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2010-09-22, 01:28 AM
Void Risen

“In the cold emptiness of a void there is no hope, but neither is there fear.”
- Ingallim Ranstere, after mediatation


The power of the void is not a path chosen but one forced upon a creature by circumstance. Only by experiencing the absolute desolation of one’s hopes, dreams and beliefs can a creature fall into the depression of nothingness and come to release the void in sorrow. Most creatures never recover and waste away to die but a few fall even deeper, their minds coming to the space between planes a true void and then they return. When Void Risen do return they are most often completely different, cold and devoid of emotion when before they were full of life. After all it is those that were once the most naïve and joyful which are most prone to being broken.

“Glimpse into the void and you will come back, dive headfirst and you can only emerge as someone different.”

Abilities: The most important ability of the Void Risen is wisdom as most of his special abilities and his spells are dependent on it. Secondary abilities of importance are dexterity for touch attacks and intelligence for the needed skills to counter enemy mages. As always constitution is useful for supplementing the low HD of a Void Risen.

Role: As a Void Risen your main role in the party is to foil the magical abilities of foes and sap their strengths from them. You have a limited number of spells yourself and can act a secondary caster behind the main line of combat.

Background: Void Risen are not given formal training, rarely one might take on an apprentice but this is only because all Void Risen share a bond of loss. Only those who have lost something truly precious to them can be pushed to the edge of sanity and lose themselves in the void to come back as calm and often cold individuals with terrifying powers. Many are driven by a goal of vengeance or protection and they do not often sway from their paths even if it takes many decades or even centuries.

Organization: Void Risen are not organized into any cohesive organizations, occasionally one may take a pupil and very rarely a group of Void Risen devastated by the same or similar travesty will join together in a common cause.

Alignment: Void Risen have a natural tendency to be of neutral alignment due to their withdrawn and detached nature. Some though can end up on the extreme ends of the scale as well particularly in cases where a goal is clearly formed in their minds.

Races: Humans, elves and half-elves are most commonly Void Risen. Elves are naturally detached from the world and can be pushed to the cold void easily while humans are more apt to take risks in their short lives and invite disaster and finally half-elves share a bit of both characteristics and sometimes find themselves isolated from the pure races. Gnomes, halflings and dwarves are more resilient to the traumatizing effects of death while in a similar vein half-orcs are often raised with death all around. However every race has claims some Void Risen as tragedy can push any thinking creature past his limit.

Religion: To most Void Risen religion is a facet of life that matters little, except for the not so rare occasion where a Void Risen has a particular disdain for a god or gods that were blamed for a past tragedy. Others however found their way back through the guidance of a deity and may be piously devoted to them.

Other Classes: Void Risen are usually a bit reserved and seemingly cold. The outgoing and sometimes childish nature of bards often irritates them. Particularly zealous paladins and clerics can annoy a Void Risen as well, especially if they have a reason to dislike gods but on the other hand their single-minded determination is something a Void Risen can appreciate. Void Risen have no particular affinity or dislike of other spellcasters or more mundane companions such as fighters.

Large groups are not always the most comfortable for a Void Risen but during a pinch they can always be counted on to be level-headed and bring organization out of seeming chaos sometimes acting as strategist for their bands.

Adaptation: In low-magic settings this class could be given more special abilities to mentally damage or confuse opponents. If the role of the void as a force that connects plains is more important then the spell list could be expanded to include things like dimension door, teleport and plane shift.

Hit Die: d4

Starting Gold: 3d4x10 (75 gold)

Class Features

Class Skills: The Void Risen's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points at First Level: (4+Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+Int Modifier

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5t h|6th|7th|8th|9th

Empty Mind +1, Null Casting, Stagger 1/encounter|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|

+3|Cold Calm|3|0|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|

+3|Stagger 2/encounter|3|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|

+4|Breath of the Void|3|2|0|-|-|-|-|-|-|

+4|Empty Mind +2, Aspect of the Void|3|3|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|

+5|Stagger 3/encounter|3|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|


+6|Glimpse of the Void|3|3|3|1|-|-|-|-|-|

+6|Stagger 4/encounter|3|3|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|

+7|Empty Mind +3, Aspect of the Void|3|3|3|2|0|-|-|-|-|


+8|Embrace of the Void, Stagger 5/encounter|3|3|3|3|2|-|-|-|-|

+8|Forgotten Sorrow|3|3|3|3|2|0|-|-|-|


+9|Empty Mind +4, Stagger 6/encounter, Aspect of the Void|4|4|3|3|3|2|-|-|-|



+11|Stagger 7/encounter|4|4|4|4|4|3|2|0|-|


+12|Empty Vessel, Aspect of the Void|4|4|4|4|4|4|4|2|0|[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Void Risen is proficient with simple weapons and light armor which they can wear without impeding their spellcasting but medium or heavy armor carries normal penalties as do shields. Nullcasting however, is never hampered by armor or shields.

