View Full Version : Sliced Apples - An English Webcomic That's More Than Worth A Look

2010-09-23, 02:13 PM
Hello all,

I've recently completed building a new website for my year-old webcomic Sliced Apples.

The comic is updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the site also contains a weekly blog as well as some of my photography.

I’ve put (and continue to put) a huge amount of my time and energy into this project and would greatly appreciate your patronage of my site as well as feedback on my work.

The homepage is www.slicedapples.co.uk (http://www.slicedapples.co.uk) and it goes without saying that any links to the site would be incredibly helpful and greatly appreciated.

Thanks for helping a guy try and build something.


2010-09-23, 04:14 PM
First impression: Holy wall of text. oO

Second impression: What kinda bothers me here are these ...beaks everyone has and, more importantly, that the text is hard to read due to being what appears to be handwritten. Correcting at least one of those should make this a better experience. :smallsmile:

2010-09-24, 05:56 AM
Thanks for the early comment, I hope there's many more to come!

Firstly, yes the comics are very wordy - I am, primarily, a writer - the comic is just a medium which I feel lends itself well to the writing.I'm not sure why the overbites are a problem, it's just a stylistic thing :smallbiggrin:

but the reson I like to hand-write is that it's a technique I enjoy and which provides fast results. Yes, It would look more 'professional' if I used another method, but for me that would take some of the fun and charm out of cartooning.

Further thoughts on any of these topics are not only welcome, but encouraged.

Thanks for the feedback, Ben