View Full Version : Dark times are getting darker

2010-09-20, 01:36 PM
You knew that going down this alley was a bad idea. You've noticed and confirmed you're being followed. There are at least 2, probably 3. They're starting to approach you swiftly.

2010-09-20, 01:49 PM
I like it. I would need to know a couple things before i would be able to react but i can diffently work with this.

2010-09-20, 01:51 PM
Go right ahead and ask for the information.

2010-09-20, 01:55 PM
Where am i exactly? A catina, in a open place, crowd, dark alley? What time of day is it? What planet am i on and is there anything about the planet (lighter or heavier gravity)? Where is my crew? What race or have i been unable to tell that? What am i wearing? And how can i look at my character sheet right now?

2010-09-20, 02:03 PM
Where am i exactly? A catina, in a open place, crowd, dark alley? What time of day is it? What planet am i on and is there anything about the planet (lighter or heavier gravity)? Where is my crew? What race or have i been unable to tell that? What am i wearing? And how can i look at my character sheet right now?

You're in an alley. It's night time. It's an earth-like planet called Ryloth. You went out to procure supplies while the crew did there own thing, mostly work on the ship. You're about a 1/2 hour's walk away from your ship. You're wearing street clothes. You can't view it online, or anything (your character sheet).

Edit: You can't tell what race the followers are. You can only make them out as humanoid right now.

2010-09-20, 02:12 PM
Is it just a straight shot alley or are there any corners coming up? If not corners does it come out into the open with people or is this the bad part of town? I am looking for a way to not let them use their numbers against me and get a clear look at who or what they are. Am i to far to search their minds, not control them just to try and find out what they want.

2010-09-20, 02:23 PM
Is it just a straight shot alley or are there any corners coming up? If not corners does it come out into the open with people or is this the bad part of town? I am looking for a way to not let them use their numbers against me and get a clear look at who or what they are. Am i to far to search their minds, not control them just to try and find out what they want.

No corners to escape through. It is basically the bad part of town. You're fairly close to the shipping docs still. You are currently too far away to try to search their minds, but you don't have that power, so that information is of no consequence.

2010-09-20, 02:37 PM
I want to get out of the alley and look for a ambush site, if i pull my blaster pistol is there anyway to keep it out of LOS of everyone not just them? I am looking basically for a choke point or a darken place to spring out of and catch them by surprise to get info out of them, kill them only if i have to.

2010-09-20, 03:49 PM
I want to get out of the alley and look for a ambush site, if i pull my blaster pistol is there anyway to keep it out of LOS of everyone not just them? I am looking basically for a choke point or a darken place to spring out of and catch them by surprise to get info out of them, kill them only if i have to.

There isn't a way to get out of the alley entirely, except for the way you came and the way your going. There are plenty of doorways along the way.

I don't know what you mean about your blasters line-of-sight question.

2010-09-20, 04:04 PM
If i was wearing a jacket or a robe of some sort could i have it in my hand but out of sight so no one could see it. Just stop and turn around and face them when i come to a doorway i could fly through if i needed to. Get a exact count and note if they have weapons in hand or not.

2010-09-20, 04:35 PM
If i was wearing a jacket or a robe of some sort could i have it in my hand but out of sight so no one could see it. Just stop and turn around and face them when i come to a doorway i could fly through if i needed to. Get a exact count and note if they have weapons in hand or not.

You don't have a jacket or robe to conceal your blaster.

Turning to face them, you see there are indeed three. It's too dark to determine if they're armed.

Search check.

Edit: You can see that they are in some fashion of armor. The helmets are reflecting what little light is available.

2010-09-20, 04:43 PM
Distance to targets? pull my blaster but keep it close to my body, i want to be able to do a quick draw shot from the hip if needed. Also grab my light saber but dont activate it. Wait for their actions and judge what needs to happen next.

2010-09-20, 05:02 PM
Distance to targets? pull my blaster but keep it close to my body, i want to be able to do a quick draw shot from the hip if needed. Also grab my light saber but dont activate it. Wait for their actions and judge what needs to happen next.

From your best guess, you're about 30 meters away from them by the time you've drawn your blaster and saber.

They notice your movement and realize you've stopped your advancement down the alley way. They have slowed, but are continuing to advance towards you.

2010-09-20, 05:05 PM
Wait till they are within 15 meters and then say, "Gentlemen, can i help you?"

2010-09-20, 05:06 PM
Wait till they are within 15 meters and then say, "Gentlemen, can i help you?"

As they approach within a little under 20 meters they stop. There stances change.

Search check

Edit: You see them drawing up blaster carbines. One of them says "Hands up, Rayne, we're takin' you in."

Since you've readied yourself last round, no initiative needs to be rolled. You go first.

2010-09-20, 05:16 PM
Have i asked them yet how i can help them, and what kind of stance? A defense, more of a offensive one, or relaxed?

2010-09-20, 05:17 PM
Have i asked them yet how i can help them, and what kind of stance? A defense, more of a offensive one, or relaxed?

Read above.

2010-09-20, 05:22 PM
Blast the middle one with my blaster and key my light saber, but hold ground for now.

2010-09-20, 05:33 PM
Blast the middle one with my blaster and key my light saber, but hold ground for now.

2 actions, -1D Multi-action penalty.

Blaster shot

Edit: Blaster hits.

Blaster damage

2010-09-20, 05:35 PM
Crap; can't roll on an edit.

Blaster damage

You fire your blaster true, but the target does even seem to take notice.

They open up fire.

2010-09-20, 05:39 PM
deflect shots with the light saber. Does it matter if it is used one handed or 2 handed, meaning the ability to reflect better or faster?

2010-09-20, 05:43 PM
deflect shots with the light saber. Does it matter if it is used one handed or 2 handed, meaning the ability to reflect better or faster?

How many hands you're using doesn't pose an issue.

Three more actions to deflect all three shots. Your parry is 21. -9 for the three actions leaves a TN 12.

Middle man fires

To his right fires

left guy

2010-09-20, 05:45 PM
Middle mans shot hits.
Blaster carbine damage

Your soak is 9.

2010-09-20, 05:46 PM
Middle mans shot hits.
Blaster carbine damage

Your soak is 9.

I fail at rolling. =/

Edit: You are rendered unconcious.

2010-09-20, 05:48 PM
I'm dead huh?

2010-09-20, 05:56 PM
You awake later, uncertain about how long you were out. You are in darkness. All you can tell at this time is that there isn't much noise, your right arm is burning, you have a raging headache, and you're hands are bound.

2010-09-20, 05:59 PM
Reach out with my mind and try to feel or see whats around me. I should have put less training into offense and more training into quickness and avioding things.

2010-09-23, 01:01 PM
Not much going on in here. There isn't much noise, and it's incredibly dark. The noise you can hear seems to be that of an engine.

