View Full Version : [3.5] The Bastion of Broken Souls [DM: Cardea] IC

2010-09-18, 07:46 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9382999)

{table] Player|Character|Race|Class
Userpay|Cylirr Mynesari (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=237364)|Half-Drow|Cleric
Beheld|Ksith'Ryl (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=144221)|Lizardfolk|Druid
Cadian|Darren (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=230685)|Human|Bard
2xMachina|Sodenor Aleph (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=238598)|Half-Elf|Cleric
Lix Lorn|Emily Ixenmiirik (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=238346)|Draconic Half-Orc|Barbarian[/table]

The five of you are near living legends. While not everyone knows of you or about you, almost everyone has heard of the events you helped cause, the people you have saved or even the Wars you have changed the tide of. You are Heroes. And the five of you are in the City of Baelnosh.

Rebuilt after a large Cultist Attack a few decades ago, the city is almost as wondrous as you. With miles of farmland surrounding it, and almost the size of a country itself, Baelnosh stands proud and boisterous. Now oval in design, it now, more than ever, serves as a pinnacle point of Trade routes of the Korin Continent. Its market district constantly changing and growing, its Artisan quarter still a pinnacle of creativity, and its Military quarter still producing some of the finest warriors of the century. Its High Palace, in recent times, has been removed, and has been replaced by a smaller platform of officials and representatives, to make more room for the Artisan and Military quarters.

You five are in a small, out of the way Inn known as the Elven Guard, known to import primarily rare, elven wines, as well as a host of other hard-to-find drinks. While you all sit at a table in the corner (And while Ksith's Dire Elephant (Hereby referred to as Stampy) stands outside waiting), and others stare and whisper because or you presence, you share stories about your past 'ventures, laughing at the events and at each other and with each other.

[Roll an Intelligence Check.]

2010-09-18, 08:43 PM
Ksith sits calmly, an empty ball of air, vaguely human in shape.

He waves away the servers without taking anything, but calmly considers this time a necessary break from his search.

Outside with Stampy is a mystical Stag that sparkles.

Int check: [roll0]

AC: 50
HP: 225+30 Temp

Cadian 9th
2010-09-18, 09:17 PM

An incredibly handsome man leans back in his chair, sipping some fine elven wine. He can taste the subtle textures and flavours with an acute feeling; the wine is why he still comes here even though he need only crush the grapes of wild to obtain the sweetest wine.

He wears a green, shimmering cloak that glows very faintly; an equisite bow by his side draws the eye; the bowstring is but a single harp chord from the hair of his wife. His black gloves hold a glass, their shimmering magic enhancing Darren's dexterity. He sips the wine again, taking in the others, murmuring to himself.

He twitches, winceing. An unexplainable pain mars the fey human's incredible handsomeness.

" Friends, Brothers; Emily; " He says, nodding graciously. " It's been a long road, yet here we are. Drinking some of the finest wine of the world, comrades. Who would like to tell me stories first? You all know how much I love a good story... "

The delivery is incredibly skilled; Yet, being Darren's comrades, you can enjoy his voice without giving in to his charm.

Intelligence Check:

Knowledge Nature, History and Arcana, if it matters:
Arcana [roll1]
Nature [roll2]
History [roll3]

Bardic Knowledge:

AC 42; HP

2010-09-19, 12:00 PM
Sodenor smiles, and says "Heh, you know my stories. A boring job before I went wandering around looking for a portal to the Misty Isles." before continuing to savor the elven wine.

AC 23 HP:151

And it seems we like our bows. And Cloistered Clerics.

2010-09-20, 10:29 AM
Cylirr smiles behind her own goblet of wine as she takes a drink. The hood of her robes, which is colored and decorated in the manner of Pelor's priests, is thrown back which lets her silver hair free to tumble over her shoulders and reveals the dark skin of her face. After setting the goblet back down Cylirr's hand once again stray to their idle roving of the strings of the silver lyre resting upon her lap, the gentle music coming forth a backdrop for the conversations about the Inn.

"In sooth it has been a long journey, one that I pray will never end..."

She seems lost in thought as her mind's eye travels back, considering what they've been through to get here.

int check
Might come up with a story later if noone else does.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-21, 09:23 AM
"Personally," said Emily, putting down her wine, "I'd quite like another adventure. I mean, the celebrating, the drinking, it's all fun, right, but... eehhh. Done it all before, you know?"

She tossed her hair gently with one hand, smoothing it through with repetitive motions.