Empty Mind(Ex): The void does things to a person’s mind that none can imagine who have not experienced it. People attempting to manipulate a Void Risen’s mind find it difficult to penetrate. Starting at 1st level a Void Risen gains a +1 inherent bonus to will saves versus mind-effecting abilities. This bonus increases every 4 levels up to +4 at 15th level.

Spells: Beginning at 1st level a Void Risen gains access to a small number of spells that are manipulations of the void in some way. For the purpose of prestige classes and similar effects the Void Risen is an arcane caster but draws his known spells from both the arcane and divine (Void Risen never need a divine focus to cast spells). The Void Risen’s Spell List is detailed at the end of this entry.
To cast a spell a Void Risen must have a wisdom score of 10 + the spell level. The DC for a spell cast by a Void Risen is 10 + spell level + Wis Modifier.
Void Risen’s know all spells available at each level but can only cast a number of spells per day as detailed in the table above. Additionally, Void Risen are spontaneous casters and may not learn spells (unless deemed appropriate by the DM).

Null Casting(Su): Bringing forth the empty expanse that rests between the planes a Void Risen can render spells useless no matter their source or kind. Beginning at 1st level a Void Risen may attempt to counter a spell as if using the counterspell action detailed on page 170 of the player’s handbook. A Void Risen need not know the same or opposing spell to counterspell (but they must use a spell slot of equal or greater level) as it is merely the spell’s energy that are being drawn into the void and snuffed out.

Stagger(Su): The void is a terrible place to witness and while some might use the concept of a void to focus the true void can paralyze the mind and body. Starting at 1st level a Void Risen may hold their swift action to use an immediate action to send a tiny bit of the void into the mind of a creature within 60ft. Doing so will stop a standard or swift action the target was about to take. The target receives a will save DC (10 + ½ Character Level + wis mod), success means the target may act normally. This power may be used once per encounter at 1st level with another use at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th level to a maximum of 7. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Cold Calm(Ex): At 2nd level the Void Risen has been through such trauma that nothing can compare. The Void Risen is now immune to all fear effects.

Breath of the Void(Su): In the cold emptiness of the void between the planes the laws that govern the planes do not apply, time has no meaning there. Without time there is no aging, no blood flow, no death. Beginning at 4th level a Void Risen may place a helpless creature in a state of suspended animation a number of times per day equal to 3 + Con mod (minimum 3). This lasts for a maximum of 24 hours though a Void Risen may end the effect as a free action. Damage accrued during the period of suspended animation comes into effect immediately once the effect wears off. Using this ability is a standard action which provokes an attack of opportunity.

Aspect of the Void: As the Void Risen matures and his link with the void continues to develop he attunes to certain aspects of the void more readily than other. Starting at 5th level and every five levels thereafter a Void Risen may choose one of the special abilities from the list below.

Chill of the Void(Ex): You have learned to manifest the absolute cold of the void and unleash it upon your foes. A Void Risen with this ability may as a standard action attempt a ranged touch attack with a range of 25ft. +5ft/2 levels. The ray does 2d6 cold damage per 3 levels of Void Risen and provokes an attack of opportunity.

Darkness of the Void(Su): No light shines in the void, no ray of hope can ever be found. Upon gaining this ability a Void Risen may 3 times per day + cha modifier select a number of foes within 60ft. no greater than his wisdom modifier as a standard action. The targets receive a will save DC (10 + ½ level of Void Risen + wis mod) or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. This ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Deception of the Void(Su): When faced with the void mind’s break under the absolute emptiness of the void and as a defense the mind often creates images and sounds but these can be dangerous hallucinations when still on a plane. A Void Risen with this ability may take a standard action to target a creature within 25ft. + 5ft/2 levels. The target receives a will save DC (10 + ½ level of Void Risen + wis mod) or is subject to an effect identical to the confusion spell that is not subject to spell resistance. If this ability is chosen at level 5 then it acts as a spell of lesser confusion until level 10. This is a mind-effecting ability.

Haunt of the Void(Su): Those who experience the void are left with terrible scars and night terrors of returning to such a place. Void Risen know this all too well and use it to their advantage. This ability can only be used on creatures that have experienced a touch of the void, usually from the abilities of a Void Risen. As a free action a Void Risen may target any creature within 30ft. they receive a will save DC (10 + ½ levels of Void Risen + wis mod) or they will become paralyzed with fright for 1d4+1 rounds and take 2 points of wisdom and charisma damage. A successful will save leaves the target shaken for 1d4+1 rounds but unable to be affected by the Haunt of the Void ability for 24 hours.

