View Full Version : Wizard's Brawl IC

fil kearney
2010-09-21, 11:15 PM
OOC located HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9366670#post9366670)

map (http://www.killfear.com/wizard/MAP%200.JPG)

First step: participants roll your initiative. Once we've all gotten that, everyone will choose their starting square.


2010-09-21, 11:22 PM
Krem's Initiative [roll0]

2010-09-22, 12:02 AM


grumblegrumble, I guess it's good enough.

2010-09-22, 06:08 AM
Initiative [roll0]

not expecting much...

2010-09-22, 11:54 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

That the best one may win. And OMG Ponies and Veros remember: If you kill me do it with style :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-22, 11:55 AM

2010-09-22, 12:07 PM
I wonder if dresil is going first @_@

fil kearney
2010-09-22, 12:14 PM
duskranger will go before OMG, since his modifier is higher.
Just waiting on... Kbard?

2010-09-22, 12:17 PM
I am actually pretty scared of the large target painted on me by extra levels and basically a free round for everybody. Darn you, initiative--I knew I should have gone Wu Jen!

2010-09-22, 03:41 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

That the best one may win. And OMG Ponies and Veros remember: If you kill me do it with style :smallbiggrin:

Kill? OH! You mean attacking. People attack in Brawls? Oh man... I'm badly informed. :smallamused:

2010-09-22, 08:34 PM
I wonder if dresil is going first @_@

"I will kill (metaphorically) EVERYONE for a window!

2010-09-23, 08:16 AM
Kobold Bard, Where Are You Amigo

2010-09-23, 08:25 AM
Can we just say he holds his initiative until he returns?

fil kearney
2010-09-23, 08:47 AM
Can we just say he holds his initiative until he returns?

technically no, bec ause you roll initiative to determine the order that people will place their character on the board.

You are all welcome to call your location now if you wish. My judgement is that if he returns promptly, he can roll initiative when he gets here, and if he's the last to place on the map, that doesn't mean his initiative is the lowest.
If everyone is on the map, and another 24 hours goes by without his participation, we WILL assume his initiative is the lowest and we'll start anyway.

Once we start, I'll assume posting within 24 hours.. if you miss your window, you skip your turn.

go ahead and call your starting coordinates. I'll udate the map as I can... at best 12 hours from now.

2010-09-23, 09:44 AM
I want Steak Sauce! I mean A1!

2010-09-23, 12:30 PM
I'll take a Remington 1187 for power. Err I mean M11.

2010-09-23, 12:54 PM
R 14, if you please.

2010-09-23, 01:10 PM
I would like to be at H9. Nothing more, nothing less.

@ Veros off course they do not attack. That would be silly. They stand there talk a bit and than drink a cup of tea (maybe laced with some very strong undefinable poison). After that they go on their own way.

2010-09-23, 02:37 PM
Sorry, access to the map is blocked at work, so I won't be able to pick my square until tomorrow morning.

2010-09-23, 10:19 PM
I would like to be at H9. Nothing more, nothing less.

@ Veros off course they do not attack. That would be silly. They stand there talk a bit and than drink a cup of tea (maybe laced with some very strong undefinable poison). After that they go on their own way.

=[ And here I didn't plan for attacking. -_- I wonder what the rules are of speaking while moving silently? Do the words take the same check to hear? xD

2010-09-24, 06:42 AM
I'll start in H1, please.

fil kearney
2010-09-24, 11:29 PM
We'll have to let K-Bard go.(sorry man.)

ROUND 1 Begins!
MAP (http://www.killfear.com/wizard/MAP%201.JPG)

2010-09-25, 10:02 AM
It looks like a Sorcerer's Standoff for a moment, before Dracia makes the first move. The elf pulls from her hip what looks like an orb of light, and tosses it onto the ground on square A3.

"I'll show you how we used to do this back home!"

(Dracia casts Rapid Summon Monster III)

Summon Celestial (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/celestialCreature.htm) Bison (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/bison.htm). +4 to Str and Con due to Augmented Summoning.

"Go after him first! Charrrrge!"

Bison will charge OMGPonies, move to C1. then Dracia moves to A7.

2010-09-25, 11:09 AM
Krem tightens his hand around a shiny copper piece in his hand infusing magical energy into the coin creating a bubble of Darkness at M11 extending out 20 feet creating shadowy illumination within it.

Right as Krem drops the coin, he vanishes while in plain sight of Loren. Then he moves off his footsteps most likely impossible to find as is he.

Hide Check [roll0]
Move Silently Check (-5 for moving at a speed faster than 1/2 his base) [roll1]
Wow... I got a two on both rolls?

2010-09-25, 11:55 AM
Loren glowers at the field, noting the sudden blackness and vanishing act with naught but a thin grin, as he kneads a wad of gum arabic and speaks a few spooky magical words, before he shimmers and vanishes into thin air before any onlookers, suddenly Invisible.

"Now I will show them all who is the superior wizard."

And he skulks off to find a vantage point...

Hide Check: (only +20 due to moving)

Move Silently: [roll]1d20+11

2010-09-25, 11:56 AM
@_@ I love it when the /roll gets cut off from my post.

Rolling Move Silently. [roll0]

Also wow at how crappy those 1d20 rolls were.