2010-09-21, 07:52 PM
[One more night of 'peace' amongst you guys, if you want to earn some role playing experience. Tomorrow morning, this hits the fan hard.]

2010-09-22, 12:18 PM
The ceiling above you collapses, an explosion of wooden splinters bursting outward. Something lands on the ground near your table, and with it a mist that obscures it from view. In almost an instant, the entire floor is covered in this mist, which seems to creep over everything, chilling it instantly. Near your table, a man who had been drinking at his own table, slumps to the ground, his breathe now heavy. From the mist, six chains, barbed and spiked and terrible in appearance, stab at Darren, two of them cutting at his clothes, one missing him entirely and fracturing part of the chair he was in, and the last three piercing him; one in his arm, and two in his chest. The chains retract, the the three that piercing Darren fling wildly, and cut Sodenor and Cylirr across the chest. The chains retract back into the mist, and the figure seems to fade out of view.

One of my favorite spells right here. You get 1000 exp if you tell me what it is.
In the meantime...
Darren takes 74 points of damage (ALSO DO YOUR HEALTH. ITS NOT FILLED IN.)
Sodenor takes 24 points of damage.
Cylirr takes 30 points of damage.
Everyone else takes eight points of frost damage, if applicable.

Initiative is...
Cylirr: 24
Darren: 23
Emily: 18
Sodenor: 16
Ksith: 14

Everyone must roll a Fortitude Save or be Fatigued.

2010-09-22, 02:00 PM
Obviously Kelgore's Grave Mist, a favorite of mine as well, but someone how empowered or Maximize empowered or class featured to do more than 1d6 damage per round. Unless things change from other players actions:

Ksith will bolt from the table straight outside while calling to Stampy. Outside, Ksith will reach Stampy (100ft fly probably does it, and Stampy can close, as I auto succeed Handle Animal checks on Stampy) and cast a spell, sharing it with Stampy.

DC 24 Spellcraft check:Shapechange

Then Ksith and Stampy will both change forms. Kisth taking the form of a large two headed bird, and Stampy the form of a Beholder, aiming his single Eye at the cloud of mist (and whatever is inside it.)

Away from books right now, so can't change AC and HP just yet, but will get on that.

Forms are Chronotyryn from Fiend Folio and Beholder from MM. Stampy's AC is identical to MM Beholder. I now realize I have failed to do HP for him. My HP remains the same (225+30 temp), and my AC becomes 67 (Touch 34, Flat Footed 59)

2010-09-22, 02:50 PM
Wonder twin powers, activate!

Lix Lorn
2010-09-22, 03:33 PM
Emily tried to back out of the mist as it sapped her strength, trying desperately to see into the fog.

Spot check? [roll1]

2010-09-22, 05:10 PM
Oh right, I forgot, since apparently I'm wrong about Kelgore's Grave mist, having looked it up (Kelgore's offers no save), I'm rolling spellcraft to identify as per identify already in effect 20+spell level:


So yeah, probably identify spell.

2010-09-22, 05:48 PM
My first guess would be a combination of spells/effects like potentially an upgraded chain devil or something but in my easily searched spells I can't find anything that combines chains and mist in one spell. Howling chain certainly isn't it. I'm going to guess it's from Forgotten Realms or Eberron though as it would take much longer for me to search through those books.
Cylirr can't help but jump as the ceiling collapses, nor suppress a gasp as she's lashed by one of the many chains. Standing, and sending her chair skittering behind her, she takes up her bow in one hand while grasping the sunburst that rests upon her bosom. Calling out Pelor's name as she calls upon his holy power upon the area the attack had come from.

Casting Holy Smite (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/resources/systems/pennpaper/dnd35/soveliorsage/spellsHtoL.html#holy-smite) centered on where the attack came from, hopefully avoiding any patrons. DC 24 will. I'll let you roll damage as I've obviously have no idea whether what this thing is as if its an evil outsider it takes even more damage.
AC 34, 29, 30.
Health: 109/139

2010-09-22, 06:39 PM
Here's a hint: The Chains aren't part of the spell. That was an attack.

Cadian 9th
2010-09-22, 06:50 PM
taken damage; 115-74 = 41 left; Does the damage account for DR 5/cold iron?

I'd like to say its the Chain Devil summoning from FC 1 or 2?


Gasping with pain, Darren leaps to action; He draws his bow and draws his magic to him, he casts a spell of invisibility on all his allies... Leaping over the tables he tumbles to a better position.