More time passes, about an hour you'd suspect. Everythings to a stop. You can feel that movement has stopped and the noise of the engine has cut. A crack of light appears, starting on the floor and slowly expands. It reveals three figures. At the moment, you're not able to make out much. The light is reeking havoc on your darkness-adjusted eyes.

2010-09-23, 01:32 PM
Slow my breathing and play possum. I want to know more before i act. Look unconscious and limp i want them to have to carry my full weight so when i decide to strike they will already be off balance.

2010-09-23, 05:19 PM
The men banter back and fourth about which one of them needs to carry you since you're still out. You feel hands grab you and drag you a short distance, then a lofty sensation. You soon realize you're being carried. The men continue to talk. You overhear information on the bounty that had been on your head, placed by a small time Imperial Moff.

How long did you want to play possum?

2010-09-24, 11:16 AM
A little bit longer are my hands bound still? After i get to more of a choke point like a door spring into action. How am i being carried. if i am not bound is there a blaster i can grab with the force or my hand? Any sign of my light saber?

2010-09-27, 10:26 AM
A little bit longer are my hands bound still? After i get to more of a choke point like a door spring into action. How am i being carried. if i am not bound is there a blaster i can grab with the force or my hand? Any sign of my light saber?

You can certainly wait as long as you'd like.
Your hands are still bound.
You feel as though you're slung over someones shoulder.
If you're still playing possum, your eyes are closed and won't be able to locate a blaster or your saber...

2010-09-27, 10:43 AM
Take a look but moan as i open my eyes. Do that flutter thing with my eyes, do a quick look around then act like i'm going to pass out again.

2010-09-27, 10:56 AM
Your noise causes the other two to draw their blasters on you.

Edit: You certainly notice the two men drawing their blaster carbines on you. They both has blaster pistols on their sides as well. All you can see on the individual carrying you is a side arm.

2010-09-27, 12:12 PM
Pretend to pass out again. When they turn back around lunge forward knocking the guy that is carrying me over, and use my lighting attack to hit the guy infront of me.

2010-09-27, 12:30 PM
Pretend to pass out again. When they turn back around lunge forward knocking the guy that is carrying me over, and use my lighting attack to hit the guy infront of me.


Edit: The men keep their blasters on you for a couple more seconds, then you can hear them seem to relax.

2010-09-27, 12:38 PM
Attack as soon as they turn around.

2010-09-27, 12:47 PM
Attack as soon as they turn around.

You're at point blank range, so your attack roll will have a +5 modifier. The TN is 6, as the foe will be surprised and be unable to dodge.

Attack roll


Total damage roll will by 13 due to your high attack roll (21-the TN 6=15; 15/5=3).

The opponent you hit drops to his knee in agony. The man carrying you stands someone stunned in dismay. The other person attempts to draw his carbine on you again.

2010-09-27, 12:51 PM
Lash out with both my feet. Aim for a knee.

2010-09-27, 12:58 PM
Lash out with both my feet. Aim for a knee.

Lash out at who? The man carrying you, or the other standing?
You realize this would be a brawling roll, a skill with which you have minimal training...?
Also, aiming for a specific area, while being able to create a desired result, increases the difficulty.

2010-09-27, 01:14 PM
Okay I'm resetting the battle plan. Shuffle and do a little jump and get my hands that are tied around the guy caring me neck. I then want to pull down and do a roll/throw over my body. Do you understand what i am gunning for? I will be hanging off his back with my bound hands at his throat, jerk back and roll at the same time to throw him up and over my body.

2010-09-27, 01:39 PM
Okay I'm resetting the battle plan. Shuffle and do a little jump and get my hands that are tied around the guy caring me neck. I then want to pull down and do a roll/throw over my body. Do you understand what i am gunning for? I will be hanging off his back with my bound hands at his throat, jerk back and roll at the same time to throw him up and over my body.

OK, just so we're clear: this will require a series of Brawling and Might checks...

2010-09-27, 01:55 PM
How many checks?

2010-09-27, 02:03 PM
How many checks?

First is a grapple check (you roll attack, he has his parry chance). Then is the opposed Might check to break the grapple. If you win, there is another Might check for damage. If you keep winning the first Might check, you get to maintain the graplpe each round, dealing damage and getting bonus damage the longer you hold the grapple. The problem with this is that it would leave you vulnerable because you can't really take many other actions while you're grappling.

2010-09-27, 02:25 PM
Then get in the popsition of having my hands at his neck use him as a body shield and choke him with the force.

2010-09-27, 03:08 PM
Then get in the popsition of having my hands at his neck use him as a body shield and choke him with the force.

LOL! That will require more actions than what you were purposing in the first place...

Edit: grammar/spelling

2010-09-27, 03:59 PM
Give me a break i was trying to type fast. Okay...flat out lunge towards the guy that is pulling up the blaster. The objective is to knock him out and shoot the guy who was carrying me.

2010-09-27, 04:05 PM
Give me a break i was trying to type fast. Okay...flat out lunge towards the guy that is pulling up the blaster. The objective is to knock him out and shoot the guy who was carrying me.

Might roll, in lieu of Brawling (since you don't have the skill).

Damage roll, if necessary.

Stupid damage roll... Not that it was necessary. You miss, and since you lunged you have fallen to the ground.

Their turn comes next.

2010-09-27, 04:09 PM
lol i'm getting shot again

2010-09-27, 05:09 PM
The person that had been carrying you pulls out a collapsible baton and tries to thwack you. The other (the one you lunged at) steps back about ten feet and keeps his blaster on you.

His attack with baton

Baton damage

Edit: SMACK! The baton hits your back with a sting. It's quite painful but you're still awake...

2010-09-27, 05:28 PM
roll over and kick back with both feet hard, once again aiming for knee caps

2010-09-27, 05:34 PM
roll over and kick back with both feet hard, once again aiming for knee caps

Attack roll. You're wounded, so your attack roll is decreased.

Fat chance you'll hit, but just in case...

Yea, you missed.

It's their turn. I'll provide in next post.

2010-09-27, 06:07 PM
The one that stepped back is holding his ground. You can hear him laughing.

The other hits you again with his baton. During this he says "Stop trying to fight".

His baton attack

Baton damage

It's awfully dark in here...

2010-09-27, 06:49 PM
Try and stop his baton swing with the force.

2010-09-28, 08:51 AM
Try and stop his baton swing with the force.

So, spend your force point to obtain another action and attempt a defensive action?

2010-09-28, 10:02 AM
How many force points do i have altogether and do they recharge? No instead use the forc pull his blaster from his holster and point it at him. If I succeed tell both men to drop their weapons or i kill him.

2010-09-28, 10:16 AM
How many force points do i have altogether and do they recharge? No instead use the forc pull his blaster from his holster and point it at him. If I succeed tell both men to drop their weapons or i kill him.