2010-09-25, 12:17 PM
Teron Magnia smiles softly while bowing to the opponents. Than he draws the greatsword on his back and makes a salute. He starts casting and transforms into a turtlelike creature.

@ DM:

He transforms into a crucian by using alter self.

2010-09-25, 01:01 PM
The bison can't charge. Creatures summoned as a standard action can only take a standard action in the round they appear.

fil kearney
2010-09-26, 12:37 AM
OMG is right, Dresil. strike through your original action for the bison and restate it's action.
I assume OMG is waiting for your repost, since he's the target?

I'll hold everything else as is.

2010-09-26, 07:29 PM
Not to clog up the thread, but he fixed his post.

2010-09-26, 07:42 PM
Just saw that now. Unfortunately, I won't be able to update until tomorrow morning.

EDIT: Update below. Sorry for the double post, but I needed a new post for my rolls.

2010-09-27, 06:38 AM
Reglas enters his corner, waving and bowing to an unseen audience. The arrogant upperclassman had a reputation for being mentally imbalanced but, since it was coupled with his reputation for being a powerful arcanist, few dared to question his eccentricities.

"See boys," he purrs as he sizes up the two competitors he can see, "The room's already mine. I just arranged this as a learning experience for all of you. So...watch and learn." With a quick series of gestures and mutters, a cloud of filth and odor envelopes Dracia and her bison.

Swift action: cast Quickened Invisible Summon Monster III (http://dndsrd.net/spellsS.html#summon-monster-iii)* to summon an Augmented Dretch (http://dndsrd.net/monstersDtoDe.html#dretch-demon) in ??, who uses its standard action to cast Stinking Cloud (http://dndsrd.net/spellsS.html#stinking-cloud), centered on the corner of C3-D4. Dracia and the bison must each make a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be nauseated until they leave the cloud and for 2 (Dracia) or 3 (bison) rounds thereafter. Also, the cloud functions as fog cloud (http://dndsrd.net/spellsFtoG.html#fog-cloud), blocking sight and providing partial or total concealment.

The young man follows up this display with another set of grand gestures and arcane utterances, but this one has no visible result. However, Teron notices the effects of whatever it is that Reglas has done--the wind carries the foulest of odors.

Standard action: cast Invisible Stinking Cloud (http://dndsrd.net/spellsS.html#stinking-cloud), centered on the corner of ??-??. Teron is within the area of the cloud, and must make a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be nauseated until he leaves the cloud and for 4 rounds thereafter. Krem and Loren may also need to make saves, dependent on their location. If they fail, they are nauseated until they leave the cloud and for 4 (Krem) or 5 (Loren) rounds thereafter. Also, the cloud functions as fog cloud (http://dndsrd.net/spellsFtoG.html#fog-cloud), blocking sight and providing partial or total concealment

*Reglas casts all Summon Monster spells as standard actions thanks to the Rapid Summoning conjurer variant from Unearthed Arcana, allowing them to benefit from Quicken Spell.

Invisible Summon Monster III 1/9
Stinking Cloud (Dretch) 1/2
Invisible Stinking Cloud 1/9

[roll0] Dracia nausea duration
[roll1] Bison nausea duration
[roll2] Teron nausea duration
[roll3] Krem nausea duration
[roll4] Loren nausea duration

fil kearney
2010-09-27, 09:32 AM

MAP (http://www.killfear.com/wizard/MAP%202.JPG)

I've updated everyone that needs updating... if you are making a save vs stinkiing cloud, you can pm me if you wanna keep it quiet. save on your own turn, and carry on.

2010-09-27, 10:12 AM
I'll make my post as if I had made the save and will edit later if not.

Fort Saves

Bison [ROLL]1d20+9

Dracia fights back the urge to gag as she moves through the cloud.
"That is just a disgusting spell. Can't you do something more elegant?"

With a wave of her hand she calls forth a few others to aid her.

(Dracia moves to G7 and casts Rapid Summon Monster III. She summons [roll1] Celestial Dogs in the following squares: G2, H2, and H8. (If the die roll is lower, than use the order in which I stated squares.)

"Cough Cough"

The bison shakes off the strange and smelly cloud and drives his hoof into the ground twice before bursting into a charge!

Bison Attack

To hit: [roll2]
Possible Crit: [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

I assume my dogs also get a standard action this turn, as this was explained to me with my bison. If I am mistaken, disregard this next spoiler.

Dogs Attack

The dogs at G2 and H2 will attack, and H8 will hold action if Dusk attacks Dracia, if so then he will attack then.

G2 Dog
To hit: [roll5]
Possible Crit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

H2 Dog
To hit: [roll8]
Possible Crit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

If they need Fort saves for the Stinking Cloud then G2, H2, and H8 in that order.

2010-09-27, 10:13 AM
Im gonna have to double post for my Bison save.


fil kearney
2010-09-27, 11:07 AM
Time out.

Dresil; yer not in a stinking cloud, so can you help me understand what you are saving for?.

Experiencing stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.

