View Full Version : The Community: Defense

2010-09-21, 10:33 AM
Each player who intends to participate should post where they are located with respect to Lorn. This is considered to be happening at camp, so Lorn is free to state what local features there are or are not, within reason. I.E. you can dictate the density of trees, the presence or absence of a stream, and what if any distribution there is to your personal effects (all on you or some in a pile next to "that tree" or what). Once everyone has chimed in on if they intend to participate (or 24hours pass), then we will get started and I will base initiative on spotting distances.

2010-09-21, 04:33 PM
Jereboam is camped with the rest of the group, his sling and quarterstaff within arm's reach.

2010-09-21, 04:48 PM
I'll help out Lorn if I'll be had. Bernoulli and Bardorf are lying down. Bernoulli has a sling.

2010-09-21, 05:11 PM
Thank you for your assistance guys

OK so Lorn was just playing his trumpet by a stream on a rock (next to the stream) with trees to his back when he got attacked

2010-09-21, 11:41 PM
Having banded with the other adventurers for mutual protection, Corvus stands fairly close to the group, but faces the open ground where an attack is likely to come from. Just before the attack is to come, he imbues his club with the same returning energies he did earlier in the day.

Indisputable Possession again on the club, just before the monster is to come. One infusion remaining for the day. And just to get them out of the way:

2010-09-22, 01:02 AM

2010-09-22, 02:22 AM
Gaunt will help if he is allowed, a lot of spells to burn through, in case something big comes!

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Initiative [roll2]

2010-09-22, 11:49 AM
Alright, I am just gonna give Bokodasu one more day to say if she intends to be in the fight or wants to hide elsewhere. Also, I think next time I am gonna give a range of times when the fight can occur, so prepping spells won't be an option, but I wasn't clear on that this time, so I'll let it slide now.

2010-09-22, 05:31 PM
I figured it was the same day as the Quest, so I just assumed I only had what was left from earlier. I started with 3, used one earlier and one now, so I have one left. Don't know if you were referring to me, though.

2010-09-22, 06:43 PM
I was, but I meant that I didn't intend for it to be possible to cast preparation spells. I let you guys know an attack was coming primarily to establish who is collectively defending with whom, but it is meant to be a surprise to the characters. Oh well, these are the kinks of the first go around.

2010-09-22, 08:44 PM
Uhhh I guess I should roll

Spot: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll2]

Oh hey guys any requests on songs?

2010-09-23, 01:48 PM
Alright, I'll PM Bokodasu to see if she intends on being in this fight or not, and if so, we can assume she is at the outskirts of the battlefield. Out of laziness, and convenience I am going to reuse the battlefield from the snake, with different starting locations and a small modification that what used to be a pile of debris is now a large rock.

http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/5305/72412459.png (http://img688.imageshack.us/i/72412459.png/)

Lorn is playing his trumpet on top of the rock at G13, treating it like a stage.

Jerboam is at E12

Bernoulli and Bardoff are at G8 and G9 respectively

Corvus is at D9

Gaunt is at C11

If Frida shows up she can be considered to be somewhere in the 23 or 24 column.

Notes about the trees. You may move through them without penalty, or occupy the same square as them. They provide soft cover, as attacking through a character. If you occupy the same square as them, then this is applied to attacks against you, but not from you (though other trees might still cause this against you). The center of the rock is considered to be at an elevation of 5ft, and so moving to it requires two squares of movement (like trying to climb stairs).

Surprise Round:
As the group is waiting, in case something decides to show up and attack them, a bubbling is heard from the water (F15). A Nixie has shown up and decided it wants to keep Lorn as a pet. It attempts to charm him, and he only just realizes it has appeared before the spell is cast (so no +5 for being threatened).

Lorn Will Save: [roll0] vs. DC 15

Bernoulli 21
Corvus 16
Nixie 12
Gaunt 11.1
Lorn 11.0
Jereboam 6
Frida 0

I am going to say that people should all post simultaneously (just say what you intend to do and then a backup if it can't happen by the time your initiative hits). Good luck everyone. Also, I want to give enough time for everyone, so unless all the posts are in by the last time I check tomorrow, I will likely have the next round update on Monday (since I generally don't post on the weekend).

2010-09-23, 02:25 PM
If the Nixie is still alive and within range when Jereboam finally acts, he'll hurl a stone at it with his sling. Otherwise, he'll search for anything of value on or around the nixie.