You get one Force point per encounter (the way I work them anyways; they're more like a Hero point). The issue is that, right now, you can't take an action because you had already declared your actions at the start of this round. In order to interrupt the flow, you need to spend a point. You can wait until next round... But, if you decide to let that last baton hit actually land the way it did, you'll be unconcious again.

2010-09-28, 10:21 AM
Try to dodge the hit.

2010-09-28, 11:20 AM
Try to dodge the hit.

Spending a Force point to gain an action to try to dodge (block as far as game terminology is concerned) is a bad idea... Your block is a static value of 9... His attack roll was 13, so you'd still get hit.

Your original suggestion of trying to use telekinesis to stop the hit from happening was a great idea. I wasn't trying to deter you from doing it; only trying to confirm what you intended to do.

2010-09-28, 12:09 PM
Then use force point to stop it. I miss read what you were getting at

2010-09-28, 12:52 PM
Then use force point to stop it. I miss read what you were getting at

Telekinesis (yea, it's that good)

His opposed might check.

Edit: OK, you beat his pants off in your telekinesis check vs his Might. So much so you knock the baton from his hands.

Recap-one guy took a knee because of the lightning, he will likely be up soon. One guy whacked you with his baton, then you disarmed him. The last has his blaster drawn on you.

Double-edit: It's the start of a new round, and it's your turn again.

2010-09-28, 01:06 PM
Next turn look around for my light saber and get to my feet

2010-09-28, 01:08 PM
Next turn look around for my light saber and get to my feet

OK, just before you make a poor action choice... There is still a guy with a blaster pointed at you. 0.o

2010-09-28, 01:13 PM
Yes...i have to do something about him. Next turn choke him, until he drops the blaster.

2010-09-28, 01:18 PM
Yes...i have to do something about him. Next turn choke him, until he drops the blaster.

OK, instead of trying to find the sabre, right?

2010-09-28, 01:25 PM
roger roger

2010-09-28, 01:37 PM
Another tele roll, this time to attempt the choke.

His opposed Wit roll.

Telekinetic choke damage roll (base force skill).

Total damage roll of 14 (same math as before due to the high skill roll). Total damage dealt = 8. He's wounded.

You turn and begin mentally crushing the guy with the blaster's throat. He drops his blaster and starts to try to rip his armor off to stop the sufficating sensation.

The guy you had hit with lightning has regained his feet and is preparing to nail you with his blaster. His actions forthcoming in the next post.

The guy with the baton is trying to retrieve said baton.

2010-09-28, 01:42 PM
His blaster shot (penalized for his wound).

Blaster damage if necessary.

Edit: Meh, he missed. It's your turn.

2010-09-28, 01:55 PM
Grab the dropped blaster with force and point it at the guy that just shot at me. Oh and release teh guy i'm choking

2010-09-28, 02:55 PM
No rolls required; you meet the minimum for something that size/weight without a roll.

The guy that had the baton recovers his baton, but just leaves it at his side and draws his side-arm with his other hand. You have two blasters on you at this time. The guy with the baton says, "You can drop it and come with us quietly, or we can finish this here... The price on your head isn't as high if you're dead, but you're starting to be more trouble than you're worth."

2010-09-28, 03:02 PM
Then answer some questions and i will come quietly. Who wants me so bad they put a bounty on my head, what do they want with me and out of a more prideful question...how much is the bounty? While talking brace and get ready to use a force point to do a big jump over one of them so im not in a crossfire if we decide to shoot it out.

2010-09-28, 04:23 PM
Then answer some questions and i will come quietly. Who wants me so bad they put a bounty on my head, what do they want with me and out of a more prideful question...how much is the bounty? While talking brace and get ready to use a force point to do a big jump over one of them so im not in a crossfire if we decide to shoot it out.

There is no need to use a force point to take that action; it's your turn. You just need to, mechanically anyways, use telekinesis to assist your jump.

"The who is easy: it's Moff Garrman. We don't ask the why. The bounty? It's 2000 credits alive, 700 dead. 700 credit isn't starting to look too shabby at all..."

The guy you choked has recovered, but is now missing his chest plate and helmet. He is human. Frankly, he's an ugly mutha... He is retrieving his blaster this round.

2010-09-28, 04:36 PM
Quick glance for the lightsaber and then jump to cover if there is any, or a upper platform that i can escape on.

2010-09-28, 04:43 PM
Quick glance for the lightsaber and then jump to cover if there is any, or a upper platform that i can escape on.

Searching for the lightsaber with 2 MAP.

Jump check (Might), with tele added in, and the 2 MAP.

Edit: You don't see the saber. You do, however, manage to jump behind the speeder you were being carried in. You can hear a couple of blaster shots as you fly through the air, and shuffling begins when you land. There is much cursing.

2010-09-28, 05:09 PM
Shoot at the closest target

2010-09-28, 05:15 PM
Shoot at the closest target

This will be two actions; popping up, then taking a shot.

Blaster attack roll. The first guy you see is the un-armored one.

Blaster damage.

Edit: The blaster shot lands. The goon crumples to the ground. All you hear from him is a huff. The other two fire their blasters at you. This will be resolved in the next post.

2010-09-28, 05:18 PM
The lightning'd thug takes his shot. His wound is preventing him from using his full skill.

This is his damage.

This is the baton guys shot.

Baton's blaster damage.

It's close, but both blaster bolts hit the vehicle. They were incredibly close to your head.

It's your turn now.

2010-09-28, 05:27 PM
Return fire to closest target. Aimed shot for the head.

2010-09-28, 05:32 PM
Return fire to closest target. Aimed shot for the head.

Blaster shot with wound penalty.

Blaster damage.

Edit: Not even close. The shot doesn't hit the target.

They return fire. It'll be posted in the next run.

2010-09-28, 05:39 PM
Lightning rod's shot.

Lightning rod's damage.

Baton's shot.

Baton's damage.

Neither shots hit.

2010-09-28, 05:59 PM
Look for that damn saber again, and hit lighting rod with more elecricity and see if he likes it again.

2010-09-29, 09:32 AM
Look for that damn saber again, and hit lighting rod with more elecricity and see if he likes it again.

Search check with MAP

Attack roll with lightning (throw skill with MAP)

Lightning damage (base force skill)

Edit: There it is!! It's hanging on the baton-using bastards belt!

You nail lightning rod with more juice. He screams in agony and drops to the ground like an old shoe. "THUD!"

Edit 2: As this happens baton-boy takes another shot. This will be resolved in the next post.

2010-09-29, 09:35 AM
Attack roll - this time he's advancing so gets MAP

Blaster damage

Edit: He misses and lets out a growl of anger.

2010-09-29, 09:54 AM
Reach for the saber and grab it with the force and when it hits my hand activate it and ask the guy if he honestly knows how screwed he is now.

2010-09-29, 10:16 AM
Reach for the saber and grab it with the force and when it hits my hand activate it and ask the guy if he honestly knows how screwed he is now.

Since it's technically "unattended" you don't have to worry about trying to wrestle it from him... Should be easy.