So I believe what you ARE able to do is:
Bison: not nauseous yet.. but I believe obscured vision would force a charge to be at -4 for "blind" and a 50% miss chance for concealment... probably better to just stroll over to G1 and attack normally. (I believe this is trumping the normal rule of "if you can't see the opponent you can't charge at all"... but everyone loves blind charges, so go ahead)
Dresil: act like normal.
Summoned Dogs (if wanted): standard action

2010-09-27, 11:32 AM
Wait, Dresil's not in the cloud? What did I miss?

then Dracia moves to A7.

Ah, so that's what I missed. Can I retcon the visible cloud to be centered at the corner of C4-D5? I completely missed her move when I posted my turn.

2010-09-27, 11:55 AM
I will hold my edit until DM rules OMG's retarget.

If it is denied, I will take my action as if I made the save (Summon dogs and have them attack), and if my bison cannot charge, should we make the roll a 29 by taking off the 2 for charging or make a whole new reroll? It did see Ponies in the last square and I assume it would still move to that one regardless.

If the change is allowed then I will take my liberty to alter my action, ok?

2010-09-27, 12:29 PM
I'm cool with that. Keep in mind that you can still charge, but there's all sorts of nasty penalties.

fil kearney
2010-09-27, 12:49 PM
No retcon. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9434738#post9434738)

and we'll go with the nasty set of penalties for the charging bison as I have previously suggested. it would probably be in your best interest to just walk over and attack normal like.

2010-09-27, 12:58 PM
Fair enough. Would have been nice to put Dresil out of commission for a while, but que sera sera.

2010-09-27, 01:15 PM
No retcon. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9434738#post9434738)

and we'll go with the nasty set of penalties for the charging bison as I have previously suggested. it would probably be in your best interest to just walk over and attack normal like.

I've made my decision in the earlier post, so I will go with that. I un-strikethroughed everything that was, and will go with the blind charge after all. If you rule I need a new roll for him, then its listed in the spoiler below. Otherwise, here is my concealment roll.

Looking for lows. [roll0]

DM Ruling Only

To hit [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

fil kearney
2010-09-27, 04:17 PM
Dresil: Everything looks good now, and If I'm not mistaken, everything hit: taggin OMG for a solid 32 damage between the bison and 2 dogs.

Veros is up for his turn.

remember; we are ignoring attack of opportunity for this contest.

2010-09-27, 04:25 PM
Dresil: Everything looks good now, and If I'm not mistaken, everything hit: taggin OMG for a solid 32 damage between the bison and 2 dogs.

Veros is up for his turn.

remember; we are ignoring attack of opportunity for this contest.

Trying to post. But Mozilla is glitching atm.

Krem not being affected by the Invisible Stinking Cloud that grants him total cover from Reglas even though it's invisible, Krem steps about a bit and uses Intensify Darkness to create a Deeper Darkness effect, touching the floor at the center of H14 before using Blend into Shadows to disappear again.

The spell-like ability creating a massive burst of darkness extending all the way to H2, effectively covering the almost the whole map in the 60 foot radius of darkness.


No Action - 5' step
Full Round Action - Intensify Darkness
Swift Action - Blend into Shadows

fil kearney
2010-09-28, 10:34 AM
I hope folks aren't waiting for me to update after each person... I can only update so often. :)

but I am gonna be a hard-nose that if 24 hours passes by and the next guy isn't posting, he gets skipped...

2010-09-28, 12:37 PM
Sorry, I had a bad sickness. Post coming up.

2010-09-28, 12:48 PM
Loren watches closely as darkness flies outwards like a rolling storm of pitch from the Skulk, his smirk tightening into a framed, professional scowl of concentration against the consuming midnight about them.

"I'll have to put myself where I belong; above all of these lesser magicians."

With his hands unfurling the scroll he grips, he fills himself with happy thoughts, and just a pinch of fairy dust; he begins flying up and away, out of the cloud, and beyond.

Using my Scroll of Fly, then with my new movement speed of Fly 60 ft (Good), go up and out of the field of darkness, ?? over ??

2010-09-28, 01:16 PM
@ The DM:

Fortsave: [roll0]
Where does this cloud come from by the way, since I see no way that the cloud is by him.

He also tries to remember the best ways to defeat his opponents by remembering ancient stories and legends about heroes: Know:Local [roll1]


I get a bonus of +2 to hit all humanoid targets.
I failed the save so what happened now? If I am nauseated I do not cast the spell reduce person if I am not nauseated I will cast it. Please give me an update.

You see Teron moving 30' away to E13

fil kearney
2010-09-29, 11:08 AM
@ The DM:

Fortsave: [roll0]
Where does this cloud come from by the way, since I see no way that the cloud is by him.

He also tries to remember the best ways to defeat his opponents by remembering ancient stories and legends about heroes: Know:Local [roll1]


I get a bonus of +2 to hit all humanoid targets.
I failed the save so what happened now? If I am nauseated I do not cast the spell reduce person if I am not nauseated I will cast it. Please give me an update.

You see Teron moving 30' away to E13

OMGPonies dropped an invisible stinking cloud during
Post #32 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9433243&postcount=32)... you are standing in it. Your failed save means you are nauseated while in the cloud+ 4 rounds after.

Experiencing stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.

This prevents casting reduce person, naturally.

And it's OMGPonie's turn again. If he can post in the next 12 hours, I'll have an update and start to round 3 today.
(Ooooh! who's gonna win!!?)