Silence of the Void(Su): In the void the only sound ever hear are the cries within one’s mind. Upon gaining this ability a Void Risen may 3 times per day + cha modifier select a number of foes within 60ft. no greater than his wisdom modifier as a standard action. The targets receive a will save DC (10 + ½ level of Void Risen + wis mod) or be deaf for 1d4+1 rounds. This ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Siphon of the Void(Su): The void is a vacuum that draws all things toward itself, especially energy, quite forcefully. Whenever a Void Risen with this ability successfully uses null casting to cancel a spell the caster of that spell takes 1 point of ability damage in whatever ability they used for that casting.

Glimpse of the Void(Su): Few things are more terrifying than an absolute emptiness, to be cut off from all senses. This is the nature of the void and to see such a thing can bring even the most stalwart of warriors to their knees. Starting at 8th level the Void Risen gains a gaze attack with a 30ft. range. Meeting the gaze of a void risen while this ability is active requires a will save DC (10 + ½ Character Level + cha mod) or the opponent is stunned for 1d4 rounds, any creature that makes this save is immune to that Void Risen’s gaze for 24 hours. In addition, any creature that attempts to read the thoughts or invade the mind of the Void Risen is subjected to the same effects as if they had met their gaze. This ability is not subject to spell resistance, is a mind-effecting ability and when active is indiscriminate against ally and foe.

Embrace of the Void(Su): The Void Risen has wandered the cold emptiness of the void for long enough that they can pass on their view to others with terrifying effect. At 12th level a Void Risen may expend a spell slot to use this ability when within 5ft of an opponent. The effects of this ability are dependent on the spell level sacrificed and the effects are cumulative. The subject is allowed a will save DC (10 + ½ void risen level + spell slot sacrificed). This effect is not subject to spell resistance, takes a standard action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

{table=head]Spell Slot Sacrificed|1-3|4-6|7-9

1d6 Wis damage|
1d4 mental attributes damage|
Insanity (as the spell)|[/table]

Forgotten Sorrow(Su): The void is a place of woe where there is no comfort no companionship and no feeling. Many have lost their body and minds to the void, even the Void Risen himself though alive has surrendered much of what they once were. Bringing forth the memories of themselves and countless others lost in the void and funneling them into another is a devastating blow. Three times per day as a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity a Void Risen may make a touch attack against a single foe. If successful the target is stunned for 1d4+1 rounds and takes 1d4 intelligence, wisdom and charisma damage but receives a separate will save (10 + ½ level of Void Risen + wis mod) for half damage rounded down.

Rift(Su): The void lies between planes of existence, an emptiness of absolute nothingness that brings terror to even immortals. Beginning at 16th level a void risen may, once per day, bring forth a rift in the plane they are currently in exposing the cold, silent emptiness of the void. Activating this ability is a full-round action which provokes an attack of opportunity. The rift ability creates an area with a 50ft. radius that last for a number of rounds equal to the Void Risen’s wisdom modifier. No creatures may enter or leave the area for the duration of the ability by any means short of a Wish spell. The area functions as an anti-magic field cast by a 20th level caster and all creatures are treated as blind and deaf, except Void Risen. All creatures (except Void Risen) within the field must make a Will save DC (10 + ½ levels of Void Risen + wis mod) each round or take 1d4 points of wisdom drain. In addition after losing three consecutive saves the subject is affected by an insanity spell without a save or spell resistance. The Void Risen can end this effect as a full-round action provoking another attack of opportunity but if the void risen is killed the area lasts for its full duration.

Empty Vessel(Su): A Void Risen at some point becomes the embodiment of their power source, becoming a cold enigma to all others but void risen. At 20th level a Void Risen is immune to all mind-effecting abilities. Once per round the Void Risen may make a touch attack against an opponent, if successful the subject gets a will save DC (10 + ½ levels void risen + Wis mod). Targets with less than ½ the HD of the Void Risen are instantly drawn into the void and cannot be returned by anything but a Wish spell as they aren’t dead but left to wander the void for eternity. Targets that have greater that ½ the HD of the Void Risen and fail their save instead have their bodies experience the full force of the void and take 1d4 damage to all attributes and 10d6 force damage, with a successful will save targets instead take 1 point of damage in all attributes and half 10d6 force damage.