Telekinesis for the saber, with MAP because you intend to use an action to activate it.

Edit: The hilt hits your hand, the blade ignites. The baton guy looks at his fallen comrades and with a heavy sigh, drops his blaster.

2010-09-29, 10:37 AM
Stand up and walk over to him. Ask him where him and his friends were taking me and how was the drop suppose to happen.

2010-09-29, 01:11 PM
Stand up and walk over to him. Ask him where him and his friends were taking me and how was the drop suppose to happen.

"We were suppose to be holding you in a cell in this building over here". He points to a building, not even a block away. "The pick-up guy is supposed to be here in about an hour."

2010-09-29, 01:24 PM
Tell him to walk over to the building with me, he leads.

2010-09-29, 01:41 PM
Tell him to walk over to the building with me, he leads.

He looks towards his friends. "You ass! Can't I tend to my friends first?! They may be dead!"

2010-09-29, 01:57 PM
Pierce each one of them in the head with my light saber and say now we dont have to worry about that you bounty hunter scum now move or join them your choice.

2010-09-29, 02:06 PM
Also grab my heavy blaster and if i dont have that grab one of theirs. Actually if there are any bindings bind this guy and search the bodies of his friends for anything useful then we go to the other building.

2010-09-29, 02:24 PM
Pierce each one of them in the head with my light saber and say now we dont have to worry about that you bounty hunter scum now move or join them your choice.

After you shank the first, and are making your way to the second he opens fire.

Blaster shot.


He's screaming all sorts of obsenities...

Edit: No cover this time, so he hit's your shoulder, luckily it only singes your shirt on the shoulder.

2010-09-29, 02:29 PM
Which one shot me the one on the ground i havent killed or the guy that orginally dropped his blaster when i retrieved my saber? if it is that guy slice his gun in half and ask if he wants to join his friends?

2010-09-29, 03:08 PM
Which one shot me the one on the ground i havent killed or the guy that orginally dropped his blaster when i retrieved my saber? if it is that guy slice his gun in half and ask if he wants to join his friends?

Lightning rod and the other thug are out. The only one awake is the baton-bearing guy. He's the one that shot at you. You killed Lightning rod by stabbing him through the head with your saber (I assumed you started with the closest downed opponent).

2010-09-29, 03:57 PM
Yes yes i did. Okay take action to slice gun apart and if i hit hand/wrist/fingers i'm not losing sleep over it. I want to disarm him. But not literally if i can avoid it.

2010-09-29, 05:53 PM
Yes yes i did. Okay take action to slice gun apart and if i hit hand/wrist/fingers i'm not losing sleep over it. I want to disarm him. But not literally if i can avoid it.

Move and attack for a MAP

Attack roll

Lightsaber damage

Edit: An easy strike, the gun is split like a pad of butter.

He lunges in with fists of furry. Next post.

2010-09-29, 05:56 PM

Punch your FACE!

Edit: He fails his attempt; you parry like a champ.

2010-09-29, 06:32 PM
Hold my saber pointed at him and say if you want to join your friends keep coming if you want to live through this then stop now and i wont kill you.

2010-09-30, 11:02 AM
On a side note what has been running through my mind is what would the empire want with me? For a Moff to send bounty hunters to find me this must be important.

2010-09-30, 11:06 AM
Hold my saber pointed at him and say if you want to join your friends keep coming if you want to live through this then stop now and i wont kill you.

"FINE! But I can assure you, you will pay eventually."

2010-09-30, 12:06 PM
Smile and then bind him and search him and his friends for anything useful or anything i would need or use.

2010-09-30, 12:50 PM
Smile and then bind him and search him and his friends for anything useful or anything i would need or use.

You're still bound... Do you want to cut your binders first?

2010-09-30, 01:01 PM
That would be a GREAT idea.

2010-09-30, 01:03 PM
That would be a GREAT idea.

Alright then. You cut your binders, turn to bind your would-have-been-captor and realize... YOU CUT THE BINDERS. =P

Quick search check, as a glance at him, to find binders.

No magna cuffs on him.

2010-09-30, 01:06 PM
Well ****. Look around for anything to bind his wrists even if it is a temp binding, i just want to search the bodies and search him.

2010-09-30, 01:33 PM
Well ****. Look around for anything to bind his wrists even if it is a temp binding, i just want to search the bodies and search him.

Searching for more cuffs or some other kind of binding.

Edit: Nothing without being required to turn your back on the man standing.

2010-09-30, 01:36 PM
Tell him on his knees, face away from me cross his ankles, and interlace his fingers behind his back and lay face down. If he doesnt promise him that he will not be popular with the ladies when i am done with him.

2010-09-30, 01:45 PM
Tell him on his knees, face away from me cross his ankles, and interlace his fingers behind his back and lay face down. If he doesnt promise him that he will not be popular with the ladies when i am done with him.

He follows your instruction.

The guy you didn't stab in the head is starting to moan.

2010-09-30, 01:52 PM
Knock the guy that moaned out with my foot. Then search him.

2010-09-30, 01:54 PM
Knock the guy that moaned out with my foot. Then search him.

No roll required; he's already unconcious and therefore helpless. He's out.

Search the unconcious d00d.

His blaster carbine is next to him. He's still missing much of his armor. The blaster pistol is still attached to his hip. He doesn't have much of anything else. Oh wait! MAGNA CUFFS!

2010-09-30, 02:01 PM
Yahtzee! Hand cuff the one guy and continue my search of the bodies. Take the power packs out of the blasters, and recover either my heavy blaster or find a replacement. Grab credits if they have them and anything else useful.

2010-09-30, 03:12 PM
Yahtzee! Hand cuff the one guy and continue my search of the bodies. Take the power packs out of the blasters, and recover either my heavy blaster or find a replacement. Grab credits if they have them and anything else useful.

6 blaster power packs. You've found your blaster. They had no credits. The dead one had another set of binders. All three have batons, if you want them (they're mostly worthless). Beyond their armor, nothing else of consequence.

2010-09-30, 03:56 PM
Put my saber away and keep the blaster out. Keep the blaster packs. Throw the other guns away from us and knock him out. I want to make my way back to the ship and try and get off this rock as quickly as possible.

2010-09-30, 04:03 PM
Put my saber away and keep the blaster out. Keep the blaster packs. Throw the other guns away from us and knock him out. I want to make my way back to the ship and try and get off this rock as quickly as possible.

It's not a ship; it's a speeder. You're still on the same planet. You just have no idea where on this planet...

2010-09-30, 04:12 PM
No i meant my ship. The ship i was suppose to be getting supplies for before i was ganked. Do i remember anything about where it was parked or anything like that?

2010-09-30, 04:28 PM
No i meant my ship. The ship i was suppose to be getting supplies for before i was ganked. Do i remember anything about where it was parked or anything like that?