2010-09-29, 11:18 AM

Celestial Bison: Will save (DC 12) vs. scare. Failure means the bison is frightened for 2 rounds, while success means it is frightened for 1 round. Also, being a Large creature, the Bison is still within the stinking cloud created by the dretch, and must make a Fortitude save (DC 13) vs. nausea.
Krem: Bitten by invisible bat for 12 damage, 7 damage from Black Cloud, Fortitude save (DC 17) vs. insanity
Teron: 7 damage from Black Cloud, Fortitude save (DC 17) vs. insanity

As the visible cloud dissipates, the small demon hisses at the large bison--a sound that can send shivers up the spines of even the bravest men. Dracia's noble beast tries to fight its instincts to turn tail. "Time for eating elfy," the invisible voice snarls, seemingly surrounding Dracia, "elfy tasting good?"

The Dretch uses its standard action to cast scare against the celestial bison, who must make a DC 12 Will save or become frightened for two rounds. On a successful save, the creature is instead frightened for 1 round. The Dretch then takes a move action to scurry to ??.

Reglas laughs a bit as the invisible demon scampers about the battlefield. "Adorable little thing," he coos, "a real shame you can't see it. Here are some of my other personal favorites. Oh, and Dracia? They're no heavenly moose." With a malignant cackle, the conjurer flaps his arms about a bit more, though nothing becomes immediately visible. However, a thick plume of dark smoke envelopes Teron and Krem, and they find themselves struggling to maintain composure. An unseen set of fangs tears into Krem's dark flesh, and the quiet rush of wings unfurling can be heard.

Reglas moves to G6, then begins his casting. He starts with another Invisible Quickened Summon Monster III, cast from a third-level slot thanks to Residual Metamagic. This time, he summons an invisible fiendish dire bat at ??-??, who uses its standard action to bite Krem for 12 damage. Reglas uses his standard action to cast Invisible Summon Monster V to summon an Achaierai in ??-??. The Achaierai will use its standard action to use its Black Cloud ability, giving away its current location in E14-F15. Teron and Krem automatically take 7 damage, and must make Fortitude saves (DC 17) vs insanity.

Invisible Summon Monster III (Dretch) 2/9
Stinking Cloud (Dretch) 2/2 [disappears immediately before the dretch's next action]
Scare (Dretch) 1/2
Invisible Stinking Cloud 2/9
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Dire Bat) 1/9
Invisible Summon Monster V (Achaierai) 1/9

2010-09-29, 03:26 PM

[roll0] Bat bite attack vs. Krem
[roll1] Bat miss chance vs. Krem (1-20 miss)
[roll2] Bat damage vs. Krem
[roll3] Black Cloud damage

2010-09-29, 04:32 PM
Dretch must overcome my bison's SR of 10.

fil kearney
2010-09-29, 04:55 PM
Dretch must overcome my bison's SR of 10.

that would apply to the poison of the cloud too, yes?

2010-09-29, 05:10 PM
Dretch must overcome my bison's SR of 10.

My bad, I forgot that celestial creatures get SR.
[roll0] CL check for Dretch
epicly underwhelming.

that would apply to the poison of the cloud too, yes?

Unfortunately, no. Spell Resistance does not apply to Stinking Cloud.

2010-09-30, 05:26 AM
WTF This is why I hate spellcasters. If I get the chance to battle you will all be lvl 5 fighters and get a piece of wood to hit each other with.

Fortsave: [roll0] and since I fail the fortsave (probably) I am out of the combat since it's impossible for me to play anymore since I am confused for the rest of the game. It takes 3 hours to get out of the system.

2010-09-30, 07:38 AM
and since I fail the fortsave (probably) I am out of the combat since it's impossible for me to play anymore since I am confused for the rest of the game. It takes 3 hours to get out of the system.

Not necessarily--insanity still allows you a chance to act normally each round. You've got a 10% chance to act freely, or a 30% chance to make some kind of attack. Granted, the nauseau coupled with the insanity is stopping that right now, but if you can find a way out of the cloud, the nausea will (eventually) wear off.

2010-09-30, 08:05 AM
Not necessarily--insanity still allows you a chance to act normally each round. You've got a 10% chance to act freely, or a 30% chance to make some kind of attack. Granted, the nauseau coupled with the insanity is stopping that right now, but if you can find a way out of the cloud, the nausea will (eventually) wear off.

You blocked almost any possibility for me to get at least one thing right this game. But according to me I am out of the cloud.

But for the next 4 rounds I can only babble incoherently.

2010-09-30, 08:15 AM
You're still in the cloud at E13. However, you roll the d100 at the beginning of each turn. So if you're babbling incoherently, it may only be for one round.

2010-09-30, 08:18 AM
You're still in the cloud at E13. However, you roll the d100 at the beginning of each turn. So if you're babbling incoherently, it may only be for one round.

Wrong, since I can take no action, so I babble as long as I am in the cloud. Rules of confusion, sadly.

2010-09-30, 08:23 AM
From the SRD entry:

Roll on the following table at the beginning of each subject's turn each round to see what the subject does in that round...A confused character who can't carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently.

I'm assuming that you're referring to the last part, but you still have a 30% chance to not just babble. On a 01-10, you attack the caster or close with the attacker if attack is not possible. On an 11-20 you act normally, which currently means a move action and not much else. On a 51-70, you flee away from the caster at top possible speed.

