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View Full Version : Suggestions wanted for devious trap-dungeon. My players, STAY OUT!!!

2010-09-21, 05:46 PM
My friends were thinking of playing tomb of horrors, but then we decided that I would build them my own horrific trap dungeon. They know what they are getting into, and will essentially get save points, so I can make the traps as evil as I want. I figured the playground might have some tricks up their sleeves.

If you've got any ideas, post away!

2010-09-21, 09:31 PM
if you can scrounge up a copy of "the Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps" by Necromancer games/Sword and Sorcery, you'll have more ideas then you shake a dead dragon at. Some of them amusing, some annoying, some absolutely lethal. The best ones? They combine all three.

2010-09-21, 10:12 PM
Have a door, that leads to a blank wall. Completely untrapped.

They'll be so paranoid about it, see how many resources they expend trying to defeat it.

A tunnel junction that spins in a regular manner the first four times, and the fifth it spins randomly.

A pit trap, that drops you into the next room. The door past it, is heavily trapped, opens into a heavily guarded room, full of AoE damage (perhaps fire? Acid smog?) that leads nowhere.

I can keep going if you like...

2010-09-21, 10:46 PM
Here's a couple I've used before.

A long hallway with a gentle slope, at the end/bottom of which is a pool of acid. Dangling over the acid, too far away to reach by hand, is a key or other trinket the party needs (or thinks they need) hanging from a string. Not too difficult by itself, but so much as jostling the string or key causes grease to pour from the top of the sloped hall, sending anyone who isn't flying into the acid. And the acid is full of acid-immune piranha. If the whole party can fly easily, replace grease with giant boulder and put the only exit at the bottom of the acid pool.

This one works best in a teleporter-heavy dungeon. Four or five portals are lined up in a row. Most of them are completely safe, and possibly mandatory to progress. But one of them is just an illusion with a 200 ft. pit trap behind it.

A gem with hardness 30 which summons one low level monster a round until destroyed.

All are fun.