You know the area of the docking bay quite well. You've been to this planet a number of times with the crew. The problem is, you normally stick around the docking bay district.

You have no idea how long you were out, other than the time of day has changed by at least a few hours. You were blindfolded in the air-speeder, so won't be able to identify landmarks.

2010-09-30, 05:00 PM
Is there a map or somewhere i could go to find out info about the dock area and where it is and where the hell i am?

2010-10-01, 10:09 AM
Is there a map or somewhere i could go to find out info about the dock area and where it is and where the hell i am?

You mean your mini-map? The one in the upper right hand part of your HUD? Umm... No, no map. =P

The area you're currently in doesn't seem to have much activity... Really, there isn't anyone around to ask currently.

2010-10-01, 10:23 AM
Can i drag the bounty hunters into the building that the pick up was suppose to happen without anyone seeing me? If yes do it and find a place that i can watch what happens when the drop off happens without them seeing me. If no just watch the drop point and see who shows up.

2010-10-01, 12:31 PM
Can i drag the bounty hunters into the building that the pick up was suppose to happen without anyone seeing me? If yes do it and find a place that i can watch what happens when the drop off happens without them seeing me. If no just watch the drop point and see who shows up.

You can try if you'd like. You wouldn't know whether someone would see until you've tried...

2010-10-01, 12:33 PM
Gag the guy i have handcuffed and drag him over to the other building trying my hardest to keep him out of sight.

2010-10-01, 12:36 PM
Wait pause. Go scout the building first and take a look around it.

2010-10-01, 12:59 PM
Wait pause. Go scout the building first and take a look around it.

Scout the interior, or exterior?

2010-10-01, 01:13 PM
Exterior and try and stay in the shadows then the interior.

2010-10-01, 01:32 PM
Exterior and try and stay in the shadows then the interior.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
Search checks on the exterior

[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
Search checks on interior

There isn't a whole lot going on inside, or out of the building. It's not exactly "too quiet" but it's definitely dead around this area.

2010-10-01, 01:41 PM
Drag the hand cuffed guy into the building first, then his unconscious buddy. But keep a sharp eye when doing this for anything that could be the pickup team

2010-10-01, 01:50 PM
Drag the hand cuffed guy into the building first, then his unconscious buddy. But keep a sharp eye when doing this for anything that could be the pickup team

You emerge from searching the building and realize... The cuffed guy is gone.

2010-10-01, 02:02 PM
lol. Classic okay i am out baby. Jump in the speeder and head to a more populated area. Head West.

2010-10-01, 04:02 PM
You know what, no. stick around. Find a really good hiding place and observe the building and see who comes in and out of it.

2010-10-01, 04:09 PM
You know what, no. stick around. Find a really good hiding place and observe the building and see who comes in and out of it.

Stealth check.

Edit: POOP!

2010-10-01, 04:10 PM
Stealth check, part duex.

Edit: WTF?

2010-10-01, 04:12 PM
Stealth check, take three!!

Edit: OK, you're hidden for about a half hour more (after all the adventuring around and inside the building you think this seems about right for the hour that guy told you) another speeder pulls up. Five individuals get out. One is particularly well dressed, the others just as well armed...

2010-10-04, 10:26 AM
Just keep watching them and paying attention to movement, body language, and what they say. If they seperate to look for me or what happened, move to try and gank some of them.

2010-10-04, 11:06 AM
Just keep watching them and paying attention to movement, body language, and what they say. If they seperate to look for me or what happened, move to try and gank some of them.

They definitely notice the dead guy, then the other. They pull the other guy inside, leaving the one you know to be dead (Lightning Rod) outside.

2010-10-04, 11:19 AM
Does the well dressed man appear to be the leader? Can i hear anything of what they are saying?

2010-10-04, 11:28 AM
Does the well dressed man appear to be the leader? Can i hear anything of what they are saying?

The only viable hiding spot is quite a ways away, so you can't hear anything currently.

Yes, the well dressed guy seems to be the leader.

2010-10-04, 11:54 AM
I'm stuck man. I know i cant take 6 of them. But i also need info. Have they seperated or are they still just hoving around the speeder?

2010-10-04, 12:06 PM
I'm stuck man. I know i cant take 6 of them. But i also need info. Have they seperated or are they still just hoving around the speeder?

They're actually in the building you were supposed to have been brought into.

2010-10-04, 01:16 PM
Guess that settles it. Slide through the shadows and get closer i need to hear what they are saying. And most importantly find out why a moff wants me.

2010-10-04, 01:52 PM
Guess that settles it. Slide through the shadows and get closer i need to hear what they are saying. And most importantly find out why a moff wants me.

Moving while stealthed, so you have a MAP.

You've made it to the building seemingly unseen; do you wish to enter?

2010-10-04, 02:48 PM
Yes once again staying in the shadows.

2010-10-04, 03:13 PM
Yes once again staying in the shadows.

More moving-stealthy-ness.

You've entered the building. Now what?

2010-10-04, 04:10 PM
Find cover and a place to listen to them without them hearing or seeing me.

2010-10-04, 04:19 PM
Find cover and a place to listen to them without them hearing or seeing me.

Again, more movee-stealthy.

You duck down behind a potted plant.

2010-10-04, 04:26 PM
Listen check.

Edit: Oh crap! You're pretty sure they heard you... You can hear them "sshh"-ing each other. You also hear someone say, in a very hushed voice, "You three, go check it out."

2010-10-04, 05:09 PM
Great i'm loud and a idiot. Hiding behind a flower pot...
Okay to many to attack. Any other options for escape, hiding, or evasion?

2010-10-04, 05:11 PM
Great i'm loud and a idiot. Hiding behind a flower pot...
Okay to many to attack. Any other options for escape, hiding, or evasion?

Plenty of options. The room is a central office room, like a reception area. There are more potted plants, a few peices of office furnature, and a large desk. You're also only about 10 ft from the door you came in.

2010-10-04, 05:21 PM
Move behind the furniture and move along the wall quietly and hopefully stealthy away from them but not out the door.

2010-10-04, 05:26 PM
Move behind the furniture and move along the wall quietly and hopefully stealthy away from them but not out the door.

You like-a the stealthy-move?

You feel somewhat secure snuggled behind a large couch.

2010-10-04, 05:53 PM
Keep moving away from them but the name of the game is stealth not distance.

2010-10-04, 06:00 PM
Keep moving away from them but the name of the game is stealth not distance.

Keep this in mind: you have no cover close enough... They're in the room right now.

2010-10-04, 06:07 PM
Can i make them not see me with the force, or make me look like something else? (ie furniture, plant pot, lamp...anything?)

2010-10-04, 06:11 PM
Can i make them not see me with the force, or make me look like something else? (ie furniture, plant pot, lamp...anything?)

Well... Your Persuasion power could do something like that. It would require 3 actions (-2D to your overall rolls), though, since there would be three targets. Since you're behind cover right now and can't see them I'd definitely give you a penalty, too.