All of these are things you can do without babbling, and they could possibly get you out of the cloud, which could possibly lead to your nausea ending. I'm just trying to tell you that you still have a chance.

fil kearney
2010-10-01, 09:17 AM
Round 3!

map (http://www.killfear.com/wizard/MAP%203.JPG)

1b = bison
5a = acherial
5b = dire bat
5d = dretch

2010-10-01, 09:33 AM
Since I am out of the cloud, this is round 1 of my coughing, right?

Dracia will spend her move action retrieving her Potion of Bear's Endurance from her pack. She will also 5 foot step to F7 (Retrieve a potion is a move action)

The bison will move down to H5 and attack Reglas again, using his Smite Evil ability. (It doesn't know if he is evil or not, but after summoning three demons, its a good chance..)

"Get em, for me..."

Bison Attack: [roll0] (Add 2 if I can get the flank bonus)
Crit Chance: [roll1] (Add 2 if I can get the flank bonus)
Damage: [roll2] (Add 5 if Reglas is evil.)

2010-10-01, 10:37 AM
Dresil is now out of the cloud, so the "x rounds thereafter" starts with this round (round 1, as you put it). However, while the dretch's visible cloud is dissipating, it is still present until the dretch's next action. Because the Bison is a Large creature, it starts this turn [at least partially] in the cloud. Therefore, it must make another DC 13 Fortitude save or become nauseous (and thus unable to attack Reglas).

From the SRD:

Any creature that succeeds on its save but remains in the cloud must continue to save each round on your turn.

If the Bison saves against the nausea, you get the +2 flanking bonus only if Dracia is threatening Reglas' square. If she does not have Improved Unarmed Strike (or a melee weapon in her hand), she is not threatening and thus not flanking. Of course, the bison's attack hits Reglas anyway. However, there is no bonus damage because Reggie ain't evil.

2010-10-01, 11:09 AM
Fort Save [roll0]

fil kearney
2010-10-01, 02:51 PM
"big block of combat text"

*Fil considers bribing OMG to run all his combats from now on....

2010-10-01, 02:56 PM
*Fil considers bribing OMG to run all his combats from now on....

What, you like my "characters effected" block? That's just to make sure:

People don't have to read my drivel just to see if I hit them with anything.
It reminds me who I've hit with what, so I don't leave out anything I had planned.

I accept cookies, internets, and cold hard cash (small, unmarked bills, please).

fil kearney
2010-10-01, 03:00 PM
unmarked bills, please

sweet! Blank white sheets of parchment comin' atcha!

2010-10-01, 08:45 PM
sweet! Blank white sheets of parchment comin' atcha!

Don't forget to prepare Explosive Runes today.

fil kearney
2010-10-02, 09:42 AM
Veros! Yer up!
DrW-- stand by in case veros doesn't post movement.

2010-10-02, 12:56 PM
Doing the only thing he can reasonably do, Krem huddles away from the stench of the cloud wandering off to M12. (Straight to K14 then diagonal.)

2010-10-02, 04:13 PM
Loren, yet invisible, is now also gleefully flying about still. None can find him as he moves about! For none can spot the majestic Grey Elf, he of those who should rightfully rule this arena. He did suspect something amiss as he watched everyone reel and choke and vomit. This, however, mattered little to him, as he summons up a foreboding, black spell, and bathes himself in magical darkness.

Hide Check:

Loren launches a Blacklight spell at himself, sending a 20-ft radius of magical darkness in every direction from him, undoing his invisibility but cloaking 20 feet in every direction with pitch, moving up to H-16. This obviously entails a Hide check.

2010-10-03, 02:47 AM
Let's see what I can do: [roll0]

I babble incoherently.

Next person may take his turn.

2010-10-03, 06:45 AM
Will post a turn (I think I'm next) by early tomorrow morning. Today is birthday dinner with my family.

fil kearney
2010-10-04, 12:40 PM
In efforts to maintain momentum, I'll be ending this round in about 9 hours when I get home to update the round... if OMG has posted by then; fantastic. Otherwise, I'll be declaring turn skipped, and starting with the next round on Dresil.

2010-10-04, 08:44 PM
I've been out all day since it's my birthday. Humbly requesting an extension until 9 AM US eastern time to post my turn. If not, I will send fil a PM of my intended actions to use.

fil kearney
2010-10-05, 02:02 AM
got your PM... but happy birthday! post for reals when you get on in the morning please.

2010-10-05, 06:12 AM
Dracia: 6 damage
Krem: 11 damage
Teron: 13 damage

With a quick mutter and a flap of his arms, Reglas takes to the sky. The confident man breezes over Dracia, deftly maneuvering his way between the visible and invisible clouds with no sign of sickness. As he lands, he signs a ritual which is now becoming familiar to his foes. Though nothing is seen, everyone knows what is coming next. "More to the party," the mage says with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

Reglas casts Fly, then flies to D8 (10 feet off the ground). He then casts Invisible Quickened Summon Monster III, though nobody knows what he has summoned just yet.

The dretch's visible cloud fades entirely into nothing. With a wild cacaphony, his summoned creatures begin to attack the foes near them. Reglas sits back and watches as his strange creatures fight the battle for him.