Using Mass Invisibility, CL 17th
Tumble [roll0] EDIT: Oh, come on.
Move Silently [roll1]

Spellcraft [roll2]

2010-09-22, 08:08 PM
Didn't say the DC on the Fort, I assume that's intentional, but it means I can't change my action (not that I would).

Fort [roll0]

HP: 225+30
AC: 67 (Touch 34, Flat Footed 59)

HP: [roll1]
AC: 26 (Touch 11, Flat Footed 24)

2010-09-22, 09:35 PM
You can detect Kelgore's Grave Mist, and something else.

You can tell its from the Necromancy School as well, but not what its exact effects are.

Yes, I did take into account.

2010-09-22, 09:48 PM
1) Per spellcraft, I just get to identify the spell from it's existing effects, and my eleven billion ranks in spellcraft indicate what I know about spells.

I'm not saying, Tell me the spell. I'm just saying, if the effects of the spell exist and I can detect them, I know it, and if I can't detect them, then I can't know anything else, like if it is necromancy.

2) Kelgore's Grave Mist offers no save, so shouldn't everyone subject to fatigue just be fatigued no save if that's the spell?

2010-09-22, 10:12 PM
1) Aahahaha, okay. Apologies. You can tell its Necromancy. Pre-luminary effect is that it changes the effect of Kelgore's Grave Mist to do more damage, and to remove its Auto-Fatigue. Next effect is the chance to be fatigued. If you are fatigued by this, the next round you suffer 50% more damage from frost based abilities. You can also tell it overcomes the Fatigue effect of Kelgore's Grave Mist.

You get the 1000exp though. Good job identifying it right off the bat.

And yes, its being modified with Metamagic and by the secondary spell. Was hoping for someone to get it from description.

2) See 1.

3) Perhaps you should yell out this new information to your allies?

2010-09-22, 10:56 PM
3) Have to wait for them to declare their actions. Talking is a free action that can only be performed on my turn :)

1) Actually, I pretty much read "Chilling mist" and the word "fatigue" and was pretty darn sure that it was Kelgore's despite the eight damage and Save (Assuming I was just remembering wrong) until I came back to my books, and had time to really read the spell. But yes, when I finally got to reading Kelgore's, I did notice your description as being very similar.

Now to kill the Super advanced Kyton with non associated Wizard levels.

2010-09-23, 09:28 AM
Hmm, my sheet is pretty much base stats. Can I assume my all day buffs are on? +8 AC there.

Fort: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]
Knowledge Devotion: [roll2]

HP 127, AC 23 (or 31 with 2 of my Magic Vestment spells)

Sodenor winces from the hit he suffered. He proceeds to pick up his bow, and flies out of the fog, putting his Phoenix Cloak to good use.

He then casts a Quickened Recitation.

You and your allies gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while foes suffer a –2 penalty on such rolls.

2010-09-26, 02:03 PM
The mist begins to thicken, and the nipping frost subsides. The Inn is almost deserted now, filled only by you, whatever is attacking, and the passed out townsfolk. From the mist, you can hear a serpentine voice yell out "Just give up the Child, and you may leave with your lives!" Chains lash out from the mist and fly towards Darren, cutting his leg and piercing the floor under his feet. They pull back, and take floor boards away, leaving you over an impromptu pit into the cellar below.

Darren, take 24 points of damage. Make a reflex check to not fall into a basement.

Cadian 9th
2010-09-26, 07:19 PM
Jesus, someone wants me dead. I'M INVISIBLE. :smallbiggrin:
Reflex [roll0]


Gasping with pain, Darren is knocked about mid tumble by the chains,

2010-09-27, 05:53 PM
Cylirr bites her lip as the chains continue their assault, her own attack seeming to have no effect. Changing tactics she begins to cast anew, trying to pull the mist apart.
dispel magic check
fuuu- crit fail

2010-09-27, 05:59 PM
Ouch, those suck.

2010-09-27, 06:28 PM
So what happens to Darren before I declare my actions

2010-09-27, 06:42 PM
He made it. He's holding onto some boards over the cellar.
I need to remember to include DCs.

2010-09-28, 12:53 PM
Can we see the attacker now? Thinking Belt of Battle:Cure CW then full attack it.

2010-10-01, 06:30 PM
The Beholder and Two headed Bird approach as one, moving back into the room, the single large eye of the Beholder focusing on the cloud of fog, and encompassing it, to reveal a chain wielding Demon.