2010-10-04, 06:19 PM
Can i tell at all how close they are to my position?

2010-10-04, 06:22 PM
Can i tell at all how close they are to my position?

You could take a look; they sound fairly close. This room isn't exaclty huge.

2010-10-04, 06:26 PM
Take a quick peak i want to know how close one of them is to me.

2010-10-04, 06:28 PM
Take a quick peak i want to know how close one of them is to me.

Their Search checks.

Edit: They don't look amused about being sent out. They have their blasters shouldered, but don't notice you.

2010-10-04, 06:40 PM
Keep still like bunny and wait for them to finish their search and then try to hear why i am so damn important to a moff

2010-10-04, 06:41 PM
Keep still like bunny and wait for them to finish their search and then try to hear why i am so damn important to a moff

It takes only a couple moments before they feel comfortable that they've cleared the room and you can hear them heading back.

Your search(listen) check.

They banter for a while about basically nothing. You can hear the conversation clearly enough, they just don't talk about anything of consequence. This goes on for about five minutes before they decide to leave.

2010-10-04, 06:44 PM
Doesnt answer any damn questions. After they leave can i grab the other speeder and follow them?

2010-10-04, 06:46 PM
Doesnt answer any damn questions. After they leave can i grab the other speeder and follow them?

Teehee; nope. They took the other speeder (assuming you've gone outside finally).

2010-10-04, 06:50 PM
Great. Lots of questions, no answers. Get back into a public area and try and find a cab or call for a ride. Something along those lines. Its time to get back to the space port.

2010-10-05, 10:24 AM
Great. Lots of questions, no answers. Get back into a public area and try and find a cab or call for a ride. Something along those lines. Its time to get back to the space port.

You have to walk for about an hour before you're able to find anyone willing to give you any assistance. A speeder-cab brings you back to the space-port. It's really late in the evening by now.

2010-10-05, 11:04 AM
Make my way to the ship. I will explain to the captain why i dont have the supplies and what happened. Make my way carefully, yes up and paying attention to my surroundings and the people around me. If they found me getting supplies then they probably put 2 and 2 together and came out with 22 and realized i will return to my ship.

2010-10-05, 11:39 AM
Make my way to the ship. I will explain to the captain why i dont have the supplies and what happened. Make my way carefully, yes up and paying attention to my surroundings and the people around me. If they found me getting supplies then they probably put 2 and 2 together and came out with 22 and realized i will return to my ship.

You are able to make it to the ship without further instances. The captain is receptive of your reasoning and explains that most everyone on the ship experiences this stuff because of the nature of pirating. He advises to be more careful in the future. It's time to head out, though. More plundering awaits.

The ship leaves port and the captain reviews the plans. He was tipped off about a spice shipment running close to this sector. He intends to intercept, seize, and sell this smuggled shipment.

2010-10-05, 11:55 AM
/OOC -
Here's a minor stopping point. Do you want to continue, or review what happened?

2010-10-05, 11:59 AM
I want to continue this, but i need to review. On a couple occasions i knew exactly what i needed and wanted to do, (aka fight scenes) but other then that i was scattered and unable to make solid decisions at time.

2010-10-05, 12:05 PM
I want to continue this, but i need to review. On a couple occasions i knew exactly what i needed and wanted to do, (aka fight scenes) but other then that i was scattered and unable to make solid decisions at time.

The fight or flight decisions were pretty simple. I think you should look over your character sheet again and determine where your strengths and weaknesses are. You wanted to attempt to brawl a few times, but you don't even have the skill... Likewise; I think you underestimated your ability with a lightsaber. You're a pimp.

As for the other actions; you were doing fine. I don't know that killing that unconcious Lightning Rod-guy was the best decision, but, meh. Had I been in the situation you were, I would have bound all three of them, loaded them in the speeder, and brought them back to your ship and mates for questioning.

2010-10-05, 12:41 PM
But to bind them and bring them back to the ship is a problem since i didnt even know where i was let alone where the ship was. You are right about the brawling, i am alot more mobile and quicker because of the force and i should have used this to my advantage. I should also realize that my saber is my close in weapon and blaster is for ranged. In the alley in the beginning i should have led with my sabr not my blaster.

2010-10-05, 12:49 PM
But to bind them and bring them back to the ship is a problem since i didnt even know where i was let alone where the ship was. You are right about the brawling, i am alot more mobile and quicker because of the force and i should have used this to my advantage. I should also realize that my saber is my close in weapon and blaster is for ranged. In the alley in the beginning i should have led with my sabr not my blaster.

Flying in an air-speeder would have allowed you to navigate with IFR (I follow road) and you likely would have made it back to the docs. When it boils down to it, you weren't that far away from them...

2010-10-05, 01:08 PM
Okay i have a better grasp of him. Lets go raid a convoy =)

2010-10-05, 01:41 PM
Okay i have a better grasp of him. Lets go raid a convoy =)

OK; the ship you're on has about 1 months consumables. It's taken about a week to figure out exactly where this smuggler ship is located. It's Zero Hour; time for the truth.

Your ship begins engaging the target. There is some fire from both ships, but yours appears to be on the winning end of this fire-fight. The tractor beams are engaged and the boarding party prepares.

This is you; you're part of the boarding party. You're leading the party; 3 men under your control.

2010-10-05, 02:04 PM
Wait until they hook up the air locks then breech the door. I will be in the lead. What are the weapons of the other boarders? Any heavy weapons or shot guns?

2010-10-05, 02:23 PM
Wait until they hook up the air locks then breech the door. I will be in the lead. What are the weapons of the other boarders? Any heavy weapons or shot guns?

They're packing 2 frag grenades, a side-arm (blaster pistol), and blaster carbines. One of them has the explosives (and knowledge) necessary to breach the hull for entrance.

2010-10-05, 02:38 PM
Grab a frag. Wait for the hook to the other airlock. Use explosives to breach and i lead to clear hallway for the other 3 including the guy who knows where we are going.

2010-10-05, 02:57 PM
Grab a frag. Wait for the hook to the other airlock. Use explosives to breach and i lead to clear hallway for the other 3 including the guy who knows where we are going.

No one on the team knows where you're headed.

The hull is blown. You move in and this room is empty.

2010-10-05, 04:06 PM
Is it a corridor or a room?

2010-10-05, 04:24 PM
Is it a corridor or a room?

It's a room. The room is quite empty. Only a door leading out...

2010-10-05, 04:42 PM
I'll take door number one johnny. Have one of the guys cover the door as i approach it. When i get to the door pop my head out fast i mean like real fast and take a look. Oh and have my saber activated.

2010-10-05, 05:03 PM
I'll take door number one johnny. Have one of the guys cover the door as i approach it. When i get to the door pop my head out fast i mean like real fast and take a look. Oh and have my saber activated.

Search check.

Edit: Your search check reveals nothing.