[roll0]+1 if Inspire Courage
[roll1]+1 if Inspire Courage


2010-09-23, 02:27 PM
Even though it probably won't matter, that was a nat 20, and I want to roll to confirm the crit just because I can.


Edit: Bah, oh well.

2010-09-23, 04:37 PM
Corvus immediately reacts on seeing the nixie come out of the water and start enchanting Lorn. He rushes towards the nixie, getting close before throwing his club at it with all his might.

Move to F13

If any other modifiers come before me, feel free to roll for me. And I didn't realize what you meant for preparation. Naturally it would make no sense for me to have an infusion prepared at just the right time. Two remaining.

Might make sense to have us all declare groupings in the Activity thread before posting the Defense phase.

2010-09-24, 02:52 AM
If the Nixie is alive, Gaunt will blast him with a splash of acid.

Touch [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-09-24, 09:07 AM
"Tear it down Bardorf"

Bernoulli starts singing his draconic song while Bardorf runs towards the nixie.

((I can't remember if your uses per day refreshed from questing to defending, if they don't Bernoulli takes no action))

Attack from Bardorf
Bite [roll0] for [roll1] and [roll2] cold damage

2010-09-24, 09:28 AM
Frida and Wolu, having been distracted by a particularly interesting tree, come running in from G&F23.

(Assuming the Nixie is still there)

Frida moves up to F17 and attempts to Entangle the Nixie.

Wolu will guard Frida.

2010-09-24, 12:59 PM
Alright, the only person not posted yet is Lorn, so I will post everything up to his turn. Those who come after him can revise their actions if they want, and people who had their first turn listed can post their intended second turn. I plan on it being like this, each day (excpet saturday and sunday), I post through however many turns are up, and anyone who doesn't post for two updates in a row is considered inactive until they get back. Thus, if lorn doesn't post by monday I will decide his turn for him (which since he is charmed probably means that he will simply do whatever the nixie says. I'll roll things separately so I can see the results as they come.

@Bernoulli, there are no updates to preparation such as the refreshment of dailys or spell slots. I want to have a little bit of the conservation of resources as a factor, and so this is how I incorporated it.

Bernoulli sits back and orders his pet wolf to attack. Bardoff runs around the rock to E13 and attacks the nixie currently submerged in the water. Doing so is extremely difficult, however, but it attempts to anyway. (note an attack from land into water must overcome improved cover, +8 AC).
Attack roll: 1d20+3=9 is a miss

@corvus, I think that is what I will do from now on, it makes more sense that way.

Corvus wants to throw his club at the nixie, but the fact that it is still underwater means that it isn't going to be an option (thrown weapons are ineffective underwater, even if thrown from land). Thus, to try and make a hit, he swings his club (same roll but new modifier).
Attack roll: 1d20-2 = 16 is a miss (after the improved cover modifier)

The Nixie fears that if it gets out of the water it will be too easily attacked, but knows that it can't properly communicate orders to lorn without doing so. Thinking that it should try to stop the rest of this group first before trying to take it's pet home, it first swims a little further away (5' to F15), and then launches a rock from its sling at the wolf which just tried to bite her.
Attack Roll: 1d20+1 = 20
Damage: 1d2-2 = 1 alternative minimum

Gaunt sees this creature floating about in the water and tries to spray it with acid.
Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+1 = 9 (-2 for having to go through water included) is a miss because of the improved cover from the water.

Lorn's turn.

Also, her is the SRD I was using for the rules about water combat, since I think you guys seem to be getting hosed in that respect (although it dealing 1 damage per attack and having low hp means that it just needs to be a lucky strike to end this even with the improved cover).

Also, if people could make sure that they know that rules about criticals from the original rules post. It is very similar to the original rules, but it is different enough people should know it (although I will adjust if mistakes are made)

Now it is lorn's turn. Frida and Wulu will be considered end of the initiative. My next main post probably won't be till monday, so I will see all of you then.

2010-09-24, 04:31 PM
Actually, I wasn't able to make it close enough to be in melee range with my club. So if I couldn't reach it, I'd end up infusing my club with Magic Weapon. I'll wait for your next update for a ruling.

2010-09-24, 05:03 PM
Um I am back from my activities, BUT I'm charmed by the Nixie right?

2010-09-27, 12:12 PM
@Corvus, you are correct so you do the infusion instead.

@Lorn, yes you are charmed, but charmed merely means you are friendly, so you still have control over your actions, within reason (no attacking the nixie, generally should be trying to end combat peacefully).