Spell List

1st level: Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Doom, Endure Elements, Erase, Lesser Confusion, Pass Without Trace, Ray of Enfeeblement, Remove Fear
2nd level: Blindness/Deafness, Calm Emotions, Chill Metal, Darkness, Dispelling Touch (PHBII), Gentle Repose, Resist Energy (Cold), Scare, Silence, Touch of Idiocy
3rd level: Crushing Despair, Deeper Darkness, Dispel Magic, Energy Aegis (cold) (PHBII), Fear, Nondetection, Protection from Energy (Cold), Quench, Remove Curse, Remove Disease
4th level: Antiplant Shell, Blight, Confusion, Death Ward, Dimensional Anchor, Enervation, Orb of Cold (CArc), Slashing Dispel (PHBII), Spell Immunity, Zone of Silence
5th level: Break Enchantment, Cone of Cold, Dispel Magic (Greater), Mana Flux (PHBII), Mind Fog, Slay Living, Spell Resistance
6th level: Anti Magic Field, Antilife Shell, Disintegrate, Energy Immunity (cold) (CArc), Eyebite
7th level: Destruction, Finger of Death, Insanity, Sequester
8th level: Antimagic Field, Chain Dispel (PHBII), Dimensional Lock, Mind Blank, Polar Ray, Protection from Spells, Spell Immunity (Greater), Temporal Stasis
9th level: Energy Drain, Implosion, Mordankein’s Disjunction, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction (CArc), Time Stop

So what do other people think of the class, it was entered into the latest base class contest and at least got some votes :smallbiggrin: but I didn't recieve a whole lot of feedback. So what do people think of the spell progression, spell list and special abilities especially?

2010-09-22, 02:03 AM
At first glimpse a lot of the class features look like they'd work well as new Warlock Invocations, and the theme I get is certainly something I'd expect from a Warlock PrC. However, let's get more in depth.

The Stagger ability doesn't work as written. Or at least it doesn't work the way I assume you want it to. The rules for readying an action in 3.5 are sadly limited, requiring a character spend a full-round action and come up with a special triggering occurrence for their readied action (which can be any action). I am assuming you don't want this ability to cost a full-round action, but I may be assuming wrong.

Breath of the Void looks like a much stronger version of the Gentle Repose spell, although it has a much shorter duration. It's interesting, but not interesting enough I should think since it doesn't really offer much of anything useful in comparison with the spell.

Rift and Empty Vessel look like capstone and "capstone-beta" PrC material to me. All of the other class features look like Invocations.

2010-09-26, 03:39 PM
At first glimpse a lot of the class features look like they'd work well as new Warlock Invocations, and the theme I get is certainly something I'd expect from a Warlock PrC. However, let's get more in depth.

The Stagger ability doesn't work as written. Or at least it doesn't work the way I assume you want it to. The rules for readying an action in 3.5 are sadly limited, requiring a character spend a full-round action and come up with a special triggering occurrence for their readied action (which can be any action). I am assuming you don't want this ability to cost a full-round action, but I may be assuming wrong.

Breath of the Void looks like a much stronger version of the Gentle Repose spell, although it has a much shorter duration. It's interesting, but not interesting enough I should think since it doesn't really offer much of anything useful in comparison with the spell.

Rift and Empty Vessel look like capstone and "capstone-beta" PrC material to me. All of the other class features look like Invocations.

I will say that when I wrote this class I was not familiar with warlocks or invocations and now that I am I can see how some of the abilities might fit neatly into that category. However, I do want to keep the classes spellcasting progression to counter other casters. So what would be a good way to splice invocations and traditional spellcasting in this class?

Stagger: You are correct that the stagger power as I had it didn't work as I intended. I've changed it now so that instead of readying an action you hold your swift action for that turn and can then use an immediate action to use the abilty on a creature.

Breath of the Void: My idea here was to make a power that could be useful at all levels. Gentle Repose only works on a corpse so it has more limited uses. For example, the power could be used to kidnap a sleeping target or halt the bleeding out of an ally or potential information source.

Rift and Empty Vessel: Rift was supposed to be a move kept for desperate situations. It is certainly powerful and lethal to those within the field but leaves the Void Risen vulnerable for at least one round since it's a full round action to use. A wizard summoning a stone wall over the head of the Void Risen from far away is no longer magical when it passes into the barrier and could do some serious damage :smallbiggrin: Empty Vessel is the cap of the Empty Mind progression, the pinnacle of detachment from emotions that normally plague a mortals mind and the physical manifestation of the true void foreshadowed by the rift ability.

Thanks for the feedback, all the classes I make are difficult to PEACH I think because I go more for flavor over crunch.