2010-10-05, 05:09 PM
Step into the hallway and take a right. Have one of the guys cover the back of us.

2010-10-05, 05:29 PM
Step into the hallway and take a right. Have one of the guys cover the back of us.

You step into the corridor, you're men in pursuit. After you've all entered the hall the door closes behind you with an alarming thud. One man is covering the back flank of the corridor, you're leading your men.

2010-10-05, 05:50 PM
Press foward to the next compartment and just listen and look for the slightest sound or movement, also keep a look out for a map or a comm station to see where we are and maybe where the crew is or might be.

2010-10-05, 06:20 PM
Press foward to the next compartment and just listen and look for the slightest sound or movement, also keep a look out for a map or a comm station to see where we are and maybe where the crew is or might be.

It seems mostly like labrynth in here. Halls that seem to dead end. Doors that lead to empty rooms. You do find a shaft that has a lift (elevator). Do you want to use it?

2010-10-05, 06:44 PM
Yes i do. Cargo bays are usally at the bottom of the ship so down we go.

2010-10-05, 06:51 PM
Yes i do. Cargo bays are usally at the bottom of the ship so down we go.

Down the lift slides. The bottom of the ship reached, the door slides open.

2010-10-05, 06:52 PM
Roll to see what i see.

2010-10-05, 06:54 PM
Roll to see what i see.

Search check.

The corridor is pretty dark, but there isn't any movement. At least not as far as you can see...

2010-10-05, 06:58 PM
Okay advance forward and try to find some lights and look in some of the hatches and try and find a freaking map or crew member. Search every compartment. We come to but in pairs.

2010-10-05, 07:00 PM
Okay advance forward and try to find some lights and look in some of the hatches and try and find a freaking map or crew member. Search every compartment. We come to but in pairs.

Continuing down the corridor you'er quickly surrounded by about 20 armed, and armored, men by your count.

To be continued tomorrow...

2010-10-06, 10:15 AM
Look around and say with a smile, its not to late for ya'll to give up...

2010-10-06, 04:13 PM
A familiar voice sounds over the comm of the ship, "Sorry boys, but you're going to let me retire early".

... That bastard... It's your captain.

"I've sold you to these fine gentlemen for a hefty price. Frankly, I got more this way than I would have for your bounties" he says with a chuckle. "I figure none of you will mind being put to work. It's for the best."

The closest guard orders you all to drop your weaponary.

2010-10-06, 04:18 PM
Laugh and drop my weapons, should have seen this one coming would explain how they knew where i was on the planet. Ask the guards what now?

2010-10-06, 05:15 PM
Laugh and drop my weapons, should have seen this one coming would explain how they knew where i was on the planet. Ask the guards what now?

The four of you are bound and brought to individual holding cells. The cells are lined next to each other. A Twilik comes down after a few hours of sitting in the cells and explains how you're now slaves. He runs an underground training house for something akin to gladiators. You'll be forced to fight in a circuit. Many of the fights will be to the death.

2010-10-06, 05:51 PM
Ask him how long they have been looking for me? And did they send the hunters after me?

2010-10-06, 05:58 PM
Ask him how long they have been looking for me? And did they send the hunters after me?

He looks at you in a puzzled manner.

(This isn't the guy who had been after you; remember, El Capitan said that he got more for selling you to slavery than he would have by getting your bounty.)

2010-10-06, 06:07 PM
Oh i remembered, i was just simply dropping that in his head. I want to look at him and ask if he is bringing me to the Moff that put a bounty on my head?
I figured i would need a intimidation on this to make him worry about me being wanted by the empire.

2010-10-06, 06:20 PM
Oh i remembered, i was just simply dropping that in his head. I want to look at him and ask if he is bringing me to the Moff that put a bounty on my head?
I figured i would need a intimidation on this to make him worry about me being wanted by the empire.

HAHAHA! He laughs and tells you that where you're going the Empire has little foot-hold.

2010-10-06, 06:21 PM
Great. Okay how are the cell doors locked or held shut?

2010-10-06, 06:39 PM
Great. Okay how are the cell doors locked or held shut?

They're standard magna-locks. You can't pick them, and you don't have any equipment to attempt to slice (hack) them.

2010-10-06, 06:43 PM
Then i guess that settles it, we wait till we get to wherever were going. Get comfortable as i can.

2010-10-08, 11:31 AM
So Twilik, tell me about these games? Are the fights with weapons, bare fists, blasters? And who has the pleasure of being our new master?

2010-10-08, 11:51 AM
So Twilik, tell me about these games? Are the fights with weapons, bare fists, blasters? And who has the pleasure of being our new master?

"Considering I've fronted the credits... I'd say I am to be your master. As for the games; there are various forms of combat you will participate in. You'll be trained first, of course." He abruptly turns his back to you and says oevr his shoulder, "I suggest sleep for now. You in for many long days ahead.", and he walks out of the holding cell area.

The trip seems to drag on forever. The food is horrible, the cells are dull and dimlit.

Your arrival on a destitute planet seems to be unwelcome. You're escorted off the ship by the forceful hands of the guards. The ships landed in what appears to be a training court.

The Twilik addresses the small crowd of slaves in a boastful manner. He explains to them what he's already explained to you, though in a little more detail. You're shown around the grounds and presented your trainers. The group, total about 15 men, are split into 3 groups of 5 between 3 trainers.

Your trainer is an old Barabel. He has scars all over his scaly body. He is harsh whenever he addresses you and demands the training begin immediately. To start is unarmed combat.

2010-10-08, 11:54 AM
Great. Melee is far from my speciality. Do they show any signs of knowing i can use the force? And who am i paired off against?

2010-10-08, 12:39 PM
Great. Melee is far from my speciality. Do they show any signs of knowing i can use the force? And who am i paired off against?

You're paired up with a tall, lanky human. You're no certain whether or not they're aware you can use the force. They had seized your lightsaber, if you recall...

2010-10-08, 12:44 PM
Attempt a sweeping kick i am trying to get him to the ground.

2010-10-08, 01:03 PM
Attempt a sweeping kick i am trying to get him to the ground.

Heh... OK. You haven't even really begun training yet. 0.o

Brawling (= Might because no skill yet)

Hit. I forgot to roll opposed strength. Will be next post.

2010-10-08, 01:23 PM
You strength, plus your addition from your attack roll.

His strength.

Edit: He plummets to the gound in a thud. The Barabel promptly whacks you with his beating-stick for your insubordination. "GET BACK IN LINE, WORM!!"

2010-10-08, 01:31 PM
Okay take my place back in line and look at the Barabel and wait for his command to start.

2010-10-08, 03:33 PM
The first days of training are grueling. You quickly learn that on a planet with two suns, you have trouble keeping track of time. You would imagine, though, that they work you for at least 12 hours each day.

This persists for about five days. Then they actually begin teaching you what to do, and how to fight in an unarmed capacity.