The dretch unleashes a full attack on Dracia, the bat flies towards Krem and attacks him, the achaierai full attacks Teron, and a newly summoned Huge fiendish centipede attacks Dracia. EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention the centipede becomes visible...grr...in B5-D7.

Invisible Summon Monster III (Dretch) 3/9
Invisible Stinking Cloud 3/9
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Dire Bat) 2/9
Invisible Summon Monster V (Achaierai) 2/9
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Huge Monstrous Centipede) 1/9
Fly 1/90

[roll0] Centipede attack Dracia
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Fort DC 16 or DEX damage
[roll3] Dretch attack Dracia
[roll4] Dretch attack Dracia
[roll5] Dretch attack Dracia
[roll6] Damage
[roll7] Damage
[roll8] Damage
[roll9] Bat Attack Krem
[roll10] 1-20 Miss (Bat)
[roll11] Damage
[roll12] Achaierai attack Teron
[roll13] Achaierai attack Teron
[roll14] Achaierai attack Teron
[roll15] 1-20 Miss (Achaierai)
[roll16] 1-20 Miss (Achaierai)
[roll17] 1-20 Miss (Achaierai)
[roll18] Damage
[roll19] Damage
[roll20] Damage

fil kearney
2010-10-05, 09:17 AM
Round 4!

map (http://www.killfear.com/wizard/MAP%204.JPG)

1b = bison
5a = acherial
5b = dire bat
5c = huge fiendish monstrous centipede
5d = dretch

2010-10-05, 02:29 PM
Dracia will head for the darkness and move to I11 while the bison moves to E8 and tries to gore Reglas again.

To hit: [roll0]
If a crit: [roll1]
Make him sit (Damage): [roll2]
Don't choke on it: (Fort save if needed) [roll3]

EDIT:If I can change my attack to F7 and the dretch with or without rolls then I will. If not then I'll just be SOL.

2010-10-05, 02:32 PM
Dresil, three things:

Reglas is now flying through the air, out of the bison's reach.
Dracia is still visible in the darkness; she just has a 20% miss chance due to concealment.
I apologize--my dretch had to move 10 feet to F6, and as such can only attack Dracia once. She only takes 5 damage, rather than 6.

Veros, as soon as Krem moved, he no longer smelled the foul odor. You're out of the cloud, so your X rounds thereafter just started on your last turn. We'll wait to see what Fil says about changing the bison's attack to the dretch, but I'm fine with it.

2010-10-05, 03:24 PM
Changed my last post. Will act depending on what the DM says.

2010-10-05, 03:27 PM
Just so you know, moving to I11 means Dracia's back in the cloud.

2010-10-05, 04:51 PM
Freaking cloud.


2010-10-05, 08:29 PM
I should also point out that Blacklight isn't Shadowy Illumination, it's true blue midnight blackness.

The pretty spell in question. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/spells/blacklight.htm)

2010-10-05, 09:03 PM
Hmm, tucked away in the additional Divine spells section, but clearly a sorcerer/wizard option too. Tricksy hobbitses! Carry on.

fil kearney
2010-10-05, 10:52 PM
attack the dretch is good for me.

2010-10-06, 04:30 PM
So, are we skipping Veros?

2010-10-06, 05:03 PM
Let's see... Unable to cast spells, attack, et cetera... The question becomes... Can he use Free Actions? xD

2010-10-06, 11:30 PM
Let's see... Unable to cast spells, attack, et cetera... The question becomes... Can he use Free Actions? xD

I think he can speak but nothing more. Since even speaking will cause him to vomit. I do not think you can do anything but try to survive and hope it will not get as bad with my character, which is at the moment well, confused and nauseaus.

2010-10-07, 06:30 AM
Let's see... Unable to cast spells, attack, et cetera... The question becomes... Can he use Free Actions? xD

Nauseated: Experiencing stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.

Nothing. You can't even take a double move--just one move action. Also, Krem never rolled a Fortitude save against the achaierai's black cloud. DC 17 to avoid insanity.

fil kearney
2010-10-07, 08:45 AM
Let's see... Unable to cast spells, attack, et cetera... The question becomes... Can he use Free Actions? xD

I'd rather hear "bleagh!" than have to assume the worst and skip you.

moving on. DrW-- tear it up

2010-10-07, 04:33 PM
Loren cackles like a madman from within the orb of darkness, his overlapping Invisibility streaming from him like fog from dry ice - not that anyone could see it - as he produces a puff of web, and it vanishes in an eldritch light, as magical webs fill the space betwixt him and his foes. However, because of the orb of pure darkness, noone saw a single thing until they found themselves staring at magical webbing.

Loren casts a Web spell 10 ft above E-10, anchoring it to both the floor and ceiling.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that means Dresil, Duskranger, and even OMG has to make a save.

2010-10-07, 04:45 PM
Reflex [roll0]

fil kearney
2010-10-07, 06:51 PM
Loren casts a Web spell 10 ft above E-10, anchoring it to both the floor and ceiling.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that means Dresil, Duskranger, and even OMG has to make a save.

LoLz. Give us a DC.

2010-10-07, 07:07 PM
[roll0] Reflex Save

Yeah, I'm not moving...but I'm okay with that.

