View Full Version : Devil (the film)

2010-09-24, 11:41 PM
So, just a few hours ago I went to see this most recent thriller film, thinking it would be just another M. Night Shymamamamalan flop (especially considering that the quality of his movies is inversely proportional to how recently they were made), and I figured it would be worth a good laugh.
And yet... it was good.
Not great, granted, but pretty darn good- gripping is the word. Good writing, decent acting, good photography direction, all in all a model of a thriller. I was a little disappointed with how the eponymous character was portrayed, but otherwise it was a very decent flick.

2010-09-24, 11:50 PM
Plot summary?

>.> I'm not seeing another Shamylan film without one. Ever. The Happening ruined that privilege for him.

Innis Cabal
2010-09-24, 11:51 PM
The plot sounds terrible. The Devil stops an elevator and kills the people on board because they're sinners. The last to die confesses (even though no priest is around and thus can't work that way) and goes to jail while the Devil disappears.

Spoilers ahoy.

2010-09-24, 11:53 PM

Your avatar appears to be Cthulhu as a Chaos Space Marine, and I think that's pretty cool.

Thoughts on the movie: I would like to point out that this was neither written nor directed by the Shamallamadingdong, which is why it seems better than his other works.

This lack of writing/directing is probably due to his mysterious death before he could finish that Last Airbender movie I was so looking forward to. Damn shame. Ah well, we didn't need a movie anyway.

2010-09-25, 12:01 AM
@Innis: Sortof a spoiler there, boss. Also, if you define any film in three sentences, the plot sounds terrible. It's the execution that counts.:smalltongue:

Your avatar appears to be Cthulhu as a Chaos Space Marine, and I think that's pretty cool.
Actually that's a Slaaneshi Daemon prince (more fits the eldritch horror thing) but, eh, close enough.:smallbiggrin:

Thoughts on the movie: I would like to point out that this was neither written nor directed by the Shamallamadingdong, which is why it seems better than his other works.
Yes, I forgot to note that! Still, he did have some sort of hand in it, which is still bad.

Innis Cabal
2010-09-25, 12:03 AM
Ya, I fixed it, sorry Gorg :smalltongue:

And that's the jist of it. Nothing more really.

2010-09-25, 12:09 AM
Pretty sure a priest is not at all required for a confession to, ah, "take root"? These things can be surprisingly flexible, you know. :smallwink:

Personally, I'm getting tired of the "OMG TEH DEMONS AND DEVIL ARE EVERYWHERE!" movies; the ones that have really powerful evil spiritual forces...with absolutely no counter. What's the point? Evil does horrible things? Didn't we already know that? :smallconfused:
Why can't we get a bit more balance?

2010-09-25, 12:18 AM
All I know is that the Cinema Snob (http://thecinemasnob.com/2010/09/18/devil-review.aspx) apparently found it very entertaining as a comedy. Which is apparently the same opinion he has about "The Happening."

For myself, I won't be seeing it. No interest in the concept to begin with, plus after "The Last Airbender" I do believe Shayamalan lost any chance that I'll be spending money on anything with his name on it for a good, long time.


2010-09-25, 12:33 AM
So, just a few hours ago I went to see this most recent thriller film, thinking it would be just another M. Night Shymamamamalan flop (especially considering that the quality of his movies is inversely proportional to how recently they were made), and I figured it would be worth a good laugh.
And yet... it was good.

That's the plot twist.

2010-09-25, 06:01 PM
That's the plot twist.

I can't top that, so I'm just gonna trash what I was about to say. :smallamused:

2010-09-25, 06:05 PM
Pretty sure a priest is not at all required for a confession to, ah, "take root"? These things can be surprisingly flexible, you know. :smallwink:

Depends on the denomination you ask I believe. That's all I'm prepared to say, having been given warnings for trying to clarify similar topics in the past.

I'd personally rather see more horror movies based on actually researched versions of non-standard mythology. Like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom with proper hinduism or something (I tend to forgive Indiana Jones itself for being a throw back to pulp novels that weren't known for their accuracy or political correctness). You could get a good horror movie out of the Rakshasha certainly. Even the unseelie court would be okay. The way every supernatural horror movie seems to end up coming back to Satan is a bit dull.

Or a horror movie with proper moral ambiguity rather than simply murderous evil vs unlikable jerks.

Except I refuse to watch horror movies and therefore know nothing about what actually gets made, so ignore me.

2010-09-25, 07:45 PM
So it wasn't very creative, yeah, whatever. Honestly? I don't care. Some of the best movies aren't very creative- it's the execution that matters, and the execution was quite good- it was evocative and gripping, and kept me interested and entertained throughout the whole movie.

That's the plot twist.
Actually, yeah, that was the least predictable thing about the movie.:smalltongue:

2010-09-25, 08:46 PM
Depends on the denomination you ask I believe. That's all I'm prepared to say, having been given warnings for trying to clarify similar topics in the past.I un-clarified my post to avoid trouble. But while I understand what you mean, Wiki doesn't get specific enough to say that it would be required. And I'm not watching this.

I'd personally rather see more horror movies based on actually researched versions of non-standard mythology. Like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom with proper hinduism or something (I tend to forgive Indiana Jones itself for being a throw back to pulp novels that weren't known for their accuracy or political correctness). You could get a good horror movie out of the Rakshasha certainly. Even the unseelie court would be okay. The way every supernatural horror movie seems to end up coming back to Satan is a bit dull.I can understand that desire; certainly there are a lot of sources to draw from, though writers and directors likely try to work with what they're familiar with.

My problem is movies where, basically, the good guys have no "counter". Or there are no "good guys", and the movie's just about "people die in horrible ways, but it's actually supernatural evil! Look, more blood, gore, and screams!"

Or a horror movie with proper moral ambiguity rather than simply murderous evil vs unlikable jerks.Might at least be interesting.

Except I refuse to watch horror movies and therefore know nothing about what actually gets made, so ignore me.Wikipedia is your friend. :smallwink:

Mando Knight
2010-09-25, 10:20 PM
What a tweest! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cw990NCy7Q) (Warning: Robot Chicken)

2010-09-25, 11:04 PM
My problem is movies where, basically, the good guys have no "counter". Or there are no "good guys", and the movie's just about "people die in horrible ways, but it's actually supernatural evil! Look, more blood, gore, and screams!"

Yeah, this erks me to no end. Ghost rider, not a great movie by any standard, would have, at the very least, had a semi-worthwhile plot if it hadn't ended up having nothing but evil supernatural characters running around. Such probably reflects the comic books, but it was still incredibly annoying.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-09-25, 11:11 PM
I think the reason there's no "good guy" counter in supernatural evil horror films is because once you do that you remove a key element that makes supernatural horror scary: helplessness. The idea that you're up against something too powerful to fight back against, and your only hope of survival is to run and hope you shake it (which is virtually impossible in these movies), or find some means to placate or outsmart it.

If you introduce an angel into your movie to counter the demon villain, you've officially moved out of the horror genre and into fantasy. And before someone says that Supernatural has angels to counter the demons and it's still horror, I know. But I consider Supernatural a particularly scary fantasy show, rather than a horror show that has angels.

2010-09-25, 11:25 PM
What a tweest! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cw990NCy7Q) (Warning: Robot Chicken)

I liked the one from the first part of the South Park Imagination Land trilogy more.

2010-09-26, 04:04 PM
I think the reason there's no "good guy" counter in supernatural evil horror films is because once you do that you remove a key element that makes supernatural horror scary: helplessness. The idea that you're up against something too powerful to fight back against, and your only hope of survival is to run and hope you shake it (which is virtually impossible in these movies), or find some means to placate or outsmart it.

Basically, once you let the heroes in a horror story fight back you have an action story.

I just happen to find that 'action horror' is often better than standard horror from an entertainment perspective.

2010-09-26, 04:07 PM
Basically, once you let the heroes in a horror story fight back you have an action story.

I just happen to find that 'action horror' is often better than standard horror from an entertainment perspective.

Yeah, this is the main difference between the first two Alien films (and I can't really decide which I like better, but I like them for different reasons).

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-09-27, 12:43 AM
Exactly. Horror isn't about supernatural threats, blood and gore (though many seem to think this is so), or anything like that. Horror is being absolutely defenseless against something you don't understand.

The Extinguisher
2010-09-27, 01:18 AM
I remember going to see Scott Pilgrim in a pre-screening, and they showed the trailer to this movie. The entire audience seems pretty into the trailer, until "From Direction M. Night Shamylan" appeared on screen, and a collective and disappointed groan could be heard.

That's my only story to share about this movie.

2010-09-27, 01:20 PM
especially considering that the quality of his movies is inversely proportional to how recently they were made

This implies that his movie will get better with age...:smalleek: OF COURSE! They're cheese
What a tweest! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cw990NCy7Q) (Warning: Robot Chicken)

And by that warning you are saying? I like that show

2010-09-27, 04:43 PM
There really need to be more movies portraying the Devil that aren't just stupid slasher flicks. Like The Ninth Gate. The Devil there was a crazy mute chick who rapes Johnny Depp right next to a burning church and doesn't afraid of anything call the next day after giving him a book that lets him ascend to...Heaven, I guess. It's not really clear.

As for this movie, given what MovieBob had to say about it, I'd probably get a torrent of it or something, but I wouldn't pay money to see it. Not because of the much-maligned M. Night Shyamalan, but because it's a dumb concept.

Actually, we need a Sinfest movie focused on that version of The Devil. That would be awesome :smallbiggrin:

Brother Oni
2010-09-27, 05:04 PM
There really need to be more movies portraying the Devil that aren't just stupid slasher flicks. Like The Ninth Gate. The Devil there was a crazy mute chick who rapes Johnny Depp right next to a burning church and doesn't afraid of anything call the next day after giving him a book that lets him ascend to...Heaven, I guess. It's not really clear.

Regarding The Ninth Gate:

I believe that collecting all the correct pages of the book would let Corso open the door to Hell. The big twist that isn't specifically mentioned, is which side of the door Corso is on to start with...

2010-09-27, 07:34 PM
Regarding The Ninth Gate:

I believe that collecting all the correct pages of the book would let Corso open the door to Hell. The big twist that isn't specifically mentioned, is which side of the door Corso is on to start with...

Now that is a good point! I had not thought of that. Then again, I haven't seen the movie in ages. Hm... *goes to a Blockbuster near him*

2010-09-27, 09:42 PM
I'd like to note what could have been the most massive plot twist in Devil that they could have done for the movie, but sadly didn't. It could have been the best plot twist in all of M. Knight's career, but they didn't do it.
(Be wary, spoiler, kinda... not really.)

It should have been the racoon! He was there for 30 seconds, one scene, but I think we are all in agreement that just a random normal racoon commiting these murders in an elevator may not have been "fufilling" as an ending, but one hell of an ending none the less.

2010-09-28, 06:02 AM
I'd like to note what could have been the most massive plot twist in Devil that they could have done for the movie, but sadly didn't. It could have been the best plot twist in all of M. Knight's career, but they didn't do it.
(Be wary, spoiler, kinda... not really.)

It should have been the racoon! He was there for 30 seconds, one scene, but I think we are all in agreement that just a random normal racoon commiting these murders in an elevator may not have been "fufilling" as an ending, but one hell of an ending none the less.

That would have been.....interesting I suppose is how i'd put it :smalltongue:

It wa ok, not a funny as Paranormal Activity, but alright nontheless. It said at the start something about chronicles, does this mean there's a seeds coming out of it?

Beat thing about the film: the trailer before it for the film where Bruce Willia, Morgan Freeman & Helen Mirren are retired assassins :smallbiggrin:

Brother Oni
2010-09-28, 06:35 AM
Now that is a good point! I had not thought of that. Then again, I haven't seen the movie in ages. Hm... *goes to a Blockbuster near him*

As an aside, the 'crazy mute chick', who's neither crazy or mute, isn't actually the devil. In the last image plate Corso recovers from the book movers in the final scene, you see a female figure with either a dragon or a hydra (I forget). I think it's mentioned somewhere that the female figure is some sort of witch or succubus, which acts as a guide for people who want to speak to the devil.

Hmmm, now I want to go see the film again...

2010-09-28, 07:18 PM
As for this movie, given what MovieBob had to say about it, I'd probably get a torrent of it or something, but I wouldn't pay money to see it. Not because of the much-maligned M. Night Shyamalan, but because it's a dumb concept.

And that's why it's such a surprise once you find out what the real twist is- that it's actually good!:smalltongue:
I'm not saying it's a masterpiece, but it's worth a watch- really, it probably would be decently popular if the ad people weren't jackasses (making it out to be a horror film and putting M. Night's name on it.)
And to those talking about horror movies nowadays- Devil is not a horror movie. Devil is a thriller. A cheesy one, but a well executed one- once again, M. Night did not, in fact, direct or produce it.:smallamused:

Also, I preferred it to The Ninth Gate. That movie just annoyed me- it was interesting, but in my opinion, that's all it really had going for it. And I usually really like Depp.

Deth Muncher
2010-09-28, 11:57 PM
I remember going to see Scott Pilgrim in a pre-screening, and they showed the trailer to this movie. The entire audience seems pretty into the trailer, until "From Direction M. Night Shamylan" appeared on screen, and a collective and disappointed groan could be heard.

That's my only story to share about this movie.

I had a similar encounter, only this was opening night. Everything from groans to "WHAT THE F***" went up.

2010-09-29, 12:10 AM
If you introduce an angel into your movie to counter the demon villain, you've officially moved out of the horror genre and into fantasy.

I resent that.

On the movie itself, I can't say whether it's good or bad, but how high/nutters do you have to be to put the devil on an elevator?

The twist is that the devil is all of them, because hell is other people. :U

2010-09-29, 12:26 AM
The twist is that the devil is all of them, because hell is other people. :U

Nice Sartre reference.:smallcool:

Deth Muncher
2010-09-29, 02:32 AM
Nice Sartre reference.:smallcool:

Yeah, I'm gonna say white text or not, that one wins the thread. Existentialism is always the answer.

Killer Angel
2010-09-29, 02:36 AM
plus after "The Last Airbender" I do believe Shayamalan lost any chance that I'll be spending money on anything with his name on it for a good, long time.

Haven't yet seen it. It's really that terrible?

Avilan the Grey
2010-09-29, 02:57 AM
This movie sounds pathetically bad. Mostly because I feel the urge to quote Morbo (but then we would get into "IRL religion" and that would be dumb :smallbiggrin:)...

Let's just say that I find everything I have heard of this movie makes me roll my eyes. I am not a big horror movie fan at all (I guess I am cynical enough that I do not need horror movies; watching the news on TV and the Internet is scary enough).

2010-09-29, 10:55 AM
Haven't yet seen it. It's really that terrible?

Let me put it this way: I saw it immediately after Inception, and it was so bad that it blotted out my memory of the former movie- it was more bad than Inception was good. And Inception was a very good movie.
In fact, it's not even bad enough to be laughable- it hits the mark right between "so bad it's funny" and "totally mediocre" consistently throughout the whole thing so that you cannot possibly conceive one ounce of enjoyment out of it. At least Resident Evil 4 (which I saw immediately after Devil, incidentally) had the decency to be amusing.

This movie sounds pathetically bad. Mostly because I feel the urge to quote Morbo (but then we would get into "IRL religion" and that would be dumb :smallbiggrin:)...

Let's just say that I find everything I have heard of this movie makes me roll my eyes. I am not a big horror movie fan at all (I guess I am cynical enough that I do not need horror movies; watching the news on TV and the Internet is scary enough).

Once again, it is not a horror movie. It is a thriller. Big difference. I despise horror/slasher movies.

Mystic Muse
2010-09-29, 11:04 AM
Once again, it is not a horror movie. It is a thriller. Big difference. I despise horror/slasher movies.


I thought I was the only person on earth who didn't like those. I'm still not going to watch devil It just doesn't look appealing to me. (and as the one guy said, they missed a golden opportunity to name a movie "Hellevator". Can't remember his name. I think he comes on after David Letterman.)

2010-09-29, 11:15 AM
Haven't yet seen it. It's really that terrible?


2010-09-29, 12:58 PM
So ...we can't have angels to go with demons because that means the protagonist is able to do something other than run and act like an idiot in the same manner as every other horror protagonist?

Hell, I was under the assumption that demons were supposed to come from angels.

2010-09-29, 01:02 PM
So ...we can't have angels to go with demons because that means the protagonist is able to do something other than run and act like an idiot in the same manner as every other horror protagonist?

Hell, I was under the assumption that demons were supposed to come from angels.Clearly your logic has no place, and the worlds these movies come from have no good things. Only horrific evil that eats people who can't do a single thing to prevent it. They just have to hope they're lucky enough to be one of the last 1-2 people who run away and barely survive.

Because watching people who are terrified and helpless get gruesomely killed is an awesome piece of entertainment, am I right?

Avilan the Grey
2010-09-29, 01:26 PM
Once again, it is not a horror movie. It is a thriller. Big difference. I despise horror/slasher movies.

I am sorry, but the premise is not for a thriller. "The Devil kills people in an elevator because of their sins" is cheesy horror.