Another what you would guess to be week passes before they start to have you sparring.

Add +1D6 to your brawling skill, +1 (yes, just a pip) to your lightsaber and blaster skills.

2010-10-08, 04:25 PM
Done. Now do i finally get to sparring someone? And if yes what does he look like?

2010-10-11, 12:34 PM
Done. Now do i finally get to sparring someone? And if yes what does he look like?

You do indeed get to spar. It's your partner.

Your Dex for initiative.

His for the same.

Edit: You're first. What do you want to do?

2010-10-11, 12:46 PM
Come at him hard and fast. Aiming for the side of the legs i am trying to sweep them out from underneath him.

2010-10-11, 12:48 PM
Come at him hard and fast. Aiming for the side of the legs i am trying to sweep them out from underneath him.

Brawling to make a trip attempt.

Your strength.

His apposed strength, if contact is made.

Edit: 11 damage total, due to your roll. You sweep his legs out from under him, and he hits the ground with a PHUMP.

2010-10-11, 01:02 PM
Jump up into the air and come down on his rib cage with both feet like i am stomping him.

2010-10-11, 01:19 PM
Jump up into the air and come down on his rib cage with both feet like i am stomping him.

Jumping and attacking is two actions...

Brawling roll with MAP.

Damage roll. There will be a bonus to this due to the style strike you're using.

Edit: You drop onto your opponent with tremendous force. You're fairly certain you can hear ribs cracking. So much for sparing...

2010-10-11, 01:40 PM
Kinda forgot sparring. Call for a medic.

2010-10-11, 01:58 PM
Kinda forgot sparring. Call for a medic.

The medic comes to retrieve your partner.

The Barabel decides on lashing for your lack of control. "You'll leanr through pain, or you'll die."

You're out of training for 3 days due to the necessity of recovery from the lashing. Your partner is going to be out for months. You've broken 5 of his ribs and had pierced a lung.

They don't have you spar again. They only keep you in training for about 4 more days, then inform you that your first fight is upcoming. It'll be a hand-to-hand fight in a ring.

2010-10-11, 02:51 PM
Practice as much as possbile. Everything from shadow boxing to working out. Also try to find out as much as possible about who i maybe fighting, rumors or anythign like that.

2010-10-12, 02:59 PM
No one is budging on giving you information on your opponent.

The day of the fight arrives. You're brought into the ring. Looks like you're fighting a wirery Rodaian.

Agility for initiative.

His as well.

Edit: You're up first.

2010-10-12, 04:03 PM
Throw a right cross backed up by the elbow.

2010-10-12, 04:10 PM
Throw a right cross backed up by the elbow.

Two attacks requires two actions.

Attack roll for right cross with MAP.

Damage for the cross.

Attack with the elbow with MAP.

Damage for the elbow.

The cross lands, seeming to jar him a little. Apparently not enough, though, as he is able to slip the elbow.

His turn will be in the next post.

2010-10-12, 04:19 PM
He attacks with intent on hurting.

Damage if he connects.

Swing and-a miss. Lucky you. It's your turn.

2010-10-12, 04:21 PM
Close in to grapple, i'm talking head butt baby!
Savannah style! I should get pip for that attack!

2010-10-12, 04:25 PM
Close in to grapple, i'm talking head butt baby!
Savannah style! I should get pip for that attack!

A little confused... Are you head-butting, grappling, or doing both (initiating a grapple, then head-butting)?

2010-10-12, 04:33 PM
Grapple then head butt. Do i get the pip for the Savannah attack?

2010-10-12, 04:36 PM
Grapple then head butt. Do i get the pip for the Savannah attack?

No pip for you.

Attack roll to initiate grapple.

Might roll for grapple check.

His opposed check.

Attack roll for head-butt; assuming grapple works.

Damage for head-butt.

Edit: He's crafty! He slips your grapple attempt! His actions next post.

2010-10-12, 04:39 PM
He's gonna try to kick your leg.

Attack roll.


Edit: The attack hits. His shin slams into the side of your thigh. There is such tremendous pain that you fall to the ground and nearly pass out.

You lose initiative for next round. He's going first for the next round, so next post is his again...

2010-10-12, 05:04 PM
He's going to attempt a grapple against you while you're on the ground.

Attack roll to initiate the grapple.

His Might check.


Edit: OK, he's go ahold of you but doesn't have you pinned.

2010-10-12, 05:23 PM
Head butt that sum bitch...and hope my head is stronger then his.

2010-10-12, 05:25 PM
Head butt that sum bitch...and hope my head is stronger then his.

Attack roll at -2D6 for current damage status (-1D6 for stun for the next couple of rounds, -1D6 for wounded).


Edit: You try to lift your head to his, but fall terribly short.

His actions forth-coming.

2010-10-12, 05:43 PM
His grapple maintains, so you're mobility is limited, making it tougher to dodge the shots. He's gonna drop two eblows.

Attack roll with MAP.

Damage for the first eblow.

Second attack with MAP.

Damage for the second.

Edit: Whump, WHUMP! Both elbows land with force. Game over, man. You're knocked out.

2010-10-12, 05:48 PM
Beat by a guido...how embarassing. How long will i remain unconscious? I want to try and fight it and wake back up.

2010-10-12, 05:52 PM
Beat by a guido...how embarassing. How long will i remain unconscious? I want to try and fight it and wake back up.

Considering that you've technically got 3 wound status's (stati?) you should be mortally wounded. You'll be out for well over ten minutes. He knocked you the **** out.

2010-10-12, 05:55 PM
Might want to rethink my fighting tactics next time and go through my alien handbook that i remembered AFTER the fight began. Okay wait till i gain consciousness again, and go from there.

2010-10-12, 06:06 PM
Might want to rethink my fighting tactics next time and go through my alien handbook that i remembered AFTER the fight began. Okay wait till i gain consciousness again, and go from there.

I think you just got overzealous. Taking too many actions when you're relatively low skilled is rough. Also, knowing when to take certain actions is beneficial. Think about real life... Do you really need to grab ahold of someone to head-butt them? Why not just throw a punch. Head-butts are really only good for surprises or when you've already tied the opponent up. Likewise, try to wear them down a bit before you grapple.

He landed that leg-kick and got lucky. When he knew you were hurt he pounced to keep you on the ground. Once he had you grappled, you were taking a penalty on your defense to dodge the attack, and one for having your head between the ground and his strikes.

2010-10-12, 06:10 PM
What now? Pick my sorry ass up and heal up?

2010-10-13, 11:43 AM
What now? Pick my sorry ass up and heal up?

Pretty much. You'll be taken out of the arena, nursed back to health, beaten for your lose, then returned to training because you obviously need more...

2010-10-13, 12:46 PM
Start training hard for the next fight. Lots of defensive moves more then offensive moves. And run 7-23 hour training days...i want Major Payne to make me strong!:smalltongue: