature has than the Myr'Shaejae, it gains a stacking +1 inherent bonus on its Will save to resist this effect. On a failed save, the touched creature takes 2d6 points of soulblight damage. Soulblight damage ignores all resistances and immunities and cannot be healed; all hit points lost to soulblight damage are considered permanent losses until 24 hours have passed, at which point the damaged creature is immediately healed of all hit points lost to soulblight damage. In addition to this effect, the Myr'Shae automatically becomes bound to a portion of the touched creature's soul, as if through Soul Binding. Based on the creature the Myr'Shae gains vestigial abilities through the soul violation. First, the Myr'Shaejae selects one of the race's traits. This can be from the following list:

Ability Modifiers: The Binder adds the victim's racial ability modifiers to their ability scores. This includes both bonuses and penalties. The bonuses cannot exceed +1 per three effective Binder levels you possess, but the penalties (if any) have no maximum penalty restriction. The Binder's original racial bonuses (if any) and the violated soul's racial bonuses (if any) stack.

Racial Bonuses: The Binder adds the victim's racial bonuses to ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws to their appropriate score. The bonuses cannot exceed +1 per three effective Binder levels you possess, but the penalties (if any) have no maximum penalty restriction. If the Binder possesses racial bonuses from another source, the bonuses stack.

Special Attacks: The Binder gains the ability to use one of the creature's special attacks. They can only select from the following list: breath attack (select one if creature has multiple choices), constrict, disease, gaze attack (select one if creature has multiple options), grab, natural attack (all possessed; claw, bite, talon, or slam), poison, pounce, rake, rend, roar, spikes, trample, trip, web, or whirlwind. For the purpose of all special attacks, the Myr'Shaejae uses their size, Strength modifier, and their effective Binder level in place of their hit dice to determine the effectiveness of these abilities.

Special Qualities: The Binder gains the ability to use one of the creature's special qualities. They can only select from the following list of traits: bindsense (up to 30 feet), change shape (same restrictions as creature, if any), damage reduction (same materials overcome it, up to 1 per three Binder levels possessed), dark vision (out to 60 feet, or improves existing dark vision by up to 60 feet), energy resistance (all energy types possessed, up to 5 per five Binder levels possessed; you also gain the creature's energy vulnerabilities as well, if any exist), ferocity, frightful presence, incorporeal, jet (only usable in aquatic environments), low light vision (or improve existing low light vision by x1), movement speeds (improves existing speeds or adds new speeds; climb, fly, land or swim up to 60 feet; burrow up to 30 feet), regeneration (up to 1 per six Binder levels), scent, or tremorsense (up to 30 feet). The Myr'Shaejae's body often physically alters itself to meet its new bodies needs, such as sprouting wings similar to the creature's to fly or growing gills to breathe underwater. Qualities with numerical values, such as resistance or damage reduction, become equal to 1 per three effective Binder levels the Myr'Shaejae possesses instead of the creature's normal amount.

After selecting their racial trait, the Myr'Shaejae gains a special ability based on the creature's class (if any). The Myr'Shaejae only gains the abilities of one class; if the creature has multiple classes, they must select one.

Bard - The Myr'Shaejae gains the ability to command courage. As a standard action, this ability provides a +1 morale bonus per six effective Binder levels the Myr'Shaejae possesses to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and Armor Class to all friendly creatures that can hear the Myr'Shaejae's bound soul sing against its will. The Myr'Shaejae can concentrate as a move action to continue this effect. This ability follows all of the normal rules for Bardic Music. After this ability is used, it remains effective on the Myr'Shaejae's allies for 5 rounds, and the Myr'Shaejae cannot use it again for 5 rounds.

Barbarian - The Myr'Shaejae gains the ability to enter a berserker frenzy. As an immediate action, this ability provides the Myr’Shaejae with a +1 bonus per five effective Binder levels the Myr'Shaejae possesses to their Strength and Constitution scores. This ability is treated identically to a Barbarian's rage, meaning the Myr'Shaejae cannot use any of the listed skills or take specific actions while in the frenzy. The frenzy lasts for 1 round per five effective Binder levels the Myr'Shaejae possesses. After this ability is used, it cannot be used again for 5 rounds.

Cleric / Favored Soul - The Myr'Shaejae gains the ability to let loose a burst of divine energy. The type of energy channeled depends on the alignment of the violated soul (good or neutral = positive energy, evil = negative energy). As a standard action, the Myr'Shaejae affects all creatures within 30 feet of them with this energy burst, causing 1d6 points of energy damage per three effective Binder levels they possess. Positive energy heals living creatures and damages undead, while negative energy damages living creatures and heals undead. Either way, the Myr'Shaejae can select whether or not they wish to be affected by this ability. After this ability is used, it cannot be used again for 5 rounds.

Druid - The Myr'Shaejae gains the ability to transform into an animal. They can choose any animal type creature that they have seen, as long as its size is between Large and Diminutive. This ability functions identically to a Druid's wild shape, except that while in animal form, the Myr'Shaejae retains the special effects of all vestiges bound to them. To this end, the animal also displays all of the signs of bound vestiges, if possible, and the violated soul's face appears as a peculiar fur coloration, scale design, etc on the Myr'Shaejae's animal form's body. The Myr'Shaejae can stay shapeshifted as long as they like, though when the pact ends, they isntantly revert to their true form. After entering or leaving an animal form, the Myr'Shaejae cannot use this ability again for 5 rounds.

Fighter - The Myr'Shaejae gains a faction of fighting knowledge from its violated soul. They receive a +1 bonus to attack rolls per three effective Binder levels the Myr'Shaejae possesses and one bonus feat per 10 effective Binder levels. This feat must be chosen from the list of Fighter bonus feats, and the Binder must meet all prerequisites for that feat. However, while bound to a Fighter's violated soul, treat the Myr'Shaejae's effective Binder level as their Fighter level and their modified base attack bonus (as a result of this vestige) for the purpose of selecting these feats.

Monk - The Myr'Shaejae gains an extraordinary amount of knowledge of hand-to-hand combat. They are treated as having the Improved Unarmed Fighting feat for the duration of the pact and deal unarmed damage as a Monk of their level. In addition, they can use Stunning Fist, as if they had the Stunning Fist feat. The Myr'Shaejae can use Stunning Fist as many times as they like each day, but after using the Stunning Fist attack, it cannot be used again for 5 rounds.

Paladin - The Myr'Shaejae's touch gains the ability to heal their allies. As a standard action, the Myr'Shaejae can make a touch attack to heal a creature for an amount equal to half their effective Binder level + their Charisma modifier. If used against an undead creature, this ability requires a successful touch attack and deals this healing as damage instead, though the undead can make a Will save to halve the damage done. After using this ability, it cannot be used again for 5 rounds.

Ranger - The Myr'Shaejae's mind is filled with the knowledge of their violated soul's weaknesses. They gain a Favored Enemy bonus as a Ranger with a level equal to half their effective Binder level. However, their favored enemy is always treated as the same type of creature as the ranger that they used soul violated on to gain this ability; for example, using it on a human ranger grants favored enemy (humans) while using it on a drow ranger grants favored enemy (elves).

Rogue - The Myr'Shaejae learns how to strike their foes in their weak points for devestating damage. The Myr'Shaejae gains the ability to sneak attack (as a Rogue) for an 1d6 damage per five Binder levels the Myr'Shaejae possesses.

Sorcerer / Wizard - The Myr'Shaejae gains a small bit of power over the arcane. They can select a single arcane spells whose spell level is equal to or less than the 1 per three effective Binder levels the Myr'Shaejae possesses. The Myr'Shaejae can cast that spell as a spell-like ability. After casting the spell, it cannot be cast again for 5 rounds.

No Class / No Available Class - If the creature has a class not available on this list or has no class levels, select an additional racial trait (see above).

The soul involved in a soul violation is unwilling, so the pact is always treated as a bad pact. The soul in question has no influence over the Myr'Shaejae; however, as the pact wears on and the binding ritual fades, the Myr'Shaejae begins to suffer from the unwilling soul's persistent struggle against the effect. Every 4 hours after binding a living soul to their own using soul violation, the Myr'Shaejae takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saves. This bonus accumulates up to a -5, for at 24 hours when it would reach -6, the pact immediately ends as does any other pact. The fragment of soul loses all sembience of itself and is consumed by the Myr'Shaejae, assimilated into their own soul.

In addition to this influence, the Myr'Shaejae shows a sign as a result of their bad pact. A moving, living image of the bound soul's face appears on the Myr'Shaejae like a grisly bruise. The face can move onto any organic part of the Myr'Shaejae's body, but it cannot make any noise or communicate in any way, including mouthing words. It constantly has an expression of anguish and loathing, however. The image is roughly a square foot in size, but it can shrink to be as small as it pleases.

Violated souls cannot be selected with feats and special abilities such as Favored Vestige, Rapid Recovery, and Ignore Special Requirements. If the ability does not permanently select the vestige (such as the Empower Supernatural Ability feat) it can be applied to a violated soul, but abilities that select a single vestige to persistently apply their benefits to cannot be applied to a vestige gained through soul violation. After using the soul violation touch attack, the Myr'Shaejae cannot use that ability again for 5 rounds.

Consume Soul (Su): Though a skilled Myr'Shaejae gains great power from siphoning the still-living souls of mortals, they constantly fight off the urge to simply consume the souls they shatter. Often, this urge is willingly given in to to save the Myr'Shaejae's life, and each time their soul feasts on another's, it becomes even harder to resist. At 2nd level as an immediate action, the Myr'Shaejae can immediately end their soul violation to heal 1d6 points of damage per effective Binder level they possess. In addition, they can choose to spend this healing on other effects, as described below. The Myr'Shaejae can use this ability after an attack roll is made against them but not after damage has been rolled.

{table=head] Points of Healing | Effect
2 Points | 1 point of ability damage
4 Points | 1 point of ability drain
8 points | bleed, fatigue, sickened
10 points | diseased, exhausted, nauseated, poisoned
12 points | 1 negative level[/table]

Additional Trait: Through expert torture and binding of the soul, a Myr'Shaejae is able to gain more abilities from any soul they have forced into a soul violation pact. At 3rd level, the Myr'Shaejae can select an additional trait, allowing them to select up to three (one class, one racial, and one extra). The additional trait can be used to gain a second class trait if the creature is a member of that class, or it can be used to gain an additional racial trait. In addition to the racial traits listed, the Myr'Shaejae can select any extraordinary ability the creature possesses (they must select it as a special quality or special attack, as appropriate).

At 7th level and again at 10th level, the Myr'Shaejae can select additional traits, up to 5 traits at 10th level. At 7th level, the Myr'Shaejae can select a supernatural ability the creature possesses (as either a special quality or special attack as appropriate) in addition to the abilities provided. At 10th level, they can select a spell-like or psi-like ability (as either a special quality or special attack as appropriate) in addition to the abilities provided). The Myr'Shaejae can never select more than one trait that does not appear on the list of traits given (see Soul Violation, above), regardless of their level. If the trait is an activated ability (such as a dryad's stunning glance ability), it can only be used once per encounter. If the ability has a limited number of uses per day, the Myr'Shaejae can only use that ability once per pact; regardless of how many daily uses the creature receives.

Craft Horrific Items: As their knowledge and hunger grows, the Myr'Shaejae eventually gives in to the maddening voices in their own subconscious, which instruct them on how to build a plethora of horrible devices and instruments of torture. At 5th level, the Myr'Shaejae gains Craft Wondrous Items as a bonus feat, ignoring it usual prerequisites. For the purposes of crafting items, the Myr'Shaejae treats their effective Binder level as their caster level, and they can substitute 1,000 gold per spell level in place of an actual spell when crafting items.

In addition to the standard items that a Myr'Shaejae could craft with this feat, they can also craft two special, horrific items known as a horcrux and a reliquary of souls (see below). The rules associated with crafting these items are presented below.

Crafting a Horcrux: Crafting a horcrux requires 1 day of uninterrupted crafting, plus 1 additional day for every horcrux past the first the Myr'Shaejae has made (the second horcrux takes 2 days, the third takes 3 days, and so on). In order to craft a horcrux, the Myr'Shaejae must spend 5,000 gold per day of crafting on material reagents. Finally, the Myr'Shaejae requires a special artifact in order to craft a horcrux; this item must have some sort of relevance to the Myr'Shaejae. For example, they may choose to steal an artifact related to the person whose soul they wish to store inside a horcrux to use or they might pick a childhood toy. Either way, the object must be no bigger than 2 square feet and can weigh no more than 50lbs.

After it has been crafted, a horcrux must have a soul stored inside of it to become functional. The Myr'Shaejae can transfer a soul fragment obtained by a soul violation as an immediate action. This can only be done if the horcrux is on the Myr'Shaejae’s person. Alternatively, the Myr'Shaejae can perform a ritual that takes 10 minutes on the creature. The ritual requires 50 gold’s worth of material components and the creature must be helpless for the duration of the ritual for it to succeed. At the conclusion of the ritual, a part of their soul is severed off and immediately transferred into the horcrux, so long as it is on the same plane as the victim of the ritual.

Crafting a Reliquary of Souls: Crafting a reliquary of souls takes 10 days of uninterrupted crafting. Unlike a horcrux, a Myr'Shaejae can only possess one reliquary of souls and it must be carried on their person at all times in order to have any effect. The reliquary costs 60,000 gold in order to craft in material components and it appears like a small 6 square inch box with ornate and horrific inscriptions on its edges. A reliquary of souls has no visible openings; it looks like a solid cube.

A reliquary of souls has no true effect unless it has souls stored within it. While possessing a reliquary of souls, a Myr'Shaejae can use their soul violation touch attack even if they are already bound to a soul violation pact. If the binding check succeeds, the fragment of soul is placed within the reliquary. If the Myr'Shaejae possesses this reliquary, they can make a soul violation pact with any soul stored in the reliquary. A reliquary of souls can hold 12 soul fragments; for every additional 5,000 gold spent with the reliquary of souls is crafted increases the maximum number of fragments by 1.

Horcruxes (Su): Though most can do nothing with their violation souls but eventually consume them, the most disciplined of Myr'Shaejae are able to bind these fragments into powerful artifacts known as horcruxes. They are terrible artifacts of evil power that further defile the souls of whoever is used to create them. After placing a soul into a horcrux (see above), a Myr'Shaejae can bind that soul fragment at their leisure; the fragment is sealed within the horcrux until consumed using a special ability or until the horcrux shatters. A Myr'Shaejae does not need to actually hold a horcrux in order to bind the soul within it; they can do so at any distance and even on other planes, just as if they were making a normal pact with a vestige. However, the pact follows all of the normal rules for a soul violation pact. If a person who has a fragment of soul stored within a horcrux dies, their entire soul is drawn into the horcrux, which prevents them from being resurrected as per a Soul Bind spell. Horcruxes are made of dark magic, and not even a Wish, Miracle, or Reality Revision can destroy a horcrux; the horcrux must be physically found and destroyed with an epic level spell or power or a weapon with a +6 magical enhancement bonus or higher.

So long as a horcrux exists, the Myr'Shaejae cannot die. A horcrux is treated as a lich's phylactery; following the death of the Myr'Shaejae, their soul returns to a random horcrux and consumes the soul stored within it; after 1d10 days, the soul is completely consumed and using this energy and the materials present around them, the Myr'Shaejae instantly reconstructs their body. A soul so consumed is destroyed, and only a powerful effect such as a Miracle, Wish, or can reconstruct the soul. If a horcrux is destroyed, the soul within it is set free and moves on to its appropriate plane of existence. If a horcrux is destroyed, the Myr'Shaejae is not instantly notified of its destruction. However, upon attempting to scry on their horcrux or commune with it to make a pact, they are aware that they cannot commune with it and will more likely than not inspect the situation. A Myr'Shaejae can possess one horcrux at 3rd level, plus one additional horcrux for every level after 3rd they possess, up to 7 at 10th level.

Scry (Sp): Using dark and terrible rituals, the Myr'Shaejae is able to focus a trapped soul’s energies as a conduit to view what remains of its soul. Starting at 5th level, the Myr'Shaejae is able to cast [i]Scry as a spell-like ability. This ability can be used in two ways: the Myr'Shaejae is able to scry on any one of their horcruxes or upon a creature whose soul was violated by the Myr'Shaejae and stored within one of their horcruxes. In order to use the second ability, the Myr'Shaejae requires the appropriate horcrux as a material focus. After using this ability, the Myr'Shaejae cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

Ecstasy of the Defiler (Su): The thrill of torture and despoilment fills the Myr'Shaejae as they increase in power, allowing them to forget their hunger for just a while longer. Starting at 6th level, the treats any souls they have bound to themselves using a soul violation pact as having the Favored Vestige and Rapid Recovery feats.

Partition the Damned (Su): Few crave souls as much as a Myr'Shaejae does, but high on that list are the baatezu. In moments of clarity, the Myr'Shaejae can call upon the children of the nine hells for their service in exchange for souls. As a standard action, the Myr'Shaejae can speak a single word of damnation and call forth a creature with the devil subtype. This functions as either a Commune or Planar Ally spell, chosen at the time this ability is used. Instead of their usual components, the spells have the material component of one soul fragment, requiring that the Myr'Shaejae either pull a soul from a horcrux, their reliquary of souls (see below), or end their soul violation pact to the devil. The Myr'Shaejae’s caster level with these spells is equal to their effective Binder level.

Reliquary of Souls (Su): With extreme vileness, the Myr'Shaejae can rip the souls from multiple creatures, storing the fragments in a squirming orgy of spoiled victims. After constructing a reliquary of souls, the Myr'Shaejae can use their soul violation ability’s touch attack at their leisure, storing soul fragments into the reliquary instead of binding them to their own soul. Once inside the reliquary, the Myr'Shaejae can choose to consume the fragment as per the consume soul ability, trade them to outsiders using partition the damned, bind them to their own soul later, or seal them within horcruxes.

Unlike a horcrux, soul fragments are not permanently sealed within a reliquary; 24 hours after a soul fragment is placed within a horcrux, the fragment is immediately consumed by the Myr'Shaejae’s own soul with no effect (not even the consume soul effect). If a creature dies while a fragment of its soul is within a reliquary, it can still pass on to the afterlife; the reliquary does not swallow its newly released soul as a horcrux does.

Eternal Soulblighter (Su): With the ultimate revelations of dark power, the Myr'Shaejae is able to fully overcome their mortal fates. At 10th level, the Myr'Shaejae becomes immune to death effects and becomes ageless and timeless as they possess at least one horcrux exists. In addition, the souls a Myr'Shaejae cannot escape until they are completely consumed, which means the Myr'Shaejae no longer takes a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls for every 4 hours they remain binded to a soul shard. Also, immediately after a creature dies within 10 feet of them, the Myr'Shaejae can choose to trap its entire soul within a reliquary as an immediate action, which must be taken as a reaction to the creature’s death. While within the reliquary, the Myr'Shaejae can then split the soul into a number of separate fragments equal to the slain creature’s level and use those fragments as they please. These fragments count towards the maximum number of fragments allowed in the reliquary, and excess fragments that exceed the reliquary’s maximum are lost.

Playing a Myr'Shaejae
A Myr'Shaejae seeks nothing more than the consumption of souls. They might have other goals, but their urge to consume constantly threatens to overwhelm their mind, driving them into madness. In a ironic twist of fate, the only way a Myr'Shaejae can stay above the level of a craving, rapid beast is by sating that inner monster with the consumption of souls; better Binders have fallen to that urge. Although clergies have no love for Binders of any kind, they point to the Myr'Shaejae and urge those who defend pact-makers to surrender their locations, least those who are offered protected become soul-devouring Myr'Shaejae.

As a Myr'Shaejae, you have two choices in life. Give in to the overwhelming urge to feed on souls or feed only enough to keep your mind sane while searching for a cure. While no cure exists, those Myr'Shaejae who continue do so if only to give a noble reason to consume the souls they do, when if they were truly benevolent they would end their own lives. And yet, a small minority of Myr'Shaejae do just this, charging fanatic and zealous churches with pacts made and powers flared. And yet sometimes, the darkest shadow of survival simply won't let the soul collapse and takes the reigns instead.

Combat: In combat, Myr'Shaejae typically attempt to violate a soul quickly, if only to sate their own hunger. From there, what happens depend on the Myr'Shaejae; some seek to "mercifully" put their victims down while others simply free with their devoured bit of soul, content to feast on it for the duration of the pact. When cornered, a Myr'Shaejae fights savagely and without remorse, utilizing the few vestiges they have in addition to their unwilling souls to fight long enough to either escape or slaughter.

Advancement: If they survive that long, most Myr'Shaejae return to the Binder class for the remainder of their careers. However, their soul is irrevocably corrupted by the forces of evil as a result of their feedings, so many take up classes that support other champions of evil. Many become servants of devils simply because the baatezu are more than happy to supply small scraps of souls to the desperate Myr'Shaejae in exchange for services they require.

Myr'Shaejae in the World
The boy awoke many hours later; a steady rain fell upon him dyed red with blood. The soldiers lay still, face down in the ground. Their bodies hacked and slashed to shreds with the precision of a master swordsman. A faint plea for mercy filled the young man's ears as he looked down to find that he held a sword etched with the markings of Heironeous; one of the soldier's swords. He dropped it with fear as a single voice, a single throaty whisper overpowered all others.


* * *

Myr'Shaejae are hunted even more fanatically than other Binders; whereas regular Binders disrespect the gods with their existence, Myr'Shaejae are a real threat to the safety of mortals everywhere. They are often the topic of horror stories; much to the same effect as werewolves and demons. They are monsters in their own right, consuming still living, still breathing souls. And sometimes saving those bloodied, torn bits for later.

Daily: Myr'Shaejae are stalkers of the shadow. For them to continue to survive, they cannot exist. If a Myr'Shaejae is still of sound mind, they stick to the shadows and learn to stalk their prey with deadly efficiency and form. Once their soul collapses too far, an inevitability to all Myr'Shaejae, they loose all sense of finesse and give into the urge to feed on souls for the sake of their own survival. These Myr'Shaejae are the most dangerous because even though they will eventually die at the hands of soldiers, the number of souls they will mutilate is countless.

Notable: Myr'Shaejae lose their identity after their souls begin to break down. Myr'Shaejae quickly appear little better as nameless beasts, so they are quickly slain without much recognition from their former peers. The second one's soul begins to collapse, a Myr'Shaejae is doomed to the lonely existence of a vestige; either on this plane or beyond.

Organization: The Myr'Shaejae do not consort with anyone they are not intent on consuming, making any type of real organization difficult. Occasionally people who knew the Myr'Shaejae before their soul began to collapse will attempt to help them but sooner or later, they will realize that the Myr'Shaejae is damned. Some will abandon the Myr'Shaejae, some will attempt to put them out of their misery. All will eventually find their soul torn asunder by the Myr'Shaejae's hunger.

NPC Reactions
People fear the Myr'Shaejae. They aren't mortal anymore, they are demons. Monsters from the deepest pits of hell. Nightmares from the minds of the most twisted of Old Ones. As soon as the Myr'Shaejae's nature is revealed, the pitchforks and stakes come out, men insisting on protecting their wives and women intent on protecting their children. Holy men raise the symbols of their god, calling for the power to smite the Myr'Shaejae. And that is when the Myr'Shaejae either runs or feeds.

Myr'Shaejae in the Game
Myr'Shaejae make excellent recurring villians. Whereas most enemies will attempt direct confrontation with the heroes, the Myr'Shaejae wants exactly the opposite. Theirs is the darkest, most subverted form of Pact Magic, seen as taking the powers of the vestiges and the lessons they teach too far. Heroes will often find themselves struggling to predict the movements of a Myr'Shaejae in vain; most individuals cannot comprehend such absent-minded killing. There is no revenge in the slayings of a Myr'Shaejae. There is no hatred. This is only hunger, and the threat of death that pushes a Myr'Shaejae forward.

2010-09-19, 04:46 PM

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Stay out of my way. If you're lucky, you might leave with at least one of your vital organs. ~ Asmodus, a Faustian Knight

Three things that define us as beings are our Power, Morality, and our willingness to breach the integrity of one to empower the other. Paladins have been known to sacrifice the former to benefit the latter, but there is seemingly no way to sacrifice the latter for the former without guaranteeing your torture later. That, however, is exactly what we do. We make pacts with the devils to enhance our power, and while it inexorably corrupts us, we are listed as exempt from the fires of Baator. In trade for this incredible power and "Diplomatic Immunity," we act as agents of our benefactors. Devils want souls, and the demand for these souls is the entire basis of the Baatoran economy. When we kill things in the Prime Material, there is quite a bit going to waste, and even the evil ones mostly end up as Lemures or something. So, we harvest these in our spare time, and trade them for some extra power when we need it. We don't lose much, and gain more power than enough to compensate, and our Benefactors only give a bit of their power to gain all the extra souls we don't want. It's a Win-Win deal, and that's exactly the way we like it.

We come from most types of stock, but every one of us was a Warrior at some point in the past. Further, all of us also have some degree of arcane power, as it supplements our abilities well. It needs to be natural, though, and preferably infernal.

Feats: Weapon focus (any weapon), Weapon Specialization (any weapon)
Invocations: Must be able to use Least Invocations.
Base Attack Bonus: +7 or higher.
Alignment: Any Lawful.
Special: Must have made friendly contact with a Devil, and arranged a deal with them.

Class Skills
The Faustian Knight's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Intimidate(Cha), (most of Fighter and Warlock skill lists, need to check what is on them.)
Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier

Hit Dice: d10

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Soul Capacity|Spellcasting

+2|Pact Infernus, The Corruption|10 | -

+3|Pact Infernus | 20 | +1 level of Invoking Class

+3|Pact Infernus | 30 | +1 level of Invoking Class

+4|Pact Infernus | 40 | +1 level of Invoking Class

+4|Pact Infernus, The Corruption Spreads | 50 | +1 level of Invoking Class

+5|Pact Infernus | 60 | +1 level of Invoking Class

+5|Pact Infernus | 70 | +1 level of Invoking Class

+6|Pact Infernus, The Corruption Overcomes | 80 | -

+6|Pact Infernus | 90 | +1 level of Invoking Class

+7|Pact Infernus, Pact of Immortality | 100 | +1 level of Invoking Class [/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: Faustian Knights are proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons, and Light, Medium, and Heavy armor.

Pact Infernus (Su): At each level, the Faustian Knight chooses one of the abilities below. Note that some of these abilities are inappropriate for lower levels due to their high cost. Abilities to be added later.

Dazing Strike: On a successful melee attack, you may trade two soul points to activate this ability. Your opponent must make a will save with a DC equal to (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier) or be dazed next round.

Blast of Hellfire: When declaring a melee attack, you may trade up to five soul points to activate this ability. If you hit successfully, you deal an additional 2d6 hellfire damage for each soul soul point traded. If your opponent succeeds on a reflex save with a DC equal to (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier), they only take half damage.

Infernal Accuracy: When declaring a melee attack, you may trade five soul points to automatically hit. You may further trade an additional three soul points to automatically score a critical hit.

Shield of Baator: As a standard action, you may trade up to ten soul points to activate this ability. You gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to the number of Soul points spent. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Faustian Knight level.

Cradle of Rime: As a standard action, you may trade six soul points to activate this ability. All enemies in a 20 foot radius of the Faustian Knight take 3d6 cold damage and must succeed on a fortitude save with a DC equal to (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier) or suffer 1d4 dexterity damage.

Soul Draw: As a standard action, you may trade five soul points to activate this ability. All enemies in a 30 foot radius of the Faustian Knight must succeed on a will save with a DC equal to (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier) or receive one negative level. The DC to remove the negative level is (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier). You gain one soul point and 5 temporary hit points for each negative level bestowed in this manner.

Retraction: As a standard action, you may trade two soul points to target an opponent with this ability. This is a ranged touch attack. If you succeed, your opponent is instantly pulled to a 5 foot square adjacent to you. If the creature you targeted with this ability has a fly speed, it must succeed on a reflex save with a DC equal to (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier) or become unable to fly for 1d6 rounds.

Devilish Resilience: As an immediate action, you may trade ten soul points to automatically succeed on a single fortitude save.

Blinding Speed: As an immediate action, you may trade ten soul points to automatically succeed on a single reflex save.

Infernal Mind: As an immediate action, you may trade ten soul points to automatically succeed on a single will save.

Dead Man Walking: If a Faustian Knight with this ability has -10 or lower hit points, he may spend ten soul points to continue to live for another round. He may continue to do this as long as he has soul points to spend. In addition, he no longer becomes unconscious between 0 and -9 hit points.

Blazing Speed: As a swift action, you may trade one soul point to activate this ability. You become hasted until the end of the next round.

Sewn Shut: As a standard action, you may trade fifteen soul points to activate this ability. All creatures within a 20 foot radius of the Faustian Knight must succeed on a will save with a DC equal to (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier) or become blinded, silenced, and unable to Breathe as their eyes, nose, and mouth are sewn closed. As a full-round action, a creature affected by this ability may attempt to rip out the threads binding its orfices shut. To do so, they must succeed on a Strength check against DC 15. If successful, they rip out the binds, dealing to them 1d4 points of slashing damage, but regain their ability to breathe and, one round later, no longer suffer from blindness or silence.

Mind Crush: As a ranged touch attack, you can trade 2 soul points to attempt to crush the mind of one enemy within 60 feet of the Faustian Knight. The target must succeed on a will save with a DC of 10 + Faustian Knight level + Cha modifier. If the target succeeds, they take one point of damage. If the target fails, they take 1d8 points of damage and 1d4 Wisdom damage.

The Corruption (Ex): At first level, the Faustian Knight gains a dark aura. The soul of any creature who dies within a 20 ft. radius of the Faustian Knight does not leave the body, as is normal, but remains trapped inside the corpse. If the body, at any point, leaves this aura, the soul escapes. As a standard action, a Faustian Knight within 5 ft of a dead creature with a soul trapped inside may draw the soul out and bind it inside his own body. This gives him Soul Points equal to the HD of the fallen creature. A Faustian Knight's number of Soul Points cannot exceed his soul capacity. This ability does not work on nonliving creatures, such as undead and constructs. In addition, the Faustian Knight grows visible onyx spikes out of the back of his shoulder. This gives him a +2 circumstance bonus to intimidate checks against creatures of good alignment, and a -2 circumstance penalty to diplomacy checks against creatures of good alignment. Finally, the Faustian Knight can use Invocations in Medium and Heavy Armor with no arcane spell failure chance.

The Corruption Spreads (Ex): At fifth level, the Faustian Knight's powers of harvesting increase. The radius of his aura increases to 50 feet, and may, as a full-round action, draw in all of the souls trapped in dead creatures by his aura. Creatures that are not dead, but have less than 0 hit points remaining, must succeed on a Will Save against a DC equal to (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier) or have their souls drawn into the Faustian Knight as well. Furth/r, the spikes on the Faustian Knight's shoulder begin to extend down his arm. The bonuses and penalties of this rise to +4 and -4, respectively.

The Corruption Overcomes (Su): At eighth level, the Faustian Knight's abilities become even more grotesque and powerful. The spikes that have been growing fully coalesce into the arm of a Pit Fiend, increasing the bonuses and penalties to Intimidate and Diplomacy to +6 and -6, respectively. He also gains a touch attack usable 1/day per class level. If this attack hits, the target must succeed on a Fortitude Save with a DC equal to (10 + Class Level + Cha modifier) or instantly die and have their soul drawn into the Faustian Knight's body. This is a Supernatural Death Effect.

Pact of Immortality: If the Faustian Knight dies, he may choose to expend 75 soul points at once to receive the effects of a True Resurrection spell targeting himself. If he does not do this, he is sent to the soul market in Baator (see below) with all of his possessions, but not his body. He may purchase souls, if he has enough gold pieces, and may pay 75 soul points at any time to True Resurrect his body and transfer his soul and possessions back to it.

Remember that you need to keep your soul pool filled if you really want to survive in this trade. It shouldn't be particularly difficult most of the time, but some opponents may require you to trade a large part of your accumulated souls for the power needed to defeat them. Thankfully, most of these types have strong souls themselves for you to relieve of them. Just remember to hold a reserve, just in case.
Combat: Well, your strategy in battle often depends on which pacts you have made, but your natural abilities typically mean that you are proficient in typical Knightly Combat and have at least some knowledge of the Arcane. This gives you quite a few combat options, and your pacts should try to reinforce your ability rather than to branch off in a new direction.
Advancement: You tend to have quite a few options when it comes to pacts. Usually, you'll only be trusted with one at first, and the Devil you dealt with will offer you more as you grow in natural power and as you show him how effectively you work.
Resources: Let's face it, you're just about on your own unless you can trick some saps into following you. If you show promise, though, the Devil you work with may intervene for you.

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

Usually, we have Paladins and the like trying to run us down. They normally don't do anything, but sometimes they come in numbers. Of course, they really can't stand against you most of the time. Don't expect much love from the populace either.
Daily Life: Well, we either hole up in our home or castle, drink some wine and enjoy ourselves, or we go out and slaughter the nearest town to nab a few extra souls.
Notables: Well, there's The Black Knight, who we still don't know the identity of, but he's definitely one of us. They say he made a deal directly with Asmodeus. There's also the much-feared Lord of the Platinum Blade, who was a Dragonfire Adept who tricked one Pit Fiend into making the pacts with him. He hunts us and other evil creatures down and uses their souls to fuel his powers, in some insane crusade against all of us. He's been impossible to catch, and guts us like fish. Not to mention that he tricked the Pit Fiend that he gets his power from into wearing a Helm of Opposed Alignment, and bound it in the cellar of his castle.
Organizations: There are the Nine Hells of Baator, which support our efforts in their entirety, and the CDLPB, which is the Commission for the Death of the Lord of the Platinum Blade. Their goal is obvious.

NPC Reaction
This rarely goes well. Unless they already make deals with devils and the like, most people tend to strongly dislike or outright hate you. Demons aren't fans either.

In a party, you tend to fill the role of a large defender who protects his allies, or an arcane artillery. The choice is up to you.
Adaptation: We can be found in any land where the Devils still exist.
Encounters: Most "good" characters will try to kill us on sight, seeing us as abominations, and perhaps rightfully so. More dubious characters might be able to convince one of us to act as a middleman for selling captured souls.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL 16: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Asmodus Weatherleah
Lawful Evil/Male/Human/Fighter 4; Warlock 6; Faustian Knight 6
Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
Languages Common
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp (10d10 + 6d6 HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) (Can't Run)
Base Atk +14, Grp +18
Atk Options Eldritch Blast 3d6, Longsword
Combat Gear
Invocations Known

Least: Eldritch Spear, Entropic Shield, Baleful Utterance
Lesser: Fell Flight, Hellrime Blast, Flee the Scene
Greater: Vitriolic Blast

Supernatural Abilities

Pact Inferni:
Blazing Speed
Cradle of Rime
Shield of Baator
Dazing Strike
Blast of Hellfire

Save DC = 21

Abilities Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 20

2010-09-19, 05:22 PM
Cabalist of the Heinous Realms


”Do not try to fight that which you do not understand mortal. I have heard the whispers of the Ancient Nine, spoken to them, and been encircled with their glory. I have walked among the hells, and your meager power cannot compare to their wrath!” Holaz Dorian, Cabalist of the Heinous Realms, speaker of the Archdukes.

The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms is a master of devils, able to bind them and contort them to their will. The most powerful among the Cabalists are able to speak to the devil princes themselves, and make the true pacts. Seldom few are able to do so, and live long from it.

How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Diplomacy 10 ranks, Knowledge (the Planes) 10 ranks
Feats: Skilled Pact Making
Special: Able to bind 4th level vestiges
Alignment: Any non-chaotic, non-good.

Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis).
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d8

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2| Bind the Dark Ones, Soulbound

+3| Pact of the First Lord

+3| Pact of the Second Lord

+4| Pact of the Third Lord, Disperse

+4| Pact of the Fourth Lord

+5| Pact of the Fifth Lord, Secrets of the Elders

+5| Pact of the Sixth Lord

+6| Pact of the Seventh Lord, Touch of the Dark One

+6| Pact of the Eighth Lord

+7| Pact of the Master, Soulpact[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains no proficiencies with any weapons or armor.

Bind the Dark Ones (Ex): A Cabalist of the Heinous Realms continues to advance as a Binder. He adds his Cabalist of the Heinous Realms class level to his Binder level to determine his effective Binder level, as well as the highest level Vestige he can bind. He gains no other benefits of the Binder class, including the total number of Vestiges bound (he only gains additional Vestiges through his Pact of the Lords abilities).

Soulbound (Ex): The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms becomes inextricably bound to the devils. He gains an aura of Evil as if he were an outsider (see; Detect Evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectevil.htm)). He must choose a type of devil, and gains powers associated with that devil depending on his level, as shown in the table below:

{table=head]Devil|1st level|3rd level|5th level|7th level|9th level

Hamatula|+3 Natural Armor|Barbed Defense|2 Claws (2d8+Str)|Improved Grab|Impale (2d8+2xStr)

Barbazu|+2 Damage Rolls|2 Claws (1d6+Str)| Beard (1d8+Str)|Battle Frenzy|Devil Chills

Osyluth|DR 2/good|Bite (1d8+Str)| Sting (3d4+1/2 Str)|Fear Aura|Poison

Kyton|+2 Initiative|Unnerving Gaze|Chain (2d4+Str)|Chain Parry|Whirling Chains

Erinyes|+3 Spot|Charm Monster|Telepathy|Wings of the Furies|True Seeing

Bezekira|+2 Armor Class|Pounce|2 Claws (1d8+Str)|Improved Grab|Invisible in the Light

Cornugon|+3 Foritude|Tail (2d6+1/2 Str)|Infernal Wound|Stun|Regeneration 5

Gelugon|+3 Reflex|Tail (2d6+1/2 Str)|Fear Aura|Slow|Regeneration 5

Imp|+3 Spellcraft|Sting (1d4+Str)|Invisibility|Poison|Suggestion

Pit Fiend|+2 Attack Rolls|2 Claws (2d8+1/2 Str)|Wings|Devil Chills|Regeneration 5[/table]

Ability Details:

1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a +3 natural armor bonus.