2010-09-29, 01:56 PM
I am sorry, but the premise is not for a thriller. "The Devil kills people in an elevator because of their sins" is cheesy horror.

You don't know which one the devil is so you get a demented cluedo scenario is where I think the thriller aspect comes in.

2010-09-29, 02:32 PM

The images at the top (http://www.cracked.com/funny-5806-the-last-airbender-movie/) explain it very well. :smallbiggrin:

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-09-29, 06:57 PM
So ...we can't have angels to go with demons because that means the protagonist is able to do something other than run and act like an idiot in the same manner as every other horror protagonist?

Hell, I was under the assumption that demons were supposed to come from angels.

That isn't the point. I won't speak to the intelligence of horror film characters, but that's not the point either. The point is that introducing an angel into a movie about a demon takes away the threat it poses. There's now an opposite number, something that can equal the demon in terms of power. It can be fought now. To make a horror film scary, the monster has to be something that would be suicide to try and take on. Something that you can only run from if you hope to survive. The point of a horror flick is to watch the protagonist squirm and scream as the monster closes in on him or her, not because of whatever kind of victory or defeat happens afterwards. It's about getting there rather than what ultimately happens.

2010-09-29, 09:48 PM
I am sorry, but the premise is not for a thriller. "The Devil kills people in an elevator because of their sins" is cheesy horror.

F*CK THE PREMISE. A premise does not make a movie: execution makes a movie. One sentence cannot tell you enough about a movie to define something as significant as the genre. I could tell that as a mystery, an action movie, a sci-fi, a fantasy... you name it. Hell, I could even make it a romance! They'd all have the whole devil killing people in an elevator going on, but that doesn't define the film.
I could say Silence of the Lambs is about a creepy cannibal and a guy who cuts up women to make a woman-skin-suit- at least that's a compound sentence, whereas your sentence is a simple sentence. Sounds like some silly slasher flick, now, doesn't it? Oh, sure, it still has the whole guy cutting up women for their skins, and cannibalism, but that's hardly the defining aspect of the movie.
Let's also look at a couple other M. Night movies, considering that the ad guys decided to shaft him (even though Devil had little to do with M. Night, oh well, it's a valid example).
Unbreakable was marketed as an action movie. It was anything but.
Sixth Sense was marketed as a horror movie. It certainly was not.
Now, Devil is marketed as a horror movie, and it's not much more "horror" than the Sixth Sense.
Really, though, I'm getting sick of defending this. It's not like it was a great movie, anyways, just surprisingly good. If you're not going to see it, well, no great loss to you- I just think you're being rather closed minded, is all.

Avilan the Grey
2010-09-30, 05:30 AM

I am sorry, I agree with you on many levels, but I just can't see anything with evil supernatural beings as a thriller. For me to be "thrilled" the premise must be plausible, meaning it could potentially, however unlikely, happen to you.

Killer Angel
2010-10-01, 05:41 AM
(the last airbender)

Let me put it this way: I saw it immediately after Inception, and it was so bad that it blotted out my memory of the former movie- it was more bad than Inception was good. And Inception was a very good movie.


The images at the top (http://www.cracked.com/funny-5806-the-last-airbender-movie/) explain it very well. :smallbiggrin:

Tnx for the info. :smallsmile:

Mystic Muse
2010-10-01, 11:36 AM
I am sorry, I agree with you on many levels, but I just can't see anything with evil supernatural beings as a thriller. For me to be "thrilled" the premise must be plausible, meaning it could potentially, however unlikely, happen to you.

I'm pretty sure there are several people here who believe Evil supernatural beings do exist so, for several people, it does count as thriller.

2010-10-01, 11:46 AM
I'm pretty sure there are several people here who believe Evil supernatural beings do exist so, for several people, it does count as thriller.For "some of us", it still feels like an inane concept, though. And I've read the synopsis on wiki. All I'm missing are the actual gruesome deaths and the scary music.:smalltongue:

2010-10-01, 11:47 AM
I am sorry, I agree with you on many levels, but I just can't see anything with evil supernatural beings as a thriller. For me to be "thrilled" the premise must be plausible, meaning it could potentially, however unlikely, happen to you.

What about when the supernatural elements are just magnifiers for more mundane evils? For example, real serial killers aren't immortal, but the average person is unlikely to take one down in a fight, so having a movie serial killer recover from mortal wounds makes for a convenient shorthand to show that this is a threat you can't physically overcome. Or take The Shining: Evil psychic hotels are relatively uncommon these days, but Jack Torrence is all too real (particularly in the movie, there's some ambiguity as to how much of his behavior is the Overlook's influence and how much is his own violent nature).

The Tygre
2010-10-01, 12:50 PM
I'm pretty sure there are several people here who believe Evil supernatural beings do exist so, for several people, it does count as thriller.

I'll admit that I'm an IRL daemophobe, and this still sounds ridiculous to me. Plus, I'm getting kind of demon'd out by modern horror. Can't we go back to aliens or a ghosts for a while? What about mutants; Splice was good, we could just stick with some old fashioned 'science run amok' for a year or two then start the whole process over again. And what about just plain serial killers? I'm itching for a just plain serial killer movie actually worth watching (i.e. that doesn't involve torture porn).

2010-10-01, 02:34 PM
The plot sounds terrible. The Devil stops an elevator and kills the people on board because they're sinners. The last to die confesses (even though no priest is around and thus can't work that way) and goes to jail while the Devil disappears.

Spoilers ahoy.

I've seen it. Yup, you pretty much have the movie down.

It's bad, and you can tell at the beginning that the acting is pretty horribly wooden. However, later they pull in some more characters that are average, and thus, the movie is just bad. Not so bad it's good, or terribly hilarious, just bad.

The twist was pretty obvious, and not really of any importance. However, given the director, you knew this going in.

And yes, the film really is just the devil killing people in an elevator. That's all there is. You watch the people in the elevator, and the reactions of the people outside. There really is nothing more to it than the premise.

2010-10-01, 02:39 PM
I'm pretty sure there are several people here who believe Evil supernatural beings do exist so, for several people, it does count as thriller.

I'm a religious man, and even I find this premise played-out and uninteresting. There's really no way they could've made it more unique, hm?

Mystic Muse
2010-10-01, 02:55 PM
I'm a religious man, and even I find this premise played-out and uninteresting. There's really no way they could've made it more unique, hm?

Maybe I should have said it counts as possible instead of thriller. But yeah this idea has been done several times before and probably better so I'm not going to see it.

2010-10-01, 08:24 PM
It's NOT just "the devil killing sinners in an elevator."

It's a whodunnit, or more accurately, a whos-DOING-it, as we watch the occupants of the elevator go crazy and turn on each other in thier panic, not able to trust anyone.

Did you ever play oblivion? Remember the dark brotherhood mission where you infiltrate a party and cause panic and terror by bumping off the partygoers one by one? Well, this is the same sort of thing.

It's the Hitchcock classic, "Lifeboat," redone with a devilish new twist.

2010-10-01, 09:46 PM
It's the Hitchcock classic, "Lifeboat," redone with a devilish new twist.

You see, that doesn't say "brilliant movie" to me. No, that says "lazy-ass thieving director."

2010-10-01, 09:51 PM
"lazy-ass thieving director."
Yep, and so was Shakespeare.:smallannoyed:

I've seen it. Yup, you pretty much have the movie down.

It's bad, and you can tell at the beginning that the acting is pretty horribly wooden. However, later they pull in some more characters that are average, and thus, the movie is just bad. Not so bad it's good, or terribly hilarious, just bad.

The twist was pretty obvious, and not really of any importance. However, given the director, you knew this going in.

And yes, the film really is just the devil killing people in an elevator. That's all there is. You watch the people in the elevator, and the reactions of the people outside. There really is nothing more to it than the premise.

It wasn't M. Night who directed it... I'll not bother with the other comments.:smallsigh:

Mystic Muse
2010-10-01, 10:35 PM
They really shouldn't have put M. Night Shyamallamadingdong in the credits apparently.

The Glyphstone
2010-10-01, 10:47 PM
It's the Hitchcock classic, "Lifeboat," redone with a devilish new twist.

You see, that doesn't say "brilliant movie" to me. No, that says "lazy-ass thieving director."

Lifeboat is the Agatha Christie classic "Ten Little Indians"/"And Then There Were None" with a lifeboat twist, but no one's calling Hitchcock a "laze-ass thieving director".:smallconfused: The locked-room whodunit thriller is an old story, and this is just a new variation.

2010-10-01, 11:42 PM
Lifeboat is the Agatha Christie classic "Ten Little Indians"/"And Then There Were None" with a lifeboat twist, but no one's calling Hitchcock a "laze-ass thieving director".:smallconfused: The locked-room whodunit thriller is an old story, and this is just a new variation.

Glyphstone, given that you're most likely older than I am, I assume you understand that a good director can breathe life into even the most vapid and unoriginal of premises. A good director can put a new spin on an old concept, and a good director can do so without being a poor-man's version of its inspiration. Case in point: Inception.

Now, I love Inception. It's an excellent film. Still, no one can doubt that it's taken points from The Matrix. But the director put out a great front, and the movie ended up being so much more than its blockbuster origins.

Another thing to consider is that a good director knows his weaknesses. If you are a relatively new director on, say, the horror scene, you do not try and ape one of Hitchcock's movies and expect it to hold up well. And yes, I know Night didn't direct, but his name's plastered all over this movie, so he deserves some of its blame.

On the ending, knew who the Devil was the whole time. Predictability thy name is slasher.

The Glyphstone
2010-10-01, 11:49 PM
Glyphstone, given that you're most likely older than I am, I assume you understand that a good director can breathe life into even the most vapid and unoriginal of premises. A good director can put a new spin on an old concept, and a good director can do so without being a poor-man's version of its inspiration. Case in point: Inception.

Now, I love Inception. It's an excellent film. Still, no one can doubt that it's taken points from The Matrix. But the director put out a great front, and the movie ended up being so much more than its blockbuster origins.

Another thing to consider is that a good director knows his weaknesses. If you are a relatively new director on, say, the horror scene, you do not try and ape one of Hitchcock's movies and expect it to hold up well. And yes, I know Night didn't direct, but his name's plastered all over this movie, so he deserves some of its blame.

That's kinda missing the point though. Calling a new movie, whether or not Shamalalalalaman was involved or not, a Hitchcock ripoff for no reason other than because they're both locked-room thriller plots and Hitchcock got there first isn't being fair to any non-Hitchcock director. They're in different settings/environments, different characters (and number of suspects), different ending "twist"...

Avilan the Grey
2010-10-02, 04:13 PM
What about when the supernatural elements are just magnifiers for more mundane evils? For example, real serial killers aren't immortal, but the average person is unlikely to take one down in a fight, so having a movie serial killer recover from mortal wounds makes for a convenient shorthand to show that this is a threat you can't physically overcome. Or take The Shining: Evil psychic hotels are relatively uncommon these days, but Jack Torrence is all too real (particularly in the movie, there's some ambiguity as to how much of his behavior is the Overlook's influence and how much is his own violent nature).

Well to me, both Friday 13th and The Shining are both horror movies to me.
Of course I have watched a number of them and I can't take them seriously; I saw the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street and I had several mood swings from Eyerolling to LOL:ing and then back again.

Now real serial killer scares me. I do not watch Dexter, because the main character is too scary for me to watch. And I am being serious about that.

It's NOT just "the devil killing sinners in an elevator."

It's a whodunnit, or more accurately, a whos-DOING-it, as we watch the occupants of the elevator go crazy and turn on each other in thier panic, not able to trust anyone.

Did you ever play oblivion? Remember the dark brotherhood mission where you infiltrate a party and cause panic and terror by bumping off the partygoers one by one? Well, this is the same sort of thing.

It's the Hitchcock classic, "Lifeboat," redone with a devilish new twist.

But the "whodunnit" part instantly disappears into ridicule, because once you learn that the Devil apparently has too little to do and kills off sinners for no good reason (and that he is the mystery killer), you immediately understand that A) the writer do not have imagination enough to come up with a real plot, and B) all the elevator passengers were doomed since nobody can defeat that threat, and C) ...can't mention it here because IRL religous debates are forbidden here. Again tho: Morbo.

And I played Oblivion, but I never joined the dark Brootherhood, since I didn't play any evil characters.

2010-10-02, 04:41 PM
But the "whodunnit" part instantly disappears into ridicule, because once you learn that the Devil apparently has too little to do and kills off sinners for no good reason (and that he is the mystery killer), you immediately understand that A) the writer do not have imagination enough to come up with a real plot, and B) all the elevator passengers were doomed since nobody can defeat that threat

You have not seen the movie, you can't say that. It's not true. At all.

Avilan the Grey
2010-10-02, 04:46 PM
You have not seen the movie, you can't say that. It's not true. At all.

I agree, I shouldn't be lambasting this movie too much, since I will not see it.
It still sounds like an immense cop-out to have the Devil being the killer, for the reasons I stated above. And the premise in itself is of the yawn-inducing kind.