2010-10-07, 07:29 PM
OOC: Sorry, that's a DC 16.

2010-10-08, 02:36 PM
Bison: 4 damage.
Krem: 7 damage.
Loren: 11 damage and Fortitude save (DC 17) to resist insanity (if within 10 feet of achaierai).

Reglas sputters and coughs in an attempt to get the magical spiderwebs out of his mouth. "That's fine, Loren," he shouts towards the cloud of darkness, "I need not move to slaughter you. Quite comfortable just where I am, really." The upperclassman leans back in the web, but still attempts to fire off two spells. First, he draws upon his Abjuration coursework, sending the web spiraling back into nothingness with naught but a flick of his wrist. With a contemptuous sigh, he snaps his fingers and summons another monster to the field before flying off away from his foes. The new monster reveals itself--a huge centipede that appears in B15-D17 and feebly lashes out at Teron.

Reglas uses his standard action to cast Dispel Magic. Since he dispels web, he is no longer entangled. He uses a swift action to cast Invisible Quickened Summon Monster III before flying away from his fellow combatants to H4 (still 10 feet up).

The dretch attacks the celestial bison, but only the small demon's claws manage to scratch the noble beast. Fed up, the first centipede Reglas had summoned crawls lumberingly towards the other opponents and tries to clamp Teron in its massive jaws, but it fails.

The dretch attacks the bison and hits 2 times, doing 4 damage (after accounting for the Bison's damage reduction). Both centipedes miss Teron--the one that just appeared, as well as the one that moved to cover A11-C13.

Within the shadows, the massive bird skirts the center of the darkness, hugs the wall, and releases another black cloud, hoping to catch the nearby spellcaster. Meanwhile, the bat attacks Krem with unyielding wrath.

The achaierai moves around H16 to I15-J16, then unleashes black cloud. If Loren is within 10 feet, he automatically takes X damage, and must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) against insanity. The bat simply full attacks.

Invisible Summon Monster III (Dretch) 4/9
Invisible Stinking Cloud 4/9
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Dire Bat) 3/9
Invisible Summon Monster V (Achaierai) 3/9
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Huge Monstrous Centipede) 2/9
Fly 2/90
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Huge Monstrous Centipede) 1/9


[roll0] Achaierai Reflex save against web
[roll1] Concentration (DC 18) to cast Dispel Magic
[roll2] Dispel check against web (DC 16)
[roll3] Concentration (DC 18) to cast Invisible Quickened Summon Monster III if web is not dispelled
[roll4] Dretch claw 1 vs. Bison
[roll5] Dretch claw 2 vs. Bison
[roll6] Dretch bite vs. Bison
[roll7] Dretch claw 1 damage
[roll8] Dretch claw 2 damage
[roll9] Dretch bite damage
[roll10] Centipede 1 bite Teron
[roll11] Centipede 1 bite damage
[roll12] Centipede 1 bite DEX damage
[roll13] Centipede 2 bite Teron
[roll14] Centipede 2 bite damage
[roll15] Centipede 2 bite DEX damage

2010-10-08, 03:10 PM
ROLLS (continued):
[roll0] Black Cloud damage
[roll1] Bat attack Krem
[roll2] Bat bite damage

*Concealment miss chance rolled in OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9509226&postcount=137). Sorry.

I think this hits Krem--I'm confused, since his sheet lists his AC as 16 (18). Which is it? Also, does my bat catch Loren in its 40-ft blindsense?

2010-10-08, 03:16 PM
How many rounds before we can stop choking?

2010-10-08, 03:19 PM
Well, you re-entered the cloud and failed another saving throw. This mean the effect starts anew--you're still nauseated until you manage to leave the cloud, and for 5 rounds thereafter.


fil kearney
2010-10-11, 12:57 AM
1b = bison
5a = acherial
5b = dire bat
5c = fiendish huge centipede 1
5d = dretch
5e = fiendish huge centipede 2

I am overriding OMG's directions for it's critters... I accept 5c would choose to change targets, but with an int of 3 and no direct commands from OMG: I disagree that it wuld not take the most direct route to the target, nor would it have any reason to maintain reach... closer to the stomach is better for a hungry insect. considering it has no provided reason not to. This will force it to make it's own fort save vs the invisible stinking clous... if successful, it may complete the attack
By the same logic; 5e will take a 5 foot step before attacking again.. it loses nothing, and closer is better in the face of competing diners.
IF OMG would like to prevent them acting "independently" like this in the future, you should bark particular commands to the critters.. given this ruling, if you would like to make such commands for this activity, be welcome.

I do not question the strategy of the achaierai, and dr weird will need to make a sve. The bat can catch blindsense on veros, dresil, and DrWeird in the order of closest to farthers.

map (http://www.killfear.com/wizard/MAP%205.JPG)

2010-10-11, 02:22 AM
Dracia will cough and choke for her round, since she failed her other fort save, the bison however will 5' step to G6/H5 and attack the dretch again.

To hit 1d20+10
Crit Chance 1d20+10
Damage 1d8+12


2010-10-11, 06:09 AM
Fort Save: [roll0]

2010-10-11, 04:54 PM
Dracia will cough and choke for her round, since she failed her other fort save, the bison however will 5' step to G6/H5 and attack the dretch again.

To hit [roll0]
Crit Chance [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

fil kearney
2010-10-12, 10:23 AM
veros; you passing?

2010-10-12, 07:24 PM
Hm... If Krem can... He'll use Blend into Shadows. Hide [roll0] Then stealthily moves to P11. Move Silently [roll1]

(Blend into Shadows is a Free Swift Action, and Moving Silently & Hiding are both Part of a Move Action)
Otherwise, he vomits loudly on the square the bat had last attacked from. >=]

2010-10-13, 08:59 AM
He can't use Blend into Shadows. Nauseated = one move action per turn, no other actions.

2010-10-13, 11:19 PM

Teron will babble incoherently again.

2010-10-14, 12:32 PM
Post under construction.

PM sent to DrWeird. Now I'm just waiting for his Fort Save (DC 17) vs. insanity. He may have to edit his turn :smallamused:.

fil kearney
2010-10-15, 02:39 AM
send him a PM.

2010-10-15, 05:05 PM
Well, here goes.


EDIT: Good game everybody.

Note to self, eliminate four random bonus levels on my turn. Ridiculous power difference.

2010-10-15, 09:25 PM

Loren babbles.

I don't get why we're still going; this is a formality at best, since everyone is down besides, predictably, OMG.

EDIT: That sounded way snarkier than I meant it to be - which is to say, not at all.

2010-10-19, 06:35 AM
Bison: 6 damage (DR already accounted for).
Dracia: 7 damage, Fortitude save (DC 17) vs insanity.
Krem: 7 damage, Fortitude save (DC 17) vs insanity.
Fiendish Dire Bat: 7 damage, Fortitude save (DC 17) vs insanity.

"Buggers! Keep attacking! Birdie and bat, get out of the dark and surround Krem! Black cloud! Black cloud!" Reglas barks out orders from the sidelines like a crazed general, retreating to the far wall and casting a protective spell. Meanwhile, his summoned creatures obey his commands. The centipedes lash out at Teron's darkened square with their massive teeth, the dretch keeps attacking the bison, and the other two summons close in on Krem. Rather than attacking, though, the achaierai uses her black cloud once again, catching Dracia, Krem, and the bat in its sea of confusion.

Reglas uses a free action to speak, a move action to fly to C1 (10 feet up), and a standard action to cast Mage Armor. His summons take the following actions:

Dretch: full attack bison [2 hits, 1 miss]
Centipede 1: fortitude save [fail], nauseated
Centipede 2: full attack Teron [miss]
Bat: move to N13-O14, attack Krem [miss]
Achaierai: move to K12-L13, use Black Cloud.

Invisible Summon Monster III (Dretch) 5/9
Invisible Stinking Cloud 5/9
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Dire Bat) 4/9
Invisible Summon Monster V (Achaierai) 4/9
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Huge Monstrous Centipede) 3/9
Fly 3/90
Invisible Summon Monster III (Fiendish Huge Monstrous Centipede) 2/9
Mage Armor 1/5400


[roll0] Dretch claw 1
[roll1] Dretch claw 2
[roll2] Dretch bite
[roll3] Dretch claw 1 damage
[roll4] Dretch claw 2 damage
[roll5] Dretch bite damage
[roll6] Centipede 1 fort save
[roll7] Centipede 1 bite
[roll8] Centipede 1 miss chance (1-50 miss)
[roll9] Centipede 1 damage
[roll10] Centipede 1 possible DEX damage
[roll11] Centipede 2 bite
[roll12] Centipede 2 miss chance (1-50 miss)
[roll13] Centipede 2 damage
[roll14] Centipede 2 possible DEX damage
[roll15] Bat attack
[roll16] Bat miss chance (1-20 miss)
[roll17] Bat damage
[roll18] Black Cloud damage

2010-10-19, 05:33 PM
Fort Save [roll0]

fil kearney
2010-10-21, 02:15 AM
1b = bison
5a = acherial
5b = dire bat
5c = fiendish huge centipede 1
5d = dretch
5e = fiendish huge centipede 2

visible effects and folks on the board... That milipede moved 5 feet THIS round as promised...
Eesh. Bison for the win!!!

map (http://www.killfear.com/wizard/MAP%206.JPG)

if yer screwed this round, do me the favor of announcing yer passing/done.

2010-10-21, 09:32 AM
Bison will attack Dretch again, Dracia does nothing as she is tied up and sickly.


2010-10-21, 09:35 AM
The web has been dispelled, so Dracia is free to move.

2010-10-21, 04:35 PM
Still nauseated, I'll stay in the darkness.

fil kearney
2010-10-24, 05:55 PM
it's been 3 days. SOMEONE post or call it over.

2010-10-24, 06:22 PM
Second the vote to start round 2.

2010-10-25, 05:45 AM
Err, I can post but I was waiting for the others. I'm fine playing out this round, unless the others all want to concede--then we can move on to our divine casting showdown.

fil kearney
2010-10-25, 08:21 PM
non one's taken any further action, so no sense dragging it outt.

OMG winner by default. Kudos, everyone...

OMG +1

Shutting this down, and awaiting OMG's directions for a new bout.

2010-10-26, 04:03 PM
New recruitment thread is up, and spots are reserved for all of you!

Testing the Faithful (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=173486)