3rd level: Any creature striking the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms with handheld weapons or natural weapons takes 1d8+6 points of piercing and slashing damage from the devil’s barbs. Note that weapons with exceptional reach, such as longspears, do not endanger their users in this way.

5th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains 2 claw attacks, as secondary attacks, that deal 2d8 damage, plus the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ Strength modifier.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains the improved grab special ability, which activates when he hits with both of his claws.

9th level: When the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms makes a successful grapple check, he deals 2d8+ twice his strength modifier piercing damage.


1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms deals an extra +2 damage with natural weapons he has, and all weapons he is proficient with.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains 2 claw attacks, each of which deals 1d6 damage, plus the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ strength modifier.

5th level: When the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms hits a single opponent with both claw attacks, he automatically hits with his beard (spikes attached to the lower half of his jaw), which deals 1d8 damage, plus his Strength modifier.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may enter a rage, similar to that of a Barbarian, which increases his strength and constitution by 4, gives him a +2 bonus to will saves, and he takes a -2 penalty to armor class, for a number of rounds equal to his newly improved Constitution modifier. He becomes fatigued after his rage for 1d4 rounds, and cannot enter a rage while fatigued. He may only use this ability once per encounter.

9th level: As a swift action, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ beard attack infects the next target with the Devil Chills (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#devilChills), if they do not make a fortitude save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier). After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using it again.


1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains Damage Reduction 2/good, which increases to 4/good at 4th level, 6/good at 7th level, and 8/good at 10th level.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a bite attack, which deals 1d8 damage, plus the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ Strength modifier, as a secondary natural attack.

5th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a sting attack, which deals 3d4 damage, plus half of the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ Strength modifier, as a primary natural attack.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains an aura of fear, which he can activate as a swift action. All creatures within 5 feet must make a will save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Charisma modifier), or be affected by the fear spell, with a caster level equal to the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ effective binder level.

9th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ sting attack now also injects a poison into the target, and they must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier), or take initial damage 1d6 Strength damage, secondary 2d6 Strength damage. The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms, after applying poison to his sting, must wait 5 rounds before doing so again.


1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a +2 bonus to initiative rolls.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains an unnerving gaze ability. As a standard action, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ face changes into that of an opponents departed loved ones, or bitter enemies, and all within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Charisma modifier), or take a -2 penalty to attack rolls against the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms for 1d4 rounds. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

5th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a chain attack, which deals 2d4 damage, plus the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ Strength modifier piercing damage. This is a primary natural attack.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may parry an attack using his chain. If he is aware of an incoming attack, he may, as an immediate action, make an attack roll, using his chain. If his attack roll is higher than that of the incoming attack, it misses. If not, the attack hits as normal. After using this attack, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 3 rounds before using it again.

9th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms can control up to four chains within 20 feet as a standard action, making the chains dance or move as he wishes for 3 rounds. In addition, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms can increase these chains’ length by up to 15 feet and cause them to sprout razor-edged barbs. These chains attack as effectively as the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms himself. If a chain is in another creature’s possession, the creature can attempt a Will save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Charisma modifier) to break the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ power over that chain. If the save is successful, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms cannot attempt to control that particular chain again for 24 hours or until the chain leaves the creature’s possession. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 10 rounds before using it again.


1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a +3 competency bonus to Spot checks.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms casts Charm Monster. He may only have one creature charmed at a time, and the charm only lasts 10 rounds, after which the creature is no longer charmed. The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 15 rounds after using this ability before he can use it again.

5th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains telepathy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#telepathy) out to 30 feet.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains wings for a short period of time. As a full round action, great wings grow from his back, and he gains fly speed 30 (clumsy) for 5 rounds. After he has used this ability, he must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

9th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may use a standard action in order to gain True Seeing as the spell, for 10 rounds. After using this ability, he must wait 5 rounds before using it again.


1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a +2 dodge bonus to armor class.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains the pounce (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#pounce) special ability.

5th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains 2 claw attacks, which deal 1d8 damage plus his Strength modifier. They are secondary natural attacks.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains the improved grab special ability, triggered when he hits with both claw attacks.

9th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may become invisible for 2 rounds, as the Greater Invisibility spell, in any area lit well enough for a human to see as a swift action. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using it again.


1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a +3 bonus to fortitude saves.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a tail attack, which deals 2d6 damage, plus 1/2 the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ strength modifier. This is a tertiary natural attack.

5th level: Any wound created by the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ natural attacks continues to bleed for a long period of time. An injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round. The wound does not heal naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped by a Heal check (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier), a cure spell, or a heal spell. However, a character attempting to cast a cure spell or a heal spell on a creature damaged by a horned devil’s tail must succeed on a caster level check (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier), or the spell has no effect on the injured character. A successful Heal check automatically stops the continuing hit point loss as well as restoring hit points. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may stun opponents with any melee attack, as a swift action. The opponent must make a fortitude check (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier), or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

9th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains regeneration 5. The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms takes normal damage from good weapons, silvered weapons and spells or effects with the good descriptor. He may not use this regeneration in order to qualify for feats or Prestige Classes.


1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a +3 bonus to reflex saves.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a tail attack, which deals 2d6 damage plus half of the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ Strength modifier. This is a tertiary natural attack.

5th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains an aura of fear, which he may activate as a swift action. It lasts 3 rounds, and during the duration, and creature that enters within 10 feet of the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must make a will save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Charisma modifier) or be affected by the fear spell. A creature that has successfully made their will save against the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ aura of fear cannot be affected by that Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ aura for 24 hours.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may use a swift action to make their tail attack also apply a numbing cold to the opponent. The opponent must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier) or be affected as though by a slow spell for 1d6 rounds. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

9th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains regeneration 5. The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms takes normal damage from good-aligned weapons, silvered weapons and from spells and effects with the good descriptor. He may not use this regeneration in order to qualify for feats or Prestige Classes.


1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a +3 competency bonus to all Spellcraft checks.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a sting attack, which deals 1d4 damage, plus the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ strength modifier. This is a secondary natural attack.

5th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may cast Greater Invisibility as a swift action, which lasts 3 rounds. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

7th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ sting attack may now inflict a poison upon the next person it strikes when activated as a swift action. Those who have the poison inflicted on them must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier), or take 1d4 initial Dexterity damage, and 2d4 secondary Dexterity damage. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

9th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may cast Suggestion as a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may only have one suggestion active at a time, and after the suggestion ends, may not use this ability again for 1 hour.

Pit Fiend

1st level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains a +2 competency bonus to attack rolls.

3rd level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains 2 claw attacks, which deal 2d8 damage, plus half of the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ Strength modifier. These are secondary natural attacks.

5th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains wings for a short period of time. As a full round action, great wings grow from his back, and he gains fly speed 30 (clumsy) for 5 rounds. After he has used this ability, he must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

7th level: As a standard action, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may hit an opponent with a single claw attack, which forces them to make a fortitude save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier), or be affected by the Devil Chills (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#devilChills). After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 5 rounds before using this ability again.

9th level: The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains regeneration 5. The Cabalist of the Heinous Realms takes normal damage from good-aligned weapons, silvered weapons and from spells and effects with the good descriptor. He may not use this regeneration in order to qualify for feats or Prestige Classes.

Pact of the First Lord (Ex): Starting at second level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the First Lord, Bel, and bind his Avatar.

Pact of the First Lord (Ex): Starting at second level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the First Lord, Bel, and bind his Avatar.

Pact of the Second Lord (Ex): Starting at third level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the Second Lord, Dispater, and bind his Avatar.

Pact of the Third Lord (Ex): Starting at fourth level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the Third Lord, Mammon, and bind his Avatar.

Disperse (Su): Starting at level four, the Cabalist of the Heinous realms may force outsiders and those not from the material plane to disperse back to their home plane. As a standard action, he may cast the Banishment spell, which deals 1d6 damage per Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ level that he posses to the outsider. He must wait 3d6 rounds before using this ability again.

Pact of the Fourth Lord (Ex): Starting at fifth level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the Fourth Lord, Belial, and bind his Avatar.

Pact of the Fifth Lord (Ex): Starting at sixth level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the Fifth Lord, Levistus, and bind his Avatar.

Secrets of the Elders (Su): Starting at sixth level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms gains insidious knowledge from the devils. He may use any knowledge skill untrained, and gains a bonus to all knowledge skills equal to his Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels. Once per day, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may ask the devils a single question, as if he had cast the Commune (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/commune.htm) spell.

Pact of the Sixth Lord (Ex): Starting at seventh level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the Sixth Lord, Glasya, and bind her Avatar.

Pact of the Seventh Lord (Ex): Starting at eighth level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the Seventh Lord, Baalzebul, and bind his Avatar.

Touch of the Dark One (Su): As a standard action, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may channel nefarious energy through his hands, dealing 1d8 damage per Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ level he posses, as a touch attack. If the touch attack is used against a good creature, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms may add his Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels damage to the touch attack. It only deals half damage against evil creatures. After using this ability, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms must wait 3 rounds before using it again.

Pact of the Eighth Lord (Ex): Starting at ninth level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the Eighth Lord, Mephistopheles, and bind his Avatar.

Pact of the Master (Ex): At tenth level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms grows in power, able to access the pact of the Master, Asmodeus, and bind his Avatar.

Soulpact (Su): At tenth level, the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms makes the final pact, and becomes a Half-Devil. His race of devil is the race he chose for his Soulbound ability.

Playing Cabalists of the Heinous Realms is a very interesting experience. You bond with a specific devil type, and then gain the vestiges of each of the lords of the nine hells. Having that much of a connection to the infernal is most certainly not going to be healthy for ones’ psyche.
Combat: Combat depends heavily on which lord of the hells you have bound, and which devil race you are bound to. Most combats will involve melee attacks, unless you happen to be bound to one of the more powerful vestiges, who have ranged attacks.
Advancement: Few other classes apply binding to fiendish beings, and those that do are often almost incompatible with the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms.
Resources: The Cabalists of the Heinous Realms do not necessarily gain any material or even magical resources from this class. They might from membership of the Dread Cabal, but not from the class itself, and with all of the fear and hate that most people feel against Devils and fiends, it would seem that they get more of a detriment than benefit.

Them demon-whatever- worshippers had better git outta my town! Why don’t they just go down to the hells where their masters live anyway? –Jarl Okkat, captain of the guard, Licketseville.

The Cabalists of the Heinous Realms are often persecuted and hated because they contact and use the abilities of the devils. Few understand them, and few care to.
Daily Life: Most often, days start with some sort of prayer, sacrifice, or communion to the Archdukes of the hells. Then, for a lot of Cabalists, they go in search of things that the Archdukes feel that they need for any of their plans on the prime material, and for anything that the higher ups in the Dread Cabal want. For those that adventure, usually they spend their time doing the will of the Archdukes anyway, so they usually do not care.
Notables: Holaz Dorian is the current High Speaker of the Nine, head of the Dread Cabal. He leads the rest of the members of the Cabalists, in their fiendish endeavors. Ruthenius Grey heads a small group of Cabalists that use their power to fight the greatest of the Archdukes' mortal enemies, the Lords of Rusted Iron.
Organizations: The only currently practicing organization dedicated only to the Cabalists of the Heinous Realms is the Dread Cabal, which hunted down or killed all of the competing organizations and guilds. As a note, it is not uncommon for individuals to also be practitioners of this class, but the highest concentration of people dedicated to the hells happens to be the Dread Cabal.

NPC Reaction
Most NPCs would react to the Cabalists with open fear and hostility. Being practitioners of fell magic, and literally housing that magic inside their bodies is a very disturbing concept to many professors and practitioners of magic, let alone common folk.

Cabalists tend to be more melee characters, until they get the more powerful Pacts, and even then spend most of their time in combat. Those who do not are usually incredibly good diplomats, able to reliably settle disputes and arguments, usually finished with a signed pact, as a throwback to their fiendish masters. Those who attempt to hold a day job in addition to their fiendish endeavors tend to be diplomats or Judges.
Adaptation: This class is fairly setting specific, but can be adapted, with enough work, to fit other settings and their versions of hell.
Encounters: Most encounters with Cabalists of the Heinous Realms tend to either be the PCs interfering with the Cabalists work, or the PCs meeting the Cabalist in his or her day job, as a diplomat, advisor, or other form of work.

Sample Encounter
A man with long chains wrapped around his wrists struts towards you. His feet shuffle ominously, and a wide, insane grin splits his face. He licks his lips and leans back and then forward, coming ever closer. The chains seem to writhe around his wrists and his eyes are cold and dark. His smile widens even further as he whispers giddily, "It's time for judgement." He giggles for a moment, and then rushes you.
EL 16-17:

Ruthenius Grey
Ruthenius Grey, Hunter of Iron
Lawful Neutral/Male/Outside (Lawful, Native)/(Binder7/Cabalist of the Heinous Realms10)
Init +8, Senses: Listen +9, Spot +9
Languages Common, Infernal, Celestial, Elven, Dwarvish
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (10+2[Dex]+4[Armor])
[b]hp 225 hp (17d8 HD)
Fort +19, Ref +7, Will +11
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee Chain +22 (2d4+15)
Base Atk +12, Grp +22
Atk Options Chains +22 (2d4+15), Javelin +27 (1d6+15+1d6)
Combat Gear +2 Chainshirt; +5 Returning, Distance, Ghost Touch, Shock Javelin
Supernatural Abilities Touch of the Dark One, Secrets of the Elders, Disperse, Unnerving Gaze (DC 26), Wings of Ice, Hellfire Ballast
Abilities Str 30, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 24, Wis 8, Cha 22
SQ Fire and Cold Resistance 20
Feats Defense Against the Supernatural, Expel Vestige, Improved Binding, Improved Initiative, Supernatural Crusader, Skilled Pact Making, Supernatural Opportunist
Skills Diplomacy +26, Knowledge (the Planes) +27, Concentration +27, Bluff +26, Intimidate +26, Decipher Script +27, Knowledge (Religion) +27
Possessions The Book of Chains.

Vestige Bound: Mephistopheles (abilities added into the statblock).

2010-09-19, 05:23 PM


Vestige Level: 3rd
Binding DC: 22
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: Bel rose through the ranks from a quivering, mindless lemure to full pit fiend status. He led the diabolical armies against the demons and, through a combination of guile and power, smeared himself over and over in bloody glory. At long last, he was elevated by Asmodeus to Lord of the First, displacing an archduke called Zariel.

Special Requirements: You must place a bowl of blood in the middle of the seal.

Manifestation: The blood rises out of the bowl, and congeals. It forms the rough outline of a man. He laughs and rips off his head, and the blood forms the intricate patterns of the seal.

Sign: Your hands become stained with blood. If you try to wash it off, it reappears within seconds.

Influence: Bel loves combat and fighting, his whole life dedicated to the task. While he may fight to his hearts content against the demons, even that is not enough for him. If you fall under his influence, you gain an insatiable blood lust. If you have the chance of combat, and it is one that you are not likely to lose, you must fight. You do not have to start fights in this way, or provoke people minding their own business, but if a brawl appears, you must fight.

Granted Abilities: While Bel is bound to you, you gain the powers of battle he holds.

Battle Focus: You gain a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls.

Devil Prince’s Rage: Whenever you take damage, you go into a rage, gaining a +2 bonus to strength and damage reduction 2/good for a number of rounds equal to your constitution modifier. After the rage ends, you are fatigued for 3 rounds. You may not enter this rage while fatigued.

Power Attack: You gain power attack as a bonus feat.

Blood of the First Lord: You gain fast healing equal to one half your Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels.

Vestige Level: 5th
Binding DC: 23
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: Dispater, ruler of both the city and the layer, is famous as the most cautious and calculating of the archdukes. But though his supremely unruffled manner would never betray any
anxiety, recent upheavals in Baator have left him fearful about his power. The ease with which Asmodeus’s daughter Glasya eliminated the ruler of another layer, seemingly with her father’s collusion, has the already cautious Dispater doublechecking his escape routes and quadrupling his guards. Notorious for never venturing out of his fortress, Dispater has now retreated even farther into the depths of his inner sanctum.
He now sees only his most trusted advisors and issues commands through multiple layers of intermediaries.

Special Requirements: You must place a glass eye in the center of the seal.

Manifestation: The glass eye starts rotating, and then stops suddenly. The eye seems to quiver for a few seconds, and then splits into two. Those two then split into 4, and soon there are about a hundred small eyes on the seal. They all wander and turn, and then you hear a sharp cackle. The eyes fade until all that is left is the original glass eye. No matter the iris color before, it is now red.

Sign: Your eyes turn red, and a new eye grows on your forehead. It lolls and rotates about, as if searching for some unknown enemy.

Influence: Dispater is a notorious coward, and hides from any danger. While under his influence, you feel a need to make peace with others, if only so as to further abuse their relationship, and lose another enemy. If you have the ability, and are not in any current danger, you must attempt to use diplomacy against those of indifferent or lower dispositions towards you.

Granted Abilities: Dispater’s cowardice fills you, and you gain powers from his fear.

Devil Prince’s Fear: You gain a +8 bonus to spot checks, and a +4 bonus to initiative checks, as well as a +2 dodge bonus to armor class.

Agitation: You gain the uncanny dodge ability, as the barbarian.

Dispater’s Terror: As a standard action, you may teleport up to 40 feet away from your current position. If you teleport into a solid object, you are shunted five feet in any direction that does not contain more solid object. If there is not such place, you are shunted in the direction that lies closest to a space with no solid objects in it. You take 2d6 damage per 5 feet that you move. After you have used this ability, you must wait 5 rounds before you do so again.

Diplomacy of the Second: You gain a +4 bonus to all diplomacy checks in order to improve a subject’s disposition towards you.

Vestige Level: 5th
Binding DC: 24
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: The serpentine archduke Mammon schemes eternally for power, in Baator and elsewhere. He’s as famous for his supremely boastful and haughty manner toward underlings as for his shameless groveling before Asmodeus.

Special Requirements: You must place a snake skin in the center of the seal.

Manifestation: The snake skin fills with fell energy, slowly at first, until the skin itself glows a dark and foreboding red. The snake stretches off of its coils and rises up, up until it reaches eye level with you. Its eyes are black, black as night. It whispers dark secrets and forbidden words, building up momentum with each word, until it lets out a long hiss. The skin slowly floats to the ground, now permanently stained black.

Sign: Your tongue becomes forked, and your eyes become snakelike, and your pupils turn a dark black. Your nose grows back against your face, turning into a pair of tiny slits.

Influence: Mammon loves to double-cross and double deal. His intent fills you with those same longings. As long as you are under his influence, you feel as if everything others say to you is a lie, lowering their disposition towards you by one step. This cannot bring their attitudes towards you below indifferent unless they are already below indifferent.

Granted Abilities: Mammon’s snakelike powers help you in the search of power.

Scent: You gain the scent special quality.

Devil Prince’s Lies: You gain a +4 bonus to bluff checks, and a +4 bonus to survival checks in order to track someone. You take a -2 penalty to spot checks.

Backstab: You gain sneak attack +3d6.

Unsight: You may go invisible, as the Greater Invisibility spell for 5 rounds. After that, you may not use this ability for 5 rounds.

Vestige Level: 6th
Binding DC: 26
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: Phlegethos is controlled by its nominal ruler, the Lady Fierna, and her father Belial, the power behind the throne. Their sensual, lustful natures fuel diabolical gossip throughout the layers of Baator. Some say Fierna has replaced her late mother, Naome, as Belial’s consort. An ambitious schemer, Belial has kept a clawhold on his power despite numerous setbacks, including a failed invasion of Stygia. He was demoted from official to unofficial ruler of Phlegethos in the aftermath of a complicated power struggle referred to as the Reckoning. With Glasya’s ascension to Archduchess of Malbolge, a layer Belial had hoped to conquer, the Reckoning has become ancient history, and the arrangement between Belial and his daughter now shows signs of strain.

Special Requirements: You must place a small doll of a woman, with black hair and pale skin in the center of the seal.

Manifestation: The doll rises up and then burns. The flame is intermixing white and black, and slowly coalesces into the form of a man. He raises a hand toward you, offering flame and ash. He disappears, and all that is left is the little doll on the seal.

Sign: Small horns sprout from your forehead, and your face grows scarred and wrinkled.

Influence: Belial desperately hates women, his own daughter taking his dominion, and Glasya, the daughter of Asmodeus taking what he thought to be rightly his. He detests them, and this anger flows into you. You must avoid any contact with women, although you may still be in the same room with them. You may speak or interact with them if you must, but it is only terse, and to the point.

Granted Abilities: Belial is a deceiver and a cheat, one who lied one too many times, and now spends eternity regretting it and plotting his revenge. He cannot stand women, and takes a -3 penalty to all rolls that socially interact with anyone openly appearing to be female.

Devil Prince’s Deception: You gain a +6 bonus to all bluff checks, and a +2 bonus to two knowledge skills of your choice. You must choose which knowledge skills upon binding this vestige. You can use those skills untrained.

Mislead: You can cast Major Image as a standard action. You must wait 5 rounds after you stop concentrating before you can use this ability again.

Belial’s Cunning: You gain a +4 bonus to Intelligence.

Flames of Phlegethos: You gain fire resistance 15, and all attacks you make deal an extra d4 damage per 2 Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels you possess.

Vestige Level: 6th
Binding DC: 26
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: Reviled and mocked by his fellow archdukes, Levistus rules his frozen layer from a condition of humiliating imprisonment. Millennia ago, Asmodeus encased him inside the layer’s biggest glacier for a crime so heinous that this harsh punishment seemed almost a gesture of mercy. In fact, Levistus had attempted to ravish Bensozia, the consort of Asmodeus. She would not submit to the frozen prince, so he slew her. Levistus, conscious but unable to act, wasted away inside his glacial prison for eons. Recently, however, Asmodeus made an inexplicable gesture toward his lover’s murderer. He displaced
Geryon, the formerly loyal ruler of Stygia, and handed the reins of power over to Levistus. This authority was not accompanied by freedom, however; Asmodeus simply left Levistus in his glacier, where he remains to this day. Though Levistus was certain that a trap of some kind awaited him, he had spent centuries contemplating what he would do if restored to a position of influence. Communicating with Stygia’s devils through his amnizu courtiers, whom he can contact telepathically, he commands an unceasing torrent of intrigues against his peers. His hostility toward his fellows, and Asmodeus’s indifference to that behavior, has puzzled observers of baatezu politics for some time.

Special Requirements: You must place a chunk of ice in the middle of the seal.

Manifestation: The ice melts, and the water flows upwards to form a vague, man shaped being. It freezes over again, and the ice smiles. It then shatters, the ice falling to the ground, and melting into water.

Sign: Your lips become blue, as if you were asphyxiated, and your eyes turn an icy blue.

Influence: Levistus has been trapped in his glacier for eons. He shivers and wastes away, never feeling freedom, or the light of day. He longs for it more than any other. When under his influence, and you have the chance to escape from captivity, you must do it.

Granted Abilities: Levistus gives you the power to bring ice and cold, survive the harshness of it, become more diplomatic and suave, and to remain free.

Devil Prince’s Freedom: As a swift action, you can give yourself the ability to ignore restraints. This effect functions like the freedom of movement spell, except that it lasts only 1 round. once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

Cold Immunity You are immune to cold damage.

Suave: You gain a +8 bonus to diplomacy checks, and a +6 bonus to bluff checks.

Breath of the Fifth Frost: You may breath out a huge amount of cold air that freezes and burns with cold. As a standard action, you may deal 1d8 cold damage per Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels, in a 40 foot cone. After using this ability, you may not use it again for 3 rounds.

Vestige Level: 6th
Binding DC: 28
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: Glasya, the newly appointed Archduchess of Malbolge, has a long and twisted history with her father, Asmodeus. Often openly defiant of him, she has for centuries resisted his efforts to bring her under his control. Now it appears that their past acrimony has been conclusively laid to rest, and she has been rewarded with her own layer of Baator. Glasya enjoys a special relationship with erinyes and
paeliryons, which make up the nobility of her court. Her new responsibilities have forced her to give up her favorite pastime of days gone by—personally seducing mortals, then conducting them directly to Baator to inform them of their doom. She now pursues her conquests vicariously, urging her favorite erinyes to inveigle targets of her choosing. Glasya takes a particular interest in self-righteous paladins and corruptible
church elders.

Special Requirements: You must have duplicitously lied to someone about your sex or sexuality, and not apologized, atoned or made reparations. You must place a bundle of hair in the center of the seal.

Manifestation: The hair twists and forms a small woman. She kisses her small hands, and then blows them towards you. Then she falls back to the ground, the hair limp as it was before.

Sign: Your hair grows long and flowing.

Influence: Glasya is a huge gossip. She loves to speak of others behind their back, and takes it as a personal responsibility to know what is going on about her realm. This appears as a trait if you become under her influence. If you are under her influence, and have a chance to gossip about someone behind their back, you must take it.

Granted Abilities: Glasya gives you the power to change shape, to be more charismatic, to paralyze others with a touch, and to send a gaze of fire.

Devil Princess’ Seduction: You may change your shape as a swift action, assuming the form of any medium or small humanoid. This is a polymorph effect, and not affected by any illusion piercing spells or spell like abilities, such as True Seeing.

Glasya’s Charisma: You gain a +4 bonus to Charisma.

Paralyzing Touch: Any living creature you touch must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Charisma modifier) or be paralyzed for 2d4 minutes. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim. The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by a demilich seems dead, though a successful Spot check (DC 20) or Heal check (DC 15) reveals that the victim is still alive. After using this ability, you cannot use it again for 10 rounds.

Gaze of Ossiea: You send out a gaze attack as a standard action, discharging a line of flames that deal 1d6 fire damage per Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels, reflex save for half (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Charisma modifier). You must wait 3 rounds after using this ability before using it again.

Vestige Level: 7th
Binding DC: 30
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: Next to Asmodeus, the most infamous of archdevils is the sluglike Baalzebul, who is widely reviled and celebrated as Lord of Lies, Lord of the Flies, or the Fallen One. Asmodeus and most of the other archdevils came to Baator early in its history, when the lines between good and evil were first being drawn, but Baalzebul is a more recent arrival. Long ago, an archon named Triel achieved fame as one of Celestia’s most beautiful and powerful angels. But his lust for physical perfection led inexorably to his corruption. Some say that his spiritual downfall was personally engineered by Asmodeus, who appeared to him in the form of a lovely but venomous flower, but this persistent myth cannot be corroborated. In any case, Triel awoke one day in Baator, his skin burnished to a glittering obsidian hue, and the compound eyes of a fly jittering in his head. From this moment forward, Triel was no more, having morphed into a new unique devil named Baalzebul. Though his spirit was irrevocably tainted, his power had been greatly magnified by the transformation, and Asmodeus soon made him ruler of his own layer, displacing an ally who had been with him since before the Pact Primeval was signed. Baalzebul’s rapid promotion won him the enmity of the archdukes of long-standing stature—most notably Dispater and Mephistopheles. Eons have passed since these events, but the two archdevils still consider Baalzebul an interloper.

Special Requirements: You must have made a personal sacrifice in the past in order to become more physically beautiful. You must place a slug in the center of the seal.

Manifestation: The slug bloats and grows, taking in dust and grime and trash, until it is the size of a small dog. It then explodes, the slime coating the perimeter of the seal, and all that is left is the small form of a man, his skin black, his eyes obsidian, small wings expand from behind his back, and he stares at you for a second, before melting again. The slug reforms from the black liquid that he was.

Sign: You gain a layer of slime around your skin.

Influence: When he was known as Triel, he was a beautiful aspect of good. Now, as a Baalzebul, he is ugly and scarred. But he still longs for that perfection of his lost visage. While under his influence, you must apply makeup or look at your reflection and adjusting small flaws every 20 minutes, as it slowly becomes washed away by the slime coating your body.

Granted Abilities: While Baalzebul’s power flows through you, you gain greater ability to escape from imprisonment, a stench of filth, the ability to spit up acid, and to deceive others.

Devil Prince’s Stench: Any living creature (except other demons) within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Constitution modifier) or be nauseated for as long as it remains within the affected area and for 1d4 rounds afterward. Creatures that successfully save are sickened for as long as they remain in the area. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes either condition from one creature. Creatures that have immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.

Slime of the Sixth: You gain a +12 bonus to Escape Artist checks, and whenever someone successfully grapples or pins you, they take 2 points of acid damage.

Acid Heave: You may as a standard action, heave up acid, dealing 1d6 acid damage to all creatures within a 60 foot cone. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels + Charisma modifier) halves the damage. After using this ability you must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

Eyes of the Slug: You gain Blindsight out to 20 feet.

Vestige Level: 7th
Binding DC: 33
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: In outward appearance, Mephistopheles, Archduke of Cania, typifies the archetypal handsome yet monstrous devil. Unlike most of his fellow archdukes, he’s happy to entertain visitors purely for their amusement value. Though he has long been a power in Baator, Mephistopheles has allowed his obsession with a pet project to steal needed attention from his soul-harvesting efforts. This enterprise—the
development of a form of magic fire with new and interesting properties—has sent his previously favored minions, the ice devils, packing to the fringes of his chilly domain. There they grumble and fret and wonder whether they should be working to correct their master’s foolish behavior or conniving for a replacement.

Special Requirements: You must place a piece of brimstone in the center of the seal.

Manifestation: The brimstone alights with putrid green fire. It burns slowly away, and the smoke forms a man. He stands tall and proud, before wafting away. All that is left after the ritual is the small and blackened brimstone.

Sign: You smell slightly of brimstone and rotten eggs wherever you go. Your skin turns slightly red.

Influence: Mephistopheles is most like the demons and devils of yore, being a devil of brimstone and fire. While under his influence, you cannot cross the entry into a house or home that is currently occupied without asking permission from the owners first.

Granted Abilities: While Mephistopheles’ power flows through you, you can make giant wings of ice, create blasts of hellfire, gain fire and cold resistance, become more charismatic.

Wings of Ice: As a standard action, you call huge wings of ice from the water in the atmosphere. They last 5 rounds, and during that time you gain fly speed 30 feet (average). Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again for 5 rounds.

Hellfire Ballast: You may, as a standard action, send out a hellfire bolt as a ranged touch attack, against any creature within 30 feet of you. It deals 1d6 per 2 Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ levels, as half untyped, half fire damage. After you have used this ability, you must wait 1 round before using it again.

Hell Hath Frozen Over: You gain fire and cold resistance 20.

Demon Prince’s Allure: You gain a +4 bonus to Charisma.

Vestige Level: 8th
Binding DC: 36
Special Requirements: Yes


Legend: Asmodeus appears as a horned, red-skinned humanoid with a tall, lithe frame. He dresses in splendid robes and understated but elegant accoutrements. Half-healed wounds erupt from his skin like the canyons that scar the Nessian landscape. These injuries are the result of an incident not usually recounted in the creation story. In fact, Asmodeus’s parting from the lawful deities after the signing of the Pact Primeval was not amicable. Once he had committed himself to residing in Baator, the deities physically cast him out of the upper realms, and he fell—and fell, and fell. Upon reaching the plain of Baator, he plunged through the nascent layers he had begun to shape. (In some versions, his fall created the layers, breaking the formerly featureless plain into nine pieces, which then arranged themselves into floating tiers.) At last he hit solid ground but continued to fall, spiraling through rock and soil. The protesting earth of Baator tore at his flesh, opening scores of gaping wounds. Still he fell, until he could fall no farther. The point where he finally stopped was the deepest part of Baator—the Pit. The wounds that Asmodeus suffered in his dramatic fall have never healed. Though he manages to appear blithely unperturbed by his injuries, they still weep blood every day, and he has been wracked by constant pain for millennia. As the unquestioned master of Baator, Asmodeus can work nearly any magic within its boundaries as an act of will. He can alter the forms of other archdukes, though he might not be able to slay them outright. (Whether the demise of Malagarde the Hag Countess was the direct work of Asmodeus or simply a bizarre death remains an unanswered question.) He can also reach into other realms and reshape them with the merest thought.

Special Requirements: You must spill some of your own blood onto the seal (take 8 points of hit point damage).

Manifestation: The blood reshapes and forms a figure. He is scarred and vaguely a man. He smirks at you, and then the blood condenses into a tiny diamond like object. This is often used as a mark of the most powerful Cabalists of the Heinous Realms, who are able to bind the avatar of Asmodeus.

Sign: Your skin becomes cracked and scarred, blood seeping from it little by little.

Influence: Asmodeus is the ultimate law-maker, the creator of punishment itself. When you are under his influence, you can never knowingly break any laws.

Granted Abilities: Asmodeus is incredibly magically powerful, and he grants abilities to you based on this. When his power flows through you, you become able to detect and see magic, channel pure magic, interfere with the magic of others, and gain a greater knowledge of how magic works.

Devil Prince’s Power: You gain a +16 bonus to all Spellcraft and Knowledge (Arcana) checks, and you may use them untrained.

Sight of the Ninth: You can cast the Arcane Sight and See Invisibility spells as a standard action at will.

Channel the Stream: You can channel a blast of pure magic. It is a ranged touch attack that requires a full round action. It deals 1d8 points of damage per Cabalist of the Heinous Realms’ level you posses. After using this ability, you must wait 5 rounds before using it again.

Interfere: You may interfere with spells as they happen. If you make a Knowledge (Arcana) check (DC 15+Spell level), and a Spellcraft check (DC 15+Spell level) as a spell is cast, you may change the way a spell works. You may shorten a spell with a duration longer than 10 rounds to a number of rounds left equal to the level of the spell. If the spell has a range, you may shorten it to Close. If it requires an attack roll, the caster takes a -4 penalty to the attack roll. If it has a target or targets, you may change the target to one other eligible recipient within 20 feet. If it has an area, you may move that are 10 feet in any direction (you may not move it up or down). If a spell has more than one of these things, you must choose one to effect. Using this ability is an immediate action that provokes attacks of opportunity. After using this ability, you must wait 3 rounds before using it again.

Half-Devil (template)

You gain infernal powers, taking on the powers of a devil of the nine hells.

Appearance As the base race, except the eyes are pure crimson without the faintest hint of white. They are also unnaturally alluring compared to normal members of their race.


+6 Charisma, depends on devil race.
Damage Reduction 5/Chaotic and Good.
Spell-like abilities: depending on devil race.
+4 Diplomacy and Bluff.
Outsider type, with the (Lawful and Native) subtypes.
Level Adjustment: +3

Race Dependent:

All save DC’s are calculated using the following formula: (DC 10 + Spell level + Charisma modifier). Caster level is equal to the characters HD.


+4 Strength, +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence
Spell-like abilities: 1/day—Dimension Door, Hold Person, Major Image, Scorching Ray (2 rays only).


+4 Constitution, +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom
Spell-like abilities: 1/day—Teleport, Greater Invisibility.


+4 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom
Spell-like abilities: 1/day—Dimension Door, Fly, Invisibility (Self only), Mirror Image, Wall of Ice.


+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence
Spell-like abilities: At-will—Animate Rope


+4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Strength
Spell-like abilities: At will— Minor Image; 1/day—Dimension Door, Charm Monster, Unholy Blight.


+4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Strength
Spell-like abilities: At will—Invisibility;


+4 Strength, +2 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity
Spell-like abilities: 1/day—Persistent Image, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Dimension Door.


+4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution
Spell-like abilities: 1/day—Cone of Cold, Fly, Dimension Door, Wall of Ice


+4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity
Spell-like abilities: 3/day—Detect Magic, Detect Good, Invisibility (self only); 1/day—Suggestion.

Pit Fiend

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity
Spell-like abilities: 1/day—Scorching Ray (2 rays only), Dispel Magic, Invisibility, Dimension Door, Persistent Image.

The Dread Cabal

The Dread Cabal is a large and varying group of binders that focus mainly on the binding of fiendish powers in order to gain even more power, and who serve as servants for the Archdukes of the hells. The cabal itself is split into nine sub-sects, and 10 pre-sects for each sub-sect. Sub-sects are split based on which Archduke is the Cabalist’s patron, and the pre-sects are based upon which fiend they have soulbound. Each sub-sect has a speaker, and the speaker for the Asmodeus sub-sect is the high speaker, who gives orders and more menial, cabal based things, rather than the normal, nefarious plane shatteringly evil deeds their masters ask of them.

Joining The Dread Cabal: To join the Dread Cabal, you must be a binder, and also be a member of the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms prestige class. Joining is a rather simple deal, simply contact the local membership officer, sign joining form 1-A through 6-R, and make one of the sovereign pacts to the speaker of your presumed sub-sect, and another pact with the sub-speaker of the presumed pre-sect, and then make an overall pact to the High Speaker, which can usually he outsourced to any of the twenty seven under speakers to the dark ones, or any sub-secretary of the under speakers. Finally, the prospective member must make a pact with their presumed sub-sect Archduke, which can be outsourced to any member of the sub-sect that is currently in good standing with their dark lord.

Character Benefits: As a member of the Dread Cabal, you gain access to any intellectual benefits necessary from your pre-sect and sub-sect, although any monetary ones must be taken up with the financier of the pre-sect, who must take it up with the financier of the sub-sect, who must take it up with the council of the secretaries of the under speakers, who then take it up with the head under speaker, who then takes it up with the council of under speakers, who then take it up with the high council of under speakers, who must then ask the secretary of the high speaker if he/she will ask the high speaker to consider thinking about the request. He is invariably out for lunch or in a meeting. On the off chance that actual monetary figures are actually figured out, you usually end up having to split it among all of your sub-sect and pre-sect, or it is already 6 years too late, and the money doesn’t matter anyway, in which case you have to share it with your sub-sect and pre-sect.

Roleplaying Suggestions: Roleplaying members of the Dread Cabal really just ends up being used to being banal. If you have ever been in an office, and then you add pure unadulterated pain, that pretty much sums up the entire emotional range of most members of the Dread Cabal. Even the inter-sect rivalries are toned down to the point that it is practically sleep inducing watching even the most vicious of verbal abuses.

Typical Member: The typical member of the Dread Cabal is a binder who has prestige classed into Cabalist of the Heinous Realms. In fact, that pretty much sums up all of the members of the Dread Cabal, minus secretaries and sub-secretaries.

Prestige Classes: The most common prestige class in the cabal is the Cabalist of the Heinous Realms. It is not unknown for other binder prestige classes to pop up briefly, but it is rather unusual.

Lore of the Dread Cabal: The Cabal was original founded by Horaz Dorian. He was the first person to make contact with Asmodeus himself, the other Cabalists simply attuning themselves to other Archdukes, and he managed to make a pact with the Archduke that gave him eternal life as long as Asmodeus is in power. Horaz has ruled the Dread Cabal ever since, having short periods where he handed leadership over to a young cabalist who looks promising, but taking over whenever he feels like it. It is said that over the years a small splinter group has been forming since the original creation of the Dread Cabal. You see, before Horaz created the Dread Cabal, there were numerous other groups that practiced the binding of devils, but as soon as he made his pact, he also managed to kill off the other groups, until all that was left was the Dread Cabal and hermit like solitary binders, who practice their art on the fringes, even farther away from society than the Dread Cabal does.

A Dread Cabal Campaign: Most Dread Cabal campaigns involve doing tasks for either the guild in general, or the Archduke to whom the party is associated. Most parties will not be entirely be composed of binders from the Cabal, some members likely working as freelance warriors and mercenaries, that have tied themselves to the Cabal for the money and the fiendish glory.

2010-09-20, 09:49 PM


After a time, you come to realize that light is pointless. Unnecessary. Only by rejoicing in the simplicity of the shadows can we achieve power. And only by extinguishing every last spark of light can we achieve happiness.
-Frothor, a Nightbeast

Each person has a shadow. But is the shadow reflecting you, or are you reflecting the shadow? Nightbeasts know that the most real part of a person is their shadow, and that by reveling in darkness, great power can be found. The true face of reality is darkness. All light must be snuffed out.

Anyone can become a Nightbeast. Spellcasters may lose their way and decide that only by filling the world with darkness can they achieve their goals. Rogues and other stealthy classes are often attracted to the class. To become a Nightbeast, one must complete a complex ritual without any light, proving that they can live forever in the darkness.
Base Attack Bonus: +3 or higher
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 4 ranks.
Special: Must undergo a complex ritual taking 48 hours in a place of complete darkness. If any light gets in at any time, you must start the ritual over.
Alignment: Any evil.

Class Skills
The Nightbeast's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (CHA), Hide (DEX), Intimidate (CHA), Knowledge(any) (INT), Move Silently (DEX).
Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

Hit Dice: d10

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells per Day

+2|Sightless, Aura of Darkness|—

+3|Shadow Specialist +1|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+3|Midnight Ability|—

+4|Quench, Shadow Specialist +2|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+4|Daylight Powerlessness, Pitch Black Heart|—

+5|Midnight Ability, Shadow Specialist +3|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+5|Everywhere In The Darkness|—

+6|Death of Light, Shadow Specialist +4|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+6|Midnight Ability|—

+7|Born Of The Void|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A Nightbeast gains no proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Spell per day/Spells known At levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in one spellcasting class that he already has at least one level in. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one spellcasting class, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Nightbeast for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Sightless (ex): A Nightbeast's vision undergoes rapid changes, allowing them to more deeply dip into the 'real' world. They gain a cumulative -1 on Spot checks every level, but gain clearer vision. At 1st level, they can see through darkness of any sort, magical or otherwise.

At 6th level, they gain Blindsight 20 ft., and the range of their Blindsight increases by 20 ft. every level after that, to a maximum of 100 ft. at 10th level. Also at level 6, their regular vision is destroyed. Spot checks are now impossible. If they are in an area of darkness (apart from their aura, see below) their Blindsight range is doubled. By level 6, they are immune to gaze attacks.

Aura of Darkness (su): The Nightbeast is known for his aura of darkness. A supernatural sphere of shadows surrounds one, rolling like a wave through towns and into the dark crevices of the world. All light is dimmed within 10 ft. per class level, providing partial concealment (20% miss chance) to you and anyone else inside. For the purposes of being defeated by light, this counts as being of a spell level equal to your class level.

Shadow Specialist: A Nightbeast works best in the darkness, as they can see more clearly, and the mysteries of the world seem simpler there. If you are in an area of darkness other than your aura (or it is nighttime), you gain +1 to armor class, attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, saves, and spell DCs. In addition, if you are a spellcaster, you may take a special version of any spell which normally uses the [light] descriptor, and make it use the [darkness] descriptor. Effects are otherwise the same except that you channel focused shadow instead of light.

At levels 4, 6, and 8, your bonus increases by a cumulative +1.

Midnight Ability: Each Nightbeast tunes their aura of darkness to their liking. At levels 3, 6, and 9, they may select one effect below. Effects cannot be chosen more than once unless otherwise stated.

Bringing Nightmares: Anything in your aura of shadowy darkness must make a will save or be shaken as long as they remain within and for 1d4 rounds after. Anything within your area of pure darkness must make a will save or be frightened as long as they remain within and for 1d4 rounds after. Save DC is equal to (10 + 1/2 class level + cha modifier) If the creature is an ally of yours and has known you for at least a month, you may opt to exclude them from this effect. Anything that succeeds on their save is immune to your fear effect for 24 hours.

Servant Darkness: Anything you designate an ally gains 1/2 your shadow specialist bonus while inside your aura.

Teeth In The Night: Your aura is home to many indistinct creatures of the night. These attack anything in your aura, dealing 1 damage per turn. You may opt to not attack certain things. You may take this ability more than once, increasing the damage by 1 each time. Additionally, any living creature vulnerable to the darkness’ damage that begins its turn in a square occupied by the aura of darkness is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + cha modifier) negates the effect. Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm requires a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level). Using skills that involve patience and concentration requires a DC 20 Concentration check.

Dark Rising: The radius of your aura increases by 50%.

Hour of Supreme Shadow(requires Death of Light): You may block one light of your choosing, despite its level of power. This stops the light from hitting an area of radius 500 ft. * your charisma modifier. This remains for 10 minutes per point of charisma modifier. You may do this 1/day. You may even affect the sun. If blocking the light leaves you in darkness, your shadow specialist bonuses apply.

Tainted Transportation: Shadow has no form, no substance. Once per day, for a number of minutes equal to your charisma modifier, you may increase 1 movement speed of your choosing to 50 feet.

Quench: Any ordinary light your aura of darkness touches is instantly put out. You may also put out magical lights, if your class level is higher than the spell level used to cast the light spell.

Daylight Powerlessness: If directly exposed to daylight, you may take only move actions and the radius of your aura is halved. You are more shadow than flesh, now.

Pitch Black Heart: At the center of your aura of darkness is a shell of utter blackness. While within this, you and anyone else inside gain total concealment. (50% miss chance). The radius of your core is half of your aura of darkness, or 5 ft. per class level.

Everywhere in the Darkness (su): A Nightbeast may disperse and travel along the shadows when they wish. Once per day per point of charisma modifier, they may leave their physical form (also negating their aura) and move into a shadow. For all intents and purposes, they are invulnerable while in the shadow, though a DC 25 spot check will detect that they are in the shadow. They may travel to any shadow which is directly touching the shadow they are in at double their normal movement speed. If any magical light spell touches the square they are in, they take 1d6 damage per level of the spell. If they are in at least a 15' radius patch of darkness, they may return to their natural form.

Death of Light: You are the true bane of all light. Any light quenched by your 'quench' ability can never be relit. If you walk past an archway with two torches, those two particular torches will never blaze again (though they can be replaced with other torches.)

Born of the Void: You leave your physical body behind, it is just holding you back. You become nothing more than your shadow. You are now incorporeal (50% miss chance, you are immune to nonmagical weapons). In addition, your movement speed increases by 10 ft. and your type changes to outsider, gaining all the benefits of that type. However, you suffer severe damage from anything that would upset your darkness-- a spell with the [light] descriptor deals and additional 1d6 damage per spell level, even if it originally did not deal damage. Each turn you heal 1d6 of the damage you have taken from light. You also gain a deflection bonus to AC equivalent to your charisma modifier. When using your 'death of light' ability, from now on, a snuffed out light traumatized the air around it. The space it was extinguished from, for a radius of 5 ft., will remain eternally dark unless effected by a light spell powerful enough that it would defeat your aura of darkness. (at this point, only epic magic).

You are what small children are afraid of. You disappear, shielding yourself and making yourself more dangerous. It's very hard to kill a shadow. Your job is to confuse the enemy by immersing them in darkness. And snuff out every light that you see.
Combat: A Nightbeast generally tries to keep their enemies disoriented and prevent them from making plans. You have very little to fear, and you can turn the combat around just by being there.
Advancement: Many Nightbeasts are sorcerers. Some continue hiding in the shadows, going into Rogue or even a prestige class like Shadowdancer.
Resources: Nightbeasts may not have many resources. When they try to go into towns to buy anything, people usually run in fear and light all their torches to stave off the darkness.

Last night, my child woke me up, screaming that everything had gone dark. Tonight, the darkness woke me up on its own. Every light in our home has gone out. None of the candles will light and the torches are completely destroyed. Outside is a broiling wave of shadow, and it's seeping in through the windows. In a moment, everything I hold dear will be swallowed by the night.

Nightbeasts are hated. Since they have no way of suppressing their aura of darkness, simply their appearance usually earns them attack by the city guard. Most of them are evil creatures and commit atrocities which further garners hatred for them.
Daily Life: Something about becoming one with the shadows like this fills you with a great longing to extinguish light. Almost all Nightbeasts desire to put out any light they find and fill the world with darkness. Many Nightbeasts become nocturnal, since night is the time they are most powerful.
Notables: Frothor (NE Human Sorcerer 6/Nightbeast 8) is one of the more gruesome examples of a Nightbeast gone wrong. He drifts like a black cloud of evil into a village, then slowly turns off all its lights and murders each person within, unless they leave the town. He has started in the northern end of his continent and worked his way south, leaving a trail of permanent darkness in his wake. However, he keeps his movements unpredictable to avoid adventurers seeking his destruction. No one knows his true nature, all they know is that the lights in their village went out, and people started dying.
Organizations: Nightbeasts are not organized, usually. Once there was a guild known as the Maw of Night, which united multiple Nightbeasts to form a dangerous, roiling pool of darkness even in the middle of the day. However, such a guild could not go unnoticed for long, and they were soon tracked down by powerful spellcasters with access to the power of light. The Maw was scattered and mostly destroyed.

NPC Reaction
"Dear god! Dear god! It's day, but a cloud just went over the sun, and all the candles went out. It's like something out of a storybook. Nighttime is falling, and it's almost noon."

Nightbeasts may or may not adapt well to group play. The tendency to become psychopathic often fails in a party. Mechanically, their aura of darkness is the biggest issue, their comrades may not want to spend their lifetimes immersed in shadow.
Adaptation: One adaptation of this class might involve being less evil, and simply desiring to live in the darkness. Perhaps a tragic accident made your character blind.
Encounters: Perhaps the local lord has heard rumors of a darkness creeping through sleepy villages. Maybe the PCs campfire goes out when night and brave adventurers become screaming, frightened lunatics.

Sample Encounter
EL 12: The PCs, after a harrowing dungeon crawl, emerge to the surface and head to a local village to rest and re-stock. However, when they get there, the village is completely empty and there isn't a single light lit. Maybe something else came out of the dungeon with them...

NE Male Human Sorcerer 6/Nightbeast 8
Init +2, Senses: Listen +6, Spot -17, Blindsight 100 ft.
Languages: Common
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed (18)
82 hp (14 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +13
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee Quarterstaff +10 (1d4 bludgeoning)
Base Atk +9, Grp +9
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities: Aura of Darkness, Everywhere in the Darkness
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 22

Work in progress!

Fable Wright
2010-09-22, 05:37 PM
Hellforge Artificer

Wurmcoil engine, picture by the artists at Wizards of the Coast.

We are all fallen. All who walk our path cross the line of morality. We forge the souls of the dead into abominable clockwork machines to serve our will. We summon souls out of planes, stealing the power of deities. We steal the souls of the living, and tear them asunder for their power. If you are ready to accept this path- one of exile, shun, and despair, then you may become one of us. The masses fear us. The mighty loathe us. We, who play creator upon earth, bringing souls into bodies and make them dance for us, are reviled by the divine.

This power is not a tool. It is a way of life. One where we have no allies, no friends. Artificers fear us for our machinations. Sorcerers and wizards fear us for our neverending power in league with their own. Clerics and druids revile us; we make freaks of nature, bind souls to them, and play creator. We possess little inner power; we only channel the wills of souls. From every plane, we use the energy of the strongest souls to power us.

But the most powerful are the Infernal ones. Ones with hate and malice in life; they respond most easily to our call. They come to us, eager to wreak revenge on those who slighted them in life. By promising them revenge, we give them purpose. And in exchange for giving them a purpose, they give us power.
We are the Hellforge Artificers.
We are the damned.

We are mighty machinists. We tear out of creation the souls of the dead, and we bind them into a solid form, weaving them into steel empowered by their energies. We summon the fires of creation themselves to make such steel workable, even though only magic can shape it. While the material is still fresh, we imprint it with an image. After that, it cannot be recast by any mortal means. Only by destroying the very essence of a soul, and then reforging it in the fires of creation can it's form be changed. We are the makers, wielders, and animators of such metal. We define that metal, and it defines us. And by making it, we are violating the laws of the very multiverse.

Becoming a Hellforge Artificer
Becoming a hellforge artificer requires being willing to allow the souls of the dead to power your machinations- only those who are impure could possibly stand to take up the mantle. Necromancers interested in steel and clockwork number the greatest among us, as they already force the souls of the dead to do their bidding. Artificers, too, who choose to use a power source other than their soul number greatly in our ranks. Warlocks, whose souls are already tainted by the energies of extraplanar beings are already a natural choice for the class; they already channel the energy of the souls through them. By taking up our mantle, they learn how to bind those souls into a solid form.

Skills: Craft (Weaponsmith) 11 ranks, Craft (Armorsmithing) 11 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 6 ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 5 ranks
Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Alignment: Any nongood.
Spells: Must be able to cast Fabricate or Animate dead, or be able to use The Dead Walk invocation.

Class Skills
The Hellforge Artificer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)
Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + Int

Hit Dice: d6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spellcasting|Invocations

+2|Least Invocations, Mechanum familiar, Craft construct|+1 level existing spellcasting class|1

+3|Hellforge +1d6, Flaming blade|-|2

+3|Reforge, Soulpowered|+1 level of existing spellcasting class|2

+4|Lesser Invocations, Mechanum dead, Necrotic constructs|-|3

+4|Hellforge +2d6, Spellforged, Thinaun blade|+1 level of existing spellcasting class|3

+5|Animate construct, Undead fusion|-|4

+5|Mechanum shell, Grant Invocation, Construct mastery|+1 level of existing spellcasting class|4

+6|Greater Invocations, Hellforge +3d6|-|5

+6|Fiendish Constructs, Consuming death|+1 level of existing spellcasting class|5

+7|Dark Invocations, Soul effigy|-|6[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A hellforge artificer gains no proficiency with any weapons or armor.

When you join our ranks, you continue to develop your old powers. In fact, that's what allows you to utilize our powers. But, it will not develop as fast as normal. It will be slowed down, as you are not only learning to channel another source of energy, but you must learn how to make constructs and animate them with the powers from your original casting. It puts a strain on the mind, frankly.

When an odd hellforge artificer level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that he adds the half of his hellforge artificer levels to the level of some other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day, spells known, and caster level accordingly. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a hellfire artifice, the player must decide to which class to add each hellforge artifice level for the purposes of determining spells per day and spells known.

When you join us, we teach you how to feel the energies of the souls of the planes. And when you do, you realize something. They don't have a purpose. They contain raw natural power, but no reason or outlet to use it. With our guidance, you can learn how to channel the powers. You can do it at will, but managing to channel a spirit's powers into even one outlet is difficult. You will only manage to learn a limited number over the course of your career, but you will be able to use them as often as you like. After all, when some of the souls powering you run out of energy, you can simply tap the power of a different soul...

A hellforge artificer has a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and other abilities known as invocations, which allow him to focus the energy of damned souls into a concentrated form. A hellforge artificer can use any invocation he knows at will.

A hellforge artificer's invocations are spell-like abilities; using an invocation is therefore a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. To avoid provoking such attacks, a hellforge artificer can use an invocation defensively by making a successful Concentration check. An invocation can be disrupted, just as a spell can be ruined during casting. If a hellforge artificer is hit by an attack while invoking, he is entitled to a Concentration check to successfully use the invocation, just as a spellcaster would be. His invocations are subject to spell resistance unless an invocation's description specifically states otherwise. A hellforge artificer's caster level with his invocations is equal to his class level. He can dismiss any invocation as a standard action, just as a wizard can dismiss a spell.

If an invocation allows a saving throw, its DC is 10 + the equivalent spell level + the hellforge artificer's primary spellcasting modifier (Int for wizards, Cha for sorcerers and dread necromancers, Wis for clerics, etc). Since spell-like abilities are not spells, a hellforge artificer cannot benefit from the Spell Focus feat or from any other that let him convert or spend an arcane spell slot to produce some other effect. He can, however, benefit from the Ability Focus feat (MM 303), as well as from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities.

The four grades of invocations, in order of their relative power, are least, lesser, greater, and dark. A 1st-level hellforge artificer begins with knowledge of one least invocation, gaining access to more invocations and higher grades as he attains levels. At any level when a hellforge artifice learns a new invocation, he can also replace an invocation he already knows with another invocation of the same or lower grade. See Invocations, below, for a list of available invocations.

Mechanum familiar:
The last thing you get from us immediately after joining our ranks is the power to craft a special familiar. A wizard can make a link between his mind and power, and the mind and power of an already existing soul. However, with much practice, we managed to use the same techniques to turn that bond into a soul, of a sort. After that, it was merely a matter of finding the right body to store it in. After a long time of development, we came to the same general conclusion that a 'Mechanum', as it became known, was the best choice; it is capable or aiding us in ways no other living being can, and it has the instinctive ability to restore constructs to health.

A hellforge artificer, upon gaining his first level in the class, is able to construct a machine known as a mechanum that is bound to his soul, much in the way that a wizard is bound to his familiar. It does not cost a hellforge artificer gold or experience points to create a Mechanum, but a hellfire artifice may only have 1 Mechanum at one time. This functions as a familiar who's owner's level is equal to the hellforge artificer's class level. While he has a Mechanum familiar, he gains a +4 bonus on all craft checks.

Craft construct:
As you already know, we specialize in making constructs. Mostly out of 'hellsteel', as it has commonly been dubbed. However, in order to learn how to use this power, you must first learn to craft golems in the traditional way. This will teach you how to shape soul energy into a usable form. We must start with your soul energy, which you are most familiar with, though, before you learn to shape other soul's energy into your constructs.

At first level, a hellforge artificer gains Craft construct as a bonus feat. This feat is located on page 303 of the Monster Manual.

After you have managed to craft constructs well, I will teach you how to use our signature ability- the one we're named after. We didn't name it that- we called is "soul-forge", but ignorant commoners would see that when we bathed an area in fire, horrible constructs would be made. They called it that because the constructs seemed to be forged from hell. Anywho, it's a critical stage in your development. This technique is what all of your future powers will stem from- you must learn this. When you conjure fire, as you already know, you tap into the energy of the plane of elemental fire. However, ponder this for a moment- what would happen if you channeled some of the fire from the lower planes- the abyss and hells, specifically. We will refer to them as the "Infernals", for future reference. Anyways, when you channel fire from there, you can also, with a little concentration, also take a few souls that have begun to merge with the planes- these are the souls that lack purpose, and are more easily shaped into a solid form. When you channel these into your concentrated fire, you can focus your energy, and they will begin to merge with one another. They will begin to form 'hellsteel'- it's properly called soulsteel, but again, the name hellsteel stuck more. Anyways, it will begin to form some of the substance- it will make about 5 pounds, when you start off. But it will act like water, and it's really heavy. A little bit will stick on people, and it burns them badly. But for the most part, it just slides off.

After you manage to conjure this, you need to remember that it's not finished. You still need to give it a purpose- if you give it that, it will be even stronger than adamantine. It is formed from the will of souls- your will. Once you give them a purpose, and suggest to them a form, they will take it on their own, expanding and condensing. You will be able to make more with time, but for now it will do.

At 2nd level, a hellforge artificer gains his most unique ability- hellforge. Whenever a hellforge artificer casts a spell or uses an invocation that deals fire damage, he may add +1d6 points of damage to the damage, as he incorporates molten metal into the flames. This bonus damage is dealt again to the opponent for two rounds, as the molten metal clings to the target's body. This ability leaves behind hellsteel; up to 5lb/extra d6 of damage. This metal can be used for the hellforge artificer's invocations, but unless otherwise noted, it can only be used while the hellsteel is dealing damage to the opponent. Every 3 levels, this ability deals an additional 1d6 damage. This damage does not stack with itself.

Flaming blade:
Naturally, as you can channel the fire and souls of hell, and mix them into a solid form, it's not too much adaptation to bind some of the souls into the weapons you wield- your construct's weapons will always be flaming, given how they were made, and the powers that were weaved into them, but by keeping a few of these souls around yourself, you can force them into your weapon, setting it alight. As it is being emboldened by hellsteel while it's flaming, it shouldn't suffer any structural damage. It's strengthened, if anything, but not by much.

At second level, any weapon that a hellforge artificer wields, or that an undead or construct a hellforge artificer made uses, deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage per attack, channeling the heat and rage from abyssal souls they channel into their attacks. This affects all weapons a hellforge artificer uses, as well as all natural attacks that constructs of undead that were created by a hellforge artificer possesses.

As all hellsteel is made of the same material, it should be no surprise to you that it can reforge itself. I know I said it was indestructible, but if you can remind it of how it was made- by example, if, when it is destroyed and loses it's purpose, if you add hellsteel to it, you can grant it a different purpose. The only way to do this reliably is to destroy it with the hellfire; the new souls coming in with new purpose galvanizes the now-purposeless souls, and gets them to take a new form. You can still forge the new hellsteel from the ability, by the way, so you don't really lose anything with this power.

At third level, whenever a hellforge artificer deals enough fire damage to a construct, or group of constructs that he made, to destroy it, he may instead reforge the construct(s). The hellforge artificer may pick any construct that he is able to make that has HD equal to or or less than the destroyed constructs' combined HD. When the construct(s) are destroyed by the fire damage, the new construct is instantly created out of the old constructs' remains, with HP equal to the total of the previous constructs' HP before they took the fire damage that would have destroyed them.

Soul powered (Ex):
As you know, your constructs are made of souls. Now, picture with me, for a moment, what happens if you add more souls to it. Only so many souls can be gathered together for a single purpose- that much's for certain. However, if you take a fresh soul, just slain, ripe with combat lust and the desire to kill, or survive, and then have the souls of your construct leech some of it's vitality, you can temporarily empower your constructs. You can't use the whole soul, yet- but this should suffice for the time being.

At third level, whenever a construct or undead that a hellforge artificer creates slays a living opponent, a construct, or an undead, they gain a +4 bonus to Str and Dex, and temporary HP equal to twice the slayed creature's HD, as the energies of the absorbed soul temporarily enhance the construct's capabilities. These bonuses last for a number or rounds equal to the slayed creature's HD. This ability requires that the slayed opponent had a soul. The soul is not destroyed at the end of the effect, but it cannot be raised while the golem is affected by this ability.

Mechanum dead:
Come to think of it, aren't undead and constructs almost the same thing? Souls bound to a body, forced to do the will of their master? The correct answer is usually no, but by this point, my pupil, they may as well be. You are taking souls and binding them into a solid form. By this point, to one of your power, they may as well be the same thing. In fact, if you plate the bones of your undead creatures with hellsteel, you can grant your undead more resistance to the powers of clerics, and even empower their bodies with the souls you add, making them more efficient.

At fourth level, a hellforge artificer gains the ability to coat the skin and/or bones of undead he creates in hellforged iron, strengthening his undead. All undead created by the hellforge artificer may gain the construct type, and all of it's associated benefits, but lose the undead type. However, they retain the ability to heal from negative energy, and they are still affected by turn undead, albeit they have a +4 turn resistance, and they may be affected by beneficial spells that aid undead. They also gain a physical resistance to blows, manifesting in DR 5/-. In addition, they gain a +2 magic bonus to strength and dexterity, as more souls from the abyss can travel through the iron plating their skin. This stacks with other bonuses that increase the strength or dexterity of undead creatures, such as the Corpsecrafter feat or the Undead Mastery class ability.

Necrotic constructs:
About the same time that you can enhance your undead creations, you should be able to add souls that aren't about to just merge with the plane into your constructs. These souls are more powerful, and maintain a more potent presence on your constructs. The constructs are healed and aided by the things that aid undead, as well as anything that would normally only heal constructs. You essentially get the best of both worlds, and a little something extra in the mix.

At fourth level, the hellforged artificer can forge his constructs' hellsteel out of more vital spirits. This allows more energy to pass from the abyss to the constructs made by the hellforge artificer. All constructs created by the hellforge artificer gain the ability to heal via negative energy. While cure spells remain unable to affect them, they are healed with negative energy, in addition to repair spells. The constructs permanently gain +2 Str and Dex through this process, as the souls powering the construct gain more energy. In addition, they are affected by any abilities that the hellforge artificer has that effect undead, like Corpsecrafter or Undead Mastery. They are treated as undead when it is beneficial to them, but not when it isn't.

This whole time, we have been focusing solely on enhancing the power of your creations. It may seem that we're trying to make spellcasting as a whole relatively irrelevant to us. However, it is not true. Quite the opposite, in fact. It's to set the stage for the fusion between the two. In fact, since you began to use more vital spirits, you may have noticed that your constructs exude less unused spirit energy. In fact, they radiate almost none. That's because they are being used more efficiently, which sets the stage for this ability: You can store a spell inside your constructs. The souls are eager to store energy, and will gladly accept the power of a spell into them. But, since the power cannot be used for their purpose, it cannot be metabolized by the spirits. Instead, they essentially act as a place to store excess magical energy for you; you can activate the power yourself from them, or you can tell them when they should use the power. They second that the specified situation comes up, the energy can be used by them. However, the only use for them is to expend it. Overall, you essentially make all of your constructs into storage jars.

At 5th level, a hellforged artifice gains the power to store magic inside his constructs. This takes the form of the spell-storing special quality, as described below. You may store a number of spells equal to your class level in the constructs.
Spell-storing (Sp): This creature can store one spell of a level equal to 1/2 your class level or lower that was cast into it by the creator of the construct. It uses this spell when commanded to, or when a predetermined situation comes arises. Once the spell is used, it can store another spell (Or the same spell).

Thinaun blade (Ex):
At this part in your training, you have gained a significant amount of power. In fact, the combination of magical power and the sheer energy of the souls of the dead has rarely been seen before. However, while it hasn't been seen, it's results have been collected. It's commonly known as 'thinaun'; it's a material that can hold souls. Although it's difficult, by now you should be able to get the knack of leaking thinaun into the weapons of your constructs. Although it won't be much, it will be enough to store slain souls for later use.

At 5th level, all constructs and undead created by the hellforged artificer gain the ability to steal souls, as a thinaun blade does. Whenever a foe is felled by a hellforged artificer or a construct or undead that they make, they may choose to store the soul inside of themselves, rather than use it immediately. When they slay a foe, they may choose to store the soul rather than expend it with their Soul-powered ability immediately. At any time after a soul is stored, it can be used once to activate the Soul-powered ability of a hellforged artificer's constructs, and then the soul is expended. Only one soul can be stored at a time, but after that soul is expended, another soul may be stored as normal. While a soul is stored, it cannot be resurrected or raised.

Animate construct:
By now, your magic has been able to merge better with constructs. So why not a specific school of your magic? Necromancy. A construct is just another type of shell for necromancers to store a soul in. However, it's much more difficult to store a soul in a body it's not familiar with. When you forge the souls into constructs, they make their own forms, and are thus familiar with it. When you bind a soul to a corpse, it only works because the soul is familiar with the body; tied to it, even. However, it takes quite a bit of work to bind a soul to a body it's unfamiliar with. By now, though, I think you might have developed enough power to get a soul in there. They will lack some of the power that you pack into your normal creations, but they will work well enough to serve you as normal servants.

At 6th level, the hellforge artificer can target undead with the Animate dead spell, or a similar special ability. This does not apply the zombie or skeleton templates to the construct; it has the stats and abilities that it had before it was destroyed, in addition to the bonuses that a hellforge artificer applies to constructs they create. This ability cannot effect a creature that is affected by the Necrotic construct ability. Creatures so animated do not gain any of the benefits for being created by a hellforge artificer, however.

Undead fusion:
At this point, there is almost no difference between your undead, your magic, or your constructs. They're the same thing. So why not try to mix them? Although they have essentially different natures, you have altered the nature of your constructs and your undead so much that you are able to actually fuse them together. By sacrificing your undead, you can actually give your undead's special attacks to your constructs. This can only be done once per construct, but it can be worth it.

At 6th level, whenever a hellforge artificer chooses to, he can fuse the animated corpse of one of his undead to any of the hellforge artificer's constructs. Doing so, the undead is destroyed, but the construct gains all natural and special attacks that the undead possessed, as well as bonus HD equal to 1/2 that of the destroyed undead. A construct that you create can only merge with one undead, ever. A mechanum dead who has had an undead merged with it cannot be sacrificed with this ability.

Mechanum shell:
You may have noticed that we have been focusing almost exclusively on the powers of your constructs, your undead, your magic, et cetera. However, you are more important than them. So why didn't we start protecting you sooner? The answer is simple- magic and equipment don't mix. The energies of external power outside of your own natural abilities interfere with your spellcasting, and they also restrict the movements of your arms for somatic gestures. However, by this time, as you have such mastery over your power, that you can mix them. By turning a bit of your own soul into hellsteel, you can convert your own body into armor. It makes many blows just glance off your skin, and the blows that do hit tend to do less damage. It's not as strong as normal hellsteel, because you don't believe in it with all of your being, but it should be about as hard as adamantine.

At 7th level, the hellforge artificer gains the power to construct a shell of soulsteel around themselves. This grants them a +X armor bonus to AC, and DR X/adamantine, where X is the hellforge artificer's class level.

Grant invocation:
It's time for you to realize something: Although it's difficult to do so, if you focus enough, you can have some of the spirits in a construct retain some of their powers after you bind them to a construct. You need some of the freshest spirits from around the multiverse, particularly those of old mages. By this point, you can't only take souls from the Infernal planes if you want to advance. Rest assured, powerful souls hail from around the multiverse. And these spirits have the power to call upon infernal souls like you. If you give up your ability to shape Infernal souls, for a time, you may grant the powers to one of your constructs. The souls within it gain your previous spellcasting power; it's a more powerful version of your spellforge ability; you actually give the spirits the power to use magic. However, the cost is more powerful. Only use the power with careful consideration.

At will, a hellforge artificer of 7th level or higher can grant the ability to cast a single least invocation that he knows to any construct he created. He can now no longer cast the invocation, but the construct can use it at will, as if the hellforge artificer was the caster. This ability lasts for 24 hours, of until the hellforge artificer dismisses the effect.

Construct mastery:
By now, as I'm sure you can feel, your constructs are becoming slightly stronger. Or, have the potential to. There is alot of wasted potential; if you, for example, merely played on the rivalry inherent souls, then your construct's hellsteel will grow more powerful. By putting good souls in competition with evil souls, and chaotic souls with lawful souls, you sharpen their will. Not only do they have to bind together with a single purpose, but when you put them in competition, the individual souls gain more power. This makes your hellsoul complete. They are strong together, and individually strong. Their will is almighty. And they are yours to command.

At 8th level, a hellforged artifice gains the ability to bind more than one soul to each vessel. As a result, the constructs are quicker, stronger, and more durable; they gain a +4 untyped bonus to strength and dex, as well as gain +2 HP/HD.

Fiendish constructs:
As you know, the souls you most often use are Infernal souls. However, there is one more thing you should note: You can forge souls together. When you put souls together, they unite against their power against the common enemy. But as I'm sure you noticed, some souls are better than others at their jobs. Infernal souls are better than Celestial souls at offense, and Celestial souls are better at defense. However, given the fact that you can summon and control stronger souls from the Infernal realms, when you compress them into a single space, and unite them against a single opponent, then they can form a single power; a single, united force. This is how Outsiders recreate; the souls that merge into a plane can be shaped by the will of other outsiders, and then become outsiders like them, devoted to a single ideal. And now, although you have less access to souls than them, you can mimic that power. You can grant your constructs some of the minor powers of fiends.

At this point, the hellforge artificer's power over the damned souls in the abyss and hells is so great that they can bind the soul of a minor demon or devil into their constructs. All constructs created by the hellforged artificer gain the fiendish template, except that they do not gain an intelligence score.

Consuming death (Su):
Fiends, as I'm sure you know, do not like to die. When your constructs are destroyed, the fiends within them no longer have an effigy to hide in, and begin to disperse. When this happens, they are forced to return to the Infernal realms. And they don't like it. They had a purpose, and they are going back to a plane solely to lose their purpose and merge into it again. They don't want that. They struggle. And by inserting into their core a small, sealed gate to the Infernal realms, when their shell is shattered, the gate opens. This exasperates and focuses their struggling in a single spasm; it creates a blast of fire upon their death, some of which is pure soul energy. This can overcome all resistances, and is extraordinarily potent. Use it well.

Whenever a hellforge artificer's constructs die, they do not go down without a bang. Whenever one of them dies, a blast of hellforge accompanies their death, as the inner fiends attempt to drag the souls of their opponents into the abyss as well. This manifests as burst of malign energy that erupts into flames against the weak of heart. Any one within 5 ft of a destroyed construct must make a fortitude save (DC = 10+hellforge artificer level+primary spellcasting modifier) or take 10d6 points of damage, half of which is vile damage (Does not naturally heal, and can only be healed within the area of a consecrate or harrow spell). On a successful save, they take half damage.

Soul Effigy:
The power you have achieved by now is enormous. You can summon and bind to your will souls from the Celestial realms, the Infernal realms, use their powers together to enhance their abilities. You can use their souls for a conduit for your powers, or even grant them the power to use some of your invocations. You also have no small amount of magic firepower, and steal souls from your enemies. And now, you are finally ready. I cannot tell you how to make it; it is unique to each person. All I can tell you is that you must forge a construct that can not only gain the power to store souls, and emulate their abilities, but actually destroy them and absorb their essence. This is the pinnacle of your powers; after this, I can help you no more.

Once a hellforge artificer gains 10th level, he obtains the pinnacle of his powers. He gains the ability to create a Soul effigy, one of the most powerful constructs ever created. It requires a week of continuous work to build one; that is, for eight hours each day for seven days, you must work on constructing this effigy. Creating one consumes material components totaling 10,000 gp. If, at any time during the creation, the hellforge artificer does not work on the construct for at least 8 hours a day, the creation is ruined. They lose the gold they spent on the material component, and they must start the creation over again. The soul effigy is described in the 'New Monsters' section, below. A hellforge artificer can only control one such creature at a time. If he creates another one, both are destroyed.

Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

Fable Wright
2010-09-22, 05:38 PM

Note: Many of these invocations create constructs. At any one time, you may control 4*your HD constructs made by these invocations. Any more, and you must choose enough constructs to leave your servitude to lower the total HD controlled below or at the limit.

Minions of the Dark forge: Whenever you cast a spell that has the fire descriptor, you may choose to expend a first-level or higher spell slot. If you do, you may create a Myrron. This invocation is permanently active. If you use invocations, you may activate this ability by reducing your eldritch blast damage by 1d6 points. This ability takes 5lbs of hellsteel. You may create any number of Myrrons with this ability, but no more than the amount of available hellsteel. The hellsteel is expended after the Myrrons are created, as a cost of this ability. These Myrrons appear adjascent to target opponent who took damage from hellforge within the past round.
Life clasp: While a player is taking damage from your hellforge special power, you may choose to use the iron from it to forge a Life clasp (described below). This spider is automatically attached to the target of this ability (Anyone who has taken damage from hellforge within the past round is an eligible target), and cannot be voluntarily removed until the target is dead. This ability takes 5lbs of hellsteel. You may create any number of life clasps with this ability, but no more than the amount of available hellsteel. The hellsteel is expended after the Life clasps are created, as a cost of this ability. You may select different targets for each life clasp.
Forge spellbomb: When you use this invocation, you must expend a prepared spell or spell slot as well. This counts against the total number of constructs you control as if it was a construct with HD equal to the spell's level. You may only have one spellbomb at one time. At any time, you may destroy the spellbomb in order to create one Myrron with bonus HD equal to half the spell level (round down). This Myrron appears adjacent to you.Whenever the spellbomb is destroyed or disenchanted, the stored spell or spell slot is regained by the caster.
Necrotouch: You deal 3d8+15 points of negative energy damage to one touched target. This requires a melee touch attack. You may, alternatively, sacrifice a second level spell slot when casting a spell that deals damage. If you do, then you deal an extra 3d8+15 points of negative energy damage to one opponent affected by it.
Forgecraft: You may create one +2 martial or simple weapon, or one +3 piece of armor or non-tower shield with this invocation. This lasts for 1 minute/level. You can only have a number of these at any one time equal to 1/2 the ability modifier for your primary casting stat. This ability requires no hellsteel to function. This equipment appears in a square adjacent to you.
Arc of Fire: You may, as a standard action, fire a 60ft line of fire that deals 1d6/caster level (no maximum) damage. This ability gains extra damage from hellforge, as usual.


Create Hellfrill: You may use this ability as a swift action. You may create a number of hellfrills equal to the extra damage you deal with hellforge. You do not need any hellsteel for this ability to activate. These hellfrills may be created in any square within 60ft of you.
Reconsider: Whenever you use your hellsteel ability, you may, instead of making a construct, lose a prepared spell slot and select another spell from your spellbook to replace it. If you use invocations, or have spell slots, you may choose to replace a spell known or an invocation you know with a different one until it is used, at which point it reverts back to normal. You may not do this with hellforge artificer invocations. Using this ability requires 5lbs of hellsteel, and you may replace another spell or spell slot for each additional 5lbs of hellsteel you use.
Magic damper: You may use dispel magic at will as a standard action. This may be used as a ready counterspell only 3 times per 10 minutes.
Dead rising: You gain powerful necromantic abilities. You may use Animate dead at will, with no material component.
Forge Timekeeper: You may create a Chronal Manipulator. This ability takes 10lbs of hellsteel to activate. This creature appears adjacent to target opponent who took damage from hellforge within the past round.



New creatures

Small construct
Hit Dice: 3d10+10 (26 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 40ft (8 squares)
Armor Class: Armor Class: 17 (+1 Dex, +5 Natural, +1 Size), touch 12, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +2*/+1*
Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d6+3)*
Full Attack: 2 Slams +6 melee (1d6+3)*
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Construct traits, Darkvision 60ft., Damage reduction 5/-, Fast healing 1, low-light vision, spell-storing, repair light wounds, Spell immunity
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -
*As this creature is usually a familiar, it's base attack bonus is equal to it's master's.

This construct is a small spider-like creature; it has 10 small legs arranged circularly around the body, and a somewhat small pivoting cylinder in the middle of it. On top of the cylander is a pair of glowing read eyes, and four skinny metal arms that end in tri-fingered claws that look well-suited to fine manipulation protrude out of it

This construct is not well-suited to combat; it's main purpose is to sustain the health of other constructs on the battlefield, mainly those made by it's master. If presented with a conflict while it has no construct allies, it normally flees. However, if it is a familiar, it will obey it's master's orders. It can obey complicated plans, guard duty, and assist it's master in constructing constructs. During combat in which it has construct allies, it usually heals the most damaged one each round, abstaining from combat itself.

Spell-storing (Sp): A Mechanum can store one spell of second level or lower that was cast into it by another creature. It uses this spell when commanded to, or when a predetermined situation comes arises. Once the spell is used, it can store another spell (Or the same spell).

Repair light wounds (Sp): A Mechanum, 1/round, can use repair light wounds as a standard action.

Spell immunity (Ex): This construct is made out of soulsteel, and as such, it is immune to all magic that effects it directly. Any spell that allows for spell resistance against it automatically fails to affect this target, unless the caster of the spell was a Hellforge Artificer.

Small construct
Hit Dice: 4d10+10 (32 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30ft (6 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (+3 Dex, +5 Natural, +1 Size), touch 14, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+4
Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +9 melee (1d6+5)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Construct traits, Darkvision 60ft., Low-light vision, Damage reduction 5/-, Spell immunity
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 16, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: -

This creature is a small, asymmetrical creature. It has a bird-like head, and three skinny legs arranged around it's body. It has a torso like a standard breastplate, and one arm coming out of the back with it.

This creature is not an intelligent combatant. It cannot follow complex commands; the limit of it's abilities it 'point and shoot', where you point a target out to it, and then it attacks.

Spell immunity (Ex): This construct is made out of soulsteel, and as such, it is immune to all magic that effects it directly. Any spell that allows for spell resistance against it automatically fails to affect this target, unless the caster of the spell was a Hellforge Artificer.

Life clasp:
Life clasp
Tiny construct
Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp)
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 40ft (8 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (+4 Dex, +3 Natural, +2 Size), touch 16, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-10
Attack: Bite +0 melee (1d2-3 plus drain)
Full Attack: Bite +0 mlee (1d2-3 plus drain)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Drain
Special Qualities: Construct qualities, Darkvision 60ft., Damage reduction 5/-, Low-light vision, Elixer of life, Spell immunity
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 18, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: -

This creature looks, for all the world, like a large mechanical spider. It has 8 legs protruding from the side of it's body, and a transparent orb filled with greenish liquid in the middle. The creature's legs clamp on to you, and you feel as though it's trying to drain the very life force out of you.

This creature was created for one purpose, and one purpose only: to drain life from other creatures. As long as there is a hostile living creature within it's vision, it will attempt to clasp onto in and begin to use it's drain ability, unless ordered otherwise.

Drain (Su): Whenever a Life clasp makes a successful grapple check (with a +20 bonus) to sustain a grapple, it automatically hits with it's bite attack. Following this, the target must make a successful fortitude save or immediately lose a level. If the opponent fails the check, they must repeat it again in 24 hours, and if the second check is failed, it results in permanent level loss. If they succeed, the level may heal as normal.

Elixir of life (Sp): When a non-hostile creature holds the Life clasp, they may choose to crush it. If they do, then they act as if they had a Heal spell cast on them, caster level = 1/2 the number of levels that Life clasp has drained.

Spell immunity (Ex): This construct is made out of soulsteel, and as such, it is immune to all magic that effects it directly. Any spell that allows for spell resistance against it automatically fails to affect this target, unless the caster of the spell was a Hellforge Artificer.

Soul Effigy:
Soul effigy
Huge construct
Hit Dice: 42d10+40 (271 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft (6 squares)
Armor Class: 32 (+0 Dex, +24 Natural, -2 Size), touch 8, flat-footed 32
Base Attack/Grapple: +31/+54
Attack: Slam +44 Melee (4d8+15)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +44 Melee (4d8+15)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Soul assimilation
Special Qualities: Construct qualities, Darkvision 60ft., Damage reduction 15/-, Low-light vision, Spell immunity
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +14
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 18
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

This hulk of a construct is about 20ft tall, and made of solid black iron. It is made of giant plates of steel, somewhat reminiscent of full plate armor, and under it's helm lies 2 glowing red eyes.

This creature was created for one purpose, and one purpose only: to kill. It will slaughter as ordered, and can execute any tactical plan in combat, however complex. It acts as it is ordered, but it's fighting style changes whenever it absorbs another power from a stolen soul.

Spell immunity (Ex): This construct is made out of soulsteel, and as such, it is immune to all magic that effects it directly. Any spell that allows for spell resistance against it automatically fails to affect this target, unless the caster of the spell was a Hellforge Artificer.

Soul assimilation (Su): Whenever a Soul effigy absorbs a soul, such as per the soulpower ability of the hellforge artificer, it can gain 1 special attack or special quality that the creature whose soul was devoured possessed in life. A Soul effigy may possess up to 3 special attacks and 3 special qualities. If they absorb an ability that pushes them past that limit, they must lose one of the other abilities that they gained. Any ability they take has the following limitations:

Any ability that constantly affects a creature, or at-will activation, that can be activated or resumed, such as a nymph's stunning beauty, or an invisible stalker's natural invisibility, can only be used a number of rounds per day equal to their creator's current HD.

Any damage reduction gained from a creature does not stack with the damage reduction from any other creature, but it stacks with the damage reduction naturally possessed by the Soul effigy.

They may use any breath weapon effect they gain as the creature who originally possessed the breath weapon did, and a Soul effigy may have no more than one breath weapon at a time.

They may not possess regeneration.

If they gain a spell-like ability from a creature, they may only gain 1. In addition, they may use the spell like ability 3 times per day, or how many times the killed creature can use it, whichever is lower. This may not replicate a spell with a costly material or experience point cost.

Medium construct
Hit Dice: 1d10+20 (26 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 15 (+5 Natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+0
Attack: Slam +0 melee (1d6)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +0 melee (1d6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft., Low-light vision, Damage reduction 5/-, Spell immunity
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

This creature is a large, tripod-like creature. It's body looks large and powerful, but you soon realize that it contains very little material; it's entire body is essentially a collection of frills. This creature's head is no exception, looking like an ornate raptors head about the size of it's body. However, when you see the back of it, the head is empty.

This creature is not an intelligent combatant. It cannot follow complex commands; the limit of it's abilities it 'point and shoot', where you point a target out to it, and then it attacks.

Spell immunity (Ex): This construct is made out of soulsteel, and as such, it is immune to all magic that effects it directly. Any spell that allows for spell resistance against it automatically fails to affect this target, unless the caster of the spell was a Hellforge Artificer.

Chronal Manipulator:
Chronal Manipulator
Medium construct
Hit Dice: 8d10+20 (64 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft (6 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+7
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d8+1)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +7 melee (1d8+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Reality warp
Special Qualities: Construct traits, Darkvision 60ft., Low-light vision, Damage reduction 5/-, Spell immunity, Blindsense 30ft
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: -

This creature's body seems to be made from a bizarre hourglass. There are 2 glass bulbs with a high-arching tube connecting their tops. It seems like miniature sandstorms are forming in each glass, and the sand travels erratically between the jars in seemingly unpredictable ways. The creature has 2 claws protruding from it's body, and it has 4 quadrupedal lags arranged radially around the body, constantly turning. It clearly has no face, but it seems to be watching you...

This creature is not an intelligent combatant. It cannot follow complex commands; the limit of it's abilities it 'point and shoot', where you point a target out to it, and then it attacks.

Spell immunity (Ex): This construct is made out of soulsteel, and as such, it is immune to all magic that effects it directly. Any spell that allows for spell resistance against it automatically fails to affect this target, unless the caster of the spell was a Hellforge Artificer.

Reality warp(Su): A Chronal manipulator's signature ability is to manipulate time, albeit this ability is limited to constructs. As any kind of action, a Chronal manipulator can access this ability. One target allied construct gains an additional action usable immediately of a time equal to the action that the Chronal manipulator used. No creature can gain more than 1 additional action each round by means of this ability.

2010-09-22, 11:43 PM
Lich of Souls


I was dead once before, now I live again in you. At least, for a time…

Of all the creatures that inspire terror few are more terrible than the undead. Shambling mockeries of life and among those undead the name of lich is more terrible as they chose such an existence willingly in the unchecked pursuit of their arcane arts. But such liches are by nature insecure of their false life and a few have discovered the ability to do away with a material container for their soul and instead slip into a living host unaware of their presence as they regenerate to rise once more.

Becoming a Lich of Souls
The process of becoming a Lich of Souls is discovered through persistent research and very rarely from a fellow lich, but ultimately it is paranoia that leads to this path.

Entry Requirements
: Have the lich template detailed on page 166 of the Monster Manual

Class Skills
The Lich of Soul’s class skills are, Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Religion), and Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

Hit Dice: d12

1|+0|+0|+0|+2|Spirit Cyst| -
2|+1|+0|+0|+3|Energy Backlash|+1 level of existing arcane class
3|+1|+1|+1|+3|Influence|+1 level of existing arcane class
4|+2|+1|+1|+4|Corruption|+1 level of existing arcane class
5|+2|+1|+1|+4|Fickle Soul|+1 level of existing arcane class[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A Lich of Souls gains no weapon or armor proficencies.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: At every level except first, a Lich of Souls gains new spells per day (and spells known if applicable) as if they had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which they belonged before adding the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If they had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a Lich of Souls, they must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known.

Spirit Cyst(Su): At first level the Lich of Souls gains the knowledge they have been seeking, the ability to inhabit bodies instead of relying on a simple phylactery to continue their existence. Upon gaining their first level in this prestige class the Lich of Souls phylactery becomes a masterwork item but otherwise has no function and shows as being mundane under magical scrutiny. When a Lich of Souls body is destroyed they immediately assume a spirit form that is undetectable except with the use of a true seeing spell. In this form the lich may move with a perfect fly speed of 60ft. but cannot manipulate physical objects or use any abilities or spells unless they are require no components. As a standard action the Lich of Souls may attempt to invade the body and soul of an intelligent living creature whose square is adjacent to the lich’s own. The Lich of Souls may remain in this form for a number of minutes equal to their class level after which if they haven’t occupied an intelligent being they are destroyed. The target receives a will save DC (10 + ½ levels + Int mod), whether they save or fail they are unaware of the results. Good clerics, paladins, knights receive a +2 divine bonus on their will saves against this invasion. If the target succeeds their will save the lich may not attempt to enter that creature again until they lose another physical body but if the target fails the lich’s soul takes residence within the targets in something akin to a cyst.

In this cyst form a lich regenerates as normal(exactly where tba) or can remain dormant for an indefinite amount of time. Also the lich may passively observe through the senses of they’re host the outside world, can read surface thoughts and communicate telepathically with the host if they wish. However, communicating or trying to delve deeper into the hosts mind runs the risk of the host becoming aware of their presence. While in this cyst form the Lich of Souls may not leave the host voluntarily nor may they be forced out except by an exorcism performed by a cleric whose caster level is equal to or greater than the Lich’s own or upon the death of the host where a Lich of Souls is freed once more to seek a new host and restart their regeneration cycle.

Energy Backlash(Su): As the lich grows in power and understanding of his new abilities they are able to better control the rate of regeneration but it comes at a hefty cost to the host when accelerated. Beginning at 2nd level a Lich of Souls may choose to reduce the number of days they take to regenerate by their levels of Lich of Souls/2. This must be declared before the roll is made for regeneration time. Once this accelerated regeneration begins every day the host takes 1 point of constitution damage per day due to the high level of negative energy being amassed by the lich within them. This damage can be cured by spells such as restoration but spells such as Remove Disease do nothing.

Influence(Su): At 3rd level the Lich of Souls can directly take control of a few actions of its host and force them to take actions that they normally would not. A number of times per day equal to their intelligence modifier a Lich of Souls may attempt to force their will on the host and control their body for a short time. Before the start of the host’s turn they receive a will save DC (10 + ½ levels + Int mod), a save gives a vague feeling of uneasiness to the host but a failed attempt allows the Lich of Souls to control the actions of their host for the round and can use their own abilities, such as spells (as long as they have any required material components), but not their paralyzing touch ability which is part of their lich body. The host is aware of the actions being taken by their body but are not automatically aware that a lich within them is controlling them, though it should be a clue that something is wrong. If the Lich of Souls attempts to carry out a suicidal action such as jumping off a cliff the host receives a second will save immediately to retake control.

Corruption: At 4th level a Lich of Souls finds special advantages to dwelling in the souls of the pure, such as good clerics, paladins and knights. If the Lich of Souls inhabits such a creature the next time they regenerate they receive a +2 profane bonus to all ability scores, armor class, additional turn resistance, attacks, damage and skill checks.

Fickle Soul: At 5th level a Lich of Souls masters ultimate ability to survive forever. They now have two minutes/level in spirit form before they are destroyed and more importantly they may now voluntarily leave a host to seek another, returning to the former host prompts another save for the Spirit Cyst ability.

Playing a Lich of Souls
Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

NPC Reaction
This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

2010-09-23, 01:17 AM


”You made him up, faked him up
Now he wants his life

The more you think, the more he is
Myth brought into being

Run, run, as fast as you can
From faceless faces, grabbing hands

The Slender Man will catch you.”

Your life was never easy, was it? Waking up in the middle of nowhere with a beast inside you. No name. No memories. Nothing but the beast. Still, you made do for so long. You kept it under control all those years, made it your weapon. Your tool. Sure, it was a fight the whole time, but you pushed through and made something of yourself.

But something changed along the way, didn’t it? You found yourself haunted by something new. That little town you stopped in with your friends wasn’t such a good idea in the end, it seems. You’re the only one he left alive, aren’t you? The creature that plagued the town turned on your friends. What did they say it was? The Slender Man?

Ah yes, the Slender Man. A very descriptive name. Just a little too tall. Limbs just a little too long. Wearing a set of clothes that seem of some other world. Sheerly black and white. A head like any other humanoid, but entirely devoid of a face. This was the creature that haunted you.

You were so cavalier to save that town. Really, your bravery and charity should be commended. The same can’t be said for your common sense. Even your beast’s powers were worthless when you finally found him. You were toyed with. You could barely contain your own rage, much less the rage of the creature inside you. The Slender Man barely noticed any of you when you were trying to fight him. But he did remember you.

One after the other he remembered you. She was the first, wasn’t she? You woke up one morning and she was just… empty. A bag of skin that you once called friend. Then it saved you for last. Found you wandering those same woods alone, waiting for him.

And there he was, right in front of you. The only thing you felt above the dread of seeing this creature face to face is the growing rage of the beast inside you. Even as you feel it take over and lash out, the Slender Man disappears. Then your whole world went black.

Woke up, if you can call it that, in his world. Wracked in the worst kind of pain, unable to see anything. Unable to hear anything. Unable to breathe. But most importantly, you found yourself unable to die, didn’t you? No matter how much your body screamed for air, begged for an end to the torture, it wouldn’t stop. And he was there.

He was all around you. The dread was still there, all pervasive, as if your muscles could feel it too. But there was something new there, too, worse than you could possible imagine it being.


He wanted to know you. Somewhere in that world he was investigating you. Investigating your beast. Then you woke up again, just like the first time. This time, though, you remembered everything.

Your beast is quiet now, isn’t he? That’s because he’s gone now. Not to say you’re free of your burden. No, your burden has simply shifted.

It’s him inside you now.

Now, he’s always with you.

Slender Touched are twice born, never self-made. A Harrowed (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=167195) finds himself having an unfortunate encounter with the Slender Man and gets particularly unlucky – the being takes an interest in their condition and decides to try it for himself. They are then reborn as Slender Touched - uniquely harrowed by a creature far beyond even the beast that once haunted them.

Class Feature: Shadowmental Mantle, Shadowmental Touch 3d6
Special: Must have been abducted and altered by the Slender Man – A harrowing ordeal that many don’t survive, and few want to.

Class Skills
The Slender Touched’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are as follows: Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All skills, chosen individually) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (N/A), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + Int
Hit Dice: d6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|The New Monster Within, Slender Man’s Touch

+3|Unnoticed, Bonus Harrowed Feat

+3|Aura of Blackness

+4|Dreadful Reach

+4|Vanish, Deepening Darkness

+5|Improved Grab, Bonus Harrowed Feat

+5|Aura of Blackness (Dread Attraction)

+6|Strike the Heart, Pry the Mind

+6|Devouring Aura

+7|Deepest Darkness, Final Unity, Bonus Harrowed Feat[/table]

The New Monster Within: You have long been plagued by the beast residing within you, but now there is a new beast there, with intentions and motives far beyond the carnal desires and simple evils of the old. It has forever changed your state of being, but the more things change, the more they stay the same.

The Slender Man is far more patient than the beast that once resided within the Harrowed, and is not as keen to take fleeting moments of control when its host’s will dips slightly. He is instead more than content to wait for those moments when their will truly vanishes from their being, and wrests control fiercely to more devious ends. The difficulty class of the Will save made when using activated Supernatural abilities changes to (5 + Level necessary to use the ability). At the same time, however, upon a failed Will save, the Slender Man takes control for 1 hour/character level instead of 1 round/character level.

During this time, the character is most likely to disappear rather than betray or kill its comrades or anyone directly around them. The Slender Man is nothing if not a subtle being, and even his agents act as such.

Aside from these changes, everything from the Harrowed’s The Monster Within ability still applies to the Slender Touched.

Sidebar: The Slender Man’s Agenda
Yes, I realize that it’s very poorly defined in this ability, but the fact is that part of what makes the Slender Man… the Slender Man is how entirely unknowable his motives are. He HAS motives, and they are certainly elaborate and well understood by him, but connecting the dots often seems simply impossible to us. So when the Slender Man does take over, the things the Slender Touched may be forced to do should vary according to what the DM considers his current motive. Tracking down the Slender Touched might cause the party to find him standing at the edge of a forest, simply watching a campsite or town, hidden from their view. It is also just as likely he might be found near a tree full of burning corpses, not taking any apparent pleasure or comfort in it, appearing almost bored – or worse – simply curious.

These are simply suggestions that play up what I see as the true horror of the Slender Man. It is more than possible to use him in different ways and make him a different kind of monster. The DM is encouraged to use him as he or she sees fit.

Slender Man’s Touch: As one might expect: when the monster within a Harrowed changes, so too much the outward manifestations of that power. While the Slender Man seeks to make the union as similar to the Harrowed as his past union, some changes simply will be necessary.

Levels of Slender Touched and Harrowed stack for the purposes of determining Shadowmental Touch damage and specific related abilities (i.e. melee and Unholy Infusion) as well as determining the DCs of Shadowmental effects. The element of their touch, however, changes forever to Dreaded Darkness and cannot be restored to its former element.

Dreaded Darkness: The Slender Man is a creature that seems to not rely on creating or making other creatures fearful, but exudes fear, forcing it deep into the minds of his victims in a way Enchanters can only dream to reach. The Slender Touched’s Shadowmental Touch does 1d6 damage per two class levels, half of which is negative energy damage and half of which stems directly from unholy power and is not subject to resistance of any kind. Dreaded Darkness plies its way into its victim’s mind, forcing the victim to make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ Slender Touched’s class level + the Slender Touched’s charisma modifier) or become Shaken for a number of rounds equal to the Harrowed’s class level.

Fear from the Slender Touched’s Shadowmental Touch does stack with fear from other sources (i.e. if a creature is already shaken and fails its will save, it becomes frightened) but not itself (i.e failing two will saves from a Shadowmental Touch simply resets the duration instead of stacking to frightened.)

Unnoticed (Su): The Slender Man is known for going unknown more often than not. The Slender Touched, so inundated in his presence, gains the same ability to reveal himself only to those he chooses to. He gains the ability to use the Hide skill even while being observed with the added ability to specify beings he is not hiding from. Creatures so specified can see him as if he was not hiding, but no matter how much they might try to point out the Slender Touched, other creatures gain no kind of circumstance bonus to Spot or Listen to discover the Slender Touched’s presence.

Aura of Blackness (Su): "There was something about his arms... they were terrifying but at the same time... called to us."

As a move action, the Slender Touched radiates a 20-foot-radius fear aura. Creatures within this aura must make a Will save DC (10 + ½ character level + Cha modifier) or become shaken for 1 round/character level. A creature that successfully saves against the Slender Touched’s Aura of Blackness cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.

At seventh level, this ability gains a curious addition – creatures affected must make two Will saves – one against the fear effect, and one against a new effect – a creature failing this second will save finds itself unable to move more than 10ft away from the Slender Touched willingly. If the Slender Touched moves away from it, it must make an additional will save to not be compelled to move to at least as close as it was before the Slender Touched moved. It still cannot move any further away, even on a successful save. This condition lasts 1 round/character level.

Fear from this ability does stack with fear from other sources, as fear from the Dreaded Darkness element.

Using this ability provokes a Will save (see The Monster Within/The New Monster Within).

Dreadful Reach (Su): Since the Slender Man is a willing resident within the harrowed to begin with, when he needs more power, the Slender Man is willing to provide it. Very quickly, the Slender Man offers two tendrils of his ghastly power to his unwilling host.

The Slender Touched can extrude two dark tentacles from his back, gaining two natural tentacle attacks with a reach of 10’ (but they can also attack creatures closer than 10’). These tendrils do 1d4 damage (add strength modifier to damage as usual) as well as the Slender Touched’s Shadowmental Touch damage, but without the secondary effect.

Using this ability provokes a Will save (see The Monster Within/The New Monster Within).

Vanish (Su): While the Slender Touched is far from being as in touch with the Slender Man’s world as he is, the tentative connection he does have is enough to grant him the ability to dart from place to place essentially instantaneously, baffling his foes and striking from where he never was. Once per round, as an immediate action, the Slender Touched can teleport to any other spot within a distance of 5 ft/2 character levels. If you Vanish in response to a melee attack, the attack suffers a 50% miss chance.

Deepening Darkness (Ex): Fewer and fewer can protect themselves from the blackness within the Slender Touched’s soul. Creatures that would otherwise be immune to fear effects can be made fearful by his class abilities.

Improved Grab (Ex): When the Slender Touched makes a successful melee attack with either of his tentacles, he can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.

Strike the Heart (Ex): The Slender man is a subtle creature, but subtlety does not exist without reason, and the Slender Touched is subtle to wrench the hearts from his victims. Whenever your target would be denied its Dex bonus to AC, his class abilities gain a +2 to their DCs.

Pry the Mind (Su): As much as the Slender Touched grows used to his abilities, even as a Harrowed, he never fully understood them entirely. Even from within him, the Slender Man continues to work behind the scenes, fulfilling his means through the power he allows his host to use.
Every round an opponent begins being grappled by one of the Slender Touched’s tentacles, some of its life energy is drained away by the dark creature within him – they suffer one negative level.

Devouring Aura (Su): The Slender Man’s presence is more than dreadful – it is antithetical to life. Most aren’t near enough to him long enough to ever notice, but the Slender Touched has become keenly aware, and can draw out some of that presence to become his own.

As a move action, the Slender Touched can activate a Devouring Aura that causes fatigue in all creatures within 10ft. Additionally, when the aura is activated, or whenever a creature enters the aura, a fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ Character level + Cha modifier) is necessary to prevent exhaustion.

Additionally, every round a creature begins its turn inside the Devouring Aura, it loses 1 HP/HD.

Using this ability provokes a Will save (see The Monster Within/The New Monster Within).

Deepest Darkness: There are none who can escape the reach of the Slender Man or his greatest vassals. All creatures, despite immunities or protections, are vulnerable to a Slender Touched’s class abilities.

Final Unity (Su): At the peak of their unity, the Slender Touched’s power expands dramatically, gaining final access to the Slender Man’s most feared power: the ability to simply remove people from existence. When the Slender Touched uses his Dreadful Reach ability, he can extrude up to four tentacles.

Additionally, if all four of his tentacles are attached to a single creature at the beginning of his turn, and he makes an additional successful grapple check, he may choose to rip the creature from reality, effectively killing it instantly. It can only be brought back into the world with a Wish or Miracle spell, and even then, it may prefer not to return alive – the Slender Man’s realm is far from pleasant – memories of that place would haunt a person forever.

As they haunt you.

However it might have happened, you find yourself possessed by the Slender Man, a creature feared by those who know of him, and better left unknown by those who don’t. Your life has changed for the worse, to be sure, but you are still allowed to use the power granted you. Will you?
Combat: Your role in combat will be similar to your role before taking the prestige class: ranged damage with some fun added effects. Your unique abilities, however, make fear and intimidation much more prevalent in your repertoire. When you gain tentacles, there is even more for you to do combined with the Auras the Slender Man provides. Use your abilities in conjunction to lock your foes in place and slowly wear away at them: a foe that is afraid of you, and yet unable to flee as they are wrapped in your tentacles and entranced by your aura is easy pickings for you and your friends alike.
Advancement: Returning to the Harrowed base class is a likely best recourse. You will pick up some of the more utilitarian abilities you missed out on by PrCing out, although any option you might have had as a Harrowed is still open.
Resources: A Slender Touched is just as alone in the world as a Harrowed. They form no organizations, as they is likely no more than one, or in very rare instances, two in the world at any given time. The Slender Man picks his subjects with discretion – don’t you feel lucky?

”It’s a cursed life he leads. I’m afraid to be around him. Yes, he’s fought as a great ally… but the power he uses, that he relies on… that’s what I don’t trust.” – Arden Verde, adventuring companion

“Anything that might bring that creature upon my people is not welcome here. Begone, monster.” – Sensible folk

To most, the Slender Touched is just as monstrous as a typical Harrowed – plagued by some beast beyond their ken. Those who know of the specific being behind their power, however… give the Slender Touched a wide berth.
Daily Life: Daily life for Slender Touched isn’t anything special, externally. The internal struggle with the beast within, however, continues with a new dynamic – the creature within has an agenda, but there’s no way to know what. One that likely haunted you for a long time, and may have involved itself with your friends and family.
Notables: The first and only known Slender Touched is known only as J. A Harrowed that sought after his friend Alex, following clues left behind in journals that led him deep into involvement with the Slender Man. In time, while recording journals of his own, he was confronted by the Slender Man, and stolen away, awakening again much later with a familiar presence pressing on his soul. He continued investigating his friend’s disappearance, preferring to pretend nothing had changed. As time went on, however, he began to realize that he had been occasionally losing control throughout his investigation, and was eventually driven to suicide.
Organizations: No organizations to speak of. They are very much unique creatures.

NPC Reaction
Most NPCs would have no idea where the Slender Touched’s powers are coming from, but most, seeing them displayed, would dread seeing them again.


Adaptation: I realize that many people may not find the Slender Man as intriguing or frightening as I do, but this class is fairly easily adaptable. Instead of it being a specific beast, this class could just as easily represent a more conniving, plotting beast that had been within the Harrowed from the beginning, or developed that direction slowly over time. The primary changes are a switching of utility and detecting abilities for more subtle, fear-based abilities. That change can come from any number of sources.
Encounters: Encounters with Slender Touched will likely be short one way or another. They don’t like to stay and chat for very long, so they are as likely to vanish and run away as they are to fight to the death at the slightest provocation – likely hoping to be killed then and there.


Beast Feats:

Elongated Form [Harrowed-Beast]
Prerequisites: The Monster Within class feature
Effect: Your body stretches and skews, retaining its general form but alien in its slenderness. Your natural reach doubles at the expense of a permanent loss of 2 con points. You are still made of flesh and bone, after all. Being that thin isn't good for a body.

Featureless Visage [Harrowed - Beast]
Prerequisites: The Monster Within class feature
Effect: At your option, as a free action, your face fades away, becoming a blank, pale smooth visage with no apparent features at all - no hair, no eyes, ears, mouth or nose, nothing at all. This does not effect any of your natural senses or abilities. While your face is blank, you suffer a -5 penalty to all Charisma-based checks, but it is impossible for others to recognize you.

Soul Feats:

Haunting Presence
Prerequisites: The New Monster Within, Vanish class features
Effect: You can cast Minor Image as a Spell-like ability. Additionally, when you use your Vanish ability, you may leave an image of yourself behind as the Warlock's Flee the Scene invocation. This power comes at the cost of your own ability to stay sane. You take a permanent -2 penalty to Will saves.

2010-09-28, 10:21 AM
Wielder of Fallen Souls

Heart and hand, feet and brow
Rest there evil just for now

The stream that deeper down doth flow
I dip from that water, in my hand such a soul

Weapons fiendish, deadly, grim
And dark the world I wander in

So heart and hand, feet and brow
Rest there evil
Just for now

The potential for evil exists within even the purest souls. Every mortal has a kernel of evil deep within her soul, whether she embraces it, fights it, or ignores its presence. Tempting demons and devils rely on this potential as they weave their insidious webs around mortal targets. Floods of evil souls flow into the Nine Hells and the Infinite Abyss every day.

The fact that every soul contains within it a spark of evil is also well-known to wielders of incarnum. As they manipulate the soul energy, meldshapers sometimes feel a cold, ominous shiver at the base of their necks; a clear indication that the incarnum they are shaping contains within it some of this evil energy. Most meldshapers disregard this feeling, knowing that the moral alignment of the soul energy they shape is immaterial to their ends.

A few totemists, however, actively seek out this fiendish incarnum, shaping it into dread soulmelds that draw their inspiration, not from the magical creatures that populate the material plane, but from the fallen denizens of the lower planes; demons and devils. These totemists are implacable warriors who skirt the boundaries of absolute evil in an effort to use demonic and diabolic powers to fight against the hordes of hell. Constantly touched by the evil they seek to fight, these warriors are grim, dour, and consumed by an almost fiendish hatred of demons and devils. They are the Wielders of Fallen Souls; stealing evil incarnum from the torturers of hell and using it to bring fiends’ own weapons to bear against them.

Becoming a Wielder of Fallen Souls
Most Wielders of Fallen Souls begin their adventuring careers as totemists. Indeed, all Wielders of Fallen Souls must have at least two totemist levels in order to gain access to totem chakra binds. Continuing to progress as a totemist before entering this prestige class is perhaps the most direct and powerful route, as it ensures the maximum meldshaping level possible.

There are other possible routes to becoming a Wielder of Fallen Souls. Other classes, including bards, clerics, and planar rangers (UA) have access to Knowledge (the planes) as a class skill and could, with a two-level totemist dip, become Wielders of the Fallen Souls. Multiclassing to any of these classes could provide useful benefits in the form of divine spells, bardic music, or favored enemy class abilities.

Skills: Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks
Feats: Fell the Chosen Foe
Special: Ability to bind soulmelds to your totem chakra
Class Skills: The Wielder of Fallen Souls’ class skills are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (arcane) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str)
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d8


+2|Fallen Soulmelds, Soul Thief|--

+3|Friend of the Fallen|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

+3|Soul Thief|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

+4|Wound the Fallen +1d6|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

+4|Soul Thief|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

+5|Pierce Fiendish Defense|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

+5|Soul Thief|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

+5|Wound the Fallen +2d6|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

+6|Soul Thief|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

+7|Fallen Chakra Bind|+1 level of existing meldshaping class[/table]

Class Features

Weapon Proficiencies: A Wielder of Fallen Souls gains no additional proficiencies with weapons or armor.

Meldshaping: At each Wielder of Fallen Souls level except 1st, you increase your meldshaper level, the number of soulmelds you can shape, the number of chakra binds you can create, what chakra binds you can make, and your essentia pool as if you had gained a level in the meldshaping class to which you belonged prior to gaining the Wielder of Fallen Souls level. You do not, however, gain any other abilities of that class. If you had more than one meldshaping class before becoming a Wielder of Fallen Souls, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining your essentia pool, meldshaper level, and the number of soulmelds and chakra binds available.

Fallen Soulmelds: Beginning at 1st level, you gain access to the power of the lower planes in the form of a new set of special soulmelds known as fallen soulmelds. When you shape your daily soulmelds, you can choose to shape fallen soulmelds in addition to or instead of normal soulmelds. Fallen soulmelds are described below.

While shaping a fallen soulmeld is not an evil act, the soulmelds themselves are composed of evil-aligned incarnum. An unbound fallen soulmeld or a fallen soulmeld bound to a least or lesser chakra will have a weak evil aura when viewed with detect evil or similar spells. A fallen soulmeld bound to a greater chakra or to the meldshaper’s totem chakra will have a moderate evil aura when so viewed.

Soul Thief (Su): All fiends derive sustenance, at least in part, from souls damned to their hellish realms. Beginning at 1st level, you learn to siphon off and capture some of the evil incarnum that exists within a evil outsider’s body. The target must be within 60 feet of you and you must have line of sight and line of effect. You must exceed the target’s hit dice on a character level check (1d20 + your character level) in order to successfully steal this energy. Making this check constitutes a move action. If you are successful, the target suffers a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks for one minute. Your use of this ability is not spent if you fail to affect the target. You can only steal incarnum from a given fiend once in a 24 hour period. You can use this ability once per day at first level. You gain an additional daily use at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels.

This stolen scrap of incarnum is weak and fleeting, but nonetheless gives you potent advantages in combat. At 1st level you gain temporary hit points equal to the target's hit dice. These hit points are lost before your normal hit points and last until they are lost or one minute has elapsed, whichever comes first.

At 3rd level, in addition to gaining temporary hit points, you gain one point of temporary essentia, which you immediately invest in a soulmeld, feat, class feature, or other receptacle for essentia. You may not exceed a soulmeld’s essentia capacity when assigning this temporary essentia. You are not required to take a separate action to invest this essentia. The temporary essentia lasts one minute before dissipating.

Beginning at 5th level, whenever you hit an evil outsider with a natural attack, you may attempt to steal incarnum as a free action instead of a move action. You can only make one such attempt per round. You can still use your Soul Thief ability as a move action as normal.

At 7th level you gain two points of temporary essentia instead of one when you use this ability.

At 9th level, in addition to gaining temporary hit points and temporary essentia, you may use the surge of soul energy you gain from a fallen fiend to alter one soulmeld’s chakra binds. Doing so requires you to take a move action on your next turn to concentrate on re-binding your soulmelds. You may unbind one soulmeld from a single chakra and bind it to a single new chakra. If a soulmeld is bound to two charkas (for example, a soulmeld bound to your totem chakra and a standard chakra) you may only transfer one chakra bind. Your chakra bind must in all other ways conform to the rules for chakra binds.

Friend of the Fallen (Ex): In using it to gain power you are recognized as having a connection to the denizens of the lower planes. Whenever you have a fallen soulmeld shaped, you gain a circumstance bonus equal to your class level on Charisma checks and bluff and diplomacy checks made to influence evil outsiders. Most Wielders of Fallen Souls, implacable and merciless warriors against the hordes of hell, use this bonus to disarm fiendish suspicions and place themselves in a position to affect an assassination or disrupt a fiendish ritual.

Wound the Fallen (Su): Beginning at 4th level, as long as you have at least one fallen soulmeld shaped, any natural attacks you have deal an extra 1d6 points of damage to evil outsiders. This damage is untyped and not reduced by damage reduction or energy resistance. At 8th level, you deal an extra 2d6 points of damage to evil outsiders.

Pierce Fiendish Defense (Su): Demons and devils are known for their formidable immunities and resistances. At 6th level, however, you learn how to use the power of incarnum to force a single attack or offensive ability through these defenses. As part of the action of making an attack or using an offensive ability, you make a character level check. If your check exceeds the target evil outsider’s hit dice, your attack or ability affects them as normal. Your bonus on your character level check increases by one for every point of essentia you have invested in this ability. You can ignore the following resistances and immunities:
Damage reduction
Energy resistance or immunity
Immunity to fear
Immunity to mind-affecting abilities
Immunity to poison or disease
Immunity to fatigue
Immunity to energy damage or energy drain
Immunity to paralysis
Immunity to death, necromancy, or pain effects
Immunity to stunning
You can use this ability once per encounter. However, you can only use this ability when you have at least one point of essentia invested in it.

Fallen Chakra Bind: At 10th level you gain access to a unique chakra: the fallen chakra. Like your totem chakra, the fallen chakra is not associated with any bodily location. It instead represents your connection to the evil residing within all souls. When you bind a soulmeld to your fallen chakra, you take on the characteristics of the creature represented by the meld – usually involving a limited physical transformation. Since the fallen chakra does not match a body location, binding a soulmeld to this chakra does not restrict your use of magic items that take up a body location.

When you bind a soulmeld to your fallen chakra, you gain benefits from that soulmeld as if you had bound it to your totem chakra. You do not, however, gain improved essentia capacity, increased meldshaper level, or any benefits associated with your totem chakra other than those listed under the description of the soulmeld. You can only bind fallen soulmelds to your fallen chakra.

Playing a Wielder of Fallen Souls
A Wielder of Fallen Souls acts much like a totemist would, both in combat and out. However, his single-minded pursuit of fiends to destroy and his willingness to embrace the use of incarnum tainted with evil provide some options that most totemists refuse to accept.

Combat: Like a totemist, a Wielder of Fallen Souls relies heavily on his soulmelds for combat potency, especially those that grant or enhance natural weapons. A Wielder of Fallen Souls will usually attempt, during the first several rounds, to steal incarnum from any evil outsiders present and gain some bonus essentia or shift around one of his chakra binds to better cope with the situation at hand. Thereafter, he will usually seek to enter melee combat as quickly as possible or, if he has shaped soulmelds like the ice devil coat, remain out of melee combat and use his ranged attacks to good effect.

Advancement: Whether he came into the class as a straight totemist or not, a Wielder of Fallen Souls develops significant meldshaping power over the course of the prestige class. Most Wielders of Fallen Souls choose to continue as totemists (and gain greater access to their totem chakra) or move into a prestige class that progresses their meldshaping.

Resources: Grim, determined, and teetering on the precipice between good and evil, Wielders of Fallen Souls are often solitary hunters, treated with suspicion even by their allies. However, they can sometimes acquire resources from Paladin organizations or churches devoted to combating evil outsiders. They also usually recognize fellow hunters and try to lend a hand when they can.

Wielders of Fallen Souls in the World
Yeah, he came through here. Scared the life out of us, too. Looked like a nightmare and talked like he was out for blood. No one wanted to go near him, but he dragged the Father Andrew out of the church and interrogated him right there in the street. Dunno what he was after.

Like most fanatics, a Wielder of Fallen Souls has few close friends. His obsession with hunting fiends and the morally questionable methods he chooses to employ do not endear him to polite society. Even other meldshapers, who more fully understand the powers with which a Wielder of Fallen Souls works, are reluctant to associate closely with one so close to utter darkness.

Daily Life: Most Wielders of Fallen Souls have given up a normal life to pursue evil outsiders with a consuming passion. They rely heavily on their meldshaping and shape soulmelds as soon as they can in the morning. Many have speculated that they are addicted to the evil-tainted incarnum with which they work, and their behavior if they are somehow prevented from meldshaping bears this out in some ways. The rest of their day is consumed by the hunt. They truly relish days where their search brings them to battle with a powerful evil creature.

Organizations: There is no formal organization of Wielders of Fallen Souls. Most of them enter into temporary, ad hoc partnerships with other fiend hunters. They occasionally work together with other Wielders of Fallen Souls, but these instances are few and far between.

Notable Wielders of Fallen Souls

The Legend of Emem Awiti
Far to the south, beyond the marches of any kingdom, lies an endless sea of grass. The people who live in this vast plain, a hardy race of herdsmen and hunters, dwell in small communities, following their herds through the endless pastureland.

Many years ago, Emem Awiti was a spiritual leader and guardian of a small community. One day, a group of bedraggled families stumbled through Emem's village. They had come from a village many weeks to the north and were wounded, beaten, and bloody. Many men were missing and some children were without mother or father. As Emem's people tried to heal their wounds and feed them from the village's meager food stocks, the refugees told of a group of soldiers, clad in bright metal and wielding long claws of steel, who charged into their village at night and killed whatever they could; sheep, goats, horses, men, women and children. Some said that fire shot from their hands and they had claws like demons.

"But surely," said Emem, "we are far beyond their reach here. Stay with us and be safe!" But they would not, and counseled Emem's people to move south with them. So it was that Emem slept a troubled sleep, full of dreams of death and fire.

A few days later, more refugees came through Emem's town. This time, Emem recognized some of them from a village only one week north. he asked them, "Friends, who has harmed you?" They replied with similar stories of men with flaming hands, deadly claws, and iron skin.

"Maybe we aren't so safe here." thought Emem. "I can bind the power of the lion or the snake to my limbs, I can breathe the breath of the gorgon, but how can I fight off an army of demons?" That night, he dreamed again.

A hulking, dark figure rose out of a field of smoke and Emem heard words in his mind. I can give you the power. Do you trust in me?

The next morning, Emem went outside the village early in the morning. He sat on a rock, with the sun on his back, and reached out to the soul energy all around him. As he had a number of times before, he felt a shiver run down his spine, but this time he didn't disregard it. Reaching out, he wove that piece of soul into a meld, one he had never seen before. It was cool on his shoulders and made him forget the light and warmth of the sun. He didn't got back to the village that night but stayed, grim and frowning, on top of the rock.

A few days later, the soldiers came. They rushed into the village, burning huts and slaying villagers and animals with wanton abandon. They laughed at the carnage, but their laughter turned to shrieks of fear as Emem set upon them, the very air around them turning to ice as he rushed in, tearing flesh from bone with claws sharper than anything that occurs in nature. In only a few moments, it was over.

But Emem hadn't slain only invading soldiers. Among the bodies were many of his own friends and family, which he had cast down in his frenzy. As the demonic voice in his head laughed with glee, Emem understood. He walked out of the village without a word. He has not returned since.
The End of Existence for Bahram Heydar
Why had they called him back from the hunting party? The village depended upon this annual hunt to bring back many wild sheep to salt and sate the village's hunger through the long mountain winter.

The elder met him before he even entered the village. An accident? What happened? Bahram rushed to his house, hardly noticing that, despite being on the edge of the town square, no one was within 30 feet of the door.

He threw aside the cloth that kept out the cold. Blood was spattered lightly over the threshold and the floor of the front room, as if it had sprayed from a great distance. A heavier trail led to the family's private rooms.

Bahram walked, almost numb from horror, into the rooms where his wife had lived. The stench overwhelmed him, but he couldn't tear his eyes from what met him there. Nor could he find the strength to leave the room. He sank into the corner, drew his knees to his chest, and whimpered.

It was several hours later that he emerged, carrying her body in his blood-stained arms. He walked the five miles to her parent's village, oblivious to the cold. Wordlessly, he deposited the body in her father's arms and walked out of the village. Tired beyond his experience, he collapsed in a cave and wept.

When he awoke, his subconscious mind guided him through the habit of shaping his soulmelds for the day, if only to keep his mind from the horror of that room. But thoughts of it kept breaking through his trance; the blood on the floor, the way her neck had been bent, the scorch marks on her hands and feet.

He felt a shiver run down his spine and reached out with his mind to grab it.

He felt it pulsating with power.

He felt the evil, but didn't care. He embraced it, his thoughts focused on revenge. He knew what had done this and now, within his grasp, was the power he needed to get even.

The claws he shaped were new to him but he could feel them yearn to tear into demonic flesh; a desire he shared. He staggered out of the cave and down the road, looking for the guilty ones.
Morning for Chase
Eyes open before the dawn. Cold. A sick taste in my mouth. Sit up. Already I can feel it. That ache. That panic. Grope around, wildly trying to find it. Where is it? I can't find any where will I find some why isn't there any around heretherehastobeitcan'thavealldisappearedIMUSTFIND SOME!

A cold shiver running down my spine. At last.

Calm. Reach out, caress it. Bring it in and treasure it for a moment. Weave, poke, prod, and shape it. Bands today, I think. And a necklace. I can feel them close to me already. Gotta hold on until they're dead.

Sun's risen. Time to get up for real. They have to be close. That priest said they were, right before he died. Can't be helped. Sacrifice, you know.
NPC Reaction
Most normal people tend to look with suspicion upon those with overpowering obsessions, especially if those obsessions are of as dark and violent a nature as that which drives a Wielder of Fallen Souls. While most people do not understand the true nature of a Wielder of Fallen Souls' powers, their obvious demonic or diabolic associations further this negative perceptions. Those sages who do understand how fallen soulmelds come to be look upon Wielders of Fallen Souls with fear and hatred mixed with pity. Fear and hatred of the manipulation of tainted incarnum. Pity for the tragedies that so often bring people to this path.

There are some, however, who appreciate a Wielder of Fallen Souls' drive and determination to combat evil. Members of fanatical paladin orders, for example, may sometimes ally with a Wielder of Fallen Souls and value his contributions to the campaign against the fiends. Still, Wielder's of Fallen Souls walk a line between light and dark, good and evil, sanity and madness that is too fine for most to be comfortable with. And you never know when they might slip...

Wielders of Fallen Souls in the Game

Adaptation: This prestige class is designed to fit easily into most campaigns, at least as long as the setting supports meldshaping classes. All that is really required is the existence of the totemist base class and the existence of evil outsiders. The nature of incarnum as described in Magic of Incarnum is vague at best, and the aligned incarnum described here could easily be inserted into any campaign setting. Any society or race can produce Wielders of Fallen Souls.

The Fell the Chosen Foe feat, one of the requirements to enter this prestige class, can be found below.

Fell the Chosen Foe
So intense and single-minded is your hatred that your blows penetrate even the thickest defenses
Prerequisites: BAB +3, Knowledge (Varies) 5 ranks (note: you must have 5 ranks in the Knowledge skill that pertains to the creature type you select as part of this feat)
Benefit: You have devoted yourself to combating a single type of enemy and have learned how to pierce its armor. You select a creature type from the list of ranger Favored Enemies when you first take this feat. Your attacks, whether with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, or manufactured weapon, automatically overcome the damage reduction of that type of creature. In the case of alignment-based damage reduction, your actual alignment has no effect on whether you can overcome the damage reduction.
Wielders of Fallen Souls and the Taint of Evil: Wielders of Fallen Souls derive significant power from interacting very closely with evil-tainted incarnum. Such a pursuit naturally places a Wielder of Fallen Souls in significant risk of taking on some of that taint themselves. If you are using the taint system presented in the Heroes of Horror supplement, use the following rules to adjudicate its influence on the Wielders of Fallen Souls.

At the conclusion of any week during which a Wielder of Fallen Souls shaped at least one fallen soulmeld, he must succeed on a DC 11 Will save or gain one point of depravity as a result of his interactions with tainted soul energy. This taint can be resisted or cleansed in all the normal ways. If, however, a Wielder of Fallen Souls receives an atonement spell to cleanse taint, he can no longer advance in the prestige class and loses access to his fallen soulmelds, soul thief, friend of the fallen, and fiendish chakra bind class features.

Encounters: Most Wielders of Fallen Souls will be found where powerful fiends have broken through onto the material plane. Characters engaged in hunting these fiends, protecting temples, or interfering in the politics of the lower planes will encounter Wielders of Fallen Souls as they track and destroy evil outsiders. A Wielder of Fallen Souls might be a crazy enemy, bent on destroying fiends even at the expense of mortal life. He might also be a timely ally in the fight against a powerful demonic cult. He might even be an agent of a devil, manipulated into killing demons by subtle prods and his own consuming hatred.

The Bleakness of Bahram Heydar: EL 8

Since his wife's murder, Bahram has abandoned his community, living a solitary life in the mountains of his homeland, hunting any fiends that come across his path. Touched by the horror of the brutal killing, Bahram has embraced the fallen soulmelds as a means to slake an unquenchable thirst for revenge at any cost. He lives a bestial existence in caves, relying heavily on his Survival skill to find food and shelter.

Bahram has come to believe that a religious teacher in the village where the PCs are staying knows the location of a portal between the material plane and the lower planes. Consumed by his quest for vengeance, he tries to infiltrate or storm the village in order to capture the leader and learn the location of the portal. The PCs may come between Bahram and his prey.

Bahram Heydar
Chaotic Neutral Male Human Totemist 5/WoFS 3
Init +3, Senses: Listen +13, Spot +13
Languages common
AC 19 (10 + 5 [armor] + 2 [dex] + 1 [deflection] + 1 [natural armor], touch 13, flat-footed 17, DR 1/silver
hp 73 (8d8+32)
Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7
Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
Melee Unarmed Strike +9 (1d3+2)
Base Atk +5, Grp +7
Atk Options Wild Empathy, Essentia Pool 7 (capacity 2), Soul Thief, Improved Grab
Combat Gear Soulmelds (Babau-Skin Mantle [totem], Hamatula Bands [hands], Cloak of the Jovoc, Wings of the Vrock, Marilith Mantle), Mithril Chain Shirt +1, Ring of Protection +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Vest of Resistance +1
Supernatural Abilities Meldshaping, Totem's Protection, Chakra Binds (totem, crown, feet, hands), Fallen Soulmelds, Soul Thief
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 10
SQ Illiteracy
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Fell the Chosen Foe, Expanded Soulmeld Capacity
Skills Knowledge (the planes) +11, Listen +13, Ride +14, Spot +13, Survival +13
Possessions Above, plus 2400 gp in various other possessions
Bahram makes extensive use of grappling in combat, relishing the opportunity to watch the life slowly ebb away from fiends caught in his grip. He relies on binding his Babau-Skin Mantle to his totem chakra to deal acid damage each round and invests most of his essentia in either his Babau-Skin Mantle or his Hamatula Bands (one of which is usually the beneficiary of his Expanded Soulmeld Capacity feat).

2010-09-28, 10:22 AM
Fallen Soulmelds

{table=head]Chakra|Soulmeld|Basic Effect|Bound Effect
Crown|Dretch-Skin Cap|Darkvision 60 ft.|100 ft. telepathy
|Skullcap of the Bone Devil|+4 to intimidate|Fear aura
|Succubus Shawl|+2 to Cha-based checks|Tongues
Feet|Hellcat Boots|+2 to hide and move silently|Rake attacks
|Retriever Helm|+2 to search and gather information|Stability
Hands|Hamatula Bands|+2 bonus on grapple checks|Improved grab
|Marilith Mantle|+2 bonus on damage rolls|Deal damage as if one size larger
Arms|Babau-Skin Mantle|+2 to hide and move silently|+1d6 sneak attack
|Bebilith Broath|+2 vs. poison and disease|Rend armor
|Bracers of the Bearded Devil|Fight while disabled or dying|Persistent wounds
|Ice Devil Coat|+2 vs. cold|Slow
Brow|Chain Devil Shirt|+4 to intimidate|Gaze attack
|Nalfeshee Circlet|+2 to diplomacy and sense motive|True seeing
|Retriever Helm|+2 to search and gather information|Discern location
Shoulders|Babau-Skin Mantle|+2 to hide and move silently|Acid resistance 10
|Cloak of the Jovoc|DR 1/silver|fast healing 2
|Ice Devil Coat|+2 vs. cold|Cold resistance 10
|Wings of the Vrock|Constant feather fall|Fly speed
Throat|Bebilith Broach|+2 vs. poison and disease|Web
|Hezrou Necklace|+2 on attacks of opportunity|Stench
|Wings of the Vrock|Constant feather fall|Stunning shriek
Waist|Belt of the Balor|+2 vs. fire and heat|deal fire damage when struck
|Hamatula Bands|+2 bonus on grapple checks|Barbed defense
|Succubus Shawl|+2 on Cha-based checks|Alter self
Heart|Chain Devil Shirt|+4 to intimidate|Regeneration 2
|Marilith Mantle|+2 bonus on damage rolls|Spell resistance
|Succubus Shawl|+2 on Cha-based checks|Charm monster[/table]

Babau-Skin Mantle

Descriptors: acid
Chakra: arms, shoulders (totem)
Saving Throw: none

Strips of black, leathery hide float over your shoulders and chest, wafting slightly in the wind. Every so often, a drop of red liquid falls from one of the strips, dissipating into nothingness before touching the ground.

Assassins and spies of the demon hordes, babaus are stealthy and cunning. They never engage in a fair fight if they can avoid it, preferring to infiltrate, ambush or fool their foes. In shaping this fallen soulmeld, you acquire some of the babau’s underhandedness. You gain a +2 competence bonus to hide and move silently checks.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in the babau-skin mantle, the competence bonus to hide and move silently checks increases by 2.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
The strips of demon flesh that make up the soulmeld coalesce on your hands, the fingers of which become long and claw-like.

You gain 1d6 sneak attack damage when you attack with a natural weapon. For every point of essentia you invest in the babau-skin mantle, you gain an additional +1d6 points of sneak attack damage. You cannot used sneak attack damage gained from this soulmeld to qualify for prestige classes or feats.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
The wispy strips of flesh weave together, forming a solid shirt of demon hide that covers your torso. Occasional strips still seem to ooze a red liquid, though falling drops never reach the ground.

When you bind the babau-skin mantle to your shoulder chakra, you gain acid resistance 10. Every point of essentia invested in the mantle increases this resistance by 5 points.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
Your skin darkens, becoming almost black. Drops of red slime constantly run down your arms and drop from your fingertips, hissing and sputtering violently when they hit the ground.

Your skin is covered in the protective, acidic slime that coats a babau’s skin. Any weapon that touches you takes 1d6 points of acid damage (not reduced by the weapon’s hardness) for every point of essentia you invest in the soulmeld. Additionally, any creature who strikes you with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, or touch attack takes this damage as well.

Bebilith Broach

Descriptors: none
Chakra: arms, throat (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

Two long, thin, menacing pincers sprout from your throat under your jaw, waving and clicking ominously.

Spider-like, predatory demon hunters, bebiliths are able to disable their foes and eliminate their defenses. They use webs and deadly poisons to defeat their enemies. You gain a +2 bonus on saves to resist the effects of poison and disease.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in your bebilith broach, the bonus on saves against poison and disease increases by 1.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
The insubstantial pincers waving under your jaw solidify and join with your shoulders, moving with more purpose and menace than before.

If you hit an armor-clad opponent with two or more natural attacks, you may pull apart its armor. You automatically deal 1d6 points of damage for every point of essentia invested in your bebilith broach to your opponent’s armor. Armor reduced to 0 hit points is destroyed. This damage is in addition to any damage you deal to the opponent as normal. In addition, you ignore one point of the armor's hardness for every point of essentia you invest in your bebilith broach

Chakra Bind (Throat)
A small, hose-like spinneret appears under your jaw, twisting and turning as if on its own volition. Every few minutes, a small drop of filmy liquid falls from the tip.

As a standard action, you can create webs around your opponents, sticking them to the ground. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 30 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet. This attack is effective against targets of up to Gargantuan size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature can escape with a DC 24 Escape Artist check or burst the web with a DC 24 Strength check. The web has 14 hit points and hardness 0. There is a 75% chance that the webbing will not burn if any sort of fire is applied to it (check each round). The DCs to escape or break the web increase by one for every point of essentia you invest in the soulmeld. The web also gains one point of hardness for each point of invested essentia.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
A vicious green ichor coats your teeth and claws.

The first attack you make with a natural weapon each round infects the target with a deadly poison. The primary and secondary damage for this poison is 1d6 Constitution damage plus one additional point of Constitution damage for every point of essentia you invest in your bebilith broach. If you miss with your first attack, the poison is ruined by exposure to the air and becomes harmless (if foul-smelling) sludge. Creatures affected by this poison can make a Fortitude save to avoid the initial and secondary damage, as normal for a poison. The save DC is equal to the normal save DC for your soulmelds.

Belt of the Balor

Descriptors: fire
Chakra: waist (totem)
Saving Throw: None

A thin ring of flame hovers around your waist and wrists, casting a sinister red light over your body and making your skin appear to take on a crimson hue.

A balor’s body is constantly wreathed in flame, producing a heat too intense for most beings to survive. In shaping this fallen soulmeld, your body takes on some of this overwhelming flame. You gain a +2 bonus on saves to resist damage from mundane or magical fire or heat, including the effects of hot and dry weather.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in the belt of the balor, the save bonus granted by this soulmeld increases by 1.

Chakra Bind (Waist)
The ring of fire around your waist begins to pulsate feverishly, sending out unpredictable bursts of searing flame.

Any creature striking you with a natural weapon or unarmed strike takes 1d6 points of fire damage for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld. Weapons striking you take the same damage. Creatures grappling you take this damage every round at the end of your turn, regardless of whether you succeed or fail on a grapple check to deal damage to them.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The fire around your wrists grows and covers your hands. Your fingers grow and begin to curl and writhe like whips.

When you bind the belt of the balor to your totem chakra, your natural attacks gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. Additionally, your natural attacks deal 1d4 points of fire damage for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld.

Bracers of the Bearded Devil

Descriptors: none
Chakra: arms (totem)
Saving Throw: none

These bracers cover most of your forearms. Their entire surface is covered in tangled, matted hair.

Bearded devils revel in melee combat and often enter into a state of battle frenzy, enraged by the sight and scent of blood. In shaping this soulmeld, you channel some of that tenacity and fury. You may continue to fight without penalty while disabled or dying. When reduced to 0 hit points, you can act as if you weren’t disabled. You do not loose hit points for performing a standard or otherwise strenuous action while at 0 hit points. When reduced to -1 to -9 hit pints, you do not fall unconscious nor do you loose 1 hit point per round. When your current hit points drop to -10 or lower, you immediately die.
Essentia: While between 0 and -10 hit points, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for every point of essentia you have invested in your bracers of the bearded devil.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
The hair from your bracers covers your arms and hands. Your fingernails turn black and seem to absorb light and color.

Your natural attacks cause persistent wounds. An injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round until it is the recipient of any amount of magical healing or of a DC 16 Heal check. Normally, once a creature has been injured by you it continues to lose 2 hit points per round, regardless of how many times you hit it with your natural attacks. However, one additional successful attack for every point of essentia you have invested in this soulmeld causes a persistent wound. For example, if you have two points of essentia invested in your bracers of the bearded devil, three of your natural attacks would inflict persistent wounds, meaning that the creature would lose 6 hit points per round.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
A thick, matted beard sprouts from your chin. Each hair seems to move of its own accord, seeking to strike any creature that comes within reach.

If you hit a creature with at least two natural attacks, you automatically hit with your beard as well. Your beard deals 1d8 points of damage plus one extra point for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld. Damage from this attack is considered magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and affecting incorporeal creatures. Additionally, creatures struck by your beard take a penalty to their Strength score equal to the amount of essentia you have invested in your bracers of the bearded devil. This penalty lasts for one minute.

Chain Devil Shirt

Descriptors: none
Chakra: brow, heart (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

Strands of incarnum dangle from your shoulders, taking the form of innumerable chains that clink ominously as you move.

Chain devils, or kytons, revel in the fear and pain of their victims. They are clad only in chains, which they can control in terrifying and amazing ways. In shaping this soulmeld, you channel the kyton’s love of fear and its ability to manipulate chains. You gain a +4 bonus on intimidate checks.
Essentia: As long as you have at least one point of essentia invested in your chain devil shirt, you can demoralize an opponent in combat as a move action rather than a standard action.

Chakra Bind (Brow)
Chains cover your face and wrap around your head, partially obscuring your eyes. When they do peek out from behind this veil of chains, your eyes are an unnerving red color.

As a standard action, you target a single creature within 30 feet with your gaze. That creature must succeed on a Will save or take a penalty on attack rolls equal to the amount of essentia you have invested in your chain devil shirt (minimum -1). This penalty persists for one minute.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
The chains around your torso constantly move and shift, helping to deflect blows and bind your body together.

You gain regeneration 2. You take normal damage from silver weapons, good-aligned weapons, and spells or effects with the good descriptor. If you lose a piece of your body it regrows in 2d6x10 minutes. Holding the severed body part against the stump causes it to reattach instantly.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
Chains cover your body in its entirety, digging deep into your skin and lashing out through the air around you.

You can control up to 4 unattended chains within 20 feet (including the chains that wrap around your body) as a standard action. You can control up to 15 feet of each chain, can make them move and dance as you wish, and can cause them to grow razor-sharp spikes (dealing damage as spiked chains). The chains can make a single attack at anything within their reach at your highest base attack bonus and can be used to make trip or disarm attempts. You can climb any chain you control without making climb checks.

Cloak of the Jovoc

Descriptors: none
Chakra: shoulders (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

The deep blue of a fallen soulmeld hovers over your shoulders, forming a loose cloak of grey-blue hide, its edges stained red, as if with blood.

Jovocs (MMII) are the shock troops of demonic armies. Theirs is an insidious power. They heal quickly, resist damage well, and damage they take is turned back upon their enemies. In shaping this fallen soulmeld, you channel some of the resilience of the jovoc. You gain DR 1/silver.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in the cloak of the jovoc, the damage reduction the soulmeld grants increases 1.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
The insubstantial cloak of skin solidifies and settles on top of your shoulders. Where a normal cloak would clasp around your neck, this one sinks deep into your skin.

When you bind the cloak of the jovoc to your shoulder chakra, you gain the jovoc’s ability to heal damage more quickly. You gain fast healing 2. This fast healing increases by 1 for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The cloak violently digs into your back and shoulders, turning your skin the same grey-blue and causing your hands and feet to take on the dark red color of old, dried blood.

When you bind the cloak of the jovoc to your totem chakra, you gain the jovoc’s aura ability. Whenever you take damage from any source, all enemies, regardless of type, immediately take an equal amount of damage. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage taken as a result of your aura. Regardless of the type of damage dealt to you, the damage dealt by your aura is not reduced or negated by energy resistance, damage reduction, or any other ability. The range of your aura is equal to 10 feet for every point of essentia you have invested in the cloak of the jovoc.

Dretch-Skin Cap

Descriptors: none
Chakra: crown (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

A small cap of pale, sickly flesh hovers over the crown of your head, drooping down past your ears and eyes and flopping as you move.

Dretches are the weakest and simplest creatures in the infinite ranks of abyssal armies. Shaping this soulmeld gives you access to some of the most basic characteristics of the demon hordes. You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in the dretch-skin cap the range of your darkvision increases by 10 feet.

Chakra Bind (Crown)
The cap of sickly flesh settles securely on top of your head, with flaps of skin hanging down and joining with your own skin to completely cover your ears.

When you bind the dretch-skin cap to your crown chakra, you gain the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that can speak Abyssal. For every point of essentia you invest in this soulmeld, you can select one additional language in which you can communicate telepathically. You can always understand this communication, even if you cannot normally speak the language in question.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
Your hair seems to disappear and your skin seems to sag as if only loosely-connected to your bones and muscles.

You gain the ability to produce a putrid cloud of gas and odor once per minute. Every living creature within this cloud must succeed on a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds plus one additional round for every two points of essentia invested in the soulmeld. The cloud is centered on you and has a radius of 10 feet. For every point of essentia you have invested in the dretch-skin cap the radius of this cloud increases by 10 feet. A creature that successfully saves against this effect or that has already suffered its effect is immune to your stinking cloud for 24 hours.

Hamatula Bands

Descriptors: none
Chakra: hands, waist (totem)
Saving Throw: none

You gather bands of dark blue incarnum about your waist and wrists. Sharp-looking but insubstantial spines dot the surface of the bands.

Hamatulas, or barbed devils, relish melee combat, and love bring their spiked hide to bear on their opponents. In shaping this soulmeld, you channel the hamatula’s aggression and strength. You gain a +2 competence bonus on grapple checks.
Essentia: The competence bonus on grapple checks increases by 1 for every point of essentia you invest in the hamatula bands.

Chakra Bind (Hands)
The band of incarnum seems to fade into your wrists but the deadly spikes remain. More solid than before, they curve slightly toward your fingertips and seem to strain against whatever holds them to your skin.

When you hit with a natural weapon, you can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Chakra Bind (Waist)
The band of incarnum around your waist thickens and adheres tightly to your middle. The spikes seem to multiply and grow.

Any creature striking you with a handheld weapon, unarmed strike, or natural attack takes 1d8 points of damage (half piercing, half slashing) plus one additional point for every point of essentia you have invested in the hamatula bands. Weapons with exceptional reach do not endanger their users in this way.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The bands around your waist and wrists seem to disappear, but vicious spikes sprout from your entire torso, twisting and writing as they grow.

On a successful grapple check, you deal 1d4 points of piercing damage for every point of essentia you have invested in this soulmeld in addition to the damage you would normally deal on a successful grapple check.

Hellcat Boots

Descriptors: none
Chakra: feet (totem)
Saving Throw: none

Something insubstantial and vaguely hairy covers your feet, distorting the passage of light and making your legs seem wobbly and indistinct.

Hellcats are cunning masters of ambush tactics, delighting in surprising unsuspecting foes with a well-executed attack. It is often nearly impossible to detect there presence. In shaping this soulmeld, you channel some of the hellcat’s stealth. You gain a +2 competence bonus to hide and move silently checks.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in the hellcat boots, the competence bonus to hide and move silently checks increases by 2.

Chakra Bind (Feet)
Long vicious claws extend from your toes, fading into nothingness toward the tips.

You gain two natural rake attacks that you can use while grappling. Each attack is at your highest base attack bonus and deals 1d4 points of damage plus half your Strength modifier.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The same insubstantial hairy…something that covers your shins spreads to your whole body, making it very difficult to pin you down, especially in bright light.

You gain concealment (20% miss chance) while in an area of bright light (any area lit well enough for a human to see). You can use this concealment to hide even when under observation.

Hezrou Necklace

Descriptors: none
Chakra: throat (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

The deep blue incarnum that makes up a fallen soulmeld coalesces loosely around your throat. It hangs in baggy, toad-like flaps under your chin, wiggling as you move.

Hezrous are enormous, toad-like demons who command lesser demons in battle. They wade into the thick of battle, attempting to keep as many foes as possible within the reach of their powerful stench. In shaping this fallen soulmeld, you channel some of the hezrou’s aggression and gain a +2 bonus on attacks of opportunity.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in your hezrou necklace the bonus on attack rolls increases by 1.

Chakra Bind (Throat)
The baggy flaps of dark blue incarnum solidify under your jowls, changing a sickly green color and dripping with a viscous, foul-smelling liquid.

When you bind the hezrou necklace to your throat chakra, you begin to exude the powerful, nauseating stench of a hezrou. All living creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for as long as they remain within the radius. Creatures that succeed on their Fortitude save are still sickened for as long as they remain within the radius. Additionally, the sickened or nauseated effect lasts 2 rounds after the creature leaves the radius for every point of essentia you have invested in your hezrou necklace.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
Your hands take on the fleshy, grasping strength of a hezrou, with drops of ichor dripping from the end of each claw.

Whenever you hit with a natural weapon you can initiate a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Additionally you are treated as a Large creature for the purpose of adjudicating grapple checks. Finally, you gain a bonus on grapple checks equal to the amount of essentia you have invested in the hezrou necklace.

Ice Devil Coat

Descriptors: cold
Chakra: arms, shoulders (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

A thick coat settles over your shoulders and torso. It seems to be composed of pure white sheets of a thin, flexible chitin. It covers you from jaw to knees. If you look carefully, the ends of the sleeves have a few ominous flecks of red.

Ice devils (also known as gelugons) are the commanders of the hordes of the Nine Hells. Cold in temperature and cold of heart, they are savage fighters and cunning leaders who use their powers over cold to good effect. In shaping this soulmeld, you gain some of the ice devil’s control over ice and frigid temperatures. You gain a +2 bonus on saves to resist damage from mundane or magical cold, including the effects of cold weather.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in the ice devil coat, the save bonus granted by this soulmeld increases by 1.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
The red flecks at the cuffs of your coat intensify and spread, leaving a light dusting of red covering the cuffs and reaching almost to your elbows. Your hands take on the appearance of razor-sharp ice.

Any living creature hit by your natural weapons must make a Fortitude save or be slowed for 1d6 rounds. Whether they successfully avoid the slow effect or not, you can only affect an individual creature once per 24 hours with this ability.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
The coat settles heavily on your shoulders, heavy and unmoving even in brisk winds. A thin dusting of frost covers the coat and evaporates slowly, surrounding you with a faint white cloud.

When you bind the ice devil coat to your shoulder chakra, you gain cold resistance 10. Every point of essentia invested in the coat increases this resistance by 5 points.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The coat disappears, but the color of your skin fades, leaving you looking pure white and frosty. Your jaw line shifts and separates in the front, leaving you with insect-like mandibles.

You can expel a cone of deadly cold from your mouth as a standard action, freezing all in front of you. The cone has a length of 60 feet. Every creature within the area takes 1d6 points of cold damage plus an additional 1d6 points of cold damage for every point of essentia you have invested in the ice devil coat. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. You can use this ability once every 3 rounds.

Marilith Mantle

Descriptors: none
Chakra: hands, heart (totem)
Saving Throw: none

Strips of snake-like skin hang from your shoulders, tapering off into nothingness and waving in the breeze. Four large strips seem to hang underneath your arms, giving you the appearance of having six upper limbs.

Mariliths are perhaps the most cunning and ferocious warriors of the Abyss. The typically wield a deadly longsword in each of their six arms. In shaping this soulmeld, you tap into the ferocity and martial prowess of the marilith. You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with unarmed strikes, natural weapons, or manufactured weapons.
Essentia: The bonus on damage rolls increases by one for every point of essentia you invest in the marilith mantle.

Chakra Bind (Hands)
The fingers of your hands fuse together, covered by a metallic-looking layer of skin. They come to a wicked, gleaming point about a foot beyond where your fingers normally end.

Your slam or claw attacks deal damage as if you were one size larger. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with claw or slam attacks for very point of essentia you have invested in the marilith mantle.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
The gentle waving of the snake skin hanging from your shoulders speeds up, with strips of skin whirling around your body at fantastic speeds.

You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + 4 per point of essentia you have invested in the marilith mantle.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The insubstantial wisps of snakeskin beneath your arms solidify into four heavily-muscled arms, which hold themselves in readiness to lash out in all directions.

You gain two slam attacks that you can use as natural weapons, dealing 1d4 points of damage with each slam. These attacks come from arms that form beneath your natural arms. Any attacks you make with these new arms are in addition to any attacks you make with your natural arms and are always considered secondary attacks. They are made at a -5 penalty and apply half your Strength bonus on damage rolls.

Nalfeshee Circlet

Descriptors: none
Chakra: brow (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

A small ring of spiky bone-colored horns floats just above your eyebrows.

Nalfeshees are the judges of the Abyss, condemning souls to endless torment in the endless pits and layers of the demons’ realms. In shaping this soulmeld you gain some of their skill in perception and analysis. You gain a +2 competence bonus on diplomacy and sense motive checks.
Essentia: For every point of essentia you invest in the nalfeshee circlet the competence bonus on diplomacy and sense motive checks increases by 2.

Chakra Bind (Brow)
The bone-like horns settle on the surface of your forehead, digging painfully into your skin and rooting themselves just above your eyes, which seem to shrink and take on an almost pig-like quality.

You gain the ability to use True Seeing for a number of rounds per hour equal to your meldshaper level. You can divide these rounds up however you choose. You activate this ability as a swift action and end it as a free action.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
Fine brown hairs sprout from your body while horns and tusks seem to jut from your face and mouth. Light seems to play strangely around the edges of these hairs and horns.

You can create a nimbus of unholy light once per minute, with rainbow-colored beams radiating from your body. One living creature within 20 feet must succeed on a Will save or be dazed for one round; tormented by visions of its worst fears and misdeeds. For every two points of essentia you have invested in the nalfeshee circlet, you can affect one additional creature and the duration increases by one round.

Retriever Helm

Descriptors: none
Chakra: feet, brow (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

A helm of gleaming dark blue metal sits loosely on your head. It bears an insect-like mask that covers your entire face. A pair of carved metal mandibles protrude forward from the mask’s jawline. The mask has four eye-holes, covered in dark crystal that, while not impeding your vision in any way, prevents your foes from looking into your eyes.

Retriever’s are implacable abyssal constructs, created by demonic sorcery to retrieve lost objects and escaped thralls. By shaping this fallen soulmeld, you gain a retriever’s single-minded devotion to its task as well as access to some of the special tools with which it fulfills its master’s bidding. You gain a +2 competence bonus to search and gather information checks.
Essentia: The competence bonus on search and gather information checks increases by 2 for every point of essentia you invest in this soulmeld. Additionally, as long as you have at least one point of essentia invested in the retriever helm you can use Know Direction as a spell-like ability once per hour.

Chakra Bind (Feet)
Thin metal wires snake from the base of the helm all the way down to your feet. There they branch off into small, spider-like legs, eight for each of your feet. These thin legs dig into the earth and help you hold your ground.

As long as you have this soulmeld bound to your feet chakra, you gain a +4 bonus on checks to avoid being bull rushed, overrun, or tripped. This bonus increases by one for every point of essentia you invest in the retriever helm.

Chakra Bind (Brow)
The helm settles firmly on your head. While the eye holes covering your eyes retain their smoky crystal lenses, the two additional eyes holes gleam bright red. You (and only you) can hear a faint pinging sound every few seconds.

For as long as you have the retriever helm shaped, you act as if under the influence of the discern location spell. You must specify the creature or object you seek when you shape the soulmeld. You must also fulfill any of the normal requirements of the spell.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The helm settles firmly on your head. The dark crystal covering the four eye-holes disappears. Creatures that look closely can clearly see a red, insect-like eye underneath each eye-hole. They eyes glow with a malevolent gleam.

Once per round as a free action you can fire an eye ray at one creature within 50 feet. You must succeed in a ranged touch attack to affect a creature with your eye ray. Your eyes can produce four different magical rays, though each individual ray can only be used once every four rounds. The four eye ray effects are:
Fire: Deals 1d6 points of fire damage plus an additional 1d6 points of fire damage for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld.
Cold: Deals 1d6 points of cold damage plus an additional 1d6 points of cold damage for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld.
Electricity: Deals 1d6 points of electricity damage plus an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld.
Petrification: The target must succeed on a Will save or be paralyzed for 1 round, plus one additional round for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld.

Skullcap of the Bone Devil

Descriptors: none
Chakra: crown (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

A circle of bleached bone, as if cut from some sort of skull, sits lightly atop your hair. A ridge of bone surmounts its crown, lending it a sinister and otherworldly appearance.

Enforcers for the lords of the Nine Hells, bone devils (also called osyluths) inspire fear wherever they go. They make effective use of this ability in combat, as well as their vicious teeth, claws, and stinging tail. In shaping this soulmeld, you channel the osyluth’s ability to poison its foes’ minds and bodies. You gain a +4 competence bonus on intimidate checks.
Essentia: As long as you have at least one point of essentia invested in your skullcap of the bone devil, you can demoralize an opponent in combat as a move action rather than a standard action.

Chakra Bind (Crown)
The skullcap settles firmly on your head and grows until an unearthly, grinning skull covers your entire face. While your vision is unimpaired, your eyes seem to disappear under its shadowy sockets.

As a standard action you can inspire fear in living creatures. All living creatures within 5 feet of you must succeed on a Will save or become frightened for one round per point of essentia you have invested in this soulmeld (minimum 1 round).

Chakra Bind (Totem)
A bleached, exposed spinal column runs down your back to your tailbone, continuing in a long, curving tail tipped with a wicked-looking stinger.

You gain a natural sting attack. You can attack with your stinger as a standard action as your primary attack or you can attack with it as a secondary attack as part of a full-round attack. Your sting deals 1d6 points of damage plus half your strength modifier. It also injects a poison into your foes, which deals 1d6 points of initial and secondary Strength damage. Creatures affected by this poison can make a Fortitude save to avoid the initial and secondary damage, as normal for a poison. The save DC is equal to the normal save DC for your soulmelds.

Succubus Shawl

Descriptors: none
Chakra: crown, heart, waist (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

Dark blue incarnum forms into a voluminous shawl and drapes itself over your shoulders and head before changing to a sinister and seductive deep red color. Looking closely reveals the edges of the shawl are scalloped like a bat’s wing.

Succubi, the most comely of the demon hordes, are known for their seductive, devious ways. They possess the ability to ensnare a man’s heart and steal his soul. In shaping this soulmeld, you channel some of the succubus’ cunning and charisma. You gain a +2 competence bonus to Charisma-based skill and ability checks.
Essentia: The competence bonus on Charisma-based skill and ability checks increases by 1 for every point of essentia you have invested in the succubus shawl.

Chakra Bind (Crown)
The voluminous, airy shawl settles on your head, covering your hair and most of your face with its bat-like, scaly folds.

As long as the succubus shawl is shaped, you have the ability to understand and speak the language of any intelligent creature, whether it is a racial tongue or regional dialect. You can only speak one language at a time, though you may be able to understand multiple languages simultaneously.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
The shawl of insubstantial incarnum solidifies and falls off your head, leaving your face exposed. It wraps more tightly around your shoulders and torso, where the edges of it flap idly in the breeze.

You gain the ability to use charm monster at will, as the spell. The target can avoid your influence with a successful Will save.

Chakra Bind (Waist)
The shawl expands dramatically, covering your whole body in shadowy folds of incarnum.

You gain the ability to use alter self, as the spell. You can use this ability once per minute. Regardless of your natural creature type, you can only use this ability to assume humanoid forms. The form you assume must conform to the requirements of the spell in all other ways.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The smoky incarnum expands from the shawl to cover your whole body before dissipating (though leaving the shawl itself in place). Your features are sharpened and made noticeably more attractive in the incarnum’s wake.

You gain a succubus’ ability to drain soul energy with a kiss. You can either lure a creature into kissing you willingly or make a successful grapple attempt to kiss an unwilling creature. Creatures subject to your kiss gains one negative level. Kissing a creature, whether willing or unwilling, is a standard action. The subject can make a Fortitude save to remove the negative level, as normal.
Wings of the Vrock

Descriptor: none
Chakra: shoulders, throat (totem)
Saving Throw: see text

Insubstantial feathered wings of incarnum settle over your shoulder blades, hovering just behind you without actually touching your body. A thin layer of wispy feathers runs from the base of your neck down your spine to the small of your back.

Vrocks are powerful demons that serve as flying assault troops in abyssal armies. They relish melee combat and delight in using their powerful talons to tear into their foes. In shaping this soulmeld, you channel some of the vrock’s ferocity and mobility. You gain the effect of the feather fall spell at all times.
Essentia: If you invest essentia in your wings of the vrock you gain the ability to glide while falling. For every 10 feet you descend, you can move forward 5 feet for every point of essentia you have invested in the soulmeld. Your maneuverability is poor.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders)
The large, feathery wings hovering over your shoulder blades latch onto your back, digging painfully into your shoulders. Where before they waved idly in the wind, they now flap purposefully and at your command.

You gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed (average maneuverability). The fly speed increases by 5 feet for every point of essentia you invest in the wings of the vrock.

Chakra Bind (Throat)
The feathers latch onto your skin and spread up your throat. Your jaw and lips jut forward and seem to appear beak-like.

Once per hour you can emit a piercing shriek. All living creatures within 10 feet must make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. The radius of this effect increases by 10 feet for every point of essentia you have invested in the wings of the vrock and the effect’s duration increases by one round per point of essentia.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
While the feathery wings remain insubstantial, the feathers on your back latch firmly onto your skin and spread all over your torso, coving your chest and shoulders as well.

Once per minute you can produce a cloud of deadly spores, which burst out of the feathers on your torso and affect all creatures adjacent to you. The spores automatically deal 1d8 points of initial damage. They then penetrate the skin and grow, dealing an additional 1d6 points of damage each round for a number of rounds equal to the amount of essentia you have invested in the wings of the vrock. At the end of this time, the victim is covered with a tangle of harmless viny growths, which wither away in 1d4 days. This ability is in all other ways identical to a vrock’s spore ability.

2010-09-29, 11:09 PM
Sculptor of the Damned


“The dead walk tonight, but with some…modifications.”

The sculptor of the damned mixes the ability to craft and mold clay with necromantic energies.

Becoming a Sculptor of the Damned

Becoming a sculptor of the damned requires the willingness to animate the dead, usually considered a demonstrably evil task.


Skills: Craft (Pottery) 12 ranks

Feats: Corpsecrafter, Spell Focus (Necromancy)

Spellcasting: Must be able to cast Animate dead as a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability.

Special: If your campaign uses Tome rules, you may substitute any [Necromantic Creation] feat in place of Corpsecrafter.

Class Skills

The Sculptor of the Damned's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)

Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + Int

Hit Dice: d6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spellcasting

+2|Claymail, Terra Cotta Sorcery|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+3|Flames of the Kiln|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+3|Foul Ingredients, Like Toy Soldiers|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+4|Bone Dust|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+4|Marshal of the Eternal Army|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+5|Sand Man|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+5|Spellbane Statues|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

+6|The Bone Collector|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A sculptor of the damned gains no proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Spellcasting: A sculptor of the damned gains new spells known and spells per day as if he had gained a level in his highest previous spellcasting class whenever he takes a level in sculptor of the damned.

Claymail (Ex): A sculptor of the damned creates his own armor to better shield himself from attack, created from the same clay with which he crafts. This grants him a natural armor bonus equal to his class level.

Terra Cotta Sorcery (Su): When a sculptor of the damned casts animate dead or otherwise animates a corpse, he can use the bones of the deceased to create clay that he molds into the shape of their previous forms. Infused with negative energy or the souls of the deceased, these clay statues become animated warriors that exist solely to do his bidding. For the purposes of determining benefits from feats and effects of spells, treat clay statues as zombies or skeletons, but because they are not technically undead they cannot be turned or rebuked.

Clay statues are augmented constructs with a number of HD equal to the base creatures from which they were created (as constructs, they also have BAB equal to ¾ their HD). Each statue counts normally against the number of HD worth of undead the sculptor can create and control, and no individual statue can have more than twice the sculptor‘s HD. They are also the same size as the base creature and gain bonus hit points accordingly in the same fashion as constructs. Their ability scores and speed do not change, except that they lose their Constitution and Intelligence scores. Each statue gains a natural armor bonus equal to its Hit Dice.

Regardless of what attacks they possessed in life, each statue possesses a slam attack that deals damage based on its size (see the table below). The statue gains iterative attacks with its slam attack based on its BAB. If they are wielding weapons (they are automatically proficient in simple and martial weapons), they deal that weapon’s base damage or normal slam damage, whichever is higher. Any attacks made by a clay statue overcome damage reduction as though it were an evil-aligned magic weapon.

These statues are mindless and cannot take feats; they do, however, gain a +1 bonus to attack and a +2 bonus to damage rolls for every feat they would have gained as a result of their Hit Dice.

{table=head]Size|Slam Damage









6d6 [/table]

Lastly, the sculptor’s crafting ability is directly proportional to the strength of his creations. Each time he animates a clay statue, he makes a Craft (pottery) check and points a number of points equal to the check which can then be spent on each statue. Every clay statue created by this effect gains additional benefits according to how the sculptor decides to allocate these points. Each benefit requires a number of points according to the list below:

Bone Bomb: 10 points - When destroyed, this statue explodes into many shards of bone, dealing 1d6 points of damage per sculptor level to all within 5 feet. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.
Clay Accessories: X points - If the sculptor sacrifices a number of points equal to the caster level of an undead graft, this statue rises with that undead graft already affixed to its form. The sculptor pays all the normal penalties of creating the graft, but it is performed instantly.
Cursed Wounds: 10 points - Like clay golems, the statues deal wounds that resist magical healing. Anyone wishing to heal a target successfully harmed by this golem must succeed on a caster level check (DC 10 + the sculptor’s class level + his key spellcasting modifier) or the ability does nothing and the action is wasted.
Destruction Army: 5 points - This clay statue’s slam attack damage increases by one size category, and its attacks now ignore all forms of hardness and damage reduction. This can be chosen multiple times, with the statue's slam attack gaining more damage each time.
Hell’s Bells: 10 points - When struck with a melee attack, the statues now reverberate with the force transferred from the blow, dealing 2d4 sonic damage per time they are struck.
Fired Mail: X Points - The clay used to create the statue is hardened even further in the heat of the forge. The statue gains fire immunity and a number of bonus hit points equal to two times the number of points spent. This replaces the normal hit points constructs gain by size.
Spell Receptor: 15 points - This statue is capable of causing spells to expand into an area. Any mind-effecting effect that targets this statue now affects all within 30 feet of it. The statue must be the original target of this effect; it does not extend effects that already effect an area (including an effect expanded by another statue).
Enchanted Blades: X points - One point sacrificed gives the statue a masterwork melee weapon (either simple or martial) of the sculptor‘s choice. If the statue is wielding a weapon of masterwork quality, an additional 5 points grants it a +1 enhancement bonus to its weapon. After the first 5 points are spent, the sculptor may choose the enchantments on the weapons as they become available. If the sculptor or the clay statue wielding the weapon are killed/destroyed, the weapon crumbles and becomes worthless.
Flames of the Kiln (Su): A sculptor of the damned gains the ability to breathe fire starting at 2nd level; while usually used to fire his clay soldiers, it also serves as a devastating weapon. This breath weapon deals 1d8 fire damage per character level as a standard action. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + the sculptor’s class level + his key spellcasting ability modifier) halves the damage dealt. This breath weapon can take the form of a cone (with a max length and width of 5 feet per character level or a 5-foot wide line out to 10 feet per character level. The statues are not resistant to this damage.

The profane flames also extend to the attacks of the sculptor’s statues, causing them to deal an additional fire damage as if they had the flaming burst enhancement.

Like Toy Soldiers: The sculptor of the damned can use a clay statue as a shield starting at 3rd level. If he is threatened in melee by a statue, he may take an immediate action to direct the statue to intercept an attack made by an opponent. The opponent’s attack roll is made against the statue’s Armor Class.

In addition, the sculptor can also now cast divination spells through his clay statues, as well as use them for spells such as ventriloquism and magic mouth.

Foul Ingredients: The bones used to create the sculptor’s clay statues are infested with insidious dark energy. Clay statues can now be healed with negative energy as well as by any normal means of repairing a construct. They also gain all the benefits of a desecrate spell as if they were undead inside the area of such a spell.

Bone Dust (Ex): When a clay statue takes one tenth its full hit points or more in damage from a single melee attack, the attack creates a cloud of dust that forces the attacker to make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the sculptor’s character level + his key spellcasting modifier) or be blinded for one round. Any living creature that needs to breathe must also make a Fortitude save (using the same DC) or be forced to begin to make Constitution checks to avoid drowning. Both of these effect lasts until the creature drowns or a number of rounds equal to the sculptor’s class level.

The sculptor can also take a full-round action to blow a cloud of ground bone at his enemies, generating a cone with a maximum length and width equal to 5 feet per two class levels and forcing all within to save against both effects. Clay statues inside this cone are healed 1d6 damage per class level of the sculptor. If he uses this ability, he must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again as he waits for enough dust to accrue.

Marshal of the Eternal Army (Ex): Once he reaches 5th level, the sculptor’s claymail fuses permanently to his flesh. His type changes to augmented construct (although he retains his Intelligence score and spellcasting), changing all current and future Hit Dice to ten-sided dice an gaining bonus Hit Points based on his size. He ceases to age (losing any previously accrued age penalties) and gains all the benefits accorded to his clay statues, including those from any feats he may possess. Other than the loss of his Constitution score, the sculptor’s ability scores are not affected by this change, and his BAB and natural armor bonuses are also unchanged.

Unlike most constructs, the sculptor may still be raised normally from the dead following all the normal rules of resurrection.

Sand Man (Ex): A 6th level sculptor of the damned may cause his body to disintegrate into a cloud of clay particles that takes up an amount of space equal to his normal size. In this form, he loses his ability to cast spells or make physical attacks, but he gains the Swarm subtype (made up of Fine sized creatures), all associated traits thereof, and a swarm attack that deals 1d6 damage per character level and forces the target to make saves or be affected by his bone dust ability. If he occupies the same space as one of his clay statues, it is instead healed an equal amount of damage as the dust reconstitutes its form.

Spellbane Statues (Ex): The clay statues animated by the sculptor now take on the traits of golems once he reaches 7th level, becoming immune to any spell or effect that allows spell resistance.

The Bone Collector (Su): The sculptor of the damned reaches the pinnacle of his art at 8th level, gaining the ability to fashion more artificial bodies for himself. This is similar to creating a new body via the clone spell, but the sculptor does not lose a level or Constitution for being raised and the new body does not age or need to be preserved. No other components are needed for this ability except a clay statue that becomes the sculptor's new body upon his death.

Playing a Sculptor of the Damned

A sculptor of the damned is an artist, or at least that's how he views himself. His command of very perverse and deadly powers make him exceedingly lethal against all manner of opponents, and that's before he taps into his formidable spellcasting abilities.

Combat: While he may be able to beat the snot out people in melee at later levels, the scultptor's old habits die hard. It's hard for him to resist the temptation to use his statues as shields while bombarding his foes with blasts of flame and clouds of bone dust.

Advancement: Sculptors tend to have a narcissistic view of their own work as inherently better than those of others. If he is able to shake this predispsition, he may be receptive to taking levels in other necromancy-oriented prestige classes.

Resources: Many sculptors of the damned occupy their free time as artists, particularly early in their careers. As such, it is hardly uncommon for them to have previously established contacts amongst the artisan community. Just don't expect these contacts to know the sculptor by the same name or know what they actually do.

Sculptors of the Damned in the World

"In case you weren't sure, the clay guys are on our team."

Sculptors of the damned are a strange lot, convinced that the world is a canvas to be painted with blood. It fits with the way the style themselves as artists.

Daily Life: Necromancers (and, thus, sculptors of the damned) are an extremely dedicated lot, rarely finding much joy in pursuits not involving their craft. Adventures that don't allow them to ply their particular talents often bore them quickly, as do the parties that lead them on said adventures.

Notables: Neera Shiharam is a potter of some renown who lives in an expensive city villa; underneath her property, however, are forges dedicated to crafting clay statues and making weapons. Shiharam's allegiances are unclear, but she obviously has few moral qualms given the sheer amount of raw materials her 'factory' goes through daily.

Organizations: The Della Terra are a group of powerful sculptors of the damned who believe that some otherworldly force is destined to one day sweep the world up in flames. They endlessly forge statues that wait eternally under the earth, but whether these warriors are to combat the prophesized army or march under their banner is a matter of great dispute amongst those who have studied the group. The Della Terra are extremely tight-lipped on the subject; it is speculated that there may even be strife within the organization itself concerning the very subject.

NPC Reaction

At lower levels, sculptors of the damned usually evoke the same negative reaction as other necromancers, since their statues reek of vile energy when active. Once he reaches a higher level, the sculptor becomes nearly indistiguishable from one of his creations, his new body fashioned from the same material.

Sculptors of the Damned in the Game

Sculptors of the damned are scions of necromantic energy, able to dominate the field with minions and deadly ranged attacks.

Adaptation: Sculptors are commonplace in nearly every campaign, and the materials they use to create their statues are, well, almost anywhere where something living is around.

Encounters: Whether the mastermind or henchman, sculptors of the damned usually are found leading groups of their statues.

2010-10-05, 06:58 PM


Image by Vhoyos (http://vhoyos.deviantart.com/)

Undeath. What is it? To the greater swath of the unlearned masses, it is a curse. A vile condition brought upon a corpse by a heinous wizard, or an egotistical self-infliction. But to the wise, to the devout, Undeath is the greatest stage of being. It is a transcendance from living! Fix your eyes now upon your hands – the sinew, the soft flesh, the dark blood. All things that make you living also make you weak – these are all things Undeath relieves you of! With Undeath comes power, unlimited time, unlimited understanding. Let the Gift of Undeath become you! ~ Lady Siragarde, Dread Dogmatist

Dread Dogmatists are generally clerics of evil or neutral deities who realize that being alive is not the best way to serve their deity. They turn to Undeath, which grants them nigh-unlimited time to devote themselves to their deity; in their exultation, they decry living as a curse that must be mended, but only by those devout (or weak-willed) enough to join them. Dread Dogmatists are quick to support their deity and Undeath, and just as quick to slay those that oppose them, usually out of a sense of righteous fury and supremacy.

In their time not spent to devotion or adventure, Dread Dogmatists use their speaking skills to convince the "unlearned masses" to convert and begin to receive the Gift of Undeath. Many also use their divine skills to control the masses once they have transcended mortal living.

Dread Dogmatists call themselves and the undead and those under their control "the Damned" because of their habit of being condemned by all living things that are not within their group.

Dread Dogmatists begin their path towards Undeath when they realize their time is limited. Humans, Orcs, Halflings and other short-lived races are more prone to discovering this and feeling uneasy about leaving the world than long-lived races, such as Elves. However, Dread Dogmatists are, at the same time, morally looser than most, those that would view Undeath as an alternative never worth considering.

Dread Dogmatists begin the process of becoming Undead by finding the scripture detailing the passage of ascendance, the Scripture of True Ascendance. Most copies of this Scripture have been burned or otherwise destroyed, but a rare few still exist. The Scripture is nearly impossible to copy, except by Dread Dogmatists who have reached the height of their Undeath and understand the transformation wholly.

Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 13 ranks
Spells: Must be able to cast 5th-level Divine spells.
Alignment: Any Non-good
Special: Must have read the Scripture of True Ascendance

Class Skills
The Dread Dogmatist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int).
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Hit Dice: d4

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells per Day

+2|Captivating Voice 1/day, Creeping Tomb Taint, Eternal Vow|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+3|Necromantic Presence|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+3|Captivating Voice 2/day, Seed of Undeath, Bonus Feat|-

+4|Necromantic Might, Engulfing Tomb Taint|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+4|Captivating Voice 3/day, Unholy Frenzy|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+5|Profane Dialogue, Bonus Feat|-

+5|Captivating Voice 4/day, Lich Transformation|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+6|Words of Unhallowing|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+6|Captivating Voice 5/day, Gift of Undeath, Bonus Feat|-

+7|Fell Puissance, True Ascendance|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A Dread Dogmatist gains no armor or weapon proficiencies.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: A Dread Dogmatist continues advancing in divine spellcasting ability. When a Dread Dogmatist gains a new level (except 3rd, 6th and 9th), the character gains new divine spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in whatever divine spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, more frequent remove disease, and so on).

Eternal Vow
A Dread Dogmatist must always stay loyal to her deity; losing faith or converting to another deity's following causes the Dread Dogmatist to immediately lose all class powers granted by the Dread Dogmatist class (with exception to the Creeping Tomb Taint, Engulfing Tomb Taint, Lich Transformation and True Ascendance abilities).

Captivating Voice (Su)
Beginning at 1st level, a Dread Dogmatist can speak with such moving force that she can often sway others' minds and opinions – usually of her and her allies – vastly. When using Captivating Voice, a number of creatures within 40 feet whose combined HD do not exceed twice her level are affected as if by a Charm Monster spell with a caster level equal to one-half the Dread Dogmatist's level. If there are more potential targets than she can affect, she chooses them one at a time until she chooses a creature with too many HD. At first level the Dread Dogmatist may use Captivating Voice once per day; every other level after first (3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th) increase the number of uses per day by 1. Captivating Voice is a full-round action if more than one creature is able to be swayed; if only one can be affected, it is a move action.

Creeping Tomb Taint
Full reading and comprehension of the Scripture of True Ascendance has an immediate affect upon the Dread Dogmatist: her body begins to change, adopting minor attributes of the Undead. She gains:

Light Fortification (25%)
+3 Resistance vs. Poisons, diseases, magical Sleep effects and Mind-affecting effects
Darkvision 30 ft.

These abilities do not stack with any race, class or feat abilities.

Necromantic Presence
At 2nd level, a Dread Dogmatist gains the Necromantic Presence feat as a bonus feat.

Seed of Undeath (Su)
At 3rd level, a Dread Dogmatist may, as a standard action, implant a Seed of Undeath in a willing target; the willing target gains, for a number of minutes equal to his or her Wisdom bonus (minimum 1) plus the Dread Dogmatist's class levels, Light fortification (25%), Darkvision 60 ft. and Tomb-Tainted Soul as a bonus feat. The bonus feat cannot be used to qualify for another feat or class. After the Seed of Undeath is removed, the target loses the bonus feat and qualities.

A Dread Dogmatist may use this ability up to a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom bonus.

Bonus Feat
At 3rd level, and again at 6th and 9th levels, a Dread Dogmatist may select a Fell Metamagic feat, the Corpsecrafter feat, or any feat that requires Corpsecrafter (Libris Mortis, pg. 24) as a bonus feat.

Necromantic Might
At 4th level, a Dread Dogmatist gains the Necromantic Might feat as a bonus feat.

Engulfing Tomb Taint
At 4th level, a Dread Dogmatist's body becomes even more like that of the Undead; her Creeping Tomb Taint class ability becomes even greater. She gains:

Medium Fortification (75%)
Immunity to Poisons, diseases, magical Sleep effects, and Mind-affecting effects
+3 Resistance bonus against death effects and paralysis
Darkvision 60 ft.

Unholy Frenzy (Su)
At 5th level a Dread Dogmatist may as a standard action cause a charmed or dominated monster or an undead creature under the Dogmatist's explicit control to erupt into a frenzy similar to a Barbarian's rage (+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 morale bonus on Will saves and -2 AC) that lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Dread Dogmatist's Charisma bonus. After the Frenzy ends, the minion or monster immediately gains one negative level, even if its type, subtype or abilities prevent it from gaining negative levels. This negative level is automatically removed 24 hours after the frenzy ends. A minion or monster cannot be spurred into an Unholy Frenzy if it currently suffers from a negative level gained by a previous Unholy Frenzy.

Profane Dialogue
Beginning at 6th level, a Dread Dogmatist's Captivating Voice can affect undead creatures as though they were not immune to mind-affecting effects; however, each undead creature counts as twice its HD for the purposes of maximum number of creatures controllable with Captivating Voice.

Necromantic Mastery (Su)
At 7th level, a Dread Dogmatist's spellcaster level when casting Summon Undead, Animate Dead, Create Undead and Create Greater Undead is increased by +3. In addition, Create Undead and Create Greater Undead may be cast at any time during the day, not just nighttime.

Lich Transformation
When a Dread Dogmatist attains 7th level, her study of the Scripture of True Ascendance comes to fruition in a transformation and becomes a lich. Her type changes to undead, and she gains all the traits of the undead. She no longer has a Constitution score, all her existing Hit Dice become d12s, and she must reroll her hit points. A Dread Dogmatist need not pay experience or gold for her Phylactery; it is supplied by her deity.

Words of Unhallowing (Su)
Beginning at 8th level, a Dread Dogmatist may ready a use of her Captivating Voice class ability to counter or corrupt a spell with the Good descriptor or one that uses Positive energy.

Countering with Words of Unhallowing
Once the opponent casts a spell of either Positive energy or Good descriptor, make a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the spell level) and add one-half your Dread Dogmatist class levels to the check. If the check is successful, the opponent's spell is considered countered and simply fizzles.

Corrupting with Words of Unhallowing
Once the opponent casts a spell of either Positive energy or Good descriptor, make a Spellcraft check (DC 30 + the spell level) and add one-half your Dread Dogmatist class levels to the check. If the check is successful, a spell converted changes thusly: if it had the Good descriptor, it now has the Evil descriptor; if it used Positive energy, it now uses Negative energy. If both Good descriptor and Positive energy are present, they both change.

Gift of Undeath (Su)
At 9th level a Dread Dogmatist's Seed of Undeath transforms into a more powerful blessing – the Gift of Undeath. Gift of Undeath lasts for a number of minutes equal to the Dread Dogmatist's class levels. Gift of Undeath imparts the following bonuses to the target:

Moderate Fortification (75%),
Darkvision 60 ft.,
Immunity to Mind-affecting effects,
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, exhaustion and fatigue effects and death effects,
Tomb-Tainted Soul as a bonus feat.

When Gift of Undeath wears off, the target loses all bonuses including the bonus feat Tomb-Tainted Soul. While active, Gift of Undeath cannot be used to qualify for another feat or class. If the target of Gift of Undeath willingly takes its own life during the Gift's duration, he or she will be raised from the dead after 24 hours, and their type will have changed to Undead. However, they keep their mental faculties intact and are in no way bound to the Dread Dogmatist that granted them the Gift.

Fell Puissance
At 10th level, all Fell Metamagic feats used by the Dread Dogmatist increase the level of a spell by 1 less (minimum 1) level, or if used in conjunction with Divine Metamagic, use 1 less turn attempt (minimum 1).

True Ascendance
At 10th level, the Dogmatist's Lich body reaches its full potential, transcending that of other Liches. The following bonuses granted by the Lich template are gained:

Natural Armor bonus increases to +8,
Fear aura affects creatures up to 8 HD,
Turn Resistance increases to +20,
Ability bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma increase to +4 each,
Skill bonuses to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks increase to +10.


Dread Dogmatists may make excellent faces, if they are able to hide their Undeath from those that would view them as abominations. They can control combat by creating undead and controlling weaker-willed combatants, or can enhance their allies by granting them blessings of Undeath and other Divine abilities or buffs. They also can make excellent damaging spellcasters, with their Lich transformation giving them significantly better melee survivability to use Touch attacks.

Combat: Dread Dogmatists can use their Captivating Voice (especially with Profane Dialogue) to turn the tide of a fight with many weaker combatants, and can enhance their charmed, dominated or undead minions with Unholy Frenzy or a host of Divine buffs. Their Infallible Conversion can take advantage of powerful single enemies. For the most part, Dread Dogmatists play the part of controlling combat with blessings and Charm/Domination abilities. Their access (and requirement) to Divine spells also allow them to fill a similar role to the role they had before taking levels in Dread Dogmatist.

Advancement: Dread Dogmatists can focus on controlling enemies with their charms and various spells, or focus on using their Fell Metamagic feats to enhance their damaging spells against their foes (such as Fell Animate or Fell Drain). Once they attain 10th level, access to Fell Metamagic becomes even greater as they gain Fell Mastery. Their choice of bonus feats also allow them to create powerful undead minions to aid in combat.

Resources: Generally Dread Dogmatists require either living or dead bodies to function to their full capacity. Living bodies can be charmed or dominated; dead ones can be reanimated. Dread Dogmatists may be high-ranking members of Churches dedicated to deities of death, or any deity that tolerates undead, or perhaps sees the novelty of extending one's lifespan to further the will of the deity.

She helped me find perpetuity in Undeath – safe haven from my fear of death. What better way to escape death than to transcend it? The Churches of other gods would have you know that when you die, you go away to their realm, and that extending your own life is a path wrought with corruption, evil, degradation and inevitable true death - but not the Lady's. I have devoted myself wholly to her, and in the end I serve both our interests. I am able to live on, and she has another soldier in her ranks. ~ Ikalor Sunblade, Devotee to the Damned

Dread Dogmatists preserve themselves largely through stealth and subversion, or through genuinely good will. Those that live through stealth often clash with civilizations and earn themselves a negative reputation – those that live to "aid" occasionally earn a more positive image from the masses. Their continued survival and dedication to their deity is largely dependent on how they portray themselves to others.

Daily Life: Dread Dogmatists, due to their nearly unlimited lifespan and freedom from mortal necessities, can spend entire days in worship. Most are extremely devout to their deities, or at least appear to be. They certainly make the impression on others that they are among the most devout of their church.

Notables: Lady Siragarde, a Dread Dogmatist, is prime speaker and overseer of the Disciples of Vecna, a collection of clerics and wizards that hail the deity as the greatest thing in existence. She has spoken with other followers of Vecna, as well as clerics of Wee Jas and Erythnul, though her experience with Wee Jas devotees has led her to believe they are not worth the Disciples' time and effort in befriending. She was once a Cleric of Vecna, and found a rare, nearly pristine copy of the Scripture of True Ascendance. Just before her transformation, she pondered cutting off her hand and cutting out an eye to mimic the image of Vecna, but thought better of it not to draw too much attention to herself; she did not want to be mistaken for another fanatic claiming to be the Avatar of Vecna only to be destroyed by the champions of Good.

Another of the Dread Dogmatists, one with a more positive outlook, is Lady Eserin. Lady Eserin heads a small group of wizards (mostly elves) dedicated to the advancement of magical study. Her group, which she lovingly calls her "flock", are worshipers of Boccob; despite her now-gruesome appearance, she has managed to gain the trust of at least three cities to hear out both her and her group's theories, studies and advancements within the realm of arcane and divine magic. Lady Eserin contemplated the Scripture of True Ascendance for a long time, mulling over its positives and negatives, and decided that nearly eternal life would aid her devotion to the expansion of magical knowledge, general knowledge and her deity.

Organizations: Most Dread Dogmatists become speakers for independent branches of their respective deities; others may become spiritual advisors (either to tolerant beings or by hiding their undeath). One particular organization, the Disciples of Vecna, an underground branch of the clerics and wizards dedicated to the evil deity, is headed by a group of Dread Dogmatists and Wizards; Lady Siragarde is the greatest of their Dread Dogmatists. One specific group, the Eternal of Nerull (or The Damned), was the first organization to actively employ a Dread Dogmatist, and was in fact the first to find a Scripture of True Ascendance. They were also the first to create new copies of the text, believing the scripture was a gift from their deity. The speakers that attempted to spread the knowledge of the Scripture would come to be called the Dread Dogmatists.

NPC Reaction
Most NPCs, upon seeing the real face of an advanced Dread Dogmatist for the first time, would be shaken with fear. Dread Dogmatists who have not undergone their Lich transformation, however, are more able to blend with normal society without magical aid; they mostly appear as their original race, though they may exhibit signs of deep study and long hours spent awake: dark rings under the eye, pale skin, etc.

NPCs that recognize a Neutrally aligned Dread Dogmatist may be wary of her methods, but generally are not immediately shaken by their presence.

Dread Dogmatists incorporate a Lich transformation for divine spellcasters shortly after when it would normally be available for everyone, though it waives the experience and gold requirements for crafting a Phylactery and therefore may be more desirable. Dread Dogmatists do not have full spell advancement, but by the end of their advancement as a Dread Dogmatist they are still generally able to cast at least one 9th-level spell.

Adaptation: Dread Dogmatists are highly charismatic clerical figures, much like evangelists. They can be seen perhaps as the "face" of an evil religion, or even worshiped as a deity by simpler creatures. Not all Dread Dogmatists are strictly evil, however – the process of becoming a Lich for a Dread Dogmatist is not evil as the process is for most others. However, the idea of sacrificing life to live eternally as undead usually only comes to those who lean towards evil (or at least neutrality). Some Dread Dogmatists are not very "famous" in that they do not want to project their appearance to the world, so they may be the "power behind the throne" for religions or theocracies. They do, however, tend to make their presence known amongst other worshipers of the same deity.

Encounters: Dread Dogmatists may be a prime antagonist, if the players are of opposite alignment to that of the Dread Dogmatist and her religion. They may also be helpful, if players are willing to accept the help of an undead being. Despite being a Lich, most Dread Dogmatists don't seek out individual power, but rather complex plans for furthering the cause of their Deity, which may or may not involve harming everything and everyone that opposes said Deity.

Most Dread Dogmatists are almost always found with a large group of allies at their side; if not, they are able to quickly bring allies into fights. They also are rarely in the wilderness, unless they have very good reason to be out and about. Some will seek to escape back to their place of worship, where there are usually many more worshipers willing to lend aid (as well as the Dread Dogmatist's cache of magical items she can't normally carry with her).

Battle against the Disciples (Finale) EL: 21
By now the players have fought through Siragarde's numerous fanatical minions and undead servants, and face her plus any undead she may have summoned or created since the battle began.

If the players figure out that the mirror hanging on the north side of Lady Siragarde's room is a Mirror of Life Trapping and shatter it, six prisoners will appear, all of which will attempt to flee as soon as they can.

If Siragarde is caught unawares, she will most likely not have any undead with her; if she knows of the players' intrusion, she will most likely create a morhg, a devourer, and animate or call more of her minions to guard her.

Lady Siragarde
Lawful Evil Female Human Cleric 10/Dread Dogmatist 9
Init +7, Senses: Listen +25, Spot +19,
Languages Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Elven, Draconic
AC 31, touch 31, flat-footed (28)
123 hp (19 HD)
Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +22
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee Paralyzing Touch +10 (1d8+5 Negative energy plus paralysis)
Base Atk +11, Grp +10
Atk Options Paralyzing Touch, spells, Captivating Voice, Words of Unhallowing
Combat Gear Ring of Protection +5, Bracers of Armor +8, Cloak of Resistance +5, Ring of Spell Turning, Wand of Inflict Critical Wounds (50 charges)
Spells Prepared 0th level – Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Inflict Minor Wounds, Mending, Read Magic. 1st level – Bane, Curse Water, Detect Good, Doom, Entropic Shield, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary, Protection from Good. 2nd level – Bull's Strength, Death Knell, Darkness, Find Traps, Eagle's Splendor, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Owl's Wisdom, Desecrate. 3rd level – Animate Dead, Fell Drain Inflict Light Wounds x4, Magic Circle against Good. 4th level – Death Ward, Dimensional Anchor, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Spell Immunity, Unholy Blight. 5th level – Commune, Flame Strike, Righteous Might, Slay Living, Summon Undead V, Dispel Good. 6th level – Antilife Shell, Symbol of Persuasion, Forbiddance, Harm, Create Undead. 7th level – Destruction, Repulsion, Resurrection, Blasphemy. 8th level – Fell Animate Flame Strike, Create Greater Undead, Unholy Aura.
Supernatural Abilities Captivating Voice, Gift of Undeath, Words of Unhallowing, Unholy Frenzy, Paralyzing Touch, Fear Aura, Rebuke Undead
Abilities Str 9, Dex 16, Con -, Int 18, Wis 22, Cha 18
SQ Damage Reduction 15/Bludgeoning and Magic, Undead traits, Immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph, and mind-affecting attacks
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Extend Spell, Maximized Spell, Necromantic Presence, Corpsecrafter, Bolster Resistance, Necromantic Might, Combat Casting, Fell Animate, Divine Metamagic (Fell Animate), Fell Drain
Skills Bluff +16, Concentration +26, Diplomacy +15, Heal +28, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (Religion) +26, Knowledge (The Planes) +26, Knowledge (History) +20, Listen +25, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +26, Spot +19
Possessions As above plus 11,000 gold, plus a Mirror of Life Trapping with 6 prisoners inside, plus a pristine copy of the Scripture of True Ascendance.

2010-10-07, 04:29 PM
Nar Incarnate

Image shamelessly used from WaywardInsecticon (http://waywardinsecticon.deviantart.com/)

"We cut without a knife,
We live in black and white,
Your just a parasite,
Now close your eyes and say good-night." -A.W.K. Bard Binder

Madness is a sickness that affects many people. Insanity, like most disease, evolve with the times allowing the mind of creatures coup with what has happened. Craziness has plague the minds like a parasite hurting more then is helps. But few crave it. They seek it out because they find wisdom in the chaos that is mania.

The Nar Incarnate are those that dive deep into madness with the help of Dahlver-Nar. Slowly they listen to him as Dahlver-Nar gives them the clues in a mixed up jumble. After hear enough a door is unlock in the mind of the poor soul and insanity floods in drowning them. Dreams become as real as the world we stand on but then they are the world and the world is now dreams. Words lose meanings and slowly even the dream world falls apart as it all comes colliding in the 'mind'.

Without the ability to describe, fire becomes that, that becomes nothing, nothing becomes . Lost in a void not unlike the vestiges world the Nar Incarnate is left in a world of nothing of nothing of nothing. It truly is indescribable.

But ever so slowly they come back to terms of what meanings are and even more slowly words come back. More quickly words gain meanings, and then words can describe. Description becomes reality and with reality the Nar Incarnate comes back only to find the door still open in his mind and no time passed since he opened it.

Becoming a Nar Incarnate

Nar Incarnates are made one of two ways. The first Nar Incarnate was one that studied Dahlver-Nar to no end losing himself to his studies. Slowly he became sick from not eating and lose of sleep but in his fevered madness he found the door. This way is normally more harsh on the mind. Anyone that can make sense of Dahlver-Nar and find his way to the door can become a Nar Incarnate.

Another way to find this door is to have a Nar Incarnate guide someone to is slowly. This is less hazardous in the short run but prolonged or heavy use of Dahlver-Nar without true understanding of madness will send someone to an insanity they can not fix.

Bab: +4
Skill: 9 Ranks in Intimidate
Feats:Favored Vestige: Dahlver-Nar, Ability Focus: Maddening Moan, Ability Focus: Shield Self
Special: Must Be Able to Bind Dahlver-Nar
Special: Must have bound Dahlver-Nar for one month continually

Class Skills
The Nar Incarnates class skills (and the key ability for each skill) Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Gather information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge All taken separately (Int), and Sense motive (Wis)

Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

Hit Dice: d12

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Binder Level Advancement

+0|Advance Sign|+1 Binder Level

+0|Insane Moan

+1|Improved Shield|+1 Binder Level

+1|Improved Mad Soul

+1|Nar for Life|+1 Binder Level


Weapon Proficiencies: A Nar Incarnate gains no new weapon proficiencies

Advance Sign: At the first level when you bind Dahlver-Nar your sign grows from you head and you grow teeth everywhere. It grows into an exoskeleton of sorts and increases your natural armor ability. Your natural armor bonus increases to your full constitution bonus and you gain one half of it as deflection bonus. Also all saves DC's for Dahlver-Nar abilities increase by 1 for each level in Nar Incarnate.

Insane Moan: Your moan instills more fear then normal, reaching deep down to the bones of begins. They know this is not the moan of something that can be thought of, Starting at the second level your maddening moan ability increases to 30 feet per Nar Incarnate level. Also those who fail the save become stunned instead of dazed. If a foe has immunity to stunning it instead becomes Dazed.

Improved Shield: Your shield becomes more dangerous as a shadow of Dahlver-Nar follows you. At the third level your Shield Self ability improves to twice your binder level. It also transfers any conditions the Nar Incrante gains to the target on a failed save, Dead and Dying do not get transferred.

Improved Mad Soul: Even as you know what madness is you swim deep in it studying insanity more. At the fourth level you gain immunity to Mind Affecting spells and any foe trying to read or control the mind of the Nar Incarnate takes 2d6 Wisdom Damage.

Nar for Life: You finally have reached the peak of Dahlver-Nar's ability. He has nothing to teach you but brings no strain on your ability to bind now that you have a better understanding of him. At the Fifth level of the Nar incarnate you gain the ability to bind Dahlver-Nar, with a good pack making check, outside of your limited vestiges allowed.

For example a Binder 11/Nar Incarnate 5 could bind any three vestiges and Dahlver-Nar.

Playing A Nar Incarnate
Nar Incarnate are people, that for some reason, have been brought, or sought, to the edge of insanity and dived into it. These people are primary binders that focus in Dahlver-Nar and dapple more in combat then using vestiges. Most Nar Incarnates can suppress or hide their madness in everyday life to function.

Combat: Most Nar Incarnate come at their foes with speed and heavy blows, some prefer to sneak and creep into a place using stealth, but all use the same ability to open combat and fear alike. Using their shield self ability they mark their foes and mutilate themselves to do damage. For the most part, even mid combat, it is frightening to find knife wound you don't remember receiving.
Advancement: Most Nar Incarnate return to the binder class but some focus more on their new found combat prowess and follow the path of a martial adept. Some find the best of both worlds in the Knight of the Sacred Seal PcR but few take it simply beacuse they do not worship Dahlver-Nar.
Resources: Over time most Nar Incarnate find themselves owing or owning a favor to other Nar Incarnate. With either unique control over madness some clerics have made ties with the Nar's to help heal, or sometimes break, people.

Nar Incarnate int eh World

Best to run, boy, when fighting a Nar, if you want to live. You see they hunt twenty different ways but from the ones I faced running is best if you want to live. They wake you in the night with a knife wound to the arm but no one is there. You run from the house cut to hell as they chase you. All the time you see these teeth in the dark smiling at you. They leave you alone for awhile but soon they come at you again. Leaving in fear of an attack eats away at you and slowly you lose your mind to fear. That's when they finally strike. Janus Colt Nar Incarnate.

Nar Incarnate are seen mostly as people taken over by Dahlver-Nar completely. Like most binders Nar Incarnate often find themselves hiding from large churches and sometimes from binders who believe the Nar Incarnate have overstepped their bounds.

Daily Life: In a normal day when fighting is not needed a Nar Incarnate will often debate theology with no one particularity. Questioning what truly is reality and what is make believe.

Notables: One noticeable Nar Incarnate was Justin Tindertwig. This man was driving insane from abominations from a different dimensions and was left for dead by his friends. In his mindlessness he drew Dahlver-Nar's binding symbol by accident. With Dahlvers power Justin learned to lose himself to the madness and gain wisdom from it. He rose from his ashes like a phoenix and lead his people in a counter attack on the abominations. Gaining even more skill and power Justin dominated combat in the war but with it came greater strain on his mind and more wisdom. One day it was said that he ascended or fused with Dahlver-Nar and became an Avatar of chaos and madness. When Justin was done his body turned to teeth and dissolved.

Organizations: A group of Nar Incarnates have formed an organization of assassins that have lost value in life and death. This group titled simply 'The Nar' take on missions together often killing through use of the shield self ability. This group is more in to the killing for the fun of it. Usually singing or making jokes the entire time while also trying to drive their prey mad.

Another group called 'Jango' are a few Nar Incarnates that argue theology all day. They live in secluded areas and use their ability only to defend themselves nut only monks.

NPC Reaction
NPC would treat a Nar Incarnate like a specialized binder, more expensive firewood.

Nar Incarnate in the Game
This class was made for people who like Dahlver-Nar. It stresses greatly one on one combat. If I DM is finding it hard to challenge a Nar Incarnate try sending many targets at him or foes with more HP then the Nar Incarnate.

Adaptation: If you or the DM do not like the Nar Incarnate you can always switch the vestiges to something else. Follow the format of increasing one of the vestiges ability each level and letting them not count that vestige to the total you can bind. Higher or lower level vestiges should need higher or lower requirements.
Encounters: The PC's might fight a Nar Incarnate if someone payed the assassin to kill them or maybe the party found the hide out of a Nar Incarnate and seen what he has become.

Sample Encounter
Janus Colt is found in a noble family's cellar chained to a wall. Strange symbols etched into the walls and books are dark magic are everywhere. The party is hired to disable all the traps and get the man out. Only the noble family is not practicing black magic, they are protecting the town from some one who does.

EL 8:

Janus Colt
Chaotic Evil/Male/Human/Binder 4/Fighter 2/ Nar Incarnate 2
Init +0, Senses: Listen +0, Spot +0,
Languages Common, Dwarf
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed (20)
hp4d8+2d10+2d12+24 (62 HP)
Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +4
Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
Melee +11 Scythe Spell Storing 2d4+6
Base Atk +7/+2, Grp +9
Atk Options Scythe, Burning Hands at Will 5d6
Combat Gear +1 Chain mail, +1 Spell Storing Scythe
Spells Prepared Vampiric Touch in scythe
Supernatural Abilities Maddening Moan fort DC 19, Shield Self fort DC 19, Mad Soul, Natural Armor, Advance Sign
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12
Feats Favored Vestige: Dahlver-Nar, Ability Focus: Maddening Moan, Ability Focus: Shield Self, Improved Binding, Power attack, Weapon Focus Scythe, Weapon Specialization Scythe
Skills Bluff +12, Intimate +12, Knowledge Arcana +12, Knowledge Religion +12, Knowledge The Planes +12, Sense Motive +11
Possessions Teeth of Dahlver-Nar: Agares, Amon, Dahlver-Nar, Leraje

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-10-08, 06:53 PM


I will not rest until the fiend is slain, and my wife revenged. My heart must become as stone, and my resolve steel. I will become the stalker, and it my prey... - From the journal of Dr. Mordecai Slate, on the Eve of the Witching Hour.

Curiosity and Fear. These are both the curse and the blessing upon mankind. Especially that of the unknown. From the glowing eyes in the forest, and the shadows of the cave, to the depths of the still waters. We are both frightened by what it contains, and yet intrigued by it. It's a war that at times strengthens us and others to sew our own destruction.

The monstrumologist is one who straddles the line. A naturalist who braves the dark so as to seek illumination. They may be guardians, learning the ways of the horrors so that they may protect their people and loved ones. Others are monsters onto themselves, cold and detached individuals who see all creatures of creation as subjects to be cut open for their secrets. Regardless of the path they take, they go where the angels fear to tread.

An inquisitive mind, nerves of steel, and a strong stomach is all that is required to follow the ways of the Monstrumologist. Most begin as apprentices to high-level Monstrumologists, but many a healer or hunter have learned the path on their own or through necessity.
Factotums with a naturalist bent are the most common monstrumologists, and most easily meet the requirements. Archivists fascinated by the (un)natural world also benefit greatly from the Monstrumologist's path. Rangers with high intelligence who wish to know more about that which they hunt are also very common, to whom skinning and dressing of hunted creatures is second nature. In fact, nearly any class may benefit from the knowledge gleaned, though full casters are uncommon as their concentration is fully focused on monsters. Wizards tend to study that of dragons and magical beasts, and Necromancers undead, dissecting the creatures to add to their collection of spells.

Hit Dice: d6


Feats: Educated, Jack Of All Trades, Open Minded or Skill Focus (any knowledge)
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks, Heal 8 ranks, Knowledge 4 ranks (any three that provides information of a creature type)
Skill Tricks: Collector of Stories and Healing Hands

Base Attack Bonus|
Fort Save|
Ref Save|
Will Save|

+2|Knowledge from the Knife, Obsessive Concentration, Monstrous Lore

+3|Focused Study, Immunity to Sickened, Secret Piercer

+3|Haruspicy, Sneak Attack +1d6

+4|Dissection (Keen), Elixer Master, Live to Fight Another Day

+4|Darkvision 60 ft., If The Right Eyestalk Offend Thee..., Immunity to Fear

+5|Dissection (Wounding), Researcher Speciality

+5|See Invisibility

+6|Giver of Life, Immunity to Confusion

+6|Dim Mak, True Seeing

+7|Playing God, Graft Flesh[/table]

A Monstrumologist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are All. A monstrumologist's studies and explorations have them researching and seeking an incredible wide range of topics and connections.
Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + int mod

All of the following are class features of the Monstrumologist prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Monstrumologist gains proficiency with all simple weapons, and a single weapon of his choice, even an exotic weapon, but not with any type of armor or shield.

Knowledge from the Knife (Ex): A monstrumologist can learn nearly anything about a creature through application of two methods -- Dissection (internal exploration of a dead or inert body) and Vivisection (internal exploration of a live or animated body).

A monstrumologist may spend an hour to dissect a creature that has been dead for no longer than 2d6 days. Without requiring a knowledge check he gains knowledge of the creature's type, subtype, physical ability scores, physical special abilities/attacks, special qualities, vulnerabilities and resistances. He knows where their organs or weaknesses are, and gains a 1d6 sneak attack against that specific creature's race. This bonus increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and 3d6 at 8th level, and stacks with sneak attacks gained from another source.

At 4th level, he may choose to use any slashing weapon against a creature he has dissected as if it possessed the Keen property. At 6th it also acts as if it had the Wounding enhancement. The weapon attains no enhancement bonus through this ability. These bonus stacks with those provided by the true Wounding and Keen enhancements or Improved Critical and similar feats.

A monstrumologist may also determine the cause of death of any creature he dissects.

To vivisect a creature it must be rendered unconscious or helpless. In the first 1d4 minutes of vivisection the creature's HP total is reduced to 0 as he cuts into it, and enough Constitution damage to reduce their score to 1. Every five minutes he must succeed on a DC 25 Heal check to keep the subject stable. If he fails a check they take 1 point of damage and are dying. He must attempt to stabilize them through another heal check (DC 15). Even after the vivisection he can attempt to keep the subject alive through continued Heal checks, though these need be done only every 10 minutes since he is not continuing to prod and poke. The subject can only be kept alive for up to 12 hours before succumbing permanently. At any time a curing spell or ability can stabilize them, and the monstrumologist need not make additional heal checks.

At any point of the vivisection the monstrumologist can deal damage to a vital organ or supporting segment to kill/destroy the subject as a standard action.

He may, in addition to learning all that dissection (above) grants, determine its feats, spell-like and supernatural abilities, as well as it's race's standard HD.

The monstrumologist may even learn how to reproduce a certain affect of which a vivisected creature is capable. Only a living creature's affects can be reproduced, though one can still determine the abilities of a non-living creature. To recognize a psi-like ability, psionic power, racial spell, or spell-like ability the being knew (such as a dryad's casting 'as' a druid, not a spell gained exclusively from levels in a class, though you may a power due to its inherent nature), you must be able to examine the brain and succeed on a Psicraft or Spellcraft check, DC 20 + power/spell level. Studying a single power, spell or psi/spell-like ability requires 10 minutes of concentration +1 minute per level of the power/spell in addition to the normal hour required.
Once you have determined the ability the being possessed, you can learn it in one of two ways.

Psi-like/Spell-like: If the creature had a psi-like or spell-like ability you also learn it as such.

Power/Spell: If the creature could manifest or cast a power or spell as a racial ability you add it to your powers or spells known if you have the ability to manifest powers or cast spells. Otherwise it becomes a psi-like or spell-like ability as mentioned above. For example, a Psion could add Mind Thrust to his list of powers known, but a Fireball spell would become a 1/day spell-like ability due to the fact a psion cannot cast spell.

If you vivisect another creature with the same ability you can increase the number of times per day you may use this ability, up to a number of times per day equal to your Int mod or 3/day, whichever is less. The caster/manifester level of the power or spell must be one you'd be capable of if your level equaled your HD. The save DC is Intelligence based.

For instance, a Factotum 5/Monstrumologist 2 would have a caster level of 7, and be able to use a 4th level power or spell.

To learn additional abilities requires another 10 + 1 min/level session. Out of these abilities learned only 1 may be kept permanently from each brain studied from an individual. The rest grant you insight into what the subject was capable of, but grant no additional abilities.

Non-Living and Regeneration
Undead and Deathless that remain animated must be restrained, but do not have to be kept stable during vivisection. They are reduced to 1 hit point so as not to be destroyed.

A creature with regeneration automatically stabilizes and the monstrumologist can choose to purposely deal damage so as to keep it unconscious.

A monstrumologist gains the benefits of the Darkstalker feat in regards to the race of a creature that has been dissected or vivisected.

An evil-aligned monstrumologist that retains a living creature for 2d4 weeks may also inflict upon them a physical Deformity feat as a bonus feat. The victim itself need not be evil to receive this feat, nor does acquiring it alter their alignment.

DM Notes
For players who begin a game with a level of Monstrumologist there may lead to questions on how many creatures he has dissected/vivisected previously, before the campaign began.

It is recommended that the amount of spells, spell-likes, and psionic equivalents be kept to 1 ability per level of monstrumologist. After that, any supernatural ability gained through vivisection should cost as much as an equivalent scroll or power stone. This is to show the cost of tracking down and preparing to hold the creature. Also it could be the cost to hire hunters to trap it and bring it to you. You are essentially paying for bodies instead of scrolls/power stones.

In games that use alignment the vivisection of a sentient creature is considered a strongly evil act, even if the subject is kept unconscious through the procedure. If the creature is evil and has caused much death, some may reason that its vivisection, to learn and prepare to defend against others of its kind, is to the greater good. In this regard it is up to your discretion whether the morality of the ends justifying the means is grounds for shading to evil
Vivisection of a conscious non-sentient, while not a good act, should not be considered evil, though repeated offenses by a good-aligned character has precedence for shifting them towards Neutral.

Obsessive Concentration: A monstrumologist becomes so focused on the pursuit of knowledge, and inured to the unpleasantness of his work, that sights and scents and scenarios that would leave another cowering, he barely notices. In fact, he is so obsessed that he often fails to eat, drink, rest or in general care for himself properly, taking -1 hit points each monstrumologist level and a -4 penalty to saves against fatigue and exhaustion.

However, he does not have to make a Concentration check due to receiving damage. He also gains a +4 bonus to Concentration checks to avoid being distracted, such as while maintaining concentration on a spell or bardic music. This bonus increases to +6 at 5th level, and +10 at 10th level.

In addition, at 2nd level he gains a +6 bonus to saves against fear and confusion. Whenever he would be Nauseated he is instead Sickened.

At 5th level he gains immunity to Fear.

At 8th level he gains immunity to Confusion

At 9th level he adds his Intelligence modifier to his Will saves.

Monstrous Lore: A monstrumologist may make a special monstrous knowledge check with a bonus equal to his monstrumologist level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about a creature, urban legends, supernatural occurrences and similar. If the monstrumologist has 5 or more ranks in any Knowledge check that involves the creature's type, he gains a +2 bonus on this check. Bard levels stack with his monstrumologist levels to gain relevant information in the subjects mentioned above.

A successful monstrous lore check will not reveal the exact abilities of a creature such as you would require dissection or vivisection, but it gives you an idea of what it is capable. A monstrumologist may not take 10 or 20 on this check; this knowledge is essentially random.

Focused Study (Ex): Once per day a monstrumologist may choose a specific race of being to devote his entire focus to, such as white dragons, goblins, or zombies. He may also choose a supernatural profession including Mage (arcane caster), Priest (divine caster), Psionicist (manifester), Binder (pact magic), Shade (shadowcaster), Speaker (truenamer), Spiritual (incarnum), or Martial (maneuver user).

He gains a bonus equal to his Monstrumologist levels to Bluff, Heal, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Search, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type or followers of the mentioned professions. He then takes a penalty equal to the bonus to these checks against all others races and professions. Beings of the same creature type (such as true dragons, goblinoids, or undead) do not gain the bonus, but nor do they gain the penalty. The same applies to racial minions, or symbionts to the studied creature. A profession-based focus does not have a related creature type for the purpose of non-penalties.

Likewise, he gets an insight bonus to AC and weapon damage rolls against the subject of his focus equal to his monstrumologist level. He does not take a concordant penalty.

For example, a 5th level Monstrumologist would gain a +5 bonus against aboleths, take no penalty or bonus against aberrations and skums, but take a -5 penalty to all other creatures. Same with neogi and umber hulks, and similar relationships.

This focus lasts indefinitely, or until the monstrumologist chooses a new focus. He remains focused for a minimum of 24 hours before he can choose a new focus. To change to a new focus requires an hour of reviewing notes if any, and thinking on the creature to recall details.

Secret Piercer (Ex): A monstrumologist searches for hidden things as a way of life. He gains low-light vision, and if passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if he were actively looking for it. If you already possess low-light vision your sight distance doubles.

At 5th level he gains Darkvision out to 60 ft. If you already possess Darkvision your sight distance doubles.

At 7th level he is affected as by See Invisibility at will.

At 9th level this heightens to a True Seeing effect that he can use for a total number of minutes per day equal to his Monstrumologist level. He must maintain concentration to use this ability.

Haruspicy (Ex): A monstrumologist in his examination and research of the inner workings of the creatures he hunts, becomes well trained in the discipline of Haruspicy - insight from the examination of entrails. To study the entrails, the creature must not have been dead for more than an hour, and have a discernible anatomy with the majority of its body intact. It takes 1d10+10 minutes to study the entrails, -1 minute for each level you have in Monstrumologist. A monstrumologist can attempt a hurried Haruspicy check, minutes becoming rounds, though the DC of the check increases by 20. Use the following chart to decipher the results of your search. Only one haruspicy check can be made per creature. Even if the creature is resurrected or brought to life in some way he cannot gain a second check.

The monstrumologist makes a Heal check and gains knowledge as if having casted one of the spells below, depending on the result:
{table=head]DC| Result
20 | Augery
30 | Divination
35 | Commune
40 | Legend Lore

The more magically inclined creatures produce stronger effects than mundane creatures. He adds the following bonuses to his Heal check.
{table=head]*Bonus | Creature
+0 | Animal
+1 | Monstrous Humanoid
+4 | Magical Beast
+6 | Fey**
+8 | Aberration
+10 | Dragon
+12 | Outsider

* If the heal check is sufficient to gain a divinary result, the bonus is also applied to the base chance of receiving a correct answer.
** Unless the question is regarding fey, seelie/unseelie court, natural phenomena or similar, when reading the entrails of Fey creatures Commune instead functions as Commune with Nature, and Legend Lore functions as Find the Path.

As well, the more knowledgeable a monstrumologist is in the workings of the creature, the more he may glean. For every 5 he rolls over 10 in a Knowledge skill that covers the creatures type he is searching, he gains a +1 bonus that stacks with those previously mentioned.

For example, a monstrumologist is studying the entrails of a Hydra (magical beast bonus +4). He then makes a Heal check of 29, and a Knowledge (arcana check) of 21 (+2 bonus). The end result is a Haruspicy check of 35, allowing the Monstrumologist to use the Commune spell. If he wished to hurry this check, he would fail his check by only achieving a DC 15.

If the monstrumologist succeeds on a DC 40 for Legend Lore he may choose to instead make use of a lower DC spell.

Sneak Attack: A monstrumologist gains a sneak attack as a Rogue that deals +1d6 damage. This stacks with the sneak attack damage from another source, including the monstrumologist's Knowledge of the Knife.

Elixer Master: A monstrumologist has studied much in the way of medicines, poisons and preservative substances. At 4th level he gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat. He is considered to to possess the prerequisites necessary to brew any potion mentioned below, even if he does not otherwise meet the requirements or have the ability to cast the necessary spells. These potions are not considered magical in nature, though his caster level is equal to his Hit Dice for the purpose of brewing potions. He can increase the DC of the potion by +2 if he brews it for a particular race he has dissected, though the DC decreases by -2 for creatures not of that race. This is reduced to 0 for creatures of the same type.

For instance, you could specially make the potion for a Hill Giant, with the DC increasing by +2. Ogres, a fellow Giant-type, takes receives neither a bonus nor penalty. The DC of a human drinking it however would be -2.

Each brew is specific to creature type or specific sickness. There is no one cure-all. For example, a Remove Disease potion would be crafted to cure only Filth Fever. Or Poison to only affect Vermin. As such, the price for each brew to make is only 1/6th the standard price. Caster level equal to HD, Int-based.

Brewable Spells
Bestow Curse
Calm Animals
Delay Poison
Deep Slumber
Dominate Animal
Dominate Person
Ease of Breath
Gentle Repose
Hold Animal
Neutralize Poison
Remove Blindness/Deafness
Remove Curse
Remove Disease
Remove Paralysis
Repel Vermin
Restoration, Lesser
Rigor Mortis
Plant Growth
Shivering Touch
Thin Air
Zone of Truth

Live To Fight Another Day (Ex): A monstrumologist as often as not has to resort to the one time honored method - fleeing from danger. He gains a +10 bonus to his speed(s).
Once per day he may flee at 6 times his base speed for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier. At the end of this sprint he is Fatigued.

If The Right Eyestalk Offend Thee... (Ex): A monstrumologist may sacrifice 2d6 points from their sneak attack to deliver a specialized blow to a race they have dissected/vivisected. If successful, the victim must succeed on a Fortitude save equal to the damage dealt in the blow. If they fail their save, a single portion of their body used for special attacks or abilities is damaged and they lose that ability. If they are successfully injured they cannot use that ability until the damage dealt in that blow is healed. This healing can be via a spell, or through natural healing. Sneak attack damage from Knowledge of the Knife may be used.

A monstrumologist can announce he's aiming for an organ vital to the Troll's regeneration. If he hits, and the Troll fails their fortitude save, the Troll cannot regenerate until the organ is healed.

A monstrumologist aiming for a Sphinx's achilles tendon could remove its ability to pounce.

A dragon with a damaged draconis fundamentum can no longer use it's breath weapon.

A mindflayer purposely hit in a particular region of its cranium would lose its mind blast ability.

A balor smitten along a specific gland can no longer explode in it's death throes.

Researcher Specialty (Ex): At sixth level a monstrumologist can specialize in his research while still keeping knowledgeable of his general interest. He may now apply half his Focused Study bonus to not just a single race, but an entire creature type that he has dissected/vivisected at least 6 different races or professions (such as arcane casters) from, chosen from the types in Focused Researcher above. Bonuses from creatures that fall under two categories, such as a dragon sorcerer, do not stack.

He may still choose a specific race to use Focused Research on, even if it is not of the specialty he chose above. However, while focused he does not take a penalty to checks against his Speciality. He does however stack bonuses if his specialty and focus match, such as he is focusing on Beholders and his specialty is Aberrations.

Giver of Life (Ex): At 8th level a monstrumologist's intricate knowledge of the biological workings from such a wide variety of creatures has granted him insight into life like few others possess. They can attempt to revive any creature that has not been dead for more than a number of rounds equal to their full Constitution modifier before death. A Gentle Repose spell cast before this deadline preserves the corpse indefinitely for revival.

If a creature dies from mere physical damage, but retains a complete body and head, a Monstrumologist may attempt a DC 30 heal check as a full round action to revive them. For each point of damage beyond -10 the victim was harmed, the DC of the heal check required to revive them increases equally. Those revived are brought back to -9 hit points, but are stable.

If a creature dies due to Constitution loss by poison or disease, a monstrumologist may use a spell or ability that cures the condition even if the subject is dead. They may then attempt to revive them as mentioned in Physical, except their Constitution score is increased to 1.

A creature that is killed through a method that does not deal hit point or constitution damage/drain, and leaves the full body intact, such as dim mak (see below), vivisection, suffocation, dehydration, hunger, death affects, etc., requires only a DC 30 heal check, as mentioned in Physical. Those that died of hunger or thirst, however, must be provided with food or water within an hour or they die again, and cannot be revived a second time. The revival time frame of those killed by non-magical cold is measured in minutes instead of rounds.

For more exotic death methods consult your DM for appropriate revival.

Dim Mak (Ex): At 9th level a Monstrumologist can use his knowledge of the body to cause nearly any condition to a creature of which it is subject. He makes a special touch attack as a full round action.
Of races he has not dissected the effects are lessened as shown below. He may choose to use a lesser condition if he wishes. The condition can be negated with a Fortitude save equal to the Monstrumologist's heal check. If a member of a race that has been dissected or vivisection makes their save against a greater effect they must make a second save at the original DC to negate the lesser effect.
If the target is possessed of a symbiont, parasite or inhabiting creature (such as a tsochar), the monstrumologist can target it instead, even if he cannot directly see it, though in such a case it is considered to have partial concealment.

This condition is caused by overloading of the auditory senses. A creature with tinnitus has difficulty hearing and is beset with a constant ringing. They take a -1 penalty to listen checks and cannot use blindsight or blindsense based on sound, but can still hear normally (though with noted penalty).


At 10th level this ability can also be used to cause instant death to one he has Dissected/Vivisected. It's lesser effect is 2d6 Constitution damage.

Playing God:
By 10th level a monstrumologist's knowledge of biology, life force and chemistry is unmatched.

He can distill a concoction that if a single piece of an organism is placed within can grow an exact clone of the original, at the age of the original at the time the sample was collected. This can be a blood sample, a hair, fang, feces or anything that was once a part of, or produced by, the body.

This body grows at an extremely accelerated rate, a mere 1 week per racial HD of the original creature (minimum 1 week). A human for instance would take a single week, and have all the exact features of the original, while a centaur would require 4 weeks.
A portion of a creature with natural regeneration, however, takes days instead of weeks. As such a Troll would take only 6 days.

The clone possesses no soul or mind. It is effectively a living vegetable. As such, the vivisection of such a creature has no moral stipulation yet grants you all the information if it was aware. Though mindless, you can still glean powers and spells it would normally be able to use (though, as mentioned, not those from a class).
For spells requiring a full body, such as Raise Dead, this body may be used if it was cloned from the last.
In fact, Raise Dead, Resurrection and similar treat the body as a True Resurrection spell, with no lost levels nor effects that effected the original body. In fact, if a portion of a body that was an undead is grown the body is not undead. This means only living creatures can be grown from this ability, but that even those who have an undead body can be resurrected into a living body.

A monstrumologist can produce a mating of two samples, but the spirit of any sample can use it (though no more than 1 at a time). In this manner a body can be grown that brings together the features of, say, two humans as if it were their child. The age of the body defaults to the youngest sample, though the mating are always of at least Adult age. As such a spirit of one who died of old age can be resurrected.

Multiple samples of creatures can also be grown to produce a hybrid. The monstrumologist must choose which race he wishes to dominate the hybrid.

For example, a human and elf sample could produce a human (with elvish features), a half-elf, or an elf (with humanish feature). This is standard for humanoids.

For crossbreeds that cross creature types, this is at the Monstrumologist's (and DM's) discretion.

A human/animal hybrid may gain the Feral template (Savage Species), the Tauric template (MM II), or become a simple crossbreed, like a human/horse a centaur, or a human/fish a merfolk (or an aventi). Bird and humanoids may become harpies, kenku, or gain the Winged Template. Whales and humans darfellan. A demon and human might become a fiendish creature, or a half-fiend, depending on how the monstrumologist decides how much of each to bond.

These crosses are often unstable and may die as they reach maturation. For each LA in the combined creature that is an equal 10% chance of failure (maximum 90%).
For example a LA +3 half-dragon (human & dragon equal combination) would have a 30% chance of death.

Creatures without an LA (not merely an La +0) have a 90% chance of death.

The monstrumologist can dissect and vivisect 1d4 days before complete maturation, though to hold the life force and soul of another requires full maturation.

Concoction Specifics
The cost to make this growth mixture depends on the amount needed for the creature as below.

{table=head]Size| Price
Fine | 175 gp
Diminutive | 325 gp
Tiny | 750 gp
Small | 1,500 gp
Medium | 2,000 gp
Large | 2,500 gp
Huge | 5,000 gp
Gargantuan | 10,000 gp
Colossal | 20,000 gp

Donor's Harvest
Organs, limbs and similar can be taken from a clone and used to restore the same to a living being it was cloned from. The Monstrumologist gains Graft Flesh as a bonus feat and may reattach severed limbs. He may also harvest any poisons it produces, as many doses each day as the creature would produce. Naturally produced diseases may also be harvested. See below.

Petri Dish
Instead of a body, a Monstrumologist may also grow diseases in his solution (considered fine creatures for purpose of concoction price). He gains the disease through any of an infected creature's excretions, from blood to stool and saliva. The solution keeps the disease growing indefinitely, allowing the monstrumologist a nearly inexhaustible supply.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-10-08, 06:54 PM
...Monstrumologist Continued

A body is found, horribly mangled and its head missing. Insane laughter and chanting is heard from the woods, and footprints of no known race or beast is found stamped upon the ground. A horrible disease that no one can cure plagues a town. Children speak of a frightening form that whispers to them from the shadows.

Who do the townsfolk turn to? The Monstrumologist. You are a healer, a hunter, and a forensics specialist rolled into one. Your knowledge of the ways of beast and bodies, freaks and fiends is second to none. You know what goes bump in the night, and why one should fear the dark.

Combat: The monstrumologist is a master of informed, prepared action. He searches for clues to what he is up against, mixes strange concoctions, sets the traps, and prepares the bait. He then springs everything into action at a time of his choosing.
He knows that no plan is foolproof, and as such prepares for his own failure, always several moves ahead of his opponent. Even if still caught unawares, few can match his skill at improvisation.
He prefers his opponents alive, but even a corpse reveals much to the monstrumologist.
Advancement: A monstrumologist knows how to draw useful information from so many different directions and skills that nearly any class can be used to his benefit. A martial class will aid his fighting of beasts, while that of sneaking best helps him stalk and learn from it.
Resources: A monstrumologist has connections all over existence, those who owe him no less than their lives, and some their very souls. As well, crypts and battlefields provide quite a bit of study for the monstrumologist. He benefits from both life and death equally.

You know what, there's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams, and that they shoot rainbows out of their ass! - Dean Winchester

He was drenched in blood, head to toe, and the hellish parasite that had burst from Miss Chambers was beginning to burrow into he as well. Another man would have been hysterical, but he calmly watched it feed on his own flesh for several moments before pulling it from his wound. He peered into that voracious maw with... with curiosity! Blind me, but his nerve was inhuman!" - Constable Danny Murther at the scene of the Chamber Leeching.

Few have as mixed a reputation as a Monstrumologist. He is reviled as a grave robber and a fear-monger in one locale, only to be received as a grand hero in another. In most instances however he is seen as a necessary evil. An unpopular personage who has a needed skill, a researcher into things uncanny and not of mortal kind, but nevertheless required. One who does the work none else dare do.
Then there are those who are skeptical that a monstrumologist knows what he is doing at all. Nothing but a crackpot meddling in things best left to run its course.
Daily Life: Few dawns rise brightly for a typical monstrumologist. You have delved too deeply into the dark and seen too much of life and death to take for granted that you'll live out any given day. Only your driving curiosity, a duty to others or a refusal to go down without a fight propels you from your bed.

As often as not blood will be on your hands before you return to it; your own, or others. You then prepare for another uneasy night. Most monstrumologists eventually turn to a nocturnal life, those you hunt preferring the witching hours. Darkness also covers actions others find questionable at best, but that you know are necessary.

There are rewards however; the ever increasing compilation of knowledge and the heartfelt gratitude of those you aid (assuming they recognize it). Bittersweet describes your existence.

Tiberious Smith
Though there have been those who followed the path of the monstrumologist to one degree or the other, it was Tiberious Smith who founded the Society of Monstrumology. One of the greatest naturalists of the age, he began as but a precocious artist who one evening found fairies dancing about the field of his father's equine farm. The next morning mushrooms had grown up. In astonishment he chronicled this discovery and by it etched his sight of the fairies that caused it.

From that moment on he was dedicated to discovering the life that occupied the woods and then the town. He managed to catch one of the fairies, but in doing so broke her wing by mistake. Horrified of what he had done he fed her and brought her back to health. Seeing in the child no mischief, only curiosity, she allowed him to visit her glade and see what manner of beasts visited her. He was enthralled and dedicated his life to aiding all creatures and documenting his discoveries. He became a traveling doctor, tending to the ailing people and their animals as he passed from town to town on his way between the strange places of the world.

After 50 years of wandering he had built the Society in a quiet location nearby a human town who'd had prosperity for hundreds of years, where nothing troubled their fields and factories. A rare place where the ley-lines produced a natural area of anti-magic.

He gathered those of like mind and creatures were brought or invited to be studied where they were weakened by the non-existence of magic. For another 10 years he remained the Head before abdicating to a trusted friend.

He announced that he was leaving this world for the next, but would continue to send information back to be collected within the Society. Information continued to be sent for the next several centuries, despite the mortality of its maker. Some say he died, but travels each plane as a spirit, untouchable, ever curious.

It is said that he learned a secret of the gods themselves, and as it was being transmitted the book was stolen by them. Such information within one tome was too much, and its was scattered throughout existence. The information gleaned from the discovered pages helped prompt many a book, from the Draconimicon to the dread Libris Mortis.

Somewhere though, it is said Tiberious still walks discovering, adding to his own tome, and that it is hidden even from the gods. It is said it can be found within the empty hole of an evil vestige that he destroyed, while others say his knowledge of the gods allowed him to cloak it and that is is in plain sight.

If one were ever to find The Bestiary the world might be changed...

On the flipside of the monstrumologists are those who enjoy the taking apart of life to find their secrets. They revel in their knowledge and power. The most horrible of these is Loq'quio, a Cerebrillith whose name is enough to inspire terror. Obsessed with the ways of the mind he has creatures brought from all over existence to his own plane of the Abyss said to float with the corpses of a trillion billion bodies and the larval flayers that feet on them. It is said that he has fiendish Elder Brains under his own control, pretending to worship the great deity of the mindflayers, but instead learn from it so that they might pass on their information to their true master.

In this plane he examines those brought him, and their brain in particular, in an attempt to learn all they knew. His experiments with mind and body disturb even the demon lords, but they dare not oppose him for fear of what he knows and how he could use it against them.

As long as he keeps to his own toys they cast a blind eye to his experiments.

Organizations: The Society of Monstrumology founded by Tiberious is the main organization for learning. They are comprised mainly of archivists and healers of all manner. They are mainly concerned with knowledge and are not as often known to act on what they discover as some think they should.

Hunters are their more proactive brethren, loosely connected by the needs of the moment, debts owed, and simple survival. They tend to be loners at the fringes of society, though some are raised to it for generations, sharing information through the familial grape vine.

Often these are survivors of attacks who raise their family to be able to counteract and defeat all that may prey on them. To their mind everyone else is soft, vulnerable fools, living in ignorance of the danger.

NPC reaction is mixed and often contradicting. It also depends on the monstrumologist. Some see a kindly doctor who uses his intellect to bring peace to a plagued village, others a horrible violator of bodies and mores. The ethics of healer's knowledge and the way in which a monstrumologist is found practicing his craft can mean all the difference between being seen as a monster or a savior.

There is literally no position in which a Monstrumologist can't be of use. Depending on his inclinations he could be a mighty warrior, a veiled assassin, a learned cleric or a mental marvel. Likewise his ability to discover what foes they face and turn it against them is invaluable to all.
Adaptation: Monstrumologists can fit into any campaign setting without alteration of any specifics. His instruments and surroundings may change, but they all remain part of the same goal.
Encounters: Encounters with a monstrumologist are commonplace. Where adventurers go so do they to. If there are whispers of odd occurrences such as disappearances, brutal murders, or other grim going-ons with a hint of uncanny origins it may be the Monstrumologist has already beat them there or been tracking it for months.


The Restless Nights of Dr. Mordecai Slate (EL 11)

First recovered journal entry in Midsummer
I have always been fascinated with the mad. What paths do their thoughts take, and what fantasies are formed by a mind that is free and unhindered. I have traveled far and wide to study the most astonishing cases. Those with great mentality, nay, utter genius, when they lose all focus, attract things.

More than once I been called upon by institutions, churches, innumerable homes, to capture these lunatics, or put down that which they call up.

There are some that not even I with my years of experience could not fully comprehend or heal. The worst of these, the most perplexing, the most fascinating I have had brought to my asylum. Some might call it a prison, others a place of torture. I have the word of their previous physicians, both loved ones, priests of high standing, and learned colleagues of my acquaintance to quell the frequent complaints. Brave and compassionate men work with me to protect the patients from themselves and the populace from them.

Further reason for settling down in one place and having patients brought to me is I've recently married the love of my life. My beloved Clarity, whom I have known since my childhood. She has waited so many years for me to pour the foundation on a permanent home, and so I did. Never have I seen such piercing yet beautiful eyes, and the mind behind them equally so. She has been my assistant, then nurse, now partner. When all those around me howl and scream and laugh, she was the calm in the storm. When the insanity of the others pressed upon me, she is who I can count on for a down to earth view. A counter to my imaginative and absent-minded ways. I do believe that without her I would be naught but another one of these patients...

Second Journal Entry Recovered

My patients of late have complained of dreams even worse than normal for some several weeks now. One in particular had been growing slowly weaker and the orderlies say he has spent every night screaming this week. After a time he refused to sleep. After two nights I slipped him a draft to force him under. He roiled and frothed horribly, biting at his own tongue until we were forced to force his mouth open for breath. He awoke like a man who'd arrived at the gates of the Heavens, so glad was he to awake.

Such was his change we thought he calming until dusk fell. I came running in at the pained screams to find he had cut his own eyelids off, saying he would never sleep again.

He died several days later in great agony, his cries becoming softer and softer but he seemed glad of it. I performed an autopsy and many of his organs were wasting away, and his lungs atrophying, which I cannot understand considering the way they were used. From what I can tell, it seems a touch of the common cold finally did him in. I must make certain none of the others are suffering from any strange malnourishment.

There is something very odd occurring here.

One of the other patients is slowly worsening as well. I drugged him, and monitored him personally as he slept. I watched as his body wasted away a little more in the night. The few times I dared touch upon his mind it was of images truly hellish, with a literally nightmarish woman of vile features and bruised skin who seemed to feature prominently, as if directing the horrors that abused him.

They are beginning to get to me I fear, for after contact I also dreamed of a great grotesquery. She forced herself upon him, and as they copulated she slowly began to feed on him, chewing off his head like some mantid.

I have chosen not to visit today. I am going to spend several days just being with Clarity, and I will not bring up the asylum once.

The Witching Hour

Today I begin my research in earnest, but none but I must seek the answers. Something unnatural has begun to stalk those who aided me. Several have gone missing from the town, all close colleagues of mine, including my beloved wife. It has been a month, but still I hear her screams the night she was snatched from our bed, as if coming from within the walls. It left only her finger, and the torn fang thwarted by the wedding band. They claim it is I who murdered her and the others, refusing to accept the truth.
I will not rest until the fiend is slain, and she revenged. My heart must become as stone, and my resolve steel. I will become the stalker, and it my prey...

This is the point at which the players are hired to seek out a psychotic murderer by the name of Mordecai Slate. He is hidden well, in a location where he once routed out an escaped madman. When they find him they see him deep in meditation, refusing to sleep, surrounded by extensive tomes on the subject of dreaming and oneiropathy. Around are the scribbles and dried feces of the previous madman.

He refuses to be caught, but if the players give him a chance to explain (and with his sense motive and Inquisitor feat he'll know if they are sincere) he explains that he has discovered that he now is being 'ridden by a night hag that ate his wife'. He is able to fend her off at times, but is still being slowly drained.

He does not appear fearful, but his eyes are dead and his manner of one so intensely focused that he starts at things he should have noticed. He is going slowly insane, and if they do not manage to kill or drive off the night hag within the next 4 days he dies, rising back up 1d4 nights later as an 11 HD Insomnus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11309). If at all possible Mordecai wishes to capture the hag so as to vivisect her.

There is also the possibility that during his enforced absence that the hag has also caused the inmates of his prison to produce a Momeh (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10744). If Mordecai is still alive he accompanies the players to attack the abomination.

Dr. Mordecai Slate
Chaotic Neutral (formerly TN) Male Human Paragon 1/Erudite 5/Monstrumologist 5
Init +7, Senses: Listen +0, Spot +0, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Languages Common, Abyssal, Dwarven, Elven, Undercommon
AC 13 (+3 dex), touch 13, flat-footed (10)
hp 56 (11 HD)
Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +18
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee +1 Rapier, Silvered +9 melee (1d6+1/14-20x2)
Ranged Pistol +9 ranged (1d10/19-20x3)
Base Atk +5, Grp +5
Atk Options Sneak Attack +1d6
Combat Gear
Powers Known Manifester level 11th. (Power Points per day = 47; Save DC 14 + power level, 15 if telepathy):
1st - Attraction, Call To Mind, Disable, *Empathy, *Mind Thrust, Missive, Sense Link, *Skate, Urban Strider
2nd - *Brain Lock, Cloud Mind, *Concussion Blast, *Ego Whip, *Mental Barrier, *Psionic Lion's Charge, Serenity
3rd - *Body Adjustment, *Dimension Slide, Psionic Blast, Psychic Containment
4th - *Catapsi, *Energy Bolt
* Acquired through Vivisection
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 10
SQ Adaptive learning (Heal), Elixer Master, Focused Study +5 (night hag), Haruspicy, If The Right Eyestalk Offend Thee..., Immunity to Fear and Nausea, Induce Vomiting, Knowledge from the Knife, Live To Fight Another Day, Monstrous Lore +9
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Ghost Attack, Inquisitor(PsiB), Jack of All Trades, Psicrystal Affinity (sympathetic)(B), Psionic Meditation (FlawB), Open Minded(PsiB), Weapon Finesse
Skills Autohypnosis +11, Concentration +17 (+27 distraction), Diplomacy +6, Heal +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +17, Knowledge (local) +17, Knowledge (nature) +13, Knowledge (psionics) +17, Knowledge (the planes) +7, Listen +4, Psicraft +6, Search +11, Sense Motive +13 (+23 ex. psionic foucs), Spot +4, Survival +3
Skill Tricks: Collector of Stories
Flaw: Somnambulist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10642)
Possessions 6,110 gp remaining
+1 Keen Silver Rapier (8,090 gp)
+1 Power Storing, Deep Crystal Dagger (9,000 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +3 (9,000 gp)
Goggles of Minute Seeing (1,250 gp)
Pistol, Masterwork (550 gp)
Psionatrix of Telepathy (8,000 gp)
Psionic Restraints (damping) (24,000 gp)

Dissection: The following are creatures that Mordecai has Dissected
Humanoid (gnome)
Humanoid (half-elf)
Humanoid (human)
Humanoid (maenad)
Phantom Fungus

Vivisection: The following are creatures that Mordecai has Vivisected
Animals (ape, baboon, boar, cat, dog, donkey, monkey, mule, rat, raven, toad)
Astral Construct
Cranny Creeper (http://tinyurl.com/29rho7b)
Duskwing Moth (http://tinyurl.com/28tqq5y)
Monstrous Spider
Shadow Eft


Monstrumologist Skill Tricks

Enigmatic Pitch
Induce Vomiting
Reassuring Presence
Regulate Temperature
Savor the Effect
Strange Overtones
Venom's Armor

Monstrumologist Bred Creatures

Hunter Worm
Medicinal Leeches
Purefly Swarm (http://tinyurl.com/2eppv8o)
Wellspring Newt (http://tinyurl.com/23czkvb)

Haruspicy Kit (30 gp)
This is the perfect tool for use in aiding the determining of the future via the inspection of organs. It provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Heal checks for use in haruspicy. A haruspicy kit is exhausted after ten uses.

Surgeon's Tools (150 gp)
This kit includes everything one needs to dissect or vivisect a large variety of creatures. Amongst clamps, tweezers, rasps, trocars, retractors, and forceps it includes four scalpels in Adamantine, Alchemical Silver, Cold Iron and Surgical Steel.
You gain a +4 bonus to heal checks that requires the removal of items, such as caltrops, a creature's bite, or parasites.
A surgeon's kit weighs 6 lbs.

Surgical Steel: A special process using metallurgy and alchemical solutions produces surgical steel, a slightly tougher material that doesn't tarnish. Items made of surgical steel have a 20% chance of ignoring corrosion spells and abilities, such as acid or a rust monster's Rust attack. Items made of surgical steel are considered Masterwork, and have a corresponding higher price.

Surgical Steel has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 11.

Morph Bark
2010-10-13, 05:15 AM

Only once I spoke his name then, only once it left my lips,
But once that one time was all I needed, for power at my fingertips!
Evil’s soul and spirit wrested - evermore I had him bested,
Sealt and tombed while his life lasted, in books now sleeps and yet quips!
Commanded to as I shall will, spell and soul while I do quip!
Sayeth the demon, ‘Acid trip.’
~ Popular verse by venerable Tomebinder Librarian Agdar Erin

Ferdinand Lekruj in his library ;; art by Kraken Steelklaw of DeviantART

Spellcasters from all the four directions the wind blows, sages and mages both, all are fond of collecting knowledge. But where does that knowledge go? Why, it is all written down of course and put into libraries, full of other books with more stories and knowledge and spells of many different kinds or secret martial techniques or tomes infused with magic that make the reader more powerful.

There are some libraries though that tend to befit the more… darker practices. The Library of Iabol is the most well-known of these and it is there that the Tomebinder Librarians first came to be, studying the true names of the darkest kinds of beings in the known multiverse and how to bind these for their own purposes. Tomebinder Librarians speak the Truth, but a kind that no others can even understand as they speak it and use it to wrap fiends in a carpet of words and make them prisoner within the books they hold so dear as librarians.

Most Tomebinder Librarians start out as Truenamers (preferably a fix, like here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=120488) or here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90961)), but sometimes arcane spellcasters or other already-bookish types find themselves drawn to the practice and they dabble in truenaming enough to get the basics before entering the class.

Feats: Truename Research
Languages: Must speak Abyssal and Infernal
Skills: Concentration 7 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 10 ranks, Truespeak 10 ranks
Special: Must have dealt the fatal blow to an evil outsider or an outsider with the Evil subtype. Must have conversed with the outsider for at least 1 full minute within 1 hour before dealing the fatal blow. Must have known the outsider’s personal truename.
Special: Must have been the target of Dark Speech (BoVD 32) at some point.
Truenaming: Ability to speak 2nd level utterances from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind.

Class Skills
The Tomebinder Librarian’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all, taken individually; Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Perform (oratory; Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (n/a), Spellcraft (Int), Truespeak (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + int

Hit Dice: d6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Truenaming

+2|Holder of tomes, soultome binding, truefiend nameripper|--

+3|Necronamer|+1 level of existing truenaming class

+3|Soultome binding|+1 level of existing truenaming class

+4|--|+1 level of existing truenaming class

+4|Soultome binding|+1 level of existing truenaming class

+5|Bookwise|+1 level of existing truenaming class

+5|Soultome binding|+1 level of existing truenaming class

+6|--|+1 level of existing truenaming class

+6|Soultome binding|+1 level of existing truenaming class

+7|Eternal librarian, infinite pages of Evil, soultome binding|--[/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: A Tomebinder Librarian gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies. (But see soultome binding.)

Truenaming: Every even level the Tomebinder Librarian advances his truenaming as if he had gained a level in a truenaming class he previously belonged to, gaining access to higher level utterances and to more utterances. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one truenaming class, he must decide to which class he adds his levels of Tomebinder Librarian.

Holder of tomes: Upon entering the class, a Tomebinder Librarian gains two special tomes called 'soulbound tomes' that he can seal creatures in. Specifically, one of the tomes is designed to only hold evil outsiders, while the other is designed to only hold undead. A Tomebinder Librarian can create, find or otherwise come in the possession of more soulbound tomes, but can only be bound to one tome per kind at any time: one for each creature type the tome is assigned to. (This means a Tomebinder Librarian with no more than 5 levels in the class can only have a single soulbound tome for evil outsiders and a single soulbound tome for undead creatures at any time.)

These tomes are bound to the Tomebinder Librarian's soul and no other Tomebinder Librarian can use them unless the link is willingly broken and ownership handed over. If a Tomebinder Librarian makes, finds or comes in the possession of a new soulbound tome, he may need to give up his connection to one of his other tomes. Changing connection from one tome to another of the same type takes one hour of meditation with the two respective tomes and can only be performed once per day.

If a Tomebinder Librarian dies, he automatically loses ownership of all his soulbound tomes, but can re-connect to them if he is resurrected and the soulbound tomes are found again or if they have been kept by the Tomebinder Librarian's allies when he died.

Soulbound Tome

Soulbound Tome
Appearing as a bound book with a thick and sturdy-looking cover with strange occult markings on front and back, a soulbound tome is specially crafted and prepared to hold the souls of specific kinds of creatures in it. It can be made to hold aberrations, elementals, evil outsiders or undead. Which creature type it is designed to hold must be made at its creation and the Tomebinder Librarian creating it must be capable of sealing creatures of that type into a soulbound tome. A creature sealed inside a soulbound tome takes up 1 page per HD. A soulbound tome has 100 pages.

Strong abjuration (or psychoportation); Truenamer level 8th; 10 ranks in Truespeak, must be a Tomebinder Librarian; Craft Wondrous Item (or Craft Universal Item); Price 10,000 gp; Weight 6 lbs.

Sidenote: a tome made to hold evil outsiders is also often referred to as a 'fiend tome'. A tome that holds primarily elementals of a specific subtype (air, cold, earth, fire or water) is usually referred to as a '[subtype] tome'. A tome made to hold abberations is also often referred to as an 'aberrant tome'.

Soultome binding (Su): When an evil outsider or undead creature dies within 60 feet of the Tomebinder Librarian and he knows the personal truename of that creature, he can make a Truespeak check (DC 20 + creature’s HD) to bind that creature and seal it inside one of his soulbound tomes, but only if its amount of HD does not exceed (his truenamer level + his class level) and if there are enough pages left. A creature sealed inside a soulbound tome takes up 1 page per HD. If a creature cannot be sealed into the soulbound tome because not enough pages are left, the Tomebinder Librarian can erase one or more creatures from the soulbound tome to make room for the new creature.

As a standard action a Tomebinder Librarian can create a connection to one of the evil outsiders he has sealed in his fiend tome and gain some of its abilities. The evil outsider's HD may not exceed the Tomebinder Librarian's character level.

At every odd-numbered level and once again at level 10 a Tomebinder Librarian picks an ability from the following list so that he may use it while connecting to an evil outsider he has sealed inside of his fiend tome. He can connect to only one evil outsider at any time and he can change his connection to a different evil outsider sealed inside his fiend tome as a standard action.

Convertible: The Tomebinder Librarian takes on aspects of the fiends he has bound in his physical stature. He gains the Outsider type while connecting to an evil outsider and gains any subtypes of the evil outsider he connects to. If the evil outsider he is connected to is larger than him, he gains Powerful Build. For every two size categories the evil outsider is larger than him, the Tomebinder Librarian grows one size category and gains a +2 size bonus to Strength for each increase in size. If the evil outsider is smaller than him, he gains Sleight Build. For every two size categories the evil outsider is smaller than him, the Tomebinder Librarian shrinks one size category and gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity for each decrease in size. The Tomebinder Librarian can choose not to be affected by this ability.

Defenses: The Tomebinder Librarian gains any immunities the evil outsider has, as well as its energy resistances, spell or power resistance, damage reduction, natural armour and save bonuses.

Dual-wielding souls: The Tomebinder Librarian gains the ability to connect to two evil outsiders he has sealed within his fiend tome. Both evil outsiders may not have more HD than the Tomebinder Librarian’s character level - 2. If the fiends’ abilities overlap, the Tomebinder Librarian gains the better one. If these abilities have a use limit (like a certain spell-like ability x/day), add the two values together.

Empower self (Sp): The Tomebinder Librarian can empower himself physically and mentally using the fiend’s strength of soul. He gains the fiend’s ability modifiers as an enhancement bonus to his own respective score. (E.g. he gets the fiend’s Strength bonus as an enhancement bonus to his Strength score and the fiend’s Wisdom bonus as an enhancement bonus to his Wisdom score.)

Extraordinary abilities (Ex): The Tomebinder Librarian gains the ability to use all the evil outsider's extraordinary abilities.

Natural abilities: The Tomebinder Librarian gains the fiend’s natural skill bonuses, natural weapons, weapon and armour proficiencies and bonus feats. Skill bonuses from multiple fiends (as per dual-wielding souls) stack. If the weapon profiencies overlap, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls with that weapon. If the armour proficiencies overlap, you gain a +2 bonus to armour class while wearing that armour.

Psi-/Spell-Like abilities (Ps/Sp):The Tomebinder Librarian gains the ability to use all the evil outsider's psi-like and spell-like abilities.

Supernatural abilities (Su): The Tomebinder Librarian gains the ability to use all the evil outsider's supernatural abilities.

Truefiend nameripper (Su): A Tomebinder Librarian specializes in hurting and sealing or killing evil outsiders and undead. When an evil outsider or undead with an amount of HD equal to or less than (the Tomebinder Librarian’s truenamer level + 2) has less than half its total hit points left, the Tomebinder Librarian can start to see signs in the splatterings of blood, bodybits and essence spilling around when they get hit. When an evil outsider or undead creature within 60 feet of the Tomebinder Librarian takes damage, he can make a single truespeak check to find out the creature’s personal truename as a free action. He takes a -10 penalty on this check.

Necronamer (Su): From level 2 onwards, a Tomebinder Librarian may summon forth undead from his undead tome if their HD is no more than (his truenamer level + his class level)x1/2. The Tomebinder Librarian may at no time have more undead out of his undead tome than (his truenamer level + his class level)x2. The summoning takes a standard action and the undead appear within 60 feet of the Tomebinder Librarian. De-summoning the undead takes a standard action and returns any of the Tomebinder Librarian's undead to his undead tome that he wants to return, provided they are within 60 feet of him when he de-summons them. If the undead are destroyed before being de-summoned, they do not return to the Tomebinder Librarian's undead tome and the pages can be used for new undead to be occupied with.

Furthermore, a Tomebinder Librarian may spend 8 hours meditating with his undead tome to utterly destroy one of the undead sealed inside of it - soul included - and replace it with skeletons or zombies of the Tomebinder Librarian's race as a base creature, as long as the total amount of HD of the skeletons or zombies does not exceed the amount of HD of the creature being destroyed. (Substitute human skeletons or zombies if the Tomebinder Librarian's base race has too many racial HD to be viable.) After the 8 hours of meditation he must succeed on a Truespeak check (DC 20 + undead's HD) to be able to do this.

Bookwise: At level 6 a Tomebinder Librarian gets the option to branch out and expand his sealing abilities or become able to connect to other sorts of tomes. He gains the Craft Wondrous Item as a bonus feat if he didn't already have it and must choose one of the following abilities.

Abberant tomes: If the Tomebinder Librarian chooses this ability he becomes able to create soulbound tomes designed to hold abberations. He can connect to one extra tome besides his fiend tome and undead tome, but it must be an abberant tome. He can gain the abilities of the abberations sealed inside of it in the same manner as he can gain the abilities of evil outsiders sealed inside his fiend tome as long as their HD do not exceed his own. If he has the dual-wielding souls ability he can pick one evil outsider from his fiend tome and one abberation from his abberant tome to use at the same time, provided they otherwise fit the given limitations of the ability.

Elemental tomes: If the Tomebinder Librarian chooses this ability he becomes able to create soulbound tomes designed to hold abberations. He can connect to one extra tome besides his fiend tome and undead tome, but it must be an elemental tome. He can summon the elementals sealed inside of it in the same manner he can summon undead from his undead tome, provided they otherwise fit the given limitations. The HD amounts of undead and elementals under the Tomebinder Librarian's control stack to determine how many he can control at once.

Furthermore, a Tomebinder Librarian may spend 8 hours meditating with his elemental tome to utterly destroy one of the elementals sealed inside of it - soul included - and replace it with Small elementals of the same subtype as the elemental destroyed, as long as the total amount of HD of the Small elementals does not exceed the amount of HD of the creature being destroyed. After the 8 hours of meditation he must succeed on a Truespeak check (DC 20 + elemental's HD) to be able to do this.

Spelltomes: If the Tomebinder Librarian chooses this ability he becomes able to connect to one more tome, but it must be a spelltome. A spelltome is any book that is used to prepare spells from, such as the spellbooks of archivists, wizards and wu jen. The Tomebinder Librarian gains the ability to spontaneously cast spells from the spelltome, but no more than once per day for each spell in the spelltome and the spell's level may not exceed half his truenamer level. Furthermore, the Tomebinder Librarian must have a Charisma score of (10 + the spell's level) to be able to cast it. He must succeed on a Truespeak check (DC 10 + caster level of the last owner + spell level) to be able to cast the spell, but if he fails the spell is not expended. The spells use the Tomebinder Librarian's Charisma for save DCs.

Furthermore, he gains the Scribe Scroll feat as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites, and he can create scrolls of any spells he has within a spelltome he possesses and he can scribe new spells into his spelltome as an archivist, wizard or wu jen could.

Eternal librarian: At level 10 the Tomebinder Librarian can no longer die of natural causes. His maximum age becomes ∞ and he becomes immune to all diseases.

Infinite pages of Evil: At level 10, the Tomebinder Librarian gains the ability to fully utilize his tomes for a limited amount of time. He can connect to all the fiends in his fiend tome (or all aberrations in his aberrant tome) at once - even if their HD would normally make them illegible - and gain the abilities he would normally gain from them. If he has both a fiend tome and an aberrant tome and the dual-wielding souls ability, he may mix and match choices from both his fiend tome and his aberrant tome , choosing from which sealed creatures to gain abilities from as long as the chosen creatures' combined HD does not exceed 100. This is useable once per day and lasts for 1 round per class level.

Furthermore, he can summon all the undead from his undead tome (or all elementals in his elemental tome) at once - even if their amount of HD would normally make them uncontrollable - and control them as he wishes. If he has both an undead tome and an elemental tome he may mix and match choices from both tomes from which sealed creatures to summon, but the chosen creatures' combined HD may not exceed 100. This is useable once per day and lasts for 1 round per class level, after which all summoned undead and elementals are spontaneously de-summoned.

You liken yourself a kind of reverse exorcist, one who does not get the fiends out of people, but inside of something. Using your tongue and effluency with language as your most powerful weapon, you make creatures from other worlds that would threaten your own submissive to you, controlling their actions or taking their abilities as your own.
Advancement: Tomebinder Librarians often side-track a bit with their abilities and specialize in either becoming stronger physically if they tend to focus on their fiend-derived abilities or to get more controllable minions. Most however go further with truenaming classes and prestige classes so that their utterances aren't neglected either.
Resources: Tomebinder Librarians have one big and obvious resource: libraries. Whether their own, another Tomebinder Librarian's or any other library, it is where they can find a lot of knowledge and often also about the creatures they fight and seal in their soultomes. Investigating the specific abilities of those creatures before facing them, sealing them and using their abilities is a very smart thing to do.

An' den, poof! Da big demon tink was sucked rite into hees big crayzee book! An' out anotha wun a buncha undeadies came out! ~ Torkamung Jr, tavern owner of 'Da Blind Half-Orkus' in the Outlands.
A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
Daily Life: The day is usually set off by a Tomebinder Librarian considering changing one of his current connected soultomes to another, which can often come from a wide range of different tomes if he has a lot of them, as many of the older Tomebinder Librarian's do. Afterwards, Tomebinder Librarians are fond of looking into expanding their library even further, be it with more soultomes or books with rare knowledge.
Notables: Íoshebet L'Embresondre is the steward of the city of Ausphidel, which he rules with an iron fist in the name of the late king Jacqufils the Last. His library is extensive and ever-expanding as he leads an organization of demon-summoning spellcasters and knowledge-gathering mercenary companies. Ferdinand Lekruj is a man disillusioned with life after his son was eaten by extraplanar evils and his wife allegedly committed suicide. He is desperate to gain back the soul of his son and seals demons and fights them and Far Realm creatures in an attempt to find it.
Organizations: Tomebinder Librarians usually aren't part of large organizations unless they lead it and in such cases one of the directives of the organization is to expand the Tomebinder Librarian's library in whatever way possible - different Tomebinder Librarians have different tastes in knowledge and what minions to use and evils to seal.

NPC Reaction
When a Paladin, an Artificer and a Tomebinder Librarian walk into a bar, the Tomebinder Librarian is often quickly recognized as a man of books, looked weirdly upon for carrying a pair or more of thick tomes around with him. Those with the knowledge about their profession regard them as a kind of exorcists, which makes those with specific otherworldly problems open up to them more easily as they're experts in that regard. Their experience with the dark and otherworldly also make people suspicious of them however, which is partly justified as the largest number of Tomebinder Librarians is evil or has done evil in their past.

This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
Adaptation: Tomebinder Librarians may not always fit into a campaign, especially if there are no undead or evil outsiders around. In such a case, one could exchange the creature types used to different ones or give them the spelltome ability from level 1 onwards, but changing the "max spell level half of truenamer level" to "max spell level equal to Tomebinder Librarian level".
Another option is to allow them to create soulbound tomes similar to spelltomes, but with psionic powers from the psion list in them, granting power points per day equal to what is needed to manifest all the powers in the tome. Instead of Scribe Scroll they gain Imprint Stone as a bonus feat and they can imprint psionic powers into their powertome from power stones the same way a wizard can scribe new spells into his spellbook from scrolls and other spellbooks.
Yet another option is to make Tomebinder Librarians have a martial edge and allow the creation of "spelltomes" with martial maneuvers and stances in them. Instead of Scribe Scroll they gain Scribe Martial Script as a bonus feat and they can imprint martial maneuvers into their initiatome from martial scrolls the same way a wizard can scribe new spells into his spellbook from scrolls and other spellbooks.
Encounters: A Tomebinder Librarian is very likely to team up with the PCs to take on undead, fiends or whatever foe that they will be able to get benefits out of from sealing them in their soultomes or stealing their spellbooks. Evil Tomebinder Librarians - or good or neutral ones teaming up with an evil party - can easily turn on them once they have want and use their newly-acquired powers to defeat an already-weakened foe.

Sample Encounter
Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

Ferdinand Lekruj
Neutral Evil/ Male/ Middle-aged Changeling/ (Truenamer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=120488) 7/Tomebinder Librarian 6)
Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal, Terran, Undercommon
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp (13 HD)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Base Atk +, Grp +
Atk Options
Combat Gear
Spells Prepared
Supernatural Abilities
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 15

2010-10-19, 09:44 PM
Reaper of the Indebted

http://Picture URL

Look, I'm sure you have a lovely justification, but the fact simply remains that I don't care. I'm sure you were young and reckless, I'm sure you had a good cause, I'm sure it was just an unfortunate turn of events that made you a desperate man, or whatever it is you're blabbering on about. I've heard it all before. And not a single person before you has made me care enough to toss aside this life so they can keep cheating death for a few more hours. Just about the only thing you could do that would surprise me is face your end with a shred of dignity.

The average resident of the Lower Planes leads a difficult life. Between damnation, overthrowing the forces of Good, and tempting mortals, they are booked solid. So whenever an aforementioned mortal tries to skip out on their end of a soul-selling deal, you can imagine the pain and headache it causes.

Enter the Reaper of the Indebted. A mortal who sells their soul in a different sense. Instead of an eternity of pain and torture, they remain in life to hunt down those who try to cheat the Lower Planes

Becoming a Reaper of the Indebted

There are three major requirements for a Reaper. The first is some knowledge of the Lower Planes or its residents. Without this knowledge, they lack the know-how necessary to understand and negotiate with a potential employer. The second is a good amount of negotiating skill. Unless you enjoy doing an endless series of arduous and sometimes meaningless tasks to prove your worth, this is a necessity. The third is strength. The targets a Reaper will have to pursue are going to be tough, and your employer won't be around to clean up your messes.

Even if someone fulfills these requirements, it's possible they will face a preliminary challenge to prove their ability. This usually takes the form of an initial target. Particularly nasty devils will provide a bare minimum of information, forcing the candidate to fill in the holes themselves.

Skills: Knowledge (The Planes or Religion) 2 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks
BAB: +6
Special: Must contact and successfully negotiate an agreement with a denizen of the Lower Planes

Class Skills
The Reaper of the Indebted's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str)
Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + Int

Hit Dice: d8

{table=head]Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special
1st | +0 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Fell Contract, Repeto

2nd | +1 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Impendo, Chilling Presence

3rd | +2 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Protection Clause (Disease)

4th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Certamen, Stilling Presence

5th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Escape Clause

6th | +4 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Protection Clause (Poison), Fortify

7th | +5 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Horrifying Presence

8th | +6/+1 | +6 | +2 | +6 | Mala Fide

9th | +6/+1 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Protection Clause (Age)

10th | +7/+2 | +7 | +3 | +7 | In Extremis


Weapon Proficiencies: Reapers of the Indebted receive no additional proficiencies

Fell Contract (Su): The Fell Contract binds the Reaper of the Indebted to his employer. It lists the powers, responsibilities, and penalties involved in their agreement. It appears as a well-crafted scroll written in red glowing letters.

If anyone other than the Reaper or his employer touches the contract, they take 1d10 Fire damage. Any powers or abilities that specifically require the Contract to perform an action may only be used if no other such powers are in effect.

Repeto (Su): No matter where the Contract is, the Reaper of the Indebted can call it to his hand with a thought. No matter the circumstances, drawing the Contract is a swift action. If the Reaper is incapable of holding the Contract, it hovers at eye level a foot in front of him. Calling the Contract ends any Contract-based effects in place.

Protection Clause (Ex): As the Reaper of the Indebted grows in strength and proves his loyalty to the Contract, his employer grants him special protections. At level 3 and higher, the Reaper is immune to all diseases. At level 6 and higher, he is immune to all poisons. At level 9 and higher he ceases to age. He continues to gain benefits of aging, but suffers none of the penalties and cannot die of old age.

Impendo (Su): With a word, the Reaper of the Indebted commands the Contract to split into millions of particles. These particles relay sensory information to him from a short distance. As a standard action after calling the Contract, the Reaper gains Blindsense to 30 ft. The fine particles also make precise speech difficult. Any caster within 30 ft casting a spell with a verbal component must make a Concentration check equal to 20 + double the Reaper's level or lose the spell.

Chilling Prescense (Su): From second level and beyond, the very appearance of the Reaper of the Indebted causes the air to grow cold. Anyone in a 30 ft radius takes 2d6 Cold damage. Small fires (candles, small torches, etc.) are also extinguished in the radius.

Certamen (Su): The Reaper of the Indebted absorbs the Contract into his armor. Anyone attempting a grapple, bull rush, charge, or trip takes 2d8 Electricity damage. Add the damage result to the opposing roll.

Stilling Presence (Su): After fourth level, the presence of the Reaper of the Indebted seems to drown out the outside world. Anyone within 30 ft takes a -20 penalty to hear anything outside the aura radius. Likewise, those outside the radius take a -20 penalty to hear anything inside the aura.

Escape Clause (Su): An Reaper of the Indebted fifth level or higher is granted special power over the material plane itself. Three times a day, the Reaper can transform the Contract into a door that leads anywhere within a 1,000 ft radius. The entire process is a full-round action that requires the Contract.

Fortify Weapon (Su): Instead of his armor, the Reaper of the Indebted fortifies his weapon to strike with resounding force. If his attack roll is higher than 10 + the opponent’s Dex modifier but lower than their total AC, then they take 2d10 Sonic damage.

Horrifying Presence (Su): After seventh level, the appearance of the Reaper of the Indebted brings fear to even the bravest hearts. Every three rounds, roll a Will save against Fear for every enemy within 30 ft of the Reaper with a DC equal to 15 + their Reaper level. If they succeed, they lose one level of fear. If they fail, they are shaken for three rounds.

Mala Fide (Su): The Reaper of the Indebted consumes the Contract, drawing strength from it and damaging foes who harm him. He gains Fast Healing 3 and anyone who hits him in melee takes 2d8 Fire damage.

In Extremis (Su): The final clause of the Contract can only be invoked when the Reaper of the Indebted gains the complete trust of his employer. The Contract glows brightly and implodes on itself. When the dust settles, the Reaper seems unworldly to all who behold him, even though his appearance has not changed.

As a full-round action, the Contract implodes, knocking all who fail a DC 30 Reflex save prone. For a number of rounds equal to his Con modifier, the Reaper gains DR 5/- and two improved Contract effects. Each Contract effect gains either two damage die, +10 to saving throw, and/or double radius.

A note on auras: Activating or deactivating an aura is a standard action. When activating multiple auras, they can be activated separately or in combination. All auras deal their effects after the end of the Reaper's turn and have a radius of 30 ft.

N-No! You're not supposed to actually exist!
-A rather common set of last words

Reapers come in two main groups; the sane, and the long-lived. The sane ones keep to themselves most of the time, hiding their profession. For them, they have some reason that they need to remain on this world. They could be hunting evildoers, outliving a stubborn neighbor, or just interested in seeing how the world changes. People have millions of reasons to desire unending life.

The long-lived lose this desire. Years upon years of hunting and killing and demonic influence take their toll, no matter how strong the individual. Their profession replaces their old life and becomes who they are. Some cling to the strict Law aspect of their job, becoming ruthless judges of the Chaotic. Others cling to the killing, and constantly seek contracts to fulfill. If there are none, they make their own. These Reapers are more known in society as madmen and lunatics of varying reputation.

Daily Life: The average day in a sane Reaper's life is much like it was before he became one. When he gets a target, he drops all things he is doing and completes it. They are driven by fear of punishment if they dawdle or ignore the order.

The long-lived ones devote themselves single-minded to their new life. Their desires completely drive them.

The Man of Death
Phillip Athuste lived hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. He was a valiant warrior of Pelor. Through his many deeds, he brought honor to his god and cleansed the land of evil.

Then one day, the undead came. Without warning, thousands of skeletons, zombies, and other horrors swept over the land. After years of fighting and searching, Phillip finally discovered the person responsible. He fought his way to the Necromancer's stronghold, only to find a Reaper delivering the finishing blow when he got there. Curious as to who else would be fighting such evils, Philip learned of the existence of Reapers and their undying service to the Lower Planes. He saw the opportunity of a lifetime. He pledged his service and became one of the most powerful Reapers in history.

But that was centuries ago. Today, he doesn't remember his own name. All traces of passion and divine fury have eroded away. Only his devotion remains. He simply ends lives and continues existing.

Organizations: Reapers do not work together. Some even have a "No Cooperation" clause to prevent other outsiders from interfering, albeit indirectly. Large church organizations of Good and Evil alignment welcome Reapers with open arms. Good-aligned orders see them as hunters of great evils while Evil-aligned churches see them as the hands and feet of their own masters. Both help Reapers whenever they can.

NPC Reaction
Even though their targets are specific and they (usually) take care to avoid unnecessary damage, the thought of an assassin employed by the lower planes puts most people off. The average person thinks they are just a myth; a bedtime story meant to keep little children in line. Were a Reaper to be discovered, they would be treated like a monst

2010-10-22, 08:42 AM
Contest closed for voting, expect a voting thread here within the hour.