With the time taken, however, Lorn delay's until either he gives an action or the nixie manages to have some input (difficult without coming out of the water).

Jereboam takes his sling and tries to hit the creature. *Note that the effective result using the system I outlined on the first page is 25, minus another two for going through 5 feet of water gives 23. Since the AC is 22 after the improved cover of water, we get our first hit (but only a regular one). That means the 1 damage gets through. The damage reduction the fey has means that it does not take any real damage.

Wulu simply readies to follow Frida (since it acts before it's master)

Frida moves to F17 as intended (with wulu alongside) and attempts to entangle the nixie. (Since it was not clear where the origin of the spell is, I will guess it to be directly on top of the nixie, although that means that almost everyone is potentially entangled.

Nixie Ref Save:[roll0]
Lorn Ref Save:[roll1]
Bardoff Ref Save:[roll2]
Bernoulli Ref Save:[roll3]
Jereboam Ref Save:[roll4]
Corvus Ref Save:[roll5]
Gaunt Ref Save:[roll6]
Frida Ref Save:[roll7]

DC 14

After that craziness, the order starts again from the top, so it is time to get everyone to post their intended second round actions.

2010-09-27, 05:18 PM
OK so

well we are all good friends here how about I play a song for everyone

*What a wonderful world* by Louis Armstrong

2010-09-27, 09:15 PM
Corvus runs along the bank, chasing the nixie and trying to get a hit in before it can get away.

Assuming the nixie moved 5ft from F15 to F16, he moves to G15.
[roll0] [roll1]

After all, I'm free to move and I might get lucky.

2010-09-27, 11:53 PM
Bardorf attacks again trashing at the water

Bite [roll0] for [roll1]

2010-09-28, 09:07 AM
Bardoff moves to G15 and makes his attack, but misses, not able to make proper contact from the surface.

Corvus moves around to G15 and tries to hit the nixie with his club, but with no luck.

The nixie tries moving further away to F17 and launches a sling bullet, this time at Corvus. It misses terribly, however. (1d20+3) = 7

Updated positions:
Nixie: F17
Lorn: G13
Bardoff: G15
Bernoulli: G8
Jereboam: E12
Corvus: G16
Gaunt: C11
Frida: F17
Wulu: F18

DM Note, the Nixie is getting a +8 ac from being in the water against surface creatures, seems like the best way to ammend this, and the fact that it can slowly continue to swim away, is for someone to hop in the water (no piranhas I swear).

2010-09-28, 11:26 AM
Since the notes on the map were in the other thread, I forgot that the water is only 5 feet deep at the deepest. I take it that counts as difficult terrain?

2010-09-28, 05:06 PM
Errr just keep playing that music

"There really saying.. I love you"

2010-09-29, 06:03 AM
Well, since none of us have cold iron weapons, and we'll have to roll max damage in order to really do anything...

Jereboam grabs his quarterstaff and moves to block the Nixie from continuing downstream.

2010-09-29, 10:44 AM
@corvus, movement in the water by walking along the bottom is going to be at quadruple cost, like an automatic success on a swim check.

@Jeriah, yeah, max damage is kinda needed unless someone has a strength bonus (no fighters?). Luckily it only has a few hitpoints, so once you break through the DR you are essentially done, and any successful crit would have a good chance of finishing the job.

Since we haven't heard from Gaunt, I will have him delay until he posts.

Lorn Continues his song.

Jereboam is Entangled. In order to try and get free and participate more closely in the battle at hand, he takes his time to try and get free of the weeds. [roll0] DC 20. If successful he tries to get closer in order to try to stop the nixie from escaping, and so if successful, moves to G14

On Frida's Turn, the entangling vines try to recapture those who are escaped.
Nixie: [roll1]
Bardoff: [roll2]
Bernoulli: [roll3]
Jereboam (if he succeeds at the strength check):[roll4]
Corvus: [roll5]
Wulu: [roll6]
Frida then waits (delay's until she posts)

Now it is Bernoulli's turn. Update on Initiative:
Bernoulli 21
Corvus 16
Nixie 12
Lorn 11.0
Jereboam 6

Gaunt Delaying
Frida Delaying

2010-09-29, 03:22 PM
Well, I'm worthless in this fight...

2010-09-29, 03:59 PM
Corvus steps into the river to continue pursuing the nixie. Seeming to ignore the water around him, he swings at the nixie again.

Jeriah, since your strength doesn't give you a bonus, you might also use escape artist? Don't know what your modifiers are.

Move to G16 and attack. Again.