The two headed bird stops next to it, and spreads it's hands wide, shooting a spray of strands out at the demon, and reaching down to help up his companion, and move him away from the edge.

Six strands shoot RTA to initiate grapple:


Each one that hits touch AC initiates a grapple check:


Strands are Conjuration Creation effects that are created outside AMF, but still work in AMF.

2010-10-02, 05:31 AM
Sodenor quickly activates his Belt of Battle and channels a Cure Critical Wounds through the Divine Ward link he established with Darren.

3 turn attempts left (Pool 12; Used 7 persist, 1 Emily+Darren, 1 just now

He then proceeds to use his bow against the chain devil.

AMF looses me the +5, Force, Holy, Frost.
[roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4]
[roll5] for [roll6]
[roll7] for [roll8]
[roll9] for [roll10]
EDIT: Huh, the rolls suck. Under half for most.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-02, 09:56 AM
Her enemy revealed, Emily decided to bite the bullet. She hefted her sword, and charged, her form quickening as she did.

She slashed the huge weapon at her opponent twice, viciously.

Entering Whirling Frenzy.


Current AC 21. Yikes.

2010-10-07, 09:04 PM
The form of the creature disappears as the cone of Anti-magic hits her. Emily's attack hits where the creature was, but finds no flesh as her weapon hums through the air from her swing. You can hear the creature cry out again: "Why must you fight!? All I ask is that you give me the Child! It is only he that my Master seeks!" From below you, the floorboards are torn away, as chains burst from the ground, tearing them to shreds. "Give him to me!"

The 'Man' who was knocked out earlier moves from his position on the ground, jumping and grasping the wall. He holds a sword in his left hand as he grabs the wall with his right. "Your Master shall wait, worm."

[Everyone, roll a DC 25 Reflex check. If you make it, you only take 13 Points of Damage. If you don't, you take 26, and can only move at half movement rate for the next four rounds.]

2010-10-07, 11:18 PM
So apparently Ksith doesn't do anything, and instead just helps up her ally. Then, next round, The beholder reaims it's eye, now at the floor, to prevent any further attacks from below, and Ksith readies an action to cast Spirit Jaws on the enemy, if it sees it again.

2010-10-07, 11:21 PM
Oh right:

not a 1 = success [roll0]


2010-10-08, 08:42 AM
Ref save:[roll0]

Lix Lorn
2010-10-08, 09:45 AM
Need an eight...

2010-10-08, 10:28 AM
.... this is where I wish we could delete messages *checks, double checks, triple checks this time*

Cadian 9th
2010-10-08, 06:45 PM

Bleeding heavily, invisible and clinging to life, Darren ducks and weaves, trying to stay alive.

Reflex [roll0]

2010-10-10, 12:38 AM
"Comrades!" The man yells from his point on the wall. "You must kill her, before she takes the one you know as Darren!" From below, the creature yells again. "Silence!" Chains reach out from below, and strike the wall. You can see the creature pulling itself up quickly with the chain, on the opposite wall to the man. She climbs high up enough so that she is several feet up from the ground. She is bleeding from the mouth, and you can see some of her chains are no longer flailing and darting about. "Give me the child, and I will not kill you."

2010-10-10, 09:13 AM
The Beholder swings around to retarget the climbing creature, and once it is within it's cone, Ksith fires strands of Kelp to wrap around it.

Beholder, targets opponent with AMF.

Kisth fires strands to grapple:

Touch Attacks:

Grapple checks:

2010-10-14, 12:08 PM
The creature tries to escape, but screams in rage and surprise at the strands of kelp wrap around her, preventing her movement. Her chains wrap around the kelp, but don't move afterwards, whatever power helping them being halted. She screams again, "Give him to me! Give me the one you call Darren!"

2010-10-16, 10:45 AM
Sodenor barely dodges the worst of it.

To the demand, he says, "Why should we?" while nocking an arrow.

I do not believe it's my Ini yet. I'll probably just full attack it, unless Darren appears to be in need of healing.

2010-11-04, 07:55 PM
"Because her Master requires it, doesn't he? Is Aameul unable to send anyone more capable, or is this the best he can do?" Says the man on the wall, now walking towards your group. He looks at the creature, and snarls in disgust. "So pathetic. What is it your Master wants from the... Darren, hrm?"

"I shall not tell you! Aameul demands it, so it must be! I'll get you!" The creature vanishes from within the hold, a cloud of smoke where she once was.