2010-09-29, 04:04 PM
I'll let you tell me what comes of this, though I doubt there will be any damage.

2010-09-30, 05:46 AM
Frida directs Wolu to leap into the water and attack the nixie, while she tries to break free.

Frida's strength check: [roll0]
Wolu's attack: [roll1], [roll2]

(I'm assuming you can't trip a Nixie in the water. Just in case you can: [roll3])

2010-09-30, 10:42 AM
Alright, bernoulli is going to delay until his next post.

Corvus moves to F16 and makes his attack at the Nixie. The attack goes wide, however, and hit's a rock. Luckily, it doesn't hit the rock hard enough to hurt the magical weapon.

Frida then has wulu hop into the water at E18 to attack the Nixie. The attack lands, but the very liquid nature of the creature manages to avoid being harmed (DR means 0 damage). Also, Swimmers can't be tripped according to WotC.

The Nixie, now surrounded, tries to take a swing at the wolf that just attacked it, using a club. Attack:[roll0]; Damage: [roll1]

We are now up to Lorn. Updated initiative:
Corvus 16
Frida 15
Nixie 12
Lorn 11
Jereboam 6

Gaunt Delaying
Bernoulli Delaying

2010-09-30, 10:45 AM
Note, the crit miss from the nixie does so little damage that even a doublely critical miss wouldn't help cause of the DR.

2010-09-30, 12:02 PM
Sorry for the delay, some IRL issues appeared.

Gaunt will try to cast acid splash again, hoping for better results.

2010-09-30, 05:28 PM
Well since my spells are so weak

I see Mario.... Luigi too... He's player one..... He's player 2

"Super Mario World" Look it up on Youtube

2010-10-01, 05:33 AM
Frida directs Wolu to attack again, while seriously regretting that whole "entangle" thing.

(remembering bardic music this time...)

Wolu's attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

2010-10-01, 10:51 AM
Gaunt Steps in firing an acid splash towards the nixie.
Attack Roll:[roll0] vs. AC 22 (improved cover against things not in the water with it)

Lorn continues to do nothing, apparently deciding that his friend who is now surrounded and being beaten up, can best be helped in this way (come on, get creative).

Jereboam sits around, completely entangled (delaying)

Back to Corvus turn:

Updated Initiative:
Corvus 16
Frida 15
Nixie 12
Gaunt 11.5
Lorn 11

Jereboam Delaying
Bernoulli Delaying

2010-10-01, 04:22 PM
Corvus continues his relentless pursuit of the Nixie.

I think the problem Lorn is having is that we're all his friends. Even the Nixie now. So who does he help?

[roll0] if I have flanking, add 2. I lost track of where the wolf was, though.

By the way, who is the kobold in the Town Square?
Edit: Oh, and I know it'll likely get paused over the weekend, but I'll be out of town until Sunday.

2010-10-01, 11:57 PM
Bernouli sighs as the vines wrap around him. "Bradorf kill that thing already."

Bite [roll0] for [roll1]

2010-10-04, 10:44 AM
Alright, for simplicities sake, since this battle is taking a lot of time and producing little reward (fun wise), I am going to simulate the rest of the battle.

Corvus misses.
Bardoff jumps into the water and attacks. Deals one real damage
Wulu Attacks. misses.
Nixie attacks wulu. misses.

Corvus attacks. misses
Bardoff attacks. hits for 0 damage
Wulu attacks. Deals one damage
Nixie attacks wulu. hits for one damage

Corvus attacks. hits for 0 damage
Bardoff attacks. hits for 0 damage
Wulu attacks. misses
Nixie attacks wulu. hits for 1 damage

Corvus attacks. misses
Bardoff attacks. misses
Wulu attacks. misses
Nixie attacks wulu. misses

Corvus attacks. misses
Bardoff attacks. hits for 0 damage
Wulu attacks. hits for 0 damage
Nixie attacks wulu. misses

Corvus attacks. hits for 0 damage
Bardoff attacks. misses
Wulu attacks. hits for 0 damage
Nixie attacks wulu. hits for 1 damage

Corvus attacks. hits for 2 damage.

Battle is won.

Summary of effects.
Everyone gains 50 xp
Bardoff took 1 damage (for a total of 2 damage)
wulu took 3 damage (for a total of 5 damage)

With that, I apologize for the slow and boring battle. We will go through upkeep back on the main thread, get the new players involved, and I will establish means by which players can request to speed things along (I have a plan for a system that should work, just need